Gun Gun Pixies coming west for Switch in 2019

>Gun Gun Pixies coming west for Switch in 2019
>PQube is bringing Gun Gun Pixies, Compile Heart’s Shade-developed third-person shooter for PS Vita in Japan in April 2017, to North America and Europe in 2019 as a Switch title, the publisher announced. It will be released both physically and digitally.

Well I didn't expect this to get released. Also
>Switch & Steam Release
>No PS4 in sight.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>No PS4 in sight.
DAMN it feels good to be on the right side of history

Ps4 is for sjw liberals now, switch is vita 2 for weeb lewdness

Based Pqube.

Literally Vita 2, getting PS Vita games instead of PS4.

Just port bullet girls phantasia already so I can sell this fucking movie player already

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I'm so confused, why isn't this on their twitter?

Bee-tan has the kind of mindset I like.

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>Craphile Heart game

YIKES! I know this "game" is going to be a piece of shit.

But I don't think bullet girls can be localized.

Was this their boobie announcement from yesterday

On a scale of xenoblade 2 to senran kagura how fanservicy is this game?

Yes, the teaser had the colors of the MCs' hair.

A uncensored shit thanks to it avoiding PS4.

probably since Kame-pon and Bee-tan matches the color.

It's not yet 3 pm GMT

Senran Kagura

I should have watched the video before I asked this
Looks like trash, when am I gonna get a serious shooter but with anime girls.

But why would they announced it already if they were going to announced it on twitter

>Pqube hyped it up as a boobie game
>Its actually a giantess game

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It's already been localized. You just need to port it since PS4 stateside is never going to happen now

A bit strange if this is their announcement since it doesn't seem to have major relevance to boobs as much as OLZ does.

Now THIS is a self-insert.

It's not quite "breast expansion drpg"-level of focus on boobs, but they're definitely still important.

Attached: Gun Gun Pixies - Announcement Trailer 0-41 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

>gamma me is called gun gun pixles
>cover is just a bunch of girls vaguely being gay
Wtf I was promised firearms

Ain't that annoying?

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Shooting is the main gameplay focus.

Guys what if they announced they are localizing omega life too

Fuck Snoy

And fuck snoy people

>Vita officially kicked the bucket.
>PS4 releases have to deal with Sony bullshit.
>Everything that nintendo did was throw some cheap devkits early and hope that devs pick up the thing.

Thats quite amusing.

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Then that will be the game to push me to buying a Switch.

I have no doubt they'll announce it later this year, but not until it gets a release date in Japan.

What do you even do in this game? Take pictures? Is it some sort of Pokemon Snap with anime tiddies?
looks like you make the girls orgams while shooting them and dodging some kind of attacks.

that's a nice chair

Isn´t this the game with NepNep in it?


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Oh Japan, never change.

This game was good, I imported on vita

tfw might buy this unironically just to pwn libs

Fuck sony

This is so weird. The website only states that it is for Switch while the trailer has a Steam logo. PQube is so fucking garbage they keep low-key announcing PC ports but never releases them. Where is Punch Line?

>Persona 5 being announced for the Switch soon
>All weeb games are coming to Switch



What's the point of scanning? Also nice bras on NepNep.

Now if only Zanki Zero could get an uncensored release on Switch/PC too.

I wanted that game so bad. I hate Sony so damn much right about now.

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Video was

So how long until Nintendo cracks down on pedo weeb games too?

I was like cool, I'll get it just to spit on Sony.
Then I checked the video.
Hard pass, I'm sorry.

>Steam logo
Day 1 buy if it does release on pc.
>Where is Punch Line?
It has a steam listing and is 'coming soon'. Personally I got sick of waiting and just watched the anime.

Considering they are located in japan and the japanese don't give a shit about westerners feelings, hopefully unlikely.

>It has a steam listing and is 'coming soon'. Personally I got sick of waiting and just watched the anime.
That's what you were meant to do anyway, the anime only gets a "good enough" ending while teasing the super happy ending they'll create in the game.

>>Switch & Steam Release
> Steam

There is no Steam version

Wait why the anime? Didn't the anime ending release before the game and that the game has a different ending?

>physical release

oh there's gonna be a physical release alright

There's a Steam logo alongside all the other logos towards the end of the trailer, but they haven't said anything else about it so far.

Yeah ok cute OP but what's the gameplay like?

Or maybe PQube is just stupid and put that logo up by accident considering everything else they're stating:

When they shift all operations they have to the American HQ and move it to California, so hopefully never.

