The Game Industry Is Choking Itself To Death (The Jimquisition)

>February was ridiculous. Anthem, Apex Legends, Metro Exodus, Far Cry New Dawn, and Crackdown 3 all going head to head, and all of them demanding a silly amount of time.

>The game industry is an uncoordinated mess of market saturation and nonexistent long-term planning. The industry wide adoption of "live services" with long content "roadmaps" is already at breaking point.

>Companies have their hands around their own necks and we're supposed to believe everything is normal. This ain't normal.

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I hate big publishers as much as he does, but Jesus Christ is he retarded at times. He is unironcally asking for game devs and publishers to collude for "long-term planning". This sure won't slippery slope into something terrible. Nope.

More options is good. You don't have to play every single AAA game. Fatfuck again has shit opinions. And OP is a faggot who can't develop his own thoughts.

>Cuck who gets $140,000 from other cucks telling people how to run a business

user, you get paid $0 to bitch about video games

no. we all get paid in (you)s its like being paid in head pats.

>shilling Jim Sterling
When is the last time you took a shower user?

I miss when he had more topics.

>Jim Unfunny Fat Faggot Sterling
Opinion disregarded

His problem isn't choices, it's that all of these games are "live services" that want people to be playing them for months on end, or are massive games with loads of "content"

>His problem isn't choices, it's that all of these games are "live services"
Only Anthem and maybe Crackdown 3 (I know squat about that one).
So Jim The Untermensch Sterling is once again completely wrong.

Most people don't even finish games nowadays. That's why they are frontloaded with stuff. Choices are good. If the industry isn't making as much money because they are oversaturating the market, good. Triple A games are mostly garbage. Let it all burn down, as it should.

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god I hate this fat faggot

his style is fucking trashy and he's an all-around off-putting individual who I'd never interact with in real life if I had a choice

with that said his characterization of the game industry right now is completely spot-on

e-celeb thread

>plays Dynasty Warriors on Normal difficulty
my sides
DW9 still sucked though, sure

All "journalists" do this.
It's almost like they are shit at games or something.

I'd choke this fat fag to death but I'm not sure I have the strenght to choke so much fat armor.

Sterling hails himself as a DW expert though.

It's less that he thinks that companies should "collude" and more that if these companies were well run the people making the decisions wouldn't be releasing games that demand long hours during a packed release cycle.

At least it's not easy

/gamedev from imageboards rise up

Jim doesn't actually care about whether the industry improves only that he has something to complain about.

>every game company tries to sell $120 games with $60 base game and $60 dlc
>consumers learn to wait for sales
>every game company tries to sell games early access and unfinished
>consumers learn to wait for them to be finished

I play my games on Normal. You don't think I'm shit, do you user?

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>season pass
>buy this unfinished game and grind out the content while we slowly release shit that should have been in a $60 game

Whats funny is that even with dlc new games have 1/3 of older games content if we get lucky, and its usually just skins and other garbage. Good thing that i dont care about AAA games, new games are too boring to even pirate. The same old shit with even less content with new skin and upgraded graphics.

this is why people pirate

>Excellent games like Spider-Man, Breath of the Wild, God of War and Mario Odyssey are long
>This is somehow bad
Literally what the fuck?

>February was ridiculous. Anthem, Apex Legends, Metro Exodus, Far Cry New Dawn, and Crackdown 3 all going head to head, and all of them demanding a silly amount of time.
And zero desire to play any of this derivative shit.

This fat retard is an idiot. He thinks companies should coordinate release dates to find success? Jesus christ, I know hes a cuck but this is ridiculous

They're not "long", they're just filled with busywork.

>The Jimquisition

to the trash we go

>one friend bought Anthem
>one friend pre-order Division 2
>you still holding purchase for both
well atleast all of my friend and i playing Apex.

>Metro should have been 10 hours long
What the fuck is this nigga even thinking

Games have always competed with each other and the best ones will eventually win. It's natural selection and it's a good thing.

division 2 is fun

Ignore any big release or mass marketing.
Do not purchase (hell, even download illegally) games from the current year. Do it with games 1-2 years old, fully patched and modded.
Invest half of your time to discover or re-discover old games, emulation included.
Gaming suddenly enters a new golden age.

who gives a shit about what this fat fucker has to sya

he cant even take care of his own body and he wants to take care of the gaming industry?

This guy has been on a roll in making shit videos.

