Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games as Pokemon fans do Game Freak, or Fire Emblem fans do IntSys? It seems like by and large the entirety of the fanbase is relatively easy to please. The only complaints that Ultimate's frequently gotten so far are calls to nerf a character when in fact the game is relatively well balanced and people need to get good. Utlimate is very far from perfect and has numerous egregious issues that people seem largely silent on.
Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games as Pokemon fans do Game Freak...
Is this the Palutena thread?
>Utlimate is very far from perfect and has numerous egregious issues that people seem largely silent on.
such as?
I dunno m8 it seems fine to me. I'd like if they added back old modes like break the target and homerun contest though. Also it'd be cool if souls had flavor text just like trophies used to have.
But people have complained plenty about how shallow & repetitive of a solo mode WoL & Spirits felt. I think pretty much everyone agrees the modes are more gap fillers than anything. Outside of that & few more things here & there, the game is much less flawed than a new FE or Pokémon generally would be: 70+ fighters, 100+ Stages, a myriad of fun items ( and a few bullshit ones ), a decently balanced roster, mechanically solid enough ( although should incentivize approaching more )
the tips in the vault give you flavor text on characters, assist trophies and stages at least.
Because Smash doesn't need to innovate or shake up its formula. It's a fun party game that doesn't really get stale. Compare that to Pokemon where the series has actually gotten worse recently.
>Pokemon fans do Game Freak
More like the minority, most people ride GF's dick or don't care
>Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games as Pokemon fans do Game Freak, or Fire Emblem fans do IntSys?
Because for as much as the "sakurai is a hack" and the like, he still works his ass off and actually gives fans what they like or want.
compared to the other 2 which seem to do whatever will piss the fans off the most.
now post palutena
Like what? Seems like the best Smash so far to me, maybe that's why people aren't complaining like with Game Freak
gtfo goddess fetishists
Because Sakurai is actively trying to make things the fans will like. They didn't like how slow 4 was so he sped it up, he hot back every character in Smash's history, he even added Ridley, a character he himself said couldn't make it- But he did it anyhow because the fans wanted it. You can SEE him trying, even if he makes mistakes. Other devs say they're trying but don't follow through.
Because so long as people are reasonably happy they won't start rioting every five seconds. Only a 5 year old throws a tantrum if a few things are less than ideal
Not him but to me the online is a huge step back in terms of options. When I want to play serious 1v1s, it works like a dream. Elite Smash is fine and I'd say 95% of the time my matches are lag free. Where it gets into trouble is when I want to play with my friends. The new lobby system is a mistake. Getting locked into a stage and character pick is stupid incredibly stupid. Having to close the whole lobby to switch it to teams is a big ol waste of time. This one is minor to most people, but I don't like that you can't add CPUs to online matches either. Sometimes me and one of my friends just liked to shoot the shit and fight level 9 computers with like 99 lives or something silly and see how fast we can beat them. The gameplay, selection of stages, and all that other stuff is the best it's been. It's a great game. But the online options with friends are astonishingly worse than even Brawl wi-fi. That even let you play some of the mini games. It actually makes me a little sad that this stuff will probably never be added either because nobody talks about it and I'm likely in a minority.
tl;dr the game is great for purists but is missing things for casual online play
because smash is fun and pokemon isn't. Pokemon fans just don't want to admit it.
Because the entire series is primarily centered around appealing to secondaries and tertiary's, rather than primary's.
Secondaries/Tertiaries are the easiest to please in the world if you own the right assets, that's why the series is so successful.
Sakurai may fuck up or miss a feature, but he doesn't actively slap the fans in the face like Game Freak does.
Maybe becauae Smash Ultimate is the best Smash so far while the best Pokemon was a long while ago?
People DO complain, but it's about useless things such as single player stuff. Smash's core gameplay has always been centered around the fighting mechanics and the roster, both of which are good to great in UItimate (with some questionable choices, but nothing bad enough to ruin the whole thing).
People complain because Gamefreak is a legitimately incompetent developer team and for the amount of money the franchise makes people would expect the game to have basic things from other JRPGs like cutscene skip, difficulty settings or multiple save files. People just want Pokemon to live up to even a fraction of it's potential, but this will never happen because there are enough people out there that will both buy and defend Pokemon for everything they do regardless of quality.
>Fire Emblem
FE is just a fucking mess of a franchise with a massive idendity crisis, since part of the fanbase wants anime war politics and another part of the fanbase just wants big tiddy waifu face petting sim. Regardless of the part you appeal to someone is going to be mad about it, Fire Emblem should just split off in two different franchises at this point but I think IS knows that the games will absolutely tank if they stop appealing to the waifu/fujo audience.
Meanwhile Smash Ultimate delivered just about everything the greater fanbase wanted so outside of idle complaints like FE saturating the roster or "wah wah no home run contest" no one has any real room to complain.
The only problem is the online, Smash is a lot of fun when is played with friends, lots of fun, lots of laughs
This. Ultimate is the most satisfying Smash game to play since Melee, while the last good Pokemon games were Black and White 2 which came out 7 years ago.
>Black and White 2 which came out 7 years ago.
