I can't believe... What the hell is this Resident Evil Thread anyway?

I can't believe... What the hell is this Resident Evil Thread anyway?

Attached: IsThisASandwich.jpg (377x512, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>and then Barry said
*chomps sandwich*
>i was almost
*smacks lips*
>a Jill sandwich
*licks fingers*

Attached: Jillvoth_sandwich.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

More Barry!

dont forget to post times and ranks, any game.

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Post more Voth

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would you prefer a Jill, Claire, or Rebecca sandwich?

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Why not all three?

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yes, wesker has partaken in all 3, but most people arent as lucky or powerful as Wesker

Attached: clairexwesker_bully1.webm (1920x1080, 2.03M)

You horny fucker...

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Hey Barry?
Look out! It's a monster!

based wesker

Look out! He's insane!

Attached: barry-burton.png (400x320, 125K)

Wesker is a crazy man.

>Claire B
>Enter NEST East without any flame rounds

I made a mistake using them all on the G-Adults in the sewer, didn't I?

Attached: chick shocked.jpg (640x480, 29K)

For your speedruns

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Suzi will save RE

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Yep, better to use acid rounds in the sewers. You can create a lot of them by that point.

Still, worst case you can just stun the Ivies.

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Well, yes...Good players would tell you it's possible to dodge adult Gs without issue. I can't do it myself, those things drive me mad
But the shock rifle works well against Ivys too. It doesn't kill them for good, but still

Don't post Jill's husband to shitpost ever again.

What did Jill do that made her husband so disgusted?

Good thing it doesn't need to be saved

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Attached: clairexwesker_bullystep.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

To think this all started because Chris laughed at the size of his "Tyrant".

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why is Claire always getting bullied?

Attached: clairexirons_slap.webm (1280x720, 429K)

What else could she do in the presence of a gigachad like Albert Wesker?

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I'm sorry for my lack of manners, but I'm not used to escorting men

People can actually dodge G-Adults consistently? How is that even possible?

Definitely Jill and Claire. At the same time otherwise it wouldn't be a sandwich.
Even if my dream sandwich would be pic related

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Attached: clairexwesker_squirm.webm (1920x1080, 84K)

Jill or Claire, anons?

I honestly don't know. I've read several conversations about this, and tried to apply the advices but there's always a moment I get grabbed. And instantly lose my temper.
I guess I'm just bad.

>playing Claire A
>got the electronic parts without even seeing Mr. X

does this mean I’m good at the game or did I just get lucky?

If I had to choose it'd be Claire because she's the new pussy. Also dat nude mod

when they are submerged in the water, stay about 5 feet away from them and trigger them with a handgun shot. As they do their "jump up" animation sprint around the left side of them, the one with the gimpy arm.
there's like one or two that break this rule

You got extremely lucky, you should've been seeing him stomping around the main hall while you were doing the clocktower puzzle.

I've always been a Jill-guy because she's my "Lara Croft". I mean, back in the days, while all my friends were drooling over Lara, I was much more into Jill.
But I have to admit I really like nuClaire. I love her personality - and her nerdy smiles.

I guess Jill would be my choice, but I'm hesitating for once.

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I'll have to try this next time I do hardcore. I always waste so much ammo on those fuckers.

Have to what they do with Jill in Remake. Might expand her personality/character somewhat.

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>Might expand her personality/character somewhat.

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I'm really looking forward to it.
Man I'm way too excited for a project that isn't even confirmed ...

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The idea of Jill being a complete degenerate in Remake 3 amuses me.

>pretending that is Rebecca's ass

Fun fact: that is not Rebecca’s ass at all, it’s Jill’s ass. When making the Rebecca model for REmake they took Jill’s base body, shrunk down the over all height and size, the tits, the ass and the legs and removed the jiggle. However, for the Cowgirl outfit in particular they forgot to resize her lower half which is why Cowgirl Rebecca’s ass is SO big. Don’t believe me? Play RE0 HD and swap between all the costumes and see that they ALL have a much smaller ass than the cowgirl one.

Sorry Beccafags, that was Jill’s big ass all along

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How will Becca fags ever recover? Their waifu is a sticc

Whats funnier is that they are secretly Jillfags without knowing or realising it.

yea sucks for them

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Fucking based

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So what do people reckon the next Resident Evil 2 DLC will be? Raid/Mercs, maybe Story?

It's going to be centered around chris immediately after the city is nuked. The objective will be to get leon to breed claire.

I'd like a Merc mode, with Leon, Claire, Hunk, Marvin, Annette...But gameplay makes me think it wouldn't be a good idea.

I'm hoping we get more story content first. I don't think the gameplay is actiony enough for Merc content.

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Damn she's hot


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Yeah, you're right. A mercs mode without any dodge would be a nightmare

Jokes on you, Rebecca is my favorite anyway

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She was hottest in that Vendetta film. Also unrelated, but why did Chris turn up wearing body armour to her apartment?

Attached: Rebecca_Chambers_-_Vendetta.png (566x354, 192K)

god I hate tranny chasers

The worst is when they say he sounds sexy, despite sounding like a 50 a day smoking dude.

I did it bros, i finally got all the achievements in REmake.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-04-10-50-36.png (1080x1920, 435K)

Nice. How did you find invisible enemies?


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Incredibly and surprisingly easy in comparison to some of the other achievements.

he refuses to take it off some speculate because the volcanic heat melted it onto his skin others say it's because he doesn't want to show that the steroids fucked up his body.

Because he's seen what she did to that coffee nerd.

I was also surprised at how IE was, I was expecting it to be much tougher.


Voth wants us to give her suggestions on what to do for #adayinthelifeofjill. what should we make her do?

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hes on a mission

Attached: beccaxchris_arrives.webm (1920x1080, 1014K)

I alreayd responded to her post on insta.
She can do whatever she wants, I'm sure it would be cute. I just want her to convince Capcom to hire her again for RE3

She looks so petite compared to Chris...

She should get over the fact her time as Jill is over.

