When does it get good

when does it get good

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Someone, SAY IT!

Praise the sun LOLE

Give it back taysean :^(

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Give that back Tyrone.

When you stop being a filthy nigger

>When does Dark Souls get good?

Not Until DS2 my nigga.

When I do

>YELLOW switch

>on switch

If you aren't enjoying by the depths your taste is shittier than your credit score

>Black don't crack
>Looks perpetually cracked
Much like a nigger and calculus, i've never understood that.

Do you have a cool African name, average anglo saxon name or pretencious african soundish-like name?

Soon as I saw the hand I knew the thread would be good.

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This board is for Whites only.


Hey Tyrone, what class do you main in TF2?

or a really weird misspelt american name like Airwrecka instead of Erica

Play Onimusha instead.

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Do you actually say "dawg" unironicly? Is chicken really your favorite? What about Watermelons? How many NHL/Fifa games you own? Do you have any friends or you grave for attention on Yea Forums?

i think the switch screen is too reflective it really bothers me

based blindbro

hah niger go eat some banana

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Nice tan

Fixed it for you, Pablo.

what phone camera are you using man, the contrast between the skin and the switch is really nice.

All the faggots hype to say nigger like they wouldn't get bodied if they talked like that outside of Yea Forumsirginboard is always fun to watch.


just not 15 years old or on the spectrum.

Wait a minute, that hand...

Or you know the photo is shit and his monitor is not properly calibrated.
shit looks yellow green on calibrated one

caught me off-guard

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t. nigger, or worse, wigger

I don't get it.

good areas:
Any connector
Skipping blight town through the woods
Painted World
Ash Lake before you realize you need to climb back up
doing the Catacombs overpowered
Crystal caves if you aren't a fag
the DLC area is legendary but you probably won't find it without a guide funnily enough
Woods are pretty good

Bosses fights that don't suck;
blues brothers
cum garglers
aryan jewess
qt trap
4 kangs
Anor Londo
All the dlc basically
Sif is too easy to judge

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I'm confused too.

>Bosses fights that don't suck;
>qt trap
I would say the fight is.....pretty straight forward. Heh?

>btw I'm black
Why do they feel compelled to do this?

can i have your copy of the game?



You never did feel the urge for some easy (you)?

I've been stuck on Manus for over 3 months. Wish I was kidding. I'm level 80 and have a +15 Uchigatana. Somebody, please help me before I end up killing myself.

>assaulting people over words
savages like you are the reason I carry a gun. everyone who believes that their feelings supersede the physical well being of another person need to scared into civility or taken out of civilization.

>assaulting people over words
>savages like you are the reason I carry a gun. everyone who believes that their feelings supersede the physical well being of another person need to scared into civility or taken out of civilization.

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>White people posts something
>Nobody cares
>nigger posts something

I bet nobody would have care about it if it was a white hand

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>how dare you scare me into civility, I'm going to scare you into civility!

>im racist here so i dont have to be irl
I sure hope you don't do this


Ok lightskin


Of you're american you can't post here then.

It gets good as soon as you find a weapon that you really like using.

This is what the average American looks like in 2021.

ITT: People who need to go back to /b and /pol.

That's what i said, doofus. Also not true. Yea Forums always inspect every hand and will always find something. Let it be sausage fingers, skin condition etc etc. Try it out for yourself, if you're not black that is.

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>ruggarell thread

Ban Am*ricans

Aeons ago an user had a nice stack of games he wished to showoff. This individual turned out to be black. Hilarity ensued and someone else did the same.

Unboxing threads, and someone showing off four copies of Bloodborne, are made much better this way.

IIT: Niggers and newfags

newfag lol

This is a ruggarell thread

looks yellow to me.

Never. Dark Souls being good is just a meme. It's got exploration down, but the rest is clunky and archaic, even by 2011's standards. The flaws are lauded as features, when in reality they're just indications of a rushed game. Before you say "git gud", yes, I have beaten it. I sunk over 100 hours into the game and I have some authority on the subject. I've also played DS3, Bloodborne, and Nioh. DS3 is more refined and more enjoyable to play. DS1 is a chore. It's when From was first starting to make Soulsborne games (yes, I know Demon's Souls exists) and it shows.

you need to go back lmao

when you step out of your zoo enclosure

Geez user, your nigger hand is blacker than mine

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All the black people I know are either skinny as hell or fatfucks. I'd like to see them try and body me. Maybe if they ganged up on me, but individually they'd fall like solid black dominos, if such a thing were to exist

>clears throat

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how can one picture trigger so many whiteys?


