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Other urls found in this thread: won/ goty/ gameplay/ metacritic/ cruise/ of the wild red dead redemption/ of the wild BTFO by rdr2/ of the Ubishit/ sales/ 2018/ sales/ of the wild11/ of the wild18/ of the wild24/ of the wild25/ of the wild/ and irrelevant/ of the year/ of the year 2018/ rdr2 review/ sales/


Whats xbox game pass
is it a tv pass lol

phil spencer is a madman. i love it.

SO HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!

If Xbox just stopped making consoles and instead focused only on game development for all systems, do you think they'd have more profit?

Imagine being so deep in the shit that you literally considering giving the competition your pitiful collection of exclusives just to stay relevant.


imagine owning an xbox and being a literal game cuck

Yeah unironically, the xbox is sold at a loss

but what games?

yes because they sell their consoles at a loss.

The absolute madlad.

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Well, more games for me, please don't get salty about this Xcucks, lets us have your games

Post yfw you're not an xfuck.

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Xbox WAS the new Sega, so it seems fit.

No, the console is needed to be a "big player" alongside Nintendo and Sony, not to mention the accessories and other purchases consoles enable

To think Xbox could've been saved if they just made Minecraft exclusive

so(n)ysharts ITT absolutely seething

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But faggots here will still beat a dead horse talking about muh exclusives when xbox isn't even trying to make exclusives anymore.

Xbox lost, sure. But this is a pretty decent way to re-structure things.

Does Game Pass have EA games, since EA has their own subscription service? Its a service that falls apart when everyone jumps in. No one wants a Microsoft Game Pass, they want a Game Pass that has alot of indies and third parties too. It has them, for now. When everyone gets on board with a subscription, then a streaming service, everything is split. Now you get the Netflix, HBO, Hulu, Amazon, Disney, and even fucking more TV/movie services

You're not special for owning a piece of cheap electronics. I like xbox but also have a ps4 which collects dust.

>Such a small install base they have to depend on someone else's.

remember when xbox was good

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B-but Survive Together.

360 was garbage. original xbox had lots of gems.

360 had just as many hidden gems, you arent looking hard enough


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Huge tits, huge domination

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I don't understand this game pass shit, Xbox doesn't even have any games that can't be played elsewhere, is this them slowly backing away from the hardware industry?

Imagine owning an Xbox. Now imagine believing the promises from Phil?

miss me yet?

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good for you

Sounds like the next xbox will be their last.

Xbox has officially given up

no thanks

More like won
The hardware infrastructure for supporting a huge something like game pass or streaming games is pretty severe, Microsoft could honestly make a lot of money from bringing it to other systems, particularly the Switch that lacks third party support due to Nintendo being dicks to third party publishers and developers

Just in time for someone to take their place

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No one wants their shitty game pass or 500 dollar hardware. That's why he's so desperate to bring it to other platforms.

>xbots praising Phil as the savior of Xbox consoles when he joined the team
>ended up being the killer of Xbox consoles and Xbox exclusives
Yikes. Imagine being an Xbox fan
Samsung would be better. Google just wants streaming shit

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Yes but it could turn into a real boon because it becomes a way for Microsoft to profit off of other platforms.
It's called a pivot, and as a gamble it could really pay off

I don't understand the hate, its like Yea Forums wants corporate monopolies that will invariably institute anti-consumer practices.

I'm not an xboner, im just glad that phil is bringing shit to PC. PC is the best platform but the problem is that it has no first-party support.

GameFlix is the worst fucking thing and it's all phil spencer wants to make.. instead of new cool games just pay a subscription to play a random selection of ports and multiplats

Based XChad letting snoyboy playing the best and uncensored version of multiplats.

You're in. Just don't be like that Atari guy from last year

Which they wouldn't sell if people weren't buying. I'd hate to see the entire market shift to Sony, because no one else is stepping into this game.

that depends. would they actually start making games for a change instead of just cancelling them?

they're "pivoting" just like sega "pivoted." face it, xbox lost. western shit simply can't compete with japan.

Coping with Xbox bowing to the competition and and going third party.

Would you prefer cancelled games, or shitty remakes/reboots? Not being snarky, I don't know why they've cancelled so many of their exclusives.

This could be huge and there would be no reason to buy xbx because new gears, forza and crackdown are already included in pass.

Now that Microsoft is going third party only Sony and Nintendo are left.

>tfw s-oyny niggers, pc-fats and ninten-kiddies will be funding my Xbox games through some shitty streaming service whilst my $399 console will play it natively

Feels good bros

The only way for Xbox to be relevant is to put their games on more relevant systems.

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Nice shitpost, but if you were really an xbot you'd know that Game Pass isn't streaming

all the xbone exclusives get pc ports though.

And you can have it all, my empire of dirt.

I don't blame Microsoft. They lost.

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GamePass on any device that isn't Microsoft owned is streaming and they've confirmed this. The switch isn't getting gamepass like on Xbox it's getting gamepass through xcloud. Imagine trying to call someone out when you're the one living under a rock. All these games will be made for Microsoft platforms and all the Switch/ps4/mobile gamepass subs are via xcloud. Keep paying for that shitty service whilst I play natively. Thanks for funding my games again. won/ goty/ gameplay/ metacritic/ cruise/ of the wild red dead redemption/ of the wild BTFO by rdr2/ of the Ubishit/ sales/ 2018/ sales/ of the wild11/ of the wild18/ of the wild24/ of the wild25/ of the wild/ and irrelevant/ of the year/ of the year 2018/ rdr2 review/ sales/


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“That is not where you make money. The business inside of games is really selling games, and selling access to games and content in means like that is the fundamental business. So if you open it up, the more often people can play, the more they’re enjoying the art form. It increases the size of the business.”

Imagine being as short sighted as OP. Must be hard operating with an IQ under 70.


Yes Phil, please keep confirming Game Pass is coming to PS4. Break their hearts.

Thanks. I'll bring the pain on March 19th. Xbox won't dig out of their new grave.

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oh fuck
i'm down for it

there's no such thing as "xbox games" anymore. there's only pc games that get downgraded to run on xbox too.

Sony cucks will be so mad once they find out they'd be paying Microsoft to stream games lmao

Soon you can play Xbox games without buying an Xbox. Literally no reason to own an Xbox anymore.

Would be cool if xbone actually had something other than multiplats to make it worthwhile. I dont understand how they think being backwards compatible is enough to sell a console

Obsessed. We get to play your games now. Stay mad and irrelevant.

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>Microsoft tripling down on getting their dick in everyone

>he's playing over $120 a year to stream Xbox games from an Xbox in a server to his PlayStation

Thanks for funding my games again :)

>more powerful
>better controller
>better online service
>full backwards compatibility
There are still plenty of reason, you just don't HAVE to own one.

What was the point of buying all these studios, if they're putting Xbox on the side burner?

You're welcomed. I don't have to buy your hardware to play your games. Stay cucked.

>all this cope
>all this projecting
>all this obsession
>and he does it for free too
imagine being eric lmfao


It barely has 25% of the 360 library and 5% of original xbox library and none of its native. You have to download the game to your hard drive

Consoles won't exist for much longer once everything goes full streaming. They're just being forward thinking. And lime everyone said, consoles are sold at a loss so it will actually just mean more profits

Absolute SEETHING at the fact that his shit box is irrelevant now. Everyone gets to play your games without buying your shitbox.

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>literally renting the hardware for astronomical prices
>I w-win g-guise! xd

Lmao MS making fools out of you people. As long as you buy the sub I'm happy nonetheless. More funding for games I can play natively :)

There will always be a market for an unplugged console that works without internet.

They're gonna become a game service platform now. Its no secret that Xboxes were sold at losses, but with this they can make tons of money while slowly distancing themselves from making consoles or making the Xbox brand their form of R&D.

Microsoft literally gave up and went their party. Cope.

>brings game pass to every platform
>each platform can enjoy a pretty good library of games for 14 bucks a month
>this makes Xbox a shit ton of money both from their competitors as well as their own users
I fail to see the problem

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stay mad and keep coping shitskin.

LMAO at all the EX tards in here coping with the fact that their shitbox are useless now.

