Has a phobia ever prevented you from playing a vidya gaem?
I can't play Skyrim VR due to pick related.
Has a phobia ever prevented you from playing a vidya gaem?
Just avoid spider caves, they rarely spawn outside.
Fuck! Are you really affraid of pixel spiders?
On screen? Not really.
In VR? Holy fuck dude you have no idea.
I might give it a try.
can't play subnautica I get way too anxious way too fast
Same desu.
Thalassophobia is legit.
Holy shit y'all are some fucking pussies. They're just fucking video games for Christ's sake.
You might want to read up on the medical disorder known as phobia.
not phobia but OCD yeah a lot of times prevented me from buying or playing some games i remember when nioh released like 2 years ago unfortunately according to my mind if i bought that game "bad" things were going to happen ,suck having that ilness but well theres worst things in life
You've never tried VR, have you?
Quite the opposite actually, in games I find myself compulsively drawn to high ledges and jumping from great heights but IRL I'm terrified of falling and I even get dizzy and need to sit down, I even get uncomfortable when other people are near them.
poorfags who never have tried VR need not apply
majoras mask, in the great bay theres a part where you have to dive down to get some eggs or something. a eel popped out and went right in the camera and i noped the fuck out of there
still havnt beat the game
Sounds you dodged a bullet then, not "bad things" happened and you didn't get a shit game.
Desu, I'm scared shitless of hights irl, but I have thrown myself off mountains multiple times in Skyrim VR with little issue.
Shame that disconnect doesn't apply to the spiders though.
>i bought that game "bad" things were going to happen
yeah, you would be playing Nioh ROFLMAO
>tfw used to do just find around heights but I developed an immense and irrational fear of it and can't get close to my own house's balcony without feeling like I will fall somehow
what the fuck is wrong with me bros
It happens bro.
Often phobias just 'develop' with minimal reason.
most games can't capture what makes spiders scary anyways
Kinda something similar with dark souls
The craigspiders really unnerve me, especially considering they're former humans turned hollow
Quelaag was alright tho cause she was a cute girl
Most games make them fat tarantulas but the ones with slim legs and a fat butt are the worst, I don't have arachnophobia but getting one these walking on you isn't a pleasant experience.
I was about to make a post along these lines, and I still am.
Videogame spiders almost always move just like any other generic large animal, the thing that makes real spiders creepy little fuckers is that they stay dead fucking still for ages and then at a moments notice they shoot towards you in a lightning fast whirl of spindly flailing legs.
I cant play a lot of game because of spiders and bugs
my fear of deep underwater make me stop playing subnautica. i can play in the starting area but once i start to go deeper even with cheat i start to feel bad.
i can watch someone play it but i cant play
This, they never skitter around fast enough
The movement needs to be unexpected and blindingly fast not gradual like a mammal
A giant spider that moves as fast as real spiders would be fucking terrifying because their fangs would be on your neck before you even realize it moved
how about the small spider in the metro games that crawl on you when you walk in a web?
Imagine those creepy fast madmen from bloodborne, and then replace them with disturbingly real huge spiders.
Nah, for me, appearance is a big deal as well.
The closer they look to a Sydney funnel web, the more they disturb me.
>avoid spider caves bro
>The very beginning of the game has a fucking spider lasso down from the ceiling of the cave
>be me 6 years ago
>cut and slash through spiders no problem
>develop arachnofobia years later
>now have to look away from spider enemies unless they are really tiny
wtf happened
Or the twitchers from dead space
I have a phobia of massive sea squids and krakens and stuff.
I was playing xenoblade 2 in the post game and one of the snow areas turns into a sand wasteland with massive fucking squids flying all over the place. I haven't turned the game on since I fast traveled there expecting the comfy snow zone.
I would fucking shit myself.
spider demon possessed you
I have a friend who really struggled with Dark Messiah for the same reason. Apparently theres a mod that changes the spiders to pigs.
