Liars and blinded

Sony player since the beginning, played every fucking possible game cause I’m rich af.
I got a switch with Zelda breath of the wild as a gift 2 weeks ago.
At first I was like fuck this game, I don’t want to be a Nintendokek.
I then started playing to try this shit and found out that this is the best open world game ever created.
I tried every ps4 open world game and i didn’t expected something like this.
You can literally do everything, it’s incredible, there are open world games on the play station that doesn’t permit you to climb, and have a shitty gravity, this game have everything.
You guys told me “Zelda is overrated cause of Nintendo fans”, you are liars and blinded by console wars.
Fuck you, I never expected something like this before

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Other urls found in this thread: won/ goty/ gameplay/ metacritic/ cruise/ of the wild red dead redemption/ of the wild BTFO by rdr2/ of the Ubishit/ sales/ 2018/ sales/ of the wild11/ of the wild18/ of the wild24/ of the wild25/ of the wild/ and irrelevant/ of the year/ of the year 2018/ rdr2 review/ sales/

Never listen to Yea Forums, now you learned your lesson

Hey as long as you're having fun, does anything else really matter?

Why the hell were you only using a playstation if you're rich? I'm poor as hell and can still afford every console and game I want

OP is a Son igger. Go back, we don't need your type ruining Nintendo games. Also consider killing yourself.

Cause i always thought Nintendo games were for children and sucks, i only played ps and pc games

It turns out a bunch of retards throwing shit at each other like monkeys on the internet don't know what they're talking about. Who would've thought?

I agree with this I haven't touched nintendo since gamecube although I did end up owning a wii I dropped nintendo after the wiiu and only just now got a switch like a month ago

>as a gift
You need to be 18+ to post in this site

>You can literally do everything,
Can I stop my weapons from breaking?

Woah, climbing.
Holy fuck, my eyes.... are now..... open............

Not without removing the option for breaking your weapons

So I cant in any legitimate way...
So OP lied in a post calling out liars..

Attached: deniro.jpg (667x375, 51K)

>being a console fanboy past age 16
It blows my mind that people like this exist. Why even come to a video game board if you aren't even willing to try the majority of games?

It's no masterpiece

Attached: disaster of the wild12.webm (853x480, 2.84M)

26, got the gift from my collegue at work

name 5 other open world games that do this

I don’t give a fuck about breaking weapon, you can literally get them again in 2 seconds

Then its a useless mechanic wouldn't you think?
If the weapon breaking means nothing why is it even there?
Other than to be annoying ofcourse.

>you can cheese enemies by using Unique weapons with high damage + durability
wow this game SUCKS

Watch dogs, Ass creed, Far cry, Shadow of mordor, Spiderman.


You really want to expand your horizons, play minecraft

Yes you can. Here is the secret life hack to do so:
1. Turn off the Switch.
2. Play the superior Playstation open world games such as Witcher 3 and Phantom Pain.

Cause you are a kid and don’t have time to play games

>this is good combat according to nintencels

Attached: disaster of the wild13.webm (1920x1080, 2.46M)

I played both and they don’t give the same feeling like Zelda

That's just a silverscale spear, not the trident.

Not him, but as a game designer I could go into detail about how the weapon degradation is benefitial to the player’s experience. As a frequenter of Yea Forums though, I know it’s pointless trying to reason with this type of ignorance

Attached: FDD83549-E630-42C1-BD36-1D03B2FEC427.gif (353x117, 486K)

Consolewar fags are just either people who don't like expanding their horizon of different games or poor people that have to shitpost about other consoles to seem superior.

Attached: adachi.jpg (364x400, 29K)

Nice argument lol.
You do know kids are the ones with more free time?
You will know if you finish highschool.

glad you left

Well enlighten us.
Also provide some games you designed so we know your opinion is legitimate

>I don't have time to give a proper explanation but I'll take the time to say that I could haha

>exclusively Sony player has shit taste
Stop the fucking presses

>why am I forced to keep finding food to replenish my HP when they could have just had it regen after a time?

Minecraft is such a shame. It honestly had so much potential to be even more, but people gobbled it up as it is, so it stagnated

>muh freedums!
Yeah why don't they just give you a jetpack and let you fly everywhere! Helll why don't they give you a no clip spell that lets you just bypass walls and terrain completely! Now that's FREEDOM!
Freedom from having a proper level design.

>You can literally do everything
subtle, 9/10

>3 years later

>/v still SEETHING


I find that I have just as much time now with a wife and kid as I did in school. Once everyone is asleep I usually get to play 2 hours won/ goty/ gameplay/ metacritic/ cruise/ of the wild red dead redemption/ of the wild BTFO by rdr2/ of the Ubishit/ sales/ 2018/ sales/ of the wild11/ of the wild18/ of the wild24/ of the wild25/ of the wild/ and irrelevant/ of the year/ of the year 2018/ rdr2 review/ sales/

Not him but I can tell you the first four reasons that come to my mind:
>if you had the possibility to have a very strong weapon for the entirety of the game you wouldn’t want to experiment with the other ones
>if weapons didn’t break you would lose a reason to explore in order to find new ones
>you can’t put weapons in a game as open as Zelda without making them break, because otherwise it would have balance issues (get strong weapon early, cheese through the game with it)
>the game encourages you to use the environment in combat as a preferable way to kill enemies

The simplest point I can make is to compare Skyrim, which removed weapon degradation after negative feedback, but trivialized nearly every weapon dropped by enemies. Once you found a decent weapon you were set until the next “good” weapon came along. Plenty of games use such systems just fine, but having breaking makes you value any weapon available at hand at times and forces you to consider the other tools at hand (the big design selling-point of BOTW). It prevents the player from getting comfortable.