Snoy boys don't realize that hardware sales actually cost the companies more money than they make and just assume that more black boxes in living rooms is what matters. They don't understand that software is where the money is made, DESPITE PHIL SAYING IT RIGHT IN THAT ARTICLE.

what was the point of releasing the xbone x then? they pretty much scammed their customers out of 500 dollars

lmao at your obsession

Says the seething ex loser still replying to me. You're shitbox was useless before. It's even more useless now.

says the shitskin who does it for free

There's a reason Nintendo went down the hand held route. The CEO from a couple years back mentioned about how the traditional home console is dying away and how the mobile market is booming and how games like Pokemon go are attractive because of being on mobile. That right there summarises why they went down the Switch route as opposed to releasing a true home console. It's working though the Switch is selling tons in Japan and USA despite having the graphical capability of a Xbox 360 which came out in 2005.

Mobile > streaming > home console

Gaming is the only form of media consumption that hasn't fully transitioned into a streaming market yet. Music and TV already have and the companies who own those streaming services are insanely rich now.

Also, why is every retard ITT jumping up and down with joy like this a sure thing? Companies have plans all the time that don't pan out, I doubt Sony would allow it.

>lose console war
>go third party

Fanboys try to cope and turn it into a good thing. Yikes.

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Hang on. Didn't Xbots say Sony would realistically drop out of the console race before Nintendo or Microsoft? What happened?

that's already been the case ever since "play anywhere" became a thing. there will never be another xbox exclusive.

The announcement theyre going third party isn't surprising. I just don't see why they'd be releasing new xbox hardware.

Its my only platform for 4k content, so 500 isnt too bad.

Then why didn't Microsoft just make their games for other platforms in the first place? Which they finally gave up and are doing now. Keep coping.

How to play xbox on ps4: Buy Game Pass
How to play ps4 on xbox: Download Youtube

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Don't forget any other platform that isn't Xbox or windows will only have access to those games via xcloud. The only way to play those games without fucking lag is to either build a win10 pc or buy a cheap Xbox. They still accommodated for mobile fags though so it's a win-win. It's literal genius.


Because GP doesn't include every exclusive and games regularly go in and out of rotation kinda like Netflix
The One X is still the best option for 4k console gaming since it performs slightly better than a PS4 pro

I'm a PC gamer retard

Same reason why you don't need to use a Microsoft built PC to run windows?

What are you about about nigger. The Xbox one was selling with profit unlike the PS4 at launch. Not sure about the Xbox one X but Xbox has given Microsoft tons of money

meanwhile, the ps4 has sold 94 million units and counting. home consoles aren't "dying" just because nintendo forgot how to make an actually good one. there's clearly still a market for them.




you really dont have a good english vocabulary do you? considering that you're a shitskin, it's not surprising lmfao.

>Thinking Micro$haft is giving up
Infiltrate, invade, conquer. It has worked before and will work again

Crapgamer is gonna lose it.

>tfw sony will have a console monopoly

it's just going to be a cheap streaming box to help sell their "netflix of gaming" to normalfags.

Nintendo and Xbox dying while Sony is dominating... love the excuses


>Having this much of a low IQ

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Keep your cancer to yourself, Xniggie.

Xbox is literally bigger than windows for MS in terms of generated revenue. If pc players don't buy the games they'll just abandon them and maybe throw them a xcloud bone if they're lucky.

sorry, it doesn't work that way with japanese companies. microsoft will never "conquer" sony or nintendo just due to japanese laws alone.

Meanwhile the Switch is selling faster than both the ps4 and Wii launch aligned and there's even more evidence people would rather buy a hand held than a console. Once fifa goes full streaming none of these euro retards will buy a PlayStation console again. Who the fuck would bug a ps console when they can stream fifa to every device they own?

>replying to THAT guy
he's too lost to be enlightened at this point

based, even less reasons to own a shitbox lmao

Can I buy the games digitally without the subscription? No? Then I dont give a fuck

Yeah, don't try and drag Nintendo into your carnival of failure, Xcuck.

>even the game pass isnt exclusive

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I can't wait to discuss my favorite vidya with all my new found playstation friends :)

Wouldnt this mean just the subscription system and not the exclusive games? Imagine the effort porting some of those titles to ps4 would require let alone the switch.

>The CEO from a couple years back mentioned about how the traditional home console is dying away and how the mobile market is booming and how games like Pokemon go are attractive because of being on mobile.
Consoles aren't dying, mobile gaming is just booming. It's a different audience. And publishers are always chasing a wider audience. Nintendo wants those Wii numbers the Wii U failed to get. I don't blame them, and he's not technically wrong, but there will always be a core audience that just wants to play games on their consoles. Funnily enough, this attitude of selling new consoles with incremental upgrades every few years like the PS4 Pro or Xbox One X is what I've seen destroying interest in the console market. I personally know a few people who have just decided to move to PCs instead of bothering with it.

Which is incredibly short sighted, AAA games still require a shitload of processing player side to be remotely acceptable. We don't have the infrastructure, and still won't for decades to come to support streaming games. Netflix has to compress the fuck out of 1080p video, I can't imagine trying to stream rendering RDR2's game world.

>Lost Odyssey playable on either PS4 or PC with the chance of a decent framerate

Consider me sold if this shit happens.

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just because the switch is selling well too doesn't mean home consoles are "dying." it just means there's still a market for both home consoles and handheld consoles.

it's fun laughing at him. he's here every single day shilling for sony and he does it for free.

i just cant imagine how sad your life must be to do that though.

Mark my words this will be how Microsoft finally dominates gaming. No one, literally no one in the industry has the resources to pull this all off except Microsoft. Google/Amazon have the servers, the tech and the funds but don't have the 3rd party relations or any history in major game publishing. Sony has the games and the history and relations but doesn't have the infrastructure or money to pull something of this scale off (hell they currently hire their servers from Amazon). Nintendo is basically the same as Sony but on a smaller scale hence why they accepted Microsoft's deal to put Xbox cloud streaming onto their device even though they won't make much money off it.

Microsoft are flexing their muscles and they will do well I think.

Reminder that Sony is holding a conference the same day as Xbox Game Pass announcement.

Yes because when Sega went third party and developed their games for all platforms it was a good thing right? Cope.

If all 3 use x86 architecture, it wouldn't be that hard honestly. Xbox games are packages built to be deployed to multiple platforms already. That said, chances are they'll use xCloud anyway, especially for the Switch.

They just want their console to “win” even if it means shooting themselves in the foot

>Microsoft are flexing their muscles and they will do well I think.

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Why did they think green looked good?
>Own a 360
>Want to play the emerging list of 7th gen classics like Killer Is Dead, etc.
>The idea of blowing money on baby barf green Xbox games stops me, sitting around hoping I find a PS3 in a dumpster or something
Seriously unappealing

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If you think the Sony asspain is high now, wait until e3 week when they will attempt to downplay every Xbox and Nintendo game that gets revealed because their company decided not to show up.

Sega only allows their games to be streamed to these other consoles whilst using their own platforms to play natively? Source?

Sounds like a good deal for the consumer.

The green looks really good. You're just a color blind faggot if you think it looks like barf

Friendly reminder:

>Sony E3 2017
>9 Games, 7 First Party, 2 DLC
>Microsoft E3 2017
>23 games, 8 First Party, 1 DLC

>Sony E3 2018
>9 Games, 4 First Party
>Microsoft E3 2018
>27 Games, 8 First Party, 2 DLC

>Sony E3 2019
>0 Games
>Microsoft E3 2019
>30+ Games

Did people act this way when Sonic Adventure was announced for the Gamecube


have fun, Apple is going in that platform as well

>misinterpret his point horribly and then ask for a non existent source

If you don't grasp what he meant you're a fucking brainlet.

The quality of Sega games was decimated after they went third party

definitely. Xbox division always end an generation on the red. even the 360. their plan of money hating shit left and right did a lot of harm. Xbox is only alive because MS has infinite money

I fucking hate how this dipshit is looking at me

>xbox is winning so much that it is expanding it's service to other plataforms

i will never understand sonyfags, do they really like taking black cocks up their asses that much?

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And a bad one for Microsoft. No reason to own an Xbox anymore.

learn more words shitskin

You should look at the mirror.

the only "asspain" i see in this thread is from xbox fans coping with going third party.
and as for e3, is microsoft actually going to show games for a change, or just do their usual routine of showing multiplats and trying to trick people into thinking they're exclusives?


