ITT Games made by those who were definitely on shrooms

ITT Games made by those who were definitely on shrooms

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Other urls found in this thread:



Morrowind literally


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Silent Hill

>Silent Hill
I don't want to have that mushroom trip.

SMW2: Yoshi's Island.

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dude.... drugs bro lol... haha imsoff uffcking hIGH RIGHT NOW HAHAHAH brooooo ffpfpffpff hhhhhhaaaaaaa

>virgin loser detected

This is true

how can you program while hallucinating? doesn't it make more sense to hallucinate, record audio or video what you see and feel and then use it to make the game while sober?

Yeah brah, we DARE say no to drugs!
Drugs are bad, mkay, but not meds that have the same effect, because the govt said so.

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why is Yea Forums one of the few places where straight edge people are more annoying than drug users?

>how can you program while hallucinating?
Not while, but the slow coming down from a psilo/DMT trip allows you to do stuff, it takes hours.
Talk, write or draw is a classic one.

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If you'd seen the internet in the 2000s you'd be glad that Yea Forums is straight-edge
unless you're into drugs yourself


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Super Mario Bros dude

because people view this as the right place to do so.

i dont like it

Because autistic kids take pride in them never having done drugs. It somehow make them "better" than the normies.

What they fail to disclose is that if they never tried anything, it's because nobody ever hanged out enough with them to actually have the opportunity.

Imagine being this much of a loser

>lmao thats so WEIRD and QUIRKY bro that dude mustve been on drugs or something man lmao

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>psilo AND lsd
Must have been an interesting week.

shrooms aren't a catalyst for spiritual journey.
theyre just a toxin that will poison you temporarily if ingested, and obviously your mind will try to work through it.
if anything people are imbibing schizophrenia; based on the effect of psilocybin acting as a chemical messenger.
we get ahead of ourselves so much as humans
myself included. all the time. people are fukn goofy across the board tho.
that being said, morrowind was a reported case in this department of discussion.

dude xD


I've tripped on shrooms and acid to Silent Hill 1. Acid was great, shrooms were a nightmare because I had zero coordination.

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lmao lick my balls junkie

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far cry 3

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I wish I had a reliable source of real Acid

based and DAREpilled

its 2019, anyone with an internet connection can have drugs delivered straight to his door rhe next day. in any case, being friends with junkies doeant make you cool and if you think consuming illicit substances makes you interesting you must be the most boring peraon in the planet.

Pretty much.

Cut too close to the bone, huh.

I thought this was a penis coming through a glory hole and it was a POV shot.

Oh, so that's why the game is the weirdest shit ever.



based clown

using drugs is like taking a brain tattoo

I agree, but autistic kids here are too afraid to order drugs to their mom's house.
Much less actually take them. They don't even have a friend to watch over them.

the last part is horseshit, since nowadays you can get drugs pretty much anywhere, also, not surprised the junkie is a phoneposter

Stop watching porn, your brain is mush.

>pretending to be a 90's soccer mom
>on Yea Forums

You're not very educated, huh.

Sorry user, but dude posting is no longer in vogue here
and it was always gay anyway[s/poiler]

cringe and junkiepilled

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>bro why arent you taking drugs? everyone else does them

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again, using drugs doesn't make you more interesting, nor is there anything admirable in buying them. its pretty alarming if you have to brag with that on Yea Forums to feel superior to someone.

not who youre replying too and im postan on a pc but what is this h8 for phoneposters?
im high enough 2 ask - gabapentin - the thinkan man's drug.

Reminder that the kind of people saying that are mindlessly taking their SSRI, flu shots, drink tap water and lecithin soi.

at least my brain isnt rewired by drugs.

Lawnmower Man.

>i dont take meds though

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>seething this hard about what others do in private
you werent part of the cool kids and still mad about it?

Mother Russia Bleeds
My Friend Pedro
Yars’ Revenge

Botanicula by Amanita Design

There's a part where characters encounter mushrooms and they give them wisdom (a tutorial)


forgot pic

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Exemplary tastes.

cocaine ruined my life

Truly based

You're retarded to take cocaine.

permanent brain damage?

Daily reminder that no matter what vice you have, or how ever low you sink in life, you will never be a dumb frogposter.

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From the thumbnail I thought this was either a glory hole or squidwards nose.

>Drugs are bad
yeah, you're right

We agree with this post

game name?

giving into peer pressure is peak loser though

Genuinely the best feeling to never be associated with Frogtumors and Wojackshitters.

thanks I needed that

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I am both though, rock bottom and I occasionally post frogs.

No, all of my friends (well ancient friends) and my girlfriend (exgf) became fucking addict and they turn against me cause I was against their autodestruction.

Junkies are in the same category as trannies. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT YOU DO DRUGS, FUCK OFF

show me where the frog hurt you?

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1. Install Tails OS on a flash drive
2. Generate a PGP Key for yourself with the built-in app
4. Find the link to GammaGoblin's store
5. Follow all instructions on the site and remember to use your real information for the shipping address (encrypted for GG using his Public PGP and signed with your PGP)
6. Wait...
7. ACID!

It'll be disguised as any normal letter so make sure to go through everything you get after ordering, even if it is spam. Remember that LSD is shipped literally infused into paper and has no taste/scent, so detecting it outside of opening the envelope and testing the tabs with a kit is completely impossible unless you were set up

The image of a cat-bus seems to exist in the psyche of many people for some odd reason...

