The SJWisation of Steam and has it affected you?

Pic related just happened to me yesterday. Apparently my steam avatar is suddenly "not appropriate" after nearly a year of it online.
They said the complaints came from "other users" but here's the thing, I don't play multiplayer game. The only multiplayer game I play is Vermintide and that's with my friends.
I'm honestly not a conspiracy guy (despite my previous avatar, which was an inside joke with said friends) but what's going on with "mainstream media" has really gotten me worried.

Attached: screen.jpg (1866x918, 405K)

Other urls found in this thread: & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16

This is the avatar. As you can see, there's nothing wrong with it. The conspiracy parts comes with how this happened after Alex Jones showed up in Joe Rogan's podcast.
Why the fuck is Steam getting in the "ban Alex Jones" bandwagon?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Maybe the removed it because that is one fucking shit quality jpg user.

>fat comedian being memory holed

strange days

>and we are supposed to be the bad guys

It was actually a cleaner version, yet I couldn't find it anywhere (surprise surprise) since mine got deleted. I had to settle for this because it's the closest I can find to it.




Attached: joe,i....png (1294x935, 1.35M)

Reminder: Valve took Devotion off of Steam after angry chinese rats review bombed the game as it called their president a moron and said he looked like Winnie The Pooh.

Valve is China Controlled, anyone trying to claim that only Epic is China Controlled is a Chinese Bot.

Fuck Alex Jones tbqh but did (((someone))) actually decide to eridicate all proof that the man even exists from the internet?
It's starting to get really weird.

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Reminder: the developers themselves chose to do this – not Valve.

He just went on Joe Rogan for four and a half hours. But yeah he really pissed off somebody, there's no reasoning behind why he was singled out

Leave, chinese rat


lmao poltard btfo by steam

crap i was gonna buy it to stick it to the Chinese

Leave, chinese rat

OP here, I legit thought of the man as some sort of nutjob, sure he's probably right on the wider state of things (globalists controlling the world from the shadows) but his baby eating extradimensional vampires bullshit is pure lunacy. Yet they want to erase him. Which really makes me wonder.
And he's not even hated, 8m views on his podcast with Joe Rogan and an overwhelming number of people supporting him from the comments and like ratio, so this isn't even "the will of the people" speaking.
This is concerning.

Attached: fresh gear.jpg (280x210, 20K)


So what the fuck is up with this whole Alex Jones ban shit anyway?
Is he actually right in everything and they want to shut him down?

I would mail gabe directly.

>baby eating extradimensional vampires
When he says things like that it's just to attract attention, it's brought up on the Rogan podcast. Most of the time though things he says are taken way out of context.

>Banned for being a chinese bot
Later you subhuman fuck

don't you have to upload it from your computer?

>I was merely pretending
nah fuck off retard

Here's my reply to the steam message :

I did read your Global Rules & Guidelines article, and nowhere in it does it implies that my image is prohibited. And I don't know who these "other Steam users" are since I only play single player games (except for Vermintide 2, which I play with close friends). The avatar wasn't that of Hitler, or a blatant racist, or even anything, it was a picture of Alex Jones, a nutjob conspiracy theorist pointing a gun. I know the mainstream media has an inexplicable hate boner for that man, and I really do not care about him, yet I find it odd after months of having this avatar without issue, it was suddenly removed just as that man appeared in Joe Rogan's podcast (the most viewed podcast in Youtube) with 8 million views, my avatar is *suddenly* "inappropriate"?
I don't consider myself a conspiracy guy since I don't give a damn about such a thing, but what are you guys playing here? What's so controversial about my picture besides the fact the mainstream media (Apple, Youtube and Twitter) inexplicably banned Alex Jones from their platform (pedophiles and blatantly racist/violent/terrorist groups are ok to stay, though).
I'm not even starting a ruckus from this since I DO NOT EVEN ENGAGE IN ANY FORUM ACTIVITIES ON STEAM. People must go FAR out of their way to find me, let alone see my avatar. So what's going on here?


That avatar was meant as a joke, stop associating shit to pol, I don't even like Alex Jones that much. He's a lunatic fool, a No-Bark Noonan. Yet he's getting so much hate from mainstream media it's starting to be a bit too fishy.

Hello r/thedonald

Attached: 1549559695410.png (1000x432, 165K)

At first yes, but I had that image months ago, so I probably deleted it like other reaction pics I take from here

It must be nice to just react to everything and never pay attention and think

>n overwhelming number of people supporting him from the comments and like ratio, so this isn't even "the will of the people" speaking.
This is concerning.
i agree, its very very concerning that people are so prone to believing conspiracies that they believe a guy who talks about literal interdimensional pedophiles.

>Leave, chinese rat
>chang pretends he isn't an insect
Priceless no matter how often you try it.

Leave, chinese rat.

I don't think anyone support him for that, they support him because mainstream media decided that they shouldn't watch him for some reason. People don't like being told what to / not to watch.

You don't have to believe in what he says to like the guy.

>His avatar is a clinically insane trannie lover with a gun
Nice bait user, have a (you)

Leave, chinese rat.

Not much honestly, around 2015 is when the gaming climate became unbareable. I don't buy shit from people much anymore unless I personally have a friend on the team

>but his baby eating extradimensional vampires bullshit is pure lunacy

Those aren't his beliefs, those are the beliefs of the satanic child raping globalists.

Steam is a big fat waste of money


Are you knew or do you really not know what 小熊维尼 means?

Steam now has pedo SJWs deciding what goes and what doesn't. Banning anime games for no reason is proof of it.

Attached: pedos hate loli.jpg (1235x928, 262K)

>the free market is good!
>Except when it fucks me up, then it's the work of muh sjw/reptile/pedo/söyboy conspiracy!

Very Alex Jonsian, true.

Leave, chinese rat.

kek, thanks for the laugh winnie.

Attached: benefit.jpg (300x392, 33K)

>They said the complaints came from "other users" but here's the thing, I don't play multiplayer game.
> The only multiplayer game I play is Vermintide and that's with my friends.
>with my friends.
Why do you think it wasnt a friend who reported you?

I for one report friends and group members constantly.
I literally join anime/Yea Forums groups just to find people I can report.
Griefing in videogames is so 2010.
Steamgriefing however is fucking A!

The best part is when a friend complains to you in chat how he cannot post screenshots anymore because some of his got flagged since he played on some TF2 server with swastikas and everyone naked, which I of course reported asap.
I literally report all day just 4 the lulz.
get rekt faggot

Leave, chinese rat.

wrong, it was the publisher, they decided to cut all relationship to the devs

Wrong, it was Valve.

>acknowledging Alex Jones exists is a bannable offense on Steam
You got hit by a triggered leftie employee at Valve acting on xirown. It's typical of Valve because they have shit management. Email gaben.

based and dare i say, redpilled

Seeth harder insect.

The fact he's being deplatformed so hard is concerning. Why go to the bother of cutting a man's tongue out if it's nothing but gibberish and nonsense?

Absolutely based, accelerate that platform towards destruction by abusing it as much as you can.

Nigga, are you reall that stupid or just some triple fasleflagging idiot for not knowing what 小熊维尼 means?
We had multiple thredas that chinks do get banned for reading "小熊维尼" in Overwatch since it means Winnie and the great leader Xi doesn't like that at all.

Leave. chinese rat.

You can stop spamming. It's obviously not working on him.

>I don't like what he says
>he shouldn't be allowed to say it at all

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I actually have good friends who I've known for decades, not shitstains like you.

Leave, chinese rat.