>>February was ridiculous. Anthem, Apex Legends, Metro Exodus, Far Cry New Dawn, and Crackdown 3 all going head to head, and all of them demanding a silly amount of time.

It's turning into the Film industry- February is the dumping ground for all the shittiest movies. Makes sense.

Anthem is fun too when i play the demo. The question is, are there enough content when it release?
Is it true that all future dlc are free?

>he cant even take care of his own body and he wants to take care of X
Delusional libtards are always like this.

>future DLC

It's not DLC, it's content that was already made and then stripped out of the base game

I still think people gave WAY too much shit to DW9, especially Sterling's "worst game ever waah" (that people parroted forever on top of it). Gameplay was fine, the style of battles just didn't work with open world at all and they would feel pretty small.

what is the conversion rate of (You)s into USD?

I played anthem demo too and honestly didnt like it as much. The interface of mission loading and gear equipping and shit really turns me off from it.

Jim Sterling is such a bottom feeder
He only makes videos where he complains about the latest video game controversy

We're just cycling back to arcade games where one cycle of game take a short time (one credit of 30 minutes - 60 minutes instead of one playthrough of 10-50 hours). This kind of gaming style happened EXACTLY because people doesn't have a lot of time for entertainment. They can't be arsed to finish 10 hour game to get the complete enjoyment of a title. Meanwhile in BR games you can be perfectly satisfied in like 30 minutes.

Jim is dumb.

Well if you convert money into joy you find that 1:USD is equal to about .0000005 mgs of Dopamine while a (you) has been found to release .008 mgs of Dopamine meaning that a (you) is 1600 times more valuable than a US dollar.

>yes, sony is still pumping out amazing solo content
>yes, nintendo is still pumping out amazing solo content
>yes, microsoft is, you know

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his problem isn't choices, it's a lack of choices. all the games he talks about are clones of other games or sequels that clone their predecessors or other games.

time for farm (You)s

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when are people going to realize Jim’s job is to be basically Don Quixote?
even after all giants are defeated, he is still going to chase windmills. people like Quartering and YoYong are merely riding the same fad.
stop giving them clicks and they will have to learn how to code too

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>has been found to release .008 mgs
>citation needed

just think how many rainworlds and celestes and shit could have been made with the money spent on anthem :(

Liberals are the old bleeding hearts, moron. Fatties are just as acceptable as anyone else.

>complains about single player games barely existing in today's market
>in the same breath starts complaining that modern single player games (like BOTW and GOW) are too "big" and "epic" because they take too much time to beat
>then immediately follows that up with bitching that games are too expensive
So, basically he wants games to be incredibly short and super cheap because any longer than that and his attention span is gone. And judging from the rest of the videos on his channel, he mostly plays Steam garbage, which is exactly what he's asking for, and then whines about them being low quality. Guy's a fucking idiot who complains just to hear his own voice.

>The Jimquisition
fuck off and die faggot

>complains about single player games barely existing in today's market
>in the same breath starts complaining that modern single player games (like BOTW and GOW) are too "big" and "epic" because they take too much time to beat

These aren't mutually exclusive

You can simultaneously be disappointed that there are few single player games on the market and be disappointed that the ones that do exist are bloated with nebulous "content"

He's criticizing how pretty much every game is adopting an IV drip model when it comes to content, essentially expecting people to stick with it for months on end until it's finally a "complete experience"


“too much content” is literally a defense for less or worse quality by the same 60 bucks, also an excuse for “game journalists” to be lobbyists for shorter and easier games to make their “job” require even less effort.

>“too much content” is literally a defense for less or worse quality by the same 60 bucks

Having more content doesn't automatically make a game better

Jim makes fair points about the industry and usually has the latest news to analyze, I like that. His form of "comedy" is however absolutely dreadful and he's also a massive SJW. It's really a mixed bag, I wish I didn't have to consider following him but TB kicked the bucket so here we are.

Names jim cremeing Sterling SON

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What happened to Matt? He was supposed to be Griffith sacrificing his friends. But really he just got assblasted by a ginger and a black man

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“complete experience” is a subjective line drawn on the sand.
wanna complain about how it feels unfinished at release? okay. but all God of War added later was legit-post release QoL content that it wasn’t mandatory to have in order to “feel” more complete. NG+ isn’t a mandatory feature in every SP game, just like MP isn’t mandatory in every single game.
it’s like people shitting on games with cheat DLC equipment or costumes as if the game is less “complete” if you don’t pay up $1000 for everything. you don’t go to a car dealer asking for your car to get every single accessory available for it in order to feel like you have a “complete” vehicle, ending up with Homer’s car.

likewise, having less content doen’t guarantee the devs will polish the shit out of them. there are plenty of shitty one-day campaign games out there.