>Did you bring protection?
>Yes, my plate carrier can stop everything!

Considering how the fanbase reacts, I'm not sure it is.

I want her old face back but let's be real here, Julia is too old for an early 20s Jill.

Attached: Resident Evil 2019-03-03 21-05-17.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

This "fanbase" is a bunch of vocal autists who can't get over the fact their waifu is too old.

Yeah, I know. I hope they'll not fuck it up.

Jill now is not young either.

What system is this for? Steam? Xbone?

Let me guess, real survivor mode right?

>who can't get over the fact their waifu is too old.
She's not even 40

Julia is a weird ageless vampire. She always looked like that.

Attached: 3F7FB6B3-F37C-48D5-BF42-B7844C935610.jpg (640x862, 260K)

She is young in RE3 which people want to see remade.

Attached: 0B90FB55-2460-4771-A0C0-BDCD1CBAFBEC.png (320x710, 197K)

Jill is 23 in RE3, which is where we are heading.

For remake of RE3, lately they keep whining that for the remake they should hire Voth, despite being 10 years older than the character.
Jill even got a different face in between, far more likely it's that they will just hire a new, young model.


Don't know if this was the one the user from yesterday was talking about, but it's really good and it has me expecting for more.

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Well they can use exactly this model. I guess them placing her on that anniversary poster was teasing of what to come.

>Julia is too old for an early 20s Jill
you realize you can edit a 3d model after the face scan, right?
they made Jordan older in-game

Attached: real_all_collage.jpg (3200x1600, 1.6M)

REmake 2 truly revived my passion for this series and now i have the goal to 100% the achievements for every game. Which should i tackle next? RE0 or CV? I have never played either.


Real Survivor, under 3 hours and my first Hard playthrough all felt way harder and more tense than Invisible Enemies but then again, IE can be played on Very Easy.

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That is why you fags should stop begging for REmake3 and start begging for Jill to star RE8

>Jill even got a different face in between, far more likely it's that they will just hire a new, young model.

This. Whats the point in time/cost saving with photoscanning if you just have to remodel the scan entirely? And if they dont scan Jill but scan everyone else she will end up with Kiryu Kazama face when put alongside the others.

Play 0, once you know how to use the coop controlers it's pretty good
Leech Hunter Will kick your ass tho

"stop playing modern Resident Evil games"

Attached: Jillvoth_talk_A1.webm (576x720, 463K)

Why the hell did Capcom decide make weapon upgrades make the weapon take 2 spots unlike the original? The matilda is the biggest offender here with arguably the worst upgrade, the stock. causing it to take up 2 spots. If anything the upgraded magazine should cause it to take 2 spots with how infinitely more useful it is.

Attached: vp70 stock.jpg (1800x508, 128K)

Not trying to be mean, but whats odd is that I have seen Voth's mother, even when younger and she is short, plain and kind of... big. How Julia is one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen i dont know.

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I'm glad to hear you're liking it. I have an extremely vivid idea where it's heading.

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Nibba the game gives you a fuck ton of slots this time around.


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Ugly parents sometimes produce attractive offspring. Ugly x Ugly is the weirdest.

maybe she got her looks from her dad?

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She looks so fucking cute as Fiona.

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The only thing odd about an otherwise beautiful Julia Voth is that she has tiny Voldemort teeth

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Ada sandwich

This is creepy

Yes, she, you stupid pol troll. Kindly fuck off.

>Resident Evil Thread
fuck off

>Yes, she
"Her" dick is bigger than mine.

Sue Wong is cuter.

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This was pretty dope. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Attached: crossdress2.jpg (585x480, 61K)

Based, looking forward to vanilla wholesome cutekino

>Claire Redpilled

Chris raised her well.

That webm always makes me smile like a retard


So she's cuck like him


Attached: becca_wife_untied.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

>friend of a nsfw artists
>likes lewd art and has no shame admitting
>Dross makes art for her avatar and videos
sue is based

Imagine. Arias stripped her naked to put that wedding dress on her. Wesker stripped Jill naked to put her into battlesuit and observe color of her pubic hairs.


wesker always wins

Attached: jill_hairlore.jpg (1913x2425, 1.2M)

She's like 47.

Where can I watch this?

kek, so in Jill's case the curtains definitely don't match the drapes.

Fuck you, mercs mode for this would be insanely awesome.

Why did Capcom give Claire such a bodacious body?
The nude mod just matches it:

Attached: Claire tummy.jpg (1920x926, 451K)


Attached: wedoit2.jpg (1856x1246, 565K)

She's a young college student who keeps herself in excellent physical shape, and also draws on some fine Redfield genetics.

you say that like you're suprised

Attached: claire_elevator.jpg (687x684, 80K)

They could de-age her very easily.

Cool, thanks.

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>RE5 Remastered
>Jill is on the cover instead of Sheva.
Racist and improved!

That's just fanart, it's not really the cover.

I wish I was dating a girl that eats like this

I think I'll be the sandwich here.

>Why did Capcom give Claire such a bodacious body?
Why not?

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Oh wow, fuck that. Sheeva is best grill.

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DLC crack when

RE2R Claire is definitely new pussy compared to the other RE girls. The character is old but the design is new

God I'd fucking kill for a remake of Outbreak on the RE engine.

That game was way too ahead of its time, almost nobody had online for their PS2.

>Nemesis doesn't know how to spoiler properly
Another shit Tyrant design by those incompetent jobbers at Umbrella.

Barry? How in the hell did I get back in Raccoon City?

Attached: Im Redfield.jpg (1920x1061, 182K)

What was his problem?

Hopefully never ever you criminal scum.

Attached: REmake - Achievement Image_12.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Slowly working my way up to doing my hardcore S+ runs.

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Well, he STARS


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>Complete the game with an accuracy of 90% or more
>Kill at least 50 enemies
>Clear the game on fucking Hardcore
Man these weekly challenges are so fucking boring. I guess i'm definitely putting down this game until the next DLC.

