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good for you user!

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>gears of yas queen

ME TOO user!

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Lol fake. Also it’s not coming this year.

couldn't care less and I loved the first one

You mean the achievement naughy dog gave on uncharted the lost chapters? kek

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>not holding out for the ps5 remaster

What's this dude's name again?

>interracial lesbian kissing


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Don't bundle in Spider-Man with movie garbage.

Based on E3 trailer last year, not looking forward to it, looked even more cinematic in terms of combat than their other exclusives and thats not good

spider man is literally comic book/cartoon/movie shit

>we updated Elleg Page to her current JUSTed 40 year old self

>normal modern AAA third person shooter with a female mc
>shitty modern AAA "third person shooter" with lots of shoehorned left wing propaganda and a super stronk little girl mc

We're talking about the game here, brainlet.

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Yeah this, there's absolutely nothing about this game that looks good.

I hope I can get it for free with Movie Pass.

>yas queen
Literally an Uncharted achievement

Gears is the first one and TLoU 2 the second, right?

>Believing some literally who retailer

If it were releasing this year we'd know by now.

>Nadine loses merc group
>gets conned by Chloe and Sam
>gets beat up multiple times by a geeky doctor
>Chloe got her ass back
>plenty of cutscenes with Chloe ass shots.
I enjoyed LL.

You know I actually wanted to play as a grown up Ellie in TLOU 2 after finishing the first one, but not like this bros, not like this.

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>game bad because female and lesbian

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it was never good to begin with, now you add the brainwashing leftist propaganda on top of it.

This game will BTFO Yea Forums so hard, I can't wait to see all the outrage

honest question, why does everyone already hate this game? I've only played tlou, and not the DLC

God I can't wait to watch those two young girls kiss. I'm going to touch my self extra hard when that starts to happen.

>Underage Lesbians

Attached: 1547585876703.jpg (500x354, 50K)

I expect 10/10 everywhere and another "Citizen Kane of gaming", but still not gonna play it.

>The Dyke of Us 2
not buying SJW trash, I hope Naughty Dog's offices get on fire and they all burn alive

The main girl is a lesbian and Yea Forumsincels hate lesbians.

is this a pedo game like the first one?

If there isn't a pussy eating minigame in it then it fails as a post-apocalyptic lesbian simulator and it's trash.

Because it looks even less interactive than the first game.

I was bored by UC4, LL was great though


Wait what

Oh stronk womyn.

>Game prides itself on its rich, deep story
>Second game has already ripped open massive plotholes in the trailer based all around the lesbian kiss

In TLOU, it's established that the infection is spread via fluid transmission. Ellie even threatens someone with a bite because, despite being immune, she's still a carrier that can spread the fungus.

So explain to me how she's able to play tonsil tennis with anybody in TLOU2? Did the writers forget this major titbit because they were too busy figuring out how to be progressive?

Attached: Transmission TLOU.png (683x783, 698K)

Who else is going to start edging when those two underageGirls start kissing?

>Can't wait to watch Under Age Girls be sexual in the Last of US 2

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7 months to go and Yea Forums is already crying non-stop over the 2019 GOTY.

It's kinda cheating to make the protagonist suddenly a lesbian, the first game made a name on himself and the main character was a white male and a white little girl. Now that the game is guaranteed sales they introduce a lesbian protagonist, because you know the director loves pushing his agenda, and they will use this like "SEE YOU FUCKING WHITE MALES, YOU'RE NOT THE MAIN AUDIENCE ANYMORE, WE ARE". And that certainly wouldn't be the case if this was a new IP.

>le movie
>still falling for the left vs right meme made by the elite

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You can't RE4 that box art yet, son. You haven't proved that your franchise can sell well with the logo itself.

TLoU is the quintessential movie game.

You're not making any sense user, hope you have a lot of those images since I won't stop replying to you.

Lesbians and Jews. Also, don't bother with the dlc. There is barely a handful of enemy encounters in the dlc and the rest of the time is examining objects and cutscenes.


>no final cover art
>you expect me to pretend this is a final date
Low effort post

This picture sums up the size of my hype.

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Who's crying? I'm going to be cumming looking at those two underage girls kiss all sexually like in The Last of US 2.

I love strong female protags.

Attached: soy.png (800x750, 106K)

>cinematic cutscenes every 10 minutes
>press button to activate QTE '''''gameplay'''''

I'll pass

God of war and spiderman were good though. Tlou was shit and this will be too

Holy shit you're right, this is gonna be a disaster.

me on the left because i also, have a big nose

maybe thats how her gf fucking dies idiot

God I could just Cum on the Kike's nose. Swallow my Goy dick for a few Shekels my little oven dodger minx.

is this the official estrogen recommendation thread?

