Without judgement doa characters introduced in 5 and 6

Without judgement doa characters introduced in 5 and 6

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Other urls found in this thread:


Mila is the best DOA

they're fine, except for Honoka, blue girl and MR

Diego = shit
Mila = very good
Nico = worse than Diego
Nyo = very good
Honks = good
Marie = superb

Mila best waifu

Blueslut, Honkers and Marie are bullshit waifubait and don't fit. I can give a pass to Nyo because there's already a shitton of NG going on and a tengu isn't a stretch.

Mila is toppest tier. She’d adorable and her fighting style is absolutely brutal.

ur toppest tier and adorable

Less popular in japan so no.

and america
and europe

Based planet earth

i haven't played blueslut, but played against her a couple of times,and I'm impressed with her move set.

she is too rude to be waifu material in japan user-kun they like ur typical yamato nadeshiko type hoe or ur sadistic im the boss type of biith thats what male jap folks like.

a-user stop

the world also believes capeshit is great and that nicki minaj is a great artist

user, she's not even the most popular DOA in Yea Forums.

I'm still mad that Nico is finnish, bitch should have been russian instead, considering that her japanese VA also speaks fluent russian

All are good, Nyo and Rig being the best. It's missing Momii and Rachel which are THE best.

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So what? I don’t care about Yea Forums‘s opinion. Mila is toppest of tier for me and that is all that matters.

>100$ season pass 1

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Not going to even put Diego on the list. Tom Lee should be shot in the head for wasting a new character with that shit.

its coming, so chill, and the season pass thing was the same in 5 and no one said a thing.

It's the reverse for me but with Rig at the bottom. Why does Yea Forums hate anime?

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Absolutely cultured opinion.
Miji and Rachel complement each other perfectly.

Naotora Ii when

After Samurai Warriors 5 when she gets a new render.

Goddamnit now you point it out they are all fucking shit. What the fuck man. Cookiemonster please.

Lobbies were "coming" almost for one year in doa5

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Mila is such a typical western beta male favorite. Fucking pathetic cockroaches.

You forgot Phase 4 and raidou

It's the tomboy obsession that Yea Forums for some reason has. This is the only place where Mila gets mentioned at all. Everywhere its Honk and Marie.


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I don't hate anime. I actually like Marie and Nico's designs in a vacuum. I think they are a horrible fit for DOA.

My niggas.

I'd rather Gracia instead

>lobbies never came to PC

Why? Every looks very anime at this point. Although I think Nico would fit better in Street Fighter and Marie looks something out of Guilty Gear/Blaz Blue

>Like a high-spirited cheerful girl that likes fun
>means I’m a beta male
Really making me thinkaringing lad

At least Mila mains aren't a bunch of button smashers like those honker fans.

It's gonna be Lu Lingqi

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>Marie top waifu

what a bunch of pedos , anyway speaking of mila i find hot the fact that u can go play baseball with her then go drink a beer or two and then fck her , it isnt that hard to understand.

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>i find hot the fact that u can go play baseball with her then go drink a beer or two and then fck her , it isnt that hard to understand.
You can do the same with other DOAs like Tina.

Y-yeah, w-we’re not, haha

i was pretty much talking about the tomboy trend , also yeah Tina great.

tecmo is doubling down on the sexiness factor, and honkers and Marie paid off, since they are very popular.


Or Bass

Just doesn't look right to me. Honoka makes sense as far as characters like Sakura in SF. But Marie and Nico turn DOA into something else. Like you said, I think the designs would mesh well with other games' aesthetics.

I would love to see the "customers" who bought this on steam and expect any sort of patch or any future addition of features like lobbies.

Koei Tecmo added a bunch of shit to DW9 despite that game being universally panned and not selling very well. Who knows, the same might happen to DOA6. Expect them to go full jew on the game though since DW9 is on its 3rd season pass

Best girl
>inb4 shackposters

Don't even own the game and I got what I didn't know I wanted.

i bought the game and to be honest the lobbies thing is not the focus of my concerns right now. if they jsut fix the costums grind system and add bikinis im a happy costumer. the online mode is fast i thing adding lobbies will slow everything so if the add them cool but im not gonna ask for it.