Attached: RE2_Achievement_01.jpg (1920x1080, 463K)

>Why did Capcom give Claire such a bodacious body?

Are you actually retarded? Because she is a teenager who clearly hits the gym keeps that shit good. Look at her arms. She is also carrying REDFIELD TIER ATHLETIC GENES. Seriously the first thing Yea Forums almost collectively said when the Leather Jacket came of was that her body is fantastic.

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That Redfield family could have had a fantastic career in sports if they hadn't decided to become badasses.

Give them back Dashawn.


Almost every RE character is peak human physically. Nothing special

Because Capcom is fucking based and they understand the cute white girl-next-door appeal better than any other dev

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What would graduate Claire have become? Another cop? I miss whenRE was about cops

>When Leon goes in dry.

I know who is peak physically alright.

Attached: RE2_Ada_Dress.jpg (5625x10000, 3.27M)

Good question. Maybe something to do with kids? Badass social worker who kicks down doors?

You never left.

Assuming Claire is dry around Leon

Is this her modded face or something?

Wrong orifice.

In addition to what said, the G-adults in the hellish meat mangrove move in a scripted fashion so they can be dodged accordingly. I'd highly recommend watching a video on it.

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yea probably a social worker. shes good at spotting abandoned and neglected children

Attached: claire_sees_girl.webm (1920x1080, 2.51M)

No, if it were modded it would be extremely obvious

Attached: clairexchris_kiss1.webm (1920x1060, 1.3M)

how come we never see claire protecting a cute shota?

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Replaying 6 and 2makes Ada just looks way better.

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RIP Redfield bloodline.

We almost saw it with Steve, but it turned out he was just a brat mentally.

she prefers protecting girls

Attached: clairexsherry002.jpg (800x600, 461K)

If you don’t want to love and impregnate and then marry and raise a happy family with all the resident evil girls (yes even the monsters) you’re a complete faggot

I fucking like her design in 6

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She looks like the same damn person.

I wont insult your RE waifu if you don't insult mine

Claire is a goblin, now cry me a river facebook cucк

I never insult waifus so you’re good

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For some reason I am really drawn to her achilles heels. Not even a footfag

You’re in charge of the RE3 Remake.
What changes do you make?

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I'm a leg fag and I understand you

Attached: Legs2.webm (1600x900, 1.35M)

I need to see Ada ride Leon.

Jokes on you fag, she's not my waifu

You have to find the super ultra rare uncut director's version of Damnation for that.

Carlos brutally murdered in the opening cutscene by female zombies who want nothing to do with him after he tries flirting with them

I’m the partner character and also Jill’s love interest

Attached: 383939 - Blender Leon x Ada.jpg (480x360, 23K)

the amount of cope in this post

The game starts with Jill being fucked by her dog and that's why she didn't have time to think about the practicality of her outfit.

>fine user...a deal's a deal after all. just make it quick

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Yum pusy

You can make underwater ones enter a submerging animation with a single gunshot, allowing passage. The few that are scripted to rush underwater and grab you can be outrun with a few steps backward, then circumvented. If one is really blocking your path with no easy way around, you only need one (1) defense item to get through them. Sometimes you don't need one at all because they'll enter the birthing animation and you can run on by.

cope this
>*grabs dick*

I don’t know why I asked.

You have to grab your own dick because Jill's going to be too busy grabbing Carlos's.

Jill and nuAda are perfect

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>*proceed to lick her armpit for 30 minutes straight*

Already S ranked Hardcore on both scenarios but no S+ since l used infinite weapons. Got the Platinum trophy for it too. Wonder if l'm ready to S+ hardcore.

Attached: RE2 - NO GAME PLUS.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Congratulations, ya fucking madman.

its fucking easy m8, you shoulda just fucking done it from the get go instead of fagging out and using infinite weapons.


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Real talk, have Nikolai be murdered by Nemesis, have more spotlight on the UBCS, I’d like to see Carlos’ group enter and see them drop like flies.
t. Carlos dying due to massive blood loss via female zombies

Barry is the most powerful man in Resident Evil

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l think it was the speedrunner autism that did me in. l hated taking a hit or messing up somewhere only to load up the save and repeat the process again.

Attached: That's not a knife.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

I agree

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I think I just got nostrils and neck fetishes holy shit she's hot.

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I spent a whole Sunday doing Claire B, mainly because of that fucking sewer section for the chess pieces. I got fed up and eventually made a save right before then, eventually finished it. Out of all of Hardcore, the G monsters are the most fucking annoying enemies.

You never noticed that before, user?

Attached: huh fuck me.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

Fucking christ, I forgot how hot she was in that movie.

Attached: SmilingChris.png (430x354, 172K)

Can he punch a boulder to death?

An unlock for getting an S rank on ever map with every character would have been nice, like in 4.

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Fuck that bullshit Alice character for ruining every Jill scene.
They made a fuckin RE Nemesis movie, and Jill isn't the one that fought against the monster. The film was ok, even interesting, until Alice appeared...

Attached: Jill2.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

>character no one gives a fuck
>make him into a bulky 80s action hero in RE 5
>suddenly has a large fanbase

I like the design tho, Resident Evil was always silly action schlock which makes me wondering why everyone hates 6 so much. I'm relatively new and played only 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 so far and they had all dumb and silly plots and stuff happening. The only difference is that you could avoid almost all enemies in the first 3.

Only 7 I would call is the closest to survival horror.

Attached: Download (3).jpg (259x194, 7K)

Anderson can't help but cast and give his wife a starring role at every opportunity.

G-Adults aren't really an issue. The only one that seems to grab me is on the way to get the Queen and King pieces. The middle G-Adult. Never fails. Always grabs me. Fucking always. Need some helpful strats.

Attached: This faggot.jpg (1280x720, 28K)

That shits the worst. I have the same issue

"This room is equipped with all sorts of medical supplies...want me to t-treat your wounds user-kun?"
*sobs uncontrollably*

Attached: rebecca treating wounds.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

Carry a ton of defense items.

