THQ Nordic CEO officially apologizes for recent AMA

THQ Nordic CEO officially apologizes for recent AMA.
>“This letter is to offer my sincerest apologies and regret for THQ Nordic GmbH Vienna’s interaction with the controversial website last Tuesday, February 26,” Wingefors writes in a statement received by GamesIndustry
>“I condemn all unethical content this website stands for. Even if no one within the THQ Nordic Group would ever endorse such content, I realize simply appearing there gave an implicit impression that we did.”
>Wingefors adds “As co-founder and group CEO of THQ Nordic AB, I take full responsibility for all of THQ Nordic GmbH’s actions and communications. I have spent the past several days conducting an internal investigation into this matter. I assure you that every member of the organization has learned from this past week’s events.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

>giving the autistic screechers any fuel at all
what a bunch of retards

That's what happens when you hire an incel to do a human's job.

THQ should've stayed as a toy company

Regardless of how you feel about infinitychan, even a first-year PR student could see that it was an outstandingly fucking retarded move.

I'm glad nobody's been fired over it, at least. As dumb as it was nobody deserves to lose their job over it.

What will the gaming industry be like when CW2/WW3 pops off? We are getting closer and closer by the hour.

Is the problem that they linked to a very dubious website?

so is the issue here literally just that it happened or did something happen in the thread?
It's getting a little rediculous how afraid is of political wrong think

4channel is anti-GG and we ban all porn. When's our AMA?

Only children believe that

Naive, stay in your world of nothings. Things are happening, and the time for peace is coming to a close. You same retards didn't think that this indian/paki war would actually pop off. But you are to late, you were wrong all along.

Literally nothing happened and 8ch has as much CP as reddit or youtube, journos are only screeching because 8ch was the GG bunker.

infinity chan users are having a blast with this shit.

>expecting a big corporation to have a pair
Has it ever happened?

Who cares, more important things will be happening. but it'll never happen


>4channel is anti-GG
lol no

Dude, it's blacklisted by our gracious overlord Google(praise be upon them), who does THQ think they are to question that decision?

>Apologising to a bunch of psychopathic liars
Congrats, you've doomed yourselves. Now they know they can screech and talk shit about you and you'll bend the knee, THQ.

a mix of both, THQ guy kinda went along with the anons over there but there were no cp. It's just journalists and resetera seething.

Was it a bad move though? Yeah they have to act like they're sorry so the trannies calm down their harassment campaign but long term I think it benefits them. First of all it helps them as a niche publisher appeal to a solid demographic of fans and second, it gets their name being talked about. I think they come out positive here.

>Earthworm jim creator and now THQ went to 8-chan
Why can't we get nice things?

You know what? Fuck it. At least getting drafted will give me something to do. Can't wait to die in some desert. I hope Krishna watches over me.

moot was anti-gg and now he is gone

>they were based
>now they're unbased
Oh well, that's how it goes. Only pirating in the future, if at all.

Why did they think it would be a good idea to do an AMA there of all places?
Like 12 people go there a day, who were they expecting to reach?

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The mods were anti-GG. After we doxx a couple of them and scare away moot, they are pretty much quiet


which party are the autistic screechers in this case

Happening on 8ch. Journos rage and THQ listen because journos can affect future metacritic scores. And this gives a lot of power apparently

>implying you were even here before 2016

The fact that this isn't clear to you means you have to take a long walk off a short cliff.

it will never ceases to amaze me how totally unself aware these people are

Not good enough, those responsible need to be fired.

You were pretty quiet after losing GG, too bad you didn't leave.

Fucking why. Kamiya didn't apologize, Yoko Taro didn't apologize, why do these guys bend the knee for appearing there. Too fucking bad that the devs got an invitation and wanted to have some fun with the community somewhere other than on pozzed twitter or reddit, can't have that now can we.
Fucj this gay earth, I want to leave.

>You same retards didn't think that this indian/paki war would actually pop off.
You literally undermined your own point, since the India/Pakistan situation has cooled off since Pakistan said they'll free the pilot.

>You same retards didn't think that this indian/paki war would actually pop off.

Literally nothing happened, they handed the pilot back three days ago.

Both but it was a bad call to apologize to the autistic screechers that weren't going to buy their games to start with instead of the autistic screechers that would have.

Guarantee you even after this apology I'll still see comments on trailers for their games from people pretending like they're on a boycott

It’s been a territorial dispute for more than a hundred years and I could not care less if the 1.5 bill combined of both countries died.
Negative association is the only thing the far left PR Death Squads give a shit about. If you go against them you get their twitter bot armies.

Honestly I’d rather we have right wing death Squads then left wing endless bitching and life ruining because don’t like tranny dick squads

You have been found guilty of thoughtcrime and wrongthink, the fine is 8 Good Boy Coins and no Tendies for 3 days.

>, I take full responsibility for all of THQ Nordic GmbH’s actions and communications
Apologies and takes responsibility for his employee, and the employee doesn't lose his job. What a fucking based man, holy shit. Any cunts trying to make him lose his job have no power, CEO isn't gonna fire himself.

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>Nooooo why did they bend the knee? who cares about the company's reputation? muh culture war comes first!
the internet was a mistake - al gore

I was here since 2010 though. I am still a newfag apparently. I remember this

At least we set a gamer profile that hates niggers and women. For me GG was for that

Lmao you actually believe this won't get worse.
>nothing happened for 3 days so deals off
just lmao you are a stupid fucking idiot if you seriously don't believe the Indian/Paki conflict isn't getting worse by the hour.

Who is mark?

I am a communist - also Al Gore.


>You were pretty quiet after losing GG
>Journalists and Youtubers now disclose relationships and whether they're being sponsored to promote content
In what way did GG lose? Journalists can keep spreading lies that the whole movement was just incels harassing women, but at the end of the day they still bent the knee for more transparency.

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Yeah the whole still feels like a formality rather than a sincere fuck me in the ass

Not good enough. Those fired need to be blacklisted from all industries.

>Nothing will happen because they handed back a pilot!
Is that pilot going to solve the water crisis?

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Please, fuck my wife - Al Gore to an average Detroit citizen

I think they are doing this for the attention only

I can guarantee the demographic of chanposters who now like THQ Nordic is far smaller than the demographic of people they lost. For as much as dummies talk up Yea Forums as being some "dark corner of the internet," infinitychan is fucking Voldemort.

>it gets their name being talked about.
well yeah, but in that sense there are no bad pr moves.

but traditionally this would've been unacceptable. unless your idea of good advertising is to bring your brand in connection to people who post asanagi pages and post nigger left and right. some edgy retards might call this good pr but they're just as delusional as the sjws they blame.
all in all this isn't that big of a deal. even less now that he apologized.

I can guarantee no one gives a single fuck about this other than autistic twitter blue checkmarks, just look at the nonexistent complaints or review bombing from actual people on steam for example.

>I can guarantee the demographic of chanposters who now like THQ Nordic is far smaller than the demographic of people they lost.
Retardera doesn't even come close to the amount of people on Yea Forums, and they're the only ones who give a shit despite harboring actual pedophiles within their ranks.

>CEOs can't get fired
>what is the board of directors

The thing is most people don't really care.

Will /pol/tards defend that den of pedophiles? Of course they will.

