So true...
So true
Pleasure and fun are not the same.
Introverts are scum
Introverts are pathetic
extroverts are gay
>he's introvert
may allah bring every curse upon the introverted and their decadent ways
This is so sad
This. Every introvert is just an extrovert who hasn't come out of his shell yet.
You do know where you are right?
it is not good for human beings to keep to themselves. We're social creatures. That mom probably saved that child from crippling anxiety issues and mental health problems in the child's later years. That mom's a hero
socially retarded is not the same as introvert you fucking mongoloid
Samefagging this hard. Calm down.
epic contrarian bros
Typical introvert. Check out their post IDs and (you)ll see they're all unique posters.
introverts are the true master race, they figured out that humans are absolute trash in every aspect, all power to them
>13 replies
>14 posters
Whatever makes you sleep at night
this guy is right
Inshaallah my extroverted brother
Every single online nigger who "had fun" with online games has worthless opinions. It's just my opinion, but I happen to be right
Being social just turns you into a fake person. You change your whole personality to be compatible with what's normal. You think you're only hiding the unscrupulous parts of yourself, but you're really losing them.
Is that a boy or a grill?
Where the lewds of the teacher?
Why must we all hate each other?
Fuck you all. I will continue to wallow in misery while avoiding as much human contact as possible. Misanthropy is the only belief I hold dear.
the attempt to equate "plays multiplayer games" with "extrovert" and "plays singleplayer game" with "introvert" is stupid
i am the most alone person you can possibly imagine and all i play is multiplayer games, i prefer human punching bags to AI programmed to lose to me
meanwhile every normalfaggot gushes about how good the latest singleplayer AAA console turd is
It's not a matter of being shy or lacking social skills, it's about how some people's brains simply need to shut everything off and chill alone for a few hours. It's a question of how one recharges thier batteries; some gain energy by going out with friends, some just want to stay home and binge some Netflix.
Also some of the greatest minds that mankind has ever crapped out have been introverts. They thrive best when left to thier own thoughts and eventually turn those thoughts into world shaking concepts or inventions
Most introverts i've met are actually extroverts they just happen to be surrounded by people who dont share their common interests.
It's like talking to chad about football. I can hold the conversation but im definitely seeking a socially acceptable way out of it.
Or even my parents. I love my parents. I really do, genuinely. But neither of them has any of the same hobbies, we dont even listen to the same types of music. It's very difficult to have a conversation beyond "What have you been up to since we last saw you?"
Conversely when im with my friends, talking about things I like? I could talk for hours, play video games for hours, watch movies for hours. I love hanging out with my friends and I basically never get tired of it.
Most of Yea Forums is the same way. All of you who think you're introverts come to this forum all the time and post about videogames or memes or whatever the fuck. You cant hold a conversation with your mom for 5 minutes but you'll have 8 conversations in 6 different threads for over an hour. You're absolutely extroverted, you just only feel it when you're around people who share your hobbies and interests.
>That mom probably saved that child from crippling anxiety issues and mental health problems in the child's later years
Funny, I have both of those precisely because I was very social in my early years.
because cats are gay
Fuck you
>needing to be surrounded by others to get energy
Weak. How unreliable of you. If this were a bideo gem you would be useless as solo.
Fuck extroverts and fuck normalfags
>you're a contrarian if you're not an introvert cuck
loving every laugh
nice blog post and reddit spacing
While Chads remain sociable, approachable and charismatic while refusing to bend their opinions to suit the flock of sheeps
I lurk 90% of the time
This. Uneducated people seem to think that all introverts are socially inept or antisocial, when in reality introverts can at times be just as social as extroverts.
They're probably just pretending to be retarded for (You)s though.
actually wrong
devs push multiplayer content because it requires very low effort to produce compared to writing any kind of story at all
>that guy that plays CoD for the story
>that guy that plays GTA5 for the story
>that guy that plays WoW for the story
>that guy that plays halo for the story
why do people do this?
I feel like an introverted exteovert. Like, yes I’ll happily grab some beers and watch the game half the time, the other half I just need to be left alone to enjoy my vider and Chinese cartoons.
>recharges thier batteries
"Battery recharge" is a meme spread by couches. They are saying it, because people want to hear it. It's no different from body-positive movement activists telling fat people that it's ok to be fat. People just like to perceive their flaws as being unique.
Humans are social creatures. It is better for everyone to interact socially then to stay alone. This imageboard proves this point.
>having fun with steam
How pathetic
No they don't. When have you ever seen a socially accepted person publicly expressing a socially unacceptable opinion? It simply doesn't happen. There are no social people who are open about thinking Hitler was right. Social systems are built to suppress any kind of dissent. You will turn into a drone or you'll be exiled.
>I am so fucked up that if I am left with only my thoughts I get brain problems.
Alright. Fragile ass species. Wonder if there's anyone here that would genuinely be proud to call himself human.
Extroverts are vampires.
They literally can not recharge on their own, they need to to be with them and take it from you.
Those people are just afraid of others and have to hide. If they had enough exposure, they wouldn't be so scared and could fit in.
shut the fuck up chinese bug
>tfw one of the only 3 people dedicated enough to learn Japanese only to read porn games about fucking your little sister in my entire country
And people blame ME for not being much able to hold a conversation.
You can enjoy hanging out with friends and still be an introvert. You can not be a social retard and talk to Chad and still be an introvert.
Introvert doesn't mean you hate conversation.
Hate is at the core of what it is to be human, you pussy.
Thomas Hobbes would tell you to eat shit.
as an entj cyborg I can assure this is 100% fact.
Shut the fuck up you chinese controlled rat, Valve took down a game that called the chinese president a moron.
You're shilling for the chinese and you dont even know it you pathetic faggot.
It's how nature thrives. It's mindless and inefficient. And it's deserving of all the hate you could possibly feel.
I'm an extravert, I love being with people, but at the same time I have to be alone sometimes. Perhaps it's just because I have the internet available for when I'm not, otherwise.
I enjoy single-player games because of value in the experience.
This is so sad. Can we rise up?
What if I don't like people?
Can you stop reposting this shit? It's not funny in the least.
There's only so many times you can play single player until it gets boring because you have done literally everything.
In multiplayer, things can remain fresher and more exciting because of the unpredictability that comes with human nature.
Hate is caused by the emotion anger.
Humans are capable of emotion. Am i smart yet?
Good for you incel
Fuck off bitch I'l slit your throat and rape your corpse you WHORE HAHAHAHAHA DIE YOU FUCKING BITCH I'LL TAKE A SHIT ON YOUR DEAD BODY
Steam bros, rise up
human nature in the first place , and second tribalism mentality, us vs them
>come join the group so i can ignore you at best or make fun of you at worst
t. an alien
I usually play single player or co-op games.
My friends get me into competitive games sometimes, the only problem is they suck at it.
No idea how they can be so noncompetitive when it is the type of games they play all day, but I always dominate them and ruin their fun, then go back to my own stuff or play if different games than them.
Even a lot of co-op games it is like that, I understand it though. When we were playing Vermintide 2 they would stay in the lower difficulties while I went to Legendary fairly quickly, and it's not really fun when I join them the clear the entire map myself before they even know what is going on.