Can we talk about other survival horror games here?

Attached: Deep Fear (Disc 1 of 2) (USA) (Lost & Found V3) (DW0840)-190304-131254.png (2880x2160, 2.07M)

That one never grabs me. Just wait for it to walk by. It shouldn't see you if you don't get too close to it and once it does just make a break for the door. You can run right past the next one since it's too busy trying to get out of the pipe. I guess this only works if you kill the first G without triggering the second one.

Attached: Ada's new dress.png (367x445, 283K)

Ironically in survival horror games no one gives a fuck about the dude characters. RE1? Jill's bazookas. RE2? Claire's fucking ass. RE3? Carlos? LMAO. Silent hill? Doods are ok but everyone loves Heather. Survival horror = girls getting it done.

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Haha thoughts on this

No, its an RE thread, go make a survival horror thread, we dont do the "soulsbornelike" format with RE.

>sign in to view
>HAVING a deviant art account at all


Please kill yourself ASAP

What are you gay?

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Clearly I misremember the game because I thought he DID get killed by nemesis

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Not a fan of 5 Chris, too much roids. 6 Chris is better as it is toned down a bit and it's also the only game where he has any character development. Pretty much a first.

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What usually goes down is, l shoot once to the first to get him to surface from the water. Enough time to run around. No problem. Middle G-Adult grabs me 90% of the time. Sometimes l can run passed by very unlikely. Third l just mosey along since he dicks around with the pipe. This guy is also easy peasy.

Attached: 4th G-Adult.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

There’s one of two choices where he escapes based on which you pick

The canon choice currently has him escape when he really needs to have the canonical ending of him being pulled into the ceiling and torn apart by nemesis be the true one

Ways to fix RE3 in the remake:
>less linear
>less action
>less Carlos
>give Jill a better costume
>have Nemesis kill more people
>less action and ammo

here's to jill's face model being pretty and therefore not being voth in 3make

>you want STARS? I’ll give you STARS, you mutated motherfucker
odd change for the remake to do but whatever

Your disgust was my entire point though user.

Becka is the cutest

Attached: becca_butt_012.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

>6 Chris is better
Definitely. RE6 Leon is also best Leon to me.

But as user said here >in survival horror games no one gives a fuck about the dude characters
That was my feeling for a long time. As a kid I played RE1 as Jill and RE2 as Claire, and because of that I always considered those characters' story/point of view as *the* canon. That's also why my first choice in RE2R was Claire.

I'm among the minority that liked RE6. Apart from the gameplay, I liked the characters. Chris finally got some personality, I finally appreciated Leon (never been a big fan of him, mostly because of his relationship with Ada), Sherry was adorable, Jake chatismatic as fuck. I even cared about Piers at the end.

Sorry, I didn't plan to write so much...

I think "you bitch!" would be more humiliating.

>less Carlos

I liked Nicholai, he had really based views on Israel and the world. That scene where he lectured Jill on the middle east was amazing. I hope they don't water that down in remake.

It's that time bros

Attached: chris and sheva.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

>RE6 Leon is also best Leon to me.
Interesting since for me he is the worst male character in 6 even though he also spouts one liners like in 4, where I liked him. He's basically the re5 chris of 6, where he doesn't have any personality for me.

Attached: 20190215133625_1.jpg (3840x2160, 604K)

>As a kid I played RE1 as Jill and RE2 as Claire, and because of that I always considered those characters' story/point of view as *the* canon

I mean, in a rare instance they gave the FEMALE LEAD the fucking box art in America in the early 2000's. All the marketing suggests "RE is about Jill"

And like I said, I always saw RE as action horror schlock with 80s tropes, so I dig the male protagonists more, which is why I like one liners cracking Leon in 4 and Arnold Redfield in 5 the most, because this is Capcom being fully aware what kind of franchise this is.

If I want actual horror, I play Silent Hill. Like I mentioned I'm new to the franchise, but I remember playing RE1 in a friends house at the age of 8 (around 2001) and only the dog sequence made me shit my pants. Stuff was just never scary and that's why I found the direction of the series only logical.

Started this recently and I would like to know why re2 is so popular and sells well with normies while everyone ignored evil within and made that series bomb and die, you would think a game that melds silent hill and RE would sell well and not die in the water, guess these games are allowed to exist only for a brief amount of time when normies want them before they get bored and go back to call of duty again

Attached: god I wish that were me.webm (1366x768, 2.77M)

are you dumb? resident evil is a well known mainstream franchise, nobody knows what the fuck the evil within is

Mr X and his memes (unironically)
He chases you, won't die and he's just makes you his bitch if you don't run.

>when normies

resident evil IS a normie series user, what do you mean? In the 90's we ALL played it. There is a reason RE2 sold 4.6 MILLION copies on the PS1 alone. Why there were toys, comics and even a hollywood adaptation. RE is BIG BUCKS video games user. Dont let nu-Yea Forums fool you into thinking its "le hardcore" it never was.

Attached: 4749C890-8E8D-4542-8FEA-3750FDD4F63C.jpg (1600x1200, 177K)

Not only that, the shitty movie franchise is the most successful horror franchise in movie history.

how come classic RE remains the most solid survival horror game in terms of gameplay? why couldn't/can't anyone properly replicate it?

>I always saw RE as action horror schlock with 80s tropes,
Well yeah, I get that and agree. That's what RE is and was. It's cheasy, fun and full of good feelings. It's a positive franchise all things considered.

>I'm new to the franchise
Welcome then!

Attached: You're locked in here with me.png (1917x975, 1.07M)

>most solid survival horror

Were they? You can basically beat the games with just running on the side and spare all the ammo for the bosses. I did it in my first playthrough of the first three and only died once or twice.

The first Resident Evil didn't come from nowhere, it improved on a lot of elements on the first Alone in the Dark in the early 90s.

Ironically, AITD would also go more action focused and less horror.

If you truly want to embrace the 80s action vibes of RE, you can't ignore the fact that Jill was heavily inspired by Sarah Connor and Claire, Ellen Ripley. They fit right in.

