When exactly did League of Legends’ quality tank?
When exactly did League of Legends’ quality tank?
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After the end of Season 2
when they nerfed jungle ivern
When they implemented a dedicated jungler role instead of removing it like in dota
the first drop off was when they removed all the global ults but the second and biggest dropoff wa after dota 2 poached all the good players and they had to pander to the losers who remained
Right around the release of bard was when I quit
When I reached level 30 and played ranked.
>retcon their lore but never do anything really significant with it since the story won't move forward
>new characters are mostly overloaded and overpowered garbage
>constantly reworking old champions with a wide hit/miss on whether or not these reworks are actually good
>game stays mostly the same as it's always been regardless of changes because there's one map and Riot will only ever change so much per season
Quality hasn't tanked per se, it's just the same fucking game as it was ten years ago
There's not much you can do for a MOBA besides release content, the only thing we have in the way of that is characters/skins
don't forget that the company literally despises their own fanbase and tries to shit on them with every opportunity
After aatrox's release.
>those feet
not yet my friend, not yet
>Back when League had actual lore and wasn't just a mishmash of short stories about how perfect and special everyone is
It was never good, play an RTS instead of that baby shit
After they removed dodge
when every new, and reworkwed champions started to be created to be literally unfun to play against, it's not a surprise that CertaintlyT created these champions:
all hated champions by all the community, since then, the gameplay in lol is basically
>Be deleted by an assasin or Carry or retarded bruiser in 0,5 seconds
>delete the other guy in 0,5 seconds
When artists started drawing Sona with small boobs.
>you will never buy a Warmog's/Frozen Mallet and Force of Nature and run into 5 people as Singed or Skarner and completely fuck up someone's day while spamming your laugh bind again
>hated by the community
You and your autistic friends don't count as a community
The game was always been shit, but, Riot's decision to streamline the whole game by enforcing certain stereotypes like the metagolem top, the jungler assassin, the mid mage and the duo ranged carry/tank support made it worse, i remember back in the days where 2 duo lanes existed, jungling was possible but considerably harder and not present in every game, heroes weren't as many as they are now but were somewhat more consistent, at some point they started changing things, release broken as fuck heroes like Yasuo and rework other for the worse while offering nothing significantly new to the game, it stayed the same for all these years, it looks like shit, sounds like shit, the game still can't handle manual control other units and there is still the fucking same meta team composition from Season 1.
most of the people hate to play against Tresh, that's the point, if you get caught by one of the 15 million hooks that are thrown around you most likely will get killed however if you engage he has a free out of jail card for any character
if you don't agree with me you are most likely a little Iron/bronze player
He just want to be noticed by Icefrog
Thresh has the most fair hook in the game, it has a 20 second cooldown at level 1, it has a wind up and even at max cdr it only has 2 less seconds of cd than blitzcrank's q. Learn how to side step you shitter
since when did LoL start appealing to the feetfriends?
Since the game was released
In what universe is that appealing to me? They're partially covered and you can't even see shit.
Lore simply doesn't work in a game like League. You have to keep adding in new and cool creatures, but by the time you start hitting galaxy/universe level godlike beings it all falls apart.
>This eldritch abomination with no concept of human morality that has watched over the universe since the dawn of time and could destroy it with a yawn at a moment's notice has decided to fight in a dumb political tournament and willingly binds himself to a faceless self-insert retard summoner to fight furries and polar bears
That's why the lore leading up to the Institute of War was in-canon fanfiction to hype up the champions on Summoner's Rift, you were the summoners all along.
It was always tanking since I started rather late, but I want to say when champions took months to be designed and had super kits that made old champions outdated.
Also the fact they're willing to make Zoe a mage with literally 2 spells and still nerf her probably because of esports looking boring.
no idea, keep posting zoe feet
I don't have any Zoe feet.
LoL went to shit sometime in 2011-2012 when players established a meta and attacked anyone who didn't stick to it.
It was best played as a very casual version of Dota, but people took it too seriously and ruined it.
to answer though, league started going to shit around the year thresh was released. Not so much thresh being the reason but he was the start of overloaded kits becoming commonplace.
Hell for Season 6 worlds, riot was incompetent and had the entire championships play on a patch where GP morde darius skarner had to be 100% pick/ban unless you wanted to lose. Then ardent censer meta season 7 for over 6 months that ruined the game even more.
Entirety of season 8 + inclusion of zoe felt like a preseason and the game/ranked and everything else just gets worse every year. This "preseason" before season 9 started on patch 9.2 and people still felt like the 4 month preseason was garbage and accomplished nothing
t. season 1 player
Real talk, who has the most overloaded kit in the game? I personally think pic related is a front runner.
Fucking this.
I can't believe this fucking place "liked" this shit now.
This place HAS changed. Fuck everyone.