Not kidding black bro, sell this crap and play the adult version of dark souls: MONSTER HUNTER

i fucken hate niggers

Never, you've been meme'd

>Maybe if
But user, that's the only way they know to fight.


The first hour

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It's not triggering, it's tradition

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>t-that'll show him

>working in a coal mine in 2019

>h-how dare you assault me with those strong words?
>y-you better hope i don't find you with my gun, y-yeah that will teach you


well, it can have a nigger in it.

who do you main in smash?

Dont worry, user. Despite being in the South. This user respects you.

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>be black
>get free (you)'s
rent free


It's a tradition, faggot.

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>y-you better hope i don't find you with my gun, y-yeah that will teach you
jokes on you nigger, I'm an aussie, I don't need a gun to take you on.

>assaulting people over words
savages like you are the reason I carry a gun. everyone who believes that their feelings supersede the physical well being of another person need to scared into civility or taken out of civilization.

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This. Altho it's just amusing what people pretend to find out

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sying nigger is funni

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Go back to your fighting games nigger

kys white boys

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hands are weird in general
example: your thumb looks mad uncomfortable right now


>cuts off before he an heros

in reality it is really comfortable

>n-nothin personal...kid


spotted the newfag

Why is your hand so tiny? Where's your hair? Fucking low T. faggot.

It’s not ok to steal.

What? did you play too hard with your own penis?

Hello mediterranean friend, you sure have a nice tan, us mediterraneans, huh?
Idk, the game doesn't seem to be that great, and most of the hype comes because it was a hard game in times of casual gaming, so that was the appeal, if this doesn't appeal you because you play fightan or other games that require ability, you're fucked, no appeal at all save for a game of swords and sorcery that you could play if you are into that.

t. Alberto Barbossa.

Why are you laughing moron? There's no point in playing dark souls more than once, the difficulty is piss easy, it's for little baby.

There's so much content and challenge in monhun 3u, 4u and tri that if I'm to be locked inside of a room for a year, I'll surely pick one of these.

what's wrong with seeing a banana in a monkey's hand?

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sorry tyrone, you don't have the crucial stat needed to enjoy this


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Please don't make the cute Karen poster sad :(

T'es qui sur le forum? T'es sur avenoel ?

Why are you black?

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I only played MHW, and its combat sucks compared to DS, sorry.

The hitboxes, animations etc are much worse than DS'.

I also really didn't like how much it takes at first to kill a boss and how repetitive it is. You literally just hit and dodge for 30-40 minutes, and it doesn't feel satisfying to dodge at all because of the stupid hitboxes and animations. And if you get hit, you'll have to wait 1000000000 years for your character to get up, and then the boss will start screaming, and you'll be stunned for 9999999 years again, and then you'll have to run to that boss and repeat. And some of the bosses are constantly flying and you can damage then only if you flash them or something else, but then again they could fly off any time because they can, and every fight lasts 09-3283483427342873428 years

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Umm.. guys... I think that's a nigger.

>frogposter is retarded

Like potry
Or is it a finely crafted bait?

Yeah, I think....yep, it checks out. Fuck, sorry guys. I didn't see that he was a nigger when I got the picture. I know this board doesn't allow niggers and is whites-only, so I'll go ahead and remove it. Fellas, I really am sorry, I can't believe I'd post a NIGGER, do you? I mean holy shit who would have thought? Ha ha! Clumsy me!

it's both

stuck my hand into a brea/k/ action air rifle as a kid. Learned since.

Why is Yea Forums so hateful?

I didn't play world but any of the stuff you're listing here can be avoided either with skills or with brainpower in any other Monster Hunter. And that's why I like it so much.
You want to dodge more easily? There's a build for that to raise your i-frames. Want to stop being startled by the monster/freezing when he screams? There's build and recipes for that. You want to kill your prey faster? Learn where are his weak points/what kind of attacks and elements work better with him. Wanna stop him from flying or escaping? There's always a way to mark him/inflict paralysis/cripple him. Also the gameplay is entirely different depending of your weapon when in dark souls a lot of weapony are very similar and there's less inventory management.

The only thing I hate more than life itself is a nigger.

Huh. My wife's son has a switch just like that.

How big of a faggot do you have to be to not only buy a switch, but also have controllers with such a disgusting color like that?
Just buy controllers that match your skin tone you faggot.

I get it user, you're right, I just didn't want to bother and adapt to every boss in particular or figure all of this out.

It wasn't my thing.

But anyway, maybe when I have nothing to do and to play and someone invites me to play this game again, I'll give it another chance

>that kid was some kind of shitskin spic
git rekt taco niggers


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>people ITT fell for the black hand troll
Dude just hasn't washed his hand in a while. Gullible fucks.

that's because white is the standard