Sure you did bud.

>Kidman and Ada
Absolute HNNGGH

Attached: bt4v5435.jpg (500x812, 276K)

in a word? Capgod.

People don't trust new franchises as much as established brand names, even if a new series is helmed by a seasoned veteran. That, and people get pissy when you make any changes to RE4's formula even if it's for the better.

I know it didn't come from nowhere but the few games like it that were before it were super clunky, and all the games after it never had the same amount of flow to the gameplay and always had one off thing like silent hill's shitty camera that got worse as the series went on
absolutely, the first 3 resident evil games are 100% solid

But I did? There are only a handful parts where you're can't proceed without killing normal Zombies and those are the extremely tight rooms of the house where you just can't avoid them or running sideways from them.

>here you go user, now go kill Ada

Attached: claire_hands_guns.webm (1280x720, 191K)

I dunno abut most successful horror franchise in movie history but it absolutely is the most(and only, honestly) successful video game adaptation series in movie history
TEW had a lot of jank and all it had to its name was shinji mikami, who is a wee bit of a hack fraud

>the scene where claire hands over empty guns
could it be that claire gets off on getting cucked? is she a cuckquean?


Chris, close the browser, dumb gorilla

Attached: 1551407692549.gif (268x268, 2.89M)

I totally believe you that you blind ran through RE 1-3 without using weapons on regular enemies and only "one or two" deaths, no need to be so defensive bud. You're a pro gamer.

RE Rev 2's raid mode broke me. The grind is so fucking bad yet I still can't stop

I still haven't found a lvl 100 AMR

Just use trainers\chear engine to boost drop rates

she wanted to Laugh at Steve's misery

Attached: claire_laugh3.webm (1280x720, 257K)

I heard before that most Zombies respawned and that you could avoid most of them and that you should save your ammo for boss fights, so I played it like that.

I don't get it.

I'm on PS4

Why is Irons going psyche on Claire?

>I heard before that most Zombies respawned

Attached: retard.png (1092x1050, 120K)

So I played 1-3 + Code Veronica now. When the fuck do the games start explaining shit?
Yesterday I read some stuff up about the t and G-Virus and holy shit, when did the games tell me that shit? When did REmaster tell me Lisa assimilated a NE-a and such stuff?

Am I a retard that didn't find the files and documents or what am I missing?

that a joke user.
why is that hot?

Attached: 1551060435197.png (857x763, 140K)

would you slap Claire as well?

Attached: 1549849843979.png (924x896, 528K)

I really want this to end. Fucking kill me


This idea that Claire is some kind of desperate loser virgin is bizzare to me as someone who grew up playing her games.

Attached: 0D9F7ED6-D23D-4D02-9197-EAECA2E66727.jpg (1537x2340, 929K)

Why is that turning me on?


Enjoy your vacation user.

That chest is just begging for a head and snuggles :3


think about it, user
every man she's wanted to fuck is either leon, a bioterrorist, or going to turn into a monster, and she keeps getting cockblocked in regards to leon

that's the future she chose

Attached: Claire_REV2.png (478x640, 510K)

>something something people have shit taste
so you fags preaching about re7 was a literal meme right? no fucking way you liked re7 but disliked evil within unless you are being contrarian

Attached: 1551618977222.png (1000x815, 676K)

its a line from the game

Attached: jillsandwichxclaire2.jpg (800x555, 116K)

No way

OwO what's that on their legs?

Yeah, TEW wasn't exactly a bad game but it really had a lot of jank. I think it was also overhyped to fuck by Mikami's presence.

They are barely intersted in each other sexually. Claire does not want to fuck Leon it's tumblr propaganda and sheer fanfiction autism.
And now nuClaire is a literal whore "flirting" at every possible occasion with Leon and ready to jump on random police rookie's cock. And he is No Way Faging her as always.

yes because everyone praised RE7, user
that is for sure what happened

>First person to try something others would not.
Claire being fucked up and kinky in the bedroom confirmed.

>And now nuClaire is a literal whore "flirting" at every possible occasion with Leon and ready to jump on random police rookie's cock.
Actual truth right there. Imagine being so desperate


Attached: Claire getting euthanized.png (390x443, 271K)

she absolutely wanted to fuck leon by the end of degeneration, user
but, when it comes down to it

nobody actually wants to fuck anyone in RE because everyone is written as vaguely as possible that everyone becomes a blank slate for shipfags

I actually love TEW. What part about "people don't trust new franchises and games that aren't 100% RE4" made you think I hated it? Pretty much everyone who hates TEW either tried playing it like RE4 and gave up after a few hours or it simply isn't the kind of game they're looking for.

>nobody actually wants to fuck anyone in RE
Tell that to this gentleman

Attached: 136b58f0763f0c599b5a818cbc327199.jpg (1280x1675, 437K)

piers was always a bit lame but the scene where chris is yelling at him through the pod window is one of the series most genuinely poignant moments and performances

stop with the memes. Claire is literally confirmed in the Japanese versions of RE2 have "a lot of boyfriends but not commited to any of them in particular"

>ahh...the lovely Claire Redefild...even more beautiful in-person

Attached: clairexwesker_meet.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)

you mean the same source that said Rebecca got fucking killed in Raccoon city?

This puts a whole new spin on the Chris obsession. Maybe he's tired of his sister being a slut who won't settle down?

>when the big eyeball monster says he saw Leon kissing Ada

Claire is a cuck

what, in one of those snippets in strategy guides that end up either falling into the void of vague canonicity or retconned entirely? or some non-canon shit like the origins that were made to incite interest in the saturn port of RE1?

how does she know so much about umbrella?

Attached: becca_bio_002.jpg (1600x1500, 575K)

>she was eager to please
I need more details on this.