>the post was deleted
yup, fuck off dog fucker

I see people with porn avatars all the time while playing Dota. Don't be an annoying fag and people won't go out of their way to report your steam profile.


i wonder if i should trust the oficial statement by the devs and publisher or what an anonymous user on a taiwanese tapestry forum with a conspiracy theory says

and now you'll reply to me with "leave chinese rat"

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Leave, chinese rat.

Alex Jones is someone that has been depersoned and Valve doesn't want to anger MasterCard or whoever controls these payment processors

cute think that work
im still here

Leave, you subhuman chinese fuck.


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Because of idiots that believe that gibberish and nonsense, take it as fact, and proceed to perpetuate it as fact.

welp it looks like the SJW's who take order from central command have finally hit Steam. i might just start pirating everything now instead of giving valve money.

>anything i dont like is SJW

lol grow up

>cute think that work
Want to pull out that google translate and try again, you chinese rat?

It's because he's holding a gun. I'm sure you can upload any other photo of Alex Jones and steam won't remove it.

AlsoLeave, chinese rat.

>I am the arbiter of truth, if it doesn't pass my smell test objectively it is permissible to make it disappear

Pic rel is my avatar and nothing happened to me

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i present right now
not going a distance away

>still cant comprehend how replies work
Leave, chinese rat
Leave, chinese rat.

Leave, Chinese rat

Too many disenfranchised young white men are willing to listen to pretty much anyone that isn't telling them that they are garbage even if what they say for the most part is gibberish.

Its really that simple. They are losing young white men to pretty much anyone that isn't trying to demoralize them and they can't have that.

don't leave based rat it upsets the /pol/tard

Who Chinese rat here?


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Leave, chinese rat.

>Those aren't liberal facts so they can't be perpetuated
>White men are the devil however and WE WUZ KANGS

Nigga really? Where in my post is that shit even fucking implied? Do you believe fucking baby eating extradimensional vampires bullshit.

what the fuck is even going on in this thread

it could be you or any of the other rats here

Leave, Chinese rat

>who I've known for decades
And? Me too yet I still do it and then they complain to me.
If you aren't playing the long con then you're doing it wrong user.

Fucking trying to follow this thread is a real cat and mouse affair

U no rike political correctness?!
- 20 points to your social credit score

Attached: insect repellent.jpg (660x371, 41K)


Chinese hate and modern game hate

according to OP everyone that doesn't follow his conspiracy theory is a chinese rat.

>he does agree with me
>he must be liberal
show me liberal "facts" that aren't true

no long live poo !

someone reported you and your profile multiple times which is why an admin or something took a look and just removed your shitty image
im sure you can put exactly the same photo back
i've had all kinds of gore and disturbing avatars over the years and have never had an issue

kill yourself

Some shit about interdimensional vampires may be bullshit, but Jones is starting to seem more and more plausible about other things.

Chinese bots paid to defend Steam as Valve is controlled by china, im asking them politely to leave as they arent welcome in society.
Leave, chinese rat.

Faggots ITT from the tranny discord really want to defend steam

It has nothing to do with the gun, you're not allowed to discuss or use images of someone that has been depersoned

That's because Steam almost has 100 million monthly users and no one has manually reviewed your avatar yet

why are you the way you are?

Attached: lets_ban_the_chinese.jpg (800x856, 66K)

truly an oppressed gamer, and i assume your name is KEKNIGGERHANGER1488 or some shit

Attached: 1536532264305.jpg (1080x594, 89K)

Leave, Chinese rat

oh ok, fight the power i guess...

Attached: 1547012379740.png (368x368, 119K)

>Steam almost has 100 million monthly users
The majority of which are chinese, which is why the china controlled Valve took down a game that was critical of china (Devotion)
Leave, chinese rat.

can confirm having worked for another service that allows custom avatars, we had to take down any guns pointed directly at the camera
I have no fucking idea why, but the higher ups didn't like it

Attached: For_what_purpose.jpg (323x454, 25K)

No it's xXx_WASTINGniggersLIKEits1488_xXx

Way back when DCUO was new I got avatar banned for apparently having a pornographic picture as my avatar. It was me in a Power Girl costume.
The person that did it was some community manager that I imagine was some old fat cat lady desperate for beta attention.
When I brought it up to an actual employee they warned me and said that decisions made by their staff and volunteers are final.
I pulled all my money out and forwarded everything to the next guy up and explained why they were no longer getting money, needless to say it went on to become the largest MMO ever known and reshaped the video game market.

somehow i dont buy this, seems like /pol/tards trying to subtly convert

404 Internal Error: Page Not Found

Leave, Chinese rat

He is 100% right about everything

Leave, chinese rat.

A volunteer mod is not work

Change it to this or no balls

Attached: trump-gun.jpg (700x365, 108K)

Leave, Chinese rat

This is a fair message. If you truly don't play many games online where others would see your avatar, it sounds like steam support is talking out of their ass.

seen way worse

>I'm hot and attractive. Give me attention.

>When your argument is so retarded that you have to build a straw man from the ground up to attack for your political beliefs when all the OP did was use an image of a lolcow that I used daily here as his avatar

Leave, chinese rat.

That's weird as fuck from a platform where more than half the games have guns in them. So I can't have pic related as my avatar on Steam because it has not one, but TWO guns?

Attached: 220px-Counter-Strike_Box.jpg (220x264, 22K)

Why the fuck are the chinese such subhumans? People from other commie countries are often still bro tier.

I got a better one

Attached: 1529018091540.jpg (400x397, 79K)

Steam is telling you to be more homophobic

Kill yourself.

ITT: professional radio clown apologists

Thaaat's the juice, thank you user

No pls mister chairman I have to move out if lose more than 5 social points

You can have that as an avatar. Those men are being responsible with their firearms. They are not aiming them at the camera.

I just think it's hilarious how bad the authoritarian left wants Alex Jones to stop existing, going so far as to begin making people who simply recognize he exists disappear too

Leave, chinese rat.

I never implied either of those thing.

>this thread

Attached: P.jpg (225x225, 12K)

how many times are you gonna bump faggots?

retarded newfag you have to go back

We look down at you for your inferiority and lack of identity.

>Implying there is anything wrong about radio clowns


He was always so ahead of us. He called a certain type of people goblins long before we caught on with our goblinas.

Leave, chinese rat.

Begone, Chinese insectoid

Nobody really paid him much attention as anything more than a humorous and crazy talking head until they tried to start unpersoning him. Just makes me wonder what part of his bullshit is actually true enough to blast liberal ass enough for this to happen.

Just reupload the same avatar or no balls.

Mate this is the current year. Unless you plaster this reply very publicly all over social media and reddit with thousands of upboats they will literally not give a shit.

>It's because he's holding a gun.

retard even the stock steam avatars have guns in them

Devotions publisher fired the company and took the game off steam

Valve almost never removes anything from steam

Reupload the same avatar but with balls

Are you sure it's Alex that's the problem and not the gun pointed at the viewer?

The silence is deafening



All 40 seconds of it

>t. retard who can't read the thread

I honestly think it's not the conspiracy theories and showman performances, I think it's how they're mad that him and people like him are interrupting the concerted effort of every legacy media outlet and organization to portray "fuck white men all white men should die" as a mainstream factual opinion. Look at how far they've come, they've actually got a celebrity in a huge expensive movie mouthing off every other day about how much she wants white males dead and never wants to be around them or alone with them.

Wow. Steam is cucked harder than Sony.

>"we had to take down any guns pointed directly at the camera"
>posts picture with zero guns pointed directly at the camera

Attached: question.jpg (375x500, 158K)

It’s obviously Alex and the gun is an excuse given to take it down. Don’t play stupid games. I have seen a fucking ton of avatars with guns pointing at the screen. It’s dishonest to pretend the motivation was anything other than Jones.