So how's the game? I get paid tomorrow and I need to know if I'm going to buy it or not, also should I guess the deluxe version or the regular one?

It's lacking compared to DOA5 in terms of outfits and the stages imo aren't as fun as DOA5. Not worth a buy imo. Fatal Rush is neat I guess. It's not too OP, is easily cancelled but it adds some nice theatrics.

the game is fun But the grind is a bitch , theres no fan service . the online mode is quick u get in fights in no time . i got the game but if i were u i would wait for the f2p version.

Diego = shit
Mila = shit
Nico = shit
Rig = shit
Nyo = the ultimate best girl
Honoka = well at least she has nice tits
Marie = shit

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I bought it and refunded it after a day. It's okay, but I could already tell I was going to just practice a few combos and never play it again.

your taste = shit

Why does everyone hate NiCO so much? She's cuter than Marie while also being cool. Probably the best girl they've added in years.

was that because the game is bad or is it just because you're not a fighting game type of person?

it doesn matter.
they released the game without lobbies, even if they said that they are gonna be there 1 week after release, thats is enough to kill a fighting game

>marie rose, blue marie rose and big tits marie rose

tengu > nico > honk > marie > mila > guys

I don't like her hair and she's overtaken Lisa for least convincing scientist but at least she doesn't have an annoying voice like the two airheads.

Mila=Tengu>Rig>>>>>my poo poo >>>the rest

Mila and Diego are cool
Rig is extremely forgettable
Nyo and Honoka are only good for SFM
Marie and Nico are fucking trash and should have never been added

Nico is the definition of SOULLESS
Literally just Marie Rose with blue hair

I don't know enough whether to say it's bad, but there wasn't really anything made me feel like I had to play nonstop. With fighting games, if I don't get that kind of feeling, I end up playing a few hours then never touching it again.

NiCO doesn't have the cuteness that made Marie and Honks so popular, instead she has an atrocious design and austistic chunny and boring personality

Absolutely based. Nyotengu should steal Honoka's tits though.

I like all of them. Honks is the best because huge knockers.

Honoka is like a cheeseburger. Sure it’s tasty but it’s trashy and greasy.
Girls like Christie or Helena are tasteful, refined dishes.

i could spend my whole life just eating cheeseburgers

Enjoy dying in your fourties.

Marie Rose and Honoka are the money makers who run the place now.
Nyotengu is the best girl in the entire series' history.
Mila is great and deserves to be a mainstay.
Rig is a good inclusion, he seems to be popular among people who don't play girls.
Diego is bellow average at best, a poor inclusion.
Nico as a chuuni second Marie Rose seems like a genius idea but I'm not too sure about the execution.

>chuuni second Marie Rose
>genius idea

I like Mila, Nyo, and Rig.
I'm not too fond of Marie and Honoka but I can understand why they're so popular.
Fuck Diego.

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I exclusively fap to Nyu and Marie!

Why do people hate Diego?

>I like Mila, Nyo, and Rig.
Forgot to add NiCO!

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Downgraded Rig.


Completely uninspired

If she was done better we could have a cute chuuni oppai Marie Rose who everyone would find adorable and/or silly.
Marie Rose's personality is kind of polarizing, chuunis on the other hand are so ridiculous that they can only be endearing.

>chuunis on the other hand are so ridiculous that they can only be endearing
Fuck no, there are few character archetypes more annoying than chuunishit

Fuck you!

All the seething Swedes mad about NiCo taking their precious spotlight away makes me warm inside.
I fucking love NiCo's design so much it's great. Initially upon reveal it felt a bit ehh but now it's fucking grown on me.

Attached: NiCo leotard dirty.jpg (3840x2160, 808K)

But Marie is just as shit as Nico.

It's pretty good. They are fixing the costume grind in the middle of this month which is the only major gripe.

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They should just axe marie. Nico is way better.

>hating on Nico. Plebs and FAGGOTS!!!!!!
Marie Rose and Honoka are both infantile, aguuu type characters with annoying as fuck voices. Nico is not. While I can understand that someone can not liking her kawaiiiii look, she is not similar to MR or Honoka at all.

