Maplestory 2

Does Yea Forums still play this? Dropped it a while back, but they just came out with an update that made dungeons less aids and made it easier to gear up. I'm playing with my friends and we're having fun so far.

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Fuck MapleStory 1

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Daily reminder to dab on all doomposters

Fuck Reboot

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I only care about the thick midgets, like 90% of the rest of the people who care about MS2

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This dungeon was great. Easily one of my favorites.

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What happened to him?

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I left after the Halloween event. Might come back later tonight. Which class is in a good spot right now?

Dropped it once I got my character to look how I want, and already beat the main story.

archer desu

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Always looked interesting but I never really thought of rolling one. How flashy is it?

Dropped it during the Thanksgiving event. I enjoyed it, but having to do Fire Dragon over and over again on multiple characters was really fucking boring. I know they've changed that, but the thought of having to gear up for Chaos Raids makes me just not want to play. Hazex, is your trophy autism still going strong?

If you like birds, roll with it.

I stopped playing after I got my first legendary set. I already had most of the prize fishing trophies, maestro, and the sky fortress factions at revered. Daily missions just became a chore so I stopped that. Weekly hard dungeons became cancer so I stopped doing that (seriously having to do that shit 60 times a week. Wtf) the price of chaos onyx went up to 200k each when I stopped playing so enchanting my weapon was out of the question. Honestly the only reason to play is to grind daily/weekly shit to gear up for chaos raids, and even those became a chore (Moc is still fun though). There needs to be other things to do besides gear up for me to come back

Nah, I dropped it shortly after it released. I got into the closed beta and got all the rewards.
>mfw I saw hatlets in the daily MS2 threads when beta invitations were dealt out

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>tfw all those fags tried to deny they didn't want cock and ball torture anyways

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Game feels like a chore to play.
Same reason I stopped playing DFO.

Everyday you have to do your stupid daily shit or otherwise you will miss out on stuff.

Raid gimmicks are also boring as fuck.

Dropped in November, barely made it a little over a month

The endgame RNG grind is neither fun or rewarding, Infact it was actually one of the worst end game content plans I've ever seen.

>After breaking the 2100 barrier
>Run 1 dungeon, get a weapon
>You are now locked into running that dungeon forever or else you'll never upgrade your weapon
>Hard limit on how many times you can run your 1 dungeon
>Said 1 dungeon wont always drop your weapon
>Require multiple copies of your weapon to even attempt upgrading it to relevant numbers
>Require more and more copies of your weapon just to even attempt to upgrade at a 10% rate, even more copies if you want to get it up to 30%
>Do this grind endlessly
>Finally get Maxed weapon

Congratulations, do it again with Chaos raids.

Killed the game entirely for me.

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The "chores" aren't so bad right now if you just stick with doing weeklies. Hard dungeons are also fast as fuck right now. The best way to make big bank right now is selling legendary equips. I don't even do dailies anymore.

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Become a trophychad

Is mapleroyals any good? Im thinking of playing vanilla maplestory. I miss the pre BB maple

Wait, this came out? Like, no longer vaporware?

>no SEA servers
why even bother?

It's been out since early October.

Shit. Is it good?

I finished the main story on a couple of characters but that's all. All the decent cosmetics being locked behind cash shop is fucking aids.

user, I can't fap to static images.

I stopped playing after they removed my custom hat.

Your imagination fails you.

That way! Go! Go!

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Nigger, I fapped to my imagination when I was in school. I have better uses for my time nowadays.

Any NA West anons? Join vidya guild! We'll make it though Jungsoo's Wild Ride together.

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I'm sorry for your loss.

And I have a bigger dick

>I fapped...
>Big dick
Pick one

Okay. I'm still sorry for your loss.

>t. assblasted hivemind

Guys my country IP got blocked and I want to give it a try. What should I do?

>Does Yea Forums still play this?

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>not even a year old
>games already dead

didnt even make it as long as KR kek


What's his endgame?

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Use Mudfish.