After Riven release
in 10 years it still hasn't created a unique hero
dota2 has some of the most broken shit and it's fun because LOTS of heroes can do crazy things.
>generic steroid/gap closer/aoe ult
>here is a hero that can kill people globally, or assume any hero's form and use their abilities, or crit them for 2000 a hit
league is so fucking vanilla/boring, pro games have scores of like 3-2 after 90 minutes.
when they destroyed ap yi.
Summoners were removed from lore, now creatures just exist. The actual game of league is non canon
when they decided to rework old champs like sion to market the game for faggot zoomers. it would be cool if you could play old and nu version of champs but no thats too much to ask for srs buisness RISE UP GAMERS e sports cancer gaming culture we haven now.
since when? The only hated thing I remember about her was her stupid revenge snipe that happened if you were too close to her when she died.
>generic steroid/gap closer/aoe ult
Reminder that LeL pros are old at 23 while Dota pros peak even at 30
Yasuo's release
league is too fucking boring and slow.
dota2 has a wide array of broken as fuck heroes which makes the gameplay interesting/fun.
When they fired the lore team
When I left college and stopped playing with my friends
WTF finally feet in LoL but with a fucking LOLI, what was Riot thinking???
this little wind fucker. the windwall alone is among the best abilities in the game. and he has several layers of bullshit on top of that, with 2 passives.
I guess an honorable mention goes to Azir release, I know new champions have overloaded kits but when Azir came out it was comical how every one of his abilities had at least 2 unique effects and obscure things you'd see like once in five games.
They trimmed it down recently though by straight up removing half of his kit features, and he's still a perfectly playable champion...
>league is too fucking boring and slow.
It's the other way around. The problem is that the game's on fucking crack. Riot accelerated everything by upping the damage and gold generation so now every game ends before minute 20 and a teamfight lasts 0.5 seconds.
>Quit LoL 5 years ago
>Came back last week
>Everything is the same but with new champs
It didn't,despite the lows and highs the quality is consistent, you see a lot of league is shit, dumb, boring, unoriginal, etc... because people play the game until obsesion and then get tired of it but keep playing because adiction and then they blame the game so they don't have to blame themselves of the wasted years. Keep being depressed fools. It doesn't help that it's popular to shit on mobas and popular videogames.
BTW Bard best champ fuck off waifufags Not you Syndrafag, you know your shit beyond images
Because after 20 LOL pros re-evaluate their lives and realise theyre playing a terrible game made for children
When they added miss fortune and she was the undeniable best midlaner, shitting on every other AD champion you could put there.
Why the fuck is everything so expensive to unlock? I feel you have to play for days to unlock a single champions. And I'm not even talking about skins.
Wtf do I do with my boy Lucian, this nigga is TRASH late game
Watching all my favourite champs get removed from the game one by one hurt a lot more than I thought it would.
Riot stating that they're gone and never coming back hurt more though.
What are you talking about? Plenty of global ults are still global. Karthus, Soraka, Ereal, Ashe, Nocturne, Jinx. TF is the one who got his range nerfed, maybe somebody else, I don't remember right now.
That's the best kind you pleb
that poster is retarded but regarding Zyra she was incredibly OP on release. Not LB or Vayne levels, but close.
>When exactly did League of Legends’ quality tank?
League of Legends hired the idiot faggot that kill WoW. Aka Ghostcrawler.
Moment that idiot entered, runes changed until unsuable garbage and has been going through changes over and over again.
Gear system changes too with about 1 or 2 new items that are remotely decent and the rest is utter garbage and idiotic "muh support quest item". They also removed banner of command.
Characters get reworked and change to the point they can end up unusable ass if its a miss.
They went woke now their game is going broke.
I've been hearing League has been slowly dying over these last couple of years but is there any numbers or sources that prove that?
A good Thresh will predict your sidestep. At that point you have a 50/50 chance of getting caught depending on if he predicted the direction you side stepped to correctly.
That's not even her original artwork.
It does take about a month to unlock one of the newest champions, and it's been that way for years if they didn't make it two by now. Also now they changed the formula for the currency so you gain less when you play more
While frustrating to play against, these champs are all incredibly fun to play.
I think it's easier to unlock a champion now, but it involves a lot more chance with that shard shit.
>Trash late game
Nigga you end the game before it gets to late. Lucian can win pretty much any lane if you play well enough, then it's just a matter of snowballing your lead into mid and dominating.
I recently made a smurf. They give you a free champ out of yi, ahri, darius or mf. Then it took me like 5 games to get to 6300 BE considering the amount they throw at you now.
I'm well aware of Lucian dominating early game but its not as easy as it sounds trying to end early in a silver/gold game
I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't really know because I already owned every champion before IP got turned into blue essence and have enough to spare to buy every new release outright.