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Everyone who shits on Nico literally never played the game and saw how she looks in the full version and in motion. She is pretty cool and squeezable, way better than Marie. I used to not like her fighting style until i saw people who are at least semi proficient.

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Hey NicoKEKS get it through your thick SKULL
Nico is SHIT

>theres no fan service

why do you feel the need to lie like a bitch? for what purpose?

I didn't care about her until I saw her in action. She does look cool. I still like Mila best for playstyle though.

Post more NiCo.

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Every new character introduced after vanilla 5 is SOULLESS

You're a shit.

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imagine being retarded enough to fuck up something so simple as costume unlocking
imagine being super retarded and it takes you 2 patches to do it
what the fuck were they thinking?

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>Make mistake
>Listen to fans and correct mistake

yes, imagine.

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Her pit game is not on point.
She'll have to do more over the top poses to make up for it.

They tried the shit system for some reason, saw the horrible reception and immediately started to change it.
It's better to start out a bit more on the grindy side than being too generous but they went too far for some reason.

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This game is so pretty

You will retract those words sir

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Yes, it actually really is.

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it's not just mariefags, nobody likes her shut up

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marie rose = old and busted

nico = new hotness

I can't believe Honoka is actually dead. Brave move by Team Ninja.

more cute feet please

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This needs way bigger resolution.

wtf is all this shitty pics?
post some lisa

Nice Honkers

NiCo and Honoka are good friends :3

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I don't know what's worse, being this dilusional or proving that people fall for this shit.

They did it on purpose. They got massive backlash and now they're taking it away. If most were as retarded as you, they would have kept it.

Open your fucking eyes whitey

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It looks like they're in space.

>this will never be you

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tfw keep sitting on the fence about buying this game because I'm afraid to get it but if I don't buy it soon I wont be able to play Nyotengu

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what is with Nicofags and there obsession with Marie, literally the same character

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Be my guest user, not my screenshot. Maybe based Nico user can help.

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>they did it on purpose

Get back on your meds schizo.

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>Nico has been ripped
it begins

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>give vagena

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What's to be afraid of user?

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Shills never want to draw attention to the motive behind the "mistakes".
>they're fixing the jiggle, see?
>they're fixing the unlock system, see?



Mixed reviews, lots of negativity surrounding the game. I don't have an income and this is a good chunk of the last bit of money I have.

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Oh, look that stupid faggot is replying to himself again.

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which move is that

Sounds expensive but I wouldn't mind putting in the work.

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t. seething shill
The characters will be available to buy separately in the future. Just wait for the free version if you don't have money now.

Oh my god, yes!

Looks great.

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And I will never stop :3

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Stop adding more male characters to DOA please. No one asked for them. This isn't Tekken.

rip her finger

post more of the cocolate goddess

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He didn't mean you.

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absolutely seething

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I haven't played this series since 4, from Top Left to bottom right:


pls tell me the input for that move

Attached: 2019_03_04 - 05_42_32_92.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

Yeah. I wasn't sure :) Anyway, here's a NiCo.

Attached: 20190304174556_1.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

Most of the negativity comes from 2 turbo spergs on Yea Forums or people parroting bullshit that was changed months ago. Reviews have actually been mostly positive as is the sentiment expressed in actual DOA threads before either of the spergs show up.

It's ultimately up to you if you want it or can afford it user. The game is really fun and it looks and sounds amazing, story is admittedly very low effort compared to 5, costume grind is awful but it's getting fixed in 2 weeks. As for anything else like longevity or future content, no one can say. Considering your situation i don't want to feel like i swayed you into making something you deem a mistake so you'll probably just have to do some independent research, look at the game instead of opinions and make up your mind.

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Looks like her break hold since the screen is all dark.

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Nigga i didn't mean you, you're doing God's work

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Sorry user. I misunderstood you. Have a NiCo :3

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delet this

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>when you btfo a ninjafag so hard they refuse the rematch

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Can someone post a actual good girl now instead of another shitty Marie clone

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nico has cute hands

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I like the gang signs she does.

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Imagine tying Christie and Helena together in a front to front kneeling position and just leaving them there hahaha

Wouldn't that be funny? Just having their legs interlaced with each other, their breasts pressed together, their breaths as one and their eyes locked in a mutual stare...hahaha that would be so funny lol

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Go on.