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this is gg's and vivian's birthplace

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Fuck skub and fuck you faggot

>far smaller than the demographic of people they lost
You actually think people who were a fan of this incredibly niche, pretty much upstart company is going to stop playing their mostly port releases because they showed up on some site with infamy?
Are you genuinely fucking retarded?
Do you even know what THQnordic is?

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He just did a AMA like others do Reddit. It's not like he going "Hey, I work for THQ, give me all the CP you got!"

And you lost both.

A big issue with GG was the black of focus for a majority of the people who supported it in combination with the fact that they were up against the media who didn't really even need to be coordinated, but already were. In addition to that, literally anyone could just use a hashtag and say they supported the movement without lifting a finger, false flaggers were no exception. The truths and falshoods about the GG movement were warped and portrayed as various things to many people .

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I'm pretty sure /pol/ never defended tumblr, reddit, neogaf, resetera or youtube.

>Appeasing trannies

They don't fucking buy games anyways and Appeasing them isolates their actual target audience. I don't know why game companies still haven't figured this out.

Say what you will about KC:D but warhorse knew what was up.

Sounds like someone didn't take their Skub

it's almost like these people aren't as mentally ill as the polshitters who WOULD reviewbomb and shitpost based on politics instead of vidya related factors.

If I knew as little as you did about political science and current events, I wouldn't be anywhere near as vocal as you are now.

why the fuck did they went to 8 chan in the first place?

Check Steam reviews for Darksiders. They are usually good indicator for a shitstorm among the community. Thing is there's no new negative reviews. People screeching about this didn't buy their games anyway. This AMA was an excellent PR move, they knew that they appeal to niche audiences and that they can only gain from this drama.

Nobody knows about other chans though, aside from anons and retardera trannies. Too bad that small amount of people was able to raise a stink, because surely if a site was delisted from google at one point it is the most evil place online to have ever existed. Thank you, our google overlords.

Mark Kern, the founder of 8ch, asked them to.

And he did it on a website that is mostly known for illicit porn and racism, its moronic. Hell doing it on this website would be moronic, doing it there is completely fucking retarded

Oh do tell oh herald of information. Please do inform me on the geopolitical stance of India and Pakistan. Please please do, could you even speak on the planes that are commonly purchased in India? Likely not.

>Fucking why. Kamiya didn't apologize
Western society is totally cucked thanks to jews and anglosphere, and vast majority of gaymers here are leftwing lunatics

>speaks the member of a community that wants in jail to everyone in THQ

They got invited by Mark, as did a couple of devs before. AMA's can happen outside of reddit too.

well yeah, corporations do not care about their employees. They only care about revenue, following the SJW trend is just part of it, just like the patriotic trend we got from the 90s.

BTW, there is nothing wrong about revenue but do not delude yourself thinking corporations give a fuck about your or your people.

>vast majority of gaymers here are leftwing lunatics
Vocal minority. Learn the difference.

>mostly known for illicit porn
Bullshit spread by leftists journalists.

good to know i wanted to jail everyone in THQ.

Just fucking once can one of these people not grovel at their feet? Fucking pathetic.

>vast majority of gaymers here are leftwing lunatics
No they aren't.
Pro-tip to all bubble boomers here: Zoomers only listen to youtube e-celebs and they are all Yea Forums-style edgelords.

>Apologizing to actual pedophiles that they went to infinite Chan
You can't make this shit up.

>now you listen to me goyim I am up to date on all current events in the middle east
>as my postion of Rabbi I am determined to educate filthy swine like you on what is going on
>but I will recede my voice as you goyim aren't worth my time
Thanks, Rabbi I needed to be reminded of your stark position on the topic

CP is literally illegal there, what are you on about. Mostly known, my ass. I guess reddit is mostly known for its jailbait subreddits, huh.

Kamiya even posted here and didn't get in trouble and Taro was asking for 2B porn on his twitter.

When you have an official spokesman for the company responding to shit like "cease all faggotry" with responses like "lol maybe next game," yeah there's a fucking problem.

And even though people tried to smear it for some bugs here and there it was surprisingly successful for a Czech game.
Even more than Mafia II that's for sure.

You don't get it. They make very niche games and people who discuss games on imageboards are usually more hardcore when it comes to taste for vidya. I'm sure a lot of more people from here and other places like that will buy their games now. It was 1000iq PR move and the fact that he didn't get fired proves that.

>vast majority of gaymers here are leftwing lunatics
I'd say the majority of normie gamers are left leaning but also apathetic to this diversity shit
they just go along with the very loud, lefty, vocal minority because they're scared of being labeled or a "nazi gamergater" or whatever

At least have the sense of doing it on Yea Forums instead of that gamergate knockoff failure

Do you get paid to parrot lies or is it a natural talent? Pretty much every single site in history has had a "CP problem" at some point in their lives and shit like reddit and youtube had and still has more CP than 8ch ever had.

It's a small studio. This isn't EA. They don't need any women or beta males to buy their games to be successful.


When are we going to stop thinking twitter mobs have power

>vast majority of gaymers here are leftwing lunatics
This is bullshit. From where do you think the GAMERS RISE UP meme is inspired from?

t. Autistic screecher in denial

Absolutely based Vedaposter

>anti-skub fags defend pedophilia
I’m in shock

What the fuck are you talking about you psycho.

>AMA's can happen outside of reddit too.
well yeah, i wasnt implying that, idiot.

it just didnt make sense why a big company like THQ will do it on a site that the majority of the people dont even know about.
if devs dont want to go to Yea Forums, what makes them think that 8 chan is any better? thats what im basically questioning.

>From where do you think the GAMERS RISE UP meme is inspired from?
the deranged mind of some tranny on discord?


And Yea Forums is the pinnacle of virtues mirite? The only difference is how far to the right the site swings. Yea Forums are neocons/rino levels of the right while 8ch is 1488.

your mom

Shut the fuck up faggot. Mods here are the gayest out of all imageboards.

A shekkel for a good goy

we did it reddit

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>unethical content

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>apologizing to the mob

>Mark Kern

not sure if youre just making a joke or youre one of those idiots that really think its that same mark running 8 ch.

Annoying the left means almost all games journalists will hate your company and any game you make, marking scores down.

It means activists will try convince every other company from not doing business with you and endlessly attack you on twitter and any other way they can.

Annoying gamers means nothing, if the game is good people will buy it no matter what you do and if the game is bad they won't buy it no matter what you do either.

It's a pretty simple decision.

Yeah, because gamers call them faggots, sickos and retards

India and Pakistan have been feeding for a long fucking time now, only an idiot would suggest that things are coming to a head right now due to the recent aviation incident when so much worse and notable things have happened before it. Your fucking tin foil hat theory on the next Civil War or WW3 revolving around the a fucking middle eastern nation with India is a stretch of the imagination you're using as a catalyst to be a condescending faggot about.

Fucking 8ch stealing our thunder, we seriously need to get rid of all the normalfags here.

>illicit porn
Against the rules just like this one.
Just like some sub-rebbits.
Chans are just boogeymen for leftists and the media who perpetrates the le sicrit hacker club meme.

What is that from?

>Was it a bad move though?
>piss of the trannies that don't play game
>cuck out and apologize like everyone before you who dared defy REEEEEsetera
>trannies don't accept your apology because they don't want one, they want jobs to be lost and nothing less
>now the people that you initially impressed by going against the grain think you're a faggot
>everyone is mad, nobody likes you

4channel is just a dedicated subreddit at this point, fuck this place.