Its ok Jimbo, you are eating yourself to death too and no one seems to care either

>it’s like people shitting on games with cheat DLC equipment or costumes as if the game is less “complete” if you don’t pay up $1000 for everything

If you don't have access to all of the content, the no, the game isn't complete.

$60 used to buy you a complete game. Now $60 is only the starting price, you don't get the whole game for that price.

>says the visionary developer who desperately wants to push his 2 hour long artsy introspective story for $60

>Jim makes fair points about the industry and usually has the latest news to analyze
that's not hard, pointing out the flaws in Vidya is like pointing out the human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, literally anybody with a half working brain can do that

can you even entertain the notion of how retarded this sounds. just think a little bit about what you just said.
by the same logic developers should hold back on releasing every patch and potential expansion in a game right at release date, even if it delays the release for a decade
by your logic WoW shouldn’t have been released yet, it’s still being tinkered as we speak so it’s not complete yet

>Maybe i should give him another chance
>watch the video
>still a fat mouthbreather with absolutely nothing to say

hope he dies soon, atlest save us his bullshit

boo hoo, Diablo 2 was incomplete at full price before Lord of Destruction came out
Diablo 1 was incomplete at full price before Hellfire was released
Final Fantasy VII was incomplete at full price in japan before it came to US with the optional Weapons and shit
Monkey Island was incomplete at full price before we got the special edition
Sonic 2 was incomplete at full price for decades before we got the iOS port with Hidden Palace zone decades later

>at times
He's a retarded faggot.

Not so we in for good 5 to 10 more years of BR cash thx to zoomers.

MMO are going die for sure only wow and ffxiv will make it out in the end as every thing shut down for moblie mmos becuse they make x25 more cash then a nomal mmo.

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>Jim "I personally censored Xenoblade Chronicles X" Sterling

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Is he really complaining about too many games to play? Jesus Christ I hate games journalists.

This is the weirdest entitlement I've ever seen. Can't be happy that there's fun games to play, I have to be able to play all of them, the hedonism of it all!
He can't have fun because there's more fun to be had. Fuck that fat fuck.

why do you retarded faggots even comment without watching the video

>he fights on behalf of a giant company, despite that company having no problems with its competitors being around

video game bloggers are shit eating brainlets who can't think two steps ahead.

I mean, he's not wrong... The industry can only have X number of these AAA "live services" making money at any given time, and we're already at the point of saturation. If you want to introduce another one, you need to kneecap one that already exists.

It doesn't help that no one gives a fuck about any of the games listed except Apex Legends, and that's likely a flash in the pan.

This. Hardcore gamers don't seem to understand that most people don't feel the need to play or at least pay attention to every single major game that comes out.

Informed Consumers are minorities
He has no point to make. These publishers are still raking in mad profits. Even off the live services that die in weeks.

>companies are trying to make as much money as possible

How is the BR craze any different from the universe phase tv & film are going through? Nobody is saying that industry is going to kill itself.

A couple of unique months in the industry, 1. because of the BR phase being in full effect and people realizing PUBG didn't own the market, and 2. Rockstar releasing RDR2 making alot of companies delay game release doesn't mean there is a cataclysmic event on the horizon.

>These publishers are still raking in mad profits

Now. But what happens when this "live service" bubble bursts, just like the military shooter burst two gens ago?

>These publishers are still raking in mad profits

i mean anthem was just one of the most colossal failures in game industry history right in your face and you still say this? its quite obvious the gravy train is over already

isn't jim in an "open relationship" with an obese whale woman?

he was.
they seperatead because she was getting railed by like 4 other guys she liked better.

god that is so pathetic

>Anthem, Apex Legends, Metro Exodus, Far Cry New Dawn, and Crackdown 3

So all absolute garbage? You know that you can just skip it right?

EA is still full of dosh because another shitty game called Apex Legends is making them tons of new money.

i only played metro exodus, if you wasted time on the others you really must have shit taste and be a subhuman

Kill yourself, faggot.

>just buy 1 game you really want to play a month
>pick up the other games you wanna play later on at dirt cheap prices
>get to slowly enjoy video games you like over the year instead of rushing through every new release like a retard and save money

There's no reason to believe that taking things slow and letting the good games sift itself from the bad ones instead of falling for day 1 releases and having to enjoy more content and better prices is not a bad thing at all unless you're a publisher who's trying to obtain the most money from it's consumers. Jim sterling is a corporate shill retard.

