Girl's Frontline

What is Yea Forumss opinion on WA-chan?

Attached: __wa2000_girls_frontline_drawn_by_pocari_sweat_artist__sample-d39febad217ae91e345ad2dd1ec1017f.jpg (850x1280, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not really into tsunderes, but at least the game lets you marry her if you like her

unlike a certain someone else...

Attached: 4643646273327346435.png (707x1000, 1.23M)

I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need I am all you need

Attached: 1551420772695.png (900x608, 502K)

Just be rich and she will love you

I wanna marry her, user. She doesn't understand that, though. Neither she nor the devs do

Attached: 235696879867.jpg (1297x558, 320K)

Shit tier slut that won't drop from production.


Attached: 1551067068989.png (1200x1500, 2.83M)

>I've seen Scarface, but I didn't undertand it

Attached: 1537696295624.jpg (1000x832, 157K)

What would it feel like to fuck a gun?

do you know what happens when you put wrong ammo into a weapon?

This is (you) canonically

Attached: 1551185796094.png (1299x1831, 2.01M)

I wanted grapecano


It gets jammed?

Attached: 1470483638234.jpg (294x333, 22K)

too tall

Not as cute as m1891

Attached: 023101.jpg (1920x1080, 1.58M)

>girls flopline

Attached: jan 2019 stats.jpg (1507x881, 587K)

dont touch me

Attached: __pk_girls_frontline_drawn_by_kishiyo__6034b70fd6c2fb43cba41f38ec228959.jpg (804x1000, 206K)

spot the SEA

welrod is cute

Attached: 114.png (620x981, 281K)

Black Belt in dick sucking, noice

Need more pantyhose.

Attached: 1549730992787.jpg (1500x943, 161K)

Oh I know.

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cute foot

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When's Spas-12 going to get added to EN?

Attached: __spas_12_girls_frontline_drawn_by_eto_nistavilo2__b7031b836bbecd944533091e16e9957a.png (750x1089, 772K)

She's nice.

Attached: __wa2000_girls_frontline_drawn_by_monaim__4b9bf6bc65f89b9c4c5c09fea302ec29.jpg (1168x1274, 497K)

She's a good girl, she got my very first ring

Trap and shota guns when?

Attached: hk416 shota.jpg (1082x2283, 581K)


Attached: b76893890292f4267e7767743480c93a.png (1000x1086, 790K)

She is cool

>another pic for my pantyhose folder
Thanks OP

Good design I guess.

kriss vector a cute

Attached: 20.png (463x1006, 234K)

>tfw no threesome with WA and Springfield
Why even live

Attached: __m1903_springfield_and_wa2000_girls_frontline_drawn_by_suerte__44b43b217dda7b8bc816be9f1b06e84d.jpg (800x1174, 306K)

Feet are gross
God invented socks for a reason

God is gay.

Attached: __m1903_springfield_girls_frontline_drawn_by_kanryourei__3edc3037c83f2e217bead98cafa2d466.jpg (2480x3507, 2.66M)

Which gun would you impregnate?

m4 smg

Reminder that english version of this game will die soon. Not even 8k players.

this month

Attached: ae5036b6d0da0dd75034ea6731d0c051.png (902x1239, 1.01M)

source? I don't want my hopes to be crushed

Attached: ST AR-15 (8).jpg (2987x2480, 1.83M)

Why would anything be added into a soon to be dead server?

Nice gun.

Attached: dc53bc445ef92776bbee93fa198c0f06.jpg (2591x3624, 2.19M)

Is it bad if I'm not a monogamous person?

Attached: 1527313671030.png (1597x909, 1.79M)

I know.

Attached: ST AR-15 (6).jpg (1234x926, 550K)

>Village Tier(Girl's Frontline - 7.04k

>El Chronicle - 2.2k

Do you emulate this shit or play it on your phones?

monthly Q&A said she would be coming really soon and there's this roadmap which shows it's going to be a SG batch this month. you likely won't get her, but you can look forward to EN first anniversary which lets you pick a free unit, around may.

Attached: D0jyarFUwAAgfnU.jpg (1200x628, 211K)


I cant believe wa is fucking dead

Attached: 1550774722481.png (1500x1301, 2.61M)

What is this bullshit?

Wishful thinking

Attached: 9aca9bf398c285e8288180b9d4e621b2.png (750x929, 549K)

Free unit including SAT?

