Does your username/gamertag follow this criteria? >8 characters or less length >no weeb/cringy/meme/racism/etc idiocy >no numbers >no symbols >max 3 syllables >the first letter is uppercase, no other uppercase, alternative zero uppercase or full uppercase
Feel free to roll a knight, but try to discuss usernames ITT. What's a good username to you? What are the worst ones you've seen?
It actually does, and I've been using it since 2003
Christian Nguyen
nearly all usernames are good they only are bad if pretentious. think a furry with two first letter capitalized words with | pinned on at the end
all lowercase+some numbers is the best
Oliver Stewart
I like to go for a name so casually looking you can't possibly expect a good player, shit like DiddyKong82, maybe in all caps. I like luring players.
Isaiah Price
My username is Casino across almost every platform I play on, and my characters in mmos are usually named around gambling lingo. As far as bad usernames go the worst ones I’ve seen were all in overwatch back when I still played. People actually bought secondary accounts for the full price of the game and named their battle tag meme shit for “lulz” like “Throwbjorn” and “SymonetrickXD”. Bunch of faggots. Also rolling.
My current username is two words. I've switched usernames a few times, none using numbers, but they went from a bit weeby to no weeb as I've gotten older.
>Follow my arbitrary rules on what makes a good username!!!! Autism speaks This
William Jackson
>no numbers Fuck off the username i wanted was taken
Bentley Morgan
>arbitrary rules Ok xFURRYGAWD1999x
Caleb Cruz
My username fulfills all these criteria. Although I think the first point is not really that big of a deal. I think it's much more important to have something actually creative and new, unlike names such as "Darkking" or "Killgod". Also rolling
Cameron Young
Austin Cooper
Brandon Cox
Its just my first name
Lincoln Lee
I almost follow the criteria, I have 2 Uppercase letters
Brandon Hernandez
I recently added 69 to the end of my username and I’m quite pleased with it
Dominic Brown
It’s 11 characters with 3 numbers, is that bad?
Noah Nguyen
Just about any username goes as long as its memorable.
William Collins
Say does a real life name/real life nickna e count as bad? Should it be in the criteria?
Liam Reed
characters or less length Always, I hate having long names. Ironic since my real name is long.
>>no weeb/cringy/meme/racism/etc idiocy Depends on what you mean by "weeb", because if it's anything Japanese, then I might as well stop here, I have used Japanese names.
>>no numbers I only put numbers if the nickname is somehow taken
>>no symbols Never
>>max 3 syllables Almost always
>>the first letter is uppercase, no other uppercase, alternative zero uppercase or full uppercase Either zero uppercase or only first letter
>What's a good username to you? Something easy to write in chat or say in VC, symbols or long names are annoying
>What are the worst ones you've seen? People who name themselves with only numbers or symbols, though it's hilarious at times.
Joseph Myers
We're currently living in a time and age where naming yourself Something98 to make you seem like a child as a joke no longer works
Not sure what it is on the cool scale, but it helps for callouts in game. People read/say names better than themagicdusk40 or whatever. It makes for a random conversation when someone else has your name too.
Dylan Cook
axe or twin swords please
Wyatt Bailey
this is just a lamer version of OP's pic
Daniel Ortiz
roll and go
Nathan King
I agree usernames with sentences are bad but i don't mind longer names. i find short names like "crit" to be pretty lame.
>Does your username/gamertag follow this criteria? Yes. >tfw the username you have always used all your life is already taken I never asked to feel this pain.
>Wanted Psynergy because muh Golden Sun >Taken >What's a word close to energy? Energetics >Psynergetics Breaks the letter and syllable rules but I don't think it's too heinous. I've never wanted to go back and change it, where if it was something like xXxPu55y-666-MASTAxXx I might have regretted it.
Leo Perry
Username is usually either BeefSurfer or OreoStuffer They have no meaning, but sound dirty. Rolling for my knighthood
Robert Morales
No, and I would change it but I'm too emotionally attached to it at this point.
Nicholas Cook
>NounVerber I see these all the time.
Jaxon Perry
No, yes, yes, yes no, yes
Xavier Perry
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Owen Johnson
Feel free to break his rules. What's he gonna do about it? Why are you here to complain about it? Doesn't seem like he's making anybody do anything. You are worse than a sperg. You are - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - a retard
Isaac Ramirez
6 characters, 5 syllables
Tyler Gutierrez
Is your own name/a regular real life name ever bad?