Do you watch Giant Bomb?

Do you watch Giant Bomb?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't really keep up with any gaming websites anymore desu except Yea Forums

not any more.

What's Giant Bomb?

Love her tight jew bod

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Unironically kill yourself you boomer.
Ninja or DrDisrespect are the only guys people watch these days.

only the GOTY deliberations


we have to go back

as much as I had my reservations about dan, he was the only thing keeping the west coast office alive. him relocating east and the new hires made me stop listening to the pods. i check in on quick looks every once and awhile and listened to GOTY but it sounds like I missed nothing.

years ago

What video game is this?

no. GB went down the toilet a long time ago. The hiring of Austin, forcing Drew to leave, hiring Ben, Abby, and Jan - all mistakes. GB is under pressure to be as inclusive as possible so that they can get even more viewers, and we all know how that works out.

I only watch it for Jeff and Dan

Abby's not as bad these days

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hottest woman currently alive right there

She looks like a female Derek Buck (the old main CGRUndertow guy)

One thing I kinda miss about old GB is having Drew and Dan on the podcast, along with maybe Danny every so often as the unofficial member.
2015 GB was the last time they were truly good.

Now you can't even bother Alex to continue to play wrestling games or Mega Man, and don't even think about asking Jeff to LP or finish DBZ in a timely manner.

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deep cut.

No but if there is a woman involved I want nothing to do with it. Women make me sad because every time I see one, I think "that could've been a man and actually be useful to society". If women didn't exist, this planet would be in a much, much better place.

youtubers > sjw parasite websites

seriously.. fuck any mainstream gaming website. They're all a bunch of leftist sjw wankers these days.

nope, not into IDpol shit.

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Used to be a big fan.
I unsubscribed years ago, now.

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Same, main reason I still even keep up with GB is because of Jeff. Brad has always been eh when he's not with the group and Id even know the other guy.
Beastcast is good sometimes I guess, but it's not the same.

Wanting nudes of most meh looking "child" in the world... jeez, you are desperate.

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You and me both man. Me and you both. Fuck I'm desperate.

No. Its basically a more subtle resetera, and the personalities themselves are garbage with shit opinions. Theyve fallen hard since the end of whiskey media

>you and me
But user... I'm visiting doctor to fix myself. What about you?

I'm listening to All Systems Goku. Hope they do another based anime instead of ending the podcast or doing Super

did she used to go by 'Patrick'?

Yeah, she used to be Patrick.


I watch Ranking of Fighters which makes me happy because they digged Asuka 120%. I enjoy it more when they play obscure jap fighters and skip more well known stuff, Did like seeing SFxT though as i'd wondered what they fucked up. Fuck gems.

Still laughing about how Abby was complaining that God of War mistreated women, and nobody was on her side

Who's the dude?

Is it true that the fat fuck refused to play Kingdom Come because of gamer gate?

they refused to do a quick look of the game because the developer was "problematic" or whatever, and I don't remember them ever talking about it on the podcast

It's Carrot Top, proffessional Prop Comedian.

danny is pretty awful

hes probably still complaining about quiet in mgs5

here u go bros

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Producer/Owner of Game Studio for the game was supporting Gamer Gate, and GB idiots went with whole Kotaku/Polygon/Waypoint bandwagon and claimed they will not make any coverage of a games dev's supporting GG.


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While Abby does indeed have a tight body, she's sadly not Jewish

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Actually they just said the game looked boring and not worth their time without mentioning gamergate at any point.

That's actually horse shit

They mentioned not wanting to play a game made by a white supremacist.
Because not putting blacks in medieval Europe is white supremacist.

She seems like a massive cunt but she has that plain Jane thing I find sexy. Girls is probably a closet freak.

She's not Jewish you fucking idiot. She has said repeatedly that she's an Atheist and doesn't believe in any religion.

The part where he rhetorically asked if black people were all so useless that they needed whites to make games for them was kind of over the line, you have to admit.

