Anthem is literally bricking consoles (and PC hardware as well), Sony offering full refund

Get the fuck in lads, grab a popcorn, and enjoy the shitstorm

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Bioshit strikes again

>ps4 can't run game
so much for their superiority

It's bricking PC and Xbox too, noone is safe

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I know Yea Forums wishes that almost every new game becomes the next Tortanic, but this one is really trying it's hardest to fill those shoes.
The only thing I see in the near future competing with this level of fuckup is when star citizen gets released.

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Well it's from the original creators of Tortanic after all

Not to mention that I honestly think that Anthem is worse than ToR

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Learn what a brick is you subhuman nigger zoomer

There are reports of consoles literally becoming useless after Anthem crashes you braindead biodrone. It's not just software crash.

FO76 definitely frontrunner for that title


>game is literally malware

I don't care about this piece of garbage. Link to an article that describes bricked consoles then or change your title. This triggers my autism.

Literally how? And why is it noticed now and not on launch?

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>there are people outthere who actually bought that shit

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>bioware fans lap it up

>bricking PC
It just crashes the PC
It doesn't Brick.

>or change your title.
it's time to go back

How do you fuck up this badly?

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Honestly, anyone who gave money to bioware after all that has happened in the last few years, deserves much more for encouraging thing like this.

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Shut up incel. They already said they'll patch it. Meanwhile I'll go have fun while playing it. You should too.

This just gets better by the minute.

Anthem may just ruin Bioware.

A game shouldn't really be capable of doing this on PC unless the PC's hardware is unstable or there's a bug in other software (drivers, OS, etc.). If a user-level program crashes on a system, it shouldn't affect anything other than that particular program, the only way it can do so is if the hardware itself is fucked or if lower level software fucks up as well, though if a user-level program misbehaves properly written drivers and such should not crash the whole system.

>post yfw you didn't fall for the Anthem meme

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I dont think it's possible to harm PC from RAM unless intentional

How is this TOR level at all? No one even knows this thing exists

The fact that Sony, FUCKING SONY is offering full refunds should be enough proof.

But here you go:

Bioshit damage control. When your shitty studio is shut down, we'll be laughing all the way to the bank, with the money we saved not buying your garbage. This is karmatic justice, and is the fate of anyone pushing political narratives into gaming.

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To think it would be worse than Andromeda
What a ride

what the fuck does bricking mean

stop falling for shitty bait

It means your console gets as good at playing games as a brick

dead console

okay how can you fuck up so bad you make F76 look less bad


FO76 might genuinely be the worst AAA title ever released. The only difference between FO76 and TOR is that TOR had more of a chance of being good so it was more jarring how bad the final product and the PR was. Even then, I think FO76 was the bigger blunder.

It means the software gets so fucked the ps4 needs a system restore, effectively deleting everything from your hdd

The way these NPCs talk and behave is embarrassing. Wish I could kill every reddit user.

>Sony is offering refunds
>Microsoft and Valve are doing nothing

it turns your console into a wii u

I honestly don't know anymore, FO76 was butt ugly, buggy, and the gameplay itself was a joke but at least it's FUNCTIONAL.

Anthem doesn't even work, has 0 content, the loot is completely bugged, and now it also kills your hardware.

sony is the bad guy though

I just noticed how close the releases of FO76 and Anthem are. I remember the days when you had to wait years until something fucked up on this level but these days it seems every other month someone is dumping pure trash in a box and then asking 60 bucks for it.

when your hardware gets so fucked its actually dead and you cant boot it up anymore

I bet toxic masculinity at the workplace did this.

we did v/ros, we did it

In this situation, Sony is in the gray area.

How much of a braindead zombie do you have to be to even consider buying this? The red flags were obvious upon announcement lmao

Don't mind me. Just dancing on Bioware's grave.

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So do game testers and/or quality assurance even exist anymore?

But you can jetpack fly tho

I don't even know what's Anthem, it's genre or why is so hated here. Someone explain.


Calling it now: the game installs lots of tracking malware, and it somehow fucks up the whole system.

It's Bioware's clumsy Destiny clone.

The article doesn't say anything about bricking, only hard crashing.

It makes sense, nobody on pc and xbox actually bought it because they have at least a minimal level of standards.


QA is sexist, and racist. The notion of marginalized people having their work analyzed to certify it as "quality' reinforces the bigotry inherent in the system.

Sony is and has always been the good guy and savior of gaming

I stand corrected. OP is still a fag.

you are a good man user, never change

I can do the same thing in space marine, it doesn't make it any less of a 7/10 game.

Why do QA when fanboys are literally paying to do it instead?

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This, stay mad, Anthem keeps winning

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Even the ledditor shills are getting drowned out by other ledditors hating the game lol

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uhh... bros... i thought pc was the master race? what happened?

A pc shutting down is hardly on the same level as a console being full on bricked

>throw pc in the pool
>it breaks
>throw console in the pool
>it breaks
wtf bros? i thought pc was master race lol???

>minimal level of standards
kek. anyone who ever bought an xbox console again after e3 2013 has no standards at all.

Its bricking pcs? Lmfao

Based false-flagging damage controllers.

>valve isn't offering refunds for a game they aren't selling
mustard race btfo, based sony always wins baby

>hundreds of users report it on various forums
>several highly upvoted leddit threads with more people stating their own instances of it inside
>giant bomb's reviewer personally encountered it during his play testing

>"i-its only anecdotal g-g-guys"

when its nerve gas

Anyone reporting the bricks on their reddit gets their messages deleted by mods.

it is intentional, and can be done, however it needs to know exactly how that hardware works, and the hardware itself has to be left open to be killed.

say, you can burn a fuse on a PIC or an fpga perhaps, that makes it completely disregard the inner core clock generator for example.

other thing is: you can burn a fuse on an fpga that makes writing the processor memory impossible.

but the system needs to have a command that makes that, and that command needs to be accessible by some means to the software doing the damage.

Layers upon layers of retards are needed for that to happen.

feels goodman

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The mods there are paid

> buy anthem on psn now
> wait a few days
> complain to Sony how it's crashing your ps4
> get full refund
> wait for bioware to fix the shit
> play for free after it's fixed

problem payfags?

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>shutting down
That's not bricking retard, bricking = thing does not function anymore

>be stuck with a shitty looter game with no loot

200 IQ backfires

>playing a shooter on a console
big yikes

>playing games on a PC when it’s meant to be used for work
Literally wut?

hey, if it's bad, I'll just play something else, not like I paid for this crap anyway.