>system shock 2 spiders
why does being Dragonbotn not instantly destroy your fear of spiders. yoy can burn them, crush them, electrify them, fling them 4 miles away with a shout.
why the fuck do you play videogames if you cant feel the power of your character and instead just pump all your fears into them.
its like being too afraid of demons to get SSS in DMC, it doesnt make sense. inb4 "PHOBIAS BRO". if anything bideogame spuders should be therapy for you to get over them slowly and efrectively
You have to face phobias to beat them. Why don’t you try fake spiders first. No one is telling you to get a tarantula.
>according to my mind if i bought that game "bad" things were going to happen
Fuck, this happens to me all the time.
Team Fortress 2 gives me insane panic attacks. I play it competitively. I look like a fucking tweaker when I play. I’ve had people comment on the way I look when I play.
Lay off caffeine. It forces your brain into fight or flight. Things become scary because you don’t know what is actually frightening you and then you develop a phobia of something you wouldn’t have. Happened to me driving and that was a shit show to get over.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
Fuck these things. fuck the way the jump at you.
Thief 1 and 2, I have finished but the levels with spiders gave me fucking heart attacks.
Also Arx Fatalis.
Skyrim? Nah, those pussies look fucking stupid.
So how many hidden spiders jumping to your face made by assholes for no reason have you found?
Trypophobia. I actually can't remember a game that's triggered it, and definitely none that's made me stop playing.
There are mutations of large spiders showing up. This one is eating a possum. youtube.com
>according to my mind if i bought that game "bad" things were going to happen
That sounds more like schizophrenia.
The environment in Dark Messiah was what was really scary, as far as I remember. The feeling that they could come from anywhere, whereas in Skyrim it was very telegraphed. The giant spider in Dark Messiah was fucking terrifying though.
Sounds like a great time for some exposure therapy.
That aside it's not like everyone and their mother isn't used to fucking Skyrim spiders by now to the point of associating them into their own distinct category that's entirely separate from spiders.
I mean fuck it's difficult to be scared of these shits when the very first encounter with them just reminds you that they're in a game because the spiders are frozen in mid-air and don't fall down properly half the time.
VR can definitely get you immersed but Skyrim is halfassed as fuck so it's difficult to get immersed and the VR elements in Skyrim's VR port are all also halfassed so those elements fail to get immersed as well.
If Skyrim was a good game and Skyrim VR was a good VR game it might elicit a reaction but none of these three statements is true.
To me it's the fucking way they jump, showing their bottoms, a fucking scary as jump fuck that I loved the game and just quit there.
Skyrim spiders could be bears for all I care. They don't have that spooky ass walking animation shit some have and the teeth aren't scary.
I thought they'd be scary but I ran into one that arbitrarily couldn't cross the threshold of a door in a dungeon because of Skyrim's shitty pathing and it took all the immersion out of it
Fucking Dragon Age spiders. Thank god for mods. Sadly, can't do the same thing for Witcher 3. I literally fight them with my eyes half closed.
Spiders aren't scary -- GROW UP!
That doesn't sound like OCD.
Speaking of OCD, when creating characters I have to double check whether I picked everything right before confirming it.
Please don't bully us, you sexy stud.
I don't know how to fucking read, you idiot!
you probably dont know what phobia actually means
I can't play Subnautica because I am deathly afraid of any body of water in which I cannot see the bottom.
Would you
Eat the shit?
Don't worry, in Subnautica the only monster is you.
Kinda annoying when you google it and it just shoves a example right in your face.
How come arachnophobia is so widespread?
I'm so fucking glad they removed spiders from the RE2 Remake. I probably wouldn't be able to play it if it wasn't the case.
yes it is a little strange when you google something and it gives you pictures of the thing you typed in i wish it didnt do that
Not even a real phobia, just a retarded meme.
>Being afraid of spiders
I welcome the spiders that live with me.
A number of spiders, particularly those that look like the ones in video games, can be dangerous.
I'd wager it's to protect us. Might also explain why I find jumping spiders cute.
