Based gaming youtubers

Based gaming youtubers.
I will start.
>straight to the point.
>gives details about game mechanics.
>is actually funny with out forcing it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

SomeOrdinaryGamers is fun. No drama shit.

Too bad that he is a sjw

>not liking trump is sjw

Dinkey’s “Anthem Legends: Exodus” video was based as fuck but most of his other stuff is garbage.


I remember years ago everyone on Yea Forums seemed to love Dunkey. Glad people stopped finding him funny

His political humor gets in the way of his normal humor but at least half the time it's been done in a funny way. Cancer mouse is great.


>not being a MAGApede and not worshiping le orange wall man makes you a SJW
Great reasoning there

Woolie Versus
>I like him
>he is good
>just kinda appeals to me

His political opinions are unironically correct, though.
Trump is a retard and GG was the next incarnation of chanalogy: a bunch of teenagers on the internet feeling like they're "making a difference".

His From Dusk Til Dawn video was kino

The problem with Dunkey is he has the worst taste in video games ever. So when he's playing a dumb game it's fine, but if he tries to do any "serious" reviews he just comes off like a fucking toddler.
Also his wife has the most annoying voice on the planet.

i enjoy aurateur, he pretty much only does one thing — playing mario maker levels — , but he does it well

There are still people who think GG was good?
That was the dumbest shit on the planet.

civvie is worth watching for his Pro Blood series alone

highly entertaining

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I can't stand this fucking guy, his voice degrades my soul and he's painfully unfunny

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I like the geek critique

his donkey kong vids were kino, his other m review is one of the best explanation of what's really wrong with the game and his sonic 2006 was suprisingly heartfelt and sincere compared to the mass of "teehee this game sucks amirite??" low hanging fruit vids on the subject

Hope he goes through Duke and things like Plutonia for Doom(although that will probably come after he is done with the whole Ultimate Doom and Doom 2).

DSPgaming. I dont even have to explain why.

i don't get why he likes postal so much

Ah, watched him since i was a kid

you forgot:

>omg this is too violent, I'm so sorry guys
>plz dont demonitise me
>videogame violence is bad and unnecessary
>let me post-edit blood and executions and use a non-offensive video title

if this isn't SJW then i don't know what is

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Its a fun game to fuck around with unlike gta it let's you do horrible god awful things like pissing on sombody who was burned so badly his entire skin is black. call me edgy if you want its an amazing anger management game.

Postal is outsider art.
It's bad by all industry / academic standards, but has a strong identity of its own.

Also, it's a game in one of my favorite settings: dystopic americana. Falling Down, Harvester, Postal, grunge rock, I can't get enough of this shit. Something about the idyllic american dream life juxtaposed with how fucked in the head it makes the people living in it has SOUL.

I think that was reverse psychology.

That has more to do with youtube than him. I'd take the same route, rather than risk getting a strike on my main channel because of a shitty game like Hatred.

I can't find anyone as funny as him. And someone who has made me want to play games without sucking the devs dick for 15 minutes, just fun gameplay and game stories that make you want to play

Mike preach is the best wow YouTube and

His dwarf fortress story about the legendary human wrestler and the goblin dancer easily one of the best thing i ever heard in dwarf fortress

Isn't those in context jokes about hosting platform? If those jokes don't take an entire video i'ts nothing really.

his humor is silly but entertaining

I like him but all he does is fallout its all he has been milking just nee vegas mods and he has those cringe moments where is he 'talking' npc's.

AccursedFarms, Ross’s Game Dungeon is probably the best video game show on the internet
FranzJ, his vids are so enjoyable to me that I actually started playing CSGO again and having fun

That's also correct though.

>claiming how people who dont like bf5 are sexist with an 'epic sarcastic manbaby tweet'
>ron perlman-esque YO LIL DONNIE rants too
>'reverse psychology'
truly /ourguy/

>he has been milking just nee vegas mods
It's not his fault the community wont make FO4 mods outside porn and stick to NV for the rest

based resetera colonizer, soon we shall take this site completely from the Yea Forums manbaby incels

y.. you know how many porn new vegas there are right?

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He does good work.


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Yes but a lot of FO4 mods nowadays are just porn or some dumb shit like 4K cans retexture
NV still get its quest mod every now and then

>Being extremely mad that a mediocre game has girls in it isn't worth mocking
You should really get a hobby.

