Yea Forums, would strangers know you're a gamer if they visited your home/apartment? Do you wear it proudly on your sleeve?
Gamer Room
I have a curio cabinet with all the Game Boy models from the brick to the Micro. Other than that, no.
>implying that people actually visit me
I used to have posters, merchandise shelves filled with games. But then I looked at it from an outside perspective and realised it just made me look my only interest was video games. Now I just have a couple of consoles out on view.
>curio cabinet
how old are you?
>be single 31 year old dude
>buddies come over
>comment on my stuffed animals
It's a little odd and they finally acknoledged the damn things, but fuck the way they said it was kinda weird.
>yo man, you're room is hooked up for a chick to come over and fuck
Like what.
have you been raised?
nope, I'm a PC chad so my gaming equipment (a desktop PC) looks like something any average person would have in their home.
I'm not sure if I'd say I wear it on my sleeve but my ps4pro/switch/xbox360 are all hooked up to my living room TV so they notice.
Unleavened, actually.
The games speak for themselves
why is Nintendo such a mind-cancer to millenials
>that low desk
uncomfy as fuck desu
>tfw have a hallway with all my games dating back to n64
>all my consoles i've ever owned
>tfw wife shits it up with all her POP figures
Girls love stuffed animals, my dude. Every girlfriend I've had has had a bunch of them and loved receiving them as gifts.
I also noticed a trend of them liking to leave one or two of their own at my place. Don't know if it's a weird territorial thing or if they just like having one of their plushes on-hand when they come over here.
Point being: Whoever said that knows what I'm talking about. If you like plushes and have a bunch, that's bonus points for any girl you bring in. Just as long as they aren't weird shit like MLP.
>stuffed cuddly pokemon toys
>video game art books
>anime posters
>video games organised top to bottom (from my most favorite game to my least favorite)
>my cd collection in my bedroom consists mostly of video game soundtracks
>recently bought a Luigi puppet for fun
I think my secret's out
I'm just now starting to build my physical collection but it's pitifully small.
It's an Eevee, an otter, domo panda and a galaxy print fox.
I'm not sure because my furniture is subtly like my clothing.
post your cute belly, trap-kun
Bitches love Eevee. It's the main reason TPC still headlines it in their marketing; it's to appeal to the female side of the fanbase. I have never met a woman who likes Pokémon and doesn't also like Eevee.
Huh, good to know. Now I just need to get a girlfriend. Though that isn't going well, probably because the sites I use.
No, I don't have any pictures of my stomach because I'm self conscious from surgery scars I've got from when I was young.
Is this a subtle battle station thread?
Just a couple of consoles and some bookshelves full of games. But there's also a guitar, bass and keyboard so it doesn't look like I only play vidya. The most cringy thing is probably a huge Iron Maiden flag on the wall.
I actually don't really play vidya anymore since picking up an instrument, but I'll never get rid of my collection
Not like anyone ever comes in here anyway