Thank you user, I have hope again

Attached: __spas_12_girls_frontline_drawn_by_spicy_moo__528b28deb535665abd5a023e9b78f09e.jpg (612x1000, 332K)

is wrong, it's only 5* pick and SPAS is 4*.
Yes, you should be able to pick her. here's what they let you pick in CN. Note that EN doesn't have some of these units and has units that aren't out when they gave this out too, like AA-12.

Attached: wJI6bRV.png (600x3000, 3.12M)

Don't post this fatty


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Attached: 6fb6f5d197a8f48a40cd1a5b7be99beb.jpg (983x2000, 835K)

Makarov is my adjutant, she cute.

Attached: Makarov.png (1024x1024, 696K)


Attached: 1548802395031.jpg (970x545, 50K)

>Just rolled Negev.
Nice desu nee

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I fucking hate the droprates in this gacha

Attached: Best gun.png (1200x1200, 1.7M)

It's one of the most generous gacha whatchu talking about

Just S rank the mission and boss

Attached: 9c4d64b9c66200cf80becfc7aa48bb3b.jpg (1500x2001, 1.24M)

How is the gameplay of this?

boring as fuck

Azur Lane is better

Tried playing it but it was boring, I'll stick with Azur Lane

Attached: 7e7f8320e2f579e9115b95d4ea4bf038.jpg (768x1032, 87K)

It is decent. You can play with what ever you want for the first 5-6 chapters. From then on you should start focusing on making proper teams.
It is easy to trap yourself if you over spend your resources, so don't do that.
Global is about to get the fairy system, which completely breaks the game if you happen to roll a high tier fairy.
t. level 115

So when are we getting a game about anthropomorphized guns that isn't gachashit?

Attached: de6f3d241a75d1f5c16524877fdc1780.png (742x962, 347K)

Watered down turn based strategy

what's this top called? i need more

tank top?

similar but it ends right below the boobs

crop top?

maybe? those seem to be tight to the chest where in this case it just hangs down loose giving the possibility of underboob

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don't worry
after 2000 runs of 0-2 I still haven't found her, so probably never touching

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I got her from factory after 1 hour of playing

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i like 404's real dere side
but i like 9's genki too
and openly perverted mk48
and svd is prime waifu material too
thank god game allows polygamy

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it's an alright gun but personally I prefer the m14 in RGA2

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20190304_122230.png (1920x1080, 657K)

Why is there a loli and a not-loli
are they clones

Attached: [email protected] (800x800, 103K)

it's just another lv1 dupe, game doesn't show that in graphics but all of lv1 dolls are lolis

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Attached: __m4_sopmod_ii_girls_frontline_drawn_by_ki_lllorz__sample-511fb97e8b501ce654deeb6fe6a64102.jpg (850x1279, 100K)

Visit /k/

I'd rather think the high-level guns are mommies.

This is a german assault rifle

Attached: 65380797_@hasaya123 (1) - 1.jpg (1000x1414, 727K)

She's as basic as basic tsundere could possibly get.
Pick up a real rifle.

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Attached: Gzxv1VZ.jpg (900x1500, 176K)

Pic unrelated


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fuck bros, I just wanna make her a nice home cooked meal and rub her soft tummy afterwards

Attached: __nagant_revolver_and_spas_12_girls_frontline_drawn_by_sidarim__sample-7b38b8d3785e90fee162ead26ac7d (850x768, 138K)

How generous is this game compared to Fate/Grand Order? I like the gameplay a lot better and I got a WA2000 on my fifth resource dump. She's very cute!

Attached: [email protected] (2150x2387, 295K)

cute cute cute

Attached: __hk416_girls_frontline_drawn_by_monolith_suibou_souko__sample-6ed054742d69208dfe2b60dd163fdb29.jpg (850x496, 89K)

it's not a tie
it's a bag handle
you're in a bag
nice boat
family :3

Attached: sample_5155a3ab9abaffe2e264a16f16514c9e.jpg (850x565, 425K)

no doujins

I love 1891's design, but I was hoping for at least one grape before the rate up was over desu

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fgo is, to my knowledge, the worst of the worst when it comes to generosity.
GFL is, to my knowledge, the second best; the first would be azur lane.


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This is my gf

Attached: 45.jpg (412x546, 44K)

I fucked her.

Thats okay, I did too!


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Did you oath her yet or are you a poser shikikan

Attached: 1531830401884.png (542x650, 521K)

nice broken sociopath gf

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I use shipka cause I like her hair.

as of 2 mins ago

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Good shikikan

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>takes twice as much space on a phone as Azur Lane despite having less gameplay

Hey everyone, let's have the two best gachas getting along!