>meant to be used for work
>has a $1000 GPU installed when you can just use the iGPU that comes with the CPU

you dont need that for 99.99% of actual work

>buy anthem

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Phil Fish please go.

Feels great

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>Couldn't even be bothered to tie those values to numbers.
This can't be real, but deep down I know it is.

Haven't bought anything from them since ME2.

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Haven’t bought anything from them since Andromeda

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dragon age 2 was the end of the line for me I'm still mad

>shitposting online when you are literally meant to wageslave

How the fuck did you get fooled into buying Andromeda nigga

What is it with niggers and not cutting their fucking nails. Absolutely disgusting.

meant to quote

Does Anthem use Denuvo?

Except you did. Maybe you did get a refund, but you still paid in the time to purchase, download, fuck it up, repair, and then play again to realize it's really just a polished turd. Money is never the only thing you pay for anything

Haven't bought anything from them since Anthem

haven't bought anything from them since DAI

Yes it does.

Attached: of course its denuvo.jpg (796x539, 122K)

I guess the game does some low level stuff on the GPU that can freeze the GPU driver for a while. Memory leaks are also possible. Also do not underestimate potential fuck ups with DirectX.

i would swap "elite few" with "poor saps" or something along those lines

because the hate train ran dry so they make up shit. I played the beta on PS4 pro and all it did once in a when was crash and give me an error code, and I played the full game on PC through completely (thanks 15$ EA pass) and never had even a single problem, bug, or crash.
I guess everyone just got tired of saying shit like

Soo Anthem is Yea Forums Favorite game now?
>TORtanic levels of blunder
>Fucks up PS4s

>Tortanic 3 is here

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>valve doesn't offer refunds for a game they don't sell

How so?

What anthem meme? I doubt anyone other than sportsball watching normies fell for yet another bioware abortion.

>he bought a pc game from a store that doesnt feature refunds
you dont deserve your money back

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Is this the next step of her master plan to destroy gamers once and for all?

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they take the game away dumbass have you never had a refund before?

Next up, the ''Skip Combat'' button.

kek, typical gook damage control.

>as a console being full on bricked
Which didn't happen despite retards going HURRRRRRR BRICK

I work as a graphic designer, I really do.
and people who do 3d modelling too, and also people who edit videos, and...
yeah you get the idea. just because daddy's computer can play games doesn't mean computers are toys. fucking retard.

>not having $1000 to buy two consoles and several copies of anthem
lol holy shit poorfag tears are delicious.
It's not like Anthem isn't worth over $1500 of replacement hardware anyways

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this. I've had my PS4 shut down on me with games before. When it happens it goes into recovery mode for a minute or two and then boots normally. if retards think this is what bricking means then they're either retarded or are 13 have only heard the term used once by a YouTuber e-celeb

>image omits date

>1month old
why lie?

this. I never made origin account and never will. everything post origin sucks anyway so im not missing out much.



Anthem buyers deserve this shit to explode their systems with flying parts to the point of handicapping them for life

anthem is easily worth 1500$ in fun. it's a great game I've played for hours since the release!

Inquisition is passable, and hunting the dragons at a level where you can barely kill them, meaning you are forced to use actual tatics, is fucking awesome.
But yeah, the Bioware we all loved is fucking gone.

>Cisquisition is passable

>bug known for months
>still did not fix
>even after 3 announcements that "the real launch will fix everything"

Classic EA lying like dogs

Haven't bought a bioware game since mass effect 2. ME was my last one in short, i have higher standards than you.

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>Classic EA lying like dogs
i'm gonna go ahead and call it on BW this time. I'm sure EA has it's own part in this disaster but the core problems are completely on BW's incompetence and the usual "we know better than you" attitude

It is tho.
It's as casual and MMO like as it gets, but it has its moments.
For reference, my favorite game ever is Neverwinter nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, with Kotor 2 and Dragon Age: Origins + Aweakening being close seconds, and Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen in third place.

More like mfw shit game from shit company that inexplicably still makes money fails spectacularly.

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That can't be it. Problem just started and there's no denuvo on consoles right? So it must be a new issue.

Why the fuck would Anthem, an online-only game that forces you to login using the publisher's own account system, use fucking Denuvo? Why would they license Denuvo for this?

Where the fuck are you from?

>tfw you're not that guy

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Haven't bought anything from them since KOTOR.

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They probably have a year+ long contract with Denuvo so they figured they might as well push it in every game

God bless Origin, was the easiest excuse for me to swear off EA for life.

Denuvo is supposed to protect against reverse-engineering. Basically they use it to avoid people writing aimbots and other crap.

Not that it's a impassable barrier but it kinda makes sense if you believe it works and most suits will happily buy security only to have it on paper that they did something against cheating.

havent bought anything from them ever

imagine what It'd feel like to hear that fucking SONY gave a full refund of your game to someone who had already played it. can bioware go any lower?

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This!. So much THIS!!!1

They do have responsibility. They are supposed to check the software doesnt damage the system. Supposedly thats why updates take long on the ps4. They check everything. Guess thats not true then.

>A game shouldn't really be capable of doing this on PC unless the PC's hardware is unstable or there's a bug in other software (drivers, OS, etc.)
When you unlock the fps in some PC games, they will take pretty much as much resources from your machine to run the game as possible. Its basically like driving in highway with first gear, eventually the engine is going to bust itself. Path of Exile is one of those games, which is why you should always keep Vsync on because it forces 60 fps

Crashing isn't bricking numbnuts.

whats wrong with modern gamers?

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At this point I'm just curious if we are going to get a fallout 76 2.0 rollercoaster or not.

Goddamn is Reddit ever full of self-righteous faggot fanboys. I am angry just from reading that pompous bullshit of a reply.

They dont play games for fun. They just want to feel good about spending money.

Friendly reminder that anyone can be a company drone on reddit. Mods in subreddits generally are.

Jesus Christ, how can Bioware get out of this one?

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You mean ''everyone''

>literally has the word "Skeptic" in his username

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people still defend DA3, they can get away with anything

guy sounds like a pseudo-boomer

This is why I hate Reddit

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I don't do it either. Am I some kind of transblack?