It's a metaphor for fatigue. You can't be so retarded that metaphors are nothing but memes.
>that guy that plays CoD for the story
Who in their right mind does this? Nobody
>that guy that plays GTA5 for the story
Nothing wrong with that since online is a seperate thing and pretty grindy.
>that guy that plays WoW for the story
Ik it's pathetic. You're better off reading about it
>that guy that plays halo for the story
what's wrong with this? Never played it
>being tired is a meme
What animeme is this
I think you're conflating "introvert" with being an absolute hermit who deprives themselves of all social contact.
Its more of a sliding scale from 100% introverted to 100% extroverted.
So yes, some people prefer to be out and surrounded by other people and some prefer to have solitude to enjoy their hobbies; but at the same time the extrovert will have times where they're exhausted and want to be left alone and the introvert might have times where they want to hang out with some others. It's never usually an all or nothing situation, Ihad suspect anyone on the 100% side of the scale does have some underlying mental issue that causes it.
You got a victory royale today son?
Eh, introverts are fine.
It's the faggots who are introverted but desperately wish they were extroverted that should kill themselves.
You need new friends buddy.
Also was the game mentioned per chance CS:GO? Skip that
Hot, especially if the dung goes on her face.
What the fuck are you doing here?
>what this toddler is advanced for their age and prefers reading books instead of playing with other kids?
>better stifle that intelligence and individuality
Is this how the American education system works?
>be introvert
>prefer multiplayer games
post results, buddy
who here /shy/
You play on a horsefucker trade server today, son? Play any more $1 unity free asset trash?
I'm shy but i love my friends and social gatherings evil if i am a stuttering mess
The entire system here currently is geared towards uplifting the lowest performing members of the group, at the expense on the most gifted.
Even the places that offer advanced classes are in a pretty sad state currently.
The current idea seems to be instead of challenging those that are having no challenge and will soon become bored, to focus on those that are struggling and need and inordinate amount of help instead of just moving them down to the level they should be at as they fail.
Because the human brain, for all it's miraculous wonders, is at the end of the day a lazy piece of shit. It's wired to take the path of least resistance at all times because that's simply what nature molded it to do over millions of years. And thus, we are physically incapable of considering anyone beyond our immediate circle of friends/family as a living, breathing human being with as much desire to live a happy life as anyone else. Past maybe 20 some-odd people, everyone instantly becomes a faceless "other" that means to possibly harm us in some way, and therefore they must be kept away at all times
you’re shitposting but it’s kind of true, many believe that anything other than being outgoing and always in the mood to talk constantly is a bad sign
Not that they try to stifle intelligence though, allegedly the fact that most schools only accept 70% or above as passing grade is their attempt at holding kids at a higher standard
>even if i am a stuttering mess
IMAGINE caring what people think about you
That's what socialism is all about. Gptta lower everyone down to the same level.
So... what are current games with a good story?
And yet those lowest performers still never improve and end up as drop outs or drug dealers or involved in some nigger shit. So what's the point.
You would rather the toddler be an autist that can't be in the work force because they can't communicate with their colleagues?
Chinese cancer vs. burger cancer
What's the difference?
People come up to me and ask why am I shy and quiet, and then they get upset or disappointed when I say I just don’t feel like talking to them
>"Omg he reads books in public, he must be so enlightened and intelligent."
No I'm right here in the self important mud with you fuckers. We have the fucking audacity to speak of things like dignity and honor while we shamble around doing nothing but maintenance and waste processing.
Let the kid read his fucking book assholes
Good for you billy beta
The lack of social skills means you aren't even human, just a dumb robot
Valve is china controlled, so its chinese cancer vs chinese cancer.
The """people""" (Chinese Bots) spamming about Epic being chinese controlled are doing so to keep people fighting a fight that doesnt exist.
So that they grow up to find themselves on this website? I don't think so.
I'm afraid of people seeing what I truly am.
Wiw xoxoxosorbsn s d d d. D d vde e
I'll give you exactly 5 minutes to take that back.
We can still watch Winnie the Pooh.
introverts btfo
Whw hh h h hhh hh owowowowo nnnn ddD FffFf?¿?
what are you truly?
This is true, I don't want people IRL knowing that despite my confident pseudo extrovert personality I am just a weeb and video game player who just so happens to like to lift weights and fly planes
Beileve it or not, although humans are classified as an 'ultra social' species, there are evolutionary behavioral adaptations that developed because at some point, it wasn't great to be around other humans.
That fat old fuck in Valve is chinese now? Or did he lose all his holdings?
>Why don't you smile all the fucking time like me, user?
>Are you depressed?
>I bet you're depressed
>It's because you don't keep the light on in your room at all times
>I'm gonna fix your depression, user.
>I'm gonna fix you
>I'm gonna take you to the gym
>And then I'm gonna set you up with an army recruiter
>The same one I had
>And gen you're gonna not go to college
>And then you're gonna cut your hair
>And then you're gonna start letting me dress you
>And then you're gonna start hanging out with me more
>And then you're gonna become a cop
>Just like me!
Are all brothers this overbearing?
Extroverts are 95% retards, guaranteed.
Not at some point, throughout all time. Even now people instinctively know to keep others at a safe distance. We all understand that scheming and disregard for others is standard behavior.
Read a fucking book or watch a movie if you want story, faggot.
The ones that believe their siblings to be an extension of themselves certainly are. Be your own person.
At least you had a brother, all I have is my little sister which granted I love her very much but it just isn't the same as having a brother
Did you at least get to benefit from some nepotism in the army?
Officers make decent cash.
Pretty much. I have never heard extrovert saying something normal. It's all, "omg football, i wasted myself on weekend" or some stupid, unfunny or unrelated stuff. These people will talk to you about how much time they spend on a toilet. Is that really normal?
The overwhelming majority of steam users are located in china, Valve just removed a game (Devotion) because chinese players review bombed it after there was art in the game calling their president a moron and comparing him to winnie the pooh.
I'm fine with multiplayer games, I just fucking hate teamwork. FFA's are fun.
Stop being an autistic freak then
Introverts=/=being shy dumb ass
I'm not in the army, cuz I told my brother to fuck off in that regard. I still let him push me around in other stuff though. He hates his Army job anyway, pretty sure he just joined to pay off his student loans.
Fair, but we seem to be entering a time where introverts are deemed problematic, probably thanks to a demand for more communication ans services.
Even Comp Sci people have to take public speaking in my college etc. And you'll probably say 'well you should be able to do that', keep in mind that successful people didn't actually need to know how to speak in public, until recently.
It didn't hurt to be able to. But it wasn't necessary.
Get out
introverts have more high iq that extrovershits, facts.
>I just fucking hate teamwork
This, because i have no friends to make a team up with, haha.
There's just a whole bunch of really stupid behaviors that are standard here in America that usually make things worse. The constant seeking of more optimism means that no one ever has any pessimism to balance out the optimism, leading to shit like the housing crisis because "why would this ever come back to bite us in the ass?" We also have an irrational fear of anyone that gets even a little bit angry so no one debates, they just try to make the other side angry first because "whoever gets angry first, loses." Though I hear having more testosterone makes it easier to control your emotions but unfortunately that's nearly impossible because testosterone is illegal here, for some reason.
