Can we get a nice Sims 4 thread for once? I'm playing as a dumb bimbo; what about you, Yea Forums?

Can we get a nice Sims 4 thread for once? I'm playing as a dumb bimbo; what about you, Yea Forums?

Attached: cockpillows.jpg (567x673, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread: blowjob!GpIVDJgI!cQGMID1gkw8Rkw4Myxxh2w!a552wCqK!Oz6DcuECMxV1gNS6fCtzjA!PhoF1KiQ

Why doesn't Nexusmods list any adult mods for Sims 4? They have em for all the bethesda games, did they make a deal with EA or something?

Bimbos are kino

Anyone know some sexy nails mods? I'm using pic related currently, but they are a bit transparent in my view.

Attached: pinknails.jpg (620x972, 137K)

I don't think Nexus lists all adult mods for Skyrim though.

I like the Sims as a porn game but the setup and payoff just isn't worth it.

seconding this.
I actually just want regular painted nails though, none of that spiky shit

Because nobody uses Nexus mods to download Sims 4 mods in general.
LoversLab exists.

Can you be a dickgirl, though

PZC has a lot of cute nails. I would recommend getting those if you haven't already. None of them seem to be very long though.

Not much of a setup when you have your mods, is there? I mean, you just start the game and jerk off.

aight, gonna look through that now. I only recently started modding my sims so I have a lot to catch up on I guess

cringey incel*

I don't really have a lot of desire to fuck girls after I've been jerking off all day to sims bimbos.

Attached: 1550389735332.jpg (960x960, 60K)

how do you get lips like that? mods?

Yeah I didn't even know about it until yesterday. I have a huge lip fetish so it's pretty nice.

How big is this game? With sex mods and all?

Attached: 1551326928043.jpg (400x358, 90K)



She's pretty much fucked everyone in the game at this point, male or female.

Post a magent or torrent with all the DLCS included and ill check it out

Attached: 1543469275330.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

I'm playing as a bipolar promiscuous bisexual sim with no standards.
Coincidentally this is also the only personality the game allows.

>nice thread
Neck yourself, OP

post more bimbos goddamn

Mind controlling shota vampire with a harem of older sisters and milky mommy.

>this is also the only personality the game allows
What do you mean?

>no standards
I don't know if it's a glitch or maybe because she's a prostitute, but it's kinda surprisingly hard to get people to agree to fuck. Doesn't really matter though since I make several hundred thousand simoleons by selling gangbangs.

I mean that the the game mechanics are fucking dogshit, the emotions system is fucked, the personality traits don't matter and sims don't differ from each other in any way beyond appearance and profession.

I have played only Sims 3 so I didn't know. In 3 personalities, essentially traits, accounted for things by giving bonuses or specific character actions.

I mean to get the whole family dynamic going. It's easier to download honey select and a few cards if you just want to watch fucking.

Based and dare I say redpilled

In 4 there's an overarching emotions system where you get moodlets that decide your sim's current emotional state based on the point totals, which in turn governs their reactions to things. Angry, tense, sad, embarrassed, happy etc. This is universal and works exactly the same for every sim in the game.
You can select 3 personality traits per Sim and what they all amount to is at best giving you a random moodlet of a certain type once in a blue moon.

Bimbo connoisseur reporting in

Attached: dick_rider.png (1920x1104, 684K)

Damn, that's disappointing. I was willing to put up with the no open world aspect, but to have a personality system so shallow and worse than 3's on top of that is too much. And I am not willing to download over 20 gigs of content for just porn when HS, TK17 and other stuff already exist.

>fellow Yea Forumsirgins appreciate bimbo

Attached: noice l.jpg (456x225, 22K)

Not a bimbo, just a girl with big tiddies and thighs, she's not trashy at all

I like classy girls

Attached: walking.webm (1280x1024, 2.93M)

whats the appeal of playing alone as a bimbo
why dont you just watch porn

Do I really have to get all the expansions for the game to use overhaul mods?
the vanilla girls are not THAT great

And that's fine, just don't go calling het a bimbo because she's thicc. It's more than that.

Nice legs. I would like my bimbo to have more muscular/toned legs but I'm not sure if it's possible with my skin textures.

there is none
that's why you make like five bimbos and a shota to selfinsert into

>no bouncing
call me when sims modders catch up to skyrim

what are some good shota mods?

Are you using any mods for the legs here?

there's a mod for that

why not just roleplay on something with multiplayer at that point
just curious



I've never played Sims before and I was going to play SIms 4 but why does buying the whole thing cost like $200?

Every expansion costs like 40 dollars and there's like addons and shit, how the fuck am I supposed to enjoy the whole thing if it costs so much?

Attached: 1366739081164.jpg (243x367, 9K)

Based bimboposters

Pirate it, like everyone else that has ever used porn mods for the sims

i just thought what you said was funny to that other user

Cause EA
Pirate it.

Attached: situp.webm (1024x576, 614K)

Here's my Sim in formal(lol) attire. I think it fits the description of "classy bimbo".

Attached: formal.jpg (526x1036, 123K)

go to the general, read the pastebin then just download whatever you like
im all up for buying games, but fuck EA

Eve v4 lowerbody and bigger thighs mod

just don't forget loverslab has been working like dogshit for the past few days

I like thunder thighs but I prefer the skin to actually remain smooth

Attached: TS4_x64 2018-12-13 00-27-23-16.png (1280x1024, 556K)

because i'm an antisocial retard who can't into sexytalk and doesn't want to spill his spaghetti online so i use singleplayer escapism fantasy fuel to help me with my daily routine of feeling like a piece of trash

Good parenting.

Attached: 04-09-18_1-16-58 AM.png (1366x768, 529K)

Attached: 07-10-18_1-16-36 AM.png (900x476, 392K)

Hot. Keep posting please

this is going in my bimbo folder

Because I can make the girl look how I want.
Because I have a fetish for control.