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I don't fucking care, as a consumer, if it's good or bad for Microsoft. I care what's best for me, as a consumer. Why would I care about a multi-billion dollar corporation?

>dropping out of the console race is Microsoft's way of dominating


Convince me the box on the right isn't a color-clash disaster and I should spend money on it instead of waiting for a PS3 emu or something

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>game cuck
Game stop rebrand?

im looking pretty good. thanks for the suggestion.

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>obsessed with CENSOREDstation 4

>Xbox thread
>can't stop talking about Sony

LOL. Sony winning this generation has really broken you.

How is streaming going 3rd party? I guess Sony is now a 3rd party publisher because I can stream bloodborne and uncharted to my pc

>bitching about a game box color

>ps3 emu

You're officially brain dead

this nigga right
anyone who disagrees is too underaged to remember "embrace, extend, extinguish"

They must all be kids then. I've owned both consoles for a few generations now, and I'd hate it if one no longer had the other keeping them honest.

So mad his company is going third party he can't do anything but post wojaks.

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His unique retardation is beyond mortal help
Even the mods can’t functionally bam him
I would say that’s chad behavior but it’s more Virgin vs Ultra austistic virgin

Shitposting aside I wonder why? Are they trying to get an early domination on the vidya subscription market?

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>ps4 literally mentioned in OP


Playstation 3 boxes were fucking sexy. Even the blue of the ps4 one looks way better than the green

its only extremely ironic at this point that the Xbox was born out of the dreamcast and both where murdered by playstation

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Because Sony will begin implementing anti consumer practices and then your left with only PC gaming, which is its own dumpster fire.

How the fuck do you think Xcloud works? They arent porting any xbox games to Switch or Mobile, so you would either need to pay to use an xbox console at the azure hub or own your own xbox.

>Please stop judging the quality of the product, it upsets me

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playstation is murdering everything


>all five of microsoft's games will be available on pc, sony and nintendo now
>somehow, this isn't going third party
whew, these are some serious mental gymnastics. it reminds me of how xbox fans spent years trying to redefine the word "exclusive" in order to justify losing all their games to pc.

A game on other systems is a game on other systems. No matter how hard you cope. Microsoft went third party because the Xbox One is a flop. Microsoft can make more money buy selling their games on successful systems instead of their failed one. They admit defeat.

samefag shitskin

I wanna fuck Kizuna

Why delude yourself?

So far I've only heard rumors of GP coming to Switch, you must be new to this if you believe every rumor.

I didn't think I would see the day Microsoft went third party.

He's mad. Just leave him. He knows how brilliant of a move this is by Microsoft and he's asshurt. If Sony did the same thing by putting psnow streaming onto other platforms he'd admit it's a good thing because of how much money the company will make and more money = more games and services AND you're not losing that exclusivity because all those streamed games are still being played on a PS4/PS3 console.

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now I see how xbox one sold 30 million boxes. their fanbase are literally retarded

Can you blame Microsoft. The Xbox One is barely selling. They can't make money off of their games even if they tried. They need larger platforms to sell their software. Xbox One just isn't cutting it. If I were them I would sell to a platform with 90 million users too.

They're still selling their games on Xbox retard unless you can find some comprehensive evidence that they're going to port all Xbox games to ps4 and switch. I'll wait.

>I'm coming deflection and avoiding the question

>He knows how brilliant of a move this is by Microsoft
it is a smart move by microsoft. they've realized now that their western garbage will never beat japan's superior platforms, so they're finally giving up.

The CD-i has more exclusives and more GOOD games now than Xbox One.

Think about that for a little bit.

Sony wouldn't go third party. They're winning right now. It makes sense for Microsoft to go third party. The Xbox One is losing. Even to the Switch.

that explains everything

>tfw leeching off retards on other platforms who will actually pay to stream

It's genius

Except Xbox 360 did great and even gained traction in Japan and they fucked that all up

I want to have tea with bert.

It's not genius.
It's going third party. Selling your services on other platforms has been done for 30 years. Atari, 3DO, Sega, etc. Now also microsoft. Theyre third party.

This is clearly the case. I'm sure Sony won't go along with it, but it's fun watching all of these kids spam "cope" and "seeth". I also have a feeling a lot of Sony fans in this thread are still upset that they won't be attending E3 and have no announcements to make. It's also a way for MS to position itself against Google down the road. MS has bigger fish to fry than Sony.

It’s definitely fucking kids.
Anyone who’s taken a 9th grade economics class knows monopolies suck fucking so much the government literally has to step in to insure your water company doesn’t charge you 4000$ a month just to flush your toilet

Miss me with that monopoly shit.


You bet your ass.

Do you own stock in Sony or something?

I can already play plsyagrjon games through streaming on my PC and according to this thread that's 100% third party. Sony are now a 3rd party company. Brb going to fraud Sony out of another trial to play BB.


this motherfucker is a fucking sony cell
there is no way around it

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>dropping out
They have 2 new consoles coming out though

>didn't even mention Sony

You sure are obsessed.

Selling the service to play Xbox on another platform isn't 3rd party moron. If they ported those 1st party games it would make them 3rd party but all of those games are still on Xbox and being streamed off an Xbox. You're literally playing an Xbox when playing those games. Either way just buy it anyway so MS can make money off you retards.

Shhh, PS Now doesn't count because snoy boys said it doesn't.

Shhhhh, let the kids have their fun. This is like their E3.

>Seething so hard hey can't even type correctly


I almost want it to happen then, I'd have to back off entirely to the PC market, which blows dick, but to see these kids have their parents refuse to buy them the latest console would almost be worth it.

shhh mind

its 10 a month. also exclusives and new titles also appear on game pass, gears 5, halo 6, etc will probably be on it.

>Sony Niggers seething


>people using this as more fuel for wojak-filled console war shitposting rather than celebrating that everyone will have more games to play

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And you think people will buy those consoles now that their games are available on superior platforms? People aren't even buying Xboxs now. There will be even less reasons when Microsoft goes third party.

>Seething so hard they can't even type "they" properly


You mean already have right?

I mean shit you can’t have a digital version and physical version of the same game on the PS4
>Buy Nier Automa physical on sale
>Lost the game when I moved about 3 weeks ago
>Buy it again Digital because it’s on sale

Nani the fuck nothing else makes me do this

This has to be the purest delusion ever.


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>Sony fanboys
>Xbox Game Pass announced on PS4
It's like they really don't understand that this is just extra revenue from people that weren't going to buy Xbox hardware anyway.

nope. i just actually enjoy video games and understand that gaming is better when japan is strong. it's not a coincidence that gaming improved this decade when sony and nintendo pulled their heads out of their asses and microsoft flopped.

More ports and multiplats for a monthly fee?

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Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox
>Xbox Game Pass expanded
>More studios acquired
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Switch/iOS/Android, will eventually offer subscription streaming from Microsoft Azure.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Switch, iOS, Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold
>New Xbox controller to connect to your devices
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>More than 30 games shown off
>Xbox First Party games being ported to Switch: Ori and Cuphead

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

>Mommy look, Halo Infinite is a dollar on PS5!

Imagine living through how a company makes revenue. I grew out of that as a teenager.

This is good for game developers who want people to play their games, not mention the consumers

enjoy your streaming boxes and "xbox games" (also available on pc, sony and nintendo).

>Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

100 million units sold

I feel it's a rocket ship scenario, either the plan shoots up into space or explodes. If they pull it off they'll probably do stuff like Tetris 99 where Microsoft exclusives are available only via their sub service. They'll effectively have outgrown the hardware race
Though if it fails, what then? All their games are available on other hardware on with their unprofitable service. It seems risky.

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>You're literally playing an Xbox when playing those games.

Nope. I'll be playing a Switch, PC or PS4. Not an Xbox.

I know it's anecdotal, but the vast majority of people I know play on Xbox. I have a few friends on PS4 as well, but the difference in numbers is so large that I almost never turn my PS4 on.

>shoes indoors
>shoes on bed

Goddamn degenerates

>Sony E3 2019
Who wants to tell him?