They must be the perfect storm of spooky features to trigger the more reptilian parts of our monkey brains
I wish you hadn't posted this. Now here come a bunch of people pretending like they were integral to the RE2 experience despite not even being a nuisance the whole 5 minutes they're in the game.
I remember some research saying it's a natural instinct we for some reason. Maybe venomous spiders were common when and where human's evolved.
Don't get all pedantic with me, slut...!
If I Google "rape" for example, you won't find a image of a rape going on with the text "Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out ..."
Snakes are far more dangerous yet not as commonly feared
Scorpions even
Probably not a phobia but I'm absolutely terrified of nail gore because I got a fingernail as a kid and it traumatized me. I can't play RE7, God Of War 3, Death Stranding and a ton of other games that like to get edgy. Also can't watch Higurashi or Kaijj
both of those are also considerably rarer where most people live
I'm in the midwest. There are no scorpions here, a ton of spiders, and I see a snake in the wild once every 5 years.
I don't know about snakes, but humans don't fear scorpions because they live with one another, and have developed mutual relationship.
>terrified of nail gore because I got a fingernail as a kid
I have ten fingernails.
Spiders are more dangerous than snakes since they can get in the worst places like inside shoes and can live fine inside houses while snakes usually avoid people and can be noticed and driven away easily.
How do you have 10 fingernails when you have toes, too? Are you a degenerate freak?
Something like that
>have extreme fear of real blood in real life
>get weak thinking about it
>finish VtMB for the first time all good
>enter a thread here and read something about how vampires had sex sending blood to dead parts and don't think much about it
>need to go to college so i take a bus
>not much to do so i remember the thread, start rationalizing it
>slowly get weaker, vision turning grey, the more i think about it the worse it gets but can't stop thinking weird shit about dead vampire genitals and blood
>tfw fear of making a scene in a crowded place is stronger than fear of passing out
>get up completely blind with no strenght, can barely walk, hit a guys face trying to find the button
>crawl out of the bus and collapse halfway to college on a dirty sidewalk
i don't know if it counts but i'm never touching VtMB again, excellent game though
Yeah but barely any spiders are anything but a painful irritation, meanwhile snakes and scorps will fuck you up
It's a highly specific phobia that doesn't make as much sense as lesser know phobias that are based around actually unambiguously lethal shit.
I probably wouldn't have played subnautica if I was aware of how you started off the game. I think I saw a screeshot of the first island with a building near it and thought it would be more of a "controlled" thing instead of "you get dropped into sea world with nothing"
10 fingernails and 10 TOEnails, MORON...!
>play that one lord of the rings game on gamecube
>forgot the name but was co op
>get to the part where you have to fight an entire level of spiders plus the giant ass spider at the end of the level
that was a fucking nightmare for me as a kid but i couldnt look like a bitch to my friend
That's what I'm talking about, the fingernails on your toes. You should have 20.
Many highly venomous spiders live in populated areas, it does make sense since more people die of spider bites than snake bites.
Like I stated in my previous post: scorpions, though being dangerous, have developed a mutual relationship with one another.
Did you know a child is more likely to be killed by their parent than by a stranger?
Lol yeah remember that part, that's right after you have to go through this underwater maze puzzle.
I fucking hated gyorg with such a burning passion, beat him finally on 3ds
Fingernails and toenails are two different things, MORON...!
Fucking MORON...!
They dont even look or move like real spiders. The ones in The Witcher 3 DLC were way scarier
>tfw I meditated on a random path in a forest and two of those spawned right in front of me
>majoras mask, in the great bay theres a part where you have to dive down to get some eggs or something. a eel popped out and went right in the camera and i noped the fuck out of there
i was never afraid of needles but after quite a few hospital appointments thanks to dumb shit, i get a chill down my legs whenever i see one. shit happens and most fears are pretty rational.
I surpassed my arachnophobia after one of those fuckers dropped from the ceiling to my shoulder, I screamed, hit it off my shoulder and then furiously attacked with extreme strength far more strength necessary to kill a spider such strength could even kill other person in a single hit if I attacked them with the same amount of hatred, I hit it with such an humongous power that the floor shacked, my PC dropped and the tile I hit under the spider broke.