>she absolutely wanted to fuck leon by the end of degeneration
Maybe a little flirt but still she lets him go very easy. No scenes where she's like dreaming or thinking of Leon and shit.
>nobody actually wants to fuck anyone in RE
Well if we pick cgi movies and go by that logic Leon while on vacation fucked Ada (RE Damnation). Director of that movie said that making those dialogs he imagined their "one night stand"

Attached: Ada damnation.webm (960x540, 2.25M)

Literally reddlt

Cos she's a dirty slut that pumped Wesker for information.

Attached: otter.jpg (600x411, 64K)

Attached: 1547691582111.png (720x870, 567K)

there are very few exceptions, user
barry, wesker, bruce and fongling, mark, george, and possibly leon are about it, though

And it's done...That thread was nice for a time, but it's over.


My based husbando Leon finally got an opportunity to actually tap that bitch
Can't imagine what was it like. Guess they were literally doing somersaults and CQC while fucking like animals

Attached: rookie and his waifu.jpg (525x700, 54K)

Post fanfictions

Mr.X looks petite compared to chris

Attached: becca_cartoon2.jpg (693x1132, 146K)

>you are angry with me, aren't you? suits you
There were some kinky shit for sure

Attached: 1 second before disaster.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

Attached: 012.jpg (736x948, 355K)

>AdaxLeon sex is a literal QTE fest with both of them performing inhuman arcobatic stuff

Attached: 1310408064977.jpg (441x408, 11K)

>still no claire x ada train kiss model swap
>still no sherry x emma train kiss model swap

Attached: 1551423797608.jpg (1920x1080, 715K)

>no zombiechan model swap so she’s kissing Leon


Attached: Goblinreview.jpg (1024x2009, 520K)

would you pull on Claire's ponytail?

Attached: 1548733858666.jpg (600x450, 66K)

>bottom two pics obviously altered

that's a funny mental image
>if you fail as Ada he manages to get his dick in you
>if you succeed as Leon she grapple guns away and you still don't get to fuck her

Attached: 1549472159132.jpg (331x259, 7K)

Attached: AdaClaire.webm (1920x1080, 968K)

>weskers whole role in code veronica is that he shows up and beats the shit out of the redfields for a bit before he fucks off

I just dont understand what they were thinking lmao

Looks like Claire to me

Attached: 1494009993816.jpg (485x428, 53K)

>And now nuClaire is a literal whore "flirting" at every possible occasion with Leon and ready to jump on random police rookie's cock
now this is actual autism

Attached: claire_face_all.jpg (3200x2248, 1.07M)

Ikr. Poor autismfu is so thirsty

Attached: thirsty woman.jpg (785x587, 170K)

Yes while inserting cock in her vag

>incel collage
Not interested

Attached: 1548676435022.jpg (640x640, 79K)

Kiss all
>top right
french kiss and then smugly look at whatever she’s looking at as we hold each other’s hand

I'd like to see this dog play a role in R3make.

Oh lawdie, I'd be an emotional wreck if they have Jill's dog die in her arms Will Smith style in I am Legend.

Chris buffed up to keep up with Wesker, which fits considering he's constantly trying to tackle him down and failing miserably.

I loved the shlocky action scenes in 5. It takes some special skill to make something so dumb look so fucking cool.

Any tips for beating the forgotten soldier? I'm fucking awful.

nigga just run around the zombies

Too much cleavage showing.
Those faggots literally have no taste.
Nice try but their straight.

Nice fan art.



I would trust them over 1 waifufag virgin on Yea Forums anyday

Attached: 1535321157722.jpg (428x424, 16K)

First one was incredible, second one was watered down and followed trends to be popcorn enjoyable horror.

It isn't a bad game by any means but it changed so much that it fucking killed the franchise which is a shame since the first one is such a fucking wild ride of tighly designed bullshit.


Trust not even yourself

How is that autism?
Good one user.

More like faggotry. Imagining so many different cocks

This is the thing I'd really like to see in RE3 remake, not necessarily the dog, but Jill experiencing more emotional trauma at the horrible shit she has to do to survive in town.

Also be awesome to get some more backstory before the 28th, as to what Jill was up to. Staying holed up in her apartment the wholetime doesn't really seem very incharacter.

Attached: 1549416974869.png (1200x602, 1.19M)

>we live on a planet with people who, unironically, think that the tank top looks better than the compression shirt

Attached: costume.png (1461x721, 813K)

Claire is a great mother figure and protector

Attached: claire_protect.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Someone post that webm of Claire with the loli vision when she finds Rani.

Claire is a pedophile

Attached: LOLI SPOTTED.webm (1920x1080, 2.32M)

Someone has to stop this menace.

Attached: 1550506124923.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

Claire is a kiddie diddler

This guys gets it. Why would Capcom "reimagine" classic outfits? Just stay true to the original god dammit
>right version with loli spotting hud

kek, thank you good sir. Have a Jordan in repayment.

Attached: RareJordan.jpg (89x125, 2K)

it does

Attached: Stacy Sweet-Tits.webm (782x958, 2.99M)

Is this a spankbank image for ants?

2kb, clearly

>That pedo smile when running after her

claire loves kids! but in a bad way! I wish I could do the things to sherry that claire did!

Claire doesn't see zombies tearing everyone to pieces, she sees opportunity.

>Proudly scream from the mountain tops that they've made faithful recreations of classic costumes

>Leon looks perfect to a T

>Claire still has the fucking tank top

Frankly, I was less pissed when they said they wouldn't even bother with the fucking thing. Seeing a botched skin just made me even more pissed. And I fucking lost it when the polygon PS1 model was absolutely perfect.

I always say people are retarded when they say this but it's almost like they wanted to spite us.

I wish they'd kept the compression shirt under the jacket on the new outfit. It looks really good on Claire.

hey man could be worse
>wasted all of my Acid shells on normal zombies
>hunters show up

Attached: hq720.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

The jacket is also completely different.

Attached: RE2-Costumes-PV_10-31-18.jpg (1037x668, 146K)

Why would someone do that.
is there bigger pic of that?
No nipples.

and her vest is the denim DC vest and her boots are different, they didn't put any effort into accuracy

Attached: Claire_model_sheet.jpg (768x528, 137K)

I never understood why they couldn't the classic outfit the same.