Microsoft E3 2019
>We're going third party

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>20th Anniversary Limited Edition Console
>Batman: Arkham Knight Limited Edition Console
>Bloodborne Limited Edition Console
>Call of Duty: Black Ops III Limited Edition Console
>Champion's League Limited Edition Console
>Destiny Limited Edition - Black Console
>Destiny Limited Edition - White Console
>Destiny: The Taken King Limited Edition Console
>Dragon Quest Metal Slime Limited Edition Console
>FINAL FANTASY Type-0 HD Suzaku Edition Console
>Frozen Limited Edition Console
>Hyperdimension Neptunia VII Limited Edition Console
>Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Limited Edition Console
>Psycho Break Limited Edition Console
>Star Wars Battlefront Limited Edition Console
>Street Fighter V Limited Edition Console
>The Last of Us Remastered Limited Edition Console
>Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Limited Edition Console
>Yakuza Zero Limited Edition Console
>Hatsune Miku Limited Edition Console
>Final Fantasy XV Luna Edition Console
>Gold Limited Edition Slim Console
>Silver Limited Edition Slim Console
>GT Sport Limited Edition Slim Console
>Call of Duty World War II Edition Slim Console
>Days of Play Limited Edition Slim Console
>Star Wars Limited Edition Slim Console
>Star Wars Battlefront II Bundle Limited Edition Pro Console
>Monster Hunter World Limited Edition Pro Console
>God of War Limited Edition Pro Console
>Gamestop Limited Edition Pro Console
>Kingdom Hearts III Limited Edition Pro Console
>Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Limited Edition Pro Console
>PS4 Pro "500 Million Limited Edition" Pro Console

Sony sold more exclusive skins than games in Gen 8

If they're so obsessed with Xbox and Xbox games (which they clearly are based on this thread) the logical way forward would be to just buy the platform itself over streaming it for high costs. It's funny how they suddenly love streaming all of a sudden though after spending literally years calling psnow shit because it's streaming when pc guys were blowing them the fuck out
Streaming is shit no matter how anyone tries to twist it for a multitude of reasons.

They don't need to own them to take their profits

Source for halo infinite getting a native ps4 port?

It's not too early to celebrate, right?


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>t. Retard
Gaming is worse by almost every measure in the past decade. I honest to god hope you're trolling, because even as a 10 year old I understood basic economics, that or you're a Jap national.

That's why MS is trying to push it as hard as possible before others can get in.

No one is obsessed with Xbox games. Just making fun of you because we can play your games now without buying your shitbox.

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Microsoft paid for their bullshit and now they're going third party.

The levels of delusion in this thread are insane.

All they're doing is selling games on other platforms. Literally what third parties have always done.

I cannot believe the state of Xbox idiots thinking this is good or something

>xbox e3 2019
>entire press conference is about how they're going third party and all their games will be playable on their competitors' platforms from now on
yikes! sony doesn't even have to show up to win, that's how sad microsoft is these days.

And Microsoft sold more controllers. Oh wait, that's still Sony. Xbox can't win at shit.

are multiplats inherently bad or something? why is this board so against them? someone in yesterday's xbox thread said "the 360 killed the golden age of gaming by forcing games to be multiplat". have fun not playing DMC5 and Sekiro I guess...

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Hearty kek

Were you planning on buying an xbox at all this gen before this?

Sony already rents Azure server space from MS, but I highly doubt that Sony would allow this as they don't even allow EA Access. They have PS Now that I'm sure they will keep supporting for that foreseeable future and they don't want their user base also having an XBL sub.




multiplats are very good for consumers and bad for console shills

It seems Xbox if focusing more on getting their services on as many consoles including PC as possible maybe even mobile, the issue is what is the point of them if they keep slowing down production of exclusives? What is the point of getting gamepass or any other service on my PS4 or PC if most of those games are already there? This can die very quickly

I can see it now
>Momma Momma I want to play the new GTA 6!
>Checks the price for the PS5: 800$
>Checks the price of GTA 6:100$
>Checks the price of a 3DS: 70$
You can get the cheap thing it’s got Marios
I ain’t spend 900$ on 1 game!

They're selling you a video stream from an Xbox in a server. There's a reason why Sony is blocking this because they don't want Microsoft to make basically free money off retarded Sony customers by selling a video feed. If MS was making halo infinite as a native port for the ps5 you think Sony would block that? They wouldn't because it's completely different to the reality now. If you think this is 3rd party then Sony is also 3rd party for putting their exclusives like bloodborne on pc.

gaming is undeniably better now than it was ten years ago. sony and nintendo becoming strong again meant that japanese studios felt comfortable making real japanese games again, not westernized shit for the xbox dudebro audience. and they've been making kino ever since.

>Nintendo recently found it's niche dominating the handheld market and extending it into home console hybrids
>Xbox will find it's niche as the leading subscription service, thus exiting the hardware competition.
>PS4 is the only one left to dominate the home console market
Is the age of competition finally over?

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I wish every game that doesn't have console specific gimmicks would be multiplat, no reason for games like Halo, God of War, Spiderman, Crackdown, Last of Us, etc. should be only on a single console

If they still make hardware, how are they going third party?

Third party is fine

But don't pretend that what microsoft is doing is anything other than dropping out of the hardware business just like sega before them

They are trying to become everyones go-to gaming streaming service before gaming streaming services become the norm so if consoles disapear in the future people stick with them as thats the service they have been using all along. Also will get people into the next xbox too i guess

I have a ps4 so for the time being allt his means is that i won

All I want is a good Banjo game by retro on the switch. Also streaming is the future IMO.

They just ramped up exclusive development tenfold and have like 8 different studios with multiple teams all working on at least 15 new AA to AAA games coming from this year to 2022.

hardware is a suckers game

Oh boy, I can't wait to play Crackdown 3, Gears of War 4, and Halo 5.
Oh wait, I'm being sarcastic, all of Microsoft's franchises are completely anemic and their core fanbase has been trickling away for the better part of a decade.
I might have given a shit in 2010. Just put the MCC on Steam and call it a day.

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I hope not because I think that competition drives each of those companies to innovate and (hopefully) provide better games/services but you might be correct.

Third party means you can get anything they offer on any platform, not just their own.

How fucking stupid are you, really?

This is just poor 3rd worlders using brands for shitposting
They don’t even like video games outside of FIFA and cod

sony literally doesn't have to show up to e3 anymore. the competition is literally advertising FOR them. that's how pitiful microsoft is now. let that sink in.

More of the likes of netflix

Depending on Xbox's approach, I think it is very likely they will mention their next console at E3, and depending how they market it and if one of the consoles really is digital only with no disc drive, I think Xbox will not be out of the hardware market but surely won't be trying to compete with Sony by the time their next consoles are almost out the door. This may cause Nintendo to try and go against Sony and make a more dedicated home console, but who knows.

It's moving in that direction. People were laughing at those who said that streaming movies online would take off and that was back in 2006. Look where we are now with physical media. The question is, when game streaming takes off, and it will in time, where will Sony stand with all of the other companies and will they be able to keep up?

Can I pre order halo infinite on ps5?

>tfw inevitably heading towards the abolishment of """ownership""" and future of exclusively game streaming
it was fun while it lasted, bros

Xbox isnt exiting the hardware market tho. They need a proprietary device to run their games.
There will always be an Xbox console running on Windows OS.

This is what everyone doesnt understand when they keep spouting 3rd party. Any xbox game would still have to run on an xbox, whether you own it or its in an Azure hub.

They said that same shit the first 3 years of the XBONE and shit either got pushed back, dev hell, canned, etc. I don't care that they bought a bunch of third parties to make games, I want to see products to see the results because last time they promised we got jack shit

>full streaming
I don't get this concept. Wouldn't that be more expensive for companies?
I can't imagine Nintendo having servers capable of running the 3 or 4 million players their games have. This isn't netflix, where you only stream simple HD video. And all for what, 20 dollars per month?
Gaming streaming is such a shit meme. Companies want you to buy their Not-PConsole and pay for each of your games

are we really not going to talk about this?

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>Wanting God of faggotry, Spider BamHam and last of lesbians

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I mean, we both know that Game Pass doesn't include every game on the platform, in the same way that PS Now doesn't. Calling Game Pass "going third party" would mean that Playstation went third party two years ago when PS Now launched on PC.

I don't want it(I own all 3 current consoles plus PC) but I don't see why anyone would be opposed to these games being on all possible platforms

>Kicked both Sega and Xbox out of the console market.
Why does Sony always win bros?

