Its full price, but cant say im suprised...

Its full price, but cant say im suprised. There better be some extra content that justifies a port which should have been 30 dollars.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-04-21-14-17-1.png (480x589, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>60 dollarydoos for legend of funko pop

could be placeholder price since it's clearly a placeholder date. I'll judge when its officially released.

Even with extra content I'd pass. 60 bucks is just too much to ask for a Game Boy game, no matter how many lighting filters you put over it.

im just asshurt that this will most likely fix the item binding issue.
that will always remain the big problem with the original but I dont want to play this turd remake.

>$60 for a remake of a 30-year-old GBA game that wasn't even $60 at launch
>it will certainly have no extra content, maybe an easy mode if we're lucky
>it will stay $60 until 2024

Was the resident evil 2 remake $30 Or $60?

AHAHAHAHA... What'd expect?

well wtf u expect? every nintendo made game on switch is $60 even the 3DS/Wii U ports that should be $20-40 max

If you want a premium product then pay a premium price. Otherwise you can go back to snoy consoles.

It's a GB game, not a GBA game.

you mean a hard mode? Zelda has had hard/hero modes lots of times but never an "Easy" mode besides regular mode

Even worse.
Judging by the other ports this gen, it will be an easy mode.

I am going to wait until it's out. Only retards pre-order.

There is literally no way to justify this game being $60.

I wouldn’t even pay that for a single oracle game

Placeholder price.

The item binding was what let you create missiles, though.

>not playing the original

Even piratefags will agree that this game is worth every penny of $5.99, but not even close to being worth 10x as much.

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They could've easily had bomb arrows as a single-button option when you selected arrows from the menu, and they could have it in this remake.

could even be a place holder name. What if eventually they announce the 2 oracle games getting this style of remake and put the 3 in a collection

>30 year old GBA game

Its placeholder.

Alright Yea Forums, what would make this game worth it to you?
>Four Swords campaign
>Sequel campaign
>Hard Mode and Boss Rush
>Dungeon Maker/Sharing

>>Sequel campaign
>>Dungeon Maker/Sharing
Either of these, and/or the Oracle games included.

Haha. No it's not.

>LA + Oracles
>artstyle matches the manual art/LADX photos more
>more attention put into remaking the environmental design
>no DoF
>better music
>less homogenization like changing the Fighter's Shield to the Hylian Shield

Attached: tail cave.png (798x1032, 1.08M)

Being $30 at most.

>60 dollar game boy game


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Why would I pay $60 for a shaded and filter filled 3d gb game? Can't I just buy the original for like $5 on my 3ds or something? Hell I could emulate it on my fucking phone.

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When has a brand new Nintendo console game EVER been less then full price like $60? They dont even drop the price on their older games unless they make Nintendo select versions. The price shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that has played games for more then a few years.

It also comes with a remake of the Oracle games. That's the big second trailer reveal.


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Lol, you know Nintendo puts everything at 60 because you cucks are willing to fork over that amount.

>should have been 30 dollars
>30 bucks
>for fucking Link's Awakening

No, it should be 15 at most.

In hindsight, Nintendo should've just canceled all 3DS games ages ago and made them Switch games.

he's an amerifat, don't expect any intelligence at all

>No, it should be 15 at most
>get's discounted to $15
>wahhh! I want it for free!!!

I wasn't even going to get it if it was $40
Now I even have less of a reason to do so

I don't even care about the remake, I just want remastered music

>>for fucking Link's Awakening
It's a great fucking game. If they had put some actual effort into the remake, I'd gladly pay 50 bucks.

I'm only interested in the OST

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I don't spend $60 on games I've already played before

>Even piratefags will agree that this game is worth every penny of $5.99

A 5 hour long, 30 year old game is not worth $6. I pirated it on my 3ds last year and enjoyed it (hadn't played it since '99) but I would not spend $6, not even for nostalgia's sake.