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Yeah haha it’d be hilarious
even more funny would be to just whip out your half-erect dick in front of their faces and just leave it there for them to either stare at each other or at your growing erection hahahaha mannn that’d be so funny

Why is Honkers so fucking fat holy shit

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Hell they could add a Kamen Rider parody Costume or make her do Jojo poses. That would be amazing.

There is not enough butt shots of Christie's SM outfit.

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she has a big butt

>lifting her with one arm
At least we know who doms in bed

Bless ye user

>Does it hurt? Let me kiss it and make the pain go away~


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Nyo is the best character. Truly worthy of cookies blessing. Built on Tengu, great design (in 5), personality and good additional moves.

Mila looks extremely good but her fighting is another thing. In vanilla DOA5 she was absolutely barebones. Now better but still simply one sided IMO.

Rig I really like, brutal and unique. Would never play him tho.

Honoka and Marie looks so out of place. I can't say they are bad but I didn't grow fond of them. Marie is at least fleshed out with he cue girl moveset but Honoka is terrible copy paste.

As for Nico and Diego I can't really say much. I like the brutality in D and Nico looks cute but out of place like Marie and Honoka.

her mom is coming back as DLC right?

Hold on, we're getting the MILFiest character's literal MILF?
This sounds dangerous.

NiCO literally said she ressurected Helena's mom, and someone was behind her tube watching Helena at the end of the game

NiCo is trying to resurrect the Dead.
Helena’s mom if I am correct was mentioned.

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I don't even remember ever seeing her mom.

They lost the chance for Milf with Miyako, you'll have to settle for Christie's mature 26 year old body. I like that she does not cover her age and dyes her hair, very dignified.

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>someone was behind her tube watching Helena at the end of the game

It was Zack

I had to laugh at Christie mentioning she would be out of a job as an assassin

>I don't even remember ever seeing her mom.
Christie killed her

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I hope we get Rachel too and her extremely well developed mature body.

Christie's mature body is indeed a thing of wonders, sadly she'll never have the Milf appeal because she's too much of a slut.
It's ok though, ever since that one shower scene she cemented herself as the lewdest DoA girl.

Jesus christ DOAquest sucks major fucking balls. How the fuck am i supposed to do 3 offensive holds as jann lee when rig never fucking attacks me? I just steamroll his fucking ass since in order to do that shit you've got to be in dragon stance and it only lasts a fucking second unless you immediately go into a combo, taking off 90% of that stupid faggot's health in the process. I'm fucking done with this shit, I regret pirating it.

Will this game give me a boner?

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Hey fuck you Christie is not a slut, she just sometimes has to use her feminine charms to assassinate her targets.

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And in the next game she poledances at the same club where Rachel works. I need to know where that is.

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These idle animations are so fuckign stupid

>mila’s taunt is her giggling and spanking herself
why did they do this
why did they force this endless torment upon my meat?

Absolutely based.
This deserves a nostalgia fap.

Back when the story modes were good and fun. Now everything has to be part of a larger story.

Good taste my niggers

Attached: swordtrickroyalgun.gif (150x150, 189K)

Might as well post these since the song is still stuck in my head.

The MK9 effect. What other developers forget is that they tapped into several years of lore and condensed several games into one.

Attached: DOA4ending-1.webm (1086x720, 2.86M)

They are not, they only look that way because you're a fucking retard.

That's like one of the best idle animations of any fighting game i have seen, maybe even the best.

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>no one ever talks about the games, just the chicks

Stealing loli.

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Back when DOA story mode allowed showing off the characters in fun ways.

This in DOA6's engine would probably cause permanent injury to my dick

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gimme dat honk

Nyo > Mila > Marie > Diego > NiCO > Honoka > Rig

> implying Nyo pulling pranks wasn't fun

Shit tier taste

Rig was unncessary when Bayman and Leon exist.
Half mexican feels forced. Honoka is ridiculous and I never liked that type of character(the "innocence" shit) and characters with others moveset should always be a super boss, never playable online
Nyo, Mila, Marie are alright
Nico seems more a KoF fighter than DoA. The thing of being a scientist makes me laugh too

Diego = Shit
Mila = Best
Nico = Dog Shit
NyoTengu = Superb
Honoka = Meh
Marie = Total Bullshit

Nico just feels a bad fanfic OC put into the game.