Attached: Wash 44.jpg (600x425, 260K)

isn't this game like, dead?

better to play chinkcolle actually better not to play gacha at all dont you have a vidya backlog to work through?

Best at what? being dead?

They are all dead

Nobody outside of Japan is playing those.
Even FGO only has around 30k players.

And despite GF only having a fraction of that. It still has far more than niché titles like Love Live which is doing so bad that it doesn't even rank - Yet it still keeps getting updates because mobage require like zero effort to maintain.

wtf bros they lied to us...

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imagine overly competitve reconcilation threesome with m16 and 416

Attached: aa0dcd4f58c31bd1ea6c4c04deb83d4d.jpg (968x1200, 133K)

This is a russian pistol

Attached: 1024577481355845632_@Beijuu545 - 4.jpg (1000x1092, 154K)

Not as cute as Japanese swords

Global when

Attached: 1535152919478.png (2900x2200, 2.56M)

I want to cum on her thighs

Type 63 is cute! And useless!

Attached: Type_63.png (1024x1024, 306K)

go ask when they do the monthly Q&A, if there's interest they're willing to go ahead of schedule like how global got AUG and AA-12 early.

Mobage population based on Samsung Galaxy users. Doesn't count other Android phone users or iphone users. Samsung has a marketshare of around 30%

Megalopolis Tier (100k+)::

Empires & Puzzles: RPG Quest - 271k
DBZ Dokkan Battle - 181k
Hustle Castle: Fantasy Kingdom - 120k
Summoner's War - 109k

Metropolis Tier (50-99k+):

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes - 96.5k
Marvel Future Fight - 87.9k
DB Legends - 138k
Fire Emblem Heroes - 70.6k

City Tier (25-49k+):

Epic Seven - 44.1k
King's Raid - 32k
Fate Grand Order - 32k
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius - 30.6k

Town Tier(10-24k+):

Granblue Fantasy - 26.2k
GrandChase - 22.7k
Azur Lane - 21.2k
Another Eden - 20.6k
Dragalia Lost - 18.9k
Langrisser - 15.9k
Grand Summoner - 11.9k
Destiny Child - 10.2k

Village Tier(

I like her, but I'm more of a shrimp man myself

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samsung is for turbonormies though, i imagine full android statistics could be considerably different because unpopular phone choice implies unpopular game choice

My wife

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good taste brethren

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>her oath line

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based and redpilled

i don't think her ridiculous lewdness was entirely intentional, but she ends up as the most bonersome doll in game. all of those rape machines like 9a91, mk48, or even dsr can't get close to some dumb ass petite blonde rabbit

imagine the smell

She'd definitely be the kind of gun to do her utmost in raising our child alone after I skipped town on her.

Attached: 1527585821158.png (1000x1500, 809K)

if shes good enough for 47 shes good enough for me

Attached: 1544892307542.jpg (1200x755, 96K)

She has a cool dad.

I actually feel embarrassed to get gun knowledge from this fucking game. Never once touched a shooter before this and picked rainbow six because everyone said it was good

All of them except WA

Very spankable.

Attached: 930489ead2e3163eb16236deb69e1410.jpg (4400x2400, 2.21M)

yes that's the shit right there

Attached: 1521605823798.png (2000x2000, 1.36M)

That's gotta be a rough start for shooters. Now stop being embarrassed and watch some movies too.

Attached: thumbs up.gif (141x141, 483K)

how in the world is it possible not to play a shooter game before? go away and play some stalker, or at least old cowadooties (1/2/4), what is wrong with you

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Attached: BACK_TO_YOUR_GENERAL.jpg (671x800, 120K)

dumb user that rifle is GERMAN

Attached: 1540044965240.png (1024x1024, 579K)

I like this smug little Kraut better

Attached: 1550727084380.png (70x79, 16K)

I accidentally read that as girl's fortnite

Attached: Yn59Dtl9c.png (616x1000, 663K)

game needs more doujins desu

Attached: 1544933160999.png (780x972, 661K)

Attached: 123445432.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Based Raymoo poster
Here, bro. Use this next time.

Attached: 1551455701335.gif (344x391, 3.2M)

Never liked guns. Now leave me alone

Attached: IMG_20190108_222207.jpg (480x465, 29K)

Sorry but no japs care about this crap lol

It has the same problem as every gacha game: it has amazing character design from talented artists but it's forever stuck in a series that will never have actual gameplay.