If youre bent on buying it. Wait for the inevitable sale. And do your research of which expansions you want.

fuck. more?

Attached: 1531581217710.jpg (850x450, 29K)

Attached: Binocular_Man.jpg (800x450, 55K)

>buying The Sims

Attached: 1547002763281.jpg (650x576, 60K)

dude looks anime as fuck

I've got a ton of fingernails, maybe I can upload them.

Attached: 01-05-19_7-19-45 AM.jpg (1267x713, 189K)

yes, fellow tranny

Attached: gend1.png (1313x781, 440K)

Attached: 05-16-18_8-30-22 PM.png (800x450, 463K)

Because you are having dealings with the Devil himself. And it will cost you dearly.

Attached: 1445747541397.png (441x394, 510K)

you have my attention

Attached: 1547522606857.jpg (745x446, 72K)

>want to re-download Sims 4 for porn mods
>decide to wait till latest expansion is out
>another expansion announced
Fuck's sake, I cannot be done with this.

Is this picture real? That guy looks like Lucifer

>he doesn't write EA a blank cheque to just automatically receive and install the latest DLC

Attached: das it mane.jpg (303x291, 25K)

dayum, that seems like some useful stuff

Dude had some weird red nose cause I wanted to give him white eyelashes but they had been the only one I had found at the time. He looks anime and really young (which he kinda was)

Attached: 04-08-18_8-45-00 PM.png (1366x768, 1.02M)

Can I make a cute trap in this game? Post examples.

Which one got announced?

Ty user! I'll look into this.

I'm not sure how to do that, no one has explained it to me.

People like you have trash taste in women and need to be put on permanent mute, fucking disgraceful excuse for "men"

You can just change a female sim into a male sim with no difference in appearance.

Why are you here? We already know you're from that other chan's interracial board, here to spam your shitty cuckold fetish.

rate my household

Attached: its_fine.webm (1920x1104, 2.59M)

If I pirate without a VPN in the UK what are the chances of the police coming to check if I have a piracy loisence

Such cute little eggs ITT. I hope transitioning goes well for you.

most people who roleplay are antisocial though, although id recommend sticking to sims

for you it makes sense

Born female but started pissing standing up so I guess she had a dick somehow.

Attached: 01-30-18_9-37-00 PM.png (1366x768, 522K)

>punches him
>"das rite"

Attached: chrome_XTeCM7srHv.png (1051x795, 1.51M)

why did you take the time to set this up? I'm wondering what your life looks like

Attached: 1542826565652.jpg (700x688, 69K)


This is the ugliest character I have ever seen
proportions straight out of One Piece, plus with a ridiculously over-the-top botox face

Can you post a screenshot of her opening that gaping maw of a mouth? I need some laughs / nightmare fuel

Tell me more bimbo master

Attached: swx3kC.jpg (1600x1024, 500K)

i-i'm not an egg, i just play as a girl in video games because i like looking at them

>why did you take the time to set this up?

user, it takes like 10 seconds to copy paste a folder. Thats all there is to a mod, there is no *setting up*

Aren't most torrent websites inaccessible anyway without a vpn in the uk? I heard that you can't even browse porn sites and certain keywords will lead any website to become inaccessible.

thats what a bimbo is dork.

He's a cuckold fetishist, here to spam his shitty screenshots and .webms over and over. On the other chan's interracial board, he openly fantasizes about being cuckolded.

It's a sexual fantasy. I don't actually think that women should behave this way.

Attached: 1542023406006.jpg (250x237, 8K)


As the other user said, bimbos are supposed to be over the top. For many people the fact that a girl would transform her body to such a degree is the major turn on, not her appearance itself.

mods in order to enhance butt shape in a realistic way?

what other board? >:O

Attached: home.webm (1920x1104, 2.55M)

I think he's rather talking about the setting of the scene, not the mods

I can't speak for England, Scotland, and Wales but Northern Ireland still has full access to porn or at least I've never had any issues looking for it and I was getting onto torrent websites was fine, I'm just not sure about downloading since my ISP is the only one for my area.

Attached: leg_for_Miles.jpg (1080x1141, 198K)

>Go sex mode on Sims
>Plan to make a dream /ll/ pairing
>Rush through character creation
>Rush to the sex scenes
>Jack off
>Get post-pop disgust and delete it all
Why can I not commit to this.

Attached: 1504362485694.png (300x311, 205K)

His daughter's mama, he has meet her while he was still a teen.

Attached: 02-15-18_7-23-49 PM.png (1366x768, 658K)

I mean, you create these characters and set up the scenes. I don't think you're doing this as a joke

what mods

He isn't. He's only pretending here because he'll get called out and/or reported/banned. It's happened before. He uses a VPN all the time.

Just saw your post. Great stuff, ty very much.

since when is it a term related to trannies and what does it mean?

Attached: cook an egg.png (1292x304, 279K)

No idea, first I've heard of it, but I'm assuming it's a degenerate tranny term to explain someone who doesn't know they want to transition yet.

Like, playing as a female character as a male, ever, makes you an egg, because it apparently means you want to transition.

It's a mental illness, ignore it.

It means someone who isn't a tranny who they are trying to brainwash into being a tranny

what, so like a cocoon/caterpillar turns into something different? anything that distracts them from their decaying frankensnatch, I guess

I tend to avoid the topic so I must have missed this thousand dollar phrase. I'm keeping it.

What's your favourite house Yea Forums?

Attached: 03-04-19_3-51-40 AM.png (1920x1080, 3.5M)

>nobody ever posts their mod folder

Attached: sim toilet 2.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

make porn not for your dick but for your heart that you can appreciate even without a boner

My brother
I do the same except it's with erotic hypnosis videos

Attached: trash.jpg (1241x911, 71K)

> /ss/-themed mansion is still running strong
> all women/MILFs are based on celebrities

Not bad, not bad.

