Arena shooters are dead

>arena shooters are dead

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well they havent made any goods ones since like unreal tournament 2004 so yeah they should be. somebody needs to step up and make one worth playing

>by the time I have enough money to live in south korea i'll be in my mid-30s

Good. Fuck those

Theyre dead for a reason. For the vast majority of people theyre fucking boring.

Get some taste you fucking faggots

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>Arena shooter fans bitch and moan that there are no games for them anymore and that the genre is dead and blah blah blah
>Every year, a handful of completely competent arena shooter games come out
>Nobody plays them and they each die in a week
You can't have it both ways. I think you dinguses claim to like arena shooters for some kind of oldfag cred, not because you actually give a shit about them.

and nothing of value was lost

>arenafag being responsible for not killing their own genre

I used to play this one a lot.

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quake battle royale soon

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Well i played both Quake Champions and UT2017.
Now even those are dead

literally this, op btfo

You're all talk retard.

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Arena shooters are just not very fun or engaging to play, which is why they were a shortly lived fad over a decade ago and why Halo took over the FPS market by not following that trend and actually having a singleplayer mode on top of its multiplayer.

i don't understand the mindset of wanting to "impress" other anonymous people online in a thread that will be dead and forgotten within an hour

I dont play quake live because every fucking server is empty

>Every year, a handful of completely competent arena shooter games come out
Things that never happened
UT4 is a unfinished mess
Quake Champions is a hero shooter with netcode problems and a serious lack of content
There hasn't been a single big arena shooter that is not a hot mess
Things like reflex get not marketing so people don't even realize it exists

No one could find a way to innovate because arenatards just want the same game but with more people. There's NOTHING stopping you from playing the older ones you like but you probably got bored of them. Brood War and Melee and old fighting games still live on because people actually like those games

Get cancer and die

>Arena shooter
>not enough content
Even the best ever arena shooters had about 10 decently playable maps and 8 guns.

Arena shooters are dead because no one wants to play them.

If any dev thought the arena shooter genre would be profitable, they'd be pouring in some of their billions of dollars to make an arena shooter. But they don't because it's fucking dead.

>and a serious lack of content
the fucks this mean

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>Like arena shooters
>play them a lot
>even newer ones that get flak like Quake Champions
>they're all dead now so there's nothing to play
>Yea Forums says this is my fault and that i never liked arena shooters to begin with

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>hero shooter
want to know how i know you never actually played it?

I grew up on arena shooters. I didnt play them because they were the best, I played them because thats literally all we had for multiplayer shooters at the time. Things are much better now and fuck arena shooters. The only thing I miss is traditional tactical shooters from that time

>Things are much better now
>Overwatch and Fortnite are much better
Opinion disregarded

Good opinion.

Everyone else, bad opinions. Work on those and we'll try again next week.

>Even the best ever arena shooters had about 10 decently playable maps and 8 guns.
Quake Champions has only 10 maps and people only plays 1 map
I know is not that strong in the hero shooter but a lot of people got put off by that, I actually like the game and some hours in it
Lack of maps and gamemodes in quake champions
This , I got hundreds of hours in UT4 and that didn't make the game any less dead

>Not even alive anymore
Opinion discarded.

and that's a good thing

Epic doesn't give a shit if it has nothing to do with Fortnite

>Quake Live is on its last limb, during prime time there are a few CA servers and maybe a FT and an FFA server filled, but at most hours of the day it's either dead or there's one extremely laggy server that people play on
I'm not sure if it's better in Europe, but I'm legitimately thinking about quitting QL entirely. Side note, fuck any person that hosts a garbage server, I'm so tired of retards being habituated to these garbage servers and won't move to ones with proper hitregistration. I credit one of the reasons for PQL dying in NA to the server that people ended up playing on (because the host idled on the server, so its showed up on the server browser over other PQL servers) was laggy as fuck. Any competent players won't want to deal with that.

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>most of these old fps live with mods and shit
>"hurr why won't they make a new one that nobody will buy?"