How sexy is too sexy for gachas?
How sexy is too sexy for gachas?
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats the sauce tho
are her tits too big to put her helmet on without a giant mechanical arm harness?
There is no limit.
I sleep. That's like if a closeted gay tried too hard to convince people he's really straight.
Why does this game look so much like girls frontline?
What is the point of gacha games if porn exists?
That style of menus came from Azur Lane, I believe. Combat is turn based though. Of course the main appeal of this seems to be animated thicc girls
So, pretty much anybody who rants about gay people, yes?
Gorea has really strict porn laws so it spills out into kpop and everything else.
This is fucking ridiculous.
I like what I see but I dont know korean and I dont feel like playing a game while reading translations on the side.
For underage shitters who only own a phone and no laptop/pc, and even if they do they can't navigate the internet to find high quality porn games so they "play" this gutter trash.
sex still sells
Americans ruin everything.
they look at least 80-120kg
The girls in these games are arguably higher quality than those in average doujin/hentai manga. Unless you're referring to 3d porn which is PD why even bother mentioned it.
wow these koreans have good taste
What higher quality are you talking about? Its just the same anime moeblob
You should know by now that asians can't into weights for anime characters.
Holy shit! I didn't think anything could get lewder then Destiny Child, but this one takes the cake. I want it.
>play gachacrap
>when hentai game has actual plot, actual characters, actual quality artwork and actual gameplay
I guess EOP gonna EOP heh
If you have to ask then you won't ever get it. Go fap to your 3d sluts and leave others alone.
Dumb dorafs can't be sexy
I'm not even talking about 3d porn shit, learn how to read you fucking sea chink nigger turd
>when hentai game has actual plot, actual characters, actual quality artwork and actual gameplay
name three (3)
Fate you dumbass.
>fate VN
>quality artwork
>The girls in these games are arguably higher quality than those in average doujin/hentai manga
>oh yeah you just roll new gacha girl i love love you gochusinsama daisuki daisuki btw i'm very tsundere dokidoki
play langrisser
Any Eushully game
EOP gonna EOP, nothing change. You can't even read with your peanut weeaboo brain anyway
>Visible areolas
Based Coreans
I see nipples.
>attack japan
The game is still unfinished AF tho. Most of the characters are missing damaged arts.
Only like 2-3 have L2D too
And, most of all, no autoplay
>attack Japan
Where's the ass though?
how sexy they are equates to how desperate the devs are to get into your wallet so I just laugh it off.
Is there no tittymonster under 155cm in this game? I want to IMAGINE.
I'm not playing gachas anyway, but I would totally be interested in CG set of this, you know for research purposes.
Is there any game in this beyond sex appeal for people too stupid to look up free porn?
Ya, didn't think so.
koreans don't give a fuck, which is based. now if only their game design was better
Lord bless big titty Americans.
>CG set
What are you talking about? Are you retard?
There are literal hentai gatchas in Japan you know.
But no good ones
Kinda sucks there's no reference point for the height beside the numbers, but you can still IMAGINE harder
These are the weights of tits and ass alone
>all these women taller than the average Korean
Good taste
LMAO do you really think these stupid gacha addicted weeaboo can read jap?
Now that I have saved all the images in this thread
What else is there to do?
It's because porn is banned in Korea. They turn to ecchi games to satisfy their lust. I imagine they are immensely profitable for that reason.
? They're literal the same with your gachashit but now you can actually watch your moeblob get fucked
I thought south koreans hated north koreans?
Didn't Korea go full censorship crazy not so long ago? How are these allowed?
Someone should rip the images from the game and post them. I want to have the pictures without the UI shit.
small areolas on big tits is a sin.
God damn I would drop Destiny Child for this game. Too bad it'll probably be years before we can even play it, let alone in English.
>Attack Japan
How does korea get away with it?
They have blatant incest porn movies with the exception of penetration.
Their manwha artist pumped up shit that have similar censorship to Japanese hentai.