>TLOU comes out for PS4 in 2019
>Gets a port to PS5 in 2020

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TLoU was shit.
Uncharted 4 was the worst shit.

I wonder what new levels of shit are they going to reach with this one.

>TLoU is the quintessential movie game.
>MGS and Yakuz are fine though
>I won't stop replying to you.
I love you too user.

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I agree both of those were shit, but Uncharted 2, 3 and Lost Legacy were good, TLoU is overrated as fuck though in terms of gameplay

Remember the time when people love video game because of it's gameplay not for it's graphics and the main character's gender?

how can you be hyped? theyve shown nothing about this game except two young girls making out because the people making it are pedos. theres a reason theyre not showing up to e3.

Yakuza isn't a fucking movie game

>not ape escape 4


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MGS and Yakuza are not quintessential examples as you can skip cinematics and dialog. In TLoU the unskippable walkie talkie segments, hallway level design and constant scripted sequences are what make it the ultimate movie game experience.

Both of those games were designed with gameplay in mind first, story second. With TLoU you know (and can clearly see while playing) that it was just a scenario were they came up with a story and then pasted some generic gameplay in it and called it a day.

Also it's annoying that people call the walking and talking sections "gameplay", like "some of the best moments in TLoU are actually gameplay!" when it's just a fucking scripted sequence.

top: ugly women
bottom: cute women

Oh boy I can't wait to replay DMCV and KH3 when this comes out.

Attached: Really Phos.png (460x490, 232K)

no not really

I haven't played Lost Legacy, but I did enjoy U2 and U3, maybe I should jump on it.

Sonyfags shitting on games with "strong women" in an attempt to defend TLoU 2 must be the most retarded shit I've seen this month so far.

niceva languageva youva gotva thereva subhumanva

The girl from Cyberpunk 2077 is hot as fuck, try again.

>30 years after civilisation collapses
>a kid is still somehow influenced by modern pop culture and dresses like a stereotypical inner city dyke
i've played TLOU and i enjoyed it the first time, but i wouldn't play it again because it really is like a movie rather than a game. this was a sequel we didn't need or want and clearly a cash grab by naughty dog

>YAKUZA 0 - All Cutscenes 4:30 hour
>TLOU - All cutscenes 1:30 hour

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Western developers cannot make attractive females anymore.

Its against the law.

Don't forget about the fucking tattoos.

Are you fucking retarded

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This. Men are the target demographic of most of the games up top too. Men don't want to look at ugly women. It's just dumb for their business on to do that, but who am I kidding these retarded companies listen more to people on twitter than actual market research. Probably cause it's a lot cheaper to do that.

>does not have unskippable walkie talkie segments

>West keeps pumping out hideous women
>East keeps giving me mega cuties
Gee, why am I not bothered about what Japan pumps out?

>They're STILL trying to force this meme that cinematic length = movie game

nah bruh

its the fact that literally EVERY SINGLE FIRST PARTY SONY EXCLUSIVE has those walk-n-talk sections in them.

Kass and V are based though.
Fuck off retard.


Wow it's even worse than I thought.

Attached: TLOU.png (817x321, 133K)

Those videos never include the walkie talkie segments and you know it.
They don't, unless you're making a joke about codec calls but even then they're skippable.

>play MGS
>press Start twice
>skip the cutscene if I'm so inclined to

>play Sony first party PS4 exclusive
>press Start twice
>can't skip the cutscene because the game is the cutscene

>Ellie knows shes infected with a disease that is easily transmitted
>Kisses her girlfriend anyway, knowing she just locked her into a horrible death

Nah m8.

>convex vs concave

>designed with gameplay in mind first
>5 hours of cutscenes

What did he mean with this?

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Lol, trusting a Peruvian release date.

Reminder that Snoyboys are literally gay and cuckolds

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>you can skip the cutscenes

>24 hours of gameplay

Why is this bad again?

Metal Gear was designed as a stealth game because of the limitations of the MSX, Kojima came up with a game where you have to avoid the enemies instead of killing them and everything after is just an evolution of it.

walkie talkie segments are maybe 30 minutes in total

You really took the "pussy on a pedestal" to the extreme. Fucking weeboo fag

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>skipping cutscenes makes the game more gamey
based retard
>literally it's OK if japan does it

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>>skipping cutscenes makes the game more gamey
it literally does though...