Ever since when I see an spider that isn't a daddy long legs or one of those brown and cubby spider bros that eat bugs I hit it furiously to the point they are less than pulp.
It doesnt sound like you've really surpassed your arachnophobia at all
At least your autism doesn't make you shit yourself.
eat that spider if you're so great
I kill them on sight, that's what matters, if they run away and hide I turn the house upside down until I find them and I kill them, all spiders must die.
Why must these people exist?
>trailer trash
Go figure
youre rude
Not a phobia but I can't play Metroid Prime without getting headaches.
She cute but you can tell she gets off on scaring others and being a weirdo in general, wouldn't even fug.
go away cletus, we hate you
Probably not the only hole she places them in.
You say that as if 1) you're not a weirdo yourself, posting on a Mongolian Puppet Theater website and 2) as if anyone wants to fuck you anyway.
yes I can't play multiplayer games because of my SAD
I'm a painfully boring nerd, not a weirdo in the actual weird sense.
I can only speak for myself, but I'm quite the pussyhound - if you know what I mean ;)
I don't care how many massage parlors you visit.
dios mio...
Well, get HAPPY
I did ask for your life story.
F-UCK OFF....!
Imagine getting triggered by seeing someone say they wouldn't sleep with a girl
Imma beat you up and claim your boipussy, you pile of goo!
Imagine the damage control coming from someone who just got BTFO
Pay me first, bitch.
i don't hate you, cletus. i think you're cool
I'm being rude because 1) I'm a manlet and dicklet and 2) no one wants to fuck THIS...!
i have that too, but it gets better when im diving, which is 110% of subnautica gameplay.
>That raging roastie
my friend is arachnophobic (paralysation tier) and videogame spiders make him laugh so you are probably just a little bitch
you obviously don't have that phobia nor are medics that diagnosed user so shut the fuck up lmao
That bread looks crunchy, or at least chewy.
Who the fuck even likes that?
One bite and the contents of the sandwich seep out because you have to fucking tear at it with your teeth.
Hard bread for sandwiches is literally retarded.
well i do
fuck him
>That bread looks hard, or at least soft.
just get over it. it’s a video game. we are all scared of spiders but it isn’t real
it’s disorienting anc doesn’t feel real at all
OP just sounds like a retard but saying people with phobias are pussies is just plain stupid.
I meant that as being tough, as in you have to chew the fuck outta it.
No, that's silly.
Avoiding things that make you uncomfortable usually only makes it worse.
>it’s a video game. we are all scared of spiders but it isn’t real
But, user, what is... REAL...?
spiders in videogames arent scary because they're usually foreshadowed by webbing, or going into a cave or some shit. not only that, they aren't skittish like in real life. they move relatively slowly and are chunky as fuck.
if you want to make spiders scary, make their movement more jerky, fast and unpredictable, give them longer legs, make them passive/aggressive and react to nearby movement, and have them spawn in unexpected places, under your furniture, or in a chest where you keep your shit.
and make them jump, too. like those fucking huntsmen. fuck spiders man.
>hurr durr johnny youre only going to continue being scared of guns if you dont this bullet to your chest
Skyrim spiders no problem
Theif 1/2/3 Spiders no problem
Dark messiah: Spooked solid
System Shock 2: Spooked
Shits weird I think it’s because old games has more realistic spiders compared to modern games
Invisible enemies.
That beard is too masculine to be the product of s o y
Thief 1/2 spiders were literally the same thing as SS2 spiders, they used the same animations and sounds.
A phobia is an irrational fear.
Fear of getting shot is rational, fear of a venomous animal bite is rational.
Crying and running away at the sight of a gun or spider is irrational.