But I still don't recall this being mentioned as the reason for no reviewing it.

you know what is worth the time?

this 18 $ piece of shit bartender sim

You'd have to be retarded to believe that

"Game looked boring" was claimed by Jeff, but everyone who watched GB in the past years knows exactly Vinny, Brad and Jason would love such type of game, and they would grab it without a thought. Abby was the one who wrote on their forums or twitter she will not play a game developed by GG supporters.

Abby tweeted it

sentiment is spot on though

the concept that white people need to make games about black people and tell black stories is typical lefty/pol/ racism

Over the line because it struck a chord maybe

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None of them even play WRPGs outside of Bethesda/Bioware shit. Except the dog fucker I guess.

brad larps at being into wrpgs

>he doesnt know

You have zero idea what games they used to play if you claim such garbage.

I must have missed something. I remember back when Gamergate started, Zoe Quinn and Five Guys Burgers And Fries and all that, it was just about exposing/promoting discussion of the bullshit that goes on behind the scenes of gaming journalism, such as bribes and giving games higher scores in exchange for dex. I don’t see how anyone could really be against this. Did it morph into something else over time? I will admit it has been a while

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Is Abby still censoring her bare feet in every pic taken of her?

Basically, everyone focused on the loli mascot and the whole thing got warped by weaponized twitter hyperbole/derision to be about soggy knees.

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>used to
I'm sure Dave or Vinny would've been interested a decade ago but now they barely touch anything other than the most mainstream bullshit.

No. Quit spamming this thot.

games jurnos turned it into their own boogeyman

did you know gg got trump elected?

I could tolerate Patrick and Fatrick but I genuinely cannot stand Abby, she ruins everything. Haven't followed GB in over a year now since the previous GOTY shows made me want to kms.

I'd fuck the shit out of this retard, I DONT GIVE A FUCK.

el goblina....

>defended Donte el exterminador de demonios
>refused to review Kingdom Come because a developer said mean things on twitter
I'd rather suck a cock, it would be less gay.

nice shoop

But I thought they declared that GG was dead years ago

Is there any porn of this tranny?

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Only that fighting game show, everything else is shit.

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Only bombcast and really, but Ben is excruciating to listen too now, constantly has to say "my partner and I" aswell like he's in on the joke.

Also pretty funny this week when Jeff said companies need people in charge with some common sense on the internet then instantly said Gamergate was a targeted harassment campaign, should just stick to being an encyclopedia on bad games.

No, I stopped several years ago and my life drastically improved.

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Gamergate was a pretty embarrassing thing, though. If not for the shit they did, but for the shitty memes it tried to force. The worst one being 8gag.
I think moot did the right thing distancing himself and the site from that carnival of awkwardness.

I've seen her ass, that's not her.

Yeah I agree but why constantly lie about what it was, nearly as embarrassing as event itself, especially when you're hosting a gaming news podcast.

>this fucking idiot

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I'd prefer if they didn't acknowledge it at all, but I don't know the context.

i used to watch everything in like 2008-2012. klepek made me stop. then ryan died and it was all over.

time flies.

Is this bait?

Jeff brought it up because THQNordic did a Q&A on 8 chan, he said you think gaming companies would employee people who knew abit more about the social climate after the targeted harassment campaign of gamergate, Ben agreed as he gargled on his own flem or Jeff's cock it's hard to tell anymore.

i cant believe giantbomb came to this

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Who says that?

Ryan is rolling in his grave. Jeff should be disappointed in himself.

>then instantly said Gamergate was a targeted harassment campaign
thats the agenda hes been told to push

Usually it strikes a line because it's a bit true. If it wasn't you'd just laugh it off.

no fuck off

yeah, listen to both podcasts too. Love all their personalities, especially Jeff, Ben, and Abby. Rory is the only one I find unbearable and that's because of his autism

I’d bomb her pussy with my semen if you catch my drift

its their own personal bad orange man they can blame everything on and has no way to defend itself

Not him, but I do. If blacks want black people in games then maybe they should make their own games ;)

>that face
>that hair

100% ashekenazi

Why are you so insecure about blacks?