>A good Thresh will predict your sidestep.
No the user you are responding to, but at this point you're not arguing about the character, but the player. I could now say "a good X predcts Thresh's prediction and baits his hook" and we'd be at it forever. The fact is, his hook at low levels isn't half as dangerous as you make it out to be. it's the "come with me if you want to livel" shield that's actually broken, the hook is fine.
Literally get good. Lucian destroys in silver/gold.
The day it was released. It's seriously one of the most overrated games ever.
When they nerfed Janna for thr 18th time in a row.
It's not as simple as 'you bait his hook'. That works if you're in a situation where you have more pressure then the Thresh, but there will always be situations where you're forced to sidestep it and have to hope he doesn't out-predict you.
>I've been hearing League has been slowly dying over these last couple of years but is there any numbers or sources that prove that?
I used to get instant queues ever since 2 seasons again now they always last anywhere from2-5minutes
Only one day was it an average of 15minute per queue
I've been playing this game continuously since season 1, and Janna is a champion that has been at least good for 90% of that time. She's the kind of champion where no other champ fills her niche of countering all-in champs and so is usually always viable unless riot has nerfed her into the ground.
>I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't really know because I already owned every champion before IP got turned into blue essence and have enough to spare to buy every new release outright.
Had totally forgot about this shit
The only noteworthy thing about this shitty ass system is the chest+skins but getting ORANGE essence for skins makes it literally impossible. So get 3 skins and reroll for permanent was the only decent thing we got out of it.
When they started making champions with over-complicated abilities in order to make them feel "unique" and reworking older champions because they couldn't keep up with the newer bullshit.
Again, you're now talking about things unrelated to the character itself or the skill.
Honestly, looking back on it, I should have just played the characters they made more fun and powerful than everyone else instead of bitching about them and playing shit like Yorick and Sion
when they stopped stuff like roaming alistar
Opposite for me. I always get a game within 60 seconds.
I hate how anything niche or fun gets straight up removed
I'm not the first user you replied to and I don't think that Thresh's hook is unfair, I was just making the point that it's not as simple to avoid as 'just side step it bro'. I think the reason Thresh is unbalanced right now is because the meta is heavily favoured towards characters that stick to and lock one champion down (Lissandra, Kayn etc.) He just does his job too well right now especially as he's able to bring others toward the lockeddown target.
really? i haven't payed attention to lol for a long time
what happened?
how horrible nu kayle looks made me decide to finally uninstall becuase there is no way i'm coming back after seeing that abomination
When it released.
I don't understand faggots who quit the game because they update champions. if anything they're just making them more viable to play as. I can understand it when the rework is broken and it's frustrating to play against (Akali, Irelia, Aatrox), but who really gives a shit if they change the models and abilities? I liked old Swain and I like new Swain. I hated playing old Nunu and like playing new Nunu. Do you really have that much attachment to one single champion that seeing them remodel it makes you that upset?
Most reworks have been good. WW, Sion, and Xin Zhao are great. Akali was stupid OP and shroud true invis was retarded, but in general much better. Which rework would you consider bad?
when I got banned for spamming IS THST A RCKET IN YOUR POCKET voiceline with tristana every time I got a kill. wasnt even that often
Mordekaiser with support in their mind.
objectively correct
akali irelia aatrox galio swain
Anything is better than current Mordekaiser
Swain's rework literally just gave him more damage options (burst instead of DoT) and better zoning potential then he previously had.
When they started to nerf or straight up remove uncoventional builds, playstyles etc
>You play the game how we want, do you fucking understand bucko?
Just remove the item store if it bothers you so much.
Aatrox is probably the worst rework they've made after Galio. Galio's new rework doesn't add anything to the game but at least he's played more. New Aatrox has a lower play rate AND the lowest win rate in the game. They shat on everyone who liked old Aatrox (me included) for nothing.
i quit the game a year ago because i had to deal with some shit
i decided to not come back because the only character i liked was going to be changed into shit
That's worse than I thought. I mean don't they realize that the more champs there are, the more currency you should gain or the more shards you should get? Everytime I level up there's a low chance I'd get the champs I want because there are 100+ champs I don't like.
New Aatrox is more fun to play, looks better, sounds better and was a staple of pro play for a long ass time (and still frequently gets picked in some regions).
Noc's ult isn't global by any stretch of the imagination and hasn't been in years.
She's a celestial who is probably the oldest character in the series. You're going to have to get her to change form if that's the problem my dude.
You really found it engaging to throw out a bird at someone, snare them, press E and then walk around them after pressing R? The only part of that took any form of player decision input is aiming your snare. The bird was easy as shit to hit and the other 2 abilities were just braindead to use.