Yea but in thief you could one shot them and they are in not in enclosed spaceship hallways. They did not constantly respawn either
Counterpoint: you didn't have fucking rifles and shit in Thief
Lmao SS2 spiders swallow shotgun shells like you would not believe
Okay, professor
Would it be irrational if I FIST YOUR FUCKING ASS, FAGGOT?!?!
They might be scary if they didn't die so fucking easily even on the harder difficulties. I'm more grossed out by the loud as fuck squishing sounds they make when moving.
Dark Messiah is the only game so far that triggered my arachnaphobia so bad...
You should probably get looked at for low testosterone and heightened estrogen, you're highly emotional for a male.
Especially when terms are just being explained.
every enemy in pic related
Seems kinda stupid of you. If there's one situation where Giant spiders should be okay for you it's when you can shoot magic bullshit at them and kill them. You'd think it'd be somewhat cathartic for you.
Yeah, I'm not clicking that.
No but I got over my fear of spiders by playing vidya, now I get a boner when I see them.
>Defender of the Future
>is a fucking dolphin
It's natural for people to have different responses to the same situation.
When you think about people as a group and something frightening or threatening happens, you want people to react differently.
If some stand and fight, some run, and some hide, it is likely some will have had the proper response to survive and go on to pass one their genes instead of the entire group being wiped out by the wrong reaction.
>that section where they come climbing down the walls
Honestly Skyrim spider are some of the least creepy spider in video games, they are fat, slow and weak.
I played Fallout New Vegas with a bunch of mods, and one of them added creatures, including giant tarantula. Very VERY fast, very strong, and very creepy-loking, scared the shit out of me.
Yeah, the parts before that I closed my eyes and somehow barely got trough blindly smashing buttons but at that part I fucking dropped it.
I'm gonna install that fucking mod some day and finish.
Holy fuck not cool
Weird design, almost looks like a hybrid human like DS1 cragspiders
That's looks really fucking goofy.
You feel uncomfortable... with THAT?
I don't remember them getting close to your face or their movement being remotely similar to real life spiders so I'm gonna assume they won't creep me out even in VR, there are other games that are closer to what a spider looks like IRL and those can be creepy in third person but I find Skyrim spiders somewhat funny looking for some reason, and this is coming from someone who can't even look at most of them in pictures on the internet.
The first thing I tend to do in games where you go up in buildings/mountains/whatever is jump from it to see what happens lol
Those retarded saber tooth teeth, lmao it looks dumb
heights are a proper fear, humans aren't evolved to be that high.
depths are a proper fear. humans aren't evolved to be that low.
but being afraid of spiders is for women and gay guys desu. most of them won't (and can't) do anything to you.
>being afraid of spiders
>not wanting to fuck them
Except kill you, of course.
I live in a city infested with brown recluses, it's hell.
>heights are a proper fear, humans aren't evolved to be that high.
We were fucking monkeys what the fuck dude are you high
best monster girl
besides mantis
I'm too afraid of spiders to even google (because of images), are they big? I read quickly that they are poisonous?
Yeah faggot, human are evolved to be holy moly that's that son of a bitch that killed my grandfather fuck that shit
key word is "were" those days are long over, just like most people can't climb trees anymore
we were probably fish at some point too, stop being retarded
They're small which is what makes them hell, they're very passive and only bite as a last resort but can get in the worst places like inside shoes or your hair.
Well, in game yes. The important thing for me with spiders is how they move and how fast. Big fat and slow spiders are like plushs to me. But fast spiders like the common giant house spider on the contrary are a pain, with their long legs... uurrrg
google it nigger
lazy mongrel
Yes. I don't play singleplayer games because I have a really weird phobia where I will suddenly see text appear in game as "*so and so* has entered the server" and that I'll be being watched by some rogue AI or creepy-pasta manifestation, so I have never played a non-multiplayer game since I was 8.
What do you think of Dark Souls
the only thing about those fucks that annoyed me were their hit boxes
That's actually a pretty cool idea for an adventure game with some horror stuff
ahah user what for a fantastic phobia is that
Never played it, and I had a panic attack when I went over a friends house and he was and that happened.