>But super-smart
>Evil for Teh Lulz
>Trying to be a Necromancer, but with SCIENCE!
>Uses gadgets to compensate for a lack of fighting prowess because FUCK YOU FAGGOT THIS MY CHARACTER AND MY STORY

Blegh. Aside from her body type and the use of electricity, Nico gets a hard pass.

>OP has 7 characters
It's like males are invisible to DOAfags

Why does everyone hate Diego? He's bland at worst and a much better addition than Rig. If even put him above Elliott.

He just feels forced. Like DOA6 in general.

> They are fixing the costume grind in the middle of this month which is the only major gripe.

This is why you need to constantly remind people that a 90 something dollar season pass (number one, so more are coming) IS a major gripe.

How big the tits have to see so you don't see the biggest greed in videogame history???

Doesn't feel any more forced than the shoehorned MMA character.

The season pass isn't a problem because no sane person will purchase it. The costumes will be sold separately. There's no reason to splurge on all of them like a retard.

Being bland is bad enough, and a lot of people aren't even noticing that is Rig is in that picture

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I hope you bought the season pass because you're too stupid to keep your money inside your wallet. I prefer the greed motherfuckers having it so they can make more costumes to take away even more money from retards like you.

Carry on, you dumb fuck

I'll take bland over an annoying faggot like 4 and 5's make newcomers. At least he isn't obnoxious in cutscenes like Brad or undeserved KY important to the story like Rig.

Ohhhh you are such an innocent naive young boy, aren't you? There are so many "people" willing to pay that pass and those excuses are the first step.

They did that in DOA5 and it's back because it worked and it will work

They also allowed outfits to be purchased separately, and will again. Yes, whales will buy the pass. Note I said no sane person would buy it. Whales aren't sane.


Guess I'll see if there's any actual people playing itt.

People at intermediate all the way to pro are starting populate the PC version and they teach some hard lessons. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

VF, SF, Tekken, SC, KoF, whatever the fuck, I do just fine in but this system I can't quite wrap my head around. No knowledge from those systems seems to apply here. It's fast as hell but it's also baiting for counter holds to throw counter, poke stunning, weird side stepping punishes, forcing throw escapes... I can't seem to figure it out.

How do you git gud in this? "just play" isn't helping. I'm obviously doing everything wrong.

>tfw actually give in and buy the game
>pc can't run it at 60 fps on any stage except the training one even with the shadows on 1x and effects on low

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Nico has the same face and body as Marie not sure why you idiots keep spaming the whole Nico is better than Marie bullshit.


Definitely same face, but the bodies are different.

Why is Marie wearing a blue wig? Van you actually customize the characters this time around or what?

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it's just one fag replying to himself

Well it's something. And it has been helping desu.

I'm for whatever it's worth. I pretty much have to refund the game, which sucks because it means I lose out on Nyotengu probably. I imagine by the time I may actually be able to play the game it'll be dead. Feels bad. My PC could run DoA5 just fine.

>they only look that way because you're a fucking retard.

Attached: 1534979600913.png (800x437, 689K)

why does it look like some amateur blender model?

Because it is Nico is shit and so in Nuteam ninja.

>what is rendering

Is the game any good tho? I was really into the one on 360 with the Spartan in it, haven't touched the series since.

I think is good it needs stuff but is fun to play and they will fix that stupid crafting system , but if you want to get everything in the game prepare your wallet because is gonna be a rough trip.

He's a cholo. Or rather, a liberal's idea of a cholo.

The only thing I don't like about 6 is the loading image that pops up whenever I run it.
Like, I usually run it while I'm idly stroking my dick and I don't like when Kasumi pops up like that and judges me

Honestly I don't expect them to fuck up the PC version as bad as last time.

The reason there was so much missing shit in PC DOA5 was because they ported the arcade version (which was technically already a "PC" version) instead of the console version.