>more fun to play, looks better, sounds better
>was a staple of pro play for a long ass time (and still frequently gets picked in some regions).
that's because riots balance team is braindead and made another esports the champ
who cares if hes good in proplay if 99% of playerbase wont get to use him properly
>>new characters are mostly overloaded and overpowered garbage
The last 4 new characters have been overtuned, and their complexity has led to them having some of the lowest winrates.
>loli who is 500 years +
surprised nue riot would do this trope
>New Aatrox is more fun to play
I disagree
>looks better, sounds better
I heavily disagree
>and was a staple of pro play for a long ass time (and still frequently gets picked in some regions).
He was a staple of pro play before, whenever his numbers weren't completely gutted. Now his win rate is 43% and his pick rate is 0.93%. But him being viable or not doesn't upset me. They removed a slick demon champion and replaced him with a mumbling russian who quotes the entirety of War and Peace whenever you order him to move, except for when he shouts like a retard.
>their complexity has led to them having some of the lowest winrates.
that's not true
>Aatrox is probably the worst rework they made after Galio
And this isn't subjective?
>plays nothing like old aatrox
>personality is completely different
>low pickrate
>extremaly low winrate
>is a bigger balancing nightmare than old aatrox
>a mumbling russian
he sounds like a spaniard to me
>nu kayle
Jesus, what the shit is this?
What's with the dyke mohawk helmet?
>When exactly did League of Legends' quality tank?
2009/2010. I was around when Kog'maw was the newest Champion, and the game was always a shitty version of DotA, and HoN was better in every way. But LoL was still fun when you could do 2- 1 - 2 setups, or 5-mid. There were also fun things like mana drain back then.
LoL was still alright up through season 1, then went to shit in season 2, and after that it was irredeemable.
Nah the Galio rework is fucking awful, just compare voicelines. They entirely scrapped his tragic backstory and righteous protector thematic for ME BIG! ME PUNCH SHIT!
seething incel
>plays nothing like old aatrox
This is bad because...? Subjective.
>personality is completely different
He's still an edgelord all about fighting and war. Also, see above.
>low pickrate
>extremely low win rate
Balancing comes and goes, he's had good win rates and bad win rates.
>is a bigger balancing nightmare than old aatrox
Baseless speculation.
In short, you're wrong and retarded.
>"Yes goy, buy those lootboxes and get the new bootlicker skin"
When korea completely took over like holy fuck this game has always been anime but now to try and hide them constantly shitting up the game they crank the anime knob higher and higher
Look at her neck.
>This is bad because...? Subjective.
because it's a rework and not a new champion?
>He's still an edgelord all about fighting and war. Also, see above.
He's loud and obnoxious. Old Aatrox was calm and collected. So again, completely changed, could be a new champion.
Put your glasses on.
>Balancing comes and goes, he's had good win rates and bad win rates.
>Baseless speculation.
jesus christ just look at how his winrates are fluctuating
he was made with pro play in mind and he ended up like azir and ryze
So they deleted an old champion and replaced him with something new. Old mains don't like nuAatrox, because he's completely different and new mains don't like nuAatrox, because he's a gutted proplay champ.
>not posting the gamer girl pee version
I would honestly come back to League and buy all her skins if I actually played her, but mid isn't for me.
>you're not arguing about the character, but the player
That's full retard logic. The player has nothing to do with the mechanics of the character. If the character didn't have a hook, it doesn't matter who's playing him, he just doesn't have a fucking hook.
why is this okay when the US does it but not Japan?
Now prove how it is not your subjective opinion that it's bad and wrong for a rework to change things.
>Put your glasses on.
Popularity goes from below 5% before rework, to 15% at the peak after the rework.
>Old mains don't like nuAatrox, because he's completely different and new mains don't like nuAatrox, because he's a gutted proplay champ.
That's strange, his pick rates spiked massively after his rework. Why is that if everyone hated it and his win rates were so terrible?
After Lee Sin
players were the summoners, when they retconned the Jonia war with Warwick and the Unicorn girl everything went to trash
When they started completely replacing old champions and removed the entire backstory to the game
Yes I know we were supposed to be the summoners. Doesn't change the fact that we were passing eldricht abominations and celestial beings around like used whores for our entertainment wasn't any less weird.
IIRC they tried to handwave some of it like Aurelion Sol joining the institute to have "fun", but not only is that a stretch you can't really do it for every champion.
When they changed Chill Dog Bro into Angry Dog Bro. Original Nasus voice was so much better than the replacement.
>Aurelion Sol
the space dragon
Discount Ao Shin
they added a space dragon?
I thought it was because he was literally Pantheon or some other mountain faggot's pokemon or something.
>dyke mohawk helmet
there is stupidity and then there's you
why can yasuo's windwall block my ornn ulti. its not fair
Well people were asking for a dragon from day 1
are you implying her helmet looks anything like the one in your picture or are they just "the same" because both have protruding shit coming out of the top?