You've inspired me. I'll try it again tonight.

Good enough?

Attached: Untitled3.jpg (363x481, 48K)

>Spend 2 days setting up skyrim with every degenerate mod I can find and get it into a relatively stable state
>Fap once
>Delete the whole thing

Attached: If_Only_You_Knew.png (641x641, 407K)

Nice try, Marie.


Currently working on my own house

Attached: 4554.jpg (3733x1080, 2.83M)

Based big dog poster.

it's like foreplay, user. embrace it

same, I had a good nut but didn't like that it's most easily set up with your protag being the one that gets the shaft

i love my mommys!

Attached: 23523553.jpg (3014x816, 399K)

Why want someone's personalized mod folder? You spend as much time getting rid of the shit you don't want as you would just collecting the shit you do want on your own.

You're doing it wrong.
It's all about edging for hours and then releasing the biggest nut you possibly can. Porn games are ideal for that.

jesus christ that middle one

You used the same hair for three of the girls.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (3840x6440, 3.23M)

This. I have like hundreds of mods for accessories like nails, chokers, etc, but virtually none for clothing because Im very picky about them. It would be weird to give it to someone who didn't value accessories that much. Also they don't require any load orders or anything, you can just download them straight into your mods folder and it works. It's pretty easy to collect.

i've since changed Lagerthas. but yo what if i told you some girls have the same hairstyle :o

You should check out strip teases.

Nice job! Sims Eva Green is just as ugly as real Eva Green. Never understand what people see in that dopey faced woman. Who the fuck are the first two? Never heard of them.

Attached: 85afd1ebc17194788d7581af4cf1a29f7dfc7b08b922f50dbc67bd64f08fa370.jpg (604x453, 45K)

For me, it's the original sims

Attached: 3_1-1.jpg (800x600, 122K)

don't be rude

Attached: eva-green-premiere-sin-city-a-dame-to-kill-for-04.jpg (765x1000, 157K)

>have an /ss/-themed mommyroster of Christina Hendricks, Bryce Dallas Howard, Aubrey Plaza, Jessica Biel, and Anne Hathaway

Feels good man

>Christina Hendricks
post her pls

Attached: Eva Green threads.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Real talk, does anyone know where I can find videos of bimbo lip blowjobs? For what seems to be a extremely common type of fetish, there is actually very little content to be found. And just before you tell me, "what are you talking about, there is plenty of that stuff online", someone preforming sloppy fellatio or sucking really fast does not make it a "bimbo blowjob". I just want large, fat, lips in my bimbo blowjob videos, is that too much to ask for?

Attached: 1536708392000.jpg (640x619, 196K)

Attached: when you had to alt tab because mommy barged into the room while you were jerking off and she just w (1280x544, 2.16M)

>No Sandra Bullock
Fucking coward

depends. are you okay with BBCs? blowjob

the results look exactly like what you described. or do you mean extreme over the top, body dysmorphia bimbos?

Im sure you can find some but at the same time, this is a fetish user, I dont think that most woman would do this to their lips. If we are talking about real life woman, than there are mostly non, or at least from what I have seen. If you want *dick sucking lips* you have to stick to webms or art

Attached: Eva Green kiss 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

link doesnt work

>that fish tank in the corner

Top Taste

She was so perfect in Penny Dreadful, in terms of looks, vibe, wardrobe, everything. What a dime. Robbed of her Emmy as well.

Why the original sims does have alot of charm. It is barebones as fuck.

Please stop posting Eva Green. I just ate.

Attached: Eva Green kiss 3.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Looks good. You make that? Uploaded anywhere?

Attached: 2568356345613464(1).png (1920x1080, 780K)

Attached: whats wrong with your faaaaaaaaaaaace.png (951x118, 284K)

Attached: Eva Green kiss 2.webm (1916x796, 3M)

yea, it's called "tree of life modern home" on the gallery

I have done thorough combing of this my user, and the results are mostly disappointing. Trust me when I say I have look for this and for every alright video I find, there a 9 others that aren't what they claim to be. I am looking for large lips my friend, not slightly larger than normal.
It just pisses me off that I can see plenty of huge lipped bimbos plastered all over social media and the like, but rarely any of them are putting their lips to use (or at least for the public eye)
Lay them on me, but not literally because I don't want to suffocate.

I don't like the lack of autonomy regarding Sims doing lewd shit -- for the most part, it seems like I've gotta have some input on my creations doing stuff, but the most fun is seeing organic relationships grow. Are there any mods to fix this?

if you have wickedwhims other sims fuck all the time.

Change the autonomy levels in the mod. You can also put down objects that "stimulate" sims in the same room or lot, into certain directions or make a social club or give your sim the nymphomaniac trait if shes supposed to be a slut.

Attached: 03-04-19_3-49-51 AM.jpg (1536x864, 669K)

So many times
I just wanna replay the game normally but I always crack and get sex mods

I have it installed but have yet to play it. Debating what kind of character I want to make first and I still gotta get all dem sex mods.

Attached: 03-03-19_8-31-33 PM.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

just go to /vg/ and download the mega there, it has all the nsfw mods

lmao'ing @ ur lives perma Yea Forumsirgins

Attached: uhh.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

Attached: 05-17-18_2-51-45 AM.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Attached: 5.gif (220x216, 2.62M)

he's an american his masters raised him like that through their TV shows

Attached: TS4 2014-11-28 01-56-10-13.jpg (1920x1080, 76K)


Attached: pain.png (210x288, 159K)

oh cool, thanks user

The first sims games really had something off about them. Some underlying creepy tones that really got to me as a kid.