The ccp destroyed all traditional Chinese values and customs for being 'reactionary' during the cultural revolution, if you spoke out against any of that you were an enemy of the revolution and were treated as such. This also includes proclaiming empathy towards other humans and animals as a inherently bourgeoisie value. Considering that you still get sent to reeducation gulags for having religious or political views that go against the party line and that the Chinese government cracks down hard on even mentioning peaceful protests or certain historical events I assume that you can't really go against the Chinese status quo without facing massive consequences so people have just given up and go with it


post the pic so we can 'decide'

Wait. What? Who?

Sounds gay

it's because he has shit tier trigger discipline. steam mandates responsible gun usage and I agree with them. if you don't like it try epic store

Maybe you should be more concerned that a guy who talks about literal interdimensional pedophiles is more trustworthy than main stream media.

neither are trustworthy lmao

>trigger discipline
If your finger ain't on the trigger and ready to go at all times then you ain't a fucking man and you certainly ain't white.

Ok i recomend to make new acc if your acc is not like level 10 and have more than 5 games.
if you dont have so good acc just create net.
but that was not big problem like VAC ban and you dont need to create new or something so you can play without avatar

So I'll trust the guy who was right about the frog's being turned gay

t. non-white american trailer dwelling inbred

>t. incel retard that can't read

fuck off Pajeet. this isn't the microsoft help forums.

Its what I implied with my first message, which I find weird for a company famous for games where you SHOOT EACH OTHER. His reply didn't even answer this.

Ellen Forehead and the Black girl from Thor and the new MIB movie.

Alright you dumb piece of shit lets look at this case like a normal human being:

>Reason for Ban
Not fit for Steam according to Global Rules & Guidelines.

Now you click on those to see where the problem is, you fucking moron.

I can see at least 3-4 points in those that your steam avatar potentially violates.

so what? this guy deserves no advertisement. they do well to snuff retards out of the first page. it's the same reason Yea Forums wont allow e-celeb trash. stay fucking mad

could've sworn you were talking about Brie Larson.
Don't look up pics of her feet.

I think he was talking about the girl from the Captain Marvel movie. No one gives a fuck about a man hating lesbian and a nigress' opinion on men.

>t. brainlet subhuman who doesn't understand guns being pointed at the viewer isn't allowed

>I can see at least 3-4 points in those that your steam avatar potentially violates.
Like what

retarded discord tranny

Will all you fags finally admit that Jones was right about everything?

You know this is how I know that a violent clash is inevitable. This retard won’t even understand why the people he wants bound, gagged and executed for wrong think are killing him.

>you're not allowed to discuss or use images of someone that has been depersoned
How is nobody fucking horrified at this depersoning shit?

Ok, then enlighten me, what parts of my avatar broke the rules, the very vague rules?

OMG! Just look at it!

Each of Alex Jones jowls could as a point. And that man has some fucking Jowls.

so fucking mad. not surprising from ''people'' who take jones seriously. kek


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Leave, chinese rat.

t. subhuman virgin incel that lives in his head rent free and failed basic reading comprehension

don't shoot up a school retard

words starting with vag make me really uncomfortable

I really can't wait, it's going to be exciting as fuck when the urban liberals start starving by the 10s of thousands because the roads around their urban blight have been IED'd. I've got my First Need water purifier system set up with enough filters for a year of water for myself and plenty of long term food storage.

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He flies too close to the sun. He's basically correct halfway through his conspiracies, but then goes to crazy lengths to show how these problems are caused not by the Jews but by the Illuminati or Aliens or some shit.

>not giving someone ad space is the same as murder
Lmao this is your brain on /pol/

Because it's not happening. OP just claims that the gun doesn't matter, when it really does and is not allowed. Use any picture of Alex Jones without a gun and it won't be banned. Stop being such a fucking paranoid fuck.

I'm with you now my brudda. We're fighting an info war

Attached: solidarity.png (945x194, 152K)

People are. The problem is that the left supports it because it is their side doing it and those people also control most social and regular media. It’s okay in their mind to do anything to people deemed their political enemies.

That an assault weapon ban or 11+ round mag ban would affect crime stats even remotely
It's a total myth. Mass shootings with pistols and shotguns have generally produced the same number of deaths as those done with rifles. The only exception to date was Vegas, but even McVeigh did it better with some fertilizer

>Because it's not happening
It objectively is happening, but you "people" are really spectacular when it comes to denying reality.

>He's a lunatic fool, a No-Bark Noonan.
Do people really not realise he's playing a character? It's an over exaggerated performance.
Anyone who thinks he's serious whether they are against him or following what he's saying is kinda dumb.

>Defending Jones who hates them

Okay. Have fun with your conspiracy shit user, I'm not going to even attempt to open that cesspit of the internet.

Maybe because the only depersoning happens in dictatorships like china or NK which is widely known and you'd have to be a retard with a huge victim complex to think it was happening in America

The rat crawl back in!!!

Does him being a character mean everything he says is false or that you just need to look at everything he says with skepticism?
Then realize that the people in the media are also characters, and if you believe them any more than you do Jones you're just as retarded

It literally happened to Alex Jones you fucking psychos.

And who the fuck is that?

Thread theme:

>and you'd have to be a retard with a huge victim complex
>t. Ofcourse KavanaughwasarapistCNNtoldmeso


>How is nobody fucking horrified at this depersoning shit?
Many people are but stay silent because they don't want the same thing happening to them for discussing it
And the average person is unaware of it since it isn't covered by mainstream media

Go to bed, Alex.



Attached: Oi bin that knoife.png (1009x886, 362K)

You call us a rat when we own you? You think steam will make ANY decisions that might jeopardize their access to the Chinese market? And we already own epic games (basically) face it, no matter how you get your games, you rely on or support Chinese services. YOU are the rat. We are the CAT.

That's impossible, they binned those knoives

>Says stupid shit
>"Can't you see it's happening you retarded psychos?!!"
Get your mental health checked out.
>I'm not conspiracy theorist
Jezus man, your avatar got removed because of the gun. Upload a new one without the gun and stop crying.

Wow leftists are really trying to purge him entirely aren't they?

Well, yeah. You're not wrong.

Plenty of politicians have killed people in America. This however is liberal corporations conspiring to undermine an opposing ideology. A simple thing to remember is that the right loves corporations and will give them all kinds of concessions and tax cuts. But the left will let them import slaves.

June 4 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

No, the publisher did that. Fucking kill yourself

I'd like to reply and say that I'm the dog but you fuckers eat those so never mind.

>diversity did what Germany couldn't

That doesn’t even work you stupid fucking American.

There Is a War Going On For Your Mind.

he's not in character anymore
he's insane
mental illness is real in older people

Also, it begs the question why the elite is so bent on deplatforming him. They claim it's because the Sandy Hook thing and getting users to harass the parents, but there were shady things going on with Sandy Hook.
Makes me wonder how much of this is true. I mean, if the elite get caught orchestrating a child massacre for political purposes, that would be ground-shattering.

It absolutely does. The person he is replying to isn't in China though.

hope they're enjoying that cultural enrichment lmao

Yes, the man who was invited to talk on a popular stream on youtube, has his websites still operating and has a big presence on social media like reddit is depersoned
Dangerously tinfoil and hypocrite, user

Mental illness is real in every people, you have video game companies being taken over by mentally ill people whose only difference is they've managed to hitch their mental illness on to gay rights somehow

diane fienstein is a chinese stooge pushing "progressive values", that meet "global standards", that swarms companies with chinese shit posting bots farms complaining about "child pornography".
>2019, still not seeing whats going on

>referring to jews as "elite"
Well we know who your overlords are...