Fuck this shit. I'd love them in an actual video game instead of a .jpg lottery simulator.

so much for the supposed doujin boom once the JP server went up


>welrod's dummy links are bullying her
what a dork

Gfl is probably one of the most f2p friendly gachas, even the rare shit isn't that rare except maybe five star shotguns and they aren't exactly that big of a deal

what's with GFL and nibba porn anyway

Attached: 1531461404552.png (3024x1890, 1.99M)

how do you feel about stuff like the GBF fighting game?

Granblue is the only saving grace. I hate fighting games but I'm very hopeful for that JRPG they're making. I hope it sells millions and convinces other gacha to make actual games.

It is getting an anime though.

It will be shit and just jokes but still

other gacha want to make money not games

Attached: 1541640852001.jpg (1228x868, 333K)

I'm seeing quite a few more on panda. But I don't really lewd this game.

WA2000 is a good cook and I love her.

Attached: wa2000.jpg (4032x3024, 3.53M)

>453231018 (You)
>Android installs: 10k worldwide Jan 2019
>Installs: 100,000+
>implying the install base grew 10x in two months
What did (You) mean by this?

>one month vs lifetime
So this is the IQ of a DFL poster...

there's GFL2 which is still in very early development so we might not even see it happen. AL also has that one PS4 game or whatever.

>quite a few more
>1,2 doujins is quite a few more
Nice try, let compare it to fate something

>A good cook
>While showing the most bland meal ever
At least make her proud user.

Decent. AL is notably better but in general the economy game is orders of magnitude better in this. AL's stupidly low hardcaps make general gameplay painful, especially when saving for event gachas.
I played both but dropped AL shortly after the Neptunia collab. GF is pretty fun and the upcoming content will be decent.

Wtf, this is a straight up lie. AW just end and 100k people rank. And only 15% of player who start AW rank. That’s mean there was nearly 1mil player last month. Same with GBF ranking list the top 120k and that’s only the hardcore one



Keep on trying, user! nya~

>diet coke
Fat fuck weeaboo neckbeard

>Been rolling for sleepy kraut for so long
>Talk shit about WA, get her twice in heavy
My MREs aren't gonna make it

Attached: 1548098726275.png (1000x1000, 180K)


Attached: 1545029172981.gif (600x338, 2.5M)

The guy is using a pretty small sample size. It's limited to people who are using Samsung's phones and are compatible with the game launcher which is S7 and above I believe.


>good cook

Attached: 1543742551472.jpg (2000x2000, 1M)

At least you're better than mobile legend bang bang, my condolences

Attached: Untitled343.jpg (1182x783, 126K)

So, what the fuck is this thing?

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i have weird luck. all i want is four star meido and negev, i'm getting anything but that. i think i had three or four kars already, mg5s, g11, shrimp, vector, enfield, contender, g36c, you name it. still no meido, still no jew

A gun.

We just don't know.

Attached: 69983499_p0.png (1752x1822, 1.53M)

Be polite, user! That's my fucknugget onahole you're referring to!

Attached: 1545416232292.jpg (907x1280, 819K)

canonically, it's a fucknugget


Attached: e447b8b3f4d43cc6e29d1e5fbdb91f2a.png (690x1003, 767K)

I like FAMILY! :3!

she's such a cute ball of love and good feels

Attached: tmp_9885.jpg (480x480, 45K)

So much for we will dominate Japan and Comiket


Attached: 1537657299923.gif (540x540, 49K)

What's that?

>best leveling maps have artillery bots fucking up your rear units
How am I supposed to handle this with a basic bitch 3AR2SMG setup?

>open the door of your room
>be greeted by this
What do?

Attached: 1549247822832.jpg (947x847, 138K)

you're dumb or something?


move them all up a row so the ARs start in the middle row and they'll snipe the fuckers before the rest of the enemies move up.

>burger clap intensifies

>no doujin
>no decent fan art

I'm dumb because I can't read nip. What's the circled game?

urgh this game?

I got G36 last week and was pretty happy with my rate up pulls, so I can't really complain.
Still, tho.

>no 5-7
>no AUG
>high sodium
Are you perhaps HOXY?

