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I will. In fact, I'll be having sex with my transgender girlfriend in 10 minutes. Stay mad, virgin.

Fuck Resetera.

>I am unhappy with my life and I'm depressed
>*cuts off the dick*
>Nothing has changed why

hating transgender should be illegal. kys cis white male


>mentally ill people harm themselves

Fucking duh

Attached: 1548510325267.jpg (738x669, 55K)

They look in the mirror and still see a man deep down that's why. Regular gays are content with what they are that's why their rate is lower

>ahahah i'm having sex hippie wohoooo

But what's the point if you are like this?

Attached: 1549546134372.jpg (435x690, 80K)

Fucking Snoyboys

>society hates you
>everyone hates you
then you wonder why they commit suicide. if you're so troubled by the suicide rate maybe you should start accepting them

>wanting to fuck a tranny
I know OP is always a faggot, but come on.

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I am for elevating it to 100%

>liberals have way higher suicide rates than conservatives

Now that's a based and redpilled stat

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>The idiot doctor told me i should give up my vegan diet if i ever hope to have children in the future, and i was like "huh fuck that" and got up and left his office
Who is he trying to fool? Everybody with a brain knows he fucking mumbled something under his breath like a socially awkward retard before the doctor told him to kindly leave so he could serve the next patient.

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>suffering a we-man to live

Attached: ISHYGDDT.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

And still lower than vet suicide ratings.

Attached: vets.jpg (320x194, 24K)

Sweaty we all know the reason why trannies are such awful people is that they can’t get laid

>deep down
nah, merely skin deep.

Attached: average resetera 'female'.webm (404x454, 1.5M)

Remember to wash your dick afterwards or you might get septicemia.

>maybe you should start accepting them
maybe they could learn to accept themselves for who they are, first?

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