Only people who aren't like you. People with obvious physical differences like skin colour, people who talk differently, people who dress differently, etc.
You should work a job that faces the public for once in your life before posting this again.
Being introverted doesn't really mean hating all social interaction. It's more about wanting solitude to recharge. The analogy I use a lot is like, what if your friends wanted to go out for a day at an amusement park? It'd be fun, but by the end of the day you'd probably be tired, and want some rest. Then they want to do it again the next day, and the next, etc. How many days in a row could you spend walking around, waiting in lines, and going on rides pretty much all day long? Eventually you might just wanna stay in and chill. That's pretty much what nights out are for introverts.
I feel you, user
Never had a brother and my only cousin is on the other part of the country
It does, though. If you weren't shy then you would be social.
Rent free
Knowing how to interact with people well is an objective skill so I understand that. The extrovert/introvert thing is more about taking pleasure in doing so.
The ones on my mother's side are shitheads and the good ones live outside the US
The ones on my father's side live in the midwest
shit sucks when you got no close by family
Settle down or that ulcer will come back.
Being an introvert means preferring to be alone or in smaller groups, and usually feeling drained after being in large social settings for a long period of time. I consider myself an introvert and I'm perfectly fine going into large social settings, but I usually either have to leave those settings a little earlier than the average person or have to take a little more time to rest the next day due to feeling drained.
I didn't properly speak with my brother for 10 years, and if we meet we just say hello to each other. Sitting with him somewhere alone is the most awkward thing for me.
I like people but I like being alone more.
Just a preference thing.
I am a die hard patriot and I love this country to death, but you are so right in that regard. People in this country can be "hardcore" and smart, but also complete pussies and retards
Delete this
>ah yes let's transform every single human being into the same person, destroing personality
Relativity of pain is wrong.
In the exact same circumstances two people will feel the exact same pain.
this image is so true lmao
that's what your mom said last night lolololol
>There's only so many times you can play single player until it gets boring because you have done literally everything.
That's why you own more than one game.
>tfw this is me
>tfw currently in the 23yo stage
this kind of hits close to home
Why the fuck does some random image from some random fuck on some shitty backside internet site strikes me most?
lift, dress well, and get a good job user, I believe in you
>So true...
>testosterone is illegal here
Completely unrelated.
>tfw we've gone full circle and people find me interesting because I don't bother with social media, partying, Tinder and instead just play videogames, do sports and often refuse to talk with people anywhere else but face to face
fuck man
>tfw be slow thinker
>can't get into a conversation because i don't know what to say or what jokes use
>just remain silent
My brother can be a real cunt at times. He's so short minded. He never thinks about anyone but himself. Like the other day, where he wanted me to drive him to some parade. Of course, the dumbass didn't account for the fact that traffic probably be backed up to hell, and he was actually expecting to make it home by myself on the interstate with all these jackasses celebrating Mardi Gras. I'm not an experienced driver, I'm not familiar with turns and shit. I'm doing this cunt a favor and he has the gaul to critique me while I'm driving, blasting his shitty Pop acoustic music in MY car.
>Go, Boy!
>What are you doing?!
>Come on, kiddo?
Do you any fucking idea how annoying it is to be called something like kiddo you're entire life?
If we didn't have to end up turning around because traffic was too fucked, I would've been lost. What was supposed to be an 30 minute drive turned in a 3 hour ordeal because my brother was too fucking stupid to think ahead.
It was a weird shift to live through. A better word for interesting would be 'outcast' however.
I can't imagine being an introvert lool "charging batteries" and "I'm tired" fucking grow up lmao
>tfw interesting personality and sufficiently mature
Because most of the people here are newfags who came to Yea Forums because they thought it was le epic trolling edgelord site that triggers the normies
And thus ironic shitposting became the norm
Fuck this guy's twitter tier advice.
Just learn to be a dick to others. Start by saying no often to others.
>he's never been tired before
in japanese they literally are the same thing...
lmao kys loser autist
>tfw you think of something that would've been perfect if you said it 5 minutes ago
I wanna beat my meat to sensei so fucking bad.
replace have fun with spend more money
I like you user, no homo
Same. It would be a lot easier if I didn't have to look people in the eye but then I'd still be seen as weird regardless.
Why didn't he drive to the destination then you drove back?
this pic comes to mind all the time, whether you like /pol/ or not, this image describes modern society
It's a Class 1 substance that most people who have it are getting it illegally. You know half the reason the tranny thing is being pushed is because pharmaceutical companies have stocks of testosterone drugs that they can't get rid of thanks to Doctor's unwillingness to prescribe it for Low T?
>implying people talk or even communicate with others in multiplayer games
Are you people retarded? For 99% of people playing online other people are nothing but glorified bots and something you can blame your failure on, the only "interaction" with other people you will have is one sperg crying how his team is shit while being top feeder.
I have no fucking clue. I don't know why he couldn't just drive himself. The only thing I can think is that his wife was already there and he'd just ride back with her.
Men went mad and began to attack other men for not being mad.
Yes user, the very hormone that makes you more of a man is illegal but other shit that makes you super feminine like soi is completely legal
>be kid
>try to be social
>other kids manipulate me because of my kindness and other bullshit
>fucks me up
>tfw this plus my voice is quiet
>constantly have to repeat myself whenever I actually say something
>I'm not familiar with turns and shit
Are you american? Do you get a driver license without knowing this? What the hell?
I feel you man this is why I hardly help anyone out
I'm like this but I'm lucky enough to be physically imposing and have a booming voice so people reach out for me to speak and shut up when I do.
If it weren't for those two factors I'd probably be a complete fucking loser.
There isn't a single extrovert in this thread.
"You are such a well behaved kid"
>Because if you're not we'll make your life hell
"You are really mature for your age"
>Because we twisted your arm until it almost broke, your whole life
"He's a bit boring"
>SURPRISE! We fed you bullshit your whole life
"That guy over there is creepy"
>We don't really know what we want
Tried being over social when I was a kid. Resulted in getting taken advantaged of, lied to, and eventually getting bullied and every one who I considered a friend leaving me.
I mean navigating the the interstate. I am a very new driver, I am not familiar with it, and driving on it is very intimidating, especially in heavy traffic. I needed to take a very specific off ramp to get back home. My brother's directions on how to get back were extraordinary vague, and I had no idea where to go and when to get off.
I'm a fast thinker, but i can't stand the pressure of giving a response immediately, the more time passes the more pressure i get and then i end up saying stupid things or short answers.
>5 minutes later i finally got the perfect answer
>it's already too late.
Fucking same
>in japanese
>text is literally in English
Wow, smart, very big brain, wow
Hm, you really do get a driver's license without knowing anything. Well i guess it's because you have a different infrastructure there. No turns, u-turns and other stuff.
Balance being a dickhead with being a good person you apes, LEVEL UP my god. Why are you retards so inept at life.