Really, banning porn in S.Korea resulted into more weird shit in public.
>that awful art
>that awful leg
man it's really spend that people have spent millions of dollars just collect png's of waifus.
It's okay, reading the numbers is enough to get me going.
Thanks user.
You saying like people spend million of dollar on every gachashit or something
Four things make her less generic. One is that's she's milf, two is amazon height three is muscle tone and four is short hair.
Not as much as they hate Japan or the US meddling in their affairs, though.
No, they just ban pornography.. This is also probably an adult rated download.
>aaaa tiny areol i'm cumming
>go to dmm
>check on any games over there
Are all mobileshitter never went though puberty or something?
like what
>amazon height
Nigga, she's 5'8''. She's kinda tall for a girl, but not impressive in the slightest.
>copy all shit from Jap hentai
>yeah that make my shit not generic anymore
>visible areolas
So close to full nipples. Why not?
What do you mean?
You need at least double digit IQ to find games from dmm and dlsite, mobile shitters are insectoids.
gachashit is a billion dollar industry at this point. this means millions of dollars went down the drain just for a chance to grab a png of some 2d girl.
>you must secretly want to fuck spiders
fuck you
But there are only few chosen gachashit become successful while the others goes to the shitter
Maybe he meant this? Or he just did misuse "literal" and means hentai games with gacha systems, like Kamihime or the other kind of games you'd find on Nutaku.
>When a gacha finally traps you with your boner fuel
You can download million of pics like this on gelbooru
>Amazon Height
Are you 5'2" or something?
>not dmm
There is tons of amateur Korean porn if you know where to look. Lots of webcam shows too.
Probably seanigger
kemuri haku
The upcoming SRW gacha has some ridiculous designs too.
>find this on pixiv
>locked behind a paywall
When did pixiv become patreon?
But can I play as them?
thanks bud
I could swear I have seen this art in some hentai.
What kind of moran doesn't just go to our Super Secret Panda site first in the year of our lord 2010?
Nico Pun Nise
>The girls in these games are arguably higher quality than those in average doujin/hentai manga.
Nice joke
I wouldn't be surprised to see Shindol or Mizuryu key characters in non-h gacha at this point.
>tfw Shindol did an interview and showed his face
i honestly expected some bald fat fuck. Was surprised.
>play mobile shit
You just watch them do the same animation and speak the same hello hi shit over and over again you piece of trash
t. hasnt play a good mobile game with actual gameplay.
I expect having japanese version first with nip voices. I would go there, west might censor this game in USA.
lol South Koreans think anybody gives a fuck about their opinions. Is there leader still part of a literal feminist cult?
I never played the series but I recall Rance being touted as something resembling that.
Also I nominate for the lower tier of it but still passable Eroico. Yes it's short, but it has a beginning, middle and end with gameplay. Not 10/10 by any means, but it's for the most part a comparatively complete project considering.
Wrong artist.
The sky is the limit
>FGO garbage
>actual gameplay
Look at this total retard
Yep, cos straight guys could never like titties and ass that much
The fuck is that game? Is it even legal?
No we are talking.
Pic not related?
I love bobs.
But gachafaggots are literal subhumans.
FGO would be a lot nicer if it didn't have such obscenely long loading times.
Too much?
I would never want these games to get an English release.
>game gets released for global
>95% of the art is censored
>artists complain about having to draw multiple versions/devs annoyed with paying artists more for multiple versions
>devs ask artists to make one, toned down version that fits all markets
>original vision of game ruined
It's basically a microcosm of Sony's censorship debacle
ded game
>make porn illegal
>everything made in the country is just softcore porn
Not him, but thank you
Meh, to me this is stuff that just circles around to no longer being arousing. Like it's so extreme it does nothing for me.