You dont have permission to post my waifu

>people still defend DA3

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rest in piss bioware

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That girl makes my pp hard

>has Skeptic in his username
>is a cuck


There are always people calling it out, they just get downvoted or worst case directly comments deleted & acc banned from subreddit. The place is made to breed conformity

Do you think the biodrones will start shitting on EA once they pull the trigger on Bioware?

The trigger was pulled a long time ago. If Andromeda didnt kill Biodrones then nothing ever will. Cant wait for mass effect online!

Anthem is like a restaurant where the food and ambience is superb, but you can't always get in, sometimes your chair is broken, the table is wobbly, and the menu doesn't have enough information, and the portions are too small and every time you take another bite you have walk outside and wait in line to get back in....But the staff is very attentive, and works diligently to make your experience as satisfying as possible

Same. DA2 was a pretty good indicator of what was to come but ME3 was the final nail.

I love how they always defend it saying Karma is supposed to be some kind of "community moderation" system when everyone knows its just a fucking like / dislike epeen button. The entire fucking culture there is basically a bunch of (You) farmers.


Not just EA, its Bioware too, they had almost 6 years of fucking development for this game, they fucked it


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More like the fucking D team
I wasn't even excited for this game at all, but goddamn this release is just pathetic, at least I got a friend to get a refund when he got the 10 hour trial came out

I completely fucking agree

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>Benjamin Chia
What is it with the Western Chinese defending Bioware so hard.

>saw this game years ago at E3
>knew it was going to be generic, uninspired, boring shit
>it's actually all of that and more
>people are surprised

anyone that fell for this meme is bad at judging video games. it's really easy to see disasters from miles away

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So this means we're NOT getting a new Mass Effect right?

it's not capable of bricking the PC. It's not bricking anything

"something failed while i was playing a game" != thing bricked your game

WTF Volvo!

You're right but in some cases sony is ofering a refund you sarcastic little shit

Of course we will! A remaster. Enjoy your mas effect on the PS4 dronies! I like money.

Love the bugs

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This is like a post from a bizzaro thread from 2013

>You're right but in some cases sony is ofering a refund you sarcastic little shit

Yeah in the case that it's the first time the person has asked.

Sony isnt refunding this game in any way out of the ordinary. All PSN users get one free refund.

Why do you hurt me so user T^T

>Fuck you I spent 200$ on it and i'm having fun!

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Why is this madman showing off his scat eating fetish to everyone?

I too love when my PC or console explodes. Very immersive ! Thanks Bioware strong alone stronger together!



i hope EA and Bioware get sued to Oblivion. lets see if they think hiring freaks would be worth it then. cant believe shareholders allow this bullshit to continue.

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It can easily brick the system.

The voting down system also promotes sycophantic behavior because drones will try to hide well constructed posts just because there's criticism

>Not even a blue screen
>Its actually crashing PCs on a hardware level
What the fucking fuck? It shouldn't even be possible without taking advantage of drivers and architecture design flaws.

It's not crashing PCs on a hardware level. It's not possible and it's not happening.

I pirated ME2

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Have never bought a bioware game

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Your damage control is showing, fucking shill

what happened to mattpatt

I guess all the people reporting on the issue are just entitled gamers since Anthem is a PERFECT game without any faults and flaws since EA can do no wrong.
Go collect your $.15 now shill

this character is so offensively ugly she kind of stopped me from playing the game any more


i dont play video games to look at hideously ugly people


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no attractive asians allowed

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Weird, I was having issues with memory and PSU, I got countless shutdowns, random ones, sometimes when under load and my PC never bricked, the HDD and SSD are fine, and it's a 9 years old PC

A fool and his game console are soon bricked
This is what happens when you blindly play a shit game with all smiles

>I'm 13 and feel like I've aligned myself with a cause and now I have a purpose: The post

>the one white person is stunningly beautiful

Star Citizen is quite literally never going to be released. It's making too much money.

>i dont play video games to look at hideously ugly people
fucking this. devs needs to make hot and cute characters or put a mask over their face
if I wanted to look at someone ugly I would look in the mirror.

Go back to irrelevance, Woolie.

her constant tenting of her fingers was maddening

that one isnt so bad, she at least looks like a normal human

but that weird mongol looking girl is just insanely hideous and there are two of her

some of the npcs are really great in this game, but based on the gameplay loop, why are there high level acted npcs to begin doesnt even make sense

The game can't brick your PC. Kids who have absolutely no clue what they're talking about are jumping on reddit posts as their "source" because lol tortanic, so anything bad you can say is fun, it doesn't matter if you're lying or appearing like you have no idea what you're talking about.

The game can't brick your PC, it isn't possible in any way. It can't brick consoles either, and there is no verification that that has happened in any way.

I'd still fuck it

Brin is acceptable, I'd try my best to fuck the tism out of her

>It can't brick consoles either, and there is no verification that that has happened in any way.
Sony says otherwise. They only issue refunds if the game is so broken it can brick the console as it happened with No mans sky.
Go collect your payment shill, don't forget to shill the other thread that is up too.

fucking valve is gonna hang if they don't refund my anthem purchase

this is the last fucking straw with that company

>i don't have the first clue how game licenses work on PS4

>Sony says otherwise. They only issue refunds if the game is so broken it can brick the console as it happened with No mans sky.

No, any PS4 user can get a one time refund for a digital purchase.

No Man's Sky was not capable of bricking consoles either. There is simply no way for it to occur.

What were the first two? Swtor and?

It's just consolebabbies not knowing the difference between a crash and brick. A crash at the right time can damage filesystem datastructures on the disk enough to break the OS, and on a PC it's as simple as reinstalling Windows. On a console you might have to send it in for service since the customer can't rewrite a fresh copy of the OS to the hard drive so it's effectively bricked/broken/etc.

Andromeda at a guess

It's called The Outer Worlds

Cant wait for gays in space fallout!

this is such disgusting attention seeking behavior
>yeah it's got glaring flaws and people don't like it but I DO and that means so do lots of other people and YOU can't change my mind

The worst is when they scream for sources on every single word you type dispete using non theselves, so you spend a couple hours getting together the sources and summarizing them only to get:
>lol nah, that's bullshit still
In reponse.
I don't go on that shit hole anymore.

this place isnt even any better really look at this thread


I want little teenagers to just burst into flames

it isn't
probably just a bug or something
I have played 70 hours of this shit and the worst I've seen are rare connection losses, sounds cutting, loot stats being garbage and missions being un-clearable (for various stupid reasons)

I'm glad I didn't buy this shit.
I'm willing to bet that it will take them a minimum of 3 months to straighten their game out to a bearable level.
And the worst(best) part is, the game will likely just be dead by then

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those are russian bots
there is NO PROOF of any bioware wrongdoing

at least people who put effort to make good posts don't get cockblocked by complete faggots who can't see a shred of criticism towards their dear game

Is it actually bricking consoles, or just forcing hard resets?