Anyone with a brain has been saying since the 60s that this was going to happen but they were just told to ignore it.
People get what they deserve :^)

>and has a big presence on social media like reddit is depersoned
Since when is reddit social media? What other large social media platforms are there and why isn't Jones on them?

Attached: 1440024829543.jpg (1673x431, 298K)

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey box art had to be censored for the American market, because the woman was holding a gun straight to your face. OP's stroy is believable.

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Hahahahaha. Oh wait you're serious.

You are going to die alone, unhappy and unloved and you won’t understand why. You said all the right things. You thought all the right thoughts. Yet it will amount to you dying an old man confused and alone.

that seems like some shit Germany would do

Because that gibberish puts people at risk.
Also, because they can, it's pretty easy, and it's entertaining.

>Because that gibberish puts people at risk.
Couldn't that same argument be used to remove freedom of speech altogether?

>Since when is Reddit social media?
Are you serious?
>Dictionary result for social media
websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

>I mean, if the elite get caught orchestrating a child massacre for political purposes, that would be ground-shattering.
No one gave a fuck about Bohemian Grove, they wouldn't about this. The elite are right about the average person. That's the true redpill.

>homosexuality will again be illegal
Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.

Attached: 1404145053486.gif (130x200, 2.92M)

he got "deplatformed" not depersoned lol
all they did was decide they didn't want his pill pedaling on youtube or facebook
hes not fucking shunned from society

Reddit is a media aggregator but nobody goes on to their for social networking. The major sites at the moment for social media are Facebook and Twitter. Is Alex Jones on those sites?


It seems like you didnt take the time to read the guidelines he posted and just instead instantly blamed the evil "sjw". Maybe dont be such a a stupid /pol/-fag and actually read the guidelines that he sent.

Attached: 1547769466443s.jpg (184x184, 5K)

Joe Rogan and Alex are friends. That's the oy reason he was on Rogans stream allowed to talk. Meanwhile he apparently was labeled a terrorist by Interpol.

Attached: Everythingisbloodyfine.png (1280x768, 593K)

Yes and that is exactly the goal. What I always found ironic was how all the people calling Trump a fascist were at the same time trying to shut down and violently attacking anyone who disagreed with them.

Twitter permabanned him because @Jack didn't like the way Alex talked to a CNN contributor in person at a hearing. Nothing to do with breaking any rules on Twitter. @Jack looked into the personal and private life of Alex and passed judgement that he shouldn't be allowed on Twitter.

>water filter salesman gets persecuted for his opinions

Guess its time to buy new water filter.

Reddit is social media by the fucking definition of the word. You frantically want to try to have it not be social media so you can claim Jones is not on social media. It won't work.
>Why is het not on FB and/or Twitter?
I don't know? Ask him. You can easily contact the man, because his website is open and he is not being censored or 'depersoned'.
You paranoid retard.

Norman Thomas said recently in a speech made in Cincinnati “Fascism is coming in the United States most probably, but it will not come under that name.” In this statement he was repeating the words of the late Huey Long, but Huey added: “Of course we’ll have it. We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.”

>Nobody goes there for social networking
That's bullshit and you know it.

I've read about at least 100 people in the US that have been banned by all major payment processors (including their own bank) for having the wrong opinion
These people are now dependent on the good-will of others because they effectively can't earn money anymore since no one pays in cash

it could just be because of the gun.

Thank you for correcting that typo. Your original intention was completely lost to us without the correction.

>Reddit is social media
Imagine pretending to be retarded this hard. Now you're going to pretend that the revelation of a massive and systemic Shadowban system on reddit never happened and it's an open medium for people to express themselves without invisible manipulation based on your opinions.

So Alex Jones isn't allowed on the two major forms of social networking, but he can be on reddit so somehow you think you're not a pro-censorship goon?
Thanks babe

this. I remember listening to some director's commentary for.. something, I don't remember what, and they said they wanted to have a cool shot of a bullet being fired straight forward, but they weren't allowed to have a gun pointed at the screen. sounds like some old carryover rule from back when people were afraid trains in movies were going to come out of the screen and kill them

This is why people don't take the term "SJW" seriously.. when people like OP abuse it

That should be illegal.

Okay, nice that you read about them. Got any proof?
>That's been covered up by the government!
Alright then

>We have to stop these people from talking or acting because they are fascists and anyone who supports them and disagrees with us is one of them
>But they aren't attempting to do the same to you and are allowing you the full expression of liberty

>Why is het not on FB and/or Twitter?
>I don't know

Maybe fucking educate yourself on the subject before replying to defend your leftist onions eating comrades you fucking jack off.

Use this image but shop flowers on it instead of the gun, it will trigger tumblrinas just as hard and if you're avatar banned again you'll know for sure if it's because of him or the gun.

>ask a question, have your schizophrenic separate personality answer it, act like you've won
This is such a common maneuver among the left now.

You retards are the reason they'll win.

Don't feign ignorance. His podcasts are still notified in accounts on twitter and facebook has pages on him
Sounds like you're going to die early, probably by your own hand with a gun in your mouth if you project that much, user. Go ahead and make this world a better place without you.
If he was actually depersoned he wouldn't be allowed to talk anywhere, also source on that interpol claim.

Based schizotranny

Only if said free speech is inciting violence, as was the case with Jones. Free speech is not an absolute. Slander and calls for violence will usually by prosecuted.

>Don't feign ignorance. His podcasts are still notified in accounts on twitter and facebook has pages on him
>and facebook has pages on him
Why does Facebook have pages on him but he's not allowed to have a page on Facebook? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

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What the fuck are you even on about? I don't go to Reddit, I don't fucking know, but it's social media by the DICTIONARY DEFINITION of the word. How hard is that to grasp? You can't just change facts because you disagree with them.
If they don't want him on their site that's their right. He still has his own platform. You don't fucking know what censorship is user.

SJWs should never be taken seriously.

>What the fuck are you even on about?
It sure is convenient that you don't seem to know about anything or be able to answer any question but you're sure everything's on the up and up.

>Only if said free speech is inciting violence, as was the case with Jones.
That's bullshit and you know it.

Alex Jones never incited violence and you clearly have no idea what incitement means
>If they don't want him on their site that's their right. He still has his own platform. You don't fucking know what censorship is user.
Ah so now we get down to the "But it's in the ToS" type censorship


Based retards
Don't you mean ((((they))))?

>Source on that Interpol claim
Rogans podcast
>He wouldn't be allowed to talk anywhere
Nigger they're trying to do that.

Alex is a lot of things but he never incited violence. Only a fucking deranged political retard who can't see past ENEMY WRONG THINK MUST BE BAD would think so.

That's not what I said. I was talking about people crying "SJW" as soon as someone removes content that to be honest in this case is fucking clear as day why they removed it, and with good cause. OP is a fag and a cry baby

>Free speech is not an absolute.
The greatest generation died so you could waste oxygen.

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It's all more or less public
Just google what happened to or the Proud Boys leader

So you're telling me the owner of a private platform kicked off a man that publicly antagonized him from said platform? How is that a bad thing in any way?

>>He wouldn't be allowed to talk anywhere
>Nigger they're trying to do that.
These retards don't understand that if the country was full of them our rights wouldn't last a second past the first cnn headline

Since when did Jack work for CNN? Jack is Oliver Darcy now? Why do you misrepresent or plain not know a single fucking thing and yet have such strong opinions on the matter?