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Bro just order an analog off the clearnet for cheap as fuck

Nobody's bragging, just making fun of virgins

There is a 0% chance that the guys working on The Void were not on shrooms or lsd at some point when they make this fucking game.

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>Reddit spacing
>Peer pressure fag

Even internationally? hard to believe.

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If you're triggered by that much, you won't survive long around here.

But we are better then you
>nobody ever hanged out enough with them to actually have the opportunity
So you succumb to the peer pressure like a mindless NPC
Just say no bro, heh

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Are you okay?

Yeah don't order internationally

Also I find it hard to believe any Japanese game involving LSD/shrooms in its production. THat being said, I do get a somehwat trippy vibe from Dark Souls and BotW

This board has way too many normalfaggots.

You might also just order on DreamMarket.

This is very true


I'd much rather smoke weed sometimes than be addicted to posting cartoon frogs on my phone because it gets people to pay attention to me. Imagine needing that kind of validation from people, you can tell they didn't get much attention from their own parents.

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You don't make the game high. You could get the inspiration for your game and think of the concept or general guide lines and maybe work on some of the art while tripping.
But anyone who's ever taken shrooms or LSD know that it's nearly impossible to program while tripping.
Microdosing is another story though.

c'mere and gimme a hug

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>Also I find it hard to believe any Japanese game involving LSD/shrooms in its production
Shrooms is basically the only "legal" drug in Japan.
You can pick up shrooms and eat them in your home, it's actually not illegal.
And Japanese do know a lot about species of mushrooms.

You sound like a nigger!

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maybe i dunno, they used their imgination with no drugs involved? maybe visualizing abstract things is something your drug smoothed brain can no longer do but people in general can imagine wild things without the influence of drugs.

>Just say no bro, heh
Why? Because daddy governement says no?
Live a little. Expand your mind.

found it, it's Super Galdelic Hour

DUUUUUDE resist the government by taking DRUGS,,, epic.

Damn, you really failed to comprehend what I said in my post, huh

>install skyrim and mod it to hell because bored as fuck
>one is immersive creatures
>smoke a bowl
>run game
>come across a small river
>theres a fucking rhino
>questioning myself since when are there rhinos in this game, never saw one because I hate skyrim and never played it enough
>walk up to it and it 1 hits me
>mfw for like 5 minutes

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They will never, ever admit it, but someone in the original SMB dev team definitely did a lot of shrooms.

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Man I don't care bout drugs but with some fags gotta be obnoxious with them? Literally CAN'T go to the beach here in Florida without my nostrils getting brapped by cannabis.

You're coping because you didn't have any friend, huh.
We get it, it's okay, user.

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you know your hallucinations aren't friends right

Hey man.
It's okay.

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I feel for you man, if I was completely friendless I'd probably drug myself into the delusion of being popular too.

we're all having fun here, user, come join us

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My guy are you really trying to "I know you are but what am I" them? Are you 8?

>imagine being on so much shrooms that you put shrooms all over your game

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shrooms > acid

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Kingdom Hearts, especially Coded.

This so much
Even worse is that nigger that goes to the movies smelling like he smoked to fucking trees and is next to you. FUCK

>my guy
>my dude
improve your vocabulary, black boy

It's different, mang.


Hit the nail on the head, didn't I?

Is there an easier way to tell if someone is a braindead moron than if they see something weird or creative on immediately go "DUDE WAS THIS MADE ON DRUGS???? XD"

Objectively wrong.

I prefer high dose edibles when I want mild psychedelics without the long ass time LSD takes

it's different but one is superior

>dude tripping for 12 hours grinding my teeth lmao

you sound like a darkie tbqh

Why do you answer several times to him?
Are you that mad?

That's not how drugs work mate.
Why are you so adamantly opposed to something you clearly don't know anything about? It's almost cute in a way. Like an innocent child.

2 seperate people who arent the guy he was originalyl talking to called him a nigger

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Buddy I just got here, maybe those ebin drugs are doing things to your mind.

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The guys behind these games used to be semi-open about their mushroom trips.

The guy behind Hotline Miami took them too but he mostly put acid references in his games. Those blotches of "invisible" mist are just too real.

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Pale as a ghost actually. Guess that makes me 2 for 2 huh? Wanna try again?

Actual good usage of npc, been a fucking while

I love the artstyle. What game is this?

No wonder every attack misses in that game, dude was too high to code combat properly

A whigger... even worse.

That's Shelter 2. It's a free roam game where you play a Lynx mother that has to protect and nurture its young. They have permadeath too which is cool and if you're not good enough you pretty much has to ignore/push away the runt so the rest can survive.

There's also a prequel where you play as a badger with badger cubs but it's not free roam and there's an online game called Meadow(which I often play while coming down on acid) and some other spin-offs I never bothered playing.

He was a writer, not a programmer
and git gud

>tfw you have to deal with junkies everyday
>tfw out of all the junkie types, stoners are the one you hate the most because they fucking reek and take too damn long to get ONE(1) bag of fucking chips
I think you're all scum, but at least the ones you clearly take harder shit aren't fucking obnoxious. Christ weedfags need to be hung

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Do you work in a gas station?



>everyone else I knew in school smoked weed
>I was offered some once but my dumb ass turned it down because "le straight edge"

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wut bout it wyteboi

You made the right choice

t. stoner falseflag

Imagine being this much of a loser lmfao

Psychedelics are good. Weed is shit, alcohol is shit.


