>monster hunter world isn't casualized at all!!
>*puts on auto-evade mantle*
>*proceeds with sprinting away while drinking health potion*
>*runs back to the camp to restock all items for free*
Monster hunter world isn't casualized at all!!
>play monster hunter XX
>get one shot by map wide unavoidable move
>*Crack* *Sipps*
oh yea, that's skill
>Get OS by Extremoth anyway.
>moving while drinking potion
Older games potion drinking is still faster
Yet you can't just run away to dodge attack and have to find an opening to heal.
I'd prefer that system. MHW feels sluggish when you heal. There's plenty of openings during a fight.
But that is generally easier in older games. You bait out an attack and just heal while the monster turns around with its classic slow turn speed. Monster hunter world monsters turn around quicker and more fluidly. Monsters such as Teostra or Lunastra will fuck you up while you run around healing.
They won't if you run to the side and not from them. That argument doesn't hold at all. Yes, mosnters are a bit quicker now but they still work pretty much the same. I don't remember being hit often while healing in MHW when it happened quite a lot in older games.
You might not get hit while healing by weaker monsters, but monsters such as Lunastra will run so fast up to you and you generally won't heal fast enough. Older games healing is instant.
Worst thing they can do is interrupt healing with roar but that's it. It's extremely easy to run away from Lunastra or Teostra.
It is easy if you already have some distance yes. Depends on what they are doing too I guess.
>Play Double Cross, MHGen, MHGU
>Absolute readiness
>Absolute Evasion
>Adept Evade
>hyper Shield
Damn it feels good to be skilled at this game.
>Zones out
>Heals up to max and resharpens weapon without risk
>Zone back in and carry on
>avoids a big attack by just leaving the map and returning later fully healed
Now that took some skill.
really though why are there some people trying to stir up shit by arguing over which game is better? Some people have different preferences is that really a reason to talk down to them like some asshole?
*Hits time limit*
It's Yea Forums
False, there is no time difference
>Yes, mosnters are a bit quicker now
Lol, no.
OH we're using time limits as an excuse too.
>*runs back to the camp to restock all items for free*
>Hits time limit.
It isn’t exclusive anymore so now it’s shit.
No one needs to change zones to do any of this, moron.
the fact that you can restock stuff while on-mission is literally the only thing that would make the game easier compared to old games.
you can walk around while drinking potions but they take ages to heal you. the old ones were all instant after your character started the drinking animation. most of the other consumable animations have been slowed down as well. they simply introduced the walking mechanic during it because it feels less shit if your character isn't grounded to the floor like a retard.
we have that in mhw too lol. it's absolutely cancerous in all games wherever it happens.
the mh games have always peaked somewhere before the very endgame monsters of grank. in the end they always result to absolutely lazy bullshittery just so autists have something to throw their heads against and feel superior about because they can't make it in actually difficult games (like any game where you play against other people)
>ever hitting a time limit with free infinite fast travel
>ever timing out in MHW with the easy topples and decreased health pools
Top kek
we found the WorldTard
>Motherfuckers don't know how to superman
they're both shit lol
play a real game like 3U or FU
>you can walk around while drinking potions but they take ages to heal you
You can run while healing, moron. Also mounting is still in and it's even easier to mount monsters now because of the grapple hook and all the various ledges int he game world. The fast travel mechanic also makes getting around the map even easier to do and scoutflies trivialize finding and keeping track of monsters because as soon as you find the monster, an icon for it pops on in the map with 1:1 updates of its location until it dies.
>You can run while healing
It's more like a brisk jog.
>"real game"
3U gives 50 free naked defense and nerfed every monster from Tri and Portable 3rd. 3U is not a "real" MH game. Someone should just play Freedom Unite, Tri, and Portable 3rd over that garbage.
I feel like they never should made fast travel a thing in World maps. They spent so much time on creating really neat shortcuts and hidden paths in these maps that often go both ways, but the fast travel makes them only useful for one way. Also by removing fast travel; it would make restocking a bit more of a dilemma + farcasters would be a general use item again and not just for specific situations. Fast travel is handy, but I think it damages more than it helps.
ITT consolefags still mad their beloved franchise is now available on PC
>*sells 12 million copies*
Worldbab still seething with his dumb delusions acting like running and healing isn't possible.