Maplestory 1 was better. I liked the side scrolling gimmick and the bizarro kitchen sink aesthetic, it made it unique.

maple 1 was garbage and everyone can agree to that

How do you say his name?

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Why are the new girl portraits so flat?

That one might be a boy

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These two are boys

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Are you here Bort?

that's a really good way to describe how it looked
i think maplestory 2 was a big turnoff because of the camera angle and how there's almost no fun in seeing new places since they're all expected remakes, and the entire map is visible from the start with the story quests teleporting you all over the place so you don't even get a second to stay in some place you like

Nope we're playing a Reboot guild.

I found it funny how you tried to generate interest in MS2 during yesterday's thread though. Pretty sad how shitty your game is.

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>Current GMS

Should of just played a private server, but even that is shit.

No, it sucks and is nothing like the first game. It's a shitty WoW/Diablo clone with a maple skin.

>Should of just played a private server
Based retard.

I'd play it if I had friends to play it with

Play with me

I'd rather be dead than play it with you, or anyone on Yea Forums.

Hmmm tempting user, but I'm not sure I'd even find the time... Also ignore , he's pretending to be me to hurt your feelings. But I want you to feel good. Here look at this silly pokemon haha

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I really,really,really like this image.

I miss her.

mmos are a dead genre

1 and reboot are better 2 tho

I quit because of how much they are starving us on content for seemingly no reason
Also because they absolutely fucked over arena balance and still havent bothered to fix it

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This is why I play actual fightan games and not fucking mmo pvp.

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Who are they?

Dailies are a cancer and they need to be purged from MMO's entirely. Let me progress at my own pace, don't guilt me into playing every day so I don't fall behind. Does nothing hut burn me out and make me unsub

get rich and never do dailies again.

to be /fa/ af

Stopped playing after the CBT.
From what I’ve seen/heard about the game’s state, I made the right choice.

>Yea Forums guilds are dead
>/vg/ guilds are ERPshit AND dead

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He could of been a billionaire.

>Got to 4.9k gs as assassin
>Have the stats required for cdev including acc, piercing and boss dmg
>Never did cdev because of work and school and other vidya
>Quit because everyone else quit
>Relog after the fair fight patch and everyones already 9k+ gs
>No one wants to run with me, everyone wants to rush cdev or selling runs for chaos onyx crystals which I don't have

Have I hit a dead end bros?

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Rng is still trash. Making dungeons easier isn't gonna fix that.

What server do you play on? I've been seeing a lot more raids lately due to ribbons and people are more accepting of lower geared people in raids and hard modes.

Fair fight removed in dungeons and world bosses get a hit point nerf. That's it. That's all the content for March. April might be some gem adjustments, and that'll be it for April, and so on for May. 8 months of the same 6 hard dungeons, 6-7 months of the same 4 raids. What the fuck were they thinking?

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When the first raids dropped and everyone not at the top of the bell curve were locked out of content I stopped playing

No desire to go back

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True, but it made gearing up for raids and making money a lot more faster.
March just started. They already said that they will roll out more updates this month.

>mfw ms1 private servers have more population than ms2

Yea Forums guilds are /vg/ you retard

even tree of savior lasted longer than MS2 did. Nexon made this game flatline hard as fuck

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Is it dual-audio yet?

no they're not

What ever happened to wizet?

Got Nexon'd

didn't wizet stop developing entirely and sell maplestory to nexon in 2007 or so?

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You there Fishyaboo?

dropped it day 2 cause it ran poorly for me

>tfw my friend met his "girlfriend" on this fucken game

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Probably actually a girl or atleast a cuteboy. This is a girly ass game.

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There're a decent amount of women who play Maplestory 1 and Maplestory 2. I wish I knew that back when I was younger, I could have been a more sociable person.


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I never even tried this game. Ignore the artstyle, is it decent in terms of mechanics/fun and stuff?

The mechanics are pretty simple though there are a number of small things you can do to improve your dps and clear time. I still have fun playing. There's still a number of people that do stuff outside of dungeoning.