Come down to Florida kid, those streets will make you git gud
fucking delete this immediately
Well I pretty much am a dickhead at this point, I stopped caring about saving face unless it's for a job
Conversation feels like I'm surrounded by autists sometimes. People miss really obvious social cues. Someone shows really obvious signs of discomfort, but they continue talking anyways or they get a polite fake laugh, and think that this is a sign to continue a joke. Like engagement is gone from the conversation, but they try to keep talking to each other anyways.
You do know that's actually Voltaire in that pic and not Descartes, right?
Also Descartes never said that
I swear talking to people especially normies can be so frustrating because they are so fucking stupid and only care about retarded normie shit like social media, sportsball, and celebrities
>he thinks being introverted means being anti-social
Delete this picture right now
I feel like you guys are just afraid because you were awkward at some point.
There's really no way to un awkward yourself unless you just go out and be weird.
It's kinda like breaking in new clothes, you'll find your real self after breaking the mold a little. Your awkwardness will turn into a quirk.
Why did you tell him though. The idiot would have probably post the stuff on facebook or some shit and get laughed at publicly.
that's always pretty funny and I can't help but laugh most of the times it happens
>other shit that makes you super feminine like soi
you should stop believing Yea Forums memes
>wanting to be extroverted
>actually enjoying other people's company
>actually wanting to go out every night
LmaFUCKINGo. Imagine being so pathetic you seek and need validation from normalfags.
You sound like an all day sucker
>itt people that can't empathize
You can be an introvert and not shy... Idk why extroverted people find it so hard to understand that some percentage of the population find social events tiresome and need to be alone for a while.
He’s talking about the anti-masculinity tread happening in America
Best post ITT
If introverts suck so much, why do extroverts want them to come out and play so bad? You'd never know an introvert is there unless you look for them.
You sound like soi bitch
Don't know about you, but here, selling is illegal. Not owning though.
I fucking hate that we live in an extoverted world because we get retards like >lol just stop being yourself
>be who I and society wants you to be
Fuck you and FUCK ALL EXTROVERTS. I'm NOT shy, I'm NOT awkward and I'm NOT socially inept. I just don't fucking want to talk to you faggots. Leave me alone.
>spoiling perfection like that
cmon man, someone like that needs to embarrass themselves and be humbled by it
owned epic style
This. Extroverts don't understand that being social, when introverted, is exhausting. I'll go out once in a while, but I'm not hanging out every god damn day of the god damn week.
Retarded extrovert that can't do anything on his own, repeating drivel other retarded extroverts spout.
all the outside kids should be black
Yep. I always feel like dying inside when going to a party alone so I don't do that.
It's a whole different story if that party has people that I know though.
I honest to god hate parties because I'm not comfortable with drinking too much or having sex with a girl I don't know
>that guy that plays CoD for the story
I unironically play Call of Duty games for the story because Call of Duty’s marketing managed to successfully fool me into thinking that the developers of Call of Duty work with real military consultants when developing hypothetical scenarios for future wars and I require a visual aid to help my noggin visualize hypothetical wars like World War III.
>implying I have anyone who wants to play games with me
Good joke.
Life isn't a movie, you aren't going to always have the perfect answer and sometimes you'll say some awkward shit or have a joke fall flat. Once you realize no one gives a fuck or gets over it you'll be fine.
Sorry, I have an innate need to correct idiocy when i see it
Extroverts are just faggots in denial.
>portray a Russian invasion of American homeland
>it's literally just the plot to Red Dawn
>level is even named after a meme from the movie
CoD is just a series of action movies you can play. Besides, you really think the military would share it's secrets to a vidya company to share with the world at large?
I tend to drink less because I feel the effects shortly afterwards It slows my mind down and I hate it.
Fortunately my friends realize this and stop handing shots to me at least till I somewhat recovered. After that I feel fine like I haven't even drank at all, that's the part where I take a taxi home.
We almost never have to drive on the interstate as part of the test, some people refuse to for months after being licensed until they're pretty much forced into it out of necessity.
At least you can play games. My PC shuts down when i play something. I don't know what it is and i don't have money for more than one component. And even if i fix it, i still don't have anybody to play with.
>this image proves that point
Do you even know what the fuck you said?
A couple pints of beer or a few highballs is fine with me but I don't like the idea of vomiting and unfortunately for me I live in the USA so all the good bars require driving
i'm a proud extrovert, but this was me barely 5 years ago
He said imageboard so I assume that calling each other faggots on Yea Forums counts as social interaction I think.
Damn that sucks ass.
I only post on anonymous imageboards because of the disconnect between posts and posters. They're the least social way of communicating.
Literally this but also being the most dependable person anyone that I know knows so they all come to me for their problems but wont give me the time of day.
That's my limit too.
That's true. I've accepted my weirdness and owned up to it rather than backing away. People will generally have more respect for you if you have a "yeah, I'm weird but I don't give a shit" attitude. It doesn't mean you have to hang out with normies though, you'll just attract more people like yourself. Most people are too focused on themselves to remember every single weird thing you've done.
As long as you don't have some sort of Chris chan tier autism that is
>this imageboard, where autists are social with each other all day, proves you need to be social
Fucking retarded extrovert that didn't give his post a second thought or read.
>he's extrovert
>on Yea Forums
>I've accepted my weirdness and owned up to it rather than backing away. People will generally have more respect for you if you have a "yeah, I'm weird but I don't give a shit" attitude.
Pretty much me at this point, thank god for age
I'll never forget the day when my best friend stole all of my wii games to buy one of his own and then proceed leave me forever
Is this the new circumcision vs un cut topic?
Why can't we all just accept each other over our virtues instead of damning others for not being like our selves? We could achieve wonderful things by encouraging others to act in the way they want to while also giving some form of guidance and advice. Are we all just pawns of a system that brings us down without even realising it?
>circumcision is considered a good option
fuck off I never chose to get circumcised
lol no there will always be differences among people and the best thing to do is give people their own spaces. Pretty much Africa for Africans, North America/Europe/Australia/New Zealand for whites, etc. It's better that way since it creates less conflict
>Have a real redpill for once from a brother in misfortune with kids of his own. If this happened to you it's because your parents focused on their own interests over yours when raising you. They minimized the amount of work they had to put in. Active and independent kids are a pain in the ass. Well behaved and quiet kids are a dream.
Fuck whoever deleted this.
Thank goodness for Yea Forums X.
That's unfortunate that all the people that find you interesting are complete faggots.
Man I already accepted that I'm weird, it doesn't change the fact that the only way I can make aquaintances, not friends, is by buttering up an already established circle of friends and even then I still end up being "that funny weird guy people are happy to see but not talk to"
Wow, you put into words something that has slowly been moving me to hate America, or at least modern American Society
What post was it?
I've been tired of doing work, not just for the sake of it you dork.
I don't know about illegal, but speaking from experience it's much harder to obtain HRT as a testicular cancer victim than it ever would be if I requested female hormones: it's certainly frustrating
>come play with everyone else who has objectively better equipment than you because they either paid money for it or have just played longer
>also the game is the same fucking thing every match
>also no modding allowed
>also the game will cease to exist in 6 years or less
I'm actually glad, its giving me a great reason to go through my backlog. Just about half way through jedi academy right now.