>Free speech is not an absolute
Wrong and cuckpilled

>The SJWisation of Steam
It was bound to happen...
I thought it would at least wait until Gaben would die or step down.

Well, it was good while it lasted.

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Seriously. Suddenly every major platform removes him, banks ban him from their services, he's not allowed to make money through payment processors. Me thinks something is going on here.

>Free speech is not an absolute.
I actually, unironically wish death on subhumans like you. You are dangerous.

I was just correcting you on the FACT that Reddit is social media. I don't care about any detail besides that. He's on Reddit, so he is on social media. Whatever is going on with Reddit is irrelevant and I don't care about it. Maybe you should go there and stay there.
Yeah, he's totally being censored by (((them))). Move to China, or an average African country, then you'll know what censorship is.

So did OP get response on last letter or not.

>Free speech is not an absolute.
There it is. The communist reveals itself when angered.

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>the greatest generation

>Yeah, he's totally being censored by (((them))). Move to China, or an average African country, then you'll know what censorship is.
So because we're not at Chinese level of censorship yet we shouldn't be cautious of people like you welcoming in Chinese levels of censorship with open arms?

Twitter is not private. It is a publicly traded company.

>it's not as censored as China, so it's okay
>you can still own a 22 caliber single shot rifle after a 30 day waiting period and paying $4500 in licensing fees so the 2nd Amendment has not been violated

When debating with leftists try and finish with a question, they can't help but reveal their true nature with a few well placed ones

>Free speech is not an absolute.
It must be hard to type while holding a bike lock

Make your own avatar.

Maybe because HE broke their terms of service? Do you know how ridiculous you sound?
He said a lot of things on the stream, doesn't make them true though. Post something official that says he's a terrorist

Steam is a store like walmart, that's all it is.

You're all treating it as if it's a social media platform, it's not. It's a store.

They also allow actual ISIS terrorists and hardcore child porn to stay on there, with the excuse that it's a public platform and they can't control what people post. Then they turn around and claim the opposite when they want to remove someone who disagrees with them.

>being publicly traded means it's not private
Neck yourself, retard.

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Due to America's capability for heavy discourse in contrast to certain nations that are one think we live in a bipolar situation where marketing hates overt use or directional use of guns with the rise of anti-gun movements but a good portion of Americans love guns so we have them indirectly and the games themselves are littered with them.

It's a bit like how Japan loves ultra violence and porn, but they also censor ultra violence and porn.

There's also the Californification syndrome where a lot of laws and changes are based off laws California sets even if the majority of states do not adhere to those laws. California has strict gun control and guns in marketing/toy laws (cosplayers can't even have fake sci-fi guns) so to make it easier they'll do changes like this. Another more famous example is the age of consent in America is 16, but California has it at 18 so that's the one that spreads culturally through media and societal norms, recently they passed some strict regulation on kids toys with meals so that'll be another big Californiacation situation in the next year.

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HAHAHA holy shit

>Maybe because HE broke their terms of service? Do you know how ridiculous you sound?
Do you think sites like Facebook and Twitter are applying enforcement of their terms of service equally?

>Maybe because HE broke their terms of service?
user don't make me go find the actual child porn on twitter that they defend by banning people who report it.

and you are going to kill yourself and your parents because you will continue to blame society for your mistakes and failures until you believe existence itself is plotting against you and suicide is your only real form of agency.

Upload another pic with Alex pointing the gun SIDEWAYS :O

Why is it always the rednecks that are retarded

you what?

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Because of California's age of consent being 18 and Hollywood perpetuating that idea it's amazing how many foreigners think America has a national age of consent of 18.

If Hitler stepped down and let Rommel take his place we would not be discussing faggy shit like this today.

>umm he's a baddie and it only happened PARTIALLY so it's totally okay
Nah it'll be okay when it happens to you faggots

I'm not even a burger and I fucking hate California. You guys should let them burn to death in their shitty forest fires

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Same. Made me dug a few things, turns out some of the stuff he's saying is right, even if he puts it in the most hilarious way

This. Change it to Trump, if they ban it again, sue them for preventing you from promoting the president.

Proof that he never incited violence?

>Maybe because HE broke their terms of service?
No he didn't. Do you know how ridiculous you sound when you repeat MSM talking points over and over again, thinking you're saying something profound? Think back, where did you hear that he broke those terms of service? That place lied to you. The more you know

They killed his wife?

Proof that he did?

>prove a negative

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>steam avatar getting banned for having a gun in it
>steam is owned by valve
>95% of games made by valve are shooters

yeah right

Wrong. Nobody could have convinced ZOG America and Britain to end their war on Germany.

no, she divorced him because he was playing a character


Yea what an idea of having an avatar with a gun on a platform about video games made famous because of counterstrike, a game about guns.

What would happen to me? Not being able to create a page on FB or Twitter? Oh no, what would I do?
Protip; I'm not even on them to begin with
Shocker, I know.

>I mean, if the elite get caught orchestrating a child massacre for political purposes, that would be ground-shattering.
he never claimed the government orchestrated Sandy Hook, he claimed Sandy Hook never actually happened and that the "parents" were crisis actors faking the whole thing. which is objectively false. Alex Jones admitted knowing this was objectively false in his divorce custody case.

As an Oregonian, I hate them so much.
They escape their horrid state like rats fleeing a sinking ship, but end up bring their shitty ways with them ruining this place too.
I wish we could cut them off from the continent and let them drift away into the pacific.

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It's actually been proven that they disproportionally target left-wing groups, especially those opposed to the apartheid regime of Israel.

He would have won the war. America and Britain would have fallen in line.

Lol get rekt op

>It's actually been proven that they disproportionally target left-wing groups
I would love to see what you're basing that claim off of

Do you have decades in the entertainment business and base a livelihood on being able to reach an audience? You are such a tremendous faggot, and I mean that literally because I know you're on that Discord.

Jones never incited any violence. He questioned if Sandy Hook was real, that's it.

>the "parents" were crisis actors faking the whole thing. which is objectively false.

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>We just want to get rid of threats of violence
>We just want to get rid of hate speech
>We just want to get rid of bad language
>We just want to close down comment sections that are getting out of control
>People are abusing feedback options with their opinions so we're closing them down
>We just want to make social media more advertiser friendly
>We won't ever get rid of freedom of speech don't worry we're all for net neutrality
>These people we're banning are trolls and foreign agents, we're doing it to protect you
>We won't ever ban someone over their politics
>We can ban you for politics but we will still abide by our own terms of service, which is completely fair
>We can change our terms of service and selectively enforce rules because we're a private company and there's nothing wrong with that
>Hey if you don't like our service then don't use it, it's your choice
>Everyone has a Facebook account now, if you don't then that means there's something wrong with you and nobody will employ you
>You're free to make your own alternative website there's no conspiracy or monopoly here don't be silly
>We aren't banning people from payment processors we have no control over that
>You should just go make your own payment processor
>Of course we hate China, they're horrible
>We will make adjustments to suit China because it's only fair, we don't like it but it's their country
>Of course we're not owned by China, no way
>Our partial Chinese ownership doesn't influence us, no way
>Guys 'unpersoning' isn't a real thing. You're just being paranoid. We're committed to protecting free speech. Why are you being so uncooperative? Conspiracies aren't real. Slippery slope isn't an argument. You're acting retarded over this shit, I don't know why you care so much. Nobody's persecuting you over politics, grow up and get out of your mom's basement already.

no, he was never right

whoa, friend. easy there on the feminist buzzwords!

Are you summarizing Alex Jones' entire career in his initial reaction to Sandy Hook?