Even if it had both Oracles games I wouldn't spend $60. Maybe if it had remakes of Link's Awakening, both Oracles games, LttP and Minish Cap I would buy it on sale. Even then I would probably just stick to pirating the originals.

Do you think they're going to have the seagull ending regardless of whether or not you had no deaths?

I'm still prepared to tear up at it

>Most wiiu ports where 40$ on release now are 60$ on switch
>All Indie games are 1-5$ on steam now are 15/20$ on switch
>Online where 0$ now are 20$ on switch


>full on hd remake
>on full on hd console
>game is full price
Who the fuck could have seen this coming?

>nintendo games

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>find a game I might like on Eshop
>search it on Steam
>it's half the price
Switch is unironically the best way to browse Steam.

>5 hours

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>This bullshit is why they dick trickle their old titles out on a subscription service.
Really close to taking a hammer to my switch and throwing it away.

>Source: My ass

>Main story 14.5 hours
>Completionist only takes an hour extra
What the fuck is this nonsense?

The game doesn't feature a lot of optional content.

Don't hold your breath goy. That will be another $60.

>taking howlongtobeat seriously
come'on now. the numbers are always too high mostly because the type of faggot that feels the need to tell the world how much time he spends on games, is the one that wants to desperately inflate the time in order to prove how serious he is. No sane person does Film/Games journals.

I'm just going to play my copy on my wii wii u 3ds gbc gb etc

Nintendo can fuck off with this Rudolph clayanimation bullshit that doesn't accomplish anything except make everyone unhappy

>placeholder price
They're already accepting pre-orders idiots.

It's a fucking gameboy game, what the fuck did you expect?

and nintentards think Nintendo is pro consumer

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The style of the trees and things reminds me of LBA
So I don't really care, will get it anyway. Never played it skipped the GB version because it seemed like a cheap port of lttp

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I'm going to buy this at launch for full price, enjoy waiting until 2030 for a price drop when it will cost 90 dollars secondhand

Of course it's full price, who the hell thought it aint

Has Nintendo ever released a collection of remake games

Can't wait for Yea Forums to pull a 180 once it actually releases

just part and parcel of dealing with nintendo

>Nintendo is selling you a fucking Gameboy game for $60 in 2019
>people will buy it without a second thought
You can't make this shit up.

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Tropical freeze was 50 on Wii U and I think Captain Toad was 40


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It already happened.

Attached: pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-eevee-boxart-1.jpg (1024x512, 142K)

That's not even the original ya dumb sack of shit

Were you even able to bind anything besides Bombs and Arrows? Because I thought that was intentional.

>every switch game is $60
Captain Toad is $40. This is just a placeholder

Dong Freeze is 60, as is Arms.

guess ill pirate

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1-2 Switch was $50
There's Nintendo first party games that aren't $60 so it can't be used as an argument

Pokemon Let's Go, Kirby, ARMS, Mario Party, 1 2 Switch, and literally every ported Wii U game went for $60. The price isn't changing.

>people buy ports of pc games for full price on piss4 & xbone
you can't make this shit up :^)

1-2 Switch wasn't even worth $50. Either way, a remake of a Game Boy game is not worth $50.

I've already mentioned Captain Toad for $40

Am I the only one who sees the release date in that pic?
Obvious bait is obvious.

Are you claiming a Game Boy game turning 26 this year is worth $40?

Are you changing the argument?

Maybe if you're very very stupid. Or have never played a game before.

Two games isn't enough to make me confident Link's Awakening won't be a full $60.

But it's 49,99€ on Amazon in my country?

where did the soul go

They should have just reused BoTW assets. Game looks like dogshit.

I'm not confident of anything except that we don't know yet

In regard to your other question, LA is a great Zelda game, I think the same game with a graphical face lift is worth $40 as any handheld game would release for the same price, some of them not being worth that much at all. If it really is $60 I think I'll be one of the ones complaining about it