>lol no there will always be differences among people and the best thing to do is give people their own spaces. Pretty much Africa for Africans, North America/Europe/Australia/New Zealand for whites, etc. It's better that way since it creates less conflict
Normally I'd agree but nowadays in the era of globalization you're pretty much forced to do things that society demands. Things like preparing yourself for a future job. But nobody teaches the people how to think about themselves and how to treat others. We're just becoming cogs in a machine.
Not to mention that non-Europeans tend to move into Europe in droves for the better or worse and it's pretty much accepted by everyone.
but that's wrong as fuck
kids don't just become well behaved on their own, it's a result of competent parenting that actually requires effort
there are so many """active and independent""" (wild and insufferable) kids because their parents don't give a shit
>socialize with people in college just so people carry me through group works like the parasyte i am
>everytime they see me they want to talk with me of how they doing and do friendly conversations cuz they like me or some shit
>fucking hate everyone and would rather just listen to music but can't cuz of the chance i share classes with them again
>North America
>for whites
why can't I be alone in my hatred of others?
Doesn't enjoy large crowds and instead prefers small groups or being alone. Gets tired of social interaction quickly but still does it. Often shy.
>Anti social
Retards who don't interact with anyone or make any attempt to and blame society for their woes.
Introverts aren't pathetic. Amti social fags are. If someone on your team isn't using a Mic, they're anti social not an introvert.
Extroverts are the dogs of humans.
It's normal in the sense that extroverts are seen as normal. I don't think their inane conversation topics are supposed to be interesting. What matters to them is that the conversation itself is being had which allows the extrovert to feel like they belong in the group.
>Doesn't know what copy past is
>Doesn't know that copy past defaults to green text in Yea Forums x
Phone poster pls go.
Yeah because that's objectively a horrific thing to say because of genocide? Or is it all a hoax or some bullshit? You retards just have such a warped perceptive
Saying I like (obscure anime) is socially weird; saying I think Hitler was a cool dude unironically is socially unacceptable and rightfully so
That's a needlessly long way to say you're a normie.
Youre right, but sometimes i overthink all tht stuff too much, i know i have to train my mind off those shit and realize people don't care, it is still hard.
It's a-social, you fucking imbecile.
Most based post ITT, extrovert fags are delusional and think that anyone who claims to be an introvert is a NEET incel.
>mfw extroverts are 99% DYEL weaklings that rely on numbers to get their way
>mfw I could effortlessly pummel your face in and you couldn't do a damn thing about it
>mfw extroverts are basically insects
Multiplayer’s awesome because there’s no greater rush than beating your fellow man. It’s an acquired taste.
You guys are getting introversion mixed with social anxiety.
Because no one believes your retarded excuse.
I mean, the Turks are pretty open about their Genocides, and no one cares about that
Same shit different retard. Asocial and anti social are both sad sacks. They are NOT introverts, which was my point.
>t. introverts don't spend enough money for us to validate making games for them
sounds kinda gay 2bh
When you are condemning one genocide, you should condemn them all and apply them towards the same standard
You see the Holocaust being condemned but what about the three genocides committed by the Turks? They're not mentioned at all because the west doesn't want to upset their Turkish allies, except from efforts by the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians themselves
Once again, this shows the hypocrisy of the system, as it will push one thing for its own political interests while ignoring another.
jedi academy's multiplayer is bretty good
probably dead now though
>always been like this
>when my parent died my aunts took me to a psychologist because they thought I was depressed or traumatized
>had to sit down and explain to him that I'm not depressing, I always been like this and that my own family don't know anything about me
he tries to help you ungrateful shitstain
user, take it from someone who was a "good boy" for 24 years.
It's nothing but fucking mental castration and in the end it left me a social retard who barely got his life together.
Fuck docile oriented societies
By trying to force him to become something he doesn't want to be? Doesn't seem very helpful to me.
I have a very noticeable speech impediment that I'm really self conscious about.
As such I've learned to hate having conversations of any kind by proxy.
What if you are too intelligent to interact with human society?
But I'm fine the way I am. All his ""help"" does is make me feel like shit. Do you have any idea what it's like to be thought of like a project?
you go on 4channel
>this entire thread
Do people here really care about others that much? Of course not. Don't fool yourselves, don't lie to yourselves. You guys are pretending to care in order to cope with your shitty reality, that is all. You don't care at all. You aren't here because you have real feelings, you are here because you don't.
Just admit it. The truth will free you. The only reason you guys are here isn't to have conversations: you want the same thing others before you wanted. You want information.
Information is what you truly want, not the people who provide it. Information is the only thing that truly feels the void. When a new game shows up, when you learn something new, that is when you feel alive. Nothing else could give you this rush.
You have no fucking flue what you are talking about. Pleasure and fun are almost never used in the same way. There are like 10+ different words for 'pleasure', and few for 'fun'.
>talking with people
>brain makes me think of doing or saying something really rude or stupid that would get me axed
>stop talking altogether
am i the only one?
>its an armchair psychologist talks out of his ass episode
I was at dinner with my family and we were talking about how rambunctious my sister and brother are compared to me. You can guess which ones have their shit together.
Nope, because I'm the older brother.
You should go to the gym and do strength training though, it only takes 30 minutes plus you can use it to make your Brother shut up
>I used to be like you user, but then I improved myself.
>Don't worry I'll get you some pussy bro.
I find it's exactly the opposite. You can see every nook and cranny of every map of Q3, every weapon and even the advanced uses of those weapons in a few hours at most. The technical mastery of both of those may take you a lifetime, but it's a lifetime of tedious repetition peppered sparsely by ocasional surprises.
Humans are pretty susceptible to peer pressure desu
or it'll make him think that his "plan" is working and he'll be even more obnoxious to force user to do the rest of it
>There are like 10+ different words for 'pleasure', and few for 'fun'.
They all mean the same thing you dance fuck.
>Not normalfag
Yup, Most of the people here are indeed newfags.
>Not neurotypicals
Yup, Most of the fags here are indeed noobs.
this thread is gay lol
That is when the younger brother initiates force with his strength gains
But I do go to gym, though. 1-3 times a week I spend an hour with him pushing myself to exhaustion. He still doesn't shut up about it, if anything it makes it worse.
having your dick sucked is pleasurable, but not fun
getting into a fight is fun, but not pleasurable
>he doesn't know that the term antisocial has been effectively redefined to refer specifically to psycho/sociopaths
Retard alert.
If she can't manipulate gravity like the rest of them why is she at that school?
>But I do go to gym, though
What a faggot
Ah. Then just ignore him, you're on the right track
>and often refuse to talk with people anywhere else but face to face
This just emanates chad energy. You're a chad, user.
It is.
Did you just stick random multiplayer games in the extrovert slots and random single player games in the introvert slots? None of these match up at all.
I can't exactly ignore him, he's the one taking me. I have to drive all the way across town to go to his gym becuase I'm a guest that he takes with his membership plan.
I think I might do a PhD at some point. I've seen a few people complain that the lack of social interaction is really difficult for them to grasp, but that's already how I live my life. Are there any other long-term things you can do with your life like that?