Yes except the food is shitty and the staff is full of trannies and chinks.

what do you think

software cant brick the hardware unless it specifically executes an exploit that makes the hardware self destruct in some way(wouldnt even be logically possible with most hardware)

Fuck bros, should I go back and suck on bungo's destiny dick again?

Fuck off shill. Don't you have hardware bricking bugs to fix?

i am sure that consoles have full DRM so it would uninstall as soon as you ever get online again.

unfortunately anthem is online only coop game so you would not be able to play it anyway as bioware/EA would see you are no longer supposed to be able to play.

Fucking no, go play warframe if you want brainless grind and shooting. Its free at least

the megaman post mom was right since the beginning kek.

>on consoles
>in a coop game with no twitch shooting
>where the only thing you can get is loot
>that you can't trade

holy motherfucking pointless. and you can have aimbots that just analyze the image to find enemies to shoot at.

It's a bug obviously. It failed to find the attributed value so it displays the parameter name instead. Why that would be, fuck if I know. It's $currentYear Bioware. There's probably only 2 male white guys left in the development team and the rest are diversity hires.

Which incidentally would explain why this game is such a nightmare on a technical level.

it could corrupt the filesystem in such a way that sony OS gives up trying to fix it.

never had windows 98/xp BSoD and HDD repairing? that has a small chance to fail and you would need a repair disk or even worse a complete wipe and reinstall.

I think should stop playing vidya...

FO76 didn't have bricking issues IIRC but it had quite a few crashes from unreasonably minor causes. It most certainly wasn't "functional".

However, what makes 76 at least equal Anthem's failure is not just what a disgustingly low quality cash grab it was, but the absolutely perfect shitstorm of bad PR both surrounding the game itself and its promotional goods and materials. Literally nothing went right for FO76.

You think THAT'S bad?

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that is not bricking, period. bricking means the hardware was physically stopped from working anymore

>he does it for free

Reddit is fucking shill central, i don't know why anyone is impressed.

>Best part of Mass Effect was multiplayer

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Its so they can scratch their buttcracks and really get in there deep, i know i have a friend who does it all the time

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GUYS i think this game literally bricked my laptop this screen keeps showing up i don't know whats going on

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Many consoles aren't turning back on after the game crashes.

Jesus christ, Anthem truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Honestly, how the fuck are they going to deliver their promise of free dlc/expansions going forward? Judging from some impressions the game is pretty light on content especially endgame, so have Bioware intentionally held back only to release it as (((free))) to look good?

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AHEM...FUCK EA for not putting Bioware out of their immeasurable misery and suffering.

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> Anthem truly is the gift that keeps on giving
Oh user.

You have. No. Fucking. Idea.

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With the game crashing, looks like she got a "skip game" button


Not if I can help it ;)

Attached: 956340C8-C543-4945-8894-8AB9F2831C94.jpg (750x533, 165K)

>endlessly posting a single screenshot of a single bug on a single item


Attached: welp.png (395x474, 25K)

you want me to link a Mastercrafted weapon that does half the damage compared to Epic ones?

or that Mastercrafted weapon that reduces recoil on last shot by 50%?

You sure about that, incel?

Attached: Strong Anthem Female.gif (600x295, 2.88M)

>Her mouth is crooked and she has weird lips
Imagine what she thinks about niggers.


Pretty easy to skip out on this one as it's Bioware after 3 and "you thought it couldn't get any worse but here's Andromeda!" with the most generic looking game ever following the boring looter shooter that has already flooded the market next to battle royal shit.

>you want me to link a Mastercrafted weapon that does half the damage compared to Epic ones?

yeah sure link it. an item shouldn't do more damage just because it is a higher rarity that logic doesnt even make sense

>an item shouldn't do more damage just because it is a higher rarity that logic doesnt even make sense

Attached: 1523807691079.jpg (521x428, 12K)

>Mesa no carrrrrrin' about the Naboo. The Naboo think they are so smarty. They think their brains so big.

Here you go
>an item shouldn't do more damage just because it is a higher rarity
Oh you are retarded, good to know

Attached: 03042 (3).png (754x589, 561K)

yes? what is hard to udnerstand about this

i know you never played diablo or diablo 2 so you dont understand how loot is actually supposed to work in these games since not 1 of these games has ever gotten it right in history since diablo 2

weapons have levels and types. rarity isnt all

that looks like the fishmonger near my street. Not even asians find that pretty.

remember when TORtanic was the pinnacle of shitty game launches because it was an uninspired WoW clone that had shitty cutscenes? a launch like TOR's today would be considered a wild success compared to the fucking TRAVESTY that is a video game launch in 2019.

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everyone looks like jackie chan

Attached: source.gif (500x248, 3.41M)

oh so you don't actually play the game

point out the issue with this image/item?

items don't do more damage because they are higher rarity. that is not how diablo loot design works.


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>The game can't brick your PC
If your PC's power cuts off then it can brick your PC. It doesn't necessarily happen 100% of the time, but it absoloutely can happen. Heck that is how i lost my PC from 3 years ago.

Anyone who bought Anthem deserves to have their shit bricked

>If your PC's power cuts off then it can brick your PC
>Heck that is how i lost my PC from 3 years ago.

your power supply died. Nothing "bricked" your PC

That's a woman?!

Is it just me or is anthem a really gay and dumb title for a videogame?

I had my PC shutdown many times on me, we're talking 50+ over a period of years, and it's still going strong.

Why is Bioware so racist?
I could easily find a $50 Asian hooker looking a thousand time better than that

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Who the fuck knows, its the future in a bioware game.

It's not just you. Its meaning is tied into the game lore but who the fuck would know about that before buying and playing it. It's just horrible from a marketing standpoint. Here you have a fucking game with iron man style battle suits and you pick such a retarded name nobody could ever guess that would be the case.


Eat your heart out FO76!