Like a working clock

I guess if I was a complete failure at life, I'd do what you do and plug the holes of my insecurities with thinking that others are just as much of a degenerate as me

npcs BTFO eternally

bioshock 2

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>Psychedelics are good
Wrong, they're shit
>weed is shit, alcohol is shit

ITT: "straight edge" but then fap to traps, weebshit, degenerate shit etc.

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LSD is literally paper. No amount of xraying or drug-sniffing dogs will detect it.

LSD Simulator



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>All these mad replies
It really gets under their skin because deep down they know they're failures. They can't help but reply to try and prove you wrong so that those feelings go away.

Dunno if it was shrooms specifically, might have been something harder.

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I took a shroom once and it did literally nothing

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>not getting your flu shot

Hopefully the next large pandemic flu is on the way and will wipe out retards like you

Yea Forums was always easy to trigger. Post a humanized pony and watch the shitshow happen.

>LSD is literally paper.
Liquid product on paper.
You could pour alcohol on paper, let it dry, and say "BUT IT'S JUST PAPER"


>he takes flu shots
That's a big fat Y I K E S for me.

Wrong, they're great when used responsibly. It's fine if you don't want to try them, but fuck off if you try to form an opinion of something you haven't tried.

This stuff is usually measured in grams you know. You don't just eat 'a shroom'.

You're posting on Yea Forums. You're a failure by default lol.


Psychadelics are literally the worst thing you can put in your body. I don't know how frying your brain with military-grade hallucinogens was ever seen as acceptable.

There's nothing wrong with doing drugs or with choosing to abstain. Stop being judgmental faggots

Psychedelics can help you a lot. After doing lsd for the first time I never touched alcohol or weed again. I trip like once a month and meditate, it’s a really nice experience. The reason that post has so many replies is because Yea Forums is full of bitter losers and making fun of them is good. There’s a whole crowd of anons who pretend to be conservative, Christian, anti-degeneracy to btfo the normies and yet they post on Yea Forums which has always been a home for weirdos. It’s cringe

What if I'm a smart and responsible frogposter?

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>but fuck off if you try to form an opinion of something you haven't tried.
Nah, stay mad junkie or just quit putting garbage into you.

I bet you think lsd stays in your spine too.

I ate some shroom


>There's nothing wrong with doing drugs
it's bad for your soul

Psychedelics are literally harmless. In rare cases it can exacerbate mental illness. You’ve clearly never done psychedelics because they’re harmless to the body.

the first time i was offered acid was on a beach in the middle of nowhere in japan

And you just had to reply, didn't you? To totally show me that you're not mad? Get real lol

nigger just use the silk road...

What soul? Do even know where you are?

>I don't know how frying your brain with military-grade hallucinogens was ever seen as acceptable.
He said it.
I heard it on CNN, when something is "military grade", it means it's bad and scary.
Like military-grade rifles because it's black and all

I mean, military is big and scary, and when something is military grade, it's bad.
Say no to military grade water, user. It's the water soldiers drink.

You're clearly uneducated on the subject.
Read Erowid or something.


>Psychedelics are literally harmless
Terrance McKenna died of a brain tumor

>smart and responsible

>I trip like once a month
That's a bit much man IMO, it's supposed to be something special you do once or a few times in your entire life, not like having your periods.

Anyone performed the hero's journey?
Did it help you?

At first I thought the angle of this photo as weird, but then I realized Todd was probably on his tip toes while taking it.

Most of them are bad for your physical health too

Well you took the wrong kind, or cooked it, or drank a tea too hot with it.
Just take more.

what's your opinion on getting fucked in the ass by 1000 degree hot spiked cocks, or coating your body in cow shit and running around in public

>it's bad for your soul
Said the man on the hacker forum known as four chan.

>Terrance McKenna died of a brain tumor
So did John McCain.

>Post a humanized pony and watch the shitshow happen.
What year are you stuck in user because this never happens anymore

I'm sorry am I posting on /atheism/?

>nigger just use the silk road...
Is this 2005?

Ironic isn’t it. If I remember correctly he himself wondered if psychedelics contributed but in the end it was just plain old cancer, just like thousands of other sober people get.

He probably should have laid off the acid then

Doctors said there was no causal link

What does the monomyth has to do with psychotropic drugs?

>just plain old cancer
Smokers get lung cancer

I'm sorry am I posting on /christianlife/?

I also still use the pirate bay, fite me fgt.

>Smokers get lung cancer
And fags get gay cancer.

Cocaine didn't ruin my life because the people I hang out with know their limits.

I still use TPB too my nigga, but I didn't know there was another silk road still up.
AFAIK, everyone uses Dream Market.

Just don't do synthetics and you're mostly fine. Psychs can fuck you up with a bad trip and weed may make you forget shit so don't abuse them and it's a-ok.

Because everyone has been absolutely fed up with "I'm so fucking high" players for as long as online multiplayer has been a thing.


Morrowind because they found MK in his underwear high as fuck after locking himself for a few days in his house.If you wonder whats the deal with dunmer/telvanni with mushrooms here is the answer.

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Weed destroys you spiritually and makes you numb to your divine purpose

You cant make games on shrooms, unless maybe its a really low dose. You cant even walk straight on shrooms let alone program anything even remotley competent/ functional

>Just don't do synthetics and you're mostly fine.
Well, "natural" and "organic" plants can fuck the shit up out of you pretty bad too.

But sure, when you pick up a plant or a shroom, you can make sure what you take, but when you're given a pill or a tab, no much way to know.

dinner or telvanni house? you decide

Yeah, because you’re literally putting smoke into your lungs. There is zero evidence suggesting psychedelics have any effect on the body

the brain is part of your body you know

Alcohol smells and tastes like alcohol.
LSD has no taste and has no scent.