>It's really powerful, especially against living things

Thank you for that wisdom Barry.

>Leon looks perfect to a T
not really, he looked kinda ridiculous. I wish it was a darker blue at least. It just makes me realize how goofy the original design was. I just never wear his classic outfit now.
Claire's I wear all the time because it shows the most skin and is honestly her best looking costume set.

>polygon PS1 model was absolutely perfect.
if you compared them to the real PS1 models they looked completely different

Attached: Made in Heaven.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Why can I see Classic Claire tits but not New Claire?

Why is that a mechanic?

It's only on Standard because that difficulty is for mouthbreathing zoomers.

Compression shirt helps hold her tits up in the classic outfit, the new one is just a loose tank top.

Why not? You want less mechanics?

>where bobs and vagene????

Attached: claire_boobs.webm (636x864, 1.49M)

Claire, with all my heart.

Attached: 1550524107341.webm (832x720, 2.86M)

She tits don't even jiggle lmao. Titlet

Attached: Eastern Ballistics.webm (604x822, 1.08M)

Not true, I have seen it happen on hardcore before and even saved a webm of it one time, here

Attached: hardcore grab escape.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Can easily be Standart

Someone said in a previous thread that it's a random mechanic. Sometimes you just auto escape.

Seems to be unrelated to difficulty setting, though maybe it occurs more often on assisted/standard?

Attached: 1524857255341.jpg (1920x1080, 502K)

>I can't believe
Me neither. I can't believe how underrated Annette is

Attached: A.png (957x437, 220K)

>didn't play the goddamn game

It happend to me three times on hardcore and I played only hardcore,
it happend to me once right before I entered the Racoon police station with one of the zombies at the front gate, then it happend again with a zombie at the part were you need to turn the valve to redirect the water onto the burning plane and last was right before the fight with G4 one of the zombie just graced me off because I ran past it.
**Mouthbreathing zoomers** It's such a rare accurance that even on standard or hell on ASSISTED you won't get it if you play your card, you need to RUN past a zombie and the zombie must attack your shoulder/arm, if the zombie grabs you from the front you get chewed, and from the back you get chewed you need to be PERFECTLY set for a grab from the side and also be sprinting past said zombie, and even then it might get you launched into another zombie if you are a retard that sprints past into a full crowd.

Attached: 1542910752844.jpg (233x261, 16K)

Based MommyAnnetteposter.

What is that piss "cinematic" photoshop or filter? Yeesh

Interesting. I could have sworn it happened to me a couple of times on my last hardcore run. I wasn't really paying much attention to how Claire was positioned at the time though,

I know it's hardcore because I recorded it

it definitely happens more and more often the lower you go on the adaptive difficulty ranks. IIRC Standard difficulty goes from ranks 4-8 and Hardcore's from ranks 9-12. I can't seem to ever intentionally make it happen unless the rank is 6 or below

The grab escape can happen on any difficulty. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened more often on Standard. It can only happen when you're grabbed from the side and you get that specific "unzoomed" camera angle before the bite. I don't know how it works beyond that.

>You want less mechanics?
No I want an action button like in RE3.
I meant nipples.

>where bobs and vagene????
I think he meant nipples.
Reminder that Ada is designed for jobs.

That's not very good pic user.

I wouldn't trust my life with such a mechanic, since it's hard to setup and doesn't gurantee anything, really. You get a free pass on a single/two zombie scenario yes, but even then, why not just shoot their legs, stun them and run past for max 6 bullets (3 for each zombie leg stun). they put it there probably to test the waters for RE3make dodge mechanic and seeing how much it can help or get noticed by players.
Personally I'm not really against it, it's there, it happends and can lead to pleasant moments when you are in danger and get a second chance, but I didn't have such luck during all my play throughs, it happend on the most random of occasions when even getting nomed would have meant nothing really.

Attached: 1542915760585.png (704x458, 7K)


Attached: ada.gif (302x249, 3.27M)

I love Claire.

Attached: 1551582897110.jpg (1920x1080, 399K)

i want to give sherry lots of siblings

Attached: 14565053_663901830434796_1720997720539267072_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com.jpg (1080x1349, 105K)

Jesus, those are blowjob eyes.

you wouldn't breed a zombie, would you?

Attached: zombiegirl_05.jpg (2160x3840, 550K)


Attached: _MG_6731.jpg (670x1005, 166K)

Attached: Leon in critical condition.png (714x213, 179K)

You're not the only one

Attached: mommy.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)


Attached: 2944547 - Ada_Wong Resident_Evil Resident_Evil_2 Resident_Evil_2_remake Source_Filmmaker animated ba (810x712, 169K)

imagine how pent up and frustrated she would be with william spending weeks holed up in his lab working on G

I see no nipples on OG Claire. You are imagining things

This picture makes confused as to why Annette looks so weird in game. Another case of weird facial expression mapping in cutscenes like what happens with Claire sometimes?

Leon seems to be a fan of manscaping.

>Annette: Fuck me, William.
>Birkin: Bitch, I'm doing science.

How the fuck do speedrunners get past G Adults so easily? They just pop them once and run past without fail, when I try that I get twatted.

Fuck you, that made me laugh

How does that shit work? Is it random? I've done 4 runs of the campaign and I've always been bit when grabbed.

They spaz out if you hit the right spot and you can run past whilst they do their animation.


Attached: dd0eiz5-fc892e71-d734-4d72-84ec-d2803fd63ef6.jpg (512x456, 174K)

Attached: POW!!.jpg (1920x4334, 1.72M)

You have to be positioned perfectly so the zombie gets a bad grip on the character's shoulder as they run past. It isn't really something you can pull off reliably, or would really want to in any case as you have to be moving past anyway.

did she not show up in the o.g.?

Attached: 41039112_440298759827469_4137133310723650757_n.jpg (617x696, 70K)

Yep, featured prominently on a lot of artwork as well.