Read the thread retard. Pointing guns directly at the viewer is generally considered to be offensive. I don't know the logic behind it either, but it's been a common thing for ages. I'd be suspicious too if OP uploaded a new picture of Alex Jones (without gun) and still would get his avatar removed. But he won't do that, because he knows nothing would happen. OP and the paranoid schizos ITT just want something to screech about.

You gonna get this thread removed you jackass

>every famous school shooting has crime scene photos
>except Sandy Hook, which not a single photograph of the crime scene has ever been produced
>also we tore down a brand new school building under military guard because that's normal

>we just want to keep dangerous people from spreading dangerous ideas to our vulnerable people who are susceptible to dangerous ideas but only we can provide them
>btw electing Drump will crash the economy

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This gif made me question too. Dude is laughing having a good time and then he gets in front of the camera and starts crying. That's suspect.

I thought this was /pol/ for a sec

No actually, it's decided by a couple of things since they're companies they will obviously try to appease to the userbase and by the amount of reports so some pages will have more "priority" than others.
Give some source that they ban people who report it.
All those sites had "harrasment" rules. It's a loose definition but he fucked up over saying stuff about the parents of the kids who got shot up.

Rommel couldn't have done anything different than Hitler. The overall situation would have remained the same: Germany was outnumbered with a significant industrial and resource disadvantage.

I also don't use Discord you retard. If your lifelihood depends on other people's service, you better make sure you either have a solid contract with them and don't piss them off.
I'm assuming he did neither. It's like I'd go tell my boss he's a fucking faggot and then be suprised when they don't prolong my contract.

Can I have just one photograph of the Sandy Hook crime scene? Even one of a bloody hallway. That's all I ask. One.

The Knight Foundation had a study on the whole thing, found that deplatforming also mostly affects leftists on college campuses, and again, mostly leftists opposed to Israel.
Censored conservatives are simply louder whenever they get deplatformed.

with the amount of shit he's putout he's bound to be right about a few things

Listen to the master

There's way more suspect shit going on with Sandy Hook but I'm not going to start sperging out about it in this thread. Look into it more.






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Kind of weird considering Steam allows wehrmacht avatars


>Drumpf is a monster, you can't trust the police, they're going to throw you in camps for being black or gay.
>Whoa, why do you have a gun? What possible need could you have for owning a gun designed to kill humans? You're mentally unstable, dude.

>parent of slain child laughs
this could mean one of two things

>grief is a complicated issue, and people experiencing loss go though a range of emotions and emotional reactions at different times, including laughing in public



the first option is correct. the second option is conspiratorial lunacy designed to prop up an agenda (in Alex Jones' case, profit).

>considered to be offensive
only to complete retards

What's your opinion on the first amendment? Should people have the right to say Nigger?

I'm summarizing Alex Jones' entire "coverage" of Sandy Hook

Well... doing scientific research proved that he *was* right about the frogs
Medical Journals actually have a lot of studies on Xenoestrogens and connections to cancer

>grief is a complicated issue, and people experiencing loss go though a range of emotions and emotional reactions at different times, including laughing in public
This is such horseshit and you know it. The guy is casually laughing, then pauses to get in character before talking on camera in his sad voice. And that's some of the least suspicious shit going on with Sandy Hook, but you already knew that didn't you?

I can't trust anything or anybody anymore.
This why we need to do a hard reset for the entire nation.

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Why is there no mention of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories on its wiki page? Even just one sentence at the end saying "Some people question this event"?

I don't even agree with it, but it's not some fucking strange occurence that ONLY happened to OP. He can just reupload a photo of Alex Jones without a gun and see if it gets taken down. Very easy 'experiment' and would say so much more than what is happening now.
>Operation Northwoods was a proposed, and almost implemented, false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The plans detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] The proposals were rejected by John F. Kennedy.
>called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba
>other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians

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You can grieve all you want and I will respect that. Use your personal events to team up with Barry Soetoro to try and have my rights taken away and expect pushback

why is there no mention of the fact that some people think the government is controlled by interdimensional reptilian aliens from the planet Maldek on the wiki page for America?

Because wikipedia has very far left moderators and administrators. Anyone can edit, but they have the last word.
Don't get me started on articles like "race and IQ" or "global warming" or "sex".

What does he do differently then? you better not say >don't invade russia in winter

If Free speech is not absolute, then Free speech does not exist

He literally misinterpreted research results and acted outraged about it. Frogs didn't turn 'gay', that's a complete misinterpretation of what is going on.
So no, he wasn't right.

Nearly all articles of any importance to modern society have been locked for years so only """"""trusted persons"""""" can edit them. It's been like that for years and years now. And we all know what kind of environment that breeds.

>"They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay"
How is that statement from Jones not accurate?

>"i don't know or understand 'thing' therefore 'thing' is fake and everything i make up is real"
literally every conspiracy theory in a nutshell

it is not unusual in the slightest, and there isn't anything suspicious with the Sandy Hook. if you think there is, prove it.

>California has strict gun control and guns in marketing/toy laws (cosplayers can't even have fake sci-fi guns)
This is complete bullshit.

>Frogs didn't turn 'gay', that's a complete misinterpretation of what is going on.
Actually, kind of.
That particular species of frog actually became transgender because of the chemicals in the water.

Alex Jones is controlled op. Nothing he says is anything that hasn't been discovered by other people before. Hell if you look up "gay frogs" on Youtube one of the first things that comes up is a PBS documentary describing how endocrine disruptors in the water are able to change the sex of not-fully-developed frogs.

To me, he's still 'laughing' in front of the camera where you say he puts on his serious face. Also; why would they hire actors that are such amateurs? They'd need to not only convince the people on camera, but also present there.

>literally every conspiracy theory
Have any 'conspiracy theories' ever been proven right?

Why does tons of video evidence from Columbine, a shooting that occurred in the mid 90s, exist but you're expecting me to believe none exist from a brand new modern and technologically outfitted school building in 2013 has none?

You get fined if you scream "Fire" in a crowded theater, by that logic free speech never existed.

If this thread is proof of anything it is that /pol/ tourists are the stupidest people imaginable.

Well its weird. One of those scenarios has a pretty large following and enough circumstantial evidence to warrant investigation. The other is you talking out of your ass to clumsily make a point.

In essence, no it does not. You don't have the right to say absolutely whatever you want, wherever and whenever you want, completely free of consequences.

No, they didn't turn "gay", they grew female reproductive organs due to the chemicals causing errors in their genetics: If anything Alex Jones underplayed the problem
Also, in males it's causing testosterone on average to lower and increasing incidence of carcinoma's of the male reproductive system

That's because you're mentally ill. I'm not kidding, if you feel that way you should talk to a psychiatrist.

Lol no, conspiracy theory is obviously an insult you throw at someone you want to ridicule and make lose credibility.

Yes anyone should be able to say nigger, but say you have school children and some kids are harassing a black kid calling him nigger you don't write them up for saying nigger but for the harrasment. The word isn't discriminatory, it's the actions.

They censored my username

He knows what you meant and aptly put you in your place, discord tranny.

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>Nothing he says is anything that hasn't been discovered by other people before
No shit, because what he says he's read from other people. He doesn't just make shit up for 4 hours a day he reports on what other people are writing.
So when someone says "The government is recording our phone calls" they were labeled a conspiracy theorist. Was that determined to be true or false?

>Also; why would they hire actors that are such amateurs? They'd need to not only convince the people on camera, but also present there.
See They don't need to convince anyone because the official story will find a way to cover for them and nobody will question it because kids were involved, and nobody would lie about kids of course.