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no they don't.
unless they decide to invade a community and try to destroy it, such as Yea Forums. then gamers give a shit.

They are not a big AAA company, so why not respond to a community in a non-sterile environment. The questions were very in depth and passionate too, so they did a right thing on that front.

Imagine being so fucking new you get scared of journos building up some chan as literally the devil WHILE POSTING ON A CHAN

Some people at the company certainly know about infinity chan, otherwise they would not have considered going there. That's a big think.

>Implying it won't happen
A blunder of such magnitude will make the pr guy undesirable for any company that has a pr department. At bets he'll become some low life office drone in a noname company, at worst he'll just end up on the street. Associating yourself with pedo shit is the worst move he could've done.

based triggered rediturds left and rite

hello resetera

Are you going to ignore the fact that the indian directed attacks that just got called off had Israel's involvement or are you going to continue being a JIDF shill and spout nonsense in this thread like you have been?

I'll never understand why Twitter, some random web address, has so much power in the world now days. It makes no sense.

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>no they don't.
I call them like that everytime I find one on a forum

Turns out she was right after all.

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Biomutant looks good, I'm excited for timesplitters ports. If they're smart they add simple online matchmaking. I'm looking forward to even more Darksiders, and the teased Destroy all humans sounds too good to be true. Can't wait for more from these guys.

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what the fuck is resetera you zoomer little shit?

both sides are garbage, kys

>Some people at the company certainly know about infinity chan

source? or are you just assuming thats the case?

>said something I don't like
>must be a psycho

kek, hugs for you, user.

>hiroshimoot and trannyjannies still so assblasted 8ch name is still a banned word here

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>pedo shit
Hello, tranny.
You people didn't get enough of blood in the water by doxing that GOG guy and making sure he's fired, so you go after THQ next. Well fuck you, no one's getting fired this time, and it won't go anywhere further than this CEO statement.

>trying this hard to fit in
You would know what resetera is if you weren't such a fucking newfag or liar.

>taking things out of context and paraphrasing to own the conservatrolls epic style
I expect nothing less from leftardetties. He vaguely replied to pic related by saying "this could be from our next game". That's it. Probably just saw the knight and replied without even reading it because he had other questions to get to. You're a total shithead for asking for heads to roll over that, I just want you to know that.

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>yeah there's a fucking problem.
Only with you. As long as they do games people want to buy, people will be fine with them. Because the truth is, no one really cares.
>Or think of it this way: Remember when Chick-fil-A came out against gay marriage? And how despite the protests, the company continues to sell millions of sandwiches every day? It's not because the country agrees with them; it's because they do their job of making delicious sandwiches well. And that's all that matters.

She looks like the kinda middle aged woman that fucks virgin boys.

>You have someone who doesn't have sex working for you what are you gonna do
That's such a weird thing to ask a company.

I've literally never heard of resetera until like 6 months ago when it was mentioned on Yea Forums

sounds like faggy zoomer website for fags, you should consider going back

wtf i love ellen pao now

Fuck off newfag.

Why wouldn't they know about chans? I don't think game devs are normies that are new to the internet.

Discord tranny, got it.

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Can you fire a person for being a virgin? In my country I threat rare virgin venezolan immigrants that if they dont fuck me I'll fire them

why? wo needed an alopogy?

Been here since 2008. Resetera sounds like it's for stupid zoomers. GO back.

She has an oldschool mindset where tech companies are supposed to be having huge company parties with cocaine and hookers.

Seriously though, what is wrong with what he said here? He's just looking out for his company, nobody actually believes themselves when they make public apologies to literal children, autists and immensely sexually frustrated groups of people.
It is literal autism incarnate that even makes this a big deal on the internet, is a dev seriously not allowed to go on whatever fucking website they want to talk about their shit?
what happened to idea of an AMA? how did reddit take such ownership of the idea and get fucking ass blasted when someone says it anywhere other than there?
It literally just means ask me anything, people used to say it here in threads if they were actually working on cool shit or were a person of interest. what's the big fucking deal? the dude could have hosted it on pornhub for all i care, what the fuck does it matter to these people

Fuck off newfag.

but harassing people on twitter and elsewhere is mentally sound?

The mind of a tranny everyone.

>webms with sound
>can post multiple pictures
>laxer moderation
>can make your own boards
Why haven't you migrated yet?

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You joke but just a decade ago a virgin past 30 years old was something like 0.2%. We had more trans than 30 year old virgins.

8ch has no noposters

I feel like if you're doing an AMA online, on fucking other chan, its literally your fucking job to understand online cultures and context and steer around shit like this.

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you forgot
>slow as all fuck

You are a zoomer who mentions a website that, according to dns records, was created in 2017.

If anything, you're the newfag. Now go back.

>there are unironic TheQuartering fans in here
Go back to cripplechan already

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They still did not give Mark a shoutout, though.

Next AMA livestream being hosted on livejasmin com, looking forward to it with all the bing bing sounds.

You weren't even around here for neogaf implosion, fuck off newfag.

Too slow. It was fun for the first 2 years though, guess people just got bored and left after the election ended.

>Can you fire a person for being a virgin?

It doesn't violate any discrimination law so yes, you can.

>You joke
In my country immigrates from even shitter countries are basically slaves. Any small business can own them

Why the fuck would you hold an AMA on cripplechan of all places, all other issues aside?

That's pretty funny that he responded to that like that. Dumbass PR person shouldn't be conducting an AMA

>t. triggered incels

Obviously she wants to lend a hand

Good. I dont like eightchan. Not that i ve ever been there but they sound like a pack of whiny bitches

>Every word capitalized
This mildly upsets me.

I don't know why but that description of Yea Forums really gets me.

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You're trying to reason with people who have already reached a conclusion. Anyone who thinks this was a bad business move is just a libtard SJW discord tranny. THQ is BASED (even though they immediately fucking apologized within an hour after the AMA)

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Someone on 8gag asked them to and they accepted.

I just told you I fuck immigrants

What the fuck is neogaf you stupid zoomer faggot? You weren't even around here for the gaiaonline invasion, fuck off newfag zoomer. Go back.

>just a decade ago a virgin past 30 years old was something like 0.2%
How high is the number now?
am I special to belong to the .02% even if it's the wrong kind of special

>still trying this hard to fit in
Stop, it's embarrassing, it's obvious to anyone here that you are post-2017, a gigantic newfag.

Like the other user said, if you took a lightly dismissive response to a meme pic like then you need to reevaluate your priorities. Why are you even on Yea Forums if something so mundane triggers you.

>no they don't.
You're completely out-of-touch with reality if you genuinely believe that.

Eh, we figured this out years ago

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They should’ve known better than to apologize, these sjw faggots don’t even play games they just look for stuff to be mad about. Should have just kept their mouths shut and it would have blown over in a few weeks. Literally trump would have said something in a few weeks and these bitches would have jumped on that and totally forgotten about THQ. Now they have cucked out. I’m still looking forward to biomutant though.

>You don't follow my retarded zoomer website drama, so obviously you're new!
lol kys, like I said, been here since 2007 or 2008.

wow matey its almost like becoming trans quickly removes your from the virgin pool

Yes since the board was spammed with the retarded website drama and you not knowing this just shows how new you are.