>that crap
Look like shit from how to drawn manga for beginner weeaboo lol
that's dummy thicc
>western release is either heavily censored or semi-censored, depending on if you're in the UK or American
>paid-only skin is obviously allowed to be uncensored because it's a paid skin, otherwise it would of been censored as well
This game is pay2lewd at this point.
Filename. It's been around for a few years.
Monster Girl Quest
MGQ Paradox (they count)
More than 10 with those names, yore move.
Probably is some Asian country.
What it sold me is the animation, the girls flying around, trowing bombs, one pull a riffle from her wallet. It mostly looks very unique for most characters at least.
vn are not vidya
muh fookin dic
shame it'll never come to us ENchads
nah, that bitch is in prison
>being impressed by the chibi animation of mobile shit
What is wrong with you mobileshitter really?
I only play hentai games with female protagonists
SINoAlice looked cool to me but the gameplay sucks. ITS THE ULTIMATE AUTOPLAY
>Team of 6 characters
>One is the character the player pick
>The other are CPU controlled guests
>Game auto pick who
>you don't do anything outside tapping 1 character to attack
Have you seen the other? there is barely effort, they are extremely static when they attack. Girl Frontline for example.
>female protag
sounds like something a cuck would do
Looks nice. Very much girls frontline style though but... japanese servers is what I want. English/Global is always censored to shit and amerimutts that don't remember that fact are delusional.
>learned Japanese instead of Korean
Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have gone for a meme language.
>Monster Girl Quest
>quality art
I usually have fun lurking this chinese grinders for mobiles but this is just ridiculous.
why is she wearing a skin-coloured armor?
close to uncanny valley to be completely honest
Change art for music and im sold
>learn gook just to play ecchi weeaboo mobileshit
LMAO bet you don't even know what is dmm too
why is their clothes broken?
Thank god, i'm not braindead mobileshitter
It's a reflection of the player. Their clothes are broken just like your mind.
meta as fuck
>he learn gook to play weebshit mobage
>when even their art is copy from jap anime
>when even their characters, tropes, cliches are all copy from jap anime
>when even their language suck horse cock
oh fuck this is the one for me
Destiny child is better
2 deep 4 me.
On the bright side, Gook scans for doujins and mango always pop first than raws.
>the most generic ecchi art ever #537284873735
>underage seanigger weeaboo praise it like the second coming of jesus
What's going on here?
Its also deader, destiny child more like destiny flop lmao
Jesus is coming more than twice to this thicc ass bitches.
>mobile version flopped
>browser version on dmm flopped too
Seems pretty active to me senpai
>why is she wearing a skin-coloured armor?
It's transparent plastic, you simpleton.
>d*stiny flop
Glad that gross shit is dead
>those crap
Yeah you're underage, go back to study son, maybe i will teach you how to get past sad panda someday
>gachaniggers fighting each other
It's like watching ant colonies fight
FGO, GBF, Azur Lane and Girls Frontline are all okay, well except a couple of designs here and there
this shit here is actually too ridiculous even for a porn addict like myself
>faceless (armored) bodysuit
tfw we actually got the coatless naru dream
>that arm
LMAO the arts in this trash all look amateur as fuck
Says the artspro!
This, the eyepatch girl they give you at the beginning has an animation of her removing the eyepatch, looks very good and unique, none of that FGO shit.
This is what happened to Honkai Impact, what a fucking shame, I think the granblue approach is best, but even then they censored some swimsuit just for players picking english as their choice, thank god they reverted that.
Then show me your PHD in loomis retard.
No one ripped the art yet?
He's trying to pay her to fuck him
You can only reply to me if your gacha has been making gains all last month. Not so fast almost everyone else.
What? I can't even saying anything bad about a mobile weeb gookshit you aren't play it? What's wrong with you ironic weeb?
I bet fgo, p&d and ms are kicking your weeb gookshit as usual?
FGO here, bend over you fucking cheap ass wanker
Playerbase gains for galaxy users, fgo stays basically the same.