*holds up spork*
That's wild
If this post is true it says a lot about how immersive is vr.
Fuck i have to try this
of DOOM!!!
I had serious trouble with the spider area in Dark Souls 2 because of my phobia.
Seeing those fucking niggers just sitting still all over the plac was like something out of one of my absolute worst nightmares, and I had to make sure to grind and bring a bunch of ranged stuff so I could make sure to stay as far away from them as possible.
After a while I got used to the area and didn't need to be such a pussy, but man did it fuck me up at first.
I was kind of spooked just standing in the duck season living room when it got to night
Presence is some real shit
I notice insects in game never really copy the creepiness of their maws with countless mandibles of various positions and sizes that move around like a bunch or erratic independent little fingers fingers
VR gives you a sense of tangible presence that you can't get looking through a 2D rectangular window.
It's why VR porn games are so good.
This may be why I hate insects
What about games where you play as the rouge AI?
I had to quit Unreal PT after a minute of nothing happening because I felt like I would have a fucking heart attack if a face appeared at one of those dark windows.
So they WERE evolved, stop being retarded.
I thought that was poorly set up for VR or something? Did it get fixed?
Unreal PT is garbage and not even close to the real thing.
>someone mentions spiders
>immediately check ceiling and corners
It's playable, not like there's much of a game there to begin with. From what I've been told it's not even a full recreation of PT.
You should try playing Visage. It's exactly like PT but scarier.
I see it has experimental VR support, might check it out then.
It helps having a cat that isn't lazy and kills any small animals.
I could absolutely see Thalassophobia affecting people hard in VR. Anybody play RE7 in VR? The very beginning where you have to wade through neck-deep water is claustrophobic as fuck and I handle VR exceptionally well. Water is just different than monsters and jumpscares.
Kind of neat to think that according to paleontologists the largest spiders to ever exist are the ones alive now.
Did you miss the part where that turned out to be a sea scorpion?
What is that spider even going to do with those humans? It's like being attacked by ants, it's fucking nothing.
Eat them? Spiders are huge predators.
But how? Should it even care? I think if that thing vomited digestion juices on those humans they would be gone before it even got a chance to eat.
I imagine try to trample them to death or something to prevent them from destroying its eggs.
I normally refused to go anywhere near webs in 2033 and Last Light because of that but it happened so fucking often in Exodus I basically didn't even realise it was happening half the time
How will humans outrun a spider? Also that pic should have all humans stuck in webs so it's more realistic, spider silk is stronger than steel.
lmao this is why you betas have your hand while alphas such as myself actually know what a fucking vagina actually fyucking feels like
Im scared of deep water and heights in real life and in vidya
Nothing to be ashamed of, user. I almost drowned while snorkeling in Thailand and now I pretty much won't ever go into deep water without a life jacket again.
t. mass replier
based b8 tbqh
Same. Came here to post this.
I literally can not play subnautica without having a constant panic attack
That spelling mistake gave you these (You's)
Missed out on Skyrim and a bunch of Zelda games I was legitimately interested in because of arachnophobia. I used to love terraria too my old friend and I used to play it when it first came out at his house, when I finally got it i found they added spiders, I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal but the way they move just creeps me the fuck out
>look at me posting like a normalfag
No one cares
>afraid of water
but think of the friends you could make
Tbh pretty based, in the end it'll be the dutch vs the dolphins
I LOVE the ocean (been studying marine and freshwater biology since I learned to read at 2) and subnautica seemed like a perfect game for me but for some reason the ocean also scares me and giant ass sea creatures like leviathan, the kraken, sea serpents, and that giant white thing with the huge ass mouth you see as thumbnails for shit like “top 10 unbelievably scary ocean discoveries” ( you know the one) creep the shit out of me. So yeah that’s 4 games that missed out on now
I've got an issue with realistic blood, I don't know how to explain it. I can watch The Thing or Evil Dead 2 or whatever and not be bothered, but then I'll watch some documentary and be sweating and ready to pass out. It kind of ties into vidya too. I played that Project Brutality mod for Doom and got ill from hearing the squishing sounds of the bloody footsteps, but I eventually got over it. I cringe when I'm playing Halo 1 and get down to the last bar of health and hear the heartbeat sound.