>>you can walk around while drinking potions but they take ages to heal you
Max Potions are instant 200 hp
>ships and sells a combined unit of 12 million - confirmed by capcom
12 million people didn't buy MHW.
I can't believe how many times the belly flop saved my ass from getting turned into ash or getting turned into a pincushion.
Still can't save you from Lunastras turning up the heat though.
You're really upset about this, aren't you?
You can double dive the lunastra explosion if you time it correctly. It's a bit tricky though
I'm happy that out of all the animations and things they changed for no reason they didn't alter the superman dive at all.
>acting like running and healing isn't possible.
It is, but I don't find it way more easier compared to older healing.
Like how zoning and healing isn't possible right?
It's perfectly acceptable and expected to roll into GU multiplayer in buja memeset and lvl 4 weapons, right?
a set with active skills is a good set in low rank
I find it infinitely easier personally.
If you start chugging in any opportune moment, you can be trotting away from anything dangerous that comes you way during the animation with little to no fuss. The most dangerous thing you have to worry about are the wind/roar/tremors.
However it's most punishing to people who just panic heal in bad moments, which I guess is a good thing but at the same time people who panic healed were punished before as well so it's not like much is different.
well damn seems like I have found the next thing that I should train thanks for the advice.
>the brisk jog that lets you dodge 90% of every attack that isn't an aoe
Yeah, that sure seems like a jog
No one Zones to heal, it's far easier to heal while fighting the monster. I don't know why you'r still parroting this dumb meme. .
Why is everyone so butthurt all the time?
>not even G rank is out and fags are comparing Mhw to GU or 4U.
Just you wait till we get eldaoras hornet for the dragon shot rapid fire.
friction from all the cocks, mostly
I mean it's still possible to zone to heal in World too.
Just crawl through any opening or even have some weird invisible lines that monsters refuse to cross and you can just sit there and sip to your hearts content while they don't chase you at all.
Tendies still mad they lost Monster Hunter to real consoles.
Can't like many different monster hunters
MH was never hard, just time consuming. Virgin
Dragon shot fucking sucks in World though.
>Hits time limit
Not with fast travel system.
Monster Hunter World is the game Monster Hunter fans deserve. The series truly gets a chance to shine now that it's not being held back by Nintendo's gimped systems. Monster Hunter is back.
Isn't monster hunter exclusively pve?
Why the fuck are people acting like being good at a pve game = skill?
>Isn't monster hunter exclusively pve?
>the only thing that would make the game easier compared to old games
How about fucking MANTLES?
>fight a Kirin
>put on evade mantle
>it runs out
>put on lightning resist mantle
>it runs out
>oh look, evade matle just recharged!
>rinse and repeat
AT Kirin was a joke simply because I can just spam those matles one after another and never be afraid of getting hit by anything. In worst scenario I'll just run to the side while healing.
Mhw has a much bigger map, and no load times. I'd take fast travel over going from camp to next areas with multiple loading screen. You heal instantly in 4u, you don't in mhw.
There was that weird PvP mode in Dos where you captured a monster and then set it against another player's monster, but at the same time you're both in the arena too slapping each other and the monsters.
That was a trip.
Also Hunter Blade had full PvP but that was dumb and Chinese.
I wish people would point out the real flaws of the game instead of meme shit like the fact that player power vs. monster power is ridiculous and even a novice player can fucking stagger lock monsters to death sub 3 minutes with a good set. I'm not saying hunts should last 30 minutes, but once the loading screen + getting to the monster starts taking longer than the actual fight it gets a little ridiculous.
every day they seethe
every day they try to cope
>Why the fuck are people acting like being good at a pve game = skill?
Mostly the nintendies; No actual PVP on the Switch.
Only because they messed with monster hitzones. I imagine if we get akantor or something big with dragon weakness it would be good. I miss killing G akantor sub 2 min
Whatever its faults are, I am looking forward to Iceborne and future stuff in World based monster hunters. The updated graphics and the amount of details they put in the living world they created is really cool. I was always hyped for how older monsters would look in World graphics and animations. Gigginox when?
There's actually a lot of neat locations like that nest on the cliff in the desert but you have literally no reason to go there since hunts use just few big locations. It's kinda funny how they promised big seamless world but it functions exactly the same as before. If you somehow lure monster out of his scripted zone route he'll try to get back immediately after his aggro trigger vanish.