>defending AAA games because THE OMNIPRESENT ALT RIGHT might dislike them and indirectly associating any other criticism whatsoever with THE OMNIPRESENT ALT RIGHT

Yeah I like alchestbreach too. His humor is mostly cringy but sometimes he makes me laugh aloud

retrogamer3 aka the gaming rapist

You are genuinely pathetic.

I like nookrium. He's not very good at a lot of games but his taste is great. He's discovered a shit load of great games for me.

Is that you, Civvie? Don't you have another woke rant to write about how evil Drumpf is?


>plays a few minutes of a game before getting bored and quitting
>lifts memes and stories off of Yea Forums and /vg/
>steals footage from random people on youtube because he can't be arsed to play long enough to get it himself
>hey hey people sseth here with another great video
imagine paying money for memes

SomeCallMeJohnny is the only one I can think of, unless Vinesauce Joel/Vinny count

I used to watch a guy that played Wolf3D mods similar to Civies "pro series" of videos. He had a small channel with like 1k-2k subs and the deleted it, just to come back with a small channel of like 100 subs. It was really nice. Too bad he seems to have stopped playing Wolfenstein and left YT, he was a family man after all, or I can't find him anymore at least.

kill yourself zoomer faggot

Please do not disturb the dead.

>has a woman edit his videos for him
>goes into a seething rage over Yea Forums for no reason in his bad day la vid
the dude comes across as middle aged liberal mental case

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>magine being this mad you overblow a minor event

>goes into a seething rage over Yea Forums
the only thing happened there is he compared the humor to a kid discovering Yea Forums for the first time.
And Katie is a character he made up.

Ross Scott.

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>for no reason
he visits here and probably defends himself anonymously too

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SJWs also breathe air, you should do your part and stop breathing

go back to discord shill. sseth is a stealing hack.

i like him better than ggmanshills.
The fuq happened to that dude, first he was revving up his contrarianism then he went full cocksucker.

He was attacking the site itself for being just an edgelord shithole and do you have.any source on her being made up?

wat did he steal a portion in your 30 views video? sad some other dude can make something good out of your trash?

user its just him in that show.
The brainbots, cancermouse, civvie18, katie, uncle dave, its part of the skits.
>attacking the site itself for being just an edgelord shithole
people are offended by that? fucking hell. Only edgelords take this place seriously.

>and do you have.any source on her being made up?
I mean the "show" its about him being trapped by machines, the editor being one of them, and forced to review awful PC games,

Don Draper sip the quintessential "I'M NOT MAD" reaction image, the "lol" is just gravy.

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Any reasonably mentally mature person should know that its pointless to get upset over what people on Yea Forums or any other place place say about you. What baffles me is why its Yea Forums in particular that bothers him and SSSelloutmanlives so much, not YT comments or plebbit talking shit but just Yea Forums, that makes it special in some way to tweet/post about it.

FourFaceButtons. He actually does video game reviews.

Great reviews.

eh? His content is made for children. How many creepy_pasta.exe stories can one man take?

Here's a list of my personal approved reviewers:
Ross Scott
SsethTzeentach (even if I am getting tired of his anti-PC jokes, too many of them too often)
Dfortae (only because of the games he chooses to review, no one else is covering them)

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let them rest in peace

Civvie11 is too based to fall for the redpill meme. If that's SJW, then fuck yeah social justice.

Based and bluepilled, fuck wh*Toid men

He stopped making those creepy pasta stories long ago. These days he mostly talks about obscure internet viruses, deep web browsing and plays SWAT.


he's b8ing

>M-Muh demonetization

you are on a board full of them. look at any traffic chart for Yea Forums and you'll notice that the userbase doubled during GG.

Saint Riot
>Comfy '00s YouTube format, does whatever he wants to - no pandering
>Natural sense of humor, half his videos are actually funny off-the-cuff monologues or joking RP, the other half have insightful commentary
>Accomplishes the impossible: makes Souls PVP fucking fun
> The Chad Invader, doesn't fuck with worthless arena "PVP"
>Appreciates all Souls games and their respective PVP metas
>Constantly crafting creative, in-character builds
>Dabs on people who "play" DS3 with their level 600 friends, winning 3-on-1's with ease
>Has improved immensely in the time that he's played, encourages people who watch him to honestly improve and adopt a positive mindset
>Cares about the Souls community, promotes other great content creators, players, etc.
I can't recommend this guy enough if you like Souls at all (he also plays a few other games, classic stuff mostly), stumbled on him about a year ago and immediately watched almost all of his videos. I never get an opportunity to gush about how great his shit is.