Langrisser, destiny child, and dragalia are dying the fastest. Dokkan battle rising the most
lol trash
Of course this is the english playerbase, Jap version is probably rising like dokkan
it's actually a good game, i hope it doesn't die completely
>literal no doujin
>literal no decent fan art
>been studying Korean for a month and a half now
>still can't read the stuff posted in this thread without my notes (just read, not comprehend) despite Korean having a simple as fuck alphabet
I am the retarded.
Porn will literally get you jailed so they have to throw some leeway for the horny people unless they want to fill their jails that bad.
January estimated sales (in JPY)
FGO - 10.883 bil (+5.46%)
Puzzle & Dragons - 8.631 bil (+0.71%)
Monster Strike - 8.365 bil (-9.76%)
Knives Out - 5.983 bil (-10.83%)
DBZ Dokkan Battle - 4.855 bil (-8.91%)
GBF - 3.13 bil (+7.56%)
Romancing SaGa Re: Universe - 1.91 bil (-38.19%)
Sengoku Enbu KIZNA - 1.853 bil (+5.89%)
Starlight Stage - 1.333 bil (+36.02%)
Bandori - 1.181 bil (+0.08%)
Shironeko Project - 1.15 bil (-8%)
Shadowverse - 1.138 bil (+142.13%)
Priconne - 1.013 bil (+91.13%)
SINoALICE - 0.848 bil (-4.72%)
Dragalia Lost - 0.62 bil (+8.77%)
FEH - 0.603 bil (+25.63%)
Azur Lane - 0.356 bil (-22.61%)
Houkai 3rd - 0.234 bil (-55%)
>fgo seanigger version
There are full on H gacha games where you fuck the girls you roll.
>study gook
>40k player to 16k players in a month
Its dead jim
>Romancing SaGa Re: Universe
I will never not be upset about this bullshit.
Honestly it's mostly because the language itself is really appealing. Modern compared to other Asian languages and relatively free of the baggage of being adapted from fucking Chinese. It looks nice in the written form and doesn't sound horrible spoken. It's just a pleasant language.
>Nasu announces that he is planning to kill FGO.
>Shit actually slow downs
Not some big drop, but it would be good if those fucks stop clogging the comiket catalog.
>doesn't sound horrible spoken
Sound like pig squeak to me, their name are hilarious though
He's selling lottery tickets.
>He hasn't bought an exhentai gold account!
>not knowing of the option to view expunged content
All I want is the Super Robot Wars Omega in English. Some fag was translating it early on but quit. Now I have no idea what's going on, but I stay for the girls.
>good game
>Some SSR literally one shot everything and straight up better than everyone
that's not the case for langrisser though, i don't know where you're getting that from.
That's not what Nasu announced, faggot.
Holy fuck thats hot, reminds me of this
Epic Seven is the only mobile game I'm playing.
>never takes helmet off
What is Leon, Luna, 2 SSR healer literally can heal half the map. Also faction buff is fucking shitty mechanic. And the roll rate are awful too, 300 rolls and not one SSR what the fuck?
The lack of art is a crime.
More gacha games need sexy, sweaty/oily, wet thicc girls desu
>attack japan
holy hell
They already went all out on V, naturally the gacha game should go even further beyond.
Epic 7 is great
Now this is some of my fetishes right there. Full body skintight, faceless helm, fancy armor/weaponry
leon is the crutch for brainlets, he's broken but doesn't oneshot everything. did you ever even get past early game? there's actually an issue where retards in teamplay just auto with their leon and then die on the first turn without accomplishing anything. there's also other units that are great like cherie who can kill two units in one turn, something leon can't do. you can also beat the game with the starting trio so there's that.
faction buffs suck, yeah.
that's extremely unlucky, the ssr rate is 2% which isn't good. but it still means one ssr per 50 rolls on average, you just got extremely unlucky to the point where i'm not sure if you aren't just bullshitting. and compared with fehs 6+% rate i prefer this one much more because you only need one copy of a unit and not 11+. there's also focus banners where your first ssr unit is guaranteed one of the rate ups and not a dupe. so all in all could be much worse.