Fucking wasted a perfectly good looking body. You closet fags should be ashamed of thinking this is an improvement.

A narrative evolved that GG was only about harassing women.

I guess that explains why gamergaters get so belligerent when you point out the whole thing was a transparent excuse to harass women.

I'm not though. Why are you so insecure about whites?

people typically dont like when you lie to their faces

How dare you. Rorie is based.

Why are you?

absolute mad lad

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Well a part of GG was about that. People like you took that small truth and turned it into a narrative that GG was only about that.

Oh, so when people get mad at something you say, it's either because you're telling the truth, or NOT telling the truth? My my, you don't say.

still beating that dead horse, are we?

he never pays attention to what anyone's talking about and interrupts with some unrelated matter. I hate it because it's exactly how my brain works in social situations

This guy looks like the kind of guy that goes on reddit.

>wahwahwah poor women

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Just because you were a useful idiot who thought he was accomplishing something of note, that doesn't change the fact that you'd been duped and were actually only accomplishing harassment.

When Drew left and Dan moved to East coast is when I gave up. They had such a great dynamic, Metal Gear Scanlon and Mario Party Party being highlights.

Now I just feel little reason to support them. I actually don't mind Abby at all, she's reasonably entertaining and sometimes funny. But Jeff and Vinny can't carry their respective groups hard enough anymore to get me excited to watch.

La creatura

are approaching some kind of point

why are you getting belligerent?

Not him, but theres a difference between lying and telling a harsh truth. Both are capable of irritating people.

You're just purposefully conflating the two because you're dishonest.

I didn't participate in GG so speak for yourself user. I was a lefty retard like you back then.

Fortunately for me I wasn't enough of a piece of shit to knowingly lie about it though.

Game Journos and the rest of the media twisted it to be solely about misogyny.

The point is you're a retard spouting platitudes and you immediately forget about them the moment you're confronted with the fact that you're wrong.

Because you're lying to my face.

Only ranking of fighters, cause I know abby will never be in those. Any other video is a gamble. Even 1 second of her voice is enough to trigger me. If only they prefaced their quicklooks and other content with [GBW] or [GBE] so i could be certain.
>will never hear vinny again
abby is a goddamm black hole.

gg was not created to harass women

you are objectively wrong and I will not tolerate your lies patrick klepek

>Because you're lying to my face.
Aah so now you're changing gear and admitting that was right to save your ass. Doesn't work that way lad. Also you're talking to someone new, I only stopped by to laugh at you getting BTFO by everyone.

>Because you're lying to my face.
You're the lying one here user. You clearly get your opinions from gaming journo articles and blue checkmark twitter posts it seems.


What was the Hottest Mess of the decade and why was it Palmer Lucky having a political opinion?

I concur. The man arms are pretty nasty-looking.

certainly not no mans sky

im depressed and its 'comfy'

>its a Vinny takes his son to the barbie isle at the toy store episode

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i'd put my giant in her bomb ass

His name is nu-Vinnie and it's child 1 not son.

Abby get's alot unwarranted shit considering she's just a video editor and makes more content for the sight than Ben the actual content hire.

But christ if her twitter comedy shtick isn't the saddest thing I've ever seen I don't know what is.

They changed their shit so I can't even pirate their shit anymore to watch Mass Alex

>used to watch them everyday years ago
>can't even remember the last time I watched one of their videos now

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Ben and Abby have unironically ruined what little enjoyment I had left for GB. I've also realized that Ben is worse than Abby.

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if we saw her as little as we saw jan it wouldnt be a problem

I don't watched beastcast so I don't have these issues, as Jan nearly counters Ben.

She's in that uncanny valley between pretty and ugly.

Easily, and he's clearly only there because Jeff likes that someone laughs at all his jokes.