Anthem and Crackdown 3 are the only ones there that are garbage

The others are good or average at worst

This is fucking stupid, you don't have to play all AAA games released, and not all of them ask your for a subscription. In fact the only game that is kinda worth playing out of all he mentioned, is metro exodus which is a 12-20 hour game experience.

Apex Legends is making money because it's not shit (and EA had little to nothing to do with it, which is why it isn't shit)

Yes but he's saying that the game industry is just shooting itself in the foot because of this. And that as they further and further try to constantly make their games hold you long enough so you buy microtransactions and shit then they're all going to be shitty games that drag out to bleed you, thus you'll be getting inferior games and they'll start seeing less money as everyone stops bothering.

Creimer what are you doing on Yea Forums? Go back to /.

>dude communism lmao

You dont HAVE to do the busy work side missions you shit bird.
>But muh 100% completion
Thats your own self imposed goal that never ever matters in the game. Especially in a day when you can just look up the 100% bonus cutscene on YouTube.

>You dont HAVE to do the busy work side missions you shit bird

Then why is it in the game?

That's why these games gate completion behind "reach level X" which requires doing tons of pointless side missions, or locks fun abilities behind it. The desire to keep people around long enough to sell them more shit is negatively impacting games.

If you want to do it you can. Its just extra shit to do. Im not saying its quality, just that its optional.

Alright, I'll watch it and then give my two cents.

>Jim Sterling

He takes Patreon donations (which he uses to fund his show) and sells Jimquisition merchandise. He himself runs a company and is a practitioner of capitalism.

>Leveling up is bad
>Unlocking abilities is bad
Don't play rpgs then. (Or ubishit games)

This, he's a socdem.

>there are too many games out at once for me to review and make easy money on!
Just game journalist things~

Unlocking abilities at a properly tuned pace so that it happens organically is good.

Having to grind side shit is bad (unless it's a JRPG or something, which is kinda what you sign up for) this trend is recent and why over time a lot of games have just become less worth your time, they're less rewarding, less fulfilling. And if you want to sink in for long term investment you can either play an MMO or do some real life self improvement.

Blow a new bubble.
Not that hard user

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I'm disappointed. I thought he was going to shit on all those games, because almost all of them were mediocre. Even Metro was surprisingly meh at best.

New Dawn was the same old Far Cry shit, Crackdown 3 is just bad, people found out they actually prefer a linear Metro game, and Anthem was the biggest pile of mess out of all of them.
He says people will be mad that so many games are coming out, but it's an easy choice to make. Far Cry is Far cry nothing ever changes. If you want more of that go for it. Anthem looked like shit from the beta, and isn't Crackdown 3 free on game pass anyway? Metro on the other hand looked fresh since it's pseudo open world, but I guess you have to try it to see if you like it.

>Caring about the opinion of a known cuck.

No thanks faggot.

Yet barely any "gamers" do

It's not really a problem, the market will correct itself and the shit live services absolutely will die out one by one just like the failed MMOs. The customers have nothing to lose, in fact they benefit because as the market becomes more saturated, more games will be going free to play while fighting over the finite amount of players.

He already shat on them in his Jimpressions series

>man who has convinced people to give him a 6 digit salary to complain about video games while wiggling dildos at a camera is somehow a bad business man
Sour grapes aren't going to make your life better user

more like journos are getting paid to overshill new launches, creating new "the next big thing" every single week
it is outrage culture, imported into vidya
the whole epic shilling season was pathetically obvious

>Capitalism BAD
>Obesity, Cuckoldry and Communism GOOD

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shut the fuck up Jim, you're a fucking retard and nobody likes you

I watched the fucking video, what part of my very simple complaint do I need to explain to you brainlet-chan?

the part where you completely missed the point

You didn't watch it

The point is that all of these games want to hook people and have them playing them for months on end

None of these games are content to just let people have fun with them and then move on to the next game

Oh that's easy, I didn't. Try baiting again harder Jim

Spidermans a good example of this. Three dlc packs post release all a couple hours each. I never bought them because I beat the game and moved on. I'm not going to put a single player game back in my ps4 to play an insignificant amount of new content. Games as a service is fucking dumb.

Posting this cocksucker here should be punishable by a hardware-based permaban. Referring to his videos and/or opinions in any shape or form should be punishable by an IP permaban.