>you talking out of your ass to clumsily make a point
Many people believe exactly what I said

Indeed, I do hold to that logic.
Wilson and his supreme court undermined free speech so they could send people to die in WW1 without dissent
The second that view was accepted, free speech died

What was it?

Bankers controlling the world

Would you be fine with liberals being the ones who start dropping people from helicopters?

What if he was behaving niggerly though?


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>everyone who doesn't suck a gay persons dick or who disagrees with me politically is /pol/

Nah because i'm not 12 and worry about meme shit like muh es jay dubya boogie man, new thread

yes, only based hbomberguy is smart and btfo the right with facts and logic

PRISM's existence, until it was revealed the the left was fine with it and acted like obviously it existed because by that time Barry the Messiah was President.

Reminder that pedo is the new poopoo peepee, shutdown phrase for the radical left.

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>"to the person" fallacy

are you figuring it out yet

Not really
Only proves your kind is really annoying

>Wilson and his supreme court undermined free speech so they could send people to die in WW1 without dissent

Wasn't this a major plot point of Jurassic Park? lol!!!

Yeah that would kick ass

>The second that view was accepted, free speech died
It was always that way though.

Not that user, but enough people think that the Earth is flat and that space is fake. No need to take them seriously though, even though THEY believe there is enough 'evidence' to warrant investigation. That's the thing with conspiracy nutjobs; they all think their conspiracy is super logical, when in reality it's complete cuckoo and insane talk.


>The other is you talking out of your ass to clumsily make a point
He's making fun of dumbasses like you that think everything is a conspiracy just like how everyone thought Obama was the Antichrist and 2012 was the end of the world. Also the reptilian conspiracy is old as shit.

>the NSA managing PRISM is complete insane talk
Sure is.

I don't know whats up user, my steam profile pic was cropped porn for years until I changed it to Wallace from Wallace & Gromit recently but I never got any complaints or asked to change it.

The whole "fire in a movie theater" argument was a justification to allow Wilson's anti-dissent laws to go through
This isn't even going into the elephant in the Room that the Supreme Court just made up it's power of Judicial Review in the first place

Government spying


Frogs and humans are not the same. Some species also grow female reproductive organs in the absence of females.
Not saying there isn't an issue, but Alex Jones contributed 0 to the issue and only spreads misinformation. Which is generally what he does.

Now you're getting it

MK Ultra and other CIA psychic experiments that they verified to be true in declassified documents

>Yet they want to erase him
Nah it's just retarded gullible amerimutts being retarded, retard.
Both Alex Jones and the conspiracy fags and SJW trannies who take him seriously are mental patients.

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Flat Earth and Reptillians were made up by the CIA in order to distract from actual more logical conspiracies by discrediting anyone who thought there was something more going on by associating them with Flat Earthers or whatever.
They pulled the same trick with JFK. The entirety of the Grassy Knoll theory was made up to distract theorists from discussing whether or not JFK was assassinated by the government.

Then Scientists need to step up and start talking about that issue outside of their medical journals if they don't want conspiracy theorists to be the only one talking about it

Based Concerned Centrist, if one side wants 100 kittens killed and the other 0, the logical and centrist view is to kill only 50 and satisfy everyone

What would 'taking him seriously' mean? Do we have to take him seriously to defend his right to speak? I've never listened to his radio show until Facebook and twitter went full retard

Explain to a yuro

>You forgot the picture, here

Attached: Chick_Banishment_Picture.jpg (2048x1399, 499K)

I have an open mind on these things, but when 1+1!= 2 I stop questioning. It makes 0 sense to hire actors that can't even stay in their role for a few hours for something this important. Your argument is literally saying that people won't care anyway, which is such a stupid train of thought.

> It makes 0 sense to hire actors that can't even stay in their role for a few hours for something this important.
>Your argument is literally saying that people won't care anyway, which is such a stupid train of thought.
Why hire actors who can stay in their role when they can convince people like you to call anybody questioning it 'crazy'?

Free speech means free speech. During WW1 Wilson really wanted America to join the war, even though pretty much the whole country didn't want us to. The Supreme Court argued that free speech couldn't be used to "induce panic" which has been interpreted in law to basically mean "free speech doesn't actually exist anymore."

>there's a gorillon profiles with cropped porn as their avatar
>b-b-but mine with Alex Jones holding a gun was banned without reason
Yeah not buying it chum

>Your argument is literally saying that people won't care anyway, which is such a stupid train of thought.
But it's demonstrably true.

Anyone who clicks on your steam profile can see your avatar. If you're in any groups or communities that's a possible reason people might click on it. Or any comments you make on the Steam forums are the same way. It can cause people to click your profile and report you especially if they don't like something you said.

I looked that shit up when Trump put Whitaker in as AG. Leftists were upset because he said Marbury v. Madison was bullshit. I couldn't believe what i read about and how fucked our country was from long ago. The supreme court just made up a power that was never drafted in the constitution, it's fucking crazy.

They didn't turn 'gay' for starters. Second, I'm not sure who he implies is "they" in that sentence.

Okay, so now we're in the area of "well there actually is some truth to what Jones is saying..."

>he doesn't know about MK Ultra and other experiments by US agencies done to US citizen without their knowledge

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>What would 'taking him seriously' mean?
Paying any attention to idiots like him at all. Same goes for resetera and trannies and SJW fags. These attention whoring cunts have so much power because everyone is obessed with them. They feed off your rage. Stop feeding the beast and eventually it will starve.

>being this much of a boomer
You couldn't help but reply to such an obvious bait as well. God help us all.

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The 2nd Amendment says zero, there is no argument.

Even if both are conspiracy theories. One of them is deeply rooted in reality. The other is you faggots talking about lizard people and other fantastical shit. Do you see what I'm saying here or will I need to make a third post before this sinks in? You aren't winning anyone over by talking fucking Tolkein here. If anything you are doing the opposite. If it is so clearly a false conspiracy then come at me with facts. I'm open to it.

>Free speech is not an absolute.
Most men get to burn in hell after they die.

I'll put you in hell before you die, you fucking corn fed, prey animal.

Nobody cares anymore. If they could abolish the constitution, they would.

Lol, just because you're too uninterested to read publically available material, doesn't mean "SCIENTIST" have an obligation to do anything to further inform you. They're generally too busy actually being critical of these things and trying to solve issues like that. Go be the change you want to see; become a science reporter for the public.

Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11

>Paying any attention to idiots like him at all.
Honestly I wouldn't be paying attention to him if Facebook and Twitter wasn't so obsessed with removing him.

Thanks for the bump!


Liberals are currently getting btfo'd by sandpeople in their own countries. They're not throwing anybody out.

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>Even if both are conspiracy theories. One of them is deeply rooted in reality. The other is you faggots talking about lizard people and other fantastical shit.
The 2012 event was all science baby, people used historical texts that legitimately say Obama was the son of Satan since you don't believe that let's talk about the faking his birth certificate conspiracy.


>using steam

>American conservatives huffing and puffing about free speech when they literally made it punishable by law to criticize Israel
You lot are hopeless, and 100% (((compromised)))

There is no 'out'.

Humans are limited by our very nature. We can only perceive and compute so much information at any given time. Joe & Jane Normie's day is consumed by the daily grid. Their cognitive budgets are consumed by the daily 9 - 5, house work, family obligations, and other responsibilities or commitments. They don't want to think about all the 'bad' or concerning things in the world, they just want to enjoy the few moments of respite they get. They close themselves off, shut themselves down, and convince themselves there's nothing outside their netflix playlist.