Real talk
When does QoL stop being QoL and becomes caualization?
>not reaching Behemoth/Extremoth
>It's a great game! You should buy it!
>Go to random monster
>it's bigger than the screen and you can only see its feet
>Can't read the attacks because more than half of it is off-screen
>one shot KO
Great game. What an amazing experience.
around rocksteady
>Muh PvP
Go back to your battle royals
I feel like they managed so use most of the areas in the maps well enough, but the one that is lacking is Rotten Vale. There are just too few monsters that use the rotten vale I guess. I mean only bazel and Radobaan uses the top part
I don't think about you at all, OP.
And then we face the problem of casuals and mh vets alike not fucking participating in teamwork and treating him like an actual raid boss from an mmo
I would say when a feature impacts the gameplay in such a way that it provides the player more possibilities or more information while not also matching it with a bonus to the opposing side.
So for example, having seamless maps is a QoL since there's no real change in terms of how the game plays during, just no more loading screen between the bigger areas. However stuff like mantles, walking while healing, and a bigger item pouch would be casualization since it provides the player with a lot more options and ability without an upgrade in terms of monster aggression or range.
Haven't seen a nintendie shitfit thread in a while. I guess for all the content GU had it was still finite, while MHW is actively developed.
>Being a brainlet enough to not change settings if you are so bad you need to see the entire monster. Did you never play 4U faggot?
Mantles aren't really pure quality of life changes. It's more like a crutch if anything. Quality of life is holding down a button to carve multiple times without standing up again. Or just World gathering in general
That would imply you need to do any of that to even beat any enemies in this game when you absolutely do not. Most randoms I've ever played with never bothered with much of any mantles at all since they're entirely overkill and cover their waifu's up. They're good for mixing into your combos and tanking so you can focus on PB's but they're still meh.
Game could certainly do with being a bit harder though and require more effort given some of the necessary QoL they added in. Some stuff was entirely unneeded for sure. For everything they added, I don't think monsters required enough specialization to take down and were in fact just too easy to beat.
Does this mean the special move system in MHX was also casualization?
When monster hunter monsters become like a rpg/mmo raid boss instead of a hunt then you got a problem imo. I don't mind some variations though, but that is why deviljho was the best content update for World. Lunastra second
whomst are you quoting?
How's mantle spam and item restock isn't a serious flaw? It takes away tactic and planning almost completely.
Camera set to far, great options you got there mate.
no shit
Just get along already.
>haven't touched world in months
>feel the urge
>wanne do behemoth
>people STILL spam flashes on everything
>doing extreme, thinking the skill cap will sort shiters out
>it doesn't
I seriously give up at this point. Probably my last favorite encounter and it's not multiplayer compatible.
In a way yes, but they are more fun than mantles I guess
>you don't in mhw.
Yes you do, retard. pills instantly heal.
I am playing both World and Portable 3rd at the moment. Good stuff
they're flaws but why are they more important to fix than the fact that you don't even need them because you can stunlock a monster to death?
It's not a Monster Hunter monster. It's a FINAL FANTASY monster. It's an event quest so just like every single event quest, it has gimmicks. Look at Frontier with it's hundreds of unique and regular event quests.
When it messes with the core of the game. Having ability to just run to the camp and get all your potions back again makes planning before quest obsolete. Sure, it's convenient but also extremely casualized. You don't have to think about your health at all. Maybe you should risk and try to regenerate that red health instead of drinking potions to save them for more dangerous situation? Nah, not in World since you can just restock them anytime.
You don't do console wars when you got the money. Simple as that
>Frontier's Nuclear Gypceros April's Fool event quest
That was the greatest joke event I've ever experienced.
It doesn't mess with the core of the game at all. It's still Monster Hunter. You're just mad because this game isn't on the Switch.
but then whats more important, not casuzlising the game or fun?
What pill you cuck. You don't even know shit
Yes you are right and that is why I kinda give it a pass. Same with the witcher 3 crossover. I just generally don't like stuff like the last elder dragon bosses in Monster hunter games. Xeno is cool looking, but I didn't find his fight that interesting. e.g Shagura Magala was better, but that was only because he is smaller.
>tons of QoL changes some are unneeded even
>still have to carry power\defence talismans
It does since resource management is a part of a hunt and with unlimited supply you don't need to worry about management at all.
