Nintendo fans

>Nintendo fans

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They show a black man in the photo so does Yea Forums count this as propaganda or based?

Its only to fool you into a false sense of security, black men dont play nintendo games they are too busy fucking married white women

Hahahahaha just watch Smash events or tournaments

You know you can get a vasectomy undone, right?

Not with 100% certainty, and the longer you go, the less successful it is. Also,
>neutering yourself
You are a self replicating molecule with literally one job, reproduce; don't mess it up.

Oh boy! Another 300 reply thread of 14-year olds going
>dude nothing matters bro kids are fucking parasites get woke bro just have fun
I was afraid we wouldn't get a fifth one today.

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>Doing anything but being shot and dying of overdose

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but that's true, nothing matters, the universe ceases to exist once I die

Well of course it's not 100% successful, nothing is.
Don't get me wrong though, I would never have a vasectomy, and would probably make fun of anyone who doesn't have a medical reason for one.

What if you have 4 kids but want to keep creampieing?

most men get vasectomies because they already have kids and don't want any more. the rest want to have an easier sex life with their partner at the very least.

then you have the bitter, unfuckable incels that start these threads, who will never be intimate with a woman, who try to make fun of these people. lmao

My girlfriend left me 4 months after I got my vasectomy, not saying I regret the decision but it was a bit of a bitch move pushing me to get snipped and making out as though we were going to be together forever only to dump me a few months later. I would still take her back if she came back to me but I am none too happy about her forcing me in to getting the snip and leaving me.

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>Doing anything other than raping animals, eating their own children, dying of AIDS, and shitting in public

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Not anymore

Do Americans really think vasectomy = cutting off your balls? These retards keep popping up in threads like this, and they're seemingly all American. or are they just underage.

I thought these were safe, but after my dad went through it because my mom couldn't keep up with the pills, he became an absolute bitch. I been getting away with absolutely everything after he lost his balls.

why would you mutilate your own body if your girlfriend told you to

>These threads still get people S E E T H I N G
The absolute state of Yea Forums

as he says, posting zoomer content

Why didn't your mum just get one of those spiral thingys?

that's because we already mutilated her son

I hope this post is fake. Why would she ask you to do that? And why would you do it?

Mutts aren't strangers to getting their genitals mutilated. It's considered completely normal in their lands.

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Don't think you're more important than you actually are. Once you die, no one will remeber you in like 50-100 years anyway and those people who do won't really give a shit about you anyone way, your kid will be telling your great grand kids about your worthless and achievements while they want to go play fortnite 7 on their google playstation.

That's not even slightly what that does you retard.

Fuck. Women forcing guys to get snipped are the worst, especially when they literally just have to take a pill to not get pregnant. You can't uncut those tubes, but you can just stop taking a pill.

>Not getting a vasectomy and raw dogging your wife every night
Literally no downside.

She told me we were going to get married, I was 23 then and am 26 now. We all do stupid things when we’re young and I would probably have gotten the snip at some point because I don’t think I could handle a ‘child-focused’ lifestyle even now.


Just nuke that shithole already

>We all do stupid things when we’re young
Sure, but getting your balls snipped is not simple stupidity.
You went full retard.

I need to do this, I can't stop dropping loads into my wife and getting her pregnant, 2 kids are expensive enough and the poor bastards keep getting my big ass head

Why would I want to skeet up another kid when I could just raw my wife with no worries.

probably getting a vasectomy soon

they can do the shit in like 7 minutes now. modern science is amazing.

>snip your cables
>have an complicated surgery to undo the damage which has also a big rate of failing
it's like you're arguing that you can get a laser tattoo removal. The better question is, why should you get one in the first place?

Can someone post that story about a guy who got vasectomy and then he found out his girlfriend was pregnant? (with some musician, I think)

My dad got a vasectomy after he was done having kids. Seemed practical to me. I'll probably do the same some day, but not before.

based and memepilled

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How do they do it then?