Can't you start driving yourself?
he is trying to make you stop doing it and make himself feel better, if you get pissed and call him on hit he will simply use the excuse he is just trying to motivate you
They probably defend race superiority more frequently than they do structured family units
To be fair it's comfy being "boring". And being creepy is a different thing altogether.
I've worked with the public long enough to know extroverts are generally shallow morons that all talk and act the same, yet think they're each so unique. Try listening to the same dumb fucking joke for the tenth time in a day and having to fake a smile because they become offended if you don't acknowledge how they think they're the first person to ever make that joke. They're literally NPCs.
Well thats because Whites and asians to an extent actually have family units
Sure thing butch
Blacks and jews, theres your answer loser
How do you maintain race superiority? By having a nuclear family, dumbfuck
You know the whole point of these things is Calvinist rhetoric right? Every gay pride parade has a front and back full of "normal" gay people for the press to photograph while hiding the explicit deviants near the middle to piss the Christfags off, so the media can take pictures of them and say "look at these poor gay people being yelled at by the mean ol' Christrians!"
Guys, may I suggest if you take any bit of advice, it's to stop feeling like a freak?
Look how many replies this image has.
Doesn't that speak volumes about how NORMAL that has become? It's a generational issue, and in many ways has almost nothing to do with the individual it's happening to.
Men get treated like shit nowadays. I'd like someone to flatly try to deny that. And it's not the man's fault. I know it sounds awesome and powerful and shit to say "Can't blame anyone for your problems!! Gotta OWN UP TO IT!!" Okay I guess that sounds tough and everything, but what about when it isn't true? If someone took your toothbrush, and now you no longer have one, wouldn't you accept that there's someone else to blame?
Just sayin. Why does everyone feel like a freak when it's clear this is an endemic 1st world issue?
Just because you're a disgusting freak in private doesn't make it any better.
That's not true; the problem is not social. It's more than likely operational in the psychological realm, sociologically it doesn't make sense for an entire community to interpret a personality the same way, it would be a phenomenon, and that would mean it's inexplicable. You don't have any idea about generational issues.
Be honest with me.
Have you ever picked your nose?
That's not the problem. I don't have a gym membership there. He does. He gets me in with his membership, and we work out together. That's the only way I can go there.
Wow, you're a retard
user, you did a very poor job rebutting me.
But I'm not going to be rude about it.
I encourage you to please try again, being more specific where it's due.
It's mainly because people can relate to the picture
That's not an answer to that question.
Also, I wasn't the guy you initially replied to.
But one could support family units without supporting race superiority. Nuclear families help with cultural and wealth class separation, but it doesn't inherently imply racial superiority. It's different from, say, suggesting that IQs are determined by ethnicity or that african american brains are naturally disposed to crime.
Neither was that guy, not that I dissaprove of his reply.
How do you people get it so wrong? Everything you said is right and yet you draw the wrong conclusion, Jesus Christ.
Just because I gladly spend hours with friends either talking, playing vidya, etc. doesn't refute the fact that I want to spend at least as many hours by myself without anyone bothering me. It's not black or white you retarded faggot.
Does anyone have that version of this with sadpanda tags instead of political shit on their shirts?
Yes. People plural. That's sort of my entire point.
It's not just about having fun you sperg, and the based teacher knew that. You have to get out and surround yourself with things that make you uncomfortable in order to grow as a person
Here's your Fuck (You).
>Why does everyone feel like a freak when it's clear this is an endemic 1st world issue?
Because we live in a society, no pun intended
Based user derailing the thread by the second post.
>be shy and introverted during kid and early teen years
>forced myself to be extroverted and social during late teen and early 20
>realize most people aren't worth the effort and are nothing more than dull simpletons believing the most mainstream shit they hear on mainstream media with no other interest or hobbies beyond the most plebian shitty entertainment
>go back to being an introverted
spending time with normalfags really tired me of them doing nothing more than talking about the most normalpleb shitty things.
I rather be alone than wasting my time with plebians.
Explains why you shove cacti up your ass daily
I don't think men get treated like shit, I think everyone should be treated how men are treated. That or for women and anyone else that doesn't want to be and behave like a man to shut the fuck up and accept they're advantaged.
But she said the kid would "have more fun" with the other kids. How can you "have more fun" doing something that makes you uncomfortable?
No you don't.
>W-what?! Are you retarded?
>Are you trolling?
Now that I've gotten these responses out of the way preemptively, try and prove your own point and disprove mine.
No you don't have to get out and surround yourself with things that make you uncomfortable in order to grow as a person. This is like when civilians talk to Navy Seals or something and they go "So, I started taking cold showers!" thinking that everything made tougher, makes the person tougher. And the Navy Seal is like "...Why?"
>white people have culture
Your issue doesn't steam from a sociological platform; that being an issue with society and its components. A sociological issue would infer that the personality is interpreted the same way by all the community at the same time, which is inexplicable. Meaning, impossible to explain. A phenomena. Some rare and paradoxical event that rarely has a reason for happening. That means your assessment is false, because society teaches us something different about how people interpret others and personality.
The general admission is one of psychology, where the victim is doing something that causes people to think he's boring, or vice versa. (Sometimes the offenders themselves are doing something boring, and hate to see a person who is operating within that reason of accepted boredom)
I am explaining to you that your assessment is wrong. That you have undervalued psychology and simplified it to suit your rhetoric and hope to drive home some message about sociology (where people can flatly deny their interpretations without reason). If you came to the video games board, which highlights English as the preferred language, and expected to humble anyone with that nonsense, I don't know how you had a hard time reading my posts.
Would this game been better had it been off-line single player?
Well of course anyone with two brain cells would celebrate and encourage a kid that is inclined to read and learn, but play is also a very important part of a child's development.
Get the fuck out of here woman
Society is NOTHING like it once was. In a couple of decades, absolutely fucking everything has changed, and some other things haven't changed at all.
Think about how much the internet has changed knowledge-accumulation, and then think about how LITTLE the school systems have changed alongside it.
I don't think you understood my post, mouthbreather.
>tfw you will never have a fellow introven gf with who you can isolate from entire world and enjoy yourself together to full extent. Playing vidya together, watch movies and reading books we love.
>you will always be able to fuck a shallow party going thots who obsess over social media, feminist sex culture and thot lifestyle.
Why is it so hard to find introven girl these days?
He's saying men worldwide have an issue which is sociologically generated. He's wrong and not funny.
You're as wrong as the shitposters, while intro and extros can fall into those stereotypes of smaller/bigger crowds and groups it does not have to do with scale, or type, or anything that specific. The only part you got right was get tired quickly, which is because the only tangible difference between the two is Introverts stockpile then lose energy socializing and Extroverts start at 0 then gain energy by socializing. This can cause an introvert to be what you're describing or an extrovert to be an attention whore but that's just a byproduct. Most celebrities and politicians for example are introverts despite how big of crowds they encounter and how social they appear, but they're doing things in bursts, they get drained then they go backstage or take a drink break and so on. I ain't pulling that shit out of my ass, check documentaries, biographies or behind the scene counts.