Fucking retard, Diablo also had huge balance problems with non rare items being more powerful than the rarest loot. That is shitty design and you should kill yourself

it might be the past

those people arne't "humans" and it's not set on earth. there is no earth. it's like star wars

Im now imagining that user throwing away all his other working computer parts cause he thought his PC got completely bricked.
Heck my power supply burst into flames and all the other components were fine.

>Bioware is based in Canada

It all makes sense now

>I could easily find a $50 Asian hooker looking a thousand time better than that

I wish I could. The ones in my area are so expensive.

lol you never played d1 or d2 like you have any fucking idea

heres a hint retarded jackass, non-unique items should always have a chance to be better than unique items. that makes the game design better and doesnt lock the player into "builds"

you have no perspective on this whatsoever as you have never played a real loot game

ive seen it happen

what would be a better title?
>Iron Skies: Awakening
>Armored Strike : Rising Vengeance Origins

>I have shot heroin 50+ times and am still alive

>food analogy
the absolute state of anthem shills.

Nerds in Powerarmor: Brick your PC edition

You'd be surprised at how many PCs in the dumpster behind an office building have working parts. Usually the RAM and expansion cards all work, and if they were dumb enough to keep the hard drives in there you can rip those out too.

>i love experiencing the bugs
jesus fuck, I really hope these Bioware shills are at least getting paid cause these levels are delusion are just sad

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>Flying Bricks
>BrickeD XD

this, unless this shit has some stuxnet level of malware, and I mean one that can phone home and deliberatly fuck up your system, I don't see how a software crash can make your hardware stop working from a well maintained state.

>inb4 bioware literally modified stuxnet itself without understanding it entirely.

>a shutdown is as bad for a computer as heroin is to a person
[citation needed]
My computer still has some weird issue to be honesrt, I don't know exactly if it's the PSU (which is 3 months old) or the memory since unplugging both components sometimes solves the problem. My issues are not related to Anthem though, I wouldn't play a F2P EA game, their business model always blows dicks.

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That's not bricking. A bricked console can't even boot up.

>western devs using prime Asian's looks in any game ever

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i love experiencing bugs in games

bethesda bugs, ubisoft bugs. always hilarious and improve the experience

anthem bugs are like "mission suddenly does not work anymore" or "you join a quickplay session and its just people joining and leaving because the mission is broken" or "i am on fire permanently until i die and cannot be revived because the fire kills me again"

Nope the HDD also broke, and then the GPU began overheating.

Swan song

I was watching the other day videos of people around the world who go dumpster dive for computer parts, they basically start testing whatever works, some dude in Australia found a PC with a working motherboard and a 4670. Often only a single part is malfunctioning and the rest of the PC still works

No they should not. The rarity tiers should exist for a reason and Diablo 2 had some notorious problems with balancing of items. Everyone used the same fucking items, builds and runewords because of this. Or did you never play online ladder?

im talking about d2c not d2x. d2x broke the game iwth "uniques are best" mentality

only diablo and diablo 2 exist as loot games, all others have failed the concept

PS everyone used the same items and builds and runewords because of duping not design issues. rofl.

Bioware is canadian so they're basically chinese

Belongs in the trash

But bugs and glitches are fun and give the game SOUL!

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god damn that ending is so mezmerising.

Depends really.
An HDD with a disk error that the system skips when it was active might cause the startup to freeze next time or a damaged solder might pop when the pc gets rebooted.
But ultimately if you are running with an HDD shutdowns would be necessary to prolong the wear and tear.


Attached: frogposter.jpg (400x337, 17K)

ITT people who have no idea what it means to brick hardware and other people patiently explaining it to them

Last bioware game was dragon age origins

His nails are clean af though, they look French

The irony

>tfw someone at bioware realized what stuxnet could do after a couple of low effort tweaks and just commented out "centrifuge", "siemens", "nuclear"
>anyone with a mechanical hard drive who bought anthem now has their disks spinning to infinitum

damn, that would so much fun if true.

>PS everyone used the same items and builds and runewords because of duping not design issues. rofl.
Yeah it’s not like everyone used enigma because it had teleport or had heart of the oak equipped as secondary weapon for the warcry buffs. Nothing to do with duping

>Cartoon posting

Attached: tuckfrump.png (331x256, 112K)

Now that's a word I haven't seen in years.

an i5 4670, or maybe it was a K variant, I forgot

these days, they aren't using prime looks in any race because it offends the fat and ugly sjws.

anthem is not even worth the effort to pirate it much less what you go through

isnt Canada french?
anyways my point still stands

Opinions on all the world record d2 runs spending 15 minutes to farm out the same rune word at the tower and basically never picking up another piece of gear for the rest of the run?

I haven't bought a single game from them.

The problem isn't hardware destruction, it's software being fucked to the point the device no longer works. Not sure if you remember MissingNo, but catching the level 0 one fucks up the save file to the point that you need to short out some pins on the chip that contains the save data to fully clear it before the game even runs. To most people the game is effectively broken and they might as well toss it in the trash.

My PC kept shutting down when I tried to play demanding games a couple months ago, just turned out my PSU was dying and had to be replacex

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what am i looking at here?

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Only Quebec.
The rest is a Chinese Province.

yes, only deliberatly and intentional.
or gross oversight from using something they never understood that happened to have a function that they found desirable for some reason. And they fucked it up real gud.

The effect of the weapon increases damage by 0, for 0 seconds, stacking 0 times.

Is this Destiny?

>They only issue refunds if the game is so broken it can brick the console as it happened with No mans sky.
Also, the sky is gay and michael jackson confirmed to be a raccoon god.

you're not supposed to add stats to weapons that give a 0% bonus. Even 1-5% is inconsequential but you're at least getting something. 0% is just a slap in the face for an item you probably spent half a day farming.

>he thinks the game is crashing because it has politics in it
Based retard.

The console crashing is not the same as the console bricking, you dolt.

That's wrong. Only far west is China land. Toronto is half white people neighborhoods, half Middle Eastern shit slums. French Canada is really fucking white, as are the Maritimes.

How could a game possibly brick a part? I'm calling bullshit.

this is the worst thing to come out of the feminist movement. I hate this meme so much. This is why capt marvel and every female lead in Disney movies are "cute" and not hot like they should be

Imagine being this rent free. The model looks like trash because Bioware has no quality control, or they facescanned an old ass ugly bitch. There is no agenda, take a break from /pol/ and get some reality.

if it's just one nail like their pinky it's a safe bet that they regularly use coke.