Additionally, in systems-based games like Immersive Sims, there’s generally ammo resources that prevent you from using a weapon constantly and force you to reconsider your options. Weapon breaking is a sort of ammunition for your Melee weapon.

>make you unable to use that weapon or make it really really really difficult to get
>put armor/trinkets/shrines there to give you a reason to explore
>same point as the first
>with non breakable weapons this still would be the case (Dark Messiah for example)

Basically this. It leads to the player having to make more meaningful decisions.

Are these supposed to be counterpoints? My impression is that you just want it to be like any other loot-based game.

It's not even that good of a spear and every spear will have the same moveset and stun.

Quite fundamentally it's shit.
It exists because the game has a very simple melee combat system with very simple weapons so the main variation is having larger numbers and to prevent you from just grabbing whatever has the highest numbers the weapons break, this also creates a treadmill to make the player think they are gaining notable resources.
Weapons breaking is just a shortcut to avoid making better weapons, combat and content, the actual benefit of disposable weapons which is your ability to mess around with the game's systems could easily be solved with generic metal/wood weapons (as well as having the main weapons have these attributes) to carry fire and electricity respectively.

>Don't have weapons that are objective upgrades to one another, some weapons are just better in certain situations and might open up options for other weapons or your ability to alter the environment in your favor
>Make a smaller, tighter world with better content to fill it
>Refer to first point
>And not having a shit treadmill with damage sponge enemies would just make that better

What, you'd prefer rolling around and then getting one-hit ko'd cause of shitty hitboxes?

>even if you made that weapon difficult to obtain once you’ve obtained it you’re done until the end of the game and you’ll probably only use it. Also it goes against the philosophy of the game itself (you can do everything immediately)
>if there were just shrines the game would be more boring than it already is. Armies are already in the game and each gives you a different ability. Every piece of armor is upgradable to give you more defense so there wouldn’t be any point in making “stronger” armors
>it’s still an encouragement. If weapons didn’t break why would you bother in choosing the hard way?

BOTW is like any other loot based game but with weapons that break.
But them breaking doesnt matter because you have 4 other broadswords and you can just pause the game at any time and get them out.

>sony player
>played every game possible
no, you only play trash.

Well I'm glad you had fun
on another note, I'm trying to do that shrine quest where you gotta stand on a pedestal during a Blood Moon and now I'm wondering if there's a reliable way to trigger them
I've heard they're used to both flush the system RAM and a way to make sure the player doesn't run out of resources, so do I need to kill more shit to make the Blood Moon more likely to appear?

is there a cemu mod to remove breakable weapons?

the game would be 100x better this way.

I think using a save editor you can edit the durability of weapons to a billion and they'll never break

I love Kass!

Being loyal to a single brand and limiting your taste to only what you can financially afford is fucking retarded. Regardless of how good BotW is or isn't, and protip: it really isn't that good, it was your lack of experience with Nintendo in general that made you like it. Same with literally any other brand you might branch out towards.

Attached: husbando 8.0.jpg (4865x4865, 2.96M)

This is peak mental illness. The person behind this post is currently nowhere and never will go anywhere.

Someone being "mentally ill" (or in your case, likes what you don't like) doesn't mean that they're automatically worse off from you, in fact the only reason you think that is because you're insecure about the fact that someone who's mentally handicapped compared to you might be doing better than you.

Attached: protect this smile.jpg (1508x1508, 514K)

Nah, the mentally ill and physically disabled should be forbidden from having children. That includes you, but fags can't have kids.

Something like this? I haven't tried it yet though.

Attached: q19qgs.png (992x642, 34K)

I've tried it, it fucks over the game entirely. As soon as you get a 50> damage weapon the game nosedives and you don't have to get creative with anything, let alone a 90> damage weapon.

Delusional. There are mentally ill people out there with $100k+ salaries, the existence of them is widely publicized. If you think that these kinds of people, doctors, scientists, academia members, etc. are going to be euthanized by society for any reason, you're more delusional than me--and I'm in love with a fictional character for god's sake!

Attached: Husbando.jpg (3000x3000, 2.61M)

>1 in 1.8 million disabled people make 6 figures
Wow, amazing. Profound posts.

If you think that a game is bad because it was made by a certain company, you're being jaded and going to miss out.

This. Enjoy whatever you want and have a good day, OP

Whoa, never thought the Kass poster would be the one to make a rational argument. I'd argue that BoTW is fairly good though (8/10 IMO).

Based. Piss on that autist.

and 1 in 22 million people make 6 figures in general, what's your point?

This: fpbp

Actually you deserve to get shat on OP for even listening to anything from this forsaken shithole website.

>most beloved and long running franchise in video game history


are you sure they are yours?

This is an ironic post If I’ve ever seen one

you all right snoy

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Nice falseflag. No one cares about your childrens games tendie.

Op types like that BoTW autist who posts about the game every day. Must be him.