It never had good quality to begin with, got popular cause free and easy to install
they arent the same ever heard of using a reference though?
Well IIRC current story is that he's there to get revenge on the Targon guys for using him like a pokemon in the past. Specifically Pantheon (or whoever the old host of Pantheon was) because he was the instigator.
Of the aspects, I believe he's cool with Zoe, but then again, Zoe pissed off the darkin, so meh
wind puts out fire and scares goats?
yes, and their reference was a fucking dyke mohawk and not a spartan plume
Riot will never design another girl this adorable again. This is where they peak.
Did a chad dyke steal your GF or something holy shit man
>gets proven wrong
>resorts to cuck jokes
They probably smell bad too
how was i proven wrong though? It literally just a helmet but here you are trying to jam sjw shit into everything because of a haircut
who is the one in the bottom right?
who the fuck tried to jam sjw shit?
I just said it looked like a dyke mohawk.
They wanted to get their old fanbase.
For example, zoe is mean to bring back former janna mains (Foot fetish)
It was before they changed it
you are by calling it a dyke mohawk and getting this assmad over it. It just a helmet if you played video games outside of lol youve seen 1000+ variations of this design and yet this ones a dyke mohawk becasue reasons
I don’t believe you
I quit the game around the beginning of Season 4. After so much time of seeing stuff removed that I liked or changed into something more rigid I started to have less fun with the game since 90% of the fun to me was trying to play seriously with off-meta shit and winning because meta was centered around fully coordinated teams of non-idiots and was always weeks behind what was good because the esports players are still retarded.
I came back and it was just even more rigid to cater to meta whores and on top of that almost every old champion I liked was completely removed from the game and basically replaced with a different one with a completely different playstyle and mode of operation because their weirdness didn't have a rigid and defined playstyle that it could fit into.
People are retarded and if attention spans are saturated enough (like after a rework) there will be a brief surge of new players.
League players being retarded shouldn't be news to anyone. You could pick a champion that's broken in one role and everyone would shit on you just because it wasn't meta and sabotage you every step of the way just so they can force you to end the game faster or just pick the same role that you wanted to pick because your champion's meta doesn't place them in that role.
Plus she sucks now.
you're the one escalating things calling people stupid and then pulling in the sjw card when told wrong
A dragon
whose is the one on the top right?
When they gutted the lore team and brought in Chinamen to handle most of their shit.
When they went full SJW, stopped regularly releasing big tiddy waifus, nerfed fun items, added stupid shit like tribunal and implemented changes because of m-muh esports. Also when they ditched international tourney in favor of their LCS shitshow.
user who never even bothered with the SC and WC mods.
Their biz is getting people to pay to unlock shit right? Why would the ever REMOVE a champion, or REWORK a champion, instead of making, say making a new one with the reworked abilities?
They literally harass their female employers and have "who'd you fuck" email list. But yeah, having every skin not be big boob waifu, but making the occasional Anivia skin is SJW
>hard to use
>not using
gonna be a yikes from me, champion.gg was proven to be one of the least accurate sites
>skill shots
>auto right click
name one adc harder to use than s2 ez
2 mid laners hard to use than zoe
>new characters are mostly overloaded and overpowered garbage
This is the most annoying one. Every fucking champion has a dash/jump/stealth now, which makes more and more of the older champions less viable to play.
A big flashy lawsuit isn't the same as actual harassment user.
Of course the current standard of mainstream corporate left of center AAA is literally telling players not to by your game, and whatever happened at Bioware. Riot's not full SJW, but that's because full SJW is well into criminal felony range by now.
Can someone redpill me on this game? I jumped ship from dota after 7.00 (taking a long break from mobas in general) and now I started playing league.
Why is TTK so damn low? Even when im playing Viktor, who is supposedly one of the best scaling heroes some guy with half my cs and bad k/d can literally blow me up 100-0 in 2 seconds and has insane mobility to boot. This seems to apply even when I itemize entirely for the damage they deal (frogau/banshees+tabi/mercs). The only thing that seems to actually make you harder to kill in this game are literal iframes like zhonyas.
I mean yeah I can oneshot him too, but whats the point of even buying more than two damage item as opposed to just getting 2 damage item and then buying zhonyas, qss, banshees and GA on literally every character? You will oneshot everyone anyway.
Riven is by far the most overloaded champ in the game. She has more one tricks in the highest elo than any other champ. The only reason she's allowed to exist (same with the windy chinaman) is because enough shitters play them to tank their winrates.
The quality was always rock-bottom
>sounds better
>calm collected.
TF hasn't had a global ult for like half a decade. You used to be able to tele from fountain to fountain.
I’m not him but azir and Viktor are both harder than zoe
Don't get too attached to a champion, it WILL be changed sooner or later.