Eat shit and die, cunts.

what said these games are barebones as fuck with drip feed content, ANOTHER boring open world crafting shit, or just garbage like crackdown

Or you can just fuck off if you don't like it

You realize people who aren't neets don't try and play every single game that comes out right? That most people aren't so autistic that they have to 100% every video game? That the fan base of metro and far cry aren't the same group?

so who cares if there's tons of content play what you want move on when you want, Ubisoft isn't forcing you to buy and play all their games

Then you're retarded.

It's obvious he's talking about how every game aims for infinite playtime, slow feed of constant content and 'daily missions', a lack of games that you just play and finish and that's it, 5-20 hours and you're done.

Oh no another shooter game, oh no another RPG, oh no. Play your fucking Indi games if you want and stop bitching about the games other people play

They're all shitty western games i have no interest in.

>More of the exact same choice with every trend is bad
You're dumb.
More choice is better if the competitors are trying to become better OR they're trying to cater to multiple niches. Neither of these are happening

I'll laugh at you in a year when not only it has not died out, they keep trying to force this style of extended content despite it being strategically a bad idea in a saturated market.

Yeah so you can keep playing your favorite sandbox until the next one comes out, or not! Isn't that cool how you can just complete the story or keep fucking around until you're done?
I swear only JimFags are so conceited as to be offended by infinite content on a game they don't have to play.

Except you didn't watch the video.
Jimmy's point is that publishers are all trying to make the SAME type of game, particularly a type of game that is designed to be your NUMBER ONE game that you play all the time.
Publishers are just not creating shorter, distinct experiences anymore because they're all chasing trends and post-launch revenue

I thought the complaint of the early 2010s and before was that games were too short. And now the problem is they have too much content? My how the pendulum swings

>Suddenly bare bones games that repeatedly force you back with adding things in with DLC are OK because Jim said they're not

The contrarians on this site who seem to determined to disagree even when they're solid points is tiring sometimes

Meaningless monetized content. They're still too short on actual things that you want.

You know just because they designed the game to be that way you can stop whenever you want. What are you addicted to crafting materials and post game contents? Lol faggot

>Game comes out bare as fuck with no end game and I'm supposed to be OK with not getting the full experience because it's not actually finished until over a year later.

>I want games with new and innovative niche ideas but also want them to appeal to the largest common denominator so they afford AAA budget
Go play your Indi games faggot

What is a backlog? Add shit you want to play when you get the time to.

>All western games

Japan is literally hitting a golden era while the west turns to shit.

Capcom in this past year has been ridiculous

Thing is, you can just wait until the full game, with all of its patches and DLC, goes on sale. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy the game at release. That's just advertisers and marketers flawlessly doing their job.

What kind of blacklog?
The current popular model business model is "f2p with seasonal premium/battle pass"
You can't have a backlog. Because all of these games are always online and have seasonal content. If you skip a season you don't get this seasonal content ever again.
Keeps people playing and grinding.

>Pure uncut Columbian Autism.

Do you honestly believe "full experience" means you have to have all the little things? Because I have bad news for you, obsession with collecting is an early warning sign of austism. You had better get yourself checked, so a therapist can begin socialising you for the real world.

Exodus, Far Cry and Crackdown don't have seasonal shit, playing two multiplayer ""games"" plus a single player one isn't hard to manage.
Christ. It's fucking video games. You play them to have fun. Getting upset that there's too much stuff releasing is retarded. It isn't a job and there isn't anyone making you play every release.

>Always online/seasonal
>Metro Exodus
>New Farcry
Are you legit just arguing to argue?

NO I HAVE TO HAVE ALL THE FUN! And I have to play them all so no one has more fun than me! Even if it stops being fun!

>t. Ubisoft tower fan

Yeah and notice how if they make a game that's not for me I don't
on a video game forum. I either read the reviews or exchange it for credit, buy something else and try to be a little more careful next time.


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>Diablo 1 was incomplete at full price before Hellfire was released
Hellfire isn't an official expansion. It was made by Sierra, not Blizzard.


You know ever since no man's sky ive been seeing a trend of people defending broken/ unfinished products on release. There are always comments like " it will get better with patches" or " the devs are people too" I've wondered what causes this kind of mentality. Is it because people are too embarrassed that bought an unfinished game for 60+ dollars and human ego is taking over because they are in denial that they have been duped? i came to this question because i myself have been duped before due to my lack of social awareness in certain situations