Lol I don't have the game yet what expression does ahe have to make you feel bad abour the situation.

Is there really no chance of KT porting DOAX3 to PC? All I want are volleyball matches where I can constantly spike the ball against Marie's ugly face.

Attached: 838380_20190303150427_1.jpg (2560x1440, 882K)

The game seems very unforgiving for lower end machines.

On my laptop (I5 7300hq cpu and 1050ti 4gb GPU 16gb ram)I have to put everything at lowest possible and 1600x900 to not get framedrops (the stage "the throwdown" is pretty hard on resources especially).

For comparison, on that same laptop, I can crank everything to maximum at 1080p for SoulCalibur 6 and not drop a frame ever.

i wouldnt call it unforgiving
they just took and tested current gen hardware, it looked ok to them and released the "game" like that
they did not test and work on different models and such, its pretty ovbious at this point

Considering a lot of this game feels like eternal waifufest the anime, let's for once chat about the other side: Which male characters do you consider your favorite to play as in the series?

Hayabusa main since DOA2 I just love the ninja gaiden games and have been a fan of his since the NES games.

NiCO is the best.

>Is there really no chance of KT porting DOAX3 to PC?
Team Ninja doesn't know how to make Soft Engine work for PC. So, give up your dream.

To play as? Zack.

Boring but not the worst

These niggas don't know how to make a male character, do they?

MMA shilling aside, very good.

My goddess.

Retarded trash

Pedo trash

Pedo anime trash

what did he fucking meme by this?

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-03-04 00-05-00-86.webm (1920x1080, 1.86M)

No cause they have VV on PC with some exclusive deal with DMM more than likely.

my dick

The weird thing is, a 1050Ti and even a modern laptop quadcore should run circles around base ps4/xbone performance, yet it seems to run fine on those systems (I haven't heard any performance problems from console users, and I kinda don't expect digital foundry to do a video on it because they probably deem the game too problematic).

Again you can kind of use SC6 as a comparison. That game runs at 1280x720 on base xbone and 1600x900 on base ps4, both using around medium or below settings, yet it can be maxed out at 1080p on the given laptop settings.

One thing to also consider is DOA6 seems to use a lot more VRAM than it should need (Granted this was using max settings on my desktop which has a 1080Ti)

Even in the training room which is just a textured cube, the game uses nearly 4gb of VRAM, and it definitely goes over that on pretty much any other stage. SC6 I don't remember ever seeing VRAM usage exceed 2gb at any point.

I like all 7, only Marie and Honk that gave me a negative first impression because of how much they were pushed as protagonists in the spin off

fat chubby slut


>you were born just in time to watch the finn get bred by zack and coach
based timeline

So let's assume the lukewarm reception to 6 doesn't kill the series and eventually get a DOA7 someday. What direction do you think they should take it? As much as I love how the series plays I don't think there's much left that they can add to this style of play. If they are serious about pursuing a competitive scene a complete reworking may be in order. Find a way to revamp the system while still focusing on counters.
On the other hand, they could give up on being a competitive game completely and keep the core gameplay intact while pursuing single player and party game fans, similar to MK. People like the characters, so including a Tekken Force/Konquest style mode while improving DOA Quest and story mode could help. More in depth character customization would be a plus as well.
What would you guys like to see in terms of gameplay and modes?

shit = Diego
Mila = good
Nico = shit
Rig = ok
Nyotengu = awesome
Honoka = ok
Marie Rose = Best of all time


>liking Rig at all

I'm ok with all of them but Marie, Honk, and Nyo are probably my favorite. Mila doesn't really do much for me despite how much I like tomboys like Asuka from Tekken who I wish was in this game

Attached: 1549353853235.png (131x241, 46K)

How are the crotchs in this game? I mostly don't care, but sadly not a lot of games focus on doing crotchs look good, they are too flat or boring or with clipping. DoA seems like a good place but looking at old threads from DoA5 it seem that the focus went into underwear, tits and ass, did they improved the crotchs in this one?

i don't like him nor dislike him i dont give a shit about him

>Fuck Diego.
Oof. Best girl though. I like how this is one thing almost everyone here agrees on.

Attached: 2019.03.02-18.24.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)