More games should use them to be quite honest. Faceless + armored women are horribly underappreciated for how sexy they can be.
>spending realm money for PNG lottery
I mean, I'm sort of glad it exists, but I don't udnerstand what kind of people love throwing away their money so easily for shit you can get for free, because obviously the games are horrible low effort stamina based cock blocks with barely any mechanics.
Why not play a gacha with actual voiced h-scenes?
>playing fate/grand censor
Oh no sweaty...
t. Only knows how to use booru
I wonder how low the IQ of the average gacha player is. It has to be well below average no question about it.
They are often automatic games like Taimanin battle arena, what is that one?
>Attack Japan
Absolute chads
why not just play an h-game with no gacha
>decent fan art
>no doujin
Face it, none care about your gookshit
Let me guess, you only play nutaku shit?
me in the middle
You can't have porn on google play and apple store.
Koreans are super horny because of the porn bans, right? So this is as close to porn as they can get.
Kamihime has a lot of gameplay, FKG is pretty automatic even though I still like it
They don't make them fast enough and I don't speak ching chong bing bong.
A korean artist I follow was saying that for the most part the porn ban wasnt really being enforced until just recently. Thats fucking insane that theyre actually enforcing it now
That one is good, though the interface is a little on the ugly side, feels like a porn granblue.
>azur lane
Get fucked jaypee nigger, Kankore is shit even compared to girl's frontline.
That is the selling point of probably every Gacha that isn't based on something famous like Dragonball.
What is dmm?
A site that required a vpn to play kantai collection.
>Currently playing Kamihime, Girls Frontline, and Flower Knight Girl
Honestly my wallet can take it but I need to do something with my life besides working 6 days a week and playing gacha shit.
Enjoy your chinese knock-off game
The site Nutaku pulls all their garbage from, wow so much better.
I don't mind sexy. But at some point it's so much sexy that it just feels like I'm being exploited.
>gacha games
you guys are pathetic and you know it don't you
Thats the dumbest fucking thing I've read today on Yea Forums
Oh no some guy on Yea Forums called me pathetic.
More than half of nutaku titles are from their own, dipshit. Nutaku only buy old ass titles from dmm
There is dmm 18+ too
yeah cry bich
Let me know when dmm starts releasing translated games.
Thanks for proving my point retard.
Ungrateful gooks, US is the reason they're not living in a 3rd world commie dystopia lol.
I just want good actual porn games. Gachas are an even worst waste of time.
What point? they are all better than your mobile crap, its true
Eat shit retarded bitch
Only kamihima something and flower knight are from dmm
>I just want good actual porn games
Then learn how to read Jap
>Shadowverse - 1.138 bil (+142.13%)
The fuck? I'm glad it's doing well but I swear that game was in decline.
new stomach inflation/ahegao harem game coming from the guy who made pic related this month
They are prime breeding material
how is it even fucking possible for someone to become so disillusioned that they think FGO has good gameplay?
I am only 193cm I wish I was the 220cm guy.
Naughty Dog must be swimming in money, whoa!
The fuck are you blabbering about? Complain about it with the jap, fgo fucking suck and your bootleg weebcrap chinkgookshit are even fucking worse than fgo
>stomach inflation
Are we talking filled with liquid or air
space has lower gravity retard
How new
>weight: 65 kgs
I wish DC had actual models or sprites outside of the live2D.
>space has lower gravity
You can't be serious...
Do you even know the difference between weight and mass?
Magnificent, you have my attention.
I wish that was my dad.
ITT: Too much large C, not enough small c.
Read the thread, someone unironically argued that F/GO had objectively good gameplay.
should be out on the 15th
his previous two games also featured stomach inflation and ahegao, should be easy to find torrents for them on nyaa
Successful collabs
Still on pre-register at google play.