Someone like Trump in contrast is a true extrovert, notice as the crowd gets going more and more he keeps progressively egging them on which gets him more energetic in a circular social motion? You also have anti social extroverts who require feeding but aren't getting it due to lack of social skill, a lot of nerds or really weird geeks/tumblr types fall into this spectrum which is why they constantly seek fulfillment even if they have to cause controversy or they do random no one laughs at their joke outbursts in public or at a anime con.
And I didn't understand your post either.
Either men get treated better than women, or worse, or the same. And you started off your post saying they aren't treated worse, but a mere COMMA later, you imply something very different.
And then you say--I think--that women are advantaged?
I'm well aware of that, the issue is that the boomers in charge of everything don't understand that a lot has changed since the 60s, 70s and 80s.
You like to read?
You posted some British comedian, I'm expecting you're invulnerable in the literary realm; with such stereotypes appropriate.
So where do we even disagree about anything I initially said?
It's literally the only thing that came to mind after reading your waffle.
Story of my life...
Men are the baseline. They get treated both harshly and positively, because everyone percieves men to be fully responsible adults when taking any decision. Women don't, instead they get a lot more positive reinforcement, to their detriment, and at worst, condescension. In some ways I applaud feminism because there's been at least a couple of feminists that have wanted to change that, but nowadays it's been co-opted by people who want all the good bits from being female while also getting all the good bits of being male.
That's what I wanted to say. Sure this doesn't apply to every case out there, but I think it's pretty ingrained in our societies.
What's the multiplayer equivalent to Literature/books?
Nothing to be honest man, I just feel like we as a society have become so disconnected via internet and globalist garbage. Everyone now relates more to a picture on the internet because they have nothing in common with their next door neighbors
I don't know man. You're the one saying it's illegible while defending someone who wants you to accept common paradoxes. If you like being a retard so much maybe you should check in with the local schools, they validate people who want an excuse for their impotence.
And the baseline is to be treated like shit.
Fuck you user i don’t want this thread to die
user you gonna make this thread die
[That loli]
Are you pretending to be retarded? Men have a healthy balance of positive and negative reinforcement, at least IRL, which should be the only one that matters. Who the fuck cares that some retard on twitter hates you for being male? Nigga just turn off the screen lmao, I guarantee he or she wouldn't dare to call you that face to face.
>Everyone now relates more to a picture on the internet because they have nothing in common with their next door neighbors
And why would that be a problem for you? You are posting on Yea Forums, remember? You don't want to relate to anyone, you are just pretending to have this feeling in order to cope with your place in existence.
Learn it.
Understand it.
/autism/ here
This but unironically
>don't usually talk unless i feel the need to
>was also feeling pretty tired that day since i haven't slept properly
>make my way to class
>classmate is with his gf and she just suddenly sees me, opens her mouth and instantly become all obnoxious
I wanted to strangle the air out of that bitches lungs. Especially since I actually talked to her prior to that week for a full hour when we were both just sitting on the hallway bench, skipping class.
Remember to share, sub and like
>Men have a healthy balance of positive and negative reinforcement
Men only get positive reinforcement from putting effort into things and doing them right. A woman will always get positive reinforcement from simply existing as long as she isn't fat and doesn't look like sid from ice age
I just wish that I could enjoy a sense of community again. There's none of that shit here in South FL because there's too many immigrants
>that image
Most of my comebacks to something actually sound like that IRL, is that bad?
based c bros
>Are you pretending to be retarded?
Wail of the defeated right here.
Soundly losing an argument from top to bottom? Just say this or something like it.
Where do u get IRL friends who are introverted intelectuals?
I've given up on socializing with normal people because they're just simpleminded people with very few interesting hobbies or interest.
I've also given up socializing with people on academia (college) because they lack a real interest and curiosity on things beyond their degree, like their field of interest is as narrow as the average non degree person, but they have a superiority sense because they spend time on learning about a single topic for years.
Beyond their expertise field, they're identical as normalfags, sometimes with stupid opinions on fields they didn't study.
Even famous intelectuals completelly dismiss entire fields of knowledge because it oposes them, like STEM people having stupid opinions on philosophy or theology and philosophy, or humanities faggots having stupid opinions on anything STEM.
When I mention I like to learn new things, even people with doctorates keep asking me what's the point of watching a lecture about a veterinarian professor talking about the 100 years of their veterinarian school history.
This desu
>In order to be social and interesting, you have to be interested in other people
>Try this but everyone is a boring normalfag, and those who aren't I already get close to, organically and without having to try
I've been to a hot spring today and it felt really nice
how's your day going?
>A woman will always get positive reinforcement from simply existing as long as she isn't fat and doesn't look like sid from ice age
And you think that's healthy? Do you actually envy women that get treated like literal braindamaged retards and get praise for everything?
You're not even reading my posts you fucking faggot.
Is this thing finally translated?
What argument? All your replies have been with "I don't understand what you were saying" and me explaining it to you. Why are we arguing? I literally just typed my thoughts on the matter the other user brought up.
It dooms men AND women.
Absolutely terrible sense of humor.
Yeah, unless it's with friends.
like 5%
brush up your Japanese and play it anyway
See, this post is the perfect example of what the true essence of an introvert.
This is the true form of everybody here too. The title "introvert" is just an euphemism for an incompetent psychopath. Period.
There are three stages of the human mind:
->Incompetent Psychopath (Introverts)
->Competent Psychopath (Extroverts)
->Exposed Psychopath (Anti-social retards, prisoners)
Most people are in stage 2, we here just so happpen to be in stage 1.
Feelings are just a coping mechanic, which is why we are all basically different forms of psychopaths.
>Do you actually envy women that get treated like literal braindamaged retards and get praise for everything?
No, why would I ever be jealous of a woman? I personally want this shit to fucking stop. It gets into women's heads and then 5/10s think they are good enough for a Chad after being praised by 50 orbiters
Fugg i guess i'll wait some more then
>I have several questions
OP picture
>Everyone's a psychopath
Is that a small man or a big cunny?
>labelling yourself as introvert or extravert
>not making the most profitable and productive decision at any given time
You stupid dumb gorilla nigger
My onions are literally shaking right now
I don't go out of my way to interact with anyone IRL unless I REALLY feel the need to do it because it's something important.
I never blame society for anything though aside from me being disappointed in how shitty or obnoxious most people are. I still get tired just being around people in a social setting such as school or work even without having to talk to them.
So what would you categorize this with then?
The point was that I loathe the women who want to keep this perception of them while ALSO wanting to be as respected as men, while taking none of the actual responsibilities being the owner of your decisions entail.
I don't know, I'm lucky that I share most interests with my friends and that I can always discuss fiction and other ideas with one of them.
Are you a psychopath perchance?
It's never going to stop unless this society collapses
former I think
Take your meds you goddamn schizophrenic.
What's the difference between a robot and a robot that communicates to other robots?
I wonder if you would need scuba gear to get into that
Who isn't? There is not a place in the Earth where you will find a person of pure heart.
Can this be labeled as vore?
>not SMAC in his basement on a smelly CRT monitor
I played WoW for the story because I was desperate for WC4. I'm still waiting.
