Dawn of Man

Anyone got any tips for the second map?

I breezed through the first map, but now i'm getting my ass absolutely whooped.

Winters are long as fuck, cold as fuck and blizzards are a regular occurrence meaning it's too cold for my villagers to even leave their tents, the window for planting lentils is extremely narrow, fish repopulate very slowly, game to hunt is extremely scarce (and predators are out in full force meaning hunting parties of less than 10 people are guaranteed to end with everyone dying because you wont have the hunters to fend off predators trying to steal your kill) making skins extremely hard to come by, which in turn means i've got fuck all material to make warm clothes, build new huts or even repair old ones and people are regularly dying from disease.

Trying to get domesticated goats/sheep going, but predators keep picking them off, I can't afford to buy them from traders and again they're extremely hard to find in the wild.

Oh and because I have to keep sending out hunting parties of 10-20 people, the raiders that were a fucking joke in the first map are doing a great job of half destroying my village in the second map on a regular basis and I can't spare the manpower to build walls etc

Also city building general.

Attached: Dawn of Man.png (1920x1080, 3.36M)

Is that a sling?

Bottom right of the items? Yeap. Good for smaller game, but now that I have bows I don't bother making them.

Is there a sandbox mode or is it the modern shit where you have to progress through maps to unlock everything?

You actually have to play on sandbox first before you can do missions.


The main campaign is a series of sandbox maps, there's also a "creative" mode which is other sandbox maps but with raiders turned off, less aggressive animals and generally more favourable environment and then there's additional scenarios which are something else entirely, i've only done the first one but that involved actually controlling a herd of woolly mammoths rather than humans.

Can you hunt dinosaurs in this game?

You're expected to have people die.

>Anyone got any tips for the second map?
>Trying to get domesticated goats/sheep going
This is your only hope, even if you have to kill half of your village to achieve it it'll pay off in the long run, build 5+ stables and breed those goats like crazy for milk+meat and sheep like crazy for wool+meat and make sure to have the straw to feed them. And whatever you don't progress to the copper age, or whatever age it is when a lot of the larger animals start going extinct because they are your best source of skin and meat. Also plant flax, use it to make warm clothing without the need for skins.
Unrelated, but they really should have made the second map the first map people played, it's like an entirely different game and actually forces you to play the shit out of it, manage everything extremely well and constantly deal with predators/disasters/winter. It gives you a much greater appreciation for just how robust the whole simulated ecosystem is and just how much of a genuine sandbox the game is.
I love it.

no although there are mammoths and wooly rhinos and shit. hunting is pretty shit in the game your dudes just go jab the thing and it dies real quick

t.normal difficulty shitter

im on the fence of buying this, it looks really cool but is it shallow shit?

>or whatever age it is when a lot of the larger animals start going extinct

fuuuuck was hoping prehistoric critters would be in all the way through but I am not surprised

I'm yet to complete all the milestones in the first map, but the game is great so far. My only real criticism is I feel like they need to implement a profession system after you hit the copper age, it works fine for the first few ages, but once you get to the end game with complex mining, farming and what not 150 people running around like a hivemind without dedicated professions and everyone just doing whatever needs to be done seems kinda silly.

Certainly not shallow, just pirate the GoG version and decide for yourself. I've already got 20+ hours out of it and I only just started the second map and community content is already starting to flood in.

If the modding community (or maybe DLC) can take the game beyond the iron age with a few new mechanics, some more management tools and improved combat it'll be a GOTAY city builder.

>He doesn't even have walls

Attached: screenshot_6_52_52_02.png (1920x1080, 3.37M)

man now I am really tempted, can you build where ever you want and make trade caravans?

So what is this game exactly, Banished with possibly more content and less polish cuz EA?

Attached: 001.jpg (1105x914, 109K)

Shit game, no content, still early access tier

Each of the campaign sandbox maps gives you the option of 4-6 starting locations within that one giant map, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from moving away from those starting locations if you want to. For example if you move NE of pic related you can situate yourself between a bunch of lakes giving you easy access to animals as they head down to the lakes to drink.

>trade caravans?
Trading is super basic unfortunately, traders will rock up at your village from time to time, but you can't actively seek out trade yourself. It's one thing I hope either the devs really expand on or mods do.