Tbh this as close as we're getting to old Yea Forums fuckery in 2019
>cripplechan invites company for an AMA
>it's just a trolling op to stir up a drama and enjoy the lulz when the backlash from the normies start.

FUCK 8gag and FUCK russian bots

Is she asking because she's some sort of virgin eater and can't get enough of virgin cocks?

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The only reason why you think that's not a problem is because its pandering to you. Whenever someone on twitter talks shit about white males you niggers lose your minds.

Its like you guys just don't want to admit this was a dumb business move - when the alternative is that you've fallen hook, line and sinker for marketers.

It's surprisingly accurate

You clearly don't understand online culture if you feel offend by that meme.

where's hotwheels? who's this mark poser?


It's so fucking maddening. Literally ALL THEY HAVE TO DO is ignore the outrage for a week at absolute most and it's gone. Apologizing is throwing blood straight in the water. Just ONCE I want to see someone get it right. Don't have to tell them to fuck off or be all edgy, literally JUST IGNORE THEM, let them tire themselves out, nobody else is going to listen to them unless you give them fuel by acknowledging them. Just once, somebody needs to get it fucking right, then other companies will see it's not the end of the world.

fire tires left a while ago, he got replaced by code monkey (whose name was jim i think) and then I think that guy got replaced by someone else too

>Whenever someone on twitter talks shit about white males
Because that's socially acceptable, they don't get banned or silenced for it, they don't lose their job over it. Ever. Why would that not be upsetting? I don't mind people being edgy, I mind "the rules" not being enforced with an even hand.

>trying to match e-dicks with each other while caring about off-site drama and using retarded terms like zoomer

You're both faggots, just so you know.

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I think the whole social media thing blurs the line between people and companies too much and they take everything way too personal. If someone has a real name twitter, he can't do or say shit without being traced back when he says something people don't agree with. I think that's the root of the problem.

Look at devolver digital. They pull shit that is far mor e"offending" then whatever gog did with their twitter stuff, yet you hear no tranny screech about it,. Simply because the one time they tried it, devolver told them to fuck off and didn't respond afterwards to them anymore.

Yea Forums wasn't spammed with it faggot, maybe only Yea Forums was. I was probably browsing better boards at the time.

Nobody gives a shit about website drama except zoomers who came from other websites like you. Now go back to whatever zoomer shithole you came from

I'm the one who is most likely to buy their games. Why should they pander to you instead of me?

Faggots like you that get offended by words don't play niche games besides walking simulators and reddit tier quirky hipster shit. THQ Nordic doesn't produce stuff like that.

You’re using le objective business perspective to mask a pov that no one here cares about. I’m sorry he hurt yiur feelings, etc, now pls go

So you finally admit you're a newfag, now fuck off.

even better

asshurt zoomer spotted

So you want people to get punished for joking about whites but not for joking about fags? Pick your side and stick with it, you jellyfish of a human being.

You buy THQ games? Darksiders 3 sucked dick, and they've been having sales problems prior to that. I like that Yea Forums suddenly defends THQ because of politics, not because of their actual quality.

THQ should apologize for Fury's redesign

A blade to the gutter would suffice

And you finally admit you're a zoomer who cares more about other websites than Yea Forums. I've been on this website longer than you so to me YOU are the newfag. Now go back to your zoomer shithole.

No one that would buy their games cares tho

>we condemn absolute free speech

Welcome to my blacklist, THQ.

>talking about a race vs talking about moral degenerates

>mass quoting 12 posts
You should learn to count and stop being a massive faggot before you start talking shit.

Why does everyone call them THQ, and not fucking Nordic like they are. THQ as you knew them are fucking dead and Nordic is wearing it's corpse. Anything you associate with THQ back then is erased.

Thanks for proving my point. You niggers can't help but fail at every opportunity.

Meanwhile when a dev shows up on retardera, you fags shit blood.

Even rules means both getting punished or neither getting punished, illiterate retard

You already outed yourself as a huge newfag for not even knowing what retardera is, caring about drama or not has nothing to do with it since you would inevitably know about it one way or another.
You're a newfag trying to pose as le epik big brain centrist, plain and simple.

>things were already cooling down and people have already begun to forgot about out
>Trannies were seething that there was nothing they could do to THQ and would still buy their games due to no willpower
>THQ apologizes "officially" today giving them more fuel
>now they know they can force THQ to fire everyone involved in the AMA
>now they know they dont need to stop themselves and THQ will listen to their demands
>Somehow get a diversity officer or invite some feminists into their company as an apology somehow

YIKES, Massive mistake THQ made here. This apology will destroy the company if THQ has a faggot up top shitting things up again.

>So you want people to get punished for joking about whites but not for joking about fags?
Very simple "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

didnt they have a civil discussion until reddit, retardera, sjws and twitter went to derail it upset they didnt get picked to have it on their websites and started to call anons pedos/nazis..ect out of spite?
why are the people using reddit, twitter and resetera the most vile people on the internet going straight and attacking others even wanting them to lose their jobs blaming it on other communities

Because THQ Nordic is BASED and REDPILLED, giving us great titles like Darksiders 3!

Guys we gotta spread the word! Remember to smash that like button and support the patreon of the culture warriors of your choice!

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Why are people not happy about getting an AMA at all? It's still videogames, right?

CEO took responsibility kid. The workers are going to be fine as he says they all learned from the experience, like a good company does.

>insulting a race for existing is the same thing as joking about gays
Lol okay

>CEO's give you free sex so you stop being an incel
wtf I love tech companies now

Attached: blushing galko.jpg (1277x1131, 255K)


>it wasn't that 8ch is filled with shitposters, its that reddit, resetera, sjws and twitter all false flagged!

>You already outed yourself as a huge newfag f
Or just a boomer who's been here longer than you and doesn't care.

I don't know what the fuck is because it sounds like a zoomer faggot website that only zoomer faggots browse. You seem to know a lot about it though so you should go back.

Why does twitter/resetera/reddit don't want people to have AMAs anywhere else? Even fucking Gamefags would be a nice change of pace for once

The only people who would thinknits a problem is people offended by the word "faggot".
Which is tiny amount gamers.

Wait, there was a Darksiders 3?

Now read the rest of the post, newfag.

this part

Attached: RetardEra.png (1112x168, 37K)

The industry was infinitely better before it started working out all the white and asian incels for diversity that doesn’t know how to code.

>harry potter reference

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What in the fuck are you on about. You complete fucking psycho.

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>corporations are my friends
>they really love me!


>jokes about me are not okay ;_;
Thanks for clearing that up, Yea Forums

Then why does everyone outside of vocal chan shitpostrers seem to think this was a terrible business decision?

I think she felt Reddit was unfairly attacked by having incels on their lines.

Yes, it was ok, not great

its the outrage culture machine
as long as the retarded masses are busy hating each other and being completely and utterly ass blasted about literally nothing they have no energy left to fight the government. they'll let people who entirely fuck them over into their government, as long as that guy says he's outraged too
the level of intelligence in the normie masses is both pathetic and scary

My money on that Resetera guy being Amirox under another name


Attached: Darksiders 3 Screenshot 2019.03.04 - (1920x1080, 3.7M)

yes but it's utter shit

and that's said by me- fucking darkisders 2 fan, it's really one of the best games for me

Harry Potter isn’t real and it’s time for you to go back.