Attached: d7d65e067120b54bf432804f2a3dba76.jpg (480x650, 44K)

Enjoy your vacation.

Stop that William!

Attached: agent mommy.jpg (1600x900, 644K)

She looks like she fucks blacks

Why is she wearing pants that has holes in them?

She must've been pretty cold dressed like that in autumn.

probably, plus makeup and favorable lighting

There's a dick in those jeans

Fashion probably, ripped jeans always come and go.

Knowing the Birkins she probably paid $300 for a $20 pair of jeans with precut holes.

Hello, reddit!

actually in the old lore raccoon city was in the middle of a heatwave during the events of the first 3 games

different outfit in-game. but her promo art is similar and her redshirt model is found in the demo files

Attached: clairexzombiegirl_1.webm (532x418, 160K)

Attached: jordan.mcewen_37892293_1124400204375222_6179205663919439872_n.jpg (1080x1350, 2.12M)

I find the white zombie eyes on these old art renders much creepier than the ingame ones on remake.

>that cop
is he this guy?

Attached: 20190301015336_1.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

>Freeze! Put your fat young cocks where I can see em!

Attached: o face.jpg (1273x932, 375K)

It looks kinda similar. Reminds me though, were there many cop zombies in OG RE2 that wore the police cap? I can only remember a couple on the 2nd floor of the Police Station Lobby.

it happened to me with HUNK, I was really confused after it happened, especially when it tossed me into another pair of zombies

Attached: HUNK dodge king.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

Oda, where's my friend Billy?

Attached: friendly missing person.png (1321x1053, 1.7M)

>Re6 portays chinese as disgusting insects
How did they get away with it?

For Hunk, the adaptive difficulty is always frozen at rank 6 of 12

>Written by: Sam Raimi

How do you manage to trigger just shoving the zombies away?
I've seen it happen a couple of times but not sure why.

See later replies, you have to be perfectly positioned so the grab the characters shoulder at an angle.

the creepiest zombie is still the 1st cgi one in re1

Attached: zombie_compare.jpg (1600x609, 160K)

claire approves

Attached: claire_face_smug3.jpg (614x579, 69K)

Yeah definitely, I actually preferred the more low key zombie sounds in previous games. Moaning and the sounds of almost frustration they make when they fail to grab you. All the screeching in RE2 Remake sounds very Walking Dead.

Attached: qZ6SP87e1kg.jpg (2560x1440, 1001K)

I like the skinny old man zombie, especially when he wears that pinstripe shirt

Attached: 20190206010007_1.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

I like asian zombie the most, I find him to be the most standout zombie visually.

FUCK sewers

Attached: DBACF3F8-5498-45EE-BCC7-BFF00CCA7ECB.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

Left is what you see backstage at an REM gig

Attached: 170px-Michael_Stipe_1998.jpg (170x252, 13K)

>giant crocodile boss
How did they do it

because it's even more braindead than the original somehow, it's almost entirely automated

I fuckin hate that part of the game. The level design is crap, it looks like shit, the puzzle is not interesting and the adult-G blobs things are annoying as fuck

You're seeing what she actually looks like in game without all that makeup to hide behind and super soft perfect lighting to minimize the look of wrinkles and folds.
The reason game models usually look worse than their real life counterparts is that they don't get made up in game usually and are left as they actually look, along with harder, darker lighting, which people seem to want to blame on the tech inaccurately capturing the face model but that's wrong because some models do look good, like Ada's.
Short answer, you are seeing why makeup exists and it's effectiveness.

I smiled

For me the funniest bits in RE1 arent the ironic ones.

Either "I'm not used to escorting men" or when Chris starts laughing and Wesker sounds so sad "Chris... S-Stop it..."


>tfw zoomers will never comprehend the true terror of seeing this guy for the first time

thanks I worked very hard on it

I'm a Z-er and RE1 still scared me when I played it last year. The shot of that zombie is unnerving, 5th gen horror games in general creep me out.

We all know that Aka breaks into Leon's house and give him a titfuck at least once once a week while he is sleeping. Right?

Aka truly knows what’s best for Leon.

damn my typo I blame my current illness

Attached: 1527385062306.gif (320x256, 1.86M)

that's some nice plumbing

he always seems to be the one who gets me

Attached: Japanese zombie.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Actually I think she masturbates in every room, rolling around in his bedsheets and clothes to mark her territory, sending any potential female companions running away

is he scanned form the director yoshiaki?

Attached: yoshiaki.jpg (780x648, 124K)

Already ate her strawberry cake lol.

Attached: tumblr_o83t69ts0M1u97r8do6_640.jpg (540x960, 107K)

>Chris... S-stop it...
That part gets me too. His whole plan lead up to that moment but Chris just laughs in his face and Wesker whines like a child.
"You're an amazon Jill!", and "Sorry, my interpretation is off a little" always make me laugh.


Capcom doesn't give a fuck about Claire.

>REmake 2 truly revived my passion for this series and now i have the goal to 100% the achievements for every game.
You have a whole life ahead of you.

>watching beta footage of Claire / Ada being eaten by zombies animations
>"God I wish that were me.... Wait a minute, it can be!"

Attached: laughing.jpg (1920x1080, 600K)

that one specifically, yes

would you like your face to be scanned and put in a game? As a zombie for one of RE games or kinda

>I've seen this cosplay around here a few times
>Thought she bore a pretty uncanny resemblance
>Didn't realise that she was literally Jill's face model

Holy crap. I'm glad she's doing the cosplays.

Attached: 1539068299905.gif (200x300, 3.16M)

How faithful will they be to his original design?

I find it interesting that they used the RE4 model during development

Attached: RE4model.png (1680x1050, 661K)

Maybe. IMO seeing / fighting a well-animated zombie version of yourself in this game would be scary as FUCK

Attached: Ada zombie.webm (870x720, 2.99M)

Being immortalized as a zombie in RE would be a dream. Making shitters seethe for generations long after I'm dead. Fuck yeah.

my semen