It's way way, waaaaaaaaay more polished than Banished, way more simulation driven, but less overall content than Banished. It's off to a way better start than Banished, the deciding factor will really be the mods I think.

Attached: Map.png (1920x1080, 901K)

>more polish but less content
Back to banished for now I suppose. Let's hope it can fix the content issue then, hopefully even without help of mods.

how fun compared to Banished (with colonial charter) is this?

The only content it really needs more of is scenarios/maps imo or a level generator, the maybe some more visual variety to the buildings as well. As far as production buildings go everything it *needs* is there right from the stone age to the iron age and anything more would just needlessly complicate it. Not to say it wouldn't be nice to have things like a bigger stable or a depot for sleds/carts to be returned to or some additional flavour buildings for the hell of it, but the core of what's there is extremely solid and it doesn't feel lacking so much as it'd just be nice to have more for the sake of more.

It's a pretty different game to Banished, Dawn of Man is very much about figuring out how to manage and balance the dynamic environment as much as it is your village/villagers. Once your economy is chugging along in Banished you're pretty much set bar the odd disaster, but in Dawn of Man an entire years crops could be wiped out meaning you have no grain/straw to make bread or feed your animals through winter so suddenly you're reliant entirely on hunting or fishing, another year there might not be any animals even remotely near you so you'll be reliant on farming/gathering/fishing or god forbid trading just to say alive.

The game has stupid UI. Anyway, how to increase knwlde other than mass-murdering animls

You said the simulation base is better than Banished, how micromanagement heavy is the game then? Simple and easy to get into like Banished or more autistic?

>You said the simulation base is better than Banished, how micromanagement heavy is the game then? Simple and easy to get into like Banished or more autistic?

It's way more simulation based, but there's very little micromanagement at all (I honestly wish there was more), the AI's path finding is nigh on perfect, they always know where to find things, what needs doing and where so it's certainly not autistic and micro intensive, and pretty much the only thing you do have to micro manage is hunting just to ensure it's done efficiently.

Like if you just designate an animal to be killed the AI will form a hunting party of what it thinks is enough people to kill the animal (and typically it will be), but it won't do things like flank the animal to chase it into the rest of the hunting party, and if only 1-2 guys are going after a wild horse they might get one spear, arrow or stone off before it starts running and they'll never fucking catch it, or if they do it'll be miles from camp meaning it'll take ages to carry everything back etc So if you just grab a group of 5~ hunters, use one to scare animals into the group, or even herd them back to your village it makes life a lot easier, especially in winter. Late game you don't need to micro hunting though though as you have way better bows and other hunting implements so you can just designate entire areas as a hunting ground and the AI will just do their thing.

It keeps screaming "Work load is too high"

Then you have too much work that needs doing and too few people. Either decrease the former or increase the latter.

playing on hardcore. you just need a big enough mob you can kill whatever

Sounds neat, thanks for all the info user. Gonna give it a shot at least that's for sure.

>playing on hardcore. you just need a big enough mob you can kill whatever
>playing on hardcore. you just need better weapons and you can kill whatever
>playing on hardcore. you just need superior tactics you can kill whatever
Amazing insight, really made me think. I mean who would have thought you could overwhelm an enemy with sheer numbers? Truly one of our generations greatest strategic minds.

As I said, give it a pirate, make up your own mind, I obviously enjoy it and would say it's worth a shot if you enjoy the genre, doubly so if you enjoy the period which is seriously underrepresented in vidya.

Steam workshop content for it already seems to be buzzing along as well which is sweet.

>playing on hardcore. you just need a big enough mob you can kill whatever
Well, uh, yeah?

>Steam Workshop
Wait, can kids actually build stuff?

Attached: Wut.jpg (974x900, 107K)

LOL nope.
Children can gather berries, fruits, nuts, sticks and loose flint (not mined), maybe loose stones as well, but they can't craft anything, they're just tiny mules really. They'll also happily drink from whatever water source they find and if you're lucky enough to come across an animal that's died of old age, or if a herbivore manages to kill a predator, you might even score some free meat. So if you could scavenge enough to survive to adulthood you *might survive*
That's be a pretty rough start though, think i'll try it.

This game desperately needs more buildings and also the building placement is trash