>site founded by migrants from a site where the owner was a literal pedophile acting like moral agents against pedophilia

You are a gigantic faggot.

>Apologies and takes responsibility for his employee, and the employee doesn't lose his job. What a fucking based man, holy shit. Any cunts trying to make him lose his job have no power, CEO isn't gonna fire himself.
Explain to me why you went on about revenue when I was praising the company for not firing it's workers over nothing.

>all these completely assblasted tourists
If cripplechan is so great, why are you here?

whatever zoomer. I literally don't know what resetera is because I've been on this website longer than you and stopped caring about off-site drama. You are the newfag in this case.

Because they are a vocal minority.
If it was a real contriversy it would show uo outside of resetera and twitter activism. But not even a blimp of negativity shows up anywhere else.

>THQ only made Darksiders 3
Wow I got owned epic style. Clearly I said that 100% of their games were good and you're not just assuming my position.
>I like that Yea Forums suddenly defends THQ because of politics
They certainly earned my favour by triggering virtue warriors like you that's for sure.

Judging by the videos it seems they took some Dark Souls gameplay elements. I don't know how to feel about this but maybe I'll still buy it.

No, your statements directly contradict with the fact that you would know what resetera is if you weren't a newfag, you are never going to fool anyone no matter how much you huff and puff.

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Their board is ded so they need some place to shitpost

Attached: 1542918253828.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

What else has THQ Nordic made?

God hates fags

>you would know what resetera is if you weren't a newfag,
Nope, this is a contradiction. I don't know what resetera is and I'm not a newfag (like I said, been using this website 11-12 years)

Why don't you tell me what resetera is since you seem to know a lot about it?

post rare Marks

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Never said a thing about jokes. Jokes about me are made all the time and I never see cowards like you crying about it. Blatant depreciation is another thing, but that’s not what’s happening to a certain previois sexual minority you’ve been drilled and trained to defend.

>laxer moderation
Every time I click on an 8ch thread half the thread is replying to deleted posts.


>But not even a blimp of negativity shows up anywhere else.
Man you niggers are sheltered. There's literally no support for THQ outside of the chans and that's because of 8ch spamming it like its an important thing.

That's not what I was thinking about, but I can see where you are coming from.

What is Running with scissors.

A classic mac move

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What is it about The Quartering specifically that gets Yea Forums's panties in a twist so much?

I think you pay attention to the quarterpounder far more than anyone else in this thread, tranny.

Of course retards like you need to project on others that you get your opinions from shitty e-celebs.

>beard avatar outline

You keep dodging the fact that you are indeed a tourist newfag that hasn't been around Yea Forums for long, your first post was even you asking which side is the autistic screechers when it's painfully obvious to anyone here and then you cried about both sides being garbage despite you not even know what one of the sides is, why did you do that?

Doug did an AMA on Yea Forums

I dunno man he's fucking BASED

Attached: Hamburger Helper.png (1300x835, 949K)

ResetEra is fighting le epic culture war against those evil Nazis on cripplechan that's why.

>b-but there’s no support in gaming journalism!

An employee is responsible of his own opinions and these are not related to the company. THQ didn't give a fuck about his employee, they just didn't want the backslash of a retarded decision from one of their employees.

also, fuck trannies, fuck commies and fuck corporations.

Reminder that cripplechan has an active gamergate thread that obsesses about us constantly

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
I didn't post shit about autistic screeching

I don't know what resetera is and I've been on this website longer than you.

You seem to know a lot about resetera, though. Why?


>no job
>dead mom
>said mom neglected him when she WAS alive, making her death insignificant
>half jewish
>lives in a special ed home
>is 80 pounds overweight
>no wife, no kids, not even a girlfriend
>posted his naked pictures online when he was younger, including a picture of his asshole/balls(can be found on /cow/)
>assaulted a bitch over a bagel, can get arrested if case is brought up in court
>takes his job VERY seriously and moderates 8/v/ 24 hours a day 7 days a week
>got doxed by his gay "friend"
>Sucks at vidya, embarrassed himself playing Sonic Mania so badly Sega laughed at him
>got cucked several times in chats, resulting in him sperging out and making his own circlejerk discord used to share 3D Child porn
>was continually harassed by his brothers when younger, having no role model, and showing it as such
>can't stop farting thanks to an awful diet
>dad is a failed millionaire and incompetent retard, much like his son
>cucks to acidcuck, allows him to break Yea Forumss rules because other Yea Forumsirgins whined about his ban
>Still believes Gamergate is a thing
>mark is a NEET, but can't sustain it much longer
>will rot in the street in 5 years

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To them it's about control and power. If the dev goes to their safespace then it means that the dev must agree with their point of view.


combat is really fucking boring, 2 at least have cool looking last attack in combo where reaper appeared, this fucking whip is boring as shit and other weapons are even worse.
Every weapon is lacking combos

nobody cares

Where is the outspring of support for THQ happening outside of channers? The biggest pro you've got in your corner is fucking Jeremy.

Also THQ apologized, so you guys lost. I don't know why this is still even a thing.

Wouldn't onion chan or any actual deep/dark web chan be the place that would have actual cp and not infinity-chan which doesnt require anything special? Are people actually retarded?

Literally anyone here posting for over a year knows what resetera is and you would too if you weren't a huge newfag, simple as that.

i'm triggered

They aren't retarded, they're malicious.

It’s jumped to 4~5%
I’m sure there is some overlap but unless all the 30 year old virgins are trans there are hetro 30 year old virgins.

based and thispilled

Changing the goalposts I see. You yourself simply said "THQ" in the post i responded to.

>implying anyone knows it stands for Toy Head Quarters at this point
Typical PR response from them, as to be expected. People will forget about this in a month

eight channel does not have any more CP than four channel does. If someone posts it, its quickly taken down.
Journalists just make up bullshit/lies because they have a stick up their ass over gamer gate

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>visit Resetera out of curiosity since this seems too stupid for all the controversy
>mfw all the fucking posts wanting THQ to start firing people over this

What the fuck? I highly doubt that 8ch is the CP shithole they are talking about, at least compared to other more mainstream websites.

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I assumed anyone with a brain would realize that current THQ is THQ Nordic, but I guess if you're some gater who just jumped in for the politics you could be excused for thinking otherwise.

It’s gaming, no one really cares. And no one is convinved by the argument that a bunch of leftist rags are on your side

>if you weren't a huge newfag, you would know what resetera is
Except I've posted on this website for years (including Yea Forums occasionally) and I don't know what resetera is. So your argument logically fails, I am a counterexample.

If you've been paying attention to Yea Forums for the last year you would know what ResetEra is you disingenuous newfag. gtfo

>reddit is like cripplechan

If they didn't give a fuck, the CEO wouldn't take responsibility and just fired the dude who did the AMA. This shows they care about their own.

>nobody cares! That's why nobody is supporting THQ outside of the the chans!
Nice attempt at a narrative shift.

Its fucking laughable you guys think this was a smart business move, but I guess that's what happens when you chug the kool-aid.

fuck i'm almost 26, i guess it's time to pay a whore because i can't even imagine i can do it any other way. I HATE parties since i born, really.

depends on the board. You could say the same for Yea Forums.