But user, Yea Forums IS an edgelord shithole. That's the fucking mission statement. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a new fag or lost themselves to the LARP.

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Postal 2 is unironically one of the best and most immersive open world games ever made, partly because the gameplay is just freeform shitposting. weapons aren't balanced around anything other than being fun or silly, and you can enter every building.
Also, it feeds my sadism.

The only gaming youtubers worth watching are ones that actually teach you how to git gud at stuff

imagine being such a tourist that you don't want to accept that Yea Forums is an edgelord shithole.
only redditors put imageboards on a pedestal

based merchant guildman

He's good, but I really don't understand how he can love Postal 2 and also complain about Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem being too edgy and offensive.

Any good channel that you can listen to the background like Zaric Zhacaron?

Yeah it's funny how much he bashes on Postal3 and Bad Day LA for loads of things that are valid about Postal2, I think Postal2 just manages not to be total buggy shit with crappy mechanics so it gets away with it.
From what I saw of Bad Day LA it could actually be funny if it went full on mockery of Fox moral panics, but it's just not got anyone witty enough behind it to pull it off. There's one scene out of context that looks like MS-13 shooting down military helicopters which is a pretty funny premise in itself. Regardless the mechanics look shit so it was always going to be panned.
Postal2 isn't that funny itself either, it's just saved by being a good chaos simulator.

I'm pretty sure it's less about it being offensive and more about it being stuff on the level of fart jokes, but even then I'd still say that postal 2 falls under that as well.

Eh, he could be a good youtube content creator, or whatever they call them. His problem is he wants the edgy Yea Forums audience, but he doesn't want to be edgy, nor make genuinely funny jokes. So he comes off as less funny than Sseth, less informative than someone like mandalorian, while hosting an arguable rip-off of Ross Scott's game dungeon called Civvie's Dungeon, while doing less obscure games, being less informative about them, being less humorous, and generally not putting in the same amount of effort that Ross does. I mean the guy had to record episodes while battling the mold people, usually talks to the developers of obscure games for stories on how they were made, beats games never before seen on youtube, and doesn't even have a patreon. I know he technically takes donations, but there's no bullshit patreon rewards with that.

So yeah, Sseth, Mandalorian, and Ross Scott are all great youtubers. I think Sseth doesn't record his own gameplay though, but he gives credit to the original creators. Maybe i'm wrong, I dunno.

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speaking of ross, new videochat

I though he was a /vr/ dweller

Yeah, I mean Lo Wang is a dumb Asian stereotype, but every Middle Easterner in Postal 2 is a literal terrorist. It's all blatantly low brow comedy.

Ayy, I just saw. I remember someone asking him to dab, but he's been in Poland with his gf for years, so he didn't know what it was. Bless that man.

Postal 3 just had to be Postal 2 but with better graphics and those russian hacks fucked it up.

Bad Day LA had a good premise but fuck me that game is so terribly buggy and unfun mechanical wise that is not worth the effort.


GG was a cancer that shouldnt have happened. Political in every single thread. Endless twitter and click bait screencaps. Yawn.

lovely chap. I like his edgy aesthetic as I'm a bit of an edgelord myself. I just wish he played less point and click adventures as I'm not huge on that genre.

>people started discussing Civvie11 out of nowhere
what just happened? He's not even big time yet

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Sseth's alright but his humour gets repetitive, Civvie has more variation outside of spamming the RAW clip (which did make me laugh on the Blood 2 vids because it's perfect for it). Civvie is more of a ripoff of MST3K, I don't recall Ross ever having any jokes about him being forced to play the games but if that's why it's called VGD then they're both MST3K ripoffs. It's not really that important and just framing for some jokes.

I'm not sure how much of the blame can be put on RWS because it's pretty easy throwing some Russian no names under the bus. Apparently the Ruskies got a design document which they didn't stick to, but who the fuck wrote it? It was painfully unfunny from what I've seen of it and I refuse to believe the Russians wrote it.

He releases videos constantly and his anti-Trump shit is a firestorm for anger.

Only started watching him a few days ago because he's starting to get recommended on the youtube front page.