Has it gotten any easier to compose music for sheets? I wanna make some stuff but I don't really know the first thing about it or know anyone that takes requests. Have any new programs been made to help?

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NA West anons. Join the vidya guild!

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Sell me on Maplestory 2

Nah, I played for about a month at launch and lost interest once I hit the point where I should be doing the big dick raids. Didn't want to commit too hard until soul binder came out but by then I had gotten my fill of the game. Had talked to quite a few people but it didn't really evolve into anything more than familiar acquaintances so I had no reason to stay either.
Makes me even more appreciative of the friends I had in Maplestory. I never tended to initiate conversation but still had a rather sizable group of people who came to chat with me frequently. Maybe it was just a different time.
The first CBT was a good time, though.

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>big dick raids
Is the endgame just WoW endgame or what?

if your creative you can make some seriously crazy stuff and sell it to idiots who buy in game currancy other maplers so you can continue to enslave every maid you can find and lock them in your house

I'm rich in merets from spending a good month making skins. Was fun but personally got bored by the limitations.

I wanted to play pvp but queue time was horrible. Guess not much interest so stopped.

Either way it's a good game, I'm done but i would recommend it to new players.

Imagine a korean MMORPG where you get to the endgame "the only way I can get stronger at this point is to kill super bosses over and over until they drop good gear or do grindy activities with a terrible time cost for how little improvement you get" after like four hours of gameplay. The only reason those styles of game usually work is because it takes hundreds of hours of slowly climbing your way up to get to that point, so you're emotionally invested in the game by then. In this game, you get to the worst part of the game before you can really get invested in it, so the game's very easy to drop.

Absolutely true, the minigames and building homes was fun though.

post more pics of this bitch

I got a job and shit, I don't have time anymore. Not only am I exhausted from work but I have to try and keep up with TV shows, anime, shitposting, discord activity

It just feels... so... nothing, to me. I think it's just that the game is designed for younger people, so it feels empty. I don't get satisfaction out of mowing down enemies like I do in Tree of Savior because it doesn't feel like there's anything at stake. I guess I'm more of a "lore dude" rather than an "enjoy it for what it is dude."

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>Tree of Savior
god that game sucks

I think that the combination of the garbage story, little lore or anything interesting about the setting, and the preschooler-looking block world still turns me off

Oh yeah and why the FUCK did this game not having a friend chat channel? I missed typing "wb" whenever someone logged on.

Don't know, never played WoW. You just enter an arena and beat up a boss. Don't think they were called raids but I don't remember what they were called.

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What's the easiest class?

kind of a toss-up between wiz, sin, and zerk

assassin you just hit one button from across the map and pray you dont fall asleep

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NA west

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He's alive on various social platforms still, if you know where to look.

join the vidya guild and we'll help you out

I enjoyed how everytime he posted a video, the market changed.

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What is this joddy squad i keep hearing about?


I want to fuck Nairin


What's even the tucking point of this game. It's almost impossible to progress without doing the god awful story, exploration is meaningless with no cool sidequests, and once you beat the story you're max level with nothing to fucking do except 10 dungeons a week for shorty drops. It's got to be the most asinine game in existence. How did they duck up this Nad compared to ms 1? At least you could grind for cool shit in the game., and the quests weren't loaded with disgusting cut scenes all the time

Wow what a drop off.

Also didn't know about that site.
I think a big drop off should be expected, ToS had almost as big of one.
Could be worse, if dfo's numbers are anything to go by it's gonna die soon... again.

I regret buying the $100 pack

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Was designing clothing for the game and then I saw they were deleting some clothings because orange man bad so I said fuck it. Would rather not work on designs and suddenly they're gone.

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>he bought a pack
You stupid fuck. In all honesty though, that early access week was fucking great.

nobody plays through steam.

We warned you. Why didn’t you listen?

could be worse, you could've paid $200+ (or whatever ludicrously crazy amount it was) for the deluxe pack for Bless Online's western release like many many others have
and were denied refunds

rip mapleweeb