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#Sonyopoly is here at last... PS5 will be the only console worth getting next gen. Shitch has, and will continue to have an anemic exclusives selection, and you can just play Xboned exclusives (as if you'd want to) on your PS5.

Sony. Fucking. Won.

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PS Now is way shittier than game pass because it is fucking streamed

>The question is, when game streaming takes off, and it will in time, where will Sony stand with all of the other companies and will they be able to keep up?
PlayStation is being run by the biggest retard in the industry right now. He's said back compat isn't coming because it's something no one used, he said he wants Sony to make less games from now on and he's also responsible for cancelling psx and now e3 which are huge fanfests. He literally doesn't give a shit about PlayStation or the fans. Sony fans better pray Andrew house comes back because he turned Sony around from the ps3 to the ps4 because of more games and being good to the fans and communicating well, something the new guy had completely done the opposite of.

no games
no games
one game


I seriously hope xbox doesn't puss out of the race. I really don't want it to just be Sony and Ninty, especially with how cucked sony is being with lewd games.

Biggest cuckold in gaming history, this guy is a clown.

At least we got two classic consoles with the OG X and 360. Farewell Xbox.

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They didn't say anything back then they just said new halo, gears and forza was coming out. Anyone with braincell knows things are different now. Not even the biggest deluded anti MS shill can say they're not in a different position now.

Isn't that what game pass on PS4 or Switch would be?


Japan has been pumping out the same shit for 20 years, they never went for the dude bro market.

>Andrew House
I honestly miss that guy, he made the E3 shit really exciting because you could tell he cared.

Oh that means sense.
I agree I wouldn't buy these games
But sure if you want X game on your platform of choice go for it

backwards compatibility is already confirmed for the ps5. the headline about "making less games" was clickbait to the extreme. sony won't fix what isn't broken, they'll make another normal console that just plays god-tier games. they're the most consistent of the big three, their only flop was the vita.

They arent, they are expanding to meet more competitors.
Xbox isnt going third party because Xbox games will always run on proprietary hardware. This is the difference between first party and third party.
People playing on Switch/Mobile would wind up paying for Xbox Live Gold/Game Pass every month they wanted to play any Xbox game, and this would generate Microsoft more money in the long run.

They literally said they had a bunch of shit lined up from both first and third parties which I why I bought a Xbox One in 2014 and shit got either delayed, canned, etc.


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I never understood this, those companies need exclusibes to sell their consoles. Stop being poor and buy both if you want to play them.

based retard. capcom and sega alone produced so much westernized crap last generation, it's not even funny.

The first Xbox Microsoft took a 4 billion dollar loss.

Will it it be full BC for all physicals from PS1-PS4? Sounds too good to be true

the ps5 isn't even announced yet, the backward compatibility thing is only a patent. patents often wind up meaning nothing

Making their games available for other platforms is going third party.

I own every current console including pc, you should be selling units based on the quality of the hardware as it supplements the software, not making software only you can have. Similar to Steam and Epic Game Store

No it hasn't. Someone found an updated patent which originated from fucking 2009 about back compat in hardware which was originally designed for the ps4 but they canned it. It's all false hope and speculation. Sony will never, ever sacrifice making money and they've made a shitload reselling old games again for ps4. Even the ps4 is capable of playing ps2 natively in a software emulator which is how the ps2 classics games on the psn store are played but they decided to make you pay instead of giving you the option to put in your ps2 disk to play San Andreas or whatever.

>Microsoft stopped publishing sales figures in 2015 after the 10 million mark to not look bad compared to Sony.

Lol. I dont think Microsoft will ever drop out of the console market anytime soon though, they have a shitton of money to burn.

Damn of it was a Xbox exclusive yes it would of saved them.

>Wanting a monopoly
You want something historically so shitty we had to shut down huge businesses protest and downright getting people killed with MILITARY FORCE.
Imagine the Army shutting down a fucking Walmart
This is what you want?

They didnt have nearly as many active companies making games then. Most of their deals were with third party companies like Platinum where Microsoft couldnt manage the developer entirely.
Now they have 14 studios and around 24 teams actively making new games. They will have other studios featuring their games on Game Pass after launch. Tomb Raider trilogy is on their now and will leave in the next two months, as an example.

lol, what a non-life low IQ small dick kissless virgin pathetic tranny sonnygger.

how is this losing

you do understand microsoft is the world's third most valuable company right, they can afford to pay anyone to accept their streaming services in order to increase their market share. it's fucking brilliant and scary.

Next gen hardware is really over priced
And Microsoft probaly can't take too big of a loss.

Nintendo fucked the two other companies using cheap hardware for the switch.

If they made a multiplat game exclusive it would have been a bigger hit for them in the media than leaving it as 3rd party.

this, I see this move as a true double or nothing poker scenario where MS is literally betting body parts to get out of the hole that the xbox one has dug them in.

>Xbox Game Studios
>"They're going to drop the Xbox!!!!"

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No its not. You wouldnt be able to buy any of the games you play on streaming platforms unless you already purchased them through an Xbox. You also wouldnt be able to play any game on Game Pass that was being sold in the marketplace of that platform like eShop or App Store

I hope Playstation dies so Sony can die with it

I'll be real Game Pass is the best service to come out of the industry in years and Microsoft doubling down on it is great news.


>ps4 and Xbox
>50% more powerful at minimum
>$300 and less for the base consoles

Nintendo are the kings of selling cheap shit for high prices. The fucking 3ds was like $279 as well.

Xbone needs Japanese games.

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>cancelled scalebound, fable, killed microprose, flight sim, black and white series
>but saved crackdown 3

Shitton is an understatement, their 2018 revenue was 110 billion. I'm sure they can afford to throw an extra half-billion to a billion into the Xbox division to ensure it keeps growing

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Yes but next gen hardware is too expensive.

Microsoft and Sony drove up hardware prices faster then sega or Nintendo.


>Killed Black and White
Don't remind me

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They were apparently discussing hardware specs and other requirements jap devs would like for the next Xbox.

Also Phantom Dust reboot got basically canned


if this library was on any current gen console it would be better than any of its competitors.

Everyone's acting like this is such a horrible thing. Truth is, Microsoft is laying the foundation for the future. The next gen Xbox will, undoubtedly, be the most powerful console of next gen. Make it backwards compatible with all 360/OG Xbox games. Then, with games pass, Microsoft will get HUGE marketing boosts because people will see it literally everywhere, on phones, tablets, PC's, N. Switch's, etc. And there's quite a few good games on Xbox games pass now, despite what everybody says. Then, Microsoft can say "The best way to play is on Xbox". They're gonna use all this games pass stuff as free marketing. Think of it. Xbox, is getting marketing, on the PlayStation. Coupled with Microsoft's fantastic online services, far better than Sonybros want to admit, and the most powerful console yet, Microsoft may yet still rival Sony in the next gen. This gen, yeah, they shit the bed. But from what I've seen, Sony has been acting arrogant, believing they'll dominate the next gen without any competition. Arrogance will put them in their place. And if Microsoft can make a console selling game again, like how the original Halo trilogy was for the OG/360, then they'll win. Undoubtedly.

And nobody gives a fuck about anything from that except cyberpunk that is multiplat anyway

Isn't Black and White an EA IP?

Cloud gaming is the future whether everyone likes it or not, this is just a taste of it. Virtualization is hot as fuck.

Just say you're coping with Microsoft going third party.

needs games first lol

Published by EA but the team behind it was acquired by Microsoft

This level of COPE.

This, and Microsoft hired Nintendo's former Partner Management exec Damon Baker.
>"From his official Twitter account, Damon Baker shared the “overdue” news that he is the new head of portfolio at Microsoft. Baker’s job will involve helping to “evaluate” all second- and third-party content in accordance with the Microsoft “strategy,”'

Your right, but I imagine very little of that is coming from Xbox. If they dont pull Xbox 360 numbers next gen, Microsoft will probably decide to leave the console market entirely. Who will replace them if that happens, I have no idea.


Keep dreaming Snoyboys

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I couldn't care less about the video game industry, I'm just saying virtualization is expanding rapidly and will inevitably swallow the gaming industry. The new hotness will be stream boxes with a netflix-like subscription for games (like Gamepass).

