Name one good boss fight by non japanese devs

Name one good boss fight by non japanese devs

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Fallout, Master.

Boss fights are the only reason to bother playing this game.

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Hard mode: no indie games allowed

anything Syphon Filter.

>Only two replies


Boss fights are too "videogamey" for western devs

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Does he count?

The Mr. Freeze fight from Batman Arkham...City? I hated most of that game but it was a fun gimmicky boss fight.

Hikari-chan was pretty kawaii.

If Denmark counts as western then A Hat in Time's bosses.

If not then Titanfall 2 Viper.


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God of War.

I don't know if I'd really count the tank as a boss. Yeah he's tougher than the other special undead but he's still not too bad.

The asari Spectre bitch from Lair of the Shadow Broker

he is more like a mini-boss

How was that a good bossfight? She just teleported around when you damaged her enough and acted like a bullet sponge.

Yeah if anything she acted like a shitty MMO boss
>oh what's that, you're beating me? Better leave the arena and summon some adds.

End boss from Arcanum.

What, you didn't enjoy the repetitive, boring, lackluster showdown with Alduin in Skyrim?

Japanese bossfights usually suck too, boss does a bunch of shit you can only learn by trial-and-error and it looks more like they're performing a dance routine than trying to fight you


Glados from Portal

There's always RPG bosses

Use your strongest attack, potion, rinse repeat

The Cyberdemon? Yes it's true that the key is simply to shoot it until it dies, but circle-strafing was genuinely something most players didn't do back in the day.

Hollow Knight and Furi.

>Hard mode: no indie games allowed

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Half the bosses in pre-4 God of War.

Fuck you, I was gonna post this.
I can still hear the music & sound-effects in my head to this day.

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General Deathshead on Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Sammael in Darksiders 2 was a lot of fun. Deathstroke in Arkham Origins on ng+ mode was good.

I really fucking hate this mindset, mainly because it's something that you don't find in other mediums of art. Nobody criticizes a painting for being too "paintingey". Nobody criticizes a sculpture for being too "sculpturey". Nobody criticizes a poem for being too "poemey". It's only in videogames where there are people who can seriously criticize a game for being too "gamey/videogamey".

My nigga

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The first one had some good boss fights.

the second one had kinda gay boss fights because they didn't feel like as big of a deal. it had some winners though.
3 none of the boss fights felt fun.

i haven't played 4, but they look kinda compelling.

Destiny had some good puzzle bosses but they where not that good in terms of build up or even if they had a "decent" build up where they either buggy or just frustrating ( Crotas End bugs, Kings Fall lag problem and Wrath of the Machines RNG mechanics can go to hell) while the only really memorable one was Calus because unlike the rest was he more like an excess loving Chad who was bored from drinking too much planet juice and not some super villain archetype.
Tchernobog from Blood was a really good idea with an amazing build up but a dissapointing fight.
The most recent "good" boss fight I had would be the one at the end of Episode 3 of Dusk I kinda liked that.
Viper had awesome lines and the arena for the fight was good but he was very unrealistic a real Northstar main would have killed me without taking any damage while moving faster than he did while flying.

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Diablo 2 bosses?

I'd say western rpgs do a better job on bosses than jrpgs. they both suck in terms of combat but wrpgs sometimes offer more than just that, like in arcanum or planescape.


>i haven't played 4, but they look kinda compelling.
There was supposed to be way more but the devs took out like 10 of them. Which wouldn't bother me if their excuse wasn't "it's too much work guys"


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Metro Last Light had a good boss fight with Pavel. Unlike the other bossfights, it legit took most of what you normally did in the game and worked it into the fight sequence, I wasn't a fan of msot of the story, but Pavel was a good enemy and had a good fight.

>The devs took out like 10 of them
I doubt it was "too much work" so much as it was consoles being limiting pieces of shit and probably having to cut half of the game.

After all, it happened to Borderlands 2, where production had to be stopped because PS3 and XB360 would have shat the bed with any more content than the Headhunter packs.

>putting you in a tiny as fuck room with the boss immediately on your ass with an unresistable aura that slows you so you can't run away and he hits like a truck
Duriel is fun but that is not good boss design for anything other than a Barb/Pally.

No he specifically said it was because it's too much work because they wanted to make every boss a spectacle that's half-cutscene instead of making them pure gameplay.

Its because they're trying to make ganes like those paintings, sculptures or poems. They're ashamed of making video games because they think they're too childish and are trying to make something more respectable but its just garbage.

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Metroid prime series
Punch 2008

General Raam

In fairness, "writerly" is actually a term in literary critique. Except it's used as a positive.

Haven't played wow since wotlk but it had some pretty great fights. Yoggy and Kael were both amazing ends to their tiers.

Magni and Modi

And any of the valkyries actually. I like baldur and the dragon too but i guess those are too cinematic for you guys

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The people who make the videogames generally aren't the ones throwing out the "too gamey" criticism, that's journalists. The same journalists who most of them loved oldschool megaman, a series all about having a boss at the end of the level.

Pic unrelated? This game had boring as fuck combat. I quit around the dumb robot tranny

Mimiron hard mode is a better example of a boss fight than Yogg for the same raid.

Most CRPGs have good bossfights imo. That covers some classics as well as some of the more indie/AA newcomers.
D44M has good boss fights.
XCOM2 has a good final boss fight, though it's more like a boss arena I guess.
Someone just mentioned Metroid Prime, I certainly would agree with that, that Ridley fight kicks ass.
Transistor has really good bossfights.


the cnpp in soc

Beating 10H with my guild was one of the best vidya moments I've ever experienced

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Valkyrie Queen was the only REAL boss fight worth its shit in GoW4.

First Balthier fight was the coolest though.



Edge was easy and kinda served as a breather fight but I really liked the concept of his fight. Just motivates you to git gud, wants to see you at your best.