Why? I'm the same height as you and I wouldn't want to be any taller.
>shoes off
>nice feet
>giving a footjob to the sword
this artist knows what he's doing
Footfags are amazing. I wouldn't have noticed if she had hooves ffs.
Horrible anatomy aside that artist has shit taste
>huge tits with chicken legs and vulva that look like balls
>But no good ones
Don't fool yourself user. There are no good gacha games.
Spoiler next time pls
fgo bros dab on these niggas
That picture doesn't even have the best one
Azur Lane only lacks the plot
you have shit taste
Nice areolae
Small areolae on big tits look like actual mosquito bites
Artwork isn't as good and it's deeply censored anyways.
I don't have a gold account and I can see this. Did you actually pay? LOL
please dont post this demeaning image of my wife anymore
I just want to see one gacha girl that can top the passion tits.
your game is censored now
Nah, no one should be bigger, it makes her tits special. Comparable tho is another story.
That's why she don't wear bras.
>no bras available
>you'll have to carry them for her.
i wish i were a girl with gigantic tits
I wish you were too.
i cant handle this brehs....
There is this hentai trading animated card game where the girls all had gigantic breasts,i don't remember the name.
they were one country until retarded soviets started a war on their territory
>He doesn't mod his Destiny Child
In Korean games, they go as far as they can
>never takes a helmet off
Imagine the smell.
there is no gold account lmao
Gonna need that sauce.
Monster girl gacha when?
massive tits are unappealing, mid tier perky tits are god tier.
>too sexy
Sick of you gays in my galaxy.
Go on.
There was one for Monmusu Nichijou. It didn't last long.
Tried reverse image searching on everything, nothing came up. Help us out my guy.
i like his art
actually a bit wary for the new game thanks to the proportions looking more generic
its a gacha isnt it. so its not even a game.
Cure horse
only one cure fer hors....
>Faceless armored women
Do you know if theres an english patch or just a cg set out yet? I can't speak moon roons.
As long as you don't show camel toe or areola, you're good.
Unobtainability creates desirability. That mixed with gambling addiction mixed with gaming addiction mixed with porn addiction. Gacha is unironically the worst thing to ever happen to video games. Worse than lootboxes, worse than battle royale, worse than preorders and drm. Asian consumers have zero fucking standards for monetization bullshit.
Dragalia............ Lost...........
>pic rel has areola
mad man
>attack japan
Sexy girls are not an excuse to play gacha.
So, when can I download it.
Most asians don't even know what nazis are. They're horribly uneducated in anything outside of STEMs.
King's raid is the closest.
just quoting this image to share one of my favorite pics of all time
There's literally nothing else. I tried Girls Frontline twice and I just can't get through the retarded gameplay you're supposed to either cheese or pay your way through.
>Attack Japan
>Side with North Korea
Based and redpilled.
have a faint memory of a translation, but can't find any so likely not
it's up on sadpanda expunged, since the dev likes finding and reporting his stuff around the internet
you can also download the game and unpack high res versions of the CG from the おまけ file (pass is 454519194545)
for some reason the panda galleries just have the 640x480 ones
So what ARE the best gacha games then, Yea Forums?
russian roulette
I unironically just masturbated and came to this.
>fully armored to your enemies
>while showing off defenseless ass & pussy to your allies
>172 cm
>65 kg
>with those boobs and that T H I C C
I always liked Unleashed's art and outside the ultra skimpy design like this one and that one hime-cut bottomless lady it's still """""relatively"""" tame, but i never understood and always wondered why that one big titted fairy had something that couldn't be mistaked for anything but semen on her butt. Like they fight, dress and pose sexy but that one is just weird imho.
Link to the game?
What is this game user?
My holy boner is at full potency
What are some games with an aesthetic like this?
Because as soon as you cross into a full nipple, that's pornography and illegal in South Korea. It's such a stupid line, but there you go.