Unless the envelope is physically opened and the product ingested or tested, then it will never appear to be anything but paper. This means that there is no cause for opening your mail legally since they could never prove that your paper looked suspicious.

No, but you can get artistic ideas or writing ideas.

fyi the most harmless, comfy, natural drug on Earth is mescaline.

It's in version 3.1 now. Never had complaints.

And it’s been studied and there’s no evidence showing it effects the brain negatively. However there is evidence suggesting SSRI’s and so on DO. One is illegal and the other is legal and makes billions


>"In 1955, English politician Christopher Mayhew took part in an experiment for BBC's Panorama, in which he ingested 400 mg of mescaline under the supervision of psychiatrist Humphry Osmond. Though the recording was deemed too controversial and ultimately omitted from the show, Mayhew praised the experience, calling it "the most interesting thing I ever did"."
Kek, he must have gone very far.

Not if you don't smoke everyday and keep it to weekends. Also Rastafari is pratically a religion at this point.

It was a bad generalization of my part but it's a rule of thumb that mostly works.
>when you're given a pill or a tab, no much way to know
That's true. I never bought E or other synths because of that.

>no evidence
People know fuck-all about the brain and even less about LSDs effects on it

>something has a slightly more artstlye or unique mechanics than just your generic brown and bloom shooter or sony movie

>Not if you don't smoke everyday and keep it to weekends.
Any regular use will

Then don't. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head. Simple as that.

It didnt used to be, happened after the alt right invasion. Unfortunately these days most Yea Forums users are country hicks and the only drug theyve ever heard of is meth (which is pretty fucking bad to be fair).

Source: try to play any game with Yea Forums and half the people in your lobby are gonna sound like Jimbob from Southpark. It was not like this pre-/pol/.

I don't
The point is they aren't "safe"

Could someone please explain the meaning of clown Pepe to me?
I get that the point is to make jannies mad, but what is the meaning of that particular shitposting? Why would pepeclowns make them mad?

Straight edge people just sound like vegans preaching at people.

>it’s not safe!
That’s your opinion and it’s not your body.


Safety isn't a matter of opinion, or ownership you brainlet

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I do not want to sound controversial, but anyone doing drugs is a worthless subhuman that should be murdered, in my humble opinion.

>reddit moves in an acts like they own the place

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yeah pretty much

That would be nice and all if druggies wouldn't be the type of parasitic leeches that also advocate for universal healthcare.

No drug is 100% safe and the ones that say that are absolutely delusional but at least I can't overdose and it won't transform me into a base slave, i'll just forget somethings and I may sleep a bit more than usual.

Also, I've studied with shamans and even alcohol fucks your connection to the spiritual so it's a moot point.

>bro just take some shrooms Haha Haha. Dude, but, like, can I borrow, like, everything?

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You’re reaching. People who use drugs are all over the political spectrum. Not everything is black and white

why are druggie NPCs so predictable. they have like three stock responses
>what are you a loser dude
>I bet you do worse stuff
>why do you care it doesnt affect you

depends on iq sadly. some people impotently grip at the grass on my lawn when tripping, yet ive seen a mensa member play Rachmaninoff through the peak. work is the most functional thing to habituate, it changes your career and life in a very functional way. I run bentley autoplant on microstation for a living. CAD's a blast on shrooms; Im an indefatigable designer, illustrator & draftsman because of decades of this. programming is vastly more complex and difficult than *drawing*, i suppose you'd have to microdose at first, work your way up.

>even alcohol fucks your connection to the spiritual
>therefore marijauana is ok
perhaps you should study some basic logical fallacies too
Alcohol doesn't effect you in the same way weed does, not that I'm condoning alcohol

What's it like being in the minority now? XD Enjoy your shit life while I get high on shrooms with babes and experience life tubby.

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Look, i'm not saying killing all druggies would solve all problems, just a lot of problems.

>mensa member
Mensa allows you at 130 and up, it's only the 98th percentile if you're white, it's not that impressive, 2% of the population is a lot.

>took acid once
>don't want to smoke anymore
Why did this happen?

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>needing to take drugs to make your life interesting

Druggies are the most pretentious useless fucks around, "ohh game is so weird must be drugs", losers.

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I don't care if it's safe or not, I just think you're all disgusting in the same way I'm disgusted by scatfags

How’s that working out in the Philippines? Cringelord

>Alcohol doesn't effect you in the same way weed does
Of course it doesn't, weed doesn't give liver failure now, does it?

So much falseflag

Point out anyway,spiritual or clinical that weed is worse than alcohol. go on, i'll wait.

No, but it makes you more retarded than you already are

I'm anti pharma too.

It's a known phenomenon, just Duckduckgo it.

Yeah it gives you lung cancer instead

Again, what does alcohol being bad have anything to do with weed?

taking 5 grams of dried mushrooms is the hero's journey

Apple and oranges. Comparing the two is meaningless. "Thing X is bad so that means thing Y isn't so bad". Looks like your habit has reduced your cognitive capacity

>something displays an ounce of creativity

Kill normalfags

I'm talking about human countries of course, you cannot fix a subhuman country by taking out the filth since 100% of the population is sub-90IQ already.

My god right wingers are the biggest cringe lords on Earth.

The reason the comparison is made is all about the legality.
It is 100% legal to be an alcoholic degen.

No, it's not what it means. But whatever.
And yeah, a lot of people have done high dosage psilocybin trips, which is basically the same as a traditional ayahuasca/DMT trip.