Attached: 1517417253233.jpg (408x627, 30K)

Why is that woman kissing a little boy?

it's the comic sans

How does anyone find this enormously over the top body type hot? It barely looks like a human being anymore.

Attached: 1499736051958.png (731x860, 246K)

No problem, but yeah /vg/ got all the mods and extra stuff for all the sims there!GpIVDJgI!cQGMID1gkw8Rkw4Myxxh2w

For the most part, I enjoy the slow corruption of a character, having them gradually change as time goes on, and eventually, ending up as a turbo slut -- either being seduced, corrupted, or succumbing to their more base desires. Having 'em be a nympho from the start isn't that appealing to me.

Nice, there are now exclusively white women and black men in my sims 4 world, epic gamer moment!

Get Nisa's Perversions then. It's primarily a corruption mod that can evolve a regular sim slowly to a bimbo, but it does a bunch of other things as well ie. rape whims, etc.



gimme titty bounce like that pls

fuck off muhammad

oh, so rape is in the game? what happens when I rape some slut? do I go to jail for 10 years?

I would guess it's because Skyrim has a higher age rating than The Sims 4.

yeah but you get exposed on twitter first


Because they're mother and son who love each other unconditionally?

Attached: 03-04-19_3-19-55 AM.jpg (1382x778, 259K)

hurry up and post it

post lewds

how good is the stability of mods in Sims 4?

Attached: 03-03-19_8-32-24 PM.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

It's peak feminine shape
The more tits, ass a woman has the more feminine she looks to me
There's a limit of course


Requesting the degenerate screencap of that guy who had multiple timelines of the same family from the other day

Attached: 03-03-19_8-31-16 PM.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

wait how do i get painted toenails and do they work with the high def feet?

no it's not
that's garbage anatomy
she has narrow as fuck hips and giant legs
that's not feminine

loverslab, only works and a very select few situations

How do I delete someones posts?

Attached: DELET.jpg (430x430, 58K)

Attached: 1550189294660.jpg (1920x1080, 940K)

that's a boy isn't it

God I hope so.

It literally is

is there anything more based and obvious in this current world than chokers? you know exactly how slutty girls are that wear them and it turns me on so much

it's a girl

Attached: 1536339291789.jpg (1920x2160, 797K)

The most kino.

Attached: bddbec67-b485-4d9c-a9f1-b924db9079b2.jpg (1080x1250, 145K)


Would this position really kill you irl?

She's cute but I'm actually disappointed. If you're not going to give a woman tits or hips, you may as well make them a boy.

Attached: sniff gosling.jpg (970x545, 156K)

try it and tell us user

Good, getting sick of this gay shit

If it doesn't kill you, it would get you pretty badly hurt.

literally not but changing the gender to male, giving femminine style, and adjusting some stuff around she can be turned into a cute trap

not my sim

I thought some anons would recognize her

>those hips
>a boy
hmm... I think visiting "those sites" have really warped your mind about what a male looks like

Attached: Coward.png (1068x1080, 931K)

there's this webm of a dude trying a backflip that ends up pretty much like that. didn't look like he would get up after that
obviously it also depends on the ground and if you fall from a high place or something, then it's definitely over

My dude. Chokers are lit.

Attached: 07-12-18_4-29-55 AM.jpg (1344x756, 277K)

>those hips
the sim itself doesnt have wide hips at all, it's just skinny with a big ass, the rest is achieved with pose and camera position

link to webm?

sorry, don't really save stuff like that but if you just stick around Yea Forums or something, chances are you'll find it sooner or later. or maybe another user can help

I might be completely braindead, but i downloaded and installed the version from cs rin ru and there isn't an exe to run the game?

nvm fixed ;)

literally look in your game bin

check your dm's

She looks like she fucks black guys.

>play computer games
>fun decreases
Huh, you made Yea Forums.

Whats the most fun career/skill in TS4?
Sculpting is so lame compared to TS3.
I also miss tinkering and building robots.

>not sims 2 or 3
>or even 1
do people only play sims 4 for the sex mods?


Attached: colonized.png (866x757, 450K)

Same shit happened to me recently
>Download the latest version which had the famous dlc
>2 days later it has the strangeville one
I mean download 30gb isn't a big deal at all but fuck.


Attached: 07-12-18_4-55-21 AM.jpg (1344x756, 244K)

So is Sims 4 better than 3 with all of the expansions yet?

The concept of her fucking someone implies too much agency. No. Black guys fuck her.

Attached: 01-05-19_7-32-45 AM.jpg (1267x713, 543K)

If you're an open world memer, no. If you don't care for the open world gameplay, yes.

Is there a mod that keeps your sim from grinning like an idiot all the time? There used to be a mod but it apparently it doesn't work anymore

Attached: 1543031649954.png (1523x820, 1.18M)

I think she's trying to clean that table and her dad is helping

Post the full goddamn image, you do this every thread.

Attached: 1528006251975.jpg (894x894, 85K)

Damn I want that household

you're probably right

Attached: 12-14-18_12-56-00 PM.jpg (1267x713, 426K)

there isn't one

Attached: 1531947055181.png (1920x1017, 979K)

post more

rip thread

Nah, he'll just get banned again and then he'll use his VPN yet again. The cuck is obsessed about posting his shit on Yea Forums.

if onyl he would make different webms god damn it

games4theworld is the best

this. you have all in one torrent

Was it back with Sims 2 that the degeneracy began?

Attached: brock 2.png (1280x720, 874K)

is it worth it though, if i most likely won't play in that new neighborhood?
or does it affect the rest as well?

thats a man

So does the codex link above except it's also one click install.

>play as a dude
>always fuck most of the female sims and murder shit
>play as a girl
>always be the biggest slut possible

how the hell do i have fun in this "game"?

that can be arranged, in the meantime you can find more webms here on 8ch interracial board

I can't post them here because I made them with sound, too much hassle to convert all

What's with that inaccessible balcony at the top? You have to climb through the window?

can you post a sfw pic of her?

check out Violet Doll.
shes top bimbo no bjs tho

That's it. Original person never uploaded the full thing. It's better how it is. Just mod yourself if you want it.