>how could a piece of software cause a catastrophic error in another piece of software
Oh gee, only about a million fucking ways. This is what happens when your staff is composed of diversity hires folks. Not only is the game bad, it ruins your fucking hardware.

>play terrible game
>get your system bricked

Based western devs cleaning up the house

Attached: bait.jpg (769x478, 240K)

>Sony offering full refund
>of the game
>still have to pay for a new system afterward

>no agenda

Attached: 149D23F5-9A07-493F-8131-7703A8F087DF.jpg (775x906, 77K)

They're offering refunds for the game because it's considered a faulty product. The bricked consoles aren't getting replaced unless they're under warranty.

>he doesn't image his ps4 hard drive regularly
imagine being at consoles

My friends PS4 got bricked by this game, faggot. GMG just had an article about this on their website if you want to take two seconds to research.

>There is no agenda
I know you caught /pol/ fucking your beached whale of a mother once user, but its not excuse to act like your eyes have been poked out during one of your bukake sessions.
There is an agenda, this is the studio the flaunts their agenda like cum stained loincloths.

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read the thread before you post

Still, based Sony for helping kill off Bioware.

Imagine saying that 15 years ago.

This. I saw the trailer and thought the concept was cool but immediately knew it was just going to be a worse Destiny.

user, they're trying to save them by paying for their mistake.

those are Bungie bots

>Business woman that conned her way into the industry gets a photo op with female members of Bioware and the one guy who snuck in
>Hurrdurr agenda
Again, rent free etc. Here is what happens
>The mouthy bitch who shittalks every company about our 'sexism' is touring our studio, do we A. Get a photoop so we don't seem sexist or B. Throw up some Nazi flags and tell her to fuck off
I wonder which is the better business move. Nothing to do with political agendas and everything to do with not wanting bad PR you retard.
You don't like women or faggots so whenever you see them in a video game, you get mad and think there is an 'agenda'. This is a fact.

Why would Sony offer a refund for Bioware's shoddy code? Might be EA shilling so people don't stop playing.

>3D women posting
>Inb4 Pedoposting

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yeah it doesn't brick anything and has 0 stability etc problems on PC, its just fucking morons who thinks suddenly turning off ps4 can brick it, no it cannot i live in area where they often cut off electricity and my ps4 had shot down multiple times, would even say around 100 times over few years and yet it works perfectly. It is sgitty game and it sux on ps4 big time but stop click baiting with software destroying hardware as its not the case.

You don't seriously think Sony will be taking the hit, right? This is going straight out of EA/Bioware's pocket.

>being so mad that you impersonate people you don't like on the wrong board

>Nippon posting

Attached: 697898.png (375x390, 304K)

>it isn't possible
it is.


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Then why are Sony paying at all?
If the game caused it then EA should be reimbursing people. Plus EA is under no obligation to repay Sony for this.

Chinese-Americans are cucked beyond belief they will unironically defend affirmative action when it directly fucks them over. At times they're even worse than Mainlanders when it comes to how brainwashed they are it's scary.

So EA is going to kill Bioware now, aren't they?

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>don't like women or faggots
now your reaching. What people don't like is bitter cunts making shitty and ugly products then bemoans anyone who has enough functioning brain cells to call out that its ugly. Stop sucking so much dick, its cutting the circulation to your brain, but its probably non-existent in the first place.

That's been happening a lot lately. I mean, look at that guy who's going crazy about pokemon abbriviatons.

bioware has the absolute worst fans now.

Attached: 1372354624979.jpg (780x178, 16K)

bout damn time.


>chinese-americans defending affirmative action
i mean sure, but theres plenty of them that know it completely fucks them over and they rightfully protest it

>gameplay designer
Yeah I'm sure he walked into the office and told all the artists office and said 'no crackers'. The only thing this faggots responsable for is the shit gameplay.
>now your reaching
>stop sucking dick
Sounds like you're the one reaching, faggot. Got something hard on the mind?


false, pokemon fans are even worse in terms of eating shit. but bioware fans are a strong second place at this point.

Listen, autist. We know it's not TECHNICALLY bricked. What we are saying is that the software crash is causing data corruption in the file system on consoles. This is causing consoles to become unusable because they require a reinstall of their OS. Since console players cannot just reinstall their OS, they have to send their system in for service or buy a new system. For CONSOLE PLAYERS it is, for all intents and purposes, bricking their system because they cannot fix it without sending the hardware in for service or replacing the hardware.


This guy is just baiting for replies and responses just like (You)

>EA is under no obligation to repay Sony for this
I very much doubt that. I'd think the contract between them would definitely contain clauses to deal with a situation such as this massive fuckup on a developer's part.

Eh, not really. Pokemon fans and pokemon buyers are two different things.

You wont change anyone’s mind here with your attempts of warping reality, might as well shut the fuck up and sit down.

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>curry thunder
The poo jokes write themselves.

While I don't really care nor notice this type of shit, for once I did notice that the treacherous cunts and bumbling morons are all only one skin tone.

Haven't bought anything from them since Baldur's Gate 2.

Watch out its Agent 47! He has a disguise, he's loosened the bolts on the chandelier!

Attached: Agent 47.jpg (450x587, 19K)

No compraré este juego, ni anthen ni después.

Attached: Negan Simpson.jpg (250x249, 10K)

at least bioware drones don't pretend that bioware is a small indie studio with no budget to justify the trash they release.

>Are you a boy, or a girl?

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>Release one of their whales into the ocean for International Woman's Day
That says nothing user, that entire day is a circlejerk for women.

What compels a white man to hate himself? Is it jealousy that minorities are getting freebies while he doesn't?

there is nothing master race about AMD lol

user, no one calls gf an indie studio except the people mocking them.

That’s a man babyyyy

Attached: 4CF1765D-EBA3-4A44-9B8A-E52410E43C8C.jpg (750x764, 424K)

No they just spout "B TEAM".


Gays In Space: Iron Man Edition

If you're gonna be a tranny couldn't you at least lose weight?

Because sony has a compliance code that means "If passed it is our fault"

>tfw never payed for western AAA game, let alone EA/Bioware shit.