Publishers usually don't count PC when talking about exclusives.

I don't think it'll ever happen. They're a WA company for life, even had stake in the Mariners for a long time.

on shit.... now I can shoot giant neps!

I'm really starting to struggle to decide to play most games on Switch or PC
While PC has its obvious pros I really like the idea of just flopping in bed playing games or grinding some stuff on my commute to work.
Either way: I'll probably grab this, I liked Gun Gal and this seems pretty similar.
Thanks P Qube shrill-kun.

Kek, PQube taking the piss out of Australia and Sony.

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I picked up this game on Vita when I was in Japan and unless you have a size fetish it's an extremely bad game and control horribly

honestly, it's more because Basedny is censoring shit, so all weeb games jumpping ship. Persona 5 has nothing to do with it nor do I think it's coming to Switch.

I'm still mad about that. I wanted Omega Labyrinth Z. Fuck sony. I hope PQube will port it to Switch.

What the fuck, it's not Omega Labyrinth?

Why couldn’t they just bring the vita version too?

Could you use more meaningless buzzwords please? I really need my dose of unironical "sjw pretending to be something that he isn't" for my daily laugh.

Sony would obviously censor it.

No, what's kinda surprising is that it's a Compile Heart game since it's usually Idea Factory International themselves that takes care of localizing those, including the three CH games already on Switch. Also it's a Switch-specific port of a game that wasn't originally on Switch, so I guess this opens up the possibility that Omega Labyrinth Z will also get ported to Switch and PC eventually.

IFI could be publishing the PC port

Refer to , it would be banned by Sony like Omega Labyrinth Z.

Persona 5 updated port is pretty likely to be multiplat

Looks like it'd be kinda fun if they focused on the bullet hell aspect instead of collecting coins with that wonky-ass jump.

i swear... Yea Forums censorship is the gayest piece of crap on this website. Whichever mod thought censoring words on Yea Forums was good idea is a fucking retard. Fuck your feels.

but Omega Labyrinth Z is not a idea factory game.

I meant as a general rule, when people asked PQube if OLZ could possibly get Switch/PC versions, they said it would take them money to do so. Clearly it's not impossible that it might actually happen with some games, so with some luck it might also happen with that. Its original publisher is D3, which is bigger than Idea Factory after all.

But it sure makes an excellent newfag detector, newfag.

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nah, i just don't hang out here too often. I knew about the censorship long ago but forgotten all about it after so long.

That's disappointing, this game looks like utter trash.

Any Vitabros around? I hope you've come to terms with the full scope of Sony's betrayal by this point.

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Serious question, what were you expecting it to look like?

Cope, Sony pony, cope

I was expecting it to be one of the Omega Labyrinth games.

Is this yuri?

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Same. Instead I got a giantess game that may or may not be on PC.

I'll laugh if its a Epic Store exclusive on PC

Good, I'm glad I got what I wanted instead of what you wanted.

I'm still playing on mine trying to finish up stuff

First it's "newbie" idiot. Only newbies say newfag.

The trailer has the Steam logo so if it's going to be on PC, it'll be there.

I mean one of the girls liking yuri and it being yuri are different things.

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Well, she's the MC, but I don't know about the other, human-sized girls. I wouldn't expect anything explicit.


>has Steam logo in the trailer
>hurrrr it might be coming to Epic store!

The one thing about japs is that they are very finicky with business decisions. It took them years to trust Steam, and one storefront riding high on a meme game and 11% away from majority chink ownership isn't going to change their mind anytime soon

fuck sony and fuck the last of us

Okay, at least someone will enjoy this game.

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Kame-pon also has Bee-tan Bee-tan Bee-tan Bee-tan in her mind looks like yuri to me.

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And so it begin, so the Moexode is here.

I got blocked by a booty blasted Sonyfag for telling them the truth in those comments

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Bought the game back when it released a couple years ago. Theres not really nothing anything special about the gameplay which is honestly pretty jank. If youre a giantessfag thats into voyeurism then you'll get your rocks off pretty good but if you like actual interaction with the giant girls theres almost none of that

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Quite literally in some cases.

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I think I know who you're talking about

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Holy fucking based pqube. I never imagined this ever coming over.

By the way, they confirmed it's also coming to Steam in the twitter comments too, it's not a mistake in the trailer but in the twitter announcement.

My nigga.