>Went offline since 2017
I hate Behemoth Housamo! Hate!
same pose
Post stuffed belly screencaps.
Is Kamihime the only porn Gacha? And everything else is softcore like this? How is Kamihime anyway?
>attack japan
Why is this so funny
There needs to be a memri tv except for Japan/Korea relations instead of middle east.
or "Touch the cat. Do it stat!"
Methados is that you
What game?
wait, visible areola is a-okay then? what the fuck? based dog eaters
Fuck fatfags
Never ever.
Depends what you want?
>an auto gacha game where it plays itself and you just work on building teams
>a gacha brawler
>a turn based RPG gacha
>a tactical gacha where you win based on where you place your units on a map
The list goes on.
>posting the fat version
What site is this?
>Literally has a twitter feed in the corner
God I wanna fuck a fat fag
>he doesn't play DMM'S FKG
You have only yourself to blame, user.
all Faat wants to do is eat potato chips
It looks a bit like butcha-u
I thought only Japan was okay with sexualizing lolis.
Koreans just went up in my book.
And still barely any doujins at all. What a shame.
So I've never played any Gacha before and downloaded Destiny Child on a whim. I'm actually enjoying it but I can't help but wonder at what point is the game gonna try and fuck me for money? I've gotten to lvl 25 with a couple of S Rank characters and been showered in stuff but it feels like the slowdown is coming.
Mother fucker. I never posted it but it got me into the thread
Its the guy drawn gay bicycle manga
Not that dude, but heyo Meth. Don't think I've spoken to you since Yea Forums played All Stars Racing. Had like 2 Steam accounts since.
If they're not getting penetrated, it's still not sexy enough.
These are values I can believe in.
>brown dust
>been waiting for Destiny Child to be translated forever
>it finally get a global version
>dropped it three days in
I always knew the gameplay was shit but fuck not even the animated waifus saved it for me.
And apparently some girls got censored too.
>changing the gold to blue
But why
also same
then we could dock them together
tfw been saving my f2p saint quartz and summon tickets for like a year for her
Lips maybe, but everyone knows Butcha-U loves his rounded chins
DC is a terrible gacha that is dying fast. It hooks a few people just by the artstyle. You probably got memed on.
>play ecchi shit without any bonding CG scene
lmao cuck
Does vg have threads for these games?
What are some good ones?
Magical Girl Site was a shit anime whose only even slightly redeeming factor was the cute relationship between the protagonist and deuteragonist, and the revenge porn for what happened at the start of the series.
I want the 6~ hours of my life that I spent on this shit anime back, goddamnit.
Why do you even want to get into it?
Name a better, fairer one.
Oh hey. Yeah been a while since then
What game?
You got a Discord where you post your art and shit?
jerk off
Puzzle and dragons, a gacha game with actual gameplay
metal gear rising
Censored for Apple users apparently not iOS.
>too sexy
More like it's quite literally the selling point as it preys on the absolute lowest scum of the earth that will buy and support it based on this alone
Kept telling you guys.
There was no need to wait for Global
KR version gives you new waifus much easier and there are more modes/events to do
just fapped to this post, thanks
These games make me bored after some time but man I really like their art.
>you will never mating press a harem of draph milfs
>KR version gives you new waifus much easier and there are more modes/events to do
Fucking really? Then why they even bother releasing a global version if they are gonna treat Korean players better?
Its already enough that most global gacha games are always late in the characters release.
Literally in the top right
Dont own a server or anything. I have a Twitter though that I throw my stuff on
Jesus that sweat.
Based dad
Too big.
Uncensored where?
>watching the anime instead of reading the manga
Is not censored. The user is full facebook post now.
He wants some likes.
just got azur lane and girls frontier. will be playing those tonight.
fate grand order doesnt interest me yet.
whats gbf?
Granblue Fantasy
Bow before your king gachshitter
And this is the cum dumpsters
having to constantly reapply the translation patch killed KR for me
I'm an important man with an important need to spend my important time wisely. I can't afford to spend it on the affairs of mango peasants. Animoo streamlines my ability to take in Japanese art and increase my intelligence.