>why should you get one in the first place?

hormonal birth control causes a lot of issues for some women, and physical birth control can migrate and kill you; is not safe

>Being such a cuck that you get your balls cut up instead of just telling your gf to take some pills

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My old man has 4 kids including me and my sister (twins) and my little brother and sister (also twins) and promptly tied himself up to stop that from ever happening again.

>Black man
>Implying niggers are human.

you went full retard for replying to obvious bait

Do you think they cut your balls after a vasectemy? Also unless you're underage, your mom shouldn't be having kids anyway, kids from older women are much more likely to be autistic or retarded or some shit.

Those iud arm injections for women are pretty sweet. Gf got it a year ago and she's taken in gallons of cum with no consequences.

i want my gf off birth control so she has more sexual arousal.

You are forgetting that it's also a protection for her lying/cheating and forcing the kid on you.
There are NO downsides to getting a vasectomy if you don't want (any more) kids.

>has more sexual arousal.
Give her a rest, she has too much sex with Jamal already

I know you Europeans are massively inbred but they do snip a cord near the testicles.

You do know women can get an IUD right?

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You absolute cuckold.

Why does somebody willingly do vasectomy?
For what reasons and purposes?

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Based and le redpilled xD

to not have kids

did you read the post? what do you think physical birth control is dork

>not wanting as many of your spawn as possible to roam the earth
Low T beta detected

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Fuck you. I'm black and i'm a nice guy, never been in prison and don't do drugs. So fuck off.

Jewish brainwashing
Mutts rationalize it them same way they rationalize circumcision or sending their sons to die in Middle Eastern wars

put her on the pill then you dumb virgin incel

>muh the jews

how does it feel to know that you can't even have sex but i have both sponsored an abortion and busted thousands of loads inside different girls that were stopped from becoming babies by birth controls

im like the fucking jewish enforcer destroying your dream of life

Hi there. I'm too am black. Just got out of prison for being homeless

>I'm black
Why would anyone want to be black, at least on the internet you can pretend to be white desu

But what if someday you suddenly begin to want kids?
Why just don't use condoms and abortion pills?
Burning the bridges - not the best idea.

>Impling it's not third world doomers shitposting about the downfall of western civilization

>I'm a nice guy
Keep telling yourself that
I'm sure you're cute too user.

But user
I am the Jew

How come sonybros are meme kings but the tendies can't meme? Answer:

Sonybro make memes based off real life. It's funny because it's true and it make the subject mad as hell.

Meanwhile tendies just repeat the same thing they've head, "movies" circa 2006 or NO U SOI

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Vasectomies make you more likely to develop prostate cancer. That's the only reason I'm not getting one. I have enough kids, I feel like if I had another I wouldn't be able to give them 100%. I'd just be spread too thin.

So I guess it's confirmed that you're American/retarded when you think that means "cutting off the balls". The testicles remain attached.

Its a white people thing. You don't see niggers or spics doing it. And Asians are too based to do it.

>Vasectomies make you more likely to develop prostate cancer

that's based on one or two studies from 30+ years ago. meta-analysis has shown no causal link

i have 2 kids already, the way the world works where i live makes it impossible to afford having any more, and i have sperm banked for future use if i absolutely must
I've been nutting in my wife freely for 3 years now and it's cash

people who get them before having any children are legitimately sick in the head

Don't let them get you bummed out bro.

Sonyfags can't meme.

>I been getting away with absolutely everything after he lost his balls.
That's not how a vasectomy works retard.
Yeah and how does that get rid of your balls?

1. sex with condoms isn't sex, it's just frustrating
2. you can easily freeze sperm first if you for some reason want kids

Jewish brainwashing
t. Jew

Dont worry about these people geniuenly, not like youd meet any of them irl anyway dont waste your energy on them

>people still can't comprehend anything beyond the literal sense
>what is even reading comprehension
Are you fucks autistic? He still has his balls but it definitely fucked him up

I made a ton of nintendie wojaks that get floated here daily and I only use my switch

I don't get it? Aside from no preggos, is there any logical reason for vasectomy?

It's probably a court ordered vasectomy in that case.