Just go back to dota.
It is back to "win lane ,win game" meta that juiceshitters love
How are three options 50/50? You can sidestep in two directions or stop moving.
Hell, you could try to outrun it but that's stupid.
They backpedaled from the SJW thing hard though. They saw that no one was buying Taliyah skins, but Ahri and friends were still raking in cash. So they made nu-Eve, which is essentially a champion that channeled all of Riot's pent up sexual tension, and funneled it into one character.
Now every new female character has tits and/or ass (Zoe exception), and every new male character is ripped.
Win lane win game is terrible though. Which is why I fucking quit on 7.00
Viktor's bad. Especially the damage Viktor you're trying to play that doesn't really come online until he has 400 AP.
>why does incompetent developer XY which doesn't have a single division other than arts failing, while even the art one is done by a freelancer
Oh boy I can't even guess.
Sylas is pretty overloaded. His skills are multiple paragraphs.
What build do you suggest then? I copied a build from some high ranked player online
When esports and streams gained enough traction for every retard to play by them.
>Wanna play something fun?
>Somebody plays it on stream
Champion kits nowadays are retarded, so much shit on everyone it's not even funny. Then you have retarded RNG dragons with buffs, turret plating which promotes early push even more, generally pushing is still retarded and ways to counter split-pushing are still non-existent.
I hate it to, too bad icefrog craved to shitter like Sharteeze and EE and have been neefing rubberband because MUH SOLO CARRYING PUBS
I love how these oldfags of LoL will say it sucks but hasn't played since season 3 and thinks he has an opinion on LoL today.
Fuck you Vladfag, it is SJW.
>keep moving
>keeps missing q
what the fuck
what the fuck
>stomp plants or fake stomping so enemy triggers
>literally mindgames
>all skillshots
I bought iceborn, did u read the post? Against physical damage I said I buy frogau+tabi. Still get 2 shot by an adc that has 60 less cs
Morde, Karma, Aatrox, Teemo, Trundle come to mind.
is blue ezreal still a thing or did they change that as well?
Trinity force
>Even when im playing Viktor, who is supposedly one of the best scaling heroes
You were lied to. Viktor has been shit for a long time, and any time autists find a niche for him to fit in (top lane back in the Fall), Riot nerfs him to the ground. His scaling is great, but the meta (for a while) has just been who blows up who faster. For reference, Viktor used to be really strong because his second E (aftershock) would trigger nearly immediately. They nerfed that, so people began building Rylais to compensate. Then they nerfed that too and didn't give his E any compensation buffs. He was still alright to play, but when they changed the runes to the new system, it completely fucked him over because he doesn't really have a good one.
If you want to one shot people, just play assassins. Or Annie.
As in buidling two tears?
Lol. She’s garbage now.
It got too big and corporate.
It's a moba so it was shit from the word go
I've been playing a decent amount lately solely because of a friend who can't let go and it's just so fucking shitty. It most certainly isn't any better.
Perfect Hexcore into IBG/Abyssal depending on what you're laning vs. You're gonna want both either way. Go Klepto in runes, max Q. Viktor's main issue is that riot has gutted his ratios and burst to the point where he was basically unplayable unless you were a super autist. On the flip side, his bases are still actually good, and the effects that he gets from hexcore make him really annoying without having to build any ap. You can just go perfect hexcore and it's all you need, maybe rylais for the slow.
He now builds 2 tears.
The lore & character design - especially for skins - tanked a long, long time ago (although they still stumble upon some good ideas once in a while, like Pyke). But the gameplay is still pretty enjoyable. Even that's not as good as it was earlier on, though, due to Riot going all-in on enforcing & balancing around the Top/Mid/Jungler/Carry/Support meta
One post and the thread was done.
Why are we at 230 replies?
Pyke and Jhin are Riots best new champs recently. Sylas isn’t too bad.
He's 100% right though; you got gigatriggered and jumped to crazy conclusions because you're genuinely afraid of dykes. The helmet still looks incredibly fucking stupid and I hate the design, but it's not because of muh LGBT, muh SJWs. It's just a dumb-looking helmet.
2019 and still no voice chat in game outside of people you are queued with. Being forced to make calls through fucking text chat and a handful of pings is awful.
I left when they gutted Evelyn to the point she was the go-to troll pick, all because they were literally saying low level players had a hard time figuring out stealth.
They started balancing characters off of the lowest-level players and kept going with that. She was stuck like that for something around three whole years.
Aurielion Sol was introduced after the retcon.
Before the retcon the lore actually made perfect sense out of what we see in the actual game.
Well the other guy died so
aaa I want to licky lick loli feet
When they pushed esport shit
>legit wanting voice chat
Oh boy I sure would enjoy to tolerate even the voices of those people who are the biggest delusional fucktards in history of online gaming communities.