>Then why they even bother releasing a global version if they are gonna treat Korean players better?
Because, it's not about treating better.
It's about squeezing as much money out of new players as possible.
It's a joke that a 5* tickets in Global cost $50, while KR gives multiple 5* every 3 weeks.
Also, the favorite region is JP, not KR. Internal reasons.
>copying pasting 1 file is a killer
Don't apply out of date patches for fights, btw. It lowers your dps.
>tfw food belly fetish now
It was a pain in the ass on my phone. I had to have a separate file manager. Translation patches didn't always come out when the game updated. I hated it.
Found a transparent version of it. I bet there's a full body version of it somewhere.
>Disliking thing means you actually love it
Fuck off with this stupid ass argument.
Korean made porn webtoons man
I don't know what you're doing. But the instructional webm was literally 3 seconds long.
Also, most file managers let you bookmark folders/paths for easy access.
Saved to my masked girl fetish folder, thanks user.
Now that's just silly.
Its just softcore cheating shit not porn
>in a ranking where puzzles and dragons is in second
lmao I play FGO but come on my dude
Aside from the Fate waifus its utter trash
>Korean phone scroller comics
Are koreans more cucked than Japs when it comes to porn laws?
>in a ranking where puzzles and dragons is in second
That's the Japan top grossing you clueless dumbass
Why is it always koreans that have the girls with the widest hips and thickest thighs? Japan just gives a girl big tits and then stops there.
Maybe you don't know but P&D is very popular in nipland and its very different than the shitty english version too
Yes, and?
What I meant is popularity doesnt equal quality, ESPECIALLY when it comes to phone games.
They hate Kim Jung Un and his regime, but they are sympathetic towards civilians.
Read more porn and play more shitty hentai game shithead
>phone game
Fuck are you talking about?
South Korea IS a dystopia, just a different kind of.
They are the cyberpunk kind of dystopia.
Monster Strike and P&D still BTFO every "phone" auto gameplay
>Attack Japan
The fact that I can´t tell if this is legit or just comedy says a lot about Japanese-Korean relations.
So what is the appeal specifically? Because they look pregnant? Or just liking to see a woman with a filled belly?
yeah, it's a "dystopia" full of hot women with conservative views and great taste in fashion/hair! definitely DON'T go to korea, you'll DEFINITELY regret it!!! it SUCKS!!!!
How much is she plastic?
user, they have Chink level laws about video games and porn restrictions so ridiculous that I'm surprised more people haven't gone out on blue ball rampages.
Nigger, those kpop girls are ANYTHING but conservative, they are turbo sluts that get drilled to get where they are. And if you think western women are materialistic, wait till you meet a korean girl.
gook shill or koreaboo?
man oh man these PORN RESTRICTIONS SUCK!!!
who the fuck needs porn when average girls in korea get surgery to look like goddesses? once boob jobs come into favor socially they'll be unstoppable
>average Korean woman looking like K-pop idols and actresses
You are delusional.
what's the game called?
Stop being so gay
you say that but then you get with one and you're paying the bill for that surgery
you're retarded if you don't think it's true. the streets of daegu are full to the brim with hot koreans from 15 to 30 all looking for dick to get out of the country, and they know that their best shot is looking like a 10/10. ugly girls dont even leave their houses in korea
>Other games just stealing Camilla
Naru existed before Camilla.
Isn't their suicide rate astronomically high because their societal standards are Hunger Games tier?
Literal lies, most koreans look like actual dogs. The girls have round faces, small eyes and terrible skin, suprising amount of Korean women have thinning hair too which is scary.
>killing off incels and fatties
>a bad thing
koreans are fucking BASED
>bang a hot plastic korean chick
>kids come out looking like freaks with massive jaws
every single korean chick is a gamble for your bloodline