I don't know? Was making two redhead twin sisters with cute freckles (i think one of them had glasses too) and having them make out degenerate?

those're two different sims

post both?


Stopped being a good franchise a long ass time ago. Though I like how these threads happen to pop up in droves whenever a new game pak is announced or comes out. Really makes you think. Also hello EA representative.

Attached: the-sims-1_full_free.jpg (800x600, 80K)

she's only cute in the screenshots, she looks like shit in game and her body is anorexic

>no bjs tho
This is a deal breaker my lad.

>play as a dude
>become a mad scientiest
>routinely kidnap male and female sims off the streets
>trap them in my mad scientist basement
>use scientist serums and other tech such as the brainwashing gun to slowly make all female sims into dumb horny bimbos, can even force them to wear certain clothing
>do the same to the men except make them dumb horny muscle chads instead
>their cells have before and after pictures of each step of their transformations
>release them into the world afterwards & repeat until the whole town is like this
>my chad and stacey stepford utopia can finally become true

where can I download her

Nooo don't post that uggo cunny.

Attached: 11-17-18_10-32-43 PM.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

Hello PR shill Elizabeth of EA; Welcome to Yea Forums.

Attached: 1344465410203.jpg (1600x900, 495K)

Now that you mention it's hard to see, but thats a glass door.

Rate my waifu

Attached: waifu1.png (1366x768, 664K)

>and her body is anorexic
That only makes it better

Actually I didn't read it right, yeah that balcony is just for looks.

Attached: waifu2.png (1366x768, 680K)

It does, I mean new houses and shit also some new stuff like clothes
I'd say it's worth since the spot for the houses on the hill is pretty nice looking,

I remember she sort of became a myth here, with the download for the updated version(non anorexic and with other fixes) never being posted, and the original version being too different from the screenshot one.
then i downloaded the original, and the only real difference is the choker, while her being anorexic can be fixed rising up 2 sliders, then it's 99% identical to the never posted new version.

it's true she's only cute in screenshots, but that's valid for most sims, and she's not that bad anyway
she does have a goblin face/nose when seen from side, but that too can be adjusted without affecting her cuteness much

Attached: waifu3.png (1366x768, 1.08M)

fucks blacks/10

And the choker's easy as shit to find

spoke the nigger

>tell sim to clean up a plate
>they go to the bathroom sink
fucking autism trigger
btw, where should i create the mod folder?

wtf no, she's pure

Attached: waifu4.png (1366x768, 866K)

It should be created as soon you launch the game for the first time, it's in Documents/Electronic Arts/The sims 4
Remember to activate the mods in the game options.

wtf why do they all look the same

How do I add cute sims in my game?

that choker is the one included in the anorexic version, the newer never posted version had a different one, see if you know where to find that one as well, i'd appreciate it

for reference, pic related is how the anorexic version looks without any adjustment in the sim editor(light sucks holy shit)

Attached: fdd65e47b20ae74d123342fbe42ce82c337dac12b9bf07a9808ffffe1ad2de12.png (365x965, 343K)

thanks user

he probably just used one base female and slightly adjusted their features.

Haven't played sims since sims 2.
Is 4 worth it? i heard 3 was better.

3 is better but it's a laggy, un-optimized piece of shit.
it's also pretty ugly.

3 not only has open world but also a fuckton more content than 4.
However it runs like hot garbage on a non decent computer with ssd
Also the sims look far better in 4, but that's about the only good thing it has.

Is that vanilla, or you need mods to make a face like that?

There is literally nothing feminine about narrow hips


>those hips
are you fucking blind?

I would say they aren't worth it. Though for me Sims 2 sort of pushed me away from the series since it lacked the charm, creative wit, and imagination that Will Wright and Maxis put into the Sims 1. It just became another run of the mill EA game. On top of this it was quite obvious that it was no longer a game made for everyone but rather a game specifically designed for teenage girls primarily with the feminine looking men and the tweeny type music. God damn I hated the music in Sims 2.

Attached: 1346551486159.jpg (600x443, 195K)

no mods, but then again that's the newer never posted version, face wise she has a slightly different nose bridge.
the one that can be downloaded is , looks like this in game

I think you @ the wrong user, user


Attached: blandaupp.png (1366x768, 1.18M)

i think YOU might be blind, user

>have to install 1000+ mods just to get it decent
Fuck that's a lot of work.

Not the user you're bickering with, but I think you mean narrow waist, not hip, her hip is fuckhuge.

her waist is narrow, her hips are grotesquely wide.

vanilla is decent and the sex mod is only one mod

>and the sex mod is only one mod
Yeah, the mod by itself is one mod. Then you have the 100+ position mods you have to DL just to get it anywhere you want it. Not to mention all the other bullshit that will break your game. Then you have to go through each of the hundred mods you have in one folder just to find the one specific one that breaks the whole fucking thing.

tmalss: I'm just bitter.

>sims thread
>mostly cuck and bimbo
for shame

Attached: 01-26-19_12-10-24 AM.png (1920x1018, 965K)

Post more of the fastest growing interracial couple type.

Attached: best.png (1366x768, 1.09M)


Is Sims 4 worth getting if I already have Sims 3?

>tfw your Sims become so degenerate you have to reboot the timeline

Attached: 1529706532864.jpg (6636x1944, 1.82M)

It's the Feds! Cheese it!

If you can run Sims 3 decently, then no, given it has far less content and if you already have 3 chances are you modded the uggo default faces already

The Sims 1 caters to as many audiences as possible, so it has a very clean, charming presentation.