>not progressive and avant-garde wank
you were so close, too

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>Microsoft lost so hard they're going third party
>but they'll win next generation


Well yeah, admittedly I grew up with Xbox, and I'd rather not see it go. Makes me sad. If Xbox dies off though I already have a nice PC so I can play all them Microsoft games.

I'd like to see how MS are utilizing AI with xcloud because apparently the content delivery is heavily linked to AI in terms of how they'll stream the data over to you. This isn't some basic streaming service I think it will be way more advanced than your PSnow which is just a remote video stream the same as how steamlink is in your house.

Even their mixer service had very little latency and they're probably going to further improve upon that for xcloud.

In what way is Ori supposed to be progressive?

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Cant wait to play more sidescrollers and crackdown 4 on my superior xbox two controler!

people keep forgetting about xcloud.
youre not gonna play the games natively, but through streaming

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Def Jam was Japanese, but published by EA?

The first few years of SEGA going third party wasnt too bad, we got JSRF, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, plenty of Dreamcast ports, Super Monkey Ball, Virtua Fighter 4 & 5, Valkyria Chronicles...then SEGA decided "fuck that, were only Sonic now"

They arent forgetting, they are coping. Its two guys samefagging every post ignoring any refuting points with "LOL THIRD PARTY" and "NO GAMES".
The point is that this is rumor shit and they have free rein to fuck about until its announced in 2 weeks.

Sega and Capcom made great games. Chromehounds, Dead Rising were fucking awesome.

The difference between the competitors would be slim, if at all. Exclusive games are a bigger console seller than anything else, removing them would eliminate consoles as a must have product.

>implying you """own""" any of the digital games you've purchased

Most people cant even stream 4k video what makes you think they can stream games?

You didn't know? The first two were made by Japanese devs who make the best wrestling games ever, fire pro.

>intentionally ignoring cuphead and the forza games

>"fuck that, were only Sonic now"
the only people who think that were those who didn't support them when it wasn't a sonic game.

I didn't. That's wild. I'm not a rap fan, but I loved the Def Jam games.


Thinking there is no way to sell consoles besides exclusives is the reason these consoles are glorified PCs and are in a standstill creatively in terms of hardware and software

What I wouldn't give for a current gen Steel Battalion with an actual controller.

Every technology has to start somewhere. If everyone just sat back and waited for everyone else around them to catch up we'd still be in the 16th century.

>Spencer: You Don’t Make Money on Consoles, but on Games; Game Pass Model Can Help the Industry Grow

The difference is that Sega stopped making hardware. MS haven't. They are literally just selling a service to people that weren't going to buy an xbox anyway, at least with the PS4. As someone that owns all 3, I'm actually excited about being able to use the Switch to play xbone games on my commute.

There are no games to buy and the store is shit, tho. Can't really put the onus on the customer base when you're not giving them anything worth buying.
It's the same thing for the console owners, but a lot of those are already attached to the hardware and have no choice but to give M$ their cash or spend even more on other hardware.

Plenty of people can stream 4k media, it's just heavily compressed like on Amazon Video or Netflix. It only takes like a 20 to 30 megabit connection to stream. "4k" from those services

Their output this gen is, in quantity, the worst of any other. There are quality titles they made this gen, but it's definitely lesser than previous ones.

It will also end soon when people realize that most of them dont have bandwith and buy classic console instead

They're gems swimming in a sea of trash. Japan is far from perfect but the west has been absolutely shitting the bed lately.

As soon as you find a better input/viewing method than a gamepad/tv, I'm all ears. We're at a technological plateau now, and even VR isn't going to shift the paradigm from the couch. It only sucks if you don't enjoy that anymore, the holodeck isn't coming to your living room.

Look at PCs. MS do make high quality hardware, but their software runs on any machine, even machines made by competitors. Why wouldn't they follow this same path with video games?

Modern 4G is already fast enough to stream 1080p content regardless of it being YouTube, Netflix, Amazon instant video etc. We're soon to be getting 5G next year which will be even faster with a ton more bandwidth. Nobody will have any excuse any more. If your Wi-Fi is shit then that's on you but your cell data is more than fast enough to handle this kind of streaming if you really wanted it.
I'm not even from the USA but my 4g speeds are fast as fuck for general streaming.

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>more powerful
only if you pay 100 more shekels, something only resetards did, while the rest of the planet keeps buying chadstations

Speed is fucking irrelevant on cell because your data is capped anyway. Have fun spending you 10GB of data in 10 seconds because of 5g speeds.

>console is objectively more powerful
>"I-i-it doesn't count because I don't want it to!"
Enjoy your checkerboarding.

Exactly, I think the real issue (at least for some Americans) is going to be data caps. Bandwidth isn't a real factor anymore, but when someone like Comcast or ATT says you can't download more than 500gb a month for some arbitrary reason, you're fucked.

Also people who live in rural areas are fucked too but no one cares about them.

This is true tho.
Previously, you needed to sell consoles to grow your potential market for software. Now, you can offer your subscriptions regardless of total hardware sales because your market has expanded to any person with a cell phone/tablet/switch. They would need to buy the game from, then they could just stream through the xbox app.

This is selling software to people who wouldnt otherwise have owned the hardware. This means exponentially higher game sales and subscribers. This is good for publishers and great for microsoft.

>all these literal cucks defending multiplats
Multiplats are cancer. MS needs to keep their games ON XBOX ONLY. The more exclusives there are on each console, the more competition there is. It encourages each platform holder to fund and get better and better exclusives. MS trying to break down the "exclusives barrier" is a BAD THING because now they don't feel any competition, so they're just gonna keep making garbage like Crackdown 3, and when it gets shit reviews, they won't care because everyone will have played it on game pass.

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Where were you when Microsoft went 3rd party?

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The market will correct itself. Either companies will compete for the business of 5G by expanding their caps or antitrust laws will prevent them from intentionally capping their consumers when the need for more data arises.

How do you get rid of data caps?

Streaming video is a meme if you give a fuck about quality. Who gives a rats ass if you 1080p or 4k with lossy compression.

Fuck off and join the idort master race.

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Its not multiplat tho. The games will stiill require an xbox console to run. Either you buy an xbox, or you subscribe to xcloud. Xcloud is just a bunch of xbox consoles hosted in Azure hubs.

Or... They can make exclusives capable of moving hardware like BoTW or GoW.

This. I don't think most of these people for the OG Xbox and what Halo being an exclusive did for that.

This was already known but it was clear as day that it's never going to happen with the PS4/5, it's a possibility that it won't even happen on the Switch if Nintendo decides they don't want it.

I would argue its easier to sell a subscription to 100 people with a phone than it is to sell a console and game to one person, and in the first situation they dont own the games they are playing, so they will have to pay again if they want to play next month.

The golden man wins again.

Except Sony won't allow it and only the Switch is getting native ports.

what exactly is this supposed to prove? none of these are xbone games, many of them (most notably gun valkyrie) aren't backwards compatible, and a few of them never even got released outside of japan.

Yeah. That's where Nintendo already BTFOed everyone with the Switch. Portable for when you need it and don't have internet, streaming receiver at home.

This but the Switch my not even get that with how weak it is plus Nintendo needs to decide this, Phil desperate ass needs to focus on Scarlett, not this, I can already see streaming failing.

Now why would I get an Xbox when I will soon be playing it's games on my Switch or PS4 (Both of which I bought because they have good exclusives, something Xbox is giving up entirely on)

That's a lot of faith man, especially when something like net neutrality gets abolished.

I haven't given it much thought but is one way to go about it

a healthy console fosters creative development that isn't just third person game where you stare behind someones shoulder and point a cross at some guys head for 8 hours, then do it online until you get bored with the loot boxes.

>he actually thinks this is going to happen
Sony bocked off EA Access for a reason, retard, this is never happening and Nintendo of Japan decides if this shit is coming to Switch and if they say no, then Microsoft is stuck with mobile and TVs and a streaming consoles and all those will fail.

sega is still making valkyria, shining, yakuza, border break, daytona, total war, bayonetta, and on top of that, they own atlus now too. anyone who thinks sega is "only sonic now" isn't paying attention.