I'm sorry, I think you dropped this
That should be obvious though. It doesn't matter if it is technically casualisation if the end result is that it is more fun. Of course fun is more important.
You're just bad and have never played a mh game before you normie cuck. I have no problems with reading moves even at close range
But I feel World went too far with the casualization and thus is less fun.
MH is a series that needs to walk the line of being hard, but also rewarding. Too far in either direction and it loses its appeal.
I'm also well aware that that line is vastly different for everyone, so it's not like my interpretation is the correct one.
You can just jump it lol. He's not hard anymore, the hardest thing is getting a group that isn't full autistic
Well, to be honest. I prefer it this way because look, if we get another 4U type Lvl 140 apex raj & jho type shit (hopefully we will in Iceborne) the normies wouldn't play mhw. No normies playing mhw = no money for Capcom = no chances of them giving us better and harder content.
You just gotta let this stew for a bit.
fun is subjective though
>FU getting weekly/monthly content for more than a decade while 4U and MHGU rot
>Most randoms I've ever played with never bothered with much of any mantles at all since they're entirely overkill and cover their waifu's up
Well, maybe once you start doing high rank quest you'll actually see more competent players. Literally every quest I play have full party using temporal mantles.
World is a nice relaxing game where you gather bugs and put them on display in your room. A hardcore, intense test of skill it ain't.
Temporal Mantle is too OP right now. They can leave it like that for now, as we only need to grind tempered monster. But once Iceborne comes out, I want it reworked or more limited.
True. It's certainly a pleasant change in that it provides everyone with more opportunities.
But at the same time I've had plenty of aneurysms from seeing people mod their game with dozens of MMO bars because they can't learn how the game presents all the information already. So if they keep appealing to that crowd it'll veer even more from what I fell in love with originally on the PS2.
But thankfully I have Frontier to fall back on if I want to cut my teeth on ridiculous old-style hunts.
There should be only one mantle and only one use per fight. This way you'd actually have to think about when to use it.
stuff like:
>We updated the monster part hitboxes a bit to prevent frustration from not hitting even though you saw that you hit them
>farming mats is now a bit less time consuming because we marked it on your map and made a notification system if you are rather close but they are still a bit tricky to spot.
>putting some tutorials for some of the mechanics that are rather important in a menu tab and which you can reread later on.
>We made some of the descriptions of buffs less cryptic and made them more straight forward.
Those are QoL changes little stuff that doesn't impact the game that much but makes getting into the game a bit easier for the beginner it's a bit hand holding but not much and only for the start.
Casualization on the other hand though:
>the weakpoint of the monster was very tricky to spot so we decided to mark it with a big red clown nose for you to hit.
>You can now carry as many items as you want without having to worry about inventory space also all the items are given to you at the start of the quest no prep work needed.
>Material variety is now down to 1 material type per map which are at these glowing spots that can be seen all over the map.
>You get an advisor that always tells you what to do next or what that thing is doing etc.
In other words baby mode where the devs think that you can't even count to 5 making it far too linear and giving you no freedom and never letting you play without a safety net.
>Waaah! *All this optional shit* ruining the game for me!
Just don't use it then, you retards. I play World just like every other MH and guess what? It's just like every other MH. Probably even a bit harder than the more recent MH games.
In fact, my biggest gripes is that without any new weapon classes, World doesn't give me enough reason to play it over FU, 3U, 4U or GU.
>temporal gets nerfed in iceborne
>influx of people raging about randoms carting left and right because baby mantle doesnt work anymore
kek, i cant wait, capcom has started to give AT elders more things to work around temporal anyways
>leshen's bird damage
>teo/luna aura
>kirin tramples
>vaal's fart cloud
>behe's slaps
>It takes skill!!!111
Literally takes no skill at all to slam your body dozens of times against enemies until you guess their attacks right. Fucking terrible game with their unreadable enemies, lmao.
Imagine being so bad a 12 year old can do better than you.
Nice cope trying to blame the game
I've yet to see anyone successfully "run away" from a monster attack while healing in mhw, and i've yet to do it myself. Either I was already out of range when I started drinking or I get my shit kicked in while trying to hobble on by
So I only played two of these games. My first one was Freedom and the other was World. I fucking hated Freedom and got to the second wyvern fight and dropped after getting the second tier of raptor armour. My big grievance with World is how easy it is and the fucking unskippable cutscenes and the fact you are not allowed to just go alone. Overall it was a fuckload better then Freedom.