>not keeping up with nu-Yea Forums boogeyman of the week = nufag now
Not him but you're retarded

>(including Yea Forums occasionally)
Like I said, you already admitted you're a huge newfag so I don't even know why you are still trying to sound like le epik oldfag, you are indeed a newfag and nothing will change this. Lurk more before posting please.

so what are the least trolly sites?

>If you've been paying attention to Yea Forums for the last year
I haven't been paying attention to Yea Forums for the last year. This doesn't make me a newfag, retard, considering I was probably browsing Yea Forums when your zoomer ass was in preschool, newfag. You are the newfag.

I will never buy a THQ game again because they apologized.

>he probably just didn't even see the word faggotry because he was so busy
Then he's a retarded PR rep.

He'll tell them to stfu

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I don't care what they say, I care that they can be racist and not get punished while demanding people who don't say half as bad shit as they do get their lives destroyed. I'd rather no one got punished, but if it's unacceptable, then it's unacceptable for everyone.

Who ever was in charge of organizing the AMA should most definitely be fired or at least "reasigned/demoted" there's no excuse for such a poorly planned fiasco.
>hurrr cripple chan isn't dat bad
Doesn't matter, it's public perception, NEVER associate with degenerate holes on the internet

It does indeed make you a newfag tourist that needs to fuck off.

You're even on a first name basis with this e-celeb. Holy shit you trannies are creepy, why are you stalking and learning about a guy whose opinions you don't like.

It was neither a smart nor a dumb move since no one cares outside your little group of paranoid fanstics. They apologized because it gives idiots like you the illusion of victory without actually offering anything real.

>NEVER associate with degenerate holes on the internet
So, I should not associate with YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit and this very website?

Fuck off tranny.
Public perception doesn't matter as long as your customers are satisfied.

Go back to /lgbt/ then. you're clearly here for the drama.

>implying it's the same thing
chan sites don't function on the same ruleset as other legitimate website you brainlet, do you really need this spelled out for you

Because he voices their opinions in a cringy way and became popular for it.

THQ nordic my son, yuo are full fledge company now and you must choose
will you grovel before people who would still hate you, apology or no
or will you move on and stop breathing life into some controversy that everyone would have forgotten about had you just let things blow over

>we ban all porn.

Attached: 3668633787.png (200x200, 64K)

>waaaaah if you don't keep up with all my twitter screencap non-vidya edrama 24 hours a day, you're a newfag!!!!
Whatever you say newfag resetera refugee. You should go back there.

i guarantee that most people dont know or give a shit about this
and the people that do give a shit about it dont buy games anyway
resetera is too busy raping kids irl

If you've been here at all you would have heard the "boogeyman" be uttered at least once. Why are you such a dishonest faggot anyways.

Once you graduate high school I suggest taking a PR class if you actually get into uni, it'll probably be a general ed class you need to take, you might learn a thing or two

A parent would at some point simply ignore their screeching child that is not possible to argue with, but in this case of video games, the screeching children have money the adults want and have some power over them. It's a very sad situation.

>no u

>tourist comes to Yea Forums just to talk about the THQ drama
>no u are the drama kid!!!
Fuck off.

go back


How do you know this? BIG if true

>8ch is 1% of the population yet commits 80% of the degeneracy.
>This is comparable to Youtube.

>PR class
Did your dumb bitch counselor tell you to take this worthless class?

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i literally don't know so i doubt they're a "big corporation"

Still not as bad as ResetERA's mods

Who gives a shit about thq nordic they're literally just a publisher they don't even develop games

>ban all porn
looks like someone is only on when the lardass jannies are awake :)

I have to wonder if their PR guy confused 16÷2 chan with Yea Forums somehow.

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>>can't stop farting thanks to an awful diet
me but my diet is fine, how do I fix this?

>80% of the degeneracy
Yikes, dude. It's like you don't really know the Internet.

The trannies at ResetEra are a tiny group of autistic manchildren whose business is not worth getting anyways since pleasing them means pissing off a larger group that actually plays the kind of games that THQ made and which THQ Nordic is looking to make.

I don't care about some poor scmuck PR guy messing up, Resetera unhinged far left trannies get a life.

>You don't know the exact percentage to a statistic that doesn't exist, therefore it's okay that the point flew over my head entirely.

Go to the doctor before you die from ass cancer

Attached: totalcancer.jpg (1018x570, 87K)

>bio: internet beard
why are people like this? it's so cringe

>despite harboring actual pedophiles within their ranks
It's cute that you think Yea Forums doesn't. Cute and incredibly telling of the era in which you arrived from whichever normalfag shitpit from whence you spawned.

Running with Scissors having an AMA on 8ch doesn't make as good of a headline as THQNordic does.

Attached: even they said it.jpg (616x506, 74K)

I disagree. I think it depends on the kind of game and image they're trying to project. Rockstar 15 years ago would have done shit like that. They're the publisher for Kingdom Come Deliverance, so maybe they actually WANT an edgy punk rockish sort of audience.

resetera are retarded liberals
you get banned for advocating purges of landlords

People will care when they make a game worth caring about.

The dudes who made fucking POSTAL.

Hey man, Postal 2 let you piss on people. GOAT.

>billion dollar companies are shaking and pissing their pants because a forum run by unemployed furry trannies who advocate murdering white babies is mad at them

Attached: nepenthe.jpg (880x5089, 899K)

It amazes me that there are even cucks out there that put their real name on the internet. Like shit man the only things that even have my real name is xbox live and Nintendo, even my emails have alias names.


that game was shit

>Obscure developer that makes edgy games for adults advertising on a porn site versus a large company that makes Disney and Nickelodeon games linking to a porn site from their official twitter.


Though to be fair they make some pretty edgy games that are at home on a website like cripplechan or Yea Forums, Redditors and resetnigger virtue warriors would probably screech at the amount of violence in their games.

another company to add to the pirate only list

hes an attention whoring name faggot on eight chan, everyone there knows this shit

>that makes Disney and Nickelodeon games
That happened ten years ago.

Generally resetera is pretty pro-pedophillia but I guess when it's evil ggers jerking it to cp,i guess that's when it's wrong.

Reddit and twitter are porn sites by the same logic fyi. Not sure why retards like you keep parroting the same talking points

Pussies who cares? The Earthworm Jim guy did an Ama there too.

Ben garrison did one on their /pol/ for Christs sake

Their public perception is hardly affected by this. I mean shit look at EA. Their garbage still sells despite being literally known as an evil corporation that ruins everything they touch.

Or the fact I'm gay married and I'll still eat that God ass chick fil a

Basically eat my gay asshole

>2018 was 10 years ago.

>resetera is pretty pro-pedophillia
>but for some reason loli-pedos tell you to go to resetera when you tell them they're pedos

It's crazy how many sinister concerns about privacy on windows and such are out there and on the other hand people put their entire life on facebook and twitter.

>company that makes Disney and Nickelodeon games
Do any of you fucking retarded apes know that fucking THQ =/= THQNordic?
Do any of you fucking idiots play fucking video games?