Imagine being such a shill that you post antifem shit in a TLOU2 thread, a lesbian adolescence simulator.
You snoygoys are fucking pathetic.

Holy fucking shit, I barely remember the story in GOW to begin with, why are there so many cutscenes?

Last Of Us is trash -

Simmons and Steve both came to the conclusion that Last Of Us singleplayer is trash.

What's funny is that problem doesn't count all the walking and talking parts either.

Haven't you paid attention, brainlet? This is a vengeance story, the dyke even states in the trailer that she's gonna kill em all. Usopp is probably killed by the fireflies or whatever, and not infected by Ellen Page. Guess the idiots at ND forgot this important bit about the infection being spread by bodily fluids.

Yes, Metal Gear was always a stealth game first, Kojima didn't even reset the game's story when he had the chance of doing cutscenes, he just continued the silly story he made in MG and MG2 with MGS, it just turned out to be hype as fuck and got deeper every time.

But hell, you can even look at MGSV, a game with barely any cutscenes, and even though it was shit (for me), you can clearly tell all the focus went into make good gameplay. You would never see that much innovation and risk in a game like TLoU, it will always just be a story about zombies with some copy pasted generic gameplay. Also MGS was a fucking revolution for its time.

>vengeance story

>Ellie kills her jew girlfriend
>this makes her realise that being a dyke is the worst thing in a post apocalyptic setting
>rest of the game is her hunting fags, dykes and trannies
How did Druckmann get away with this?

Found the fucking moron that doesn't understand Global Homo.

Perhaps the character dilemma will be that Ellie blames the Fireflies for something she ultimately caused.

Cutscenes are irrelevant to the game's enjoyment. If I can skip every single cutscene and still have fun, the game is still good.

If I'm forced to watch your fucking failure of a story because you desperately wanted to be a director but Hollywood said no, then the story better be fucking good and the gameplay better be exceptional.


>4 hrs
>barely any cutscenes
based retard

>stubble on the face
>blackheads on the nose

Guess who else will be cumming this October? Gonna Edge till I blast a full load over watching those two underage girls kiss.

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Was this an automatic response? I can't tell at this point.

Why do people love nu-GOW so much? I mean it's a nice game but 10 out of 10 is too much.

"hold forward while you character slowly walks to the next scene and has plot dumped on them by another character" is the worst trend in modern gaming

just make it a fucking cutscene. you could actually do something interesting with the directing. instead I just have to sit there holding forward pretending playing a game when all I can do is pan the camera around and go "WHOOOOAAAAA SO PRETTY WHOOAAAA!!!!"

at least when half-life 2 locked you in a room with some random fucker you could put the controls down and listen like a cutscene


I have seen tons of youtubers complaining about this trend and how Naughty Dog abuses it to no end, I wonder if that will have any repercussion with the reviews or are we still gonna get 11/10 gaming's Citizen Kane moment.


ur npc here, brah

>NPCs are the ones going against media and mainstream culture
Yeah makes sense.

Most people don't immediately replay games upon completion. If the story is enjoyable critics will be fine with the walk and talk segments on their first run through.

Sony online entertainment/10?


>media and mainstream culture
The online echochamber you spend your time in is effectively the mainstream culture for you.

Yas Queen!

Attached: 1546192174772.gif (413x243, 51K)

>didn't really care for uncharted
>passed on tlou at first
>got it later in like 2016 at a super discount on PS3
>actually ended up enjoying it quite a bit
>generally interested to see how 2 ends up
>even more excited to see Yea Forums melt down and cope when the game gets all its accolades
You people will hate on anything popular and it's beautiful

This isn't an echo chamber considering we have people like you.

>>even more excited to see Yea Forums melt down and cope when the game gets all its accolades
Stop saying this, everyone knows here the game will get tons of 10/10s from all the shitty SJW journalists and paid reviews, that doesn't mean the game is good, just like the first one.

>How did Druckmann get away with this?
By being (((Druckmann)))

the story sucks but otherwise its solid game

Its pottery

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Why should I not be excited for the biggest cope session of the decade, watching the melt down over 1 was hilarious, nothing gives me life more than watching the breakdowns people have here over popular vidya.
>muh es jay dub yuhs
>b...but i...ts shit too rite???
I can feel it all ready, so delicious


holy fuck this can't be real

I don't know man, I played the game, I thought it was shit, I will probably play this one too since it's hard to pass something that gets so much universal praise, at least you should try it to see what all the fuzz is about.

But I don't expect it to be good.

I know this is bait but I'm responding anyway because I loved TLOU; Ellie has been a lesbian since the first game.

