>no player EVER did an all (42) bosses no-hit run
This is why I love this game. It dabs on shitters.
No player EVER did an all (42) bosses no-hit run
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I did
I platinumed your beloved ds2 in 10 days
>DS2 fags still seething this hard
its ok bro, its all gonna be ok
is there such an achievement?
and good luck with DaS2 having some of the worst hitboxes in the entire series
Blame your lack of skill, not the game, you shitter. I bet you love DS1 where even girls can achieve no-hit runs (lol).
because the bosses are too boring, and no one bothered to do them all?
humanoid bosses >>> all
if you disagree, what can I say, you are literally retarded.
>lol girls amirite fellas?
you gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo
Watching Otzdarva try and beat all bosses hitless has reminded be of how much bullshit DS2 was
he even posted the 9 hour stream.
wait fuck, he said no hits. whoops
He came close once at the last remaining boss having about 30 hp left, so it is possible, just entirely bullshit.
Besides all the bullshit you would run into. The DLC "coop" areas would kill every run.
I did it with a trainer in 5 minutes
They did though, just not for scholar
Why do people pretend the DLC for DAS2 was good? Hell, I LIKED the base game, but the first DLC was literally the "throw 20 enemies at you to make it hard" meme.
I feel the same way about Bloodborne's DLC, I just don't understand why anyone thinks throwing a bunch of hunters (which were the worst part of the base game) is fun.
ds2 people are delusional and think protecting a pile of shit makes them special. ds2 is an alright game, but a mediocore dark souls game
Hi, I like SOTFS
Go away. This board is not for children.
DS2 is x1000 easier than DS1
I agree, which is why DS3 is great
Someone make a thread if Otz gets to like 10-15 bosses left. He keeps getting hit and I can't be bothered to watch the beginning again and again