Ryan was more left leaning than anyone who worked at GB dipshit.

RANKINGS not complete
>Shit and Piss

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>ASG over already
Where does all the time go?

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>GB is under pressure to be as inclusive as possible so that they can get even more viewers

The inclusivity isn't to get more viewers (if anything it slows growth). GB is pressured to be inclusive because otherwise CBS is at-risk for some kind of lawsuit.

Yeah not that they were extremely edgy but you'd never see Jeff doing those "politically sensitive" skits he use to do back in the day.

They arent under pressure by anyone. Jeff is just a punk bitch like everyone else in his field and became more woke. He's at fault for everything you all hate at current Giant Bomb and I'm tired of his apologists.

I feel like they used to do anime tiddy game quick looks and laugh at the ridiculousness. Now they still do them, but they're icky and gross.

Bruh if you've worked in a corporation 1/10th the size of CBS you would know what I mean. Jeff can claim he gets autonomy, but he knows Corporate Daddy can pull the plug the second it smells a lawsuit..

Gerstmann Refuses to Cover Kingdom Come
Instead, does an hour review of one of the biggest flops in gaming, Anthem

>I can’t speak for the rest of the crew, but I personally have no interest in any way covering or giving further attention to a game made by someone who loudly and openly supports gamm3r gate.

>It didn’t come up during the call-in show yesterday. Saw a few people talking about this off-site and thought it might come in the chat room.

>Anyway, a couple of us looked at it around the time it came out and didn’t find it interesting enough to pursue. The head guy’s shitty views certainly don’t help, but I doubt we’d have covered it either way.

-Jeff "I'm a fat faggot" Gerstmann

Reminder this guy has retarded fans that believe his explanation

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GamerGate shit aside, did Kingdom Come end up being very mediocre and forgettable? I remember people being pissed that there weren't any huge battles like the trailers showed.

It's pretty highly praised for it's commitment to realistic roleplay, also shows that it was made by like 4 guys and publicly funded.

I listen to the Bombcast to help me sleep.

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Yeah Jeff has never been there for his opinions on games anyway, he's always been pretty boring and bland in that department, his in is that's he's basically an encyclopedia on the industry and he should only be listened to for that knowledge.

user what the fuck are you even saying


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No, broke the habit about three months ago. Gerstmann's insights on industry developments, Dan's enthusiasm for games, and Bakalar being a sassy bitch are the only remaining worthwhile aspects of GB. I still laugh - out loud for fuck's sake - at classic Bombcast; both modern bombcasts are boring messes, can't care at all. The DBZ podcast is their most interesting modern content, ironically.

This is my judgment, and it is law.

>classic Bombcast
Bitch please, you should be listening to 2006 Hotspot or nothing else.

you can't believe a liberal socialist safe space came to this?

Oh no, he's retarded too

It's actually a very solid game. 7.5/10 easily. It doesn't get brought up often because of political shitposts and the fact that the DLC was fucking mediocre.

did this man suffer a stroke or something? why is his face falling off?
a genetic condition?

it's a peasant sim where you have to bathe so the royalty doesnt discriminate against you. it was never going to be a massive hit and was very obviously low budget.

Jesus Christ whats going on here? Is Ben ill or something?

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Kinda lost interest when Vinny moved to the east coast.
Completely dropped them when Drew left.

I just listen to the best of playlist on long car rides once every year. Other, non-gaming podcasts have replaced the bombcasts for me.


rip jeffs dad

You're just not following this conversation at all, are you? It's the only explanation for that drivel.

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Fucking mouth breathers, I swear.

I was half expecting that mug to say; "white male tears". She has the perfect face for it

'member when ryan called brad a fag? based,

Who the fuck are you again?

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That's no way to talk to your mother, young man.

moot didn't ban GG discussion, he wanted it to be kept to one thread instead of flooding Yea Forums.

Fuck you, dad told me I was I was adopted.