As long as you pay MS I couldn't care less. More money for content i can enjoy natively. Enjoy your stream I guess.

at least the Dreamcast had games worth playing...

and again, what does that have to do with a list of japanese games from a couple generations ago? the xbone has no japanese games of its own outside of the absolute biggest, most mainstream multiplats. that's a fact.

literally never said it doesn't count, just that nobody gives a fuck

The question is, why the fuck would actual 3rd party devs agree to put their games on this service and only get a fraction of the money, when they can sell their game to you for 60$?

What environment do you think those games were made under? Microsoft was trying their hardest to get games, get them made, and get them out there.

At this rate you probably will be able to

Microsoft gives devs a shit ton a money to not care, because sales on the PS4 carry them.

Because they wouldnt sell the game on day one. Shadow of the Tomb Raider only just got put on Game Pass.
Also, the Game Pass library on each system will be curated specifically for each system. You wouldnt be able to put multiplat games like MK11 on the Nintendo Switch Game Pass because they would already be selling the game on eShop.

They will make way more money from this because they get paid even if no one plays their game. It's the reason why Netflix is packed full of content which could have just been sold individually as a box set. It's also a good way for smaller games to get recognition.

>fastest selling sku in xbox history
>no one gives a fuck
Try again snoy boy.

The same reason movies distributers put their shit on Netflix.

Sega didn't have the money, Microsoft is desperate because they are scared of two companies that are releasing streaming boxes that won't even have must-buy exclusives are just Ouyas. Sony will say no to this because of PSNow and Nintendo of Japan may follow suit and also say no, making Microsoft look stupid. The reality is next gen Microsoft will have to rely on the Xbox Scarlet Anaconda and Windows 10 PC, not their shitty streaming service.

Exposure and it's probably less of a hassle.

I was talking more in house development, bayonetta, and atlus are mostly separate from that. Also border break is Japan only and Daytona seems to have only got a bad arcade exclusive remake.

Free Markets. How come there's more free market going on in old Europe than in burgerland? When did you go wrong?

Everyone with half a brain sees there's only gonna be one boy in the block soon. Or maybe 2, nintendies can stay.

Xbox/PlayStation are inevitably going to get btfo by streaming

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Another Sega.
Except it's shit.
And you have to pay every month.

>Microsoft is desperate

This meme needs to die, they're turning a profit off their gaming division and Microsoft as a whole is a top 5 international company in terms of value. This is 100% a power play to get more market share.

in all honesty Microsoft moving to a more service based makes sense and will help them out so much more financially.

Game Pass on Switch is already a done deal user. Larry Hyrb was even posting photos of his switch on twitter the other.

Yes. Companies always make consoles at a lost so them stepping out and focusing on just games and services would give them so much money

Its performing "phenomenally" in the biggest console gaming market in the world

Oh wow, another easy win for PlayStation. How come their competition keeps fucking up on the eleventh hour?

Wait so what's the point in them doing exclusives it they're gonna be on game pass and be on all consoles?

You know MS is currently the most valuable company on Earth, right? Higher than Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet. They're not desperate for anything.

But there's nothing worth shit on Netflix, and it'll only get worse when Disney launch their service. This model is fucked up. I'd agree to pay for one unified service. Definitely not for multiple. That's why I never paid for crunchy and shit.

Banjo confirmed for PSASBR

They are still exclusive to systems which would earn Microsoft money. Streaming would just be another subscription cost for the people that its offered to.

They're actually third, amazon is 1 and apple is 2

Still these guys are 3/4ths of the way to being trillion dollar companies

Why would anyone subscribe to any service if it didn't have something exclusive? Ever heard of Netflix originals? Umbrella Academy? Stranger Things? Making a Murderer? Etc. The exclusives are for people to buy the service to play.

But they have only shit games. They will become like SEGA. Even worst.

Speaking of which, I hope NF stops putting quantity of quality because most of their original movies are fucking garbage.

>Xbox slogan is "When everybody plays, we all win"
>Have no exclusives worth playing
What did they mean by this?

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exactly. I think a lot of people are forgetting this. i know they're buying more studios too but who really cares? We're all aware of MS's track record

a shitty, westernized environment, considering how that list of games sucks dick compared to the ps2 and even the gamecube library.


Having that image saved means you lost at life desu. I hope you get to experience life some day.

can't wait for the pcmr meltdown when microsoft "upgrades" everyone to a version of windows that only supports streaming games.

>omg ppl are saving images on a board about posting images.

oh no no no

Netflix started and got big with stale old movies and tv shows. Now they have all these b movie originals and arent making profit.

Their track record has games that not even Sony has been able to surpass. To this day Sony has never achieved the god-tier 97+ metacritic review score whereas Xbox has and Nintendo has multiple times. Metacritic is like the bible for everyone here and across most other gaming forums as is evident by .

Putting shit on a fucking PS4/5 speaks desperation, I'm an Xbox guy but I will laugh t them like I did in 2013 when Sony flat out says no and Nintendo of Japan possibly says no.

Actually, as of today, it's
1. Microsoft - $864.1b
2. Amazon - $837.4b
3. Apple - $834.3b

sony actually understands gaming as a market. microsoft only sees it as another space to buy their way into, which is why they keep fucking up. and nintendo is stuck in the past in many ways because they're run by out-of-touch old farts.

Reminder that Microsoft will still succeed with their product even after you retards attempt to meme them to death.
>Kinect being repurposed for industrial and commercial use.
>Selling like hotcakes

A friendly reminder that after Game Pass hits the Switch Microsoft will automatically be more successful in Japan than Sony.

you know, i'm honestly sure which outcome is more hilarious: microsoft going third party, or microsoft trying to go third party and getting rejected by sony and nintendo.

Getting enjoyment from that image or thinking it's somehow worth posting over and over again on here is where the sadness cones in. Top zozzle tho Team Sony wins again

No, it's not, that takes years to do, Nintendo of Japan needs to make the final decision and Brad Sams is already calling bullshit on it.

Wow, a literally who with under 10k subs says it's fake? I'm sold!

It doesn't sound like that at all. They're doing this to fuck over Sony. They don't need Sony at all because xcloud is a mobile service first and foremost and the mobile userbase is literally over 20x bigger than the ps4 userbase. Sony are completely irrelevant to Microsoft.

Nintendo has a problem of 3rd party support. Game pass would solve this by offering hundreds of games on a subscription service which doesnt rely on their bullshit hardware. They would likely get their standard 40% cut of all subs gross revenue.

Yes but this is fear of Google and Amazon who are already looking like failures in this streaming shit, streaming will fail, nothing will change for console gaming.

>I'm an Xbox guy

Why would you brand yourself like that lmao, it's not a club faggot it's a product. Your credibility is still non-existent.

>I'm a Pinesol guy
>I'm a Pyrex guy
>I'm a Evian guy

I believe you, I think my source was from 2017-2018

Prior to 2013 Netflix was awesome, only when the streaming companies started making their own content did the catalog suffer. And game studios already make their own content so I don't see a subscription service negatively impacting it.

Im a BLACKED guy

bruh, an image board full of weeboo traps and pedophiles that rarely leave their parents basenent are much smarter than anyone at Microsoft.

how exactly are they "fucking over" sony by withdrawing from the competition and putting their games on sony's platforms? the mental gymnastics you guys go through to defend a failed brand are crazy.

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Getting rejected, Xbox Anaconda, and Windows 10 PC is their only future, they need to understand that, then getting the door slammed in their face by both Sony and Nintendo and Xbox Lockhart failing will be their wake up call.

>sony actually understands gaming as a market.
>blocks crossplay
>censors games
>doesn't show up to E3
All of these things customers in the gaming market don't want. You sure they really understand it?

There are a million more Sony or Nintendo guys here tho

Xbox is so dead its begging to get released as shovelware on ps4 and switch hahahaha its fucking hilarious how dead xbox is it doesnt even exist really its like a ghost at this point what are we even talking about nothing

Don't forget
>Charges for cloud-saving
>Reduced PS+ games from 7 to 2

That isn't ironic at all.

How are they withdrawing from the competition when they have 2 new consoles lined up with over 15 games in development from 1st party studios alone? The only reason they'd want to put it on Ps5 is to gain marketshare and get people onto the Xbox live ecosystem to fuck over Sony. It doesnt benefit Sony at all not even in the slightest. Sony are the biggest losers in this whole situation. Microsoft will make billions from this with or without Sony agreeing to it.

