Well? What the hell are you?
Well? What the hell are you?
I just rush story mode on the regular difficulty and move on to the next game as fast as possible.
I suppose an explorer but I have little interest in videogames in general because its all the same trash, game to game.
If the narrative and world and gameplay ideas are interesting, I'm pulled in but the moment it becomes monotonous like BOTW, I just lose interest.
explorer/killer. if there's a way to go out of bounds, and also a way to kill you from it, I probably found a way to do it.
I guess. I care about winning and competing and what not. But like, fuck comp modes, couldn't give a shit about my game wide rank and all that. Comp modes are just the same old shit, everyone using the pre approved meta set up/tactics, boring. Game wide ranks don't matter due to hackers and people who are simply beyond me. I only care about my rank in the specific match I am in.
This is so stupid because it doesn't cover everything and the reasons would depend on the game you're playing.
Normal fucking person
Likes to play games at their own pace, beats them and moves on. Does not bother with any of that shit
Engaged by:
Good games
what if you're engaged by metagamey shit like optimisation and testing mechanics and exploiting bugs
are you me?
Literally none of these. I'm a "struggle to fucking play anything because nothing is entertaining anymore" person.
clearly there aren't enough achievements to engage you
This is the most retarded shit I have ever seen for nigger zoomers like you.
Playing games for fun is not even an option
OP is fag
This user has it right
I'm a killer when I play multiplayer games, an explorer when I play single player games.
this to be honest
if the game has a very clear YOU WIN in it youre automatically a killer
The Lazy completionist archetype:
Starts a game exploring every nook and cranny, solves every side quest. Gets burnt out by it midway, picks up another game.
Heck, I can't replay Borderlands 2 due to it, since it literally saps energy from be not getting sidetracked by useless quests.
Achiever I guess, I tend to play a game to 100% then drop it forever unless I really like it. I don't have any problems playing games without achievements though.
Of those, I guess I'm an Achiever, I guess? I want to complete the game and see the ending, and I suppose that's "achieving a preset goal" as far as this insipid box is concerned.
>I have little interest in videogames
then why are you he-
oh, right, Yea Forums
I think your image fucks it up, but according to Bartle im a Explorer.
I don't give a FUCK about Secret Achievements, i like a well crafted world with ACTUAL secrets and easter eggs and lore to find, In fact i HATE Achievements, Secret or not, because they are dull busy work that rob the sense of discovery and turn games into checklists.
It is more a scale about HOW you play games at your own pace, the image explains it really badly but the theory has been criticized as flawed several times and is basically discredited. "Beating a game and moving on" is basically Explorer behaviour because finding new things, including new games, is what they do.
The other three are the ones that stay around due their leaderboards, speedrunning and communities.
kill yourself.
Used to be Explorer. now I'm just Meh.
Enjoyer, I play a game when I enjoy it, when it stops I go play or do something else.
>Well? What the hell are you?
Me? I'm the guy that farts in your mom's cereal every morning.
Explorer? I enjoy shit like TCRF.
In between achiever and explorer. But it's achiever as is doing all side content and secrets, not doing faggot achievements.
I've never had a drive to 100% a game, but rather to see all the major things a game has to offer. The example, in the Monster Hunter games my goal is fight and beat every monster at least once rather than get all the achievements or making my stats perfect.
Guess I'm the Killers now.
Just realized that Runescape filled every one of those categories for people.
Pking in the wilderness, minigames like castle wars etc
Leveling up your stats and building up your bank with XP/GP
Rs was basically a interactive chatroom back in the day
Large world to explore with loads of interesting quests and lore
Depends. For most competitive/pvp games I'm killer, for single player I'm an Achiever/Explorer
I'm more of a _igger myself
well yeah, it's a subdivision of the types of MMO players
I'm pretty sure everything this ascribes to 'killers' is actually an achiever trait. Killers only have fun when they are making one of the other three types have less fun. It's the griefer archetype.