It's a very interesting experience. Read a lot about it before doing it. Don't go unprepared, it could go wrong or you could waste your first experience.

Did I say drugs should be illegal? I said they were bad for you

List the problems eliminating drug users would solve without circular reasoning

Only on the internet where they can say this he without consequence, in real life they're the biggest vaginas you'll ever see.

Im explaining why the alcohol comparison is so prevalent. Do you take everything so personally?

>big government is bad!
>but the government should have the right to lock you up for putting a substance in your own body’

Why are neo libertarians like this

I didn't say anything about myself
Alcohol has nothing to do with the discussion

They're not.
Also, neo libertarianism is not a thing.

third post best post

Alcohol is a drug so it necessarily has o do with the conversation.

People use acid or shrooms to lay off of other vices. Also, don't smoke on psych trip or it will ruin weed for you.

Use a vaporizer. Boom, no lung cancer.

Then don't smoke it until you're retarded. That's a question of self-restraint, not the drug itself


Right wingers, conservatives, whatever the fuck they are. Fuck them


Write drunk, edit sober


Kirkbride is the type of worldbuilder I aspire to be

ITT: Misguided people assume what being on shrooms is like

Lol. You cant be serious.
>there are no non drug using leftists
I thought right wingers use facts and reason. Not seeing much of either from you.

dood can you even imagine how high they must have been when they made htis haha

Alcohol is bad, so is marijuana
You can't even have a basic argument
Your intelligence is impaired

Scratch a neoliberal and a fascist bleeds.

This is the most nu-Yea Forums thread ever.You should all be ashamed of yourselves

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Maybe fake libertarians say that. All the libertarians I know personally are dude weeders and some have done acid too.


>What's it like being in the minority now? XD Enjoy your shit life while I get high on shrooms with babes and experience life tubby. By the way can I have a dollar, I got the fukkin munchies, maaaaan. hahahahaha

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Nobody is saying drugs aren't bad but just because of your whining, people won't stop doing them and never will, that's human nature.


>Nobody is saying drugs aren't bad
someone tried to say weed wasn't bad by saying "but alcohol is bad and it's legal"

I genuinely think that if you never had a psychedelic experience in your life, you are missing out big time. There nothing else quite like it.

>By the way can I have a dollar, I got the fukkin munchies

You can easily spend like 8 hours without eating while on shrooms desu

heard mescaline is a really nice, nature-loving drug.

If you bothered to take a minute to calm down and actually comprehend what i was saying, you would find that I was just explaining why the alcohol comparisons are always brought up. If something as bad as alcohol is legal, then why are we banning something that is only marginally better or worse. That is why comparisons are made.
Note: I never said if either weed or alcohol are good or bad.

You're retarted. It's the "lesser of two evils" question. It'll affect you but compared to all other drugs, it has the least impact of them.

shit thread
let's do this bois
post who/what you want in

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They ignore that shit like carbonated drinks and coffee are drugs also, just "legal"

No, i know the concept hero's journey has nothing to do with shrooms originally
That's what people call it

It's a thing I find myself conflicted with.

I think drugs in general are a really personal choice and one that should be taken seriously, but I also think psychedelics are really worth trying out.

I won't ever pressure anyone on it but I try to at least inform people if they are curious.


make that 16. Never tried eating food while high on shrooms, never felt the appetite and other things and thought would keep me occupied and that includes the afterglow effect once the trip stops.

>You don't even need to eat, bro

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I agree. Ipomoea violacea or DMT, on the other hand, are.

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i thought that was someone’s foreskin cover one of those ceiling titty lights

Things aren't banned because of how "bad" they are they're banned because of how they're percieved

>compared to all other drugs, it has the least impact of them.
No, it has a different effect, you may think it's the least harmful but it's just more insidious


Fuck off back to Facebook with this retarded shit.

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>theyre just a toxin
No? It's a common misconception thinking it's toxic shrooms that get you high. Well some can, but it's not the toxin that's psychoactive, it's polysyllabic and you can get polysyllabic in plenty of completely non toxic shrooms.



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Why are you still replying to that retard, he clearly doesn't want to have a discussion.

The internet has fucked you up if that was your first thought.

Imagine needing drugs to have fun, kill yourselves you soulless husks pretending to be human beings


>No, it has a different effect, you may think it's the least harmful but it's just more insidious

Enlighten me then. How is it harmful, doc?

DMT is fucked up.

>ITT: anons think normalfag NPCs do shrooms

I want to put my mushroom in her honeypot, if you understand what i mean.

>Why are you still replying to that retard, he clearly doesn't want to have a discussion.

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Drugs are usually associated with having a social life, which to most of Yea Forums is unfathomable.

Nice buzzword faggot.

I don't get it, could you explain?
Also post participants faglord

ah, didn't even properly look at the spellcheck. You probably figure out I meant psilocybin

Try it, not like a full course, but trying to eat different stuff, textures and tastes are great.

You obviously do need to eat, you just won't be hungry though, same with thirst to a degree. It is important to know that there is a difference between your understanding of reality while on drugs and what is actually happening. Be responsible.

Nobody starves in one day though.

Countering retardation Mr Rogers style

Need is a strong word.

I don't need to go to the beach to have fun, but I do have fun when I go to the beach. it's just a choice really.

>Meds that have the same effect
Retarded anti-pharma detected.
10/10 bait triggered my autism.

I only took it as part of Ayahuasca and the trip lasted 6 hours. I've heard of people distilling it and whoa, I can imagine it can fuck you up like that.

