Where can I watch this streamer?

Where can I watch this streamer?

Attached: 61f5c62ab57e8d594638eef6c9f5190b.png (691x538, 656K)

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What a strange looking person

On Live Leak soon

Attached: Its_all_fun_and_games_until.jpg (1024x577, 93K)

He is gone, he finally ran out of money and went back to his parent home

probably can't now, think that was streamed on stream.me and that account was banned.


Attached: walking masquerade violation.webm (640x640, 2.05M)


That's hot

>Cosmo arrives home, s*yless
>His parents invite him in, but having some holy water ready in case the ghoul goes berzerk
>"Hun, we have a quest so be on your best behaviour"
>At the kitchen table, JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS looks at Cosmo with pity
>Next day, Cosmo loses last of his humanity

Where are Cosmo's parents? Why aren't they getting him help with his mental illness?

>The chad smile vs the tranny grin



Shut up Yea Forums we cannot trash him anymore since he beaten the fuck out of us at a smash competition.

he got banned from twitch and does youtube streams and chaturbate

Speak for yourself, I would wipe the floor with his shitty palutena

>John Numbers has moved into Cosmos room
>John Numbers is Cosmos parents new favorite BOY
>Narcissa gets to sleep under the stairs
>He can hear John Numbers fucking his parents every night via the drain pipes

need to see without the makeup

Here you go bro

Attached: nosferatu.jpg (1024x768, 237K)

whats John Numbers up to nowadays?

Being a god at Smash Ultimate.

Still streams with little success because he has no charisma but he has a real life outside of it

>Narcissa's s*ydrinks don't fit in the fridge anymore, when it's filled with JOHN FUCKING NUMBER'S protein shakes
>JOHN'S trophy is positioned somewhere, where it's impossible to miss it if you move around the house
>Each time Narcissa tries to scuttle into the trashbags, the vision of the trophy drives him back under the stairs
>Narcissa's father watches the nintendo championships every single day, speakers on fullblast

pretty sure you're not supposed to pierce your eyeball

Yeah as everyone said before the streaming.
The time from where Yea Forums used to win with a furry BR with 120 ping are over.

>you will never be drained by this Nosferatu
>your corpse will never decorate its sewer hideout
>this thing will never desecrate your corpse, not out of lust, but due to spite

cosmo has always looked like a gangly little faggot. I dont know how its a shock to anyone he became a tranny, and anyone that liked him before is a faggot too

It's unlikely that el vampir has the strength to drag anything heavier than a mice more than a meter

In that case
>you will never drain the blood of this Nosferatu in order to prolong your lifespan and dedicate your life into figuring out the power of John fucking Numbers

Attached: fuck vampires.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

This was from Van Helsing, right?
I should watch that again sometime.

It is, yes.
I never actually watched it but I probably should

Ye, its not that good but its pretty comfy to watch on a cold day eating something warm.

how the fuck have you not seen van helsing? it's pretty much always on tv, at least where I'm from

I don't watch TV.

have you not watched TV since 2006?


It always did seem appropriate for that. Hopefully it's still cold out by this weekend.

colour me impressed

why is youtube recommending me this shit?

"She's" dead..... we did this to "her".... It's our fault for not supporting "her"


God he sounds high
Is he ever sober?

based swede

he probably blew his last 50 cents on weed before uploading that

Weed? I thought he did shrooms?

Attached: 5841233.png (408x399, 15K)

>it's using a voice changer and an animated avatar now

Not much longer now.

Attached: b16a2ca348fa53bfd98840ca2036ebea032c03d660b69cf22443cd34c8908ad4.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

That is horrifying.

Can't wait till this fucknut kills himself

No one "does" shrooms as a casual drug.

Consistent use of Psilocybin's will have less and less affects on the mind to a point where even excess doses just don't do anything to the brain.

Shrooms are like 10 times a year thing at most for most people.

he literally had it all going for him at one point and he threw it away, at least from a viewer standpoint

he was an up and coming speedrunner part of the jtv crew so eyes were all on him and the boys to sell twitch
and twitch did their part to drive in viewers and foster this community, while the community started propping themselves up with charity marathons
then, as I don't know the details, he transitions
it had its backlash, I personally stop caring, but he keeps trying and so do the communities he was a part of
but he kept burning bridges, seemingly intentionally, while playing the victim

my best example is how he claimed he would regain what he lost on botw's release, he didn't
twitch constantly frontpaged him and it wasn't enough, or wasn't enough for him
he kept pushing and burning, alienating everyone he could in the process

he can't complain about people not giving him money (to "work") when he was already in a profitable position. he could have stopped and returned to form but it never happened.

it's a sad story, as an original viewer. I also super paraphrased, but that's my perspective.
please like comment and subscribe thx



Dendi Face (no space)

Narcissa, listen to me.

No one gives a fuck. Stop fucking posting here, you fucking half-assed drag-queen. Go be part of the 40%. No one likes you. Everyone looks at you like a sideshow, more than anything. You are not famous. You are infamous.

You are a freak-show looking for attention any way you can get it. But it won't fill the loneliness you feel, will it? All the attention you get is making you more and more miserable, and eventually you will understand that, but it's already too late. There is no way out. It's all you know, you fucking addict.

You are, and forever will be, a freak.