The Sims 2 caters to children who enjoyed the more silly aspects of TS1, and people with low attention spans who need all sorts of diversions and places to go.

The Sims 3 caters to mainly super-fans of the series, and teenagers who spend a shitload of time customizing every minute detail they can. It's an unoptimized piece of shit.

The Sims 4 caters to teenage girls with low-end laptops, so the game is on a technical level that reflects that. It has the best aesthetic in the series, and best house building.

If your Sims 3 runs well, then no, it has a lot more content than 4. If it runs like shit and you want something that runs a bit better then yes.

>If you can run Sims 3 decently
not him, i dont have sims 3, is there even any pc nowadays that cant run it decently?
I have a toaster meme build and it can still run badly optimized new games

In what kind of world would Lukas marry Malia, and not only that but also have children with her?
Even if she was just a beard he could at least have found a non pig disgusting one

user, Sims 3 isn't intensive, it's fucking defective. With all the poor optimization and memory leaks you could nuke a supercomputer if you ran Sims 3 long enough.

No, it has save bloat issues, the more you play the game the worse it gets, and it gets bad fast. Regardless of how beefy your PC is, the game will fuck up at some point.

If you have an SSD and a decent enough GPU then yeah you can run 3 without stutters and all content.

They look like they woohoo at black sims

As kids they were both the prankster personality and got along by being dicks to everyone else. In adulthood he just lacks the backbone to not go along with her.

Not really. I have a 2700X and a 1080 gtx and installed on a ssd. It won't run with more than 25 fps.

how would a gigaroided chad lack the backbone not to go along with the most vile example of a sjw possible?

I dunno user, there old videos on youtube of people running 3 without the main problem which is stutter or those microfreezes where time will suddenly advance in more than 1 min at once

Because even if she's nuts he still loves his sister and wants to make her happy, and feels obligated to stay. Plus she sucks like a fucking Hoover

old youtube videos are locked at 30 fps, so you cant tell the difference

dios mio..

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>The further the inbreeding goes, the more Evil kids it produces

Attached: 1551206665602.jpg (550x309, 58K)

She looks like she fucks futas

All Sims are barebones as fuck without expansions and mods. The fact that elements like pets and seasons aren't part of the fucking game's initial launch for any new Sims is absolute Jewry of the top tier.

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fellow trump voter!

Attached: magamom.jpg (383x931, 56K)

Thoughts on my sim based on the model for Claire from resident evil 2 remake?

Attached: wrthyrrw3r5h.jpg (1360x768, 109K)

>tfw we will never have sim storytime threads ever again because of emperor hirohito and his regime

Attached: le epic funnyjunk filename xd.jpg (350x262, 67K)

is that Eva Green

Attached: 08588A57-072C-4C1B-90DB-94E7F5866DC0.jpg (1387x1077, 245K)

She looks like she fucks futas, and when Tyrone gets mad at her for it puts him in her cringe compilation

Cute. You could also use a different skin texture to make it more realistic

Attached: 02-25-19_3-39-58 AM.png (1366x768, 856K)

Has anyone made the 40 yo boomer in the sims?

With modded monster can of course

cute sim

Attached: 01-24-19_10-59-38 PM.png (1920x1018, 985K)

Looks like a better hat there!

Attached: 34C592F3-B64F-4AAA-A174-7F139454FCD8.jpg (1920x1080, 477K)

Is there any way to speed up animation/action transitions?

I swear it takes 1 hour for my sims to stop eating to head out and chat with the neighbors

She looks a bit too old

Attached: 12-14-18_12-26-58 PM.jpg (1440x810, 458K)

didnt know that, as i said i dont have it, i just always thought it was just badly optimized and just ran badly performance wise

Attached: 01-25-19_5-54-18 PM.png (1920x1018, 834K)

What do you like in the Sims 1 over 2?


Attached: E431CD7B-4F5E-4FF6-9270-A8E370EC6519.jpg (1468x1080, 304K)

Choke the non believers out

Attached: 09-23-18_10-32-21 PM.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

What's the teeth mod?

Is there a reason every sims player is a blacked cuck?

memes and the jews

Music but that's about it, no him.
Sims 1 music
Sims 3 Open World & Content
Sims 1 & 2 Soul
Sims 4 style
this is pretty much the dream sims game, but never ever

>getting this bootyblasted over a silly webm

Attached: 1551486074541.png (600x610, 565K)

Attached: C54CF22E-0D75-4592-A40F-BCC514A507D7.jpg (1920x2160, 524K)

Is This Real?

post her getting blacked

She would never!

Attached: C62A4F63-E9C2-4DC0-815F-D13734380E57.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

Yes, she even fucks a dude in that movie. That's the 300 sequel, Battle for Artemisia I think.

Do I really want to download Sims 4 and spend hours acquiring and installing degenerate mods?

Attached: 1459541770822.jpg (800x800, 55K)

What teeth mod?

Yes you do.

At the very least, go masturbate and then see if you still feel the same way.
you won't

would you mind haring that blonde?

Thinking about Trump's rump

Sims 4 has a first person mode and why the fuck aren't of you using it?

yes she would

pic related

Shift+Tab for those that don't know about it.

Attached: h83BAF78E.png (800x694, 299K)

No idea, you’re gonna have to ask the user from /vg/

Can you kill children in these games? Or do you need a mod to do it? Is there a gore mod?

Attached: 1506767003238.png (186x208, 27K)

The music, the aesthetic, and the depiction of the Sims in general. In Sims 1 you could make your character look like a total fat slob with stains all over, muscular or a total twig like dork. Sims 2 brought in a very feminine look for male sims from their facial expression and their clothing. It was very metrosexual. I wouldn't mind that, except it was just that and only that. It went for a more cartoony cutesy look that just turned me off.

Attached: NrJku9x.jpg (1803x615, 166K)

Children can drown and die from fire.