Even if Joe and Jane Normie wanted to start thinking outside their comfortable box, they'd most likely be scared back into it by the vastness of the world around them, and their own smallness within it. Confronting mortality is too terrifying for most people. They may nod their head and acknowledge that their life will end, but it's doubtful they ever fully comprehended what it meant to have that life in the first place.

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You seem awfully upset about these reptilians.
Do you pick argonian in elder scrolls games?

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>when they literally made it punishable by law to criticize Israel
While I hate the kikes just as much that's not what fucking happened you retard

>liberals are too weak to throw people out of helicopters
>shitskins are too unintelligent to learn how to fly a helicopter
I guess it really is a right-wing only thing, huh?

You just got memed on by some faggy forum poster. Just email Gaben, he'll help. Just look at the entire Hatred drama

Jamarcus and DaQuan the Leftoid Helicopter Pilots. For some reason it strikes me their operation wouldn't go very well or last very long.

Yeah, if you want to work any government job or get disaster relief funding you must not boycott israel in any way

Enlightened and buddhapilled.

Centrists really are cucks

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>While I hate the kikes just as much
Sure thing, Schlomo.

What is your pic trying to prove?
Winnie's filters don't scrub the internet. He shuts down your connection when certain phrases are detected. That China IP can make that post but they lose their connection soon after, and if really unlucky they'll get a knock on their door soon.

Correct, which I also disagree with and infuriates me.
Buy guns folks

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Neo-conservatives aren't conservatives, and who gives a fuck anyways as conservatives are the biggest cowards on the planet.

You're a bit too smart for this thread, it's jarring.
Also, based and consciencepilled.

I do actually but only because I think the Dragonborn should be born of a dragon.

How can goyim even compete?

>implying americans will ever use them
1913 calling

Beep! Wrong.
This pic is just as bad as libs saying that there aren't enough transxircisblack character or someshit.
As far as the SCOTUS is concerned, they pick people that are beyond anal when it comes to the constitution. Most of the time that is

Jewish nepotism is a real thing

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>they pick people that are beyond anal when it comes to the constitution
That's weird, how come those three SCOTUS judges can't read a single sentence, two line Amendment correctly then?

1913 Everyone would have been a slave to whatever the media wanted them to know. Now more people are distrusting of that same media and aware of exactly what's going on. Will it be enough? Who knows

You can suck my SCROTUS you faggot

Both neocons/neolibs, paleocons, and the alt-right are 100% in the pocket of Israel, all for different reasons. The Right in America basically only exists to serve the illegitimate state of Israel and fill the pockets of loyal Israeli sbires..

Don't buy guns from FFLs though. Do private sales.

>red text
BEEP! 8gaggot spotted

I'm simply a trafficker of information

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Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.

This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.

This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.

This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.

These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.

After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.

Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16
Want a full rifle instead? The S&W Sport II is your standard 'modern musket'

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Flat Earthets believe their evidence is deeply rooted within reality and within the realms of science. They even develop experiments to prove their view. You don't see how they're the same thing? Probably not, because you're a conspiracy nutjob. They're all retards, except for your conspiracy! Also a common trope with conspiracy theorists. You just fit the bill user.

The constitution is outdated and should have been getting constant updates, preferably decade by decade, as voted on by the people.

>all these fucking people believing OP's lies

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sorry but this isn't resetera where user can get banned just for posting infinite chan

Distrust of the media is irrelevant. There will never come the day where muh guns are useful for anything than fending off the diversity hordes the cowards allowed into their country in the first place.
It's a slow burn into obscurity, get used to it.

Flat earth is a Yea Forums meme and you're a fucking retard.

>those comments
That's the problem with conspiracies, huh. Every reasonable """conspiracy""" gets infested with literal subhuman braindead niggers that turn it into magic fantasy garbage, thus destroying it from the inside out. Great.

>Flat earth is a Yea Forums meme
You need to be 18 years or older to post here.

Says the retard

>personalising yoru steam account

You were a forum dweller with 30k comments and the two page long signature weren't you.

Who's going to stop me?

>mass spying is a conspiracy theory take of your in foil hat

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>as voted by the people
The people are fucking retarded and vote on shit they literally know nothing about. You think the literal law of the land that's stood the test of time for over 200 years should be put up to a vote to these idiots?

Nothing new, 1-2 year ago they targetted anything that could be mistaken as cropped hentai, even when it wasn't, all you needed wqas to put an anime girl attractive enough to be targetted.
Several anime related groups also got their picture snipped.
But a fair chunk of the steam userbase tend to hate everything anime in general so no one talked about it.
Just remember that the slippery slope is real.

I have friends with anime lewd faces for their avatars

Please explain your thought process. How is governmental 'spying' (which is been admitted and common knowledge) relatable to Flat Earth and/or Sandy Hook?

That is democracy.

>It's a slow burn into obscurity, get used to it.
That's fine, realizing it is the first step to fixing it.

Report them, see what happens.

>(which is been admitted and common knowledge)
Before it was 'admitted and common knowledge' were the people claiming the government was spying on its citizens called legitimate, or conspiracy theorists?

Alex Jones 2024

Good thing we're a republic, not a democracy

Because before it was confirmed to be true and common knowledge, it was a conspiracy theory you fucking mong. But you're probably too young to remember that

why wouldn't homosexuals be equal

Watch this movie.
Using the phrase conspiracy theory after Snowden is funny.

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don't mind me posting a superior avatar

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Tendencies towards pedophilia in far greater numbers than homosexuals. Considering you now have a 10 year old transgender stripper getting dollar bills thrown on him by a bunch of faggots I fully realize the truth of the Slippery Slope

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Depends on the claim. There's still many retarded paranoid claims, even today, that make no sense.

>the government is spying on people? fucking tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nutjob
>of course the government is spying on people, everyone knew that

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The answer is they were called conspiracy theorists, for something which was true and happening.
It's fucking ridiculous how incapable they are of looking beyond the surface level at anything. Legitimate inability to recognize patterns

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assuming you're a male, you have a far greater tendency towards rape and murder than the average female. assuming you are white, you have a far greater tendency towards crime, lower income and lower intelligence than an asian. but it doesn't necessarily make it true to claim you are a raping, murdering, low iq criminal, now does it?

*than heterosexuals

My rights are given to me by God and are not up for being voted on by "the people"

Talk to me when there's library events for children like "Reading with a Rapist"

>Which was true and happening
Not in the scope many of these claims made. The technology wasn't even there yet. The 'spying' today is people signing away their privacy with smartphones and internet usage, not the government installing tracking devices to trace and listen to everyone. Those technologies were invented for profit, then the government started using them.

>feed 50% of babies into a wood chipper

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I think Alex Jones is a retard, but fuck censorship in any way, shape or form and fuck Valve for doing this.

>not the government installing tracking devices to trace and listen to everyone
You realize the government records every drop of internet activity in the country right?

seeing as you ignored my argument, do i take this as an admission that you are a rapist and a murderer with low iq? why should i listen to you at all, considering you are like that?

>he heard this from Joe Rogan

I love how conspiracy nutjobs always count themselves as smart people, when they usually haven't even graduated high school and see education as evil.

>assuming you're a male, you have a far greater tendency towards rape and murder
>assuming you are white, you have a far greater tendency towards crime, lower income and lower intelligence than an asian
Funny how you completely dodged the actual source of those problems.

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If that's what you want to say I am that's fine, I'd bet you're a homosexual?

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I realized that people really are as retarded as (((they))) think and gave up even trying to talk about it. Now I just shitpost about 9/11 and ZOG.
Fuck it, the West is lost and they'll get what they deserve.