Dumbed down dota with forced meta where the newest skin champion is the only choice. Since when League of Legends had any quality.
There would obviously be a mute feature. It’s honestly inconvenient to type while trying to even do simple shit like waveclear
was meant for you also the summoners in the old lore were stated to be the most powerful organization in the world so it's no suprise that they could imprison powerful beeings like Cho'gath or Nocturne.
Fpbp, as usual. The game was fairly true to its WC3 origins while still having its own unique flavor. Heroes all had individual, unique playstyles and specific niches - there was almost none of this "auto-attack steroid, shield, dash, gimmick ult" that is so prevalent in the game now. Garen and maybe one other character had it, and that was it.
You could also do unorthodox play and break the meta, and you wouldn't be reported for it.
It was also before the shift to this generic, chinese pseudo anime artstyle that the game has now.
>Lorefags shitting up a game where the lore is not important in a competitive esports game
Please fucking off yourself. You guys always whine and complain about "muh lore" when it's not even that fucking important. Go away autists.
Literally all you need is the ping system and people still don't use that properly.
It was always shit. There was nothing else to play
when they removed dodge
>Right after her rework she's a fucking broken AP mid assassin because of how her kit interacts with another item
>But no one realizes it, they're just too retarded
>It requires basically a miracle to make it far enough to win the game without someone sabotaging you because they all think Eve should go jungle or is shit
And then a few weeks later she gets picked in e-sports because she's broken and that's when everyone jumps on board and all the itemization and kit is nerfed to shit.
>Mute feature
Mute should be the default state of being, I'd rather unmute 4 people every match over getting my ears raped by retards, russians and the french at the start of every round before muting 4 people.
Lore is important for some people.
It was never the selling point for lol but for me it enhanced the enjoyment I got out of the game.
A lot of people get frustrated because they aren't able to make calls in real time, and a lot of AFK's and ragequits I've seen are from retards on my team who got killed while typing. Plus, pings can only get you so far. Somebody pings caution in your lane, does that mean the jungler is about to gank? Or that mid is roaming and is on its way to gank? Or both? Pings can't provide this kind of context, voice chat, however, could easily do this.
>Lore is important for some people.
No it's fucking not. No one thinks about how old Zoe's real age is in this fucking game. People are too busy trying to outplay other players and climb. It's fucking retarded
>Somebody pings caution in your lane, does that mean the jungler is about to gank?
Honestly it doesn't matter if you get a caution ping you fucking back off and listen. I don't care how annoyed you get but I ping the shit out of you so you can fucking notice
Why do you think lorefags even exist if that isn't the case?
>threating LoL players like human beings
Big fucking mistake there bud.
Now what reality is this:
You carry 4 20-something autists and/or zoomers and lick their assholes inside out while in their head they manifested into godhood, while in reality they are bad. And you are caged with these people for half a hour at best. If you win a lot the game puts shit players next to you because oh lawld you can carry this don't ya? :^).
The problem is not with the ability of being able to carry, but the fucking process you go trough. Every single guy who can carry others may as well suck dicks since they have to bend over and get fucked by an absolute dogshit system. I can safely say without any exaggeration that League of Legends community is the absolute fucking worst. I have never seen in my life so many worthless bad and delusional players.
>ping 4 times a gank is coming
>still dies
>man I pinged you what the fuck?
>it has been done, focus on game, positive attitude btw
Its not even worth to talk about this you know. iF you guys keep this reaction time up maybe you'll be close to a rheumatic turtle in a few years.
Hows the meta looking for Tanky champs these days? I played the shit out of Mecha Zero Sion and loved the Urgot rework. Oddly enough I quit about 3 months after Urgot was reworked. I sorta keep up with the new champs but I don't know how bad the meta is now for my beefy boys. Is it worth getting back in?
>Tfw you're top lane, and you notice the enemy mid missing with your bot pushed up
>Ping them a missing ping and a back off ping
>They don't listen
>Start spam pinging back off until the limit kicks in
>Still nothing
>They die to the enemy mid
>Then they start flaming
ADC's are a special kind of retarded.
Their autism comes from different games and they bring their cancer to League
LoL's still popular? I could write a book on how trash Riot Games is. And I've been playing since beta (pic related) 'til about Season 5 was when I stopped playing Hardcore. Actually, right around when they changed my boy Mordekaiser into a "juggernaut" and when they changed Shen, too. I miss old Gangplank as well. The barrel mini game was so retarded and he was fucking busted.
MOBA's are a dying genre IMO. And I'll say it again, Riot Games fucking blows.
Having a good lore is the opposite of cancer, brainlet.
>LoL's still popular? I could write a book on how trash Riot Games is. And I've been playing since beta (pic related) 'til about Season 5
Implying your opinion still matters LOL. I like how these people will say "W-well I used to play back in the day and it sucks!!"