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You are, as of today. Your new family will pick you up in the afternoon.

Mario Party Party is some of the best content they produced.

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Three open heart surgerys and tons of other stuff....

One of the last surgery he got was for some problem to is foots...

Ben has a hard life...

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yeah you know if you are not a misogyn alt-right fascit asshole you can have opnion on videogames...


Classic yruop jank RPG, great if you tolerated the tech and gameplay crap, still very slow and tedious. Not a game for everybody.

I lost interested when Drew left. Never heard about him being forced out. Care to elaborate?

He wasn't. He left for a new career opportunity to write for a travel group, he was tired of the production crew for CBS. Something Compass I forgot.

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He left to make a patreon to pay for his sex tourism.

cloth map

Mary couldn't tag along

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The funniest thing about her is that she fancies herself a comedian. It's bizarre, she's terrible.

boys only

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thats what happens when you are insulated from all criticism

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>got banned for saying that the reasons people were attacking the thq ama were stupid

jeff bakalar
S Teir

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Nah dude, Jeff is still into it but no one riffs off of him anymore

>Ben has a hard life
Nigger has a stable job with little chance of being laid off working for an American corporation that pays him enough of a salary to afford to live in fucking San Fransisco with only one other person. He gets invited to events and weddings because he fits the bill of your typical San Fran ugly progressive that isn't threatening to anyone. He gets to play the latest videogames and have it all paid for by said corporation. This nigger gets to talk about his "partner" and have people take him seriously. There is no way this guy has a "hard life" compared to 90% of America.

>engaging with the gb community

might as well post on resetera

>enough of a salary
how much do they make?

how much of that goes into rent?

the fucking absolute state of that thing

Yeah its pretty sad

like they genuinely believe that 99% of people who enjoy GB's content are far left and can't comprehend people enjoying content by people who don't agree with them politically.
Do you have any of it already? I can upload the entire series for you

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Literally Infinite Chan is Resetera but for the Right

>how much do they make?
enough to not have to move out of San fucking Fran and still buy 2000 dollar tvs and new consoles and shit
>how much of that goes into rent?
not enough that it forces them to move - which is the only thing that matters.

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No, Krusty Krab

thanks for pointing out you've never been there.

4*2chan has tons of far left boards retard
Also most boards arent political at all and hate people bringing in political shit

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>glorified lets player with a shitty output and a lax work week makes enough to pay rent in the most expensive city in the US

boo hoo, im glad his gigantism will kill him early.

same. I basically get all of my news from Yea Forums, and watch Nintendo Directs on youtube.

Every fucking time I say that the Left and Right are both the same you post this retarded garbage. It's fucking true look up the horse shoe theory retard

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>gamm3r gate
They still doing this meme?

Why does Jeff have shit taste?

I’ve heard they’ve done every game but only Mario Partyv1 is on YouTube. Am I missing something here?

stop replying to yourself

pay them goy

>there's an alternate universe out there where Jeff Green still streams Dark Souls and talks about the 80's LA hardcore punk scene and growing up a geek outcast

>Do you have any of it already?
I saw the whole first game. I would be happy with just the first episode of Mass Effect 2 or whatever you got.

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Most of them are premium only videos (5 and 11 are public, but 5 isn't on youtube). I could upload them for you
alright I'll get them downloaded

Is Drew the only normal person to have come out of Giant Bomb? He's the only one who doesn't seem like a nutjob.

Fuck no, they are boring and unfunny cunts who give shit reviews. I'd rather watch a 10 minute gameplay video than to listen to these fucks ramble on about shit for an hour and a half

Correct. The rest are behind paywalls (or aired for free during a get-together at one point).

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Well, one is actively fucking ruining gaming and other media at all times and the other isn't so we'll have to agree to disagree. To be fair, it used to be the right trying hard to remove a lot of shit for puritanical reasons but now the left is doing it instead.