Attached: 1549713024725.png (1279x709, 910K)

>that vanilla WA doujin

Attached: 1548369419107.jpg (455x461, 14K)

best gurl

>tfw just barely got 5-7
>AUG announced the day after I was looking at her wiki page and thinking how much I'd like her in my armory

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Attached: hum.png (795x374, 242K)

Attached: wawawawa.png (1500x1301, 1.82M)

Based and WApilled

did he died or is he frenching springfield

No bro she's alright, alive and kicking Dreamer in the balls

Yea Forums's opinion on Honey Badger PDW?

Attached: Honey Badger.jpg (658x823, 109K)

I could buy a fourth dorm... Or I could oath someone.
These are difficult decisions.

Attached: 1532118843633.jpg (1200x774, 416K)


post WA bullying

What's with all these artworks of Springfield and Mutsu from KanColle?

Attached: __m1903_springfield_and_mutsu_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_jai_whany1998__247cf912a7d1c9cc22ca (992x1404, 247K)

You think they would ever add Grenade Launchers/Rocket Launchers to the game?

Attached: 17ujf2bwa38oujpg.jpg (636x358, 31K)

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Attached: AGS-30.jpg (2048x1024, 193K)

Why is WA so perfect bros

Attached: __gerudo_link_link_and_wa2000_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_and_etc_drawn_by_duoyuanjun__54 (1000x1453, 154K)

Flock off, wawa is cute and doesn't deserve the bullying she gets.

For a moment there I thought that was the rune magic hag but it was WA

Try searching 'Crop top overhang' and I think you'll find what you want

bootleg Scathach


Attached: WA2000.jpg (1200x1726, 706K)

Implying what? about Scathach is much more popular than her?

Why not make a scat hatch thread?

Attached: 1531027801562.gif (500x500, 1.53M)

she cute

Attached: mrXsMCT8Ik_CGRJNJwnBmyXarVzTOHaNVRAUhds_P-4.jpg (932x1446, 157K)

>Log in
>Welrod adjutant
>Eyes instantly drawn to the gluteal fold every time
Forgive my sinful, overactive imagination

Attached: 1525875945626.jpg (1200x1200, 266K)

Just about to start up this game for the first time? any tips?

focus on 2 or 3 star dolls in the beginning theyre easier to dupe.

Grab friend IDs of high level players and use their support echelons to clear the story missions easily

Spend your free gems from log ins and achievements on shit like new dorms and echelons, not resources and contracts. You can oath your raifu later on, the stat boost isn't that important.

Attached: 1522690727298.png (700x992, 1000K)

go to /gfg/ or post your friend ID, use support echelons to breeze through chapters, 2-6 chapter boss is a wall, you need lvl30s

you want to breeze through chapters because there's like 4-5 chapter unlocked dolls which are very good and they're practically mandatory to level up anyway because of how nice they are early or how strong/meta


How does Scorpion-chan look?

Attached: 1481229489785.jpg (270x259, 62K)

Scruffy and unrepaired

Attached: 1525295058575.png (926x570, 618K)

I started playing both Azur Lane and Girls Frontline around when they started their EN servers.

GF's girls average at 7/10, going up to 9/10.
AL's girls average about 5/10, going up to 7/10 with a very small handful of 9/10 exceptions.
GF's story was... existent. Nothing amazing, but enough for me to pay attention.
Which is more than I can say for AL's.

But I quit GF and I'm still playing AL, because AL's gameplay is fun.
GF's gameplay is like playing Civilization. With only combat and nothing else.
Boring most of the time, and the higher difficulties are simply tedious.

although the real reason I quit was because I didn't get wa-chan's halloween costume, so I've resigned to just browsing pixiv and boorus for pictures

Is there some meaning behind these edits or are they done on a whim?

>Quitting over a costume
My guy, the only one I want isn't even in global yet

Attached: 1532143857400.jpg (800x1000, 158K)

I know about that, I just fail to see how are those edits related to the song.

I may not play the game, but Evo is a cute

Attached: EVO-3-1.jpg (1200x1500, 739K)

nice shit taste

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take better care of your weapons

Skorp's echelon of 3* regulars is on permanent token farming duty now, so no worries

how much money did you spend before giving up on it

She's beautiful

Attached: 2.png (1024x1024, 370K)

>It took them this long to implement fairies

The hell have they been doing?

Attached: ௵.jpg (372x260, 21K)

It's not their fault they're on a shoestring budget since nobody plays it.

doomposter pls go

They aren't just going to immediately release all the CN content to the world user, we've had two major events, one collab event, and a bunch of other minor events since launch.
begone doomposter

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waiting for JP to catch up to EN, things should be going faster this year.