>you must have children or you are sick in the head

By having two children you doomed two orphanage kids who will probably stay in orphanages their whole lives then age out and become criminals

You cannot morally support birthing children when orphanage kids exist

Go ahead and tell me im the sick one though :)) the world needed YOUR children specifically after all.

if you don't think "no preggos" is a big deal, you're either foreveralone or underage.

no, it did not
you're a disaster of confirmation bias and false causality

I miss this, ex got the copper wire thing in her vagoo, made things way easier. We broke up last year though, ironically because we disagreed on kids. Current gf doesnt have any b/c yet, don't mind condoms but i miss the ease of access


Yes goyim, don't reproduce!
Cucking yourself is only moral after all hehehe :))

Snip doesn't mean the same thing as cut off.

yes, don't reproduce

why would anyone ever have kids, what an awful fate lol

>1. sex with condoms isn't sex, it's just frustrating
t. virgin

I want to say this is an elaborately designed insult, but their yelp page has too many low-test manchildren to be fake.

On the other hand, any man that agrees to a vasectomy never had any balls to begin with.

Based, but treacherous

its funny people here think kids are an achievement of any kind, when all you're doing is being a selfish asshole, overpopulating the planet, and who needs a kid because your life is fucking garbage and you don't know what to do with yourself. kids are an absolute waste of money. not to mention the fucker could have all kinds of problems, unrelated to how good you are as a parent

This is not a switch player. This is a created scenario. You faggots are the target audience. Don't buy in.

fuck the world, *I* needed *MY* children. I'm not a cuck, I won't raise the tainted spawn of some OD'd meth junkie

suck my ass

I'm 28, i've never wanted kids and never will, don't have the urge to be a parent. It's just not for me, I can see why it would be a big deal if you do want kids and can no longer afford to have more or dont want to worry at the age of like 45 but beyond that what's the issue/reason beyond convenience?

Except it doesn't. The endocrine function of the balls remains the same.


People with kids are statistically happier then people without kids

thats not true at all.

All underaged
You very much keep your balls.
Hell all they do is cut and tie two tubes in your nuts.
You keep your balls, you keep your testosterone you just lose fertility and sperm count
Shit I have a vasectomy and I’m constantly getting laid

>mind if we take a picture of how relaxed you are
>your face won't be in it

advertising isn't some big business anymore faggot, you take a picture and upload it to facebook with some little blurb and it takes 60 seconds to do all of that

did you just watch Mad Men and think you're some kind of enlightened homo boy?

nah thats a hard no from me dawg

sex with condoms has no value, if you think it does you are at the age where youre just blown away to be having sex

lets see how those statistics hold up in the 2025 economy friend

P.S. food and water riots within 25 years, good luck to your kids

Hang yourself nigger.

You are nothing short of an absolute fucking faggot, It better be bait

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it is empirically proven to be true, but the causality is suspect, as people with kids in developed countries are also more likely to be financially stable, secure in their lives, etc. as that shit goes hand in hand with deciding to take care of a child.


I first said that people kept writing about "cutting them off", you were the retard that brought up snipping in a reply, for whatever reason.

To even go through with the procedure in the first place, your balls weren't functioning endocrinicly.
Its more of a marker signalling to the world that you are not a man, rather than a procedure that takes away your manhood.

Get the fuck out.

>adopting a kid that isnt even yours or your wifes
>taking abandoned luggage from who knows what genetics
>never able to look at the kid in the face and say you made them
Orphans should be taken into special programs where they become part of the working class hive and do the jobs nobody wants to do like fast food or retail work.

>P.S. food and water riots within 25 years
nothing amuses me like the modern culture of
>I'm bored with life and have convinced myself there will be some kind of collapse in my lifetime
>I'm JuSt LiKe KaTnIsS

Though I don't want kids, I definitely don't see it this negatively, BUT, i do agree in that I see too many people who have kids when they shouldn't or just because they feel socially obligated or what ever and that's honestly super fucked up imo. I would hate to be that kid, because i was that kids, coming from a single parent home didnt screw me as much as it could have, my mom did her best but my dad being transient ensured that i would just end up not having the drive to be a parent, especially because i know what its like to have an unmotivated parent so i would never want to be that, simple logic really.

