Because youre mom lmao gottem
>can’t punch in dreams
>start carrying gun in dreams
>gun misfires every time and bullet lazily drops out of barrel
Because you're insecure and weak in real life
anxiety dreams are a bitch
Shut the fuck up Serika
Nothin personnel kid
Because you're underwater duh
>trying to catch the bus in my dream
>I can't catch up because I'm running in slow motion
>it begins to pull away
Why do I drive like shit in my dreams?
>try to fly
>fall down after 3s of airtime
Same shit bro.
This is the reason why I constantly end up being raped in the dreams. My punches just feel like I barely touch the opponent. Shit drives me crazy.
At least your not peeing in your dreams.
>start training in dreams
>Getting faster and faster
>Now I can nearly punch/strike/run like in real life
You guys are pussies
What a coincidence user, I rape you in all of MY dreams
imagine not being good at what you do for 1/3 of your life
How’s it feel accomplishing nothing in your life? I live out all my dreams while I’m awake so I can sleep peacefully at night.
I have Jean Grey levels of telekinesis in my dreams. It's awesome.
I always wake up sad though. I wish I had telekinesis in real life.
>Have super powers in dreams
>They either only work temporarily or they malfunction
Random example: I once had a dream where I was supposed to have super speed. Instead I ran in slow motion and like I was constantly sliding on ice. Another time I was supposed to be able to fly but I could only jump high in a straight line. It really fucking suck.
Sure you do, big guy. Sure you do.
Why are you even punching? I had crazy robo mech dreams last night with two girls that pilot them and one was having self conflict trying to murder enemies but the other one hopped in the suit and blew everything the fukk up.
I notice you can’t thrust hard either when you’re having sex in dreams just like you can’t lunch harder, or try to run much faster etc
Just grapple your enemy. It works.
Same reason why you can't run, bind your shoes and find a toilet: You're a faggot
I have shot people in dreams but always feel bad after... :(
>try to fly
>have to go through safety course first
>once it's complete and I'm about to jump off the ground to ascend I wake up
I've never experienced being unable to punch or do anything hard enough in a dream, maybe you're all just dreamlets (or brainlets, if you will)
As a more serious example, part of a dream I had involved skiing like in Tribes ;_;
>tfw you dream about her
Why is it ALWAYS like this?
>fighting woth someone in dream
>its my dad this time
>i punch him in the face several time as hard as i can
>punches do 0 damage
>he is just looking at me with disgust
>wake up
>now i fucking hate my dad
>try lucid dreaming
>lose the will to keep recording my dreams after 2 months
how to cope?
>get to the sex part in dream
>about to put penis in vagina
>wake up
>have gun in dream
>somehow the safety is always on
>tfw you only dream mmos
the worst part is that they are so fun
How do I better remember my dreams?
>lucid dream
>never once recorded my dreams
just bee urself :)
>have gun in dream
>finger too weak to pull the trigger
i fucking hate dreams
When you wake up, keep trying to recall the dream instead of immediately hopping out of bed and write it down.
please wake up this is the only way i can reach you right now
It's not like you can punch hard in real life, either
>die in dream
>respawn a couple seconds later
>mfw I use my "go into user's dream" machine and dress up as his love interest just to spurn him
>get killed in dream
Any "sings" of dreaming are too varied to use reliably, and managing to head directly to lucidity when going to bed always ends up in failure
When you dream your body is in sleep paralysis, even when dreaming you know what it feels like to swing your arm. When you attempt to do so in your dream your body checks what your arm is actually doing, you feel that its not moving/in paralysis so that translates to a very weak punch because your body tells your brain that you're not punching at all. That's the real answer, now continue shit posting without acknowledging this you fags.
>tfw you dream about her telling you to kill yourself
>dream where you're back in middle/high school
You have dreams too user. You're just a memorylet.
>they're the best I've ever had
not that user but at some point i just became capable of asking myself "am i dreaming" and i scan myself and my surroundings for familiarity
with realization comes some form of control and power. it's never gone badly for me either
I can't even talk in dreams no matter how hard I try to scream
I don't have dreams because I use alcohol to sleep.
>still feel the wound AFTER you wake up
Probably my most common dream, the other is being at a party or on holiday with all my friends from school
I don't know, it just happens
there's no sign or anything, I just do what I will and remember most of my dreams naturally
most of my dreams are also nuts, so I tend to just go with the flow and see what I can do
>manage to fly and jump really far
>"hey look everyone from my highschool class years ago, look what I can do!"
>can't do it anymore, or just manage an unimpressive glide
>unimpressive glide
fuck you dream cunts lets see you do it then
>dream about crossdressing as my waifu
>driving my car in a dream
>it's a good car
>my favorite car
>drive over a comically steep hill
>oh shit a street light at the bottom
>fuck the brakes won't work
>god damn it there's cars parked down there
>the semi behind me has the same problem
>who designed this shit?