Please don't post here until you're of age
i'll make you come out of your shell no homo
Isn't it weird how he asked if you were a psychopath, then? Since Terry Davis was pretty crazy?
Its a learning experience. You get to see what the real world is like, discover that people in general are opportunistic pieces of shits hiding behind friendly faces who will exploit any goodwill in your heart. It teaches you to harden your heart, to always look for any strings.
Man wasn't made to be hard. He was designed to be soft and sensitive. Hardness should be avoided if it can be.
Oh, fuck off with that bullshit, I get along with everyone, but I like people not bothering me unless they're my relatives.
ask away
Based extrochad
Jesus how tight must that be? Also wouldn't all that weight crush her?
I didn't say that at all though...
yeah but video games are FUBU for introverts, get fucked normalfaggot
Hardness can give you a better and a more experienced perspective on how to see the world. However, you need a purpose if you have to go through hardship. Otherwise it's inflicting self-harm to yourself.
>Someone wants to have an erudite discussion
>It's always entirely about their thing
>Try and either offer something related on a new topic that you know, or just contribute something new to their topic
>Yeah, anyway [more of their shit]
Every fucking time. The worst I had was on a management training course where this guy was really into AI, let him go on for about an hour and tried to bring up expert systems at one point which got completely fucking ignored and then later ask him if he'd looked into GANs because he brought up using AI to automaticall y fix human errors and he just asked me what that was, I began to explain and about five seconds in immediately interrupted with something new.
I would take the hint and assume I'm not interesting but then he spent the next two weeks fucking bothering me at every turn with more one-sided shit.
Fuck man, if you're that thirsty for discourse how about making it actual fucking discourse? Why does this always happen? I'll give people the time of the day for the most boring shit in the world to me. I browse Yea Forums for fuck's sake.
I tried playing Fortnite with my older chad brother but the servers kept kicking me out without apparent reason.
>Someone wants to have an erudite discussion
>It's always entirely about their thing
Don't remind me. This isn't helping change my rather cynical worldview.
>Flaunting your extrovert nature
Weird flex, bro
Hardness, by virtue, makes it harder to understand the feelings of others. If you're too hard, you've become too secular, and as a consequence, a bit autistic.
Fun is subjective retard. Not everyone is gonna have fun doing the same shit.
For some watching football is the most fun and engaging shit ever. For me it’s a snooze fest.
That's just completely missing the point, user
Fuck man I feel that.
>Actively working to be more extroverted
Its not that bad, really. Tiring, but not bad.
It's certainly better than writing off my loneliness as a fault of my natural introverted disposition for 24 years.
Hardship is one of the qualities of a leader. A person with the experience is seen with more respect than a person who only knows how to act in theory. Unless if you're cunning you won't be able to overcome an experienced person in his game.
Nice bait.
I blame that on some of the wording of the exam. Irl I would be normal but think I am autistic.
Didn't need a book to find myself here.
>If someone on your team isn't using a Mic, they're anti social
No, I just don't want to spend my free time interacting with the retards that make up 99% of every multiplayer game's playerbase.
>but muh tacticool army man simulator
They're only fun if you have a dedicated group to play with. Fuck trying to cooperate with randoms, I'd rather leave it to chance.
Extroverts are our cattle, you fight, work and die for our benefit you stupid animals
as much as you think theyre wrong theyre right
>all these LITERALLY ME (you)s
>not staying interesting and embracing maturity
>Being an npc who cares about WHAT STRANGERS have to say.
BETA tier comic desu lads.
Hardship is an inevitable consequence but that doesn't mean it should be pursued you dummy. There's a difference between operating within causality and becoming a fabrication of it.
>not staying interesting
Uh, I think you're confused.
People attribute a better personality to you when you're better looking. And when you're young you are better looking than how you'll look later, for the most part.
OKcupid proved the shit out of this.
Education system is useless if you're trying to learn something. Its just an excuse so that kids will be placed in a social environment when they aren't reading about shit that has no benefits to what they'll be doing 10 years later. Same thing with college to some extent, there's plenty of careers that literally anyone could do but they still have classes for it because they expect you to network with other students.
>Diagnosed as on the autism spectrum
>Scores 11
>Its just an excuse so that kids will be placed in a social environment
And it's pretty fucking lousy at that.
>Here, 8 hours of being around 1 adult and 28 kids your OWN AGE.
That's such a shitty idea I can't believe people pretend it's good socialization in the least.
Because normies have no other culture
they always ask a question but never wait fir it to be answered. It's like real life clickbait, where the title never matches the story.
rarely play online multiplayer these days but yea if i'm goign to use microphone it's with people that i know from somewhere.
and almost everything is matchmaking nowadays so you'll never even play with same people again and it's half the time some 12 year old kids screaming something in russian or other language.
>Hardship is an inevitable consequence but that doesn't mean it should be pursued you dummy.
I'm , so I don't know why you're implying that I believe that hardship should be pursued.
The point is that hardship is one of the virtues of a leader and leaders are in most cases not something that can be pursued but is someone molded by the environment around him.
I'm an Aspie so that's expected but it still hurts
>switching from TF2 to Overwatch
No, extroverts are. Only extroverts can be hurt by the assertion that they aren't as well liked as they think. To be quite honest, you're probably just mentally ill.
>play online game
>no one ever communicates unless it's to rage about something
haha based social experience
Hardship is a vice user, it disables people from living functional lives. Hardship is no benefit to the intellect or the spirit, compassion is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Tranquility is a virtue. Hardship does nothing to produce welfare of the human heart.
“One has to grow hard but without ever losing tenderness.” —Che Guevara
He said this, and it doesn't make my rhetoric any less consistent. Hardness isn't a foundation of character, it's an inevitability, like conflict or strife. Famine. It isn't a virtue.
well it is.
>In economics class ages ago
>the teacher came up to me
>"user, you got the highest test score in the class except for the 2 homeschooled kids in the back, but they will never make it in the real world"
>months later
>homeschooled kids freak out and never finish course
Just those homeschooled people haven't been around our shitty social experiment of school long enough so now they can't function in "normal" society. We are fucked with it and without it now.
>implying that anyone would initiate conversation with me
Everyone here is confusing introversion for social anxiety. Introverts still talk to people and be chads they just like to be alone sometimes while the extrovert feels lonely when no one is around and start to go crazy
What is this one? Is the guy playing a VN? or remembering how some idiot was bothering him?
What you're saying reads like a parody of the generally reclusive attitude on this site. Not that you're wrong but this reads the Yea Forums equivalent of a normie
If you read the thread you can actually substitute introversion for "antisocial personality."
Every tried talking to the average person? It's like trying to talk to a kid who is on his GBA all the time
>tfw friends say I’m a misanthrope
>really just prefer video games to people
saucy you need to read a dictionary definition of introversion before having pseudo intellectual discussion with a bunch of brain damaged individuals
Get fucked autismos
I'm not disagreeing with that though. I just think the sentiment isn't anything new and comes off as cookie cutter with the rest of the people on the site in this case
Introverts don't feel tired for the sake of it you goober.