Once beta ended
I take it you like eating shit, so have at it.
the 'fiesta de las mascaras' in las/lan was pure disaster, you could easily make a movie based in it.
>still no BBW champ
Diversity my ass
All of you old timers think you have the authority to be above everyone who actually plays League thinking your opinion matters. Your small group of irrelevant retards are non-existent. You remind me of those old guys who go, "I'm a real gamer because I played the original Atari 2600" but doesn't play any modern gaming. You're literally that guy.
season 4 and when they started changing every character I love into some meme-gimmick character
This is a stereotype that I love about Lorefags. They think they're some lazy genius who thinks they're sophisticated in getting into Lore. You're all a bunch of pretentious faggots.
people who never stopped playing league of legends after high school are as weird/stunted as people who never stopped playing pokemon at this point -- you'll have your own genwunner term for s1-s3 players soon
>you'll have your own genwunner term for s1-s3 players soon
We already have them
i wouldn't know
>They think they're some lazy genius who thinks they're sophisticated in getting into Lore.
Where did I even say that you humongous retard?
Even if you don't care about lore at all there is no negative that comes with having a good story and other people can enjoy it if they care.
>Where did I even say that you humongous retard?
You don't even have to say it. It's the impression that a lot of you Lorefags bring off. I mean, who actually says this: "Having a good lore is the opposite of cancer, brainlet." only pretentious tryhards say this.
there's no lore
Explain to me why a good lore is cancer then.
Fredericka? Shes from the chaika anime
They don't permaban Brazilians and Russians for not playing in their containment servers so the game was bound to fall apart
shen too, so basically the ultimates that could teleport your character
When they reworked Karma
They’re still obnoxious.
Okay, senpai, that's fucking hot and cute at the same time, is this LoL shit worth playing? I've never tried it, nor do I have any experience with any of these dota-like games.
As someone who plays a shit ton of LoL, just look at porn and fan art. It's not worth it.
You could apply this to any video game people continued playing after high school.
Okay, I shall try to seek out those two, then
This. Riot constantly clipping stuffs as soon as it starts to shine a bit in meta.
> sustain self healing hero that are NOT AD carry
> nerf all of them despite ignite already exist and ran by everyone and can shut down healing hard
> poke team is meta for one big tournament
> nerf them hard
> global ult is too popular in meta
> shit on global ult
Also, they ran out of ideas for champ and releases really boring uninspiring shit like darius and zyra and those were broken on release as well.
Everything seems to streamline the competitive game to specific pace with farming phase then epic big battle with everyone busting their skills and ult
There are ruskies and monkeys on US/EU servers? I would think the latency would make it unplayable
t. BR who played a month or 2 in US servers before there were BR servers
At the concept phase.
BRs still show up on the NA server and East Euros still show up on the EU West server. Mostly because the skill level on their native servers is straight up lower.
Lore can most certainly work in League, the problem is that they felt the limitation of needing to justify the participation of their characters was too much effort for basically no payoff. The old lore wasn't gold or anything, but it went a long way in making it feel like the game you were playing had some kind of purpose. The fact that the game itself is considered non-canon makes the lore trivial because you have no outlet for it.
whne they remove runes and streamline the game like banning smite support or anything not meta .also last 5 -6 champ are uninspire.
By the time the initial lore was errata'd from settling political disputes over gladiator-style arena battles with summoners pulling the strings to everybody just does shit that's supposed to intertwine, League had already lost its relatively distinct style and flavor. Riot prioritized esports and churning out pseudo-Pixar content over player satisfaction which is why the game has become increasingly miserable to play. If that weren't enough, it's adopted the same punishment system that cracks down on players that don't stick to cookie-cutter playstyles despite being a game that's inherently impossible to play in pubs. Individuality and player expression are a thing of the past when you're expected to cling to turrets 24/7 during the lane phase only to crumble in team fights 30 minutes later depending on who had the better composition during the pick phase.
>Old Swain
It fucking HURTS
League of Lolis
From a gameplay perspective? It never did and the only people to claim otherwise are nostalgiafags. The game is in an objectively better place than it was in say S2 or S3.
The lore reboot sucked ass at first but they’ve now built up a pretty solid world from the ground up that lays the foundation for a future in other media, you’re already seeing the fruits of it with that Marvel Ashe comic. It’s only a matter of time before we see some outright animated series come out.
>Go back to "sex sells" design philosophy
>take the "chick in heavy armor", one of the few designs where people didn't care about lack of sex appeal since she was just a cool angel in heavy armor, and turn her into a flying sex-doll with a helmet
not even mad but still pretty funny to me
Also Morgana looks great but they really messed up with her faux-anime hair
I don't know man I think Yasuos kit is fantastic, its just that he's too damn strong