Forgot the webm
look at all these new friends waiting for you at the bottom of the sea :)
no u
To me fish are rl aliens so I can see why you would find them creepy even in vidya, mix that with the limited movement in the water and you get quite the experience.
This is THAT scare jump webm isn't it
Subnautica helped me get over my fear of the ocean and deep water.
tarantulas don't bother me that much, because they're goofy and chunky looking
what I hate are those spindly-legged fuzzy fuckers
Is VR the future for curing every phobia?
even shitty choppy aliased as fuck visuals are crazy immersive
god i played zero point at like 10fps last night and had a blast somehow when that framerate would be unplayable otherwise
Why are we so small? why is everything so fucking massive?
God I wish that spider was me
It's all very silly
Yes. I have negrophobia and thus haven't been able to play vidya in years.
Speaking of phobias
Fucking spiders, all the levels in Dark Messiah with them felt really tense, even though I fucking love those eight-legged fuckers.
I was in danger of drowning in a pool once until a stranger dragged me to safety. That's what ruined swimming and bodies of water for me.
We are basically nothing on the great scale of things.
I like this one, it gives it a human point of reference.
Can they jump like that? It shoots straight at the camera like a laser, it almost looks fake.
Probably because of the janky animations
Bugs in general are twitchy and unpredictable
I have a phobia of a game confirming I'm a failure so I don't play games like bloodborne, guitar hero, or any games like that which have a 'you're a loser screen' when you slush it.
some spiders, even tarantulas, have a great jump but that video is an edit user. tarantulas can actually get killed from a fall of even a few feet since a crack in their exoskeleton can be fatal - normally their blood tries to clot the wound but if it's too much of a crack they will bleed out and die - even when they molt the scar can still be present as a weakspot
>VR porn games are so good.
name at least 5 non shit tier
i like that one fan fiction with the redhead dropship pilot reid from colonial marine where she encourages a facehugger to fuck her face - it's kinda short but the author does some longer stories too, less interesting characters in those ones though
Why he bald
tarantula's flick their butt hairs at things as a defense instead of biting, new world tarantulas do that more than old worlds which are the meaner ones typically. they can itch really fucking bad, not something you'd want to get in your eyes or anything which is why you have to be careful handling them, wash you hands afterwards very well. it's kinda like fiberglass
He turned 20
Tarantulo Calvo...
>spiders thwart attackers by twerking
Actually they just use their back legs and rub it and fling it around in the air towards the assailant. Because it's also light and kind of like asbestos, it lingers around in the air for awhile and it's extremely irritating if you end up getting it in your nose.
Not really but my phobia is
havent played a game yet that has triggered me
For some reason that thing freaks me out more than the proper spiders in Dark Messiah.
someone post the peanutbutter hand
>light and kind of like asbestos
please no. that shit gives me allergies like gaseous cancer
That's because games aren't that detailed despite what realism-core graphics will tell you, you would have to make a game that is all about that specific phobia but who is gonna do that?
you don't seem like the sharpest bulb in the shed
They are kinda cute desu
something making you uncomfortable isn't a phobia
every trypophobia "trigger" pic just make me want to touch them
Five Nights at Freddys because I'm a fucking pussy.
My hands always got a bit sweaty when i fell off buildings in Mirrors Edge.
In fact,theyre even getting sweaty right now because I''m thinking about it again.
I used to be somewhat uncomfortable when seeing those pics, now I just get angry because there was a period when those images where trending and suddenly EVERYONE had that fake ass phobia.
Just because you feel uncomfortable or grossed out doesn't mean it's a phobia.
Fucking homosexual.
As someone who has fallen bretty far it does a good job
I think that's just hyperhidrosis
You guys are too fucking timid.