Attached: Er_crocomire_sm.png (903x928, 1.97M)

They're okay with pedophilia when it means pumping a young boy full of estrogen to make him a trap. They're not okay with drawn pedophilia when it suits a narrative they want to push.

retardera loves real children, they hate drawings

This. People who like to crusade against fictional shit or try to control what other people make usually have a lot of skeletons in their closet. I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if the admins of Resetera turned out to be running a CP ring or some shit, just like Neogaf.

you cant post even sfw loli on that site but this is okay

Attached: _YPTuniqid_5b6a044f4d7fa9_79432854.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

>Company distributes and remasters Disney and Nick titles, including ones made by THQ.
>But they aren't involved with Disney, Nick, or THQ in any way.

well loliniggers should go there

Based /ourfag/ telling the trannies whats up.

Someone post that resetera pic with the guy "explaining" how the sorceress from dragon's crown is pedophilia.

and this

Attached: child_drag_kid.jpg (1842x1036, 165K)

The only bad planning is that they didn't have an appropriate product to push to take advantage of the extra attention.

i thought that was neogaf before it got purged

Imagine thinking that you're some kind of force of justice while actively trying to destroy businesses and ruin lives just because someone did something that you disapprove of on the internet.

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Tell me one game under those companies you have named that THQnordic has MADE.
Key word, MADE.

Attached: 1551278087765m.jpg (1024x576, 40K)

same people

One and the same.

Tell me the Nick and Disney games they currently distribute, faggot.

honk honk

they've been here longer than you though, maybe you should leave?

Attached: 1542243480115.jpg (1488x1548, 292K)

go to resetera, pedo
its where your "people" belong

they don't like loli only real children

>edgy punk rockish sort of audience
Why do't you go tell actual punk rockers what an edgy little shit you are and see if you don't get bashed

Does Resetera require your real life infomation? I remember hearing Neogaf did and actually blackmailed people apparently.

Yoko Taro posted ther easw well and some other jap dev I can't remeber right now. The thing is, they didn't post a link of it on twitter where retardera hangs out always on the hunt after the next piece of shit to get offended about.

Does it matter? They pissed faggots like you off which is enough for me to give them a chance.

I'm sure you understand. Trannies like you do the same thing when a dev pisses people like me off with their virtue signalling bullshit.

>Point out that the company has game contracts with Disney and Nickelodian.
>user ignores this and goes "Ackshually they only distribute those games" in an attempt to make a point.

Literally all of THQ's properties? And new stuff since then? They put out press releases, user. There's lists on wikipedia, user.

there is no difference between sexual attraction to pictures of children and sexual attraction to real children, pedo

Are gays considered incles? Getting laid for them is easier than paying to have sex. Aren't all guys partially incels considering that they probably don't have sex as often as they may want to? Isn't "wanting something but not being able to get it" a situations progressives usually try to help with?

So is darksiders 4 confirmed or no? Did they mention what it would be like?

I'm positive they like loli and especially shota too, they're just REEEEEEEEing about it because it's politically convenient for them atm.

>there is no difference between sexual attraction to fictional children and sexual attraction to real children,

fix'd to show you how crazy you sound

If your reputation is already shot you can afford not to give a shit about it

Yeah, you can't even use open emails like gmail, it has to be something that can be traced back to your real life identity.


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>Implying that user's mom isn't the one coming to 4channel to post all these Sekiro vs DMC bait threads

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>I don't know how licensing works
Most of the licenses died with THQ.
Nordic Games never published any Disney or Nick game, nigger.
You'll never be a real woman, btw.

all you did was say another thing that is correct, pedo

Where did you get that implication user? I bought almost all their ports on PS4 on a sale and going to pick up Darksiders 3 when it's in the 40 price range. I love this company and I'm very much looking forward to more destroy all humans and timesplitters.
Don't associate me with those subhuman restera mutants, and stop avoiding my question and own up to being fucking stupid.

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8ch is known for hosting CP.

There's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia. Perhaps stop conflating it with rape. But if you did that, you wouldn't be able to use it as a bludgeon against your political enemies, would you?

>I realize simply appearing there gave an implicit impression that we did.
Complete fucking faggots.
No it doesn't.
It never does.
This guilt by association shit is so fucking tiring.

user. It's literally on their site that they have these licenses. A five second google search will tell you this. There are two disney games on their front page right now.

Liberals in a nutshell

The ones that flipped their shit about an imageboard AMA, dipshit.

I'm the user their clashing with, about 9 months ago they got rights to distribute Nick games so they can rerelease classics like battle for bikini bottom. Though as of this moment there are no bore fruits, which is my point. Only because they're holding Nordic to a standard of a company that is no longer around.

That's a meme you faggots made.
If that was the case, then the FBI and the Interpol would've closed the site ages ago.
>inb4 muh deep web
8ch can be accessed with a normal browser, faggot.

Every mainstream site you can think of has or had actual pedophilia posted (not memephilia), why aren't those considered "pedophilia sites"?

What was wrong with Doug tennapels reputation

LOL. That's three steps removed from being even an internet tough guy. What the hell are you even doing here, guy? Or fuzzy guy? Or fugazi? Just lurk for a couple years more, and you wont' look so riddiculous.


no they aren't, all they did was have boards with pictures of clothed "child models"

4+Yea Forums is a harmless bogeyman and I feel our collective internet experiences have dulled any emotional shock we could get by going to an edgy website. Who are they apologizing to? Business partners? Overly opinionated twitter users? Industry shill journalists?

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>there is not difference between smelling drawing of shit and smelling a real shit

Attached: indeks.jpg (211x239, 4K)

bullshit you can host anything of the sort there

>literally guilt by association
>nobody gives 2 shit for AMA on sites with convicted irl pedos as heads
>muh GG
2014 was 5 years ago

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No it isn't. I'd never heard such a thing before this AMA shit.

So is Yea Forums.

Attached: bastet.jpg (267x200, 16K)

Already known to be a virulent homophobe and staunch conservative

Post the links, cunt.
It's a fucking Microsoft games and it leads nowhere.

Alright well my question still stands. Does it matter?

They pissed off resetnigger trannies which is enough to put them in my good graces despite their moderate failure with Darksiders 3. They hold IPs for games i love and if they make sequels then I'm pretty hopeful.

>Just lurk for a couple years more, and you wont' look so riddiculous.
You're telling me this right after posing as "punk" for daring to say "fag" on the internet

god Yea Forums has truly lost its balls

enjoy your aids

Reddit, Twitter, and the discord you frequent is known for hosting CP by that same logic.

He's a traditionalist christfag.

Me too. I'm glad we're in agreement.

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the neofag implosion destroyed Yea Forums with all the tourist newfags

You are completely fucking retarded.

>It's a fucking Microsoft games and it leads nowhere.
Yeah, clearly two Disney games were accidentally added to the website. None of the links on the games page go anywhere, you dit.

probably because all of the oldfags who gave it balls grew up and moved on, now all that's left is estrogen-infused milennials and their zoomer counterparts

Im a conservative does that mean I have to be fired from my job unless I APOLOGIZE

Fair enough.
>None of the links on the games page go anywhere, you dit.
Halo Wars 2 does, for some reason.

Seething tranny pretending to be centrist

I get why they apologised the first time, but why apologies again? You don't win back the people you lost (or most likely never had) and you potentially aggravate the people on your side/that you won over. Besides, this seems more like a formality than a genuine apology. I'll keep buying some of their old games, but now I'm cautious about future ones, since they may try to seek forgiveness by "appeasing" the rabid blue checkmarks and trannyera posters by make their games more SJW friendly

You'll NEVER get the punchline at this rate. It's honest advice, from the heart. Being so angry and intolerant is no way to go user.

haha, no

it's straight to the gulag for you

Eh, I'll be here for a while until I get bored again, then I'll go back to the place that is like this place, only way more Balkanized. Some states are more free than others.