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>Well, one is actively fucking ruining gaming and other media at all times
Only if you're an easily triggered rightard

The right actually tried to ban games for everyone

>brad somehow still has a job

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I'm glad Ryan faked his death and left.

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That actually would have been good, the industry needs to die for a while

What do you have against Brad

He’s a pretty simple, likeable dude

[breaths through his mouth]

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I want to fuck Abby's tight little body pretty badly, but the risk of birthing a half-Jew into the world isn't worth it.

Well the left gets games banned now and censors content, so they need to fucking die.

>but Brad the podcast is live now and Jan does all the mixing live?
He played Anthem recently I guess. That's taking a bullet for the team.

Here's a much simpler question than most.

Why do people take pictures of themselves like this? Why does the public need to see any of this random shit? What does it do? What do you want from us? What's the point?

Save it for your immediate friends and family. And those of you spreading this dumb, dumb shit around: Why are you allowing the world to become a retarded place?

This would never happen today.

They're not, though. There's a difference between government intervention and just getting people to agree with you.

wait till you hear about a thing called facebook.

I'm not sure if you're just a really old man or you're just a person who lacks the understanding of human social interaction or maybe just a person who wears fedora, idk.

>Don't worry go-... I mean, darling. I'm not a membah of the Chosen People of the Tribe of Judah. I'm apostate cattle just like you!

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I would fug Abby

>Why do people take pictures of themselves like this?
validation via peers and beta orbiters
>Why does the public need to see any of this random shit?
they don't. This is your brain growing up with twitter, facebook, and instagram
>What does it do?
makes it easier for corporations to understand and exploit the lives of the plebians

she looks like she likes to get strangled during sex.

it's usually something along the lines of "I'm cute, I know it and want everyone else to know"

>"I'm cute, I know it and want everyone else to tell me I am"


god that went on longer than it should have

I don't get it either

Why do you hate Brad?

I dont hate him but why would anyone like him?

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Brad is a yes man and susceptible to hype

Part 1:
Part 2:

Trying to either make more google drive accounts or find an alternative, don't want to use my main account.

christ i miss gfw so much lads

>ywn get to see a Mario Maker 2 stream with Jeff, Dan and Drew

>I must have missed something.
Yeah, every single Gamergate thread in the first 3 days of the news where Literally Who's nudes got leaked, she was legitimately harassed and people ignored the evidence that despite her having sex with """""journalists""""" her game still got bad reviews. Because the sex didn't happen to get reviews it happened because she's a sex-positive feminist whore.

Harassment of SJW """""journalists""""" and twitter accounts was a fundamental part of GG to the point that Gators had to be forcibly exiled to cripplechan. I don't even know why you would go to the effort to lie about it.

Her jokes are abysmal and there's still plenty of people who eat it up

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I like him because he is just a simple guy.

im sure they'll do plenty of Mario Maker dicksucking at 2019 GOTY and even give it GOTY if Jeffery feels like it.

No, but you'll get Jeff and Ben.
Thank you, Mr Bus Driver.

Thanks alot user, I appreciate it.

yeah, im tired of all these gaming websites and their weird focus on things not about videogames. Yea Forums has been my only source for gaming news

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Gamergaters are compulsive liars.

still seething

good joke

Women have it so nice. What a carefree life. Just wear one of those rape booby trap condoms and you're set.

You missed journalists ignoring what it was about from the start and claiming all it was about was harassing random women.

Giant Bomb always was shit. The only good thing about them was Ryan and he's been dead for 6 years. All good sites like 1up, Joystiq and GameTrailers were killed and yet this sack of shit site is still going? No justice

Yeah, it was about harassing a specific woman! Can't these clowns get anything right?

>Anita became a complete non-entity after getting old and fat, and her male writer moved on to greener pastures

Feminism sure is great.

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Wait, you mean when you try and criticize the people with the power to decide what is 'true' and spread their version of the 'truth' that they're not going to accept that criticism, but instead do everything they can to spin the people criticizing them as the ones who were doing something wrong?