Because you would be paying 20-30 bucks a month to rent games from Microsoft and in exchange you wouldnt have owned an Xbox anyway because you are a fucking Sony cuck.

Don't forget they also charge $60 for background downloads

>Reduced PS+ games from 7 to 2
Those 2 games are the only ones that really matter since the others were ps3 and vita, (lol), games

Also true but I was thinking more sony specific things cause nintendo did that too

and they're equally as retarded, you're not alone, congrats.

>Disappoints fans
>Shows up at E3 with no nothing
>F2P still locked behind Gold
>Pushing garbage service to the forefront
>Still no worthwhile exclusives six years later

>paying $30 a month to stream an Xbox to PlayStation

Fucking kek I hope that retard actually does it so he can experience How retarded he is first hand. The fucking games will all have Xbox prompts because it's an Xbox in a server. Sony Cucks lmao.

Also reminder

It fucking wouldnt work. Streaming video is one thing, but a fucking game? Furthermore the internet in the US isnt nearly up to par for alot of people to handle this sort of shit.

>How are they withdrawing from the competition
by putting all their games on sony and nintendo's platforms. that's literally the opposite of competition, it's microsoft giving up on competing with sony and nintendo and joining them instead.
>when they have 2 new consoles lined up
which nobody will buy because they won't get a single game that can't also be played on pc, ps5 or switch. and all of those other platforms also have actual exclusives that make them worth buying instead of the xbox.
>with over 15 games in development from 1st party studios alone?
knowing microsoft's track record, at least 10 of them will be cancelled and the rest will be disasters like sea of thieves and crackdown 3.

no one gives a shit about metacritic reviews except normies, fanboys, and """""publishers"""""

Never said MS understands the gaming market either

He works very closely with Microsoft, it's best to listen to him.

Trying to force Sony to use your games doesn't sound like fucking over Sony, m8, it sounds like they're giving up and Sony will tell them no.

I like playing Xbox games and I don't want the games on a Nintendo console unless I get Nintendo games and a collaboration project from the two, you know like Halo X Metroid. not this.

yeah, nobody would never change their mind about backwards compatibility!

Attached: xbonebc.png (1000x1087, 1.16M)

That still depends on Nintendo of Japan, if Microsoft can't make a good deal for them then this isn't happening.

network infrastructure is fine and absolutely competes with Europe and Asia in fiber connections. it's just the US is too big and hasn't covered the whole country yet.

You’re part of the reason why we even have exclusivity bullshit in the first place.

No one gives a fuck which billion dollar company is more successful than the other. You’re still a poor piece of shit wasting your life away on Yea Forums like the rest of us.

It’s about games.

We’re finally getting games gated from us for 20 years.

This is a day of praise and rejoice for all video gamers.

Now shut the fuck up.

Attached: B666072F-59E5-4830-AE23-C292C18F4227.jpg (1125x1114, 201K)

>Nintendo should become a third party publisher!!!!
>Literally every faggot at every generational launch

>Microsoft ends up becoming a third party publisher, honestly a better fit for them because they've always had issues selling hardware anywhere that wasn't USA

What did they mean by this

Doesnt matter because Sony wouldnt even consider it, and Microsoft would have nothing to gain. There is 100% guarantee that Game Pass doesnt come to Sony systems.

Game pass will definitely come to the 500 million smartphones, tablets, and Nintendo Switch systems in the US tho.

Sonybro here.
I give up with Sony. Not only have they censored games and been extremely anti consumer in general more than any other console company in history, but they have cancelled big events like e3 and keep doubling down on shitty movie games. I'm definitely moving back to Xbox next gen.

Pic related just a few games I tried out on my ps4 and only 1 of them was actually good.

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Nobody will pay shit to xbox when they have zero good games.

hate to break it to you, but sony and nintendo will still be making goty exclusives as long as people keep buying them. just because microsoft is going third party and hasn't made a decent game in years doesn't mean exclusivity is dead.

Why does everyone hate the idea of limiting exclusivity? Why are consumers so anti consumer?


xbox should just go the way of sega and just make software.
seems like the logical decision at this point.


Have you played them?

smartphones tablets and switch is not competition for sony

>Nintendo Switch
This depends on Nintendo of Japan.

>my friends, for two decades time we have waited for this triumphant moment. For too long exclusives have separated us consumers into camps, dividing us by our varying tastes in vidya. Now? Now thanks to Xbox Game Pass(tm) and our friends at Microsoft(tm), we have overcome. Now we can enjoy Xbox greatness like Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 on all devices. We have won, fellow gamers, we have won.....

>third party
Oh no, he's retarded.

The Xbox one has a dedicated back compat chip in it which helps with the process so this is literally fake news.

>But fundamentally, Xbox 360 back-compat works on the principle of an emulation layer. There is some hardware assistance and - yes - some 'secret sauce' (Microsoft didn't want to be drawn on how the emulator supports Xbox 360's VMX128 vector units, for example)

>Helping the task immensely is the fact that certain aspects of the Xbox 360 hardware design are indeed built into the Xbox One processor - specifically, support for texture formats and audio

Imagine if it was Sony. There'd be a fucking field day on this board.

Did you? Until now microsoft was releasing garbage after garbage i have no reason to believe they are gonna stop anytime soon

you might not like them but at least nintendo consoles have games

>selling a subscription for 20 bucks a month which allows you to play third party games on your cell phone
>buying a 600 dollar ricebox which only plays movies

It will definitely draw normies away from PS5.

They can't even do video is my point, even with 100mb down, the service are compressing the shit out of it because its all they can handle. It might be 1080p, but compression artifacts are all over the places and look terrible.

Gigabit is only in a handful of cities, and only some rural towns have 100mb up. Hell, most of the countryside only gets satellite.

Citation Needed. Not sure you could do enhancements on BC if you used hardware backwards compatibility

I own all three consoles. I literally only my PS4 for exclusives, and I bought it used to save money because I knew I'd barely use it. If PS Now was on other platforms, I'd be paying Sony a monthly fee to Sony instead of buying a game occasionally when it's on sale.

Keep telling yourself that, Xcuck.

the only thing that will draw people away from ps5 is god-tier games that can't be played elsewhere. guess what microsoft won't have.

Because this kind of shit kills the console market and eventually ends that sector of gaming.

What third party games you gonna play on cellphone? Most popular mobile games are either gacha or riddled with microtransanctions you think its suddenly gonna change from day to day?

>they never checked off Pepperoni on the side of the box either

So consumers hate the idea of saving money to shitpost on Yea Forums?

Who the fuck wants to play console games on their cell phone?

Again, the US's network infrastructure is fine, the average person is more than capable of streaming "4k" video from Amazon/Netflix/Hulu/Youtube. Is it compressed? Yes, but I've seen Amazon UHD shows on my TV and they still look pretty good.

Attached: uhuh.png (1511x1011, 164K)

Digital foundry they even did a whole video on it. That's from the article. The Xbox one was designed in mind for 360 back compat right from the beginning and they refined it so much that they can do the whole thing in just software now but with the aid of those small hardware modifications (DFs words not mine).

Redarded xcucks will at least have games to play on toilet when microsoft gives their console middle finger

>game gets negative reviews from liberal video game "journalists" because it isnt a movie
>sonygros use this as fuel for their coping mechanisms
I just finished Crackdown 3 last week. Fun game.

>they've never heard of Fortnite or PUBG

>Sony Cuck tears


Cope. Phones are just a screen with ports and wifi/LTE. Perfect for streaming.
Enjoy your E3 with no conference

4k bluray or bust, dude. I guess you coukd download it digitally, but I don't think any of these services even allow that anymore.

Average Sony Cuck everyone

So Snoyboys can play some actual games and not just movies now?

>free to play games
>paying 30 bucks for a games that was free until now

Sony fears the dominance so they won't allow it. Typical cancerous company.

Yeah, the next two years offers 3 walking simulators. Gays Done, Kojima is a hack, and Lesbian Zombie Dating Sim.
"11/10 -Kotaku"

I wholeheartedly agree with you, but sadly physical media will slowly be phased out. As for the digital downloads, iTunes is pretty much it as far as I'm aware and that's not even the real 4k BD

Hope it doesnt go through. Dont want imperialist S0nyggers censoring my niche xbox japanese games.

Walk down memory lane.