This guy comes here constantly on youtube threads and always shills his vids there despite him saying the site is cancer
I like him, but he's way too obvious with his shilling. I know that's you, OP

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I wouldn't consider Ross a MST3K rip-off. They're very different things. And I dunno, I really like Sseth's humor, it's basically Yea Forums humor made into a video format. Also the guy's based, he puts mega links to like, 99% of the games he reviews so you can get it for free. That includes the porn games.

>cracks one off kilter joke about the guy
>suddenly riots in the streets, nobody is safe

Those are obviously bait to get /pol/ to reply in anger.

why does he wear the collander

He's a huge Carmageddon fan

>called out for being a crybaby
>weeps more and cries SJW

Cancer mouse is a good example of making good jokes about politics and the great thing about them is that they are short as fuck and don't color the rest of the video.

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I dont get it. If he hates Yea Forums, why is he here?

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>Yea Forums memes and MUH BUILD ENGINE
Yikes, fuck off civvie you're trash.

Been here for 12 years and I fucking hate it, yet I can't leave

when they say "you are here forever" they are not joking.

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He said some shitty joke in Bad Day LA was like a teenager that had just discovered Yea Forums. Kvetching ensued forever after.

>being so new that you confuse bait for shilling
go back

Been here since 2007, maybe even earlier if you count just lurking, can't stand this fucking place, especially now since people are unironically getting into far right politics, but here I am after all that time, still shitposting.

>Liking Yea Forums

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Might be wrong, but didn't this guy posted his videos on gaming channels threads? I swear I remember watching his Hatred video here

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Civvie here. I'm actually an accelerationist natsoc. I just love to make fun of /r/thedonald conservative soccer moms on Yea Forums who voted for the Kike in Chief.

Stay triggered.


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What I can really remember:
>Grim Beard
>Chewie & Fuckface

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don't mind me just posting /our guy/

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hello newfriend

The best gaming youtuber hands down. No one comes close to Ross.

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>no one talks about sliphantom/super_noodle

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>>Grim Beard
>>Chewie & Fuckface
Are these similar to Civvie, Sseth, Mandalore and Ross?

Isn't that a good thing?

This. I don't agree with Civvie, but he's pretty fun to watch and it'd be hypocritical if I didn't like him just because of a few politics jokes.

Dunno if he's here, but if you're are, please do a video on System Shock.

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real Civvie here. Don't listen to user lies, I am actually a individualist anarchist, but I do love making fun of /r/thedonald conservative soccer moms on Yea Forums who voted for the Fuhrer in Chief.

I guess, but he gets shit ton of views on his videos. I wonder if Yea Forums keeps him a secret

I've been watching the best friends stuff since the old persona 4 video. I finally dropped them after their podcast a couple weeks ago where they went on about the new Catherine ending.

Angry Joe is based and funny as hell, I don't know why everyone dislikes him.

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>""""""""""""""pro"""""""""""""""" doom
>doesn't show how to quick kill cyberdemons with the bfg
>puts ep1 one on a pedestal despite it being a cakewalk
>wont pistol start thy flesh consumed

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post proof you dumbasses

Baiting for Joe "names"

Not really to kind of, meant people who have been confirmed as to lurking the site:
>GrimBeard: Music (recommendations/creation), old/weird game reviews (a lot of "walking simulators"/ point & click adventure games)
>Shammy: Very few videos a year about an hour each examining vidya (Etc: Overwatch/Paladins, yearly state of NMS)
>Kreal: Short animated reviews/breakdowns of vidya (mainly p&c adventure games)
>Woolie & Pat: previously SBFP know only stream/podcast
>Arch Warhammer: Fantasy/40k extremely in depth lore (+ minor info on ww2) Currently doing a part by part explanation of the Siege of Vraks
>Voxis Productions: Old puppet reviews movies
>Meti Not The Bad Guy: explanations/breakdowns of topics in manga/anime/vidya (Mainly JOJO)
>MRE: MRE food reviews
>AKindleWar: Animated vidya reviews
Hopefully this helps.

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meant for

Check out whoisthisgit, dude's got a ton of interesting series mostly about old vidya, stuff like the worst levels, creepiest endings and weakest characters in videogames. He uses mainly text in his videos instead of using his voice, but his channel is still great.

>I don't know why everyone dislikes him.
Assblasted knows what he did.

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My nigga, I've been watching him for years, his videos have a really innocent charm to them

Cheers m8

>saying the site is cancer
Where's the lie?