It's video games. Not actual spiders.
brains aren't rational, shocker
don't just copy the bait already in the thread wtf
lazy faggot
Witcher 3 spiders are creepy as hell. They are so fast and zip / strafe full-speed around you in all directions as they just stare at you
Actual phobias that make no sense fucking suck. I had a severe phobia of taxidermy (yes, i know) as a kid/teen. I couldn't go into museums or antique shops without risking a panic attack and sucked having to explain why this stupid weird thing affected me so much when I rationally knew there was no harm and would never be. Phobias aren't "this weird thing makes my stomach turn a bit", goddammit.
Yeah, the first two Thief games for the very same reason.
However, it has more to do with the sounds they emit, they make me cringe.
Looks more like a camel "spider" than a spider.
Wait, so that's just Peanut Butter? Not some weird condition or awful skin thing?
Some types of OCD really sound like schizophrenia. look up "magical thinking ocd"
Yeah, many cases of OCD have suffers performing rituals compulsively out of a fear that something bad will happen if they don't. It's not necessarily schizophrenia.
Can't play Serious Sam 3 VR for that very reason, OP.
>they rarely spawn outside
Yup, that's tru—
>get jumped on by three frostbite spiders that jump off the trees when looting a chest
Only thing I dislike is enemies in water where you can barely fight in fps games.
Also don't like water where I can't see the sea floor irl.
Don't make me get the newspaper, faggot.
the fucking nightmares, everything about them and what they do are ripped out of my childhood nightmares and put into a video game with cute girls and a blood fetish, I got it to try it but it proved that im a fucking massive pussy and I dropped the game for a few months, going to play it fully after I finish another game and im not going to quit,
Fucking this, despite me loving the game I can never make it past the spider caves.
I alway just zoomed out and play in tactical view when they showed up.
Not a video game but this shit at Universal Studios TRAUMATIZED me during the spider scene
t. Hasn't tried vr
I'm the biggest arachnophobic I know. Even tiny baby spiders freak me out and if I see a normal sized one I get a massive adrenaline rush and start sweating. But I don't understand how you could be scared of spiders in a game, especially shit Skyrim graphics.
I have a similar phobia of attempting to turn off a video game but it continues to stay on.
I think it's from a nightmare I had as a kid where I was playing Rayman 2 and couldn't turn off the system during the Cave of Bad Dreams no matter what I tried
I will truly never understand how a grown human is terrifed of a creature, that even the largest species of it on Earth, is dwarved by a human infant.
They look based
Try it in VR
Cleaning species are the cutest thing to be found in the sea
I have a real problem with heights, and the fact that I was on a plane that went through some bad stuff only made it worse as I got older. Now, any shit about being high up gives me some twinges, but there are some game making fuckers who take an almost pornographic glee in the falls as well. That fucking church roof in Dark Souls 3 made me turn off the game swearing once when I tried to navigate it drunk during a co-op session.
And I think if I were to try to play this fucking thing, I would die. I would actually die.
Instincts and evolution, dude. Back when we were running around the plains of Africa, if you saw your brother get bit by a spider and die, it's very advantageous that you would avoid that spider at all costs. Instinctual intense fear means you wouldn't die to a spider bite, and your kids would inherit that behavior. Said behavior was passed down through generations, and we haven't evolved fast enough to lose it.
I remember playing Oblivion with a creature mod, I almost shit my pants when I heard strange noises and a giant spider jumped out of nowhere, I didn't even see it coming because I was playing with a darker dungeons mod too.
they look like friends :)
You fucking fags, spiders are literally one of nature's most harmless animals. All we do is sit on corners and mind their own business, they don't bother anyone. They even eat flies, cockroaches and other insects in your home.
Ghosts not real life ghosts because there not real or I couldn't find any but regardless video game ghosts especially for example Fatal frame to this day they scare the fucking shit out of me haven't been able to beat any of them because i'm so sacred I mean look at this fucking this and with surround sound headphones jesus christ never have i come so close to a heart attack in my entire life.
I support this ones statement