Attached: jobren_raff.png (530x530, 74K)

why are you restating what everyone with a pair of eyes knew the moment they saw that whale

Attached: sipsmug.png (660x669, 382K)

you cant "speedrun" a rnadomized game, all speedruns of such are invalid

It means software damages the hardware so bad, that the console turns into a brick. Its dead and it can be used as a brick.

If they lose weight their masculine features show up. Becoming a hambeast is the easiest way to hide your adam's apple and male physique.

At least the tranny acknowledges no changes except getting fatter

I'm calling it fun.
A game fucking shit up, I mean fubar'ing, in the hardware level is a lot of entertainment.

>Since console players cannot just reinstall their OS

Do they really not distribute a bootable USB image to reset the OS or anything?

This one didn’t


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I know this is hentai, I have seen that eye style before.

Fuck no they don't. It would be stupid easy to crack the system and turn it into a piratebox.

Totally not a shill trying to pass as a gaymur, no sir.

You can't brick a PC without physically interacting with the hardware itself. As in, shocking a board or hitting it with a hammer. Worst case scenario, you restore the PC from a backup.

Consoles can't do that. Which is where the term "brick" comes from. It means it turns the object into something as useless as a brick because it can never be restored to its original state.

jokes on you
I've never bought EA game at full price
and the last game I've bought was harry potter and the goblet of fire if you ignore an used copy of mirrors edge

Another one to the EA graveyard!

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Not sure how modern consoles react to a corrupted OS but I'm almost certain it has some kind of recovery mode. Whether you can download the recovery image yourself remains to be seen. On older systems like the Wii every disc came with a copy of the OS required to run the game and you could reinstall it like that.
What is signature verification?

>You can't brick a PC without physically interacting with the hardware itself. As in, shocking a board or hitting it with a hammer.

this is incorrect as maliciously changed firmware can permanently break hardware or at least render it nonfunctional and incapable of being flashed again

thank you for sharing

This is not true. Through software you can destroy a PC so that it will never turn on again.

Well it can be, if you are still under warranty and are willing to wait for like a month to get your console fixed.

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Their faces look like they were partially melted! I'm not saying everyone should look like gigachad but damn and least not have everyone look like an eyesore

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>I know this is hentai
well, I know you're an uncultured swine then.

This isn't how it works on PS/Xbox. If your OS becomes so corrupted that it can't be recovered by the standard system recovery tool then your system is effectively bricked.

I know you're supposed to be shilling the game, but when even trying to give anthem a positive spin it makes me never want to touch the fucking thing with a 30 yard pole.
You're trying your best tho, so I at least commend you for that.


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>damage the OS files
Did Bioware hire hacker to write something in kernel level?

the faces are excellent for the most part

some of the characters like matthias and haluk are highly memorable

if they did anything right with the game it was the performance capture

characters being brown/ugly -- as i said before it is not earth and they are not "humans", its like star wars, so who cares honestly

the only super-"white" person we even see in the game has a very high post with an important entity, suggesting that whiteness is priviledged (lel)

This. If you've ever messed with overclocking or manual fan control it's very easy to burn your shit up.
I'd imagine the recovery bootloader is on ROM (like the BIOS or UEFI of a PC) but I can also see them sticking it on the hard drive to keep costs down.
All you need is a carefully timed crash that runs concurrently with a disk write process.

All components can be replaced meaning bad drivers or firmware don't cause a brick - it's equivilant to breaking your controller on the console. Even the mainboard BIOS can be low-level re-flashed to restore it. No brick. You kids don't know anything about PCs. You've never had to set IRQ ports or jumpers to configure master/slave settings on drives. You plug-and-play bitches know nothing.

Why does NISA get away with console breaking garbage but not Bioware?

Someone has never attempted to (and failed) to successfully flash BIOS. Not saying it's easy to fuck up a BIOS update but it's possible. Consoles these days have all the same types of hardware as PC, just smaller and not as powerful. What can ruin them can ruin a PC too.

he never firmware updated anything.
i'll bet you never even updated your own bios.

And you can fuck shit up real good if you don't have common sense while performing those tasks. Or just getting hit by murphy's law, sometimes you just draw the short straw and the universe crys out loud: fuck it up beyond repair that user's pc in particular.

A lot can go wrong, on so many levels, everytime. It's uncommon, but that's not to say that retards can't make it happen quite effortlessly just by acting their nature of being retards.

No. It looks like the game is having some issue with video drivers, which is causing crashes. The crash is what is corrupting OS files, which is bricking consoles.

Anita shekelkesian is clearly a political figure. Fuck off, tranny.

Okay user. Give me access to your PC through software. I wouldn't be able to damage it would i? I wouldn't be able to overclock or mess with your manual fan control as this user suggests would i?

How does an "AAA" developer fuck video drivers up? Are we seeing another Sonic '06 scenario where development was hosed midway and they had to start from scratch?

Isn't that the "I'm a 6 year old girl now" guy?

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what do you think you could accomplish by overclocking or turning his fans down/off?

Best you're going to get is a reboot

Fuck bioware can't even afford English speaking shills things must be bad

Behesda is no stranger to bugs that prevent you from progressing or from losing quests. I have no experience with single player game bugs for Ubisoft but I know they like leaving gamebreaking bugs for Siege for weeks.

>bad drivers or firmware don't cause a brick
I mean corrupted firmware is literally mentioned in regular definitions of the term "bricking" but ok.

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This is true. In 2004 I deleted my class identifiers/CLSID while attempting to clean my registry before I knew any better. Bricked the PC.
At least I learned from my retardation.

Like 90% of this thread has no idea what the term "brick" means and where it came from. Anthem is not bricking consoles. Or PCs. They're still bootable. A brick results in a unit that generates zero video output and won't pass the power-on self-test (POST) and/or initial configuration load. For PC, that means means you would hear your fans spinning but that's it - no sounds from the drives and no display.

"Brick" also means permanence - never to be fixed by consumer-available methods.

Attached: 231221321.gif (128x74, 21K)

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Bricking Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Reinstall Your OS Like Nigga Put The CD In Haha

reinstalling windows will fix this
bricking means the hardware is now inoperable

Quality assurance is racist/sexist.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Bricking Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Reinstall Your OS Like Nigga Put The CD In Haha

>All components can be replaced
This, obviously I can smash my entire computer to bits and throw it in an fire and it's still not bricked because I can just replace the components, this user knows what he's talking about.