I wish normalfags would try them out instead of being either moralfags about it or being too chickenshit over it.

>SSRI Good
>CBD bad
Imagine being this jewed.

Exhauted girl that just did a workout.

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It just rips away reality.

my friends pressured me into doing drugs all the time and I'm still a moralfag about it

Where the video games

I'd like to try psychedelics but I'm too scared to order anything online and I don't know literally anyone in real life, let alone someone who'd know where to get drugs. I guess I could go in a forest to pick mushrooms but I'd just end up poisoning myself.

>hurrdurr shrooms are okay but DMT is the real deal man
It's chemically speaking the exact same shit.

DMT is psilocybin without an oxygen atom.
It's the same thing.

Take a lot of shrooms, and you'll have a trip like a DMT trip.

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My Only Comment

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I already told you
You lose connection with your spiritual self, on a long term basis

Wanna play ?
I'll be the little brother, you'll be the mom.

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you need to build more connections then. Are you 100% sure no one in your circle of friends is into drugs or psychodelics? You might be surprised if you show genuine interest.

I just said I don't have a circle of friends, I don't even have family

You need chemicals to feel emotion you uneducated fucktard. How do you think a brain works?

>Why does Yea Forums, the videogame board; board based around the stuff that actually requires you to have all your senses, brain cells active, and to be useful for engaging in a interactive media, single player or not; hate social status drug heads?

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what game?

Weeds and shrooms turn you into a woman(leftist).
Probably by making you lose 10-20IQ points kek

Psychedelics are the only drugs I'm interested in. Just too much of a pussy to buy them from strangers I don't know. Though I know there's a way to test LSD, I just don't know if it's foolproof.

Dick Kickem

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>Weeds and shrooms turn you into a woman(leftist).
>Probably by making you lose 10-20IQ points kek

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>dude just try it, I swear it'll change your mind it's not that bad

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right, didn't think you were actually literal there as it's hard to imagine a total loner, but ok. Depending on the size of your town/city you can find events that will probably attract people into that stuff, like a reggae or prog rock (prog anything honestly) concerts, so you can socialize with people there until you eventually get a connection to a dealer. This is not the type of thing that just happens overnight though. Or you could visit the Netherlands and buy some truffles there legaly.

>molecules are similar

You might want to do some more research before you say something like this. DMT has nothing to do with psilocybin.

>DMT is psilocybin without an oxygen atom.
Your image shows otherwise.


you can achieve the same effect without killing your brain cells through mediation.

Every single of their insults is related to social status, must be projection.

you are correct

Meditating shrinks your brain though

Nice selfie m8

Fuck your friends, don't let anyone pressure you into that shit.

Take your choice and that's it, whatever that one is.

user a shroom trip is pretty much a serotonine boost for a while.

It doesn't get you stoned like THC or alcohol, you often notice more patterns and pay more attention to things, it is really easy for example to see shapes looking at clouds.

Your coordination worsens so many games would be a total no-go, but seeing someone playing games with good visuals is probably pretty damn cool.

Also psychodelics are not really "party drugs", even if they can be used that way, if anything they can make you less social for the duration, it's really fucking weird to talk to anyone you don't trust while on a trip.

The same shit goes to all other drugs. Also, that is only harmful if you need to practice any sort of spirituality. It does open chakras but a week of abstaining and meditation closes them again.

There's evidence that some of the oldest cultures that embraced meditation also embraced psychedelics.

>Also, that is only harmful if you need to practice any sort of spirituality
It's like your implying spirituality is some sort of seperate 'option' and not the driving force of life

He's right on a molecular standpoint though.

>tfw weed is illegal in your country because the Anglos and Americans want to use their overrated hemp in our clothing industry and you can't get rid of them, because 5 of the 6 parties in the parliament suck US dicks.

Those Rain World guys were definitely hitting the pipe at some point during development:
>Dude, what if you're like, this small mammal that fights a bunch of psychedelic colored enemies
>How about eating the mushrooms slows down time and gives you super jumping powers

stfu dadamage

to some people drugs, but mostly weed is all they have, it's their personality trait, it's their hobby, it's their "skill". You ever hang out with stoners? all they talk about it weed, it's all they have in common.

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this, but unironically

Smoking weed has actually made me come back to my spiritual side after 10+ years of atheism. Ive also become alot more right leaning.

People who complain about peer pressure are crybabies, I tried them, they're still shit

Anybody using "Loser" seriously, on Yea Forums of all places, is a fucking outcast looking for attention.

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>DMT is psilocybin without an oxygen atom.


>right leaning
good one

>Also psychodelics are not really "party drugs"
this user is correct, this shit needs to be spread around more. Don't take a lot of psychodelics and go to a party or a concert, really bad idea. Take them somewhere you feel safe surrounded by people you really like (get them high too if possible).
I say that, but my party drug mix is a 1/3 of acid and 150mg of molly so I am bit of a hypocrite. However I saw too many people have a bad time going to big concerts while taking shrooms or acid

You sound like a miserable faggot

No he isnt. Psilocybin has all that other shit branching off of the O it has the P etc.

hotline miami 2

Because it isn't, not on this material plane, at least. You don't need your spiritual self to go get a job and live life, you may forge a deeper connection through meditation and prayers but it's not 100% necessary.


You tried.

That's a funny way to say 'at least I'm not Anthony Burch'

Touhou & Kingdom hearts
except ZUN is on beer
and Nomura is on destiny island shrooms

that's a result of being irresponsible and taking way too much

>all frogposters are Anthony Burch
Suddenly, everything makes sense.