He's a retard, but a funny retard

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"What are some actually good Gaming Youtube Channels"

That was actually me, not him.

You left out vinesauce.

Sadly, Ross is a lying shitter that can (and will) deliberately ignore parts of a game to string together "criticism"
Like ignoring the game literally telling him how to beat boss the easy way, and then complaining that boss is too hard
Or skipping tutorial and missing out the game core mechanic (and then complaining when the game kicks his shit in for it)
Or making the game to unload-reload everything (was done for sake of old 96 PCs) then complaining about game loading times despite staring at an option that eliminates them 5 minutes ago
Or using low level weapon on high level enemies and then going "Boo hoo, even basic mooks in this shitty RPG take 50+ hits to kill"
Happened with several games (from where I pulled examples from), and those who didn't play the games (of which there are most) eat up every word and praise him for it. Seen plenty o "Game looked interesting, but thanks to you i wont buy it, thanks Ross" comments.

HueJoe is the same content stealing regurgitation channel as YongYea or DownwardThrust - takes news/reviews someone else did, rewords it, makes a video. Not even a single original bone in his body. Not a single opinion that is of his own.


Awful taste.

Accursed Farms
Civvie 11
Grim Beard
Insp. Magnum
Jimmy Hapa
Nitro Rad
Weird Video Games

He's another pretentious shitter that rarely knows what he's talking about

>with out forcing it.
He has some of the most forced humour there is you fucking mongoloid.

>uhm actually, Yea Forums is a center for serious social change, we got a president elected you know???????

at least he doesn't bring it up non stop. I find it just as annoying when GGGmanlives goes on a tirade about SJW nonsense in a completely irrelevant gamereview

he is trying way too hard to fit in

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He does that to pander to his discord cronies. He didn't used to but it picked up massively around the time his little discord got big. After every video there's an endless circle jerk of "ha OWNED those sjws this time".

There's a whole lot of "boo hoo he said x so he's clearly y" without any shred of proof.

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Kreal is pretty fun


Hey, if you were trapped in a prison with only mainstream news sources and twitter for news, you'd become liberal too.

Well that passing Tweet just proves everything then, doesn't it?

The lizard people that built the pyramids, the jet fuel that melted the steel beams, Civvie being an absolute SJW because he's making fun of the autists that want historical accuracy in a video game -- the signs are just clearly there.

Thank you, user. I am now "woke". I'll be sure to go door to door and shout "niggers kill" in everyone's face and spend all of my time complaining about things that aren't video games on a video games board.

Watch his videos. I don't rewatch videos multiple times so I don't know which ones but sometimes he makes a little quip about some political stuff here and there. As I said it doesn't bother me that much so I don't know where you (You)'d me.

wow, nice overreach and appeal to ridicule, you truly disproved the proof you were asking for.

Civvie picks interesting games so I watch his shit from time to time but he really isn't funny and he's odd fucking man in prison schtick is cringe worthy. His worst gags end up being the ones he brings back the most to boot. But he's okay. Glad he's taking off.

>a single tweet
Sure, sure. I take it your brain transplant with the village idiot was a success?

>I remember years ago everyone on Yea Forums seemed to love Dunkey. Glad people stopped finding him funny
He was never funny IMO but sometimes he roasted revered shitty games like TLOU or Bioshock infinite which made him ok in my book.

surely you don't want me to go through all his videos and social media making a compilation of all his sporadic political commentary to give you, in a silver plater, all the proof you want right? And I'm sure if I deliever it, you will make a formal apology to me and also will admit your retardation.

Jerma is the only acceptable answer.

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How has this e-celeb thread stayed up for this long?

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I agree with you but you blew up your credibility and embarressed yourself here.

TLOU is objectively good, Infinite is objectively shit.

He flip flopped on TLOU. He was correct the first time so it was a real shame.

his videos started being recommended to a lot of people.

The point is that it's overrated as fuck, not that it's bad.

>embarrassed myself on an anonymous image board
How will I ever recover?

To each his own I guess. I found it to be really lacklustre. The gameplay could've been replaced with teltales style and nothing would've really changed. Might've increased the pace of the story which was the only aspect I liked.

>Liking any type of gaming youtuber
>Not playing the game yourself
You should just off yourself right now and save us all the trouble of reading your drivel.

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>actively killing all games with autistic sjw cancer

>unironic e-celeb thread
>most likely made by the shitty e-celeb himself shilling his own garbage trash channel

sage and hide