So your coping mechanism for your cuckoldry is to come up with fantasy scenarios about the future of the economy?
Tell me more user.

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vagoo is vintage Yea Forums terminology lad

i can barely comprehend how retarded you are
why would there need to be an "aside" when the one reason is a huge fucking life changing thing? you don't need other reasons than that one.

>Dude already has 2 or 3 kids and doesn't want anymore.

How hard is that to understand?

I’ll just bomb retirement homes in my area and voila, population back in balance


no its really just hard science

im not sure what you think is going to happen to the 200+ million unemployable people after automation

t. Self-hating orphan.

Thank goodness there's a containment for little shits like you and those in this thread.


Why not just have your wife have the surgery, or jsut tell the bitch to take some pills

Imagine not just enjoying the act of intimacy with your partner

>Take away your manhood
Your manhood is still there retard. You literally just don't have sperm in your output. Now you can have as much sex as you want without worrying about children. Seems manlier than being an incel like you who wont ever have sex.

That's when you introduce a UBI.

Why do assume that men who play vidya don't have children already?

Stop projecting.

>after automation
man i can't wait for them to flip the switch that turns on automation
should be a blast
ThEn I cAn GeT mY bOw AnD aRrOwS

>what are you all doing?
>what are yall doing?
Nigger, saying yall is the only thing the south does right

no, it isn't. happiness is always fleeting. it is a mechanism designed to tell us when we are in a good situation, and this never fails to stop so there can be room for discontent. you're a brainwashed sheep if you think anything you said carries any merit or truth for anyone's lives. some people might be happy, others miserable. neither will stay the same, so shut the fuck up and live with your shitty decisions you fucking peasant.

Wh*toids are the ones overdosing, or are you forgetting the opioid epidemic because the media doesn't want to talk about it because only whitey is dying?

That's just old school 4chin my boi.

So either way:

A nigger is being a nigger

Really? You agree with me and insult me? Perhaps you are lacking in manhood?

Automation has been a conversation for a century. As always, jobs are created that we didn't know we need or would exist. You sound like a highschooler who has no idea how the world works.

heart attack waiting to happen, not 100% effective, and also contribute to the pollution of our drinking water?
Excellent idea, idiot

>Not getting a vasectomy
Not having to worry about kids is great. Get fucked.

you don't need a wife to have kids you turd.

Which orphanage are you in? Has to be in a good city if they give (you) guys internet

>thirst is fleeting, it's a mechanism to tell us when we're lacking hydration and this never fails to stop
>this means water related statistics are bullshit

I was just curious if there was anything beyond that, is English not your first language? Thought my posts were pretty clear

Every meme that trancends Yea Forums and spreads to the whole internet is by sonybros

My exes Stepdad had 1127 days poured into World of Warcraft and he had 2 kids not counting herself and 2 brothers

>being a degenerate

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I always wondered why Americans were so different to the rest of the western world. Can't believe the Jews managed to convince them that mutilating their sons dicks was normal.

>As always, jobs are created that we didn't know we need or would exist

no longer applicable. it's a huge fallacy to go "this has always happened so it will continue to happen" no, the situation is not the same

automation will be able to take over inherently human tasks and replacing 10 people on an assembly line who do rote labor is not going to create 10 more jobs. it's going to create 1 more job, that requires a doctorate to work on the automation system

It can be reversed but I dont know why anyone would want to. Kids just fucking suck up all of your money and time. And you'll just end up shackled to some bitch you never wanted to stay with

Why is Chanology so fucking confusing with old and new constantly clashing and changing?

you should have been aborted. equating emotions to water? lol fucking dumbshit.

>not getting one
>spawning more children
Oh wait, Yea Forums, none of us getting laid anyway.

>forces you to get snipped
You were a low t cuck and if you're willing to take her back even after that you're an idiot too. Unless she forced a gun to your head and made you get the snip she didnt force you to do anything. End yourself.

Your genes live on though. What if the afterlife is your living on through your ancestors?

I'd be pretty fucked if that's the case, but what if you know?