Are Nintendo babbys still jealous of this game while playing their 15 year old ps2 port versions? Kek
Lies. I instantly press the heal button whenever I've gotten hit and I never take follow-up damage. You run faster while healing than you move with your weapon drawn FFS
>You run faster while healing than you move with your weapon drawn FFS
If you rephrase that i could agree. But if you think you move as fast as SnS, Duals, HH, LS, probably LBG, Bow than it appears you have some serious FPS problems.
Worldbabs are a disgrace.
>yfw MHW is probably going to be the continued series direction
Quit bitching. We got at least 4 perfect 10/10 games before the casuals took over. No other franchise has been treated better.
Yes, 100%. However, that and MHXX aren't to be taken seriously. They're a series celebration rather than a new generation.
daily reminder that adept gunlance is fun as fuck
The only thing stopping me from playing the non-world games is the maps being comprised of separate zones you have to load into when the monster runs. Not a huge deal for most but it bothers the hell out of me.
What's the problem though? Those loadings are faster than running between zones in World so you actually save time.
how do I get into Frontier?
You don't
Both MHX and World are casual and easy due to their mechanics. They have way too many means of surviving anything be it the styles/arts in XX or the mantles in World.
Easiest would be looking into the Taiwan version, and the site Fist.moe has a pretty good rundown on how to do it.
It's about half a year behind the JP version in terms of updates, but it's overall cheaper and much less of a hassle (no need to change computer region or use a VPN).
Lads, which is the best MH besides MHW to play alone? It looks like a fun series, but I have a toaster and no friends.
you don't need friends. just jump into a random session and race to solo the monster before the others use up all the carts.
just make sure you know how to find the job board so you don't wander around the hub looking like a retard
Old monster hunter was not fun suck a dick.
I'm having fun, fuck you
All of them are fun.
>"Older MH games were so much more HARDCORE!"
>gets his shit kicked in only because of slow unresponsive movements and being locked in animations
>*leaves the zone to go heal and sharpen with 0 risks*
>*chugs a potion in 1.5 seconds*
>*dies to oneshot attacks that you literally can't see or have a hitbox way larger than what it looks like*
"Now THIS is hardcore monster hunting! haha suck it World babs!"
Defend temporal mantle.
>don't use it
>gets his shit kicked in only because of slow unresponsive movements and being locked in animations
I agree that World is more casual, but sipping while running is definitely not one of the reasons. It's different and has advantages and downsides. It's one of the more balanced shit they changed, actually.
They definitely are compared to MHGU.
This piece of shit keeps crashing on me. Any tips?
>in order of release
>2nd gen: FU
>3rd gen: P3rd, 3U
>4th gen: 4U, XX/GU
All of them can be easily emulated and are fun solo. P3rd and the 3DS version of XX are Japan only, the former has a partial translation patch and the latter has a full translation imported from Switch GU.
Works on my machine. Send me PM and i tell you what i did
Never used it
I normally just bring a mantle to cover elemental damage or buff my own
mantle is op true but running (not sprinting as you cannot do that) while drinking is good change, it was just fucking retarded in older MH games, generally quality of life improvements have nothing to do with casualisation or are you saying that MH games where hard only because they were clunky ?
>oh no, I'm actually have to think when to heal instead of mashing healing button!! so fucking retarded!!
>inb4 hurr you can just zone out
You're still vulnerable when you heal though.
Useful for when you accidentally get aggro on Behemoth. Useful for HH when you want to set up your first round of songs without corner horning. Allows you to do damage during enrage phases where you normally would have to sit around with your dick in your hands. It should last half as long though and maybe not work on Kirin's lightning and other elemental attacks.
not really, you can literally run circles around monsters while healing
Are you fucking stupid those moves are not unavoidable. IM HR56 on that game with a Lv3 weapon from the mantis boss. Ive fought just about everything in that game and not once did I fight something I couldn't evade.
You absolute can’t unless the monster is focusing on someone else in the first place
scarily accurate
you can though
How is MHW casualized if the current endgame (AT + DLCs stuff) is as hard as any other HR game?