Listen man, go search the tags for old bimbo stories going back to the 90's up to now and then try to debate whether that shit's a requirement. The common denominator is usually dumb + superficially pretty.

Is there a mod to have your character kill them directly?

Hell yeah son

Sacrificial has some violence mods
Never used it however, so I don't know about killing kids. Check his Extreme Violence mod.

This was my "every skill up to 10" vampire.

Attached: 07-06-18_9-57-22 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Pirate it. Otherwise you're looking at well over $400 to give to EA.

Attached: 1381926732190.png (640x480, 369K)

is there a way to have unlimited sex in wicked whims? i want to browse through all the positions but they keep finishing after like 3 minutes

You know how you've never heard of bugchasing until people started spewing the dumb memes from Common Filth? Same shit. Someone heard some retard use a retarded term and now it's going to be forced ironically for the next few weeks until some other retard says something dumb and we get to see the next phrase "ironically" constantly.

It supposedly means that eggs are people who are trans but don't wanna admit it


You can cook them in ovens and eat the meat after.

extend the sex time to an absurd amount.

post more, you fuck

Is there a corpse decomposition mod? One that preferably works in tandem with the sex mods?

In true sims fashion, unless I caught her at the perfect moment, she came off as one goofy bitch
which was endearing

Attached: 07-10-18_6-10-21 PM.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

what the fuck

I'm not sure there is? Extreme Violence don't let you kill them from what I know. Maybe someone will know more.

Heeeeey, wait a minute, I'm beginning to think this is a fetish thing

Attached: pp.jpg (155x171, 15K)


Attached: 1514918285503.jpg (421x421, 62K)

now hold on

Attached: 1492036434136.png (350x350, 123K)

Attached: 1549145019395.jpg (494x494, 47K)

post her milkers

Attached: 1547242427000.jpg (958x672, 68K)

just go play Skyrim my dude

They were pretty big milkers.

Attached: 07-08-18_4-49-50 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

I want to have an aunt like Osira

What about dogs and horses? And show gameplay examples

Attached: F377D6C7-5306-444A-AF87-9FF2B8B70560.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)


>that nose
Literally controlled opposition by (((them)))

>not simlish


ok, that's kinda creep- >married to her aunt, have 2 daughters and 1 son

>make a perfect goth nerd waifus 2 years ago
>don't want to update because it'll break all the mods that I used
>but they've added so much stuff to the game and new mods since then

Attached: 1550740884658.gif (148x111, 264K)

Even "Make Pleasantview Great Again" would have looked better.

go ahead user, all you have to do is post it

Her older brother married her and his adopted older sister, and had kids with her. Their daughter is the same age as her despite being their niece. They fuck. What part of the logistics isn't making sense to you user?

Might as well wait 2 more years since the best content is yet to come and they still have 2 years or so of planned jewing for 4

Because fps controls currently suck ass

But why would giant ants seek to falseflag as conservatives?

Attached: Them-Giant-atomic-ants.jpg (500x690, 53K)

are you going to fap to dead children?

Attached: 1549546357237.png (377x561, 80K)

Technically he'll be fapping to the limbs of dead children

In this country we speak American, son

No, just their decaying little feet

Simtania is a sovereign state with its own language you dumb clapping tourist

Attached: 1551288756243.jpg (860x479, 41K)

Is the gallery still unavaiable to pirated copies?

Attached: 1424562532629.jpg (500x500, 137K)

Mermaids for 4 when...
Witches for 4 when...
Werewolves for 4 when...

Attached: islandlag.jpg (1600x896, 343K)


Attached: 01-05-19_6-39-27 AM.jpg (1267x713, 160K)

Yes through the browser

they already had a supernatural expansion.
sorry, user

/ss/ is some degenerate shit
literally no different from pedophilia, don't @ me

Attached: munkyfuck.jpg (264x256, 20K)

If you mean Vampire GP 2 fucking years ago
Strangerville is zero Supernatural, more like scifi
Witches/Magic is literally more requested than University at this point

what do you do with the download after? Just dump it in the mod folder?

At least nobody posted toddler fucking yet. Because that's a thing.

Look up fitgirl, and make sure you install just before you go to bed.


Attached: 01-24-19_10-48-58 PM.png (1920x1018, 832K)

Tray if lots or sims

/ss/ is a patrician fetish
I wouldn't expect a plebeian like yourself to understand

Don't remind me please.

Read. The. Text.

Attached: 09-28-17_5-40-15 AM.jpg (1344x756, 295K)

Ah ok. Thanks.

>have WW and ATF modmod installed
>make a bimbo YA and her loli sister
>I put it on auto for a few minutes
>come back and the bimbo is fucking her loli sister in the ass with a huge strap-on while the dog watches

Attached: 1539411470244.jpg (494x480, 20K)

No way fag.

Man once i just wanted to like make a normal skinny white dude who is also a psychopath and shit but after killing a family or two i saw that for some reason there were vampires everywhere and that those fuckers kept trying to enter my house all the time, so now i gotta keep murdering stupid fucking vampires, so my guy went from serial killer to vampire hunter which honestly is pretty neat.

When was the last time there was a Sims thread and that faggot from the blacked board didn't show up and post his same half a dozen webms? Jesus christ they just spam this stupid shit everywhere like ponyfags or something

Also theres 'sigmoid neovagina' for when you are feeling academic

At least the dog is only watching

Her home was a literal parody of LaCroix's penthouse.
She was pretty much genderbent LaCroix.

Attached: 07-11-17_3-47-49 AM.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

I'm playing as Yea Forums

Attached: 12451516.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)



Theres that tranny discord cultist term again, seeing a lot lately on here

I just installed the fitgirl repack. How many trojans and miners should I expect?

how do niggers like you end up here?