Is it up for preorder

Attached: FF792515-EE95-4FEC-A44C-2D9ADCD3A11A.jpg (500x494, 46K) whoops

Well, I'm glad based japanese developers aren't falling for the Epic meme

>But you can never see nipples

I'll put this right next to Gal*Gun 2 on my shelf and start up a section for ecchi-orgasm-simulating-anime-girl-shooters.

They fucked up. Its also on Steam too!

They won't. Chinks are their mortal enemy

This means we could also possibly get the other missing Genkai Tokki games in English from Pqube now. I imported Seven Pirates and it was really fun, would be nice to replay it and Moero Crystal/Castle Panzers.

But what about omega labyrinth?

Is that the oppai game they announced teased yesterday?

It's too early to announce a localization of the new one.

Seems like it. I'm a tiny bit crestfallen

>but you play as a gay girl
It had me interested, but I don't like fags even the girl ones

isn't this game actual dogshit? I remember even the hardcore weebs trashing it. Will pirate on PC for ecchi though.

Breast expansionfags BTFO

Typically it's a localization on the original console, then the ports

Going straight to localization + ports on 2 different platforms is very encouraging. I'm glad OLZ didn't demotivate them too much

>Gameplay shown is 3 seconds in a small window with filters over it.
Imagine being so ashamed of the game you made.

It's aight. Rather "arcadey" for lack of a better word, but in a good way

Hell no, only EOPs disliked it because they couldn't play it. It was pretty good.

Oppairates is next

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What would the difference from Gun Gun Pixies be? Same situation, CH Vita game that would be localized by PQube on other platforms.

It's going to be moero crystal first

it still hurts

Moero Chronicles Hyper is getting localized. Go seeth into a tub of ice cream

so switch is like a wii u + 3ds + vita now?

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It's okay. Playable enough, but after the first few chapters you've seen everything the game has to offer.

Guess my biggest complaint is the lack of levels and environments. It reuses the same 5 rooms the whole game.

And Steam.

There's an obvious loli on the cover and you massage her boobs to make them bigger. You're just looking for trouble then.

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Might not even be son y but spike being even more retarded than nisa. It was already cebsored in december so the release date change wasn't due to censorship.

Moero Chronicle has the same rubbing minigame and it's getting localized uncensored. It even has some girls that look younger than the ones in Seven Pirates.

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These games actually sell well and are making Nintendo tons of money. And have as a result upped and upped the lewdness and or wife factor of their games accordingly.
The only resistance has been from the west. To which Nintendo have mostly just said fuck you to their western branches.

Hopefully it lasts.

I meant the people that played it. I remember some crowning it as Compile Heart's worst kusoge to date because the as a TPS it's legit horrible while their RPGs are atleast passable. Looking forward to trying it myself though.

Yes. Isn't the future bright?

Moero Chronicles was already localized and the Steam version is being ported to Switch as an HD version.

once Pqube gets a Switch game banned for sale.

Yeah I know, I imported the Asian English version on Vita back in 2015. I was just basically trying to point out that Seven Pirates is no worse than that game and it's getting released in the US on a console without censorship.

is this a sequel to gal guns or it's own series?

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Snoy definitely had a say in the PS4 version, but PC having the same censorship is Spike either being lazy and/or complicit.

Either way, glad none of their hipster games interest me much. Spike definitely listens to sjws

Separate series about alien girls coming to earth and causing yuri shenanigans by shooting college students with some kind of beam

Why not finish the transition and say Jews?

Fuck kikes, too

This is a PS4 game coming soon.

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You're right
You're being glib and he's not wrong
All this from a reviewer copy. So much for Spike Chunsofts "transparency"

Reco Love already released. It's a literal port already so late in the process that all censorship is likely only going to come from a patch.

You're trying to be duplicitous to the wrong crowd my man.

put a burqa on that young lady!

>wii u + 3ds + vita
Yes no games at all

Why is she not wearing a burka?

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>no ps4

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>Yea Forumsgaf shits on the Vita for having only weeb games for years
>now celebrate because they are getting weeb games
lol in the end Vita got the last laugh

It was never a PS4 game, it was always a Vita game.

plenty of vita games used to go to ps4, not anymore

The switch is the de-facto successor because it's the last touch screen handheld that's a game console first.

ssssshhhh they need to cope with the ps4 being on top somehow

>grapple hook

But the Switch does not have that many lewd games. Only Sengan Kagura Reflexions and that Gal Gal Gun game comes to mind.

>I don't think it'll ever happen. They're a WA company for life, even had stake in the Mariners for a long time.
That didn't stop Sony who was considered THE single biggest and most