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>You don't need your spiritual self to go get a job and live life
You do actually, you just have a limited understanding of spirituality
Habitual weed usage sabotages your life potential

Beat me to it.

No, he's not. The substitution of even one atom can (potentially) complete change the pharmacological effect of any given molecule. Heroin and codeine are extremely similar with that modified morphine base but they have profoundly different effects on the body.

>you just have a limited understanding of spirituality

And you don't have an understanding at all, it seems. All substances have effects on the spiritual self but it doesn't ruin one's life potential. Your potential depends on you and only you and the choices you make in life. Sure, dicking around and smoking everyday will ruin your life but that was your choice to give in and dick around and smoke everyday.

It's not suppose to be anything you authoritarian piece of fucking garbage

microdose. You don't do it fucked up.

How do you "lose touch to your spiritual self" with weed exactly?

>but it doesn't ruin one's life potential
It does
That was my point
It just does it in a more insidious way than say, alcohol or hard drugs

You lose touch with who you are on the inside and what you're supposed to do with your life

>I showed you my spores, now answer me.

might just be a jap thing

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I think psychadelics get a bad rep because of all the quasi spiritual "life coach" losers who claim that it enlightened them or has shown them "WE'RE ALL VIBRATIONS DUDE WOAH".
People often mistake a literal drug bombarding you with feel-good chemicals for religious experience because of it.
They're very eye opening in moderation and I'm very much for them, I just hate it when people give it more credit than it's due

Take a bath, stoner

It does

What makes you so sure of that? What religious school of thought are you employing here?

it fries your brain if you abuse it for starters. It doesn't take a bible thumper to be wary of substances that can kill you if you aren't aware o what you're doing.

If alcohol is a drug then I guess carbs, fats, and protein are all drugs too since you can get calories from alcohol.

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coffee and soda fags are just as bad as drug fags

Hey anons, I got some shrooms and they're real good. First one's free.

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why are seething neckbeards like always on Yea Forums the board with the unhealthiest shits on this entire site.

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Sounds a bit much, weed's a pretty wimpy drug

Alcohol is a drug, dummy.

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There's new age teachings about the spiritual dangers of drugs but I primarily trust my own knowledge and experience

why did you get triggered by his post, junkie?

well I guess weed isn't a drug either because I assume each bud has calories too.

>quasi spiritual "life coach" losers

People like McKenna definitely help give it a bad rep, but really they're all just regurgitating the credo of cultures that these substances originated from.

it clouds you mind's eye pretty bad, aside from making you feel physically slower and groggy.
Getting clean after a decade for a job interview was the best I've ever felt unironically.
Weed is a pointless kid's drug.

>"I showed you my spores answer me"

I'm gonna guess it's either projection or just over compensating because they aren't invited to parties?

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This is my biggest pet peeve. Maybe I'm just a bitch but I despite it when something creative and imaginative is reduced to the accidental result of a drug-induced trip.

Well I think you're misunderstanding, just because it's not a hard drug doesn't mean it isn't dangerous
Hard drugs are even more dangerous
And it's not like you can't recover from it, but it's not as easy or harmless as you probably think

I'm an Alan Watts guy myself. He's much more down to Earth with his ramblings.

>it fries your brain if you abuse it for starters

Going to need some source for that. Also, you need to smoke your own weight in weed to come close to an overdose.

>new age teachings about the spiritual dangers of drugs
And all of your arguments just flew right out the window
>my own knowledge and experience
And by my own knowledge and experience, I've never seen a responsible weed user ruin their lives.

I could do with clouding my mind's eye a bit, so sounds good.

it's just an observation user.


I'm a daily smoker too, and I stand by the fact that it makes you dull and witless.

I was hoping for a mushroom people thread but it's just drugs, what a disappointment

>And all of your arguments just flew right out the window
Oh, would you respect them more if the pope said it? Mainstream religions have been philosophically dead since the middle ages. You can't say you hang out with shamans and then dismiss all new age thought unequivocally

>And by my own knowledge and experience, I've never seen a responsible weed user ruin their lives.
Ruin your life is not the same as falling short of your potential, and you probably wouldn't know that if you saw it

imagine playing video games to have fun

the high stops feeling good a week into daily smoking unless it's some super good shit, at least personally.
You should try everything and stick to what you like in moderation around people you trust.
With age you'll grow out of it wholly or develop a habit.

stims > psychedelics > dogshit > weed

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Shrooms don't even make you hallucinate, it just gives you a body high like marijuana.

This is the only correct answer

you must have taken some shitty shrooms then, they took me to some other fractal plane of existence

If you think weed's that unhealthy, you've clearly never drank or taken anything harder for any real amount of time, I really doubt everything you've said.

I'm talking about daily usage throughout a decade. It's a shitty drug that makes you a shitty half person.

Same argument again
>other drug is worse so weed isn't bad
It's a logical fallacy friend

They don't make you hallucinate on low doses, they absolutely do on higher ones.

So Todd our Godd went to check on his co-worker who hadn't shown up to work. When he opened the door he found him high as fuck, possibly overdosing and in poor health condition.

And the first thing he did was take a picchi and upload it on the net?

Big ol weed jungle. Gonna be smoking the weeds soon enough.

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>makes you dull and witless

It does, that why self-restraint is needed. Keep it to weekends and take a break.

Because new age thoughts aren't compliant with actual spiritualism i.e buddhism or shamanism. Also, it depending on the religion it may make you fall out of favor of some entities but nothing like cutting one's potential. You're born with it and you employ the way you see fit. Nothing can take your potential from you.