Online matchmaking is horrible; you can't even sort by connection. So even if you don't personally get stuck with 4 players items on scrolling stages (which is still a problem even in elite) you have no way of filtering out wififags/people with inadequate connections. You can't just quit, even if you're in the loading lobby before quickplay without getting penalized. The only decent way to play online is in private rooms.
The input lag and buffer is the worst in the series and it just feels sluggish coming out. It's especially noticable with characters like Spacies who feel easily even worse than their Brawl incarnations.
These are my biggest issues thus far but there are a ton of more minor ones too like being unable to have your my music preferences play for a stage if you didn't select it, PP corrupting saves, not being able to taunt online (people just teabag), the mess that VC is...
Did you forget Brawl?
Heavily heavily reduced momentum?
>Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games as Pokemon fans do Game Freak, or Fire Emblem fans do IntSys?
I don't know what level of irony you're on here but there's a pretty sizable contingent of people who want the deeper faster gameplay from Melee back. like for instance me
It's comparatively small, at least on Yea Forums. The zeitgeist is people are pretty satisfied with Ultimate whereas that's not true for FE and Pokemon, again at least here.
I'm not even going to read your post op your one of those emotionally complicated people living in a fantasy world and you probably pretend you get the better of people when in reality you are the one who starts sperging about some shit
Nice projection
>Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games
It's funny that you believe this.
Because Sakurai actually puts effort in, while Game Freak literally does not give a shit and continues to shit out worse and worse games and releases the games with less content.
Reminder someone died fapping to Palutena
RIP fapanon
I see it took.
>Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games
Because he would never listen to them so they just keep playing melee. But there's nobody out there that just keeps playing gen 1 or FE7.
added bulge ruins it
pit x palu is based and doesn't need that, i enjoy dicks on chicks where appropriate
the online is absolute garbage and makes me wish fucking for glory of all things were back.
What are mii costumes?
this thread is no on his honor
>PP corrupting saves
this was fixed. The rest is absolutely right though. This game's online is fucking atrocious.
I didn't make the edit. I think I just saved it because I wish I was Palutena.
>9 nuts
Anyway they do. Smashfags bitch fucking incessantly about every facet of the games.
>why don't people criticize Sakurai
Are you fucking serious
...I'm confused, with or without dick?
I can't speak for FE but with pokemon the issues are a mixture of massive casualization and lack of effort. GF are lazy fucks that don't put effort into anything. No matter how you feel about Smash Ultimate you can't deny that Sakurai is at least trying to give it some degree of complexity (even if it's scaled back compared to Melee) and you absolutely can't deny that he puts everything into his work.
Well I mean I have a dick and I'd rather keep it.
>Why don't Smash fans criticize Sakurai about the newer Smash games
Have you never seen Smash threads when new characters are revealed? Tons of people bitch and whine because it wasn't the character they wanted to get in, and say that the game is shit now because of it, and call Sakurai a piece of shit, etc.
Smash fans are some of the whiniest fucks there are, and constantly criticize everything new games do, but they buy it anyways even though they swear they hate the game and won't buy it.
>9 nuts to Midna was fine
>9 nuts to Palutena is a death wish
Is it just a death wish specifically for Palutena? Does she have enough & just kills you mid fap?
what's an imp to a goddess?
I'm talking about gameplay in case that wasn't obvious.
Rosterfags aren't real Smash fans.
for one they actually do
but also smash doesnt throw a game every single year
The fact that my friend and I in the same room can't play my other friend online is a huge slap in the face - 4 player shouldn't require 4 different switches
Cos gamefreak are lazy asshats with fucking masuda at the helm. Look at all the last pokemon games, each time they add something new they scrap the very next game. IMAGINE A FULLY FLESHED OUT VERSION OF THE CAVE SYSTEM from pearl and saphire? Never gonna get it again. New mega pokemon? nope, New z moves? definetly not.
Sakurai on the other hand, yes he has faults, but he puts a fuck ton of effort and love into his games. Yes there are bad things in his game, online could use more work, spirits is a filler. But damn if you tell me there ain't no love and effort put into this game. Every character has their own special classic mode. in world of light YOU FINALLY GET TO PLAY AS MASTER HAND! and the amount of remix goodness is rediculous.
The reason op in a sentence is cos, gamefreak is shit and doesn't care about their franchise bnut sakurai does... Someone please shoot masuda or just make sure he can never get his grimy hands on anything anymore.
True, online ultimate is pretty annoying.
2014 was 5 years ago.
those boobs look stupid and too big for her frame
anyone that wants FG back is either sub 3mil GSP or doesn't remember just how bad FG was
>2014 was 8 years ago
Terrible online is a minority complaint because the majority of the player base has friends to play with
Such is the burden of a goddess.
I'm in elite. Online now is fucking horse shit.
It wasn’t fixed, it was never a problem to begin with. Retards had bad memory cards from amazon. The dlc data was stored on their and fucked with their saves on the console
I dunno, sounds like an alright concept if handled well.
However it's GF.
why does everything this guy draws look so gross and smeary?
>first game in the series to feature 3rd party characters
>amazing story mode/campaign
>big graphical improvement over melee in part thanks to art style
>dared to innovate with new mechanics (tripping, gliding, final smashes, etc...)
that wasn't "slapping fans in the face"