I'm ok with those though. The problem is that they're ugly and meant to be political. I just want to have fun

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cant wait to watch the movie with my wife's son™ and have a nice bottle of Onions ™

it's definitely shooped a bit but the left girl had a bigger nose at first, easy bait for typical Yea Forums racism, nothing out of the ordinary really

Since the first DLC (aka the game was already a success) and she wasn't the main character.


Seething weebcel

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based muzzie in the replies

Where can I go to watch it?

I mean, that's literally what my original post said, i also just get a kick out of seeing how angry it gets people
It's definitely not a game for everyone but i can see why it has a wide appeal
Uncharted was ok, 2 was probably the best like many said, but playing 1-3 back to back gave me the same feeling as playing the old spyro trilogy back to back, fun games but very samey. i think tlou trying to have a mild bit of survival aspect and a little more in the gameplay department was what drew me in, and its nothing special but I liked the story


>that reply


It makes the normies feel. Such emotion between a father and son. The Graphics are also soooooo good. And you cant forget BOY XD

i enjoyed the first game so i will get this one. the gameplay was solid in the first game. people just seethe cause of how good the cutscenes look

based arabs

The first DLC was written before the main game came out.

No it wasn't .

I fear what will happen to this board if it scores higher than BOTW/RDR2


because old GOW is toxic white man beat em up, normalfags can't into even remotely fast combat and combos. the focus is on combat first and the story revolves around revenge and bloodlust, women and soibois can't connect to a character with that motivation.

nu GOW is essentially a walking simulator where you escort your wife's son all around some gay wilderness killing rocks and shit, essentially a reskinned TLOU. Women can connect because it's functionally the same as driving your kid to school, while soibois can connect to the bald man with beard.

I can't wait for the nuclear seething of 4channelers when 10/10 10 OUT OF 10 TEN OUTTA TEN METACRITIC WORLD RECORD SCORE OF 99 happens.

It was an adaptation of the comic with the lesbian kiss forced in.

More like a continuation. The comic told a different story.

It's amazing how many of them there are when you group them together, women in western games are so fucking shit. I don't send the industry a single cent anymore, fuck em.

I look forward to the better than Bloodborne memes

V is ugly as fuck in-game and Kassandra is a man, try again faggots.

>take a look at that snout!

Attached: 1551669649511.jpg (457x381, 143K)

kys retardera tranny

>Women can connect because it's functionally the same as driving your kid to school, while soibois can connect to the bald man with beard.
Wouldn't they despise a traditional father-son relationship like that? Taking your son out to kill his first deer? Sounds very anti-soi.

is this supposed to look impressive? looks like a ps3 game, clunky, slow and tedious as fuck as well

Loving the sour mayonnaise in this thread.

Just out-and-proud homophobia.

How the fuck does what you just posted make any logical sense, god damn you are retarded. I've never seen such a flagrant misuse of buzzwords in my life.

chopping your cock off won't make you a woman
go be mad on your flaming garbage website

eh it's a video game so there's a bit of a buffer. it's easier for the sois to connect to le wife's son bonding than say, the aphrodite scenes in the previous games

>implying i'm afraid of faggots
begone, discord tranny, you don't belong in this world!

kill yourself

Attached: 365725475.gif (480x238, 443K)

>guys says he hates the design of women characters
>lol le discord resetera tranny buzzword

?? I mean..based falseflagger I guess?

I'm not sure what currency this is but I assume 49.90 is the equivalent to $60 base game but what the fuck is up with that 239.90???

Attached: 1472611213981.png (512x812, 333K)

wtf I love arabs now.

Fuck off tranny

Gonna be one of the worst games this year.

I don't mind gays, I only care about SJWs.

What's the name of this boy?

what's this game going to be about? the only thing tlou left unresolved is Ellie finding out Joel memed her since the fireflies pretty much got btfo by him.

i don't know but i've a feeling that mushroom zombies will be part of it.

Its nice they attempt to change up Gears, but 4 wasn't a huge thing. If Gears 5 was like a God of War 2018 resurrection of a franchise's look from the outside, they would be showing ALOT more of Gears 5.
Feels like it should be November, but maybe Ghost of Tsushima is August. I think they would space out these huge games

Ellie infects her community and spends most of the game denying it, eventually has to come to terms with being a walking bioweapon. Some segments of the internet community will accuse Druckmann of anti-gay propaganda,

Some of them still can. Like small yeropoor AA and indie studios

Attached: id-47.jpg (1200x675, 133K)

You know, since they insisted on making Ellie gay, choosing her gf to be ugly actually makes sense. How probable would it really be for a character who happens to be gay, who happens to be reasonably attractive to find someone of the same gender who happens to be gay as well as happens to be reasonably attractive? In hideous mutt America? This is exactly what you'd expect to see.