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Nope because it has to detect the danger before it can react to it.

funny how the resetgender tourists latest meme is "rent free" lmao they try so hard

yeah true with bethesda but youre talkign about shit you cna fix with console or reload a savegame or make a mod vs. its a multiplayer game and multiplayer doesnt work...bigger issue with anthem

ubisoft has the greatest bugs of all time

This is a crash. Not a brick. Fucking clickbait "journalists" can't even use words correctly.


You don't know anything about how pc hardware works, do you

oh, yeah. just go into your bios, type in 2.8v -- or w/e it's the current allowed max volatge for your mobo --, reboot and allow it to simmer for a while.
Or if you're feeling adventurous just hit the cmos button right now. That's a physical interaction, and currently not really guaranteed to fuck your shit up beyond recovery. But it still has high chances of doing just that despite the motherboard manufacturers fool proofing that action for the last decade.

You're thinking of thermal protection kicking in a i'm deliberatly fucking yo shit up scenario. Those aren't exactly the same things.

>599 US Dollars

Attached: playstation symphony no. 3 in c major composed by ken kutaragi.jpg (1092x1500, 388K)

Fucking retarded user cannot read the thread

I say bricked in that it wouldn't even POST. Zero power activity.

So much about this is wrong.

>user didn't read 466 shitposts
>this is somehow a bad thing

This video is silenced on YouTube because it contains copyrighted content.

>console game fucked for consoles
i hope tthey ditch them and just work on the pc build. hell restructure the entire game for pc. it will preform better look better than have more frequent updates

shut the fuck up and lurk more

I would reverse that sentiment. Why do you think a PC shuts off when it overheats?
Why do you think a faulty power socket can brick your PC?
Do you know why surge protection isn't a comprehensive safety net?

>oh, yeah. just go into your bios, type in 2.8v -- or w/e it's the current allowed max volatge for your mobo --, reboot and allow it to simmer for a while.

The motherboard isn't going to let you set a voltage that will damage it

sorry but you dont understand what you are talking about well enough..the vector of attack you are suggesting does not happen in reality or we would see it everywhere

>editing the registry stopped my system from booting

uh no

Download and run the memz trojan and then tell me that again

the shills are gathering up, it seems.
the last few posts have been quite combative on the bricking technicalities.

not him, but i guess you can turn of all the "safety measures" and wait for something to blow up. dunno i'm totally out of the loop because lost interest in epenis 3dmark scores about decade ago.
at worst could go to something crazy like 120c cpu temperatures without any automatic shutdowns

It's not shills, just retarded users. Stop being so paranoid

Thread theme

you can't. the "safety measures" at the lowest level are embedded in hardware. regarding processors, there is thermal throttling module in the cpu itself

its a shame really because the gameplay looked very promising. Like cmon you're literally in an iron man suit in a big open world

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I'm sure I did other additional dumb shit that fucked it, but that was 15 years ago and I only remember mucking with the registry.

the gameplay is pretty fun desu

theres just no gameplay "loop" i couldnt care less about getting better weapons and stuff all i want is customization and its all locked behind grinding so i have no more interest after about 10 hours

i dunno why i bought anthem desu i avoided every other game of its type

important note regarding anthem, it is currently the graphically best game. that is kind of its value. :\

Overwriting the boot sector is nothing more than a shitty joke that forces the user to reinstall it.

Attached: aasaasaa.jpg (1200x900, 100K)

you can't stop the system from powering on by editing anything on the hard drive user. those two things exist in different spheres and don't see each other.

>The motherboard isn't going to let you set a voltage that will damage it
holy shit, and your condescending attitude makes it even funnier.
Don't what piece of crap of a motherboard you have, probably some oem shit that do not allow you in advanced settings, but for most people with fairly decent hardware, yes you can fuck it up quite easily just by hitting the wrong values absent mindedly.

Sharing is caring.

It's EA's soulless attempt at copying an already-drab series, so yeah.

But why?

I'm not paranoid. I'm in for the bricking shitposting.
Just because it's new and exciting.
We've had plenty of shitty games before, but shit games that also fuck your hardware up is so fresh and tasty.

The best part is that they actually believe the difference matters, as though people with fucked up systems are going to say "oh, well I may have to buy an entirely new system now but at least the capacitors in the box are fine."

Are we seeing a revival of

Did that not come across correctly? "I did additional dumb shit" i.e. outside of regedit. I could've put the mobo in the oven covered in gravy for all I remember, man. Just awash in retardation.

>Valve doesn't even *sell* Anthem
>They should refund it

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I would rather play Left Alive than Anthem.

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Star Citizen already made it's money back, the only ones who can be considered failures at this point are the people willingly paying for it, and they've slowly been doing that for the course of several years now

i'm sure there are ways to bypass it. but i'm not too familiar with that. all i know is that my ancient mobo is retarded broken shit and it ignores everything when it comes to overheating etc.

>Like cmon you're literally in an iron man suit in a big open world
That shit is gonna get really old, really fast tho.

No, you can't user. The system will just reboot the instant it is overvolted.

Is this Adriana?

>The only thing I see in the near future competing with this level of fuckup is when star citizen gets released.
You better give Chris Roberts $500 to make up for this bullshit when Star Citizen dunks on the whole fucking videogame industry.

And it would be a huge flop. Games sell much better on consoles for good reason

>made its money back

what money? there is literally no production budget, they are being paid hundreds of millions of dollars to make the game

star citizen should, honestly, be viewed as a failure of democracy/capitalism and the human race. people shouldn't be allowed to do what those fans are doing to themselves. it is really no different than poor people donating money to churches which then goes to people at the top.

I still don't know what the fuck Anthem is. I know it's a vidya game, but is it like Destiny and Warframe?

His reviews are the best

It's the beginning of the end of the Western gaming industry.
>lost to shitty battle royales
>lost to cookie-cutter compile heart jrpg
>guaranteed crashes
Sit back and enjoy the ride because this train has no brakes.

Denuvo is only on the PC, faggot. Consoles are already DRMs on itself.


I like to think of it as a form of natural selection but on a financial level and for retarded landwhales

>>lost to cookie-cutter compile heart jrpg

i mean no..anthem has probably sold ~1.5 million that compile heart jrpg will do 30k lifetime

its just not enough

how? explain more

Anthem is an EA game, it is only sold on Origin, not Steam.

And no, EA won't refund their own game. Have you forgottten who you are dealing with?

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This is clearly a sonyfag false flagging

how did bioware stoop so low

diversity hires