Death to all pedos

Anyone got an Eva Green premade Sim, I mean it's canon she likes little boys anyway so it wouldn't be weird to do it in TS4

about tree fiddy

is that pharah my dude?
fuckk son muh dickaroo

Play Sims 4 Yea Forums, you could be fucking best girl right now.

Attached: boshtet.png (500x750, 552K)

Open the gallery, type Eva Green, download one of the 5000 sims.

Attached: eva.jpg (750x804, 70K)

What features do you want to see in TS5?

hardmode: no TS3 open world

Worst taste imaginable

Normalfags cant into fantasy

There is up to date torrent on rarbg.

Return of create a style

Attached: 542625.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

Attached: biodiesel.png (622x434, 479K)

oh that's what you meant

Pets and Seasons in the base game.

Thing is even if you do/behave in ways trannies identify as "egg"ish and are aware of that yet still don't have any desire to become a tranny they will just say you are "repressed"

Its gotten to the point that some trannies probably genuinely believe all men are either all eggs or repressing, and theres no room for anything else. I hate the tranny cult so much.

I want r*ddit to leave

Attached: 1518663181579.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

There it is. also nice nipples.

Attached: 01-24-19_11-55-40 PM.png (1920x1018, 907K)

user I'm serious, jeez

Jesus fucking Christ, imagine a blowjob from that.

>reee they disagree with my shit taste, must be reddit
Feel free to leave then.

You know the most remarkable thing about Sims is it's the only game where when you search for youtube videos on it, a HUGE proportion of them are made by black women. Black women love this game for some reason.

>install all the mods EXACTLY as their instructions say to along with all other required mods
>sims' tongues and dicks are stretch and float in the air
>remove mods one at a time trying to fix it until nothing but WW and MCC are left
>still does it, even when not in a WW animation
>tfw too stupid for mods

Attached: 1550732138881.png (745x748, 581K)

Less shit that appeals to stay at home moms and forever alone middle aged women who unironically buy the sims and all of its DLC, and more of everything but that.

Zero, because there are none. Enjoy your free game.

body mods?

>not enjoying the most patrician fetish

Attached: DXFLjy8X4AAKwd3.jpg (1000x750, 101K)

But modding The Sims is so easy a redditor could do it

Here we go again

Attached: 01-05-19_7-18-39 AM.jpg (1267x713, 412K)

I play as a 2000-year-old vampire loli who murders bimbos.

Attached: the soul has left the body.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)

>EA should stop appealing to the only people dumb enough to purchase the game

Hey, he asked what I want, not what I expect

How hard can you fuck up where that happens?

but no seriously what mods

Why there is no burglar/thief in Sims 4?

What do you mean? There are a fair number of blacks in the game.

good fucking lord, gimme the household and the name of the body mod user

i need it

Attached: 1551594699624.jpg (480x360, 28K)

r8 my little sister

Attached: 1536112770814.jpg (573x881, 99K)

Where did you get the dog collar? Had an user asking for a mod that did that.

I don't remember nigga, i can upload my tray and mod folder but it will take a long time because Oz

trains boy/10

I have no idea, I didn't deviate from any instructions at all.

Because current year. EA even patched out vampires from breaking into a house to drink blood without a player’s consent because of some butthurt post on their forums

Where can I find a guide to for lewd modding?

you have installed liliths skin mod twice, which is why loli's have a dark stripe on their stomach

Attached: 01-05-19_5-43-34 AM.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)


She fucks the dog, doesn't she?

Maybe I should play Sims 4

>buying sims
Imagine being this buycuck

Attached: 1551481726992.png (512x512, 324K)

Did you use pirated Sims 4? It's possible that WW is too up-to-date for your version.

wait since when? before I pirated strangeville my sim got succ without consent but now that you say it, I haven't been bite anymore.

i got Codex version. Did I fuck up?

Can you make multi-story apartments/penthouses in TS4?

Here's her neechan, she's a very good influence!

Attached: 1532262010139.jpg (1920x1080, 356K)

That could've been it. It was also one of those modded versions of the WW mod on top of that.

i'd appreciate it but we reached the thread limit, i don't know if we have time.

There's one apartment that's 3 floors, but I don't think you can make buildings hence you can't build a penthouse, have to use the one that's there already.


>Cuckold/Cuckquean trait gives Sims a positive moodlet from watching their partner having sex and automatically makes Sims watch others sex.
>Cum Slut trait gives Sims a positive moodlet from having cum on their body. Sims with the Romantic trait will have the same effect.
>Sexually Alluring trait gives Sims a huge boost to the result of asking for sex, allowing them to have sex with almost any Sim they want.
>Sexually Abstinent trait makes Sims never agree to sex and stop gaining desire.
>Infertile trait prevents Sims from getting pregnant or impregnating Sims.
>Extra Absorbency trait improves Sims tampons/pads absorbency.

Attached: frodo.jpg (600x599, 45K)

>be scientist
>got sick of this vampire cunt breaking in and draining the blood of my family
>father's duty to protect his children
>get freeze ray
>follow vampire outside and freeze him out on the street
>keep freezing him until the sun comes up
>sun doesn't kill him

Attached: 50031653-bored-young-man-at-the-desk.jpg (1300x877, 87K)

Fuck off pedophiles. JFC literally every Sims thread

>Finally get all the porn mods set up
>Realise I don't have any clothes mods
>Too lazy to go through the thousands of mods out there to find what I like

>tampons/pads absorbency.
The fuck?

Use this package
Rename your old mods folder. This one should work and comes with everything pre-setup.

Accidentally posted a NSFW screenshot.

Attached: 01-05-19_7-03-39 AM.jpg (1267x713, 194K)

Codex should have strangeville update now so I don't think that is!a552wCqK!Oz6DcuECMxV1gNS6fCtzjA!PhoF1KiQ

Thanks user