Weed is for losers brah


Questionable as hell yes.

But take this as life advice: When something, anything, goes awry at work, document the fuck out of everything.

It takes some people to get affected by the shitstorm to learn the lesson, don't let that be you.

I guess that makes me a loser then.

>Because new age thoughts aren't compliant with actual spiritualism i.e buddhism or shamanism
That's both false (new age has a hard on for buddhism and shamanism) and goes against the teachings of both those religions, they're not monotheistic, and shamanism isn't even a religion
>Nothing can take your potential from you.
I can shoot you in your head
Or you can waste your life smoking weed and do nothing with yourself

>Doing drugs
>Not simply living with your pain and sorrow like a man

I take cannabis oil just so I don't build up resistance to my sleeping pills. Fuck drugs altogether.

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Yeah, if you use it as a crutch and don't focus on the issues you're trying to patch up with it, it'll just lead you to anxiety and ruminations, but most people take drugs casually, as per usual it's fuck heads that ruin it for everyone.
I'm saying drugs are a systemic issue that've been around for thousands of years, they're never going away, there's much more serious issues going on than fucking stoners, and a stupid plant that makes people feel funny

Stoicism is dank.

>more whataboutism

I don't know why I'm surprised at how many dorks there are on Yea Forums

most likely in combination with various other drugs

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Dabbing wax is a lot better than smoking weed, its vaping so you don't inhale the crap from smoke and wax is more concentrated THC so you get more high than from smoking weed.

I thought you said stoners had small brains, you can't even talk like a normal person

space engine

Whataboutism is where you ignore a problem by saying "what about these other problems". It's a basic logical fallacy which has been employed about five times already

as soon as it's legalised I'm getting one, I'll miss rolling joints though.

>and goes against the teachings of both those religions
That's why.

>I can shoot you in your head
That's not a decision I made it myself though
>Or you can waste your life smoking weed and do nothing with yourself
Or you can be a responsible human being with the substance and still live a normal life.

absolute seethe

the guy I replied to literally said it was "more dangerous than you think" and it definitely isn't very dangerous, and no one in this thread has provided anything but bullshit pseudoscience or theological possibilities to how it's so so so dangerous and evil

What is wrong with tap water?

If its good enough for the CIA, its good enough for me

you misunderstood what I said
You discrediting new age teachings goes against both buddhism and shamanism. Many new age teachings are simply western interpretations of buddhism, and of course many new age teaches are channeled from spirits (ie. shamanism)
You don't actually know what you're talking about
The responsible use of weed is not to use it at all

Theological possibilities are what I'm arguing, I won't argue it's physically dangerous because it isn't, but you can look at what stoners do with their lives and see for yourself


It's literally mentioned in the bible so I dunno what's your issue with it.

Where in the bible did Jesus smoke a fat blunt?

Where's the game? It was on that shitty wojak thread but it got 404'd

Look at this retard in his confusion. This thread is full of smellies who have never actually had friends or lived, who cares what you have to say? lol.

My good friend works at google, lives a life I can only dream of having and does all sorts of substances. Get over it tubsters, you missed out.

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Burning bush

I do think it was brought to jesus, but pre-translation it's referred to as "kaneh bosm" and it's up for debate, but I imagine it was used in religious ceremonies quite a lot in the past.


>using the Bible in your argument even though you don't believe in it

You should probably get a dealer, clinics have become shit and the stuff they sell is over priced garbage, especially the "legit" ones that tax you. My friend gets me top quality wax that clinics would sell for like $60-80 each gram but he only charges me $30 a gram.

What I'm saying is, new age cuts away some crucial parts of those both religions that are needed to be there for a larger understanding of the spiritualism and the spiritual world. Also, in Hinduism (something new age gets a hardon too), you pray to Shiva by smoking weed.

>The responsible use of weed is not to use it at all
That's your opinion but it still won't stop people of using such substance.

that moved from fact to "my headcanon" pretty quickly
Drugs are used in religious cermonies, but so are animal and human sacrifices

I genuinely recommend shrooms to anyone that has an emotionally safe environment to try them in. They truly helped me make progress in dealing with my depression.

If you're saying things like this you most likely are friendless lol.

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cant overdose acid or shrooms

almost as if im doing it because its fun, not because everyone does it, actually 99% people from my school dont do it, idk what you on

>new age cuts away some crucial parts of those both religions
New age isn't a religion. There's thousands of teachings that could be considered new age, there's no new age consensus on anything. You're just making shit up at this point

>normie plays japanese game for the first time

>"dude, were they on drugs when they made this? xD"


I never said it was a religion. It's a school of thought at its best. You're the one pulling the strawmans here so I won. Deal with it.

god i wish, imagine if miazaki had done psychoactive drugs before making bloodborne

D2 on Dreamcast is really the only one that comes to mind.

No it's not a school of thought. It's a grouping of thousands of different schools of thought. There's new age teachings that promote drugs and new age teachings that condemn them.

>mfw anytime Yea Forumsirgins call stoners junkies
Kek, none of you fags know anything about weed because you don’t have a means to get it because your main method of talking to friends is Discord. It’s okay to be salty that you missed out on smoking weed with your buddies in high school, but take it out on yourself instead of a plant.

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This. I know people like to troll, but some of these comments are legitimately terrifying. Didn't think there were that many people who still demonized something that can be helpful and enjoyable in the right environment.

dude you smoke weed? thats so cool lol