Calm your tits, fgofag

Attached: 1536748133730.gif (560x552, 321K)

>tfw 9 black cards
I'm not sure if I'm using them for her or xmas RFB though.

Attached: RFB_costume1_D.png (1024x1024, 425K)


I mean I guess it's fair to expect them to take time to let the resource economy settle a bit before introducing fairies but there's just a huge content gap between all the events compared to Azur Lane which is going dccccccccccccccccccfcfrffffffffffffffffccccccccccccccccccccccccccxxxxxxxxxxxxxx d-----------------------------

Attached: Capture.png (889x432, 543K)

>tfw 0 black cards
I just want an outfit for Lee

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Post more of this jewess please
I don't like gachas but this qt destroys my dick

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When does the anime air?

Attached: o3153875.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

Face it bros, GFL isn't going to last another month...

did they really give a gun stars of david?

>dabs on your fucking flopped corpse

Attached: index.jpg (233x216, 9K)

>GFL losing to Azur Lane, the clone


>dabs on your fucking flopped credit rating

Attached: 1524171939258.jpg (474x672, 45K)

love the girls
hate the game
wish theyd make a good game set in the gfl universe

But i don't have any credit card

These girls are great but your game is skinner box chink shit.

Everybody knows, we just like the girls enough to suck up the token gacha.
At least, I hope nobody actually blows cash on it.

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I was thinking about quitting when I missed that costume too, used 800 tokens on that and got fucking nothing.
I wish costumes were available in the shop like in Azur Lane, but they are never gonna do that I guess

I can't believe this thread still up

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Neet feet!!

Attached: 1522582533360.png (1024x1024, 539K)

I used some google reward money on it for the month gems.

Attached: f6576bd.jpg (2048x784, 305K)

The nice thing about gfl is that the old servers are still a year and a half ahead in content so even if the game dies more or less we will have it for a while, since maintenance and translation costs are nothing

some are available in the shop, but yeah costume gacha is the only way they make any money so they'll keep it. 800 tokens is nothing though, you would have to be extreme luckshitter to get a live2D skin with only that much.


Probably means this

Attached: 1520618924389.png (260x114, 58K)

Nice assfang.

>iqdb that image
>google it
>it actually finds it, but only pic related, a literal icon
>google and iqdb the icon
>finds nothing
I fucking hate search engines so goddamn fucking much goddamn it.

Attached: 30eg.jpg (150x150, 5K)


Well I posted from the index.


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trap for retards
you can get all the fanart INSTANTLY FOR FREE without wasting your time and/or money on a mobile "game" with worse gameplay than a flash game, which is so shit a button exists to skip it

five years ago you niggers would have been laughed out of Yea Forums but unfortunately, phoneposting happened

>welrod likes going on dates

Attached: Welrod_MkII_costume3.png (1024x1024, 118K)

I gave the Oath ring to WA because I fell for the budget scathach meme but then realized 416 was better but couldn't afford a new ring
How retarded am I

Someone explain this game to me. Is it even a game? Is it an fps? 3ps? VN?

you control squads of units on a semi-linear strategy map (you can move them between pre-determined points) and activate abilities when they go into battles which are otherwise auto-fought
its more a game than some gachas

416 is shit and WA is not a slut like Scathach

this desu
fucking faggots

it's a gacha, aka: a mobile "game" designed to sell you anime skinned lootboxes. the "gameplay" is so bad and repetitive that a button exists to skip it

Attached: 1547439554906.jpg (577x347, 38K)

>shitposters don't know what they're talking about

>"but shes really stacked"
>most negev fanart has barely any titty anyway

wait, there's a skip button? i didn't see one

>shes really stacked!
i need some proof bratan

can you imagine being so much of an e-bab that you have to jump through hurdles like this when replying?

How mad can one be

Nothing, she won't offer me a family.

it even lost to it and was WAY behind during chinese fucking new year
fucking dead game

Arknights looks better tbqh

Poor quality shitposters don't deserve (You)s. Sorry.

You can't call anybody mad when you enter threads about shit you don't care for just to whinge like an undisciplined child at the store.

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user, you're going to tell me there's a full webm, right?

Probably talking about the autobattle nobody uses or the autoskill everybody uses

Post more Welrod so I can sleep well

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just a reminder that wa2k and springfield are MY wives, YOU cant touch them!

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polygamy is NG

become Mormon

i dont know much about guns but that artists stuff is quite something, almost makes me want to play the game

>polygamy is neutral good


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Sounds good to me

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