Attached: wauser.jpg (600x337, 74K)

Ellie is pretty ugly too.

I think she looks exactly like an older version of the character from the first game.

Besides what looks like a flashback with Ellie's mum and Ellie vowing to kill them all before what looks like Joel's ghost walk in the room we don't know anything.

This would be a fucking great twist.

> I only care about SJWs.
This term used to be an ironic pejorative, now it's just to spite anyone left of center.

Attached: 1494030038409.jpg (500x1227, 57K)

Let me get this straight...
>movie gets 45/100, is deemed sub-par
>game gets 55/100, is deemed horrible
>face gets 89/100, is deemed ugly

Attached: ellie1r.jpg (617x474, 34K)

>Sony game thread
>Immediate toddler shitposting

b-but nintendogaf polls told me sonyfags were the worst bros... they can't be lying right?

>Gears of Soŷ

Playing as an (ungly) woman is gay.
Playing as a cute trap isn't.

the top is an extra cost to reserve a copy for yourself

>gets 10/10 across the board by just being a by the numbers game like their last 6 games

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It isn't just cutscenes in that video. They tried to make the story make sense so they include gameplay segments aswell.


Wife will be back in the next game for them to enjoy the female power.

>realistc looking characters vs anime
I mean yes the characters on top could look better but why would you ever compare them to anime models that don't look like humans?

You wont be able to explain that to other retards here. Same thing with god of war

Well it depends, it's actually hard to catch an infection through a kiss because our digestive system is so well contained and utterly hostile to outside organisms. It's normally when people have open wounds inside the mouth that oral infection takes place.

A bite on the other hand is an almost guaranteed infection, your mouth is a fucking filthy thing that is only safe because it's so good at regulating itself, a human biting another human breaking the skin is about as sure of getting an infection as is possible.

I'm all in on Ellie being a promiscuous teen now and accidentally infecting the entire camp.

They can even work there politics into it, "how dare you tell me what I can do with my body!" etc.

Except they literally don’t, Yea Forums loves lesbians but only hates them when they are ugly subhuman trannies like in TLOU

didn't know Northernlion's such a cuck

this is gears of war?
I only played the first one.... what the fuck happened?

>only hates them when they are ugly subhuman trannies like in TLOU
99.999999999999999999 of Yea Forumsirgins would drop their crusty drawers in glee if a girl half as attractive as Ellie offered to suck them off.

Attached: auto.jpg (1600x2382, 1.01M)

Schindler's List of Video Games 10/10 ign

What a shitty cover art

This but unironically

looks boring desu

What the fuck happened after 3?


Waiting on official release date of Death Stranding. Naughty Dog games are garbage except somehow their multiplayer is really fun

Im amazed atvthe mebtal gymnastics switchlets pull while playing games made for toddlers with worse gameplay.

you're not talking about me, right? I don't even own a switch

Ah, Oscar season.

I liked TLoU well enough even if it didn't blow my mind or anything, but I still feel like a sequel is really unnecessary. The first game worked perfectly fine as its own self-contained thing.

Does Gustavo still make the music? At most I’ll buy the ost to support the based negro. TLOU was actually alright and the story didnt need a sequel, especially when the highlight of the game was the multiplayer.

>Yea Forums will say this looks bad

What game is this? Please don't say it's Gears of War

1.5 hours of cut scenes
10 hours of holding the left stick forward while your character walks extremely slowly talking with someone


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>sonygoys unironically shitting on cinematic games with women when its on Xbox
>yet they'd hype it up and praise it if it had a PS4 logo in the corner

>LoU2 in October

Will tendies die when two Sony exclusives win back to back GOTY?

All video games really are starting to look the same.

I'll get it eventually not worth £50, there's alot of games that are better for that price than another Last of Us.

I think you answered your own question

I know what i'm going to buy for my wife's boyfriend's son

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that's what happens when the only thing major studios are pushing for is realism

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Fuck this gay ass shit.
Where the fuck is Ghost Tsushima and Bloodborne 2?

>now it's just to spite anyone left of center.

Attached: 500.jpg (488x351, 24K)

>Game is not even out and Yea Forums is still having a seizure over it.

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Sorry sweetie but this is an interactive movie

Attached: ghost of batman.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

someone post the edit where its just a big nose

>that glide to the next enemy

>Post-Hennig Druckberg Naughty Goy


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