Can't blame him when all the libs do is ruin everything with their shitty agendas and guilt by association

Most of them are bored of the enforced safespace Imagine. When you're not allowed to disagree with the hive mind it gets really dull.

Um. No. Apologizing won't keep you from being fired.

>they chose fury instead of strife
Im still mad

Apologizing only makes things worse since you're admitting to your sin and the sharks smell blood in the water. You should know this already.

If they're trying for attention, they get a little more out of it. If they're going to try to portray their detractors as uninged lunatics, this is likely to get them to bite.

If it means anything I tried getting one on here before. In the dev team I work at the vote was 5 for and 6 against. So fucking close getting the last vote on my side but it wasn't meant to be.

say it with me discord trannies "LEFT WING GATEKEEPING"

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Always save the best for last

>ctrl + F "incel"
>9 results
Why incel trannies obsessed with calling other people incel?

I'm guessing activists pressured their affiliates into demanding an apology. It won't stop the mob though and they'll just keep pressuring until something distracts them or they get bored.

In all seriousness say a game dev lets say Bethesda goes to Resetera and says help us make a game. They take all their ideas to heart and go with it. What sort of game do you think they'll come up with? What about Yea Forums?

I'm surprised that they still didn't catch on that unironically using this word is a gigantic red flag here, it's like calling someone a "bigot".

They really are gatekeepers aren't they.


Attached: sexy tomato.jpg (681x662, 98K)

Maximum diversity pandering with non-binary gender pronouns and a narrative which is an allegory to Trump and a wall. There are also Nazis and the american alt-right as villains.

>They love their corporate, MMS approved shame words.
I heard that shit spouted on "Legit" media websites long before it showed up here.
The most manufactured buzzword insult of our time.

I just wanted to be left alone and discuss games, otaku culture and porn. Fuck this retarded normalfag versus bitter virgins war that seems to infest all my weeaboo websites now, I don't know which side is more pathetic.

I never understood the screeching about gatekeeping. Why is it so bad?

>Fallout but the radiation turns people into trannies now
>A whole storyline about accepting these new rad-trannies into society
No, thanks

Yes, yes they are

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>gets dropped by a sponsor due to a misunderstanding
>starts attacking them
Easy way to make no other company ever want to work with you now or in the future.

Dice already tried that, out came BFV.

Attached: 7421.jpg (2048x1152, 326K)

Would you accept gatekeeping if it was the right wing doing it?

They canned a lot of those parts of it.

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Fuck you, I'm not changing just because you first saw it on Fox News in 2014, robots have been self-identifying as incels for ages

I unironically agree with the tranny here.
Because "hurr durr I don't want people telling me I'm a poser/noob/[anything else], it hurts my feefees".

Well, they are mentally ill.

Welcome to 2019 fence-fag.

The issue is if you're gatekeeping something that doesn't belong to you for one. For two, they've made bold claims that traditional gamers are gatekeeping women and minorities from the industry, and that it requires money, social pressure, and legislation to fight.

Gatekeeping is a good thing. Yea Forums needs more gatekeeping.

>lets say Bethesda goes to Resetera and says help us make a game
I don't know if you selected Bethesda at random or not, but there is an employee that posted on ResetEra last year.

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Read another book.

Incel is a very new, manufactured word that originated on reddit and is exclusively used by SJWs, just call yourself a robot instead.

dunno why they apologized, once you wrong-think and sin against their ideology you can literally never, ever be redeemed, even fucking Islam has a redemption option.

I mean come on guys, Restera is going to be seething no matter what you do.

I'm guessing this did not end well.

None of that is true idiot

Didn't he get banned for something mundane?

Except no. It originated in the 90s.

ever apologizing is a huge sign of weakness, they fear those that don't and ignore them, apologizing only heightens their aggression.

I mean these are the type that will hound you to commit suicide (August Ames) and once she did, they were glad she was dead, zero fucking empathy.

next time they do a reddit AMA we should go full ree on them :D

Not him, but even if that's the case it was popularized recently. It's just the left's version of cuck.

The modern meaning of the word did indeed come from reddit, no one used it before it exploded a little while ago, just look at the dates and drastic shifts in tone of the urban dictionary descriptions for example.

I can agree.

Gate keeping is pretty much telling people to learn the game/be a fan or fuck off right? I don't get the problem. It's like the RPG club I was in back in Uni. Some of the wankers who joined up just used it as a way to hang out in the club room. (RPG club had a really nice one. Like holy fuck nice). If they just hung out and kept to theselves sure whatever but they started bringing more and more non club members that eventually we had to kick them out. Only for them to bitch at the administration and now there's no RPG club there.

>August Ames
All because she refused to fuck black guys. Aren't these the same people that say "my body my choice" and whine about consent all the time? lmao.

I don't give a shit, incel, I already told you I'm not changing just because YOU first saw it on reddit

It's a clever new way of advertising, outrage. This AMA has got them more coverage than most others.

Fuck me that situation made makes me angry, why did you bring that up?
>She should have just fucked that Bi man.
>What do you mean "my body my rules"? Just fuck who we want you to.

>illicit porn
literal lies

this, conflict is inevitable, it isn't if they will nuke each other, its when, and more importantly IF they will decide to nuke someone else in their last moments before they are both sent to oblivion.

Shut the fuck up.

You can keep on being a retarded newfaggot, that's none of my business.

Sure but gatekeeping is pretty shit when its being used by politically inclined morality police wouldn't you think?

The issue isn't gatekeeping itself but specifically left-wing gatekeeping.

It was because she implied a male co-star had AIDS because he'd shot gay scenes.

Good for you.
>Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

Time will tell if it was a good move or not. I'm inclined to think it was a good decision.

>born (((Mercedes Grabowski)))
wtf i love resetera now

Only until the west fails wholesale and they are promptly strung up and tossed from rooves.

Your resistance only makes my penis harder, incels

Oh that's right i guess i got confused. I don't blame her either and it should have been her choice but leftist virtue warriors are never consistent with what they want people to do.

I think that user is saying is regular old gatekeeping the kind the leftists bitch about is good.

>we ban all porn

Attached: lmao.jpg (1024x1024, 56K)

>Reddit tier quote
>Game of thrones quote
Nice quote, asshole.

She had a blanket policy on not being with ANYONE that did gay porn.
You fags constantly "champion" women's right to chose, guess your perceived offence was more important.

ASoIaF existed long before you blew in here from Facebook, fuckboy.

Harry Potter also existed before the movies came out, that doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

not like this matters in this new age, actual people who push game are youtuber's and twitch streamers now.


If you choose not to fuck someone over homophobic reasons you're still a homophobe

It's the same shit as incel, innit? You people are so susceptible to trends and what other people might think of you. I thought this was Yea Forums but I guess that place died a while ago.

No one it's entitled to sex.

If you're worried about being embarrassed on an Ethiopian competitive-eating imageboard, you never belonged here in the first place. You're no better than the Retardera rejects with their ever-expanding Shame Olympics.

Unironicly hang yourself.
No one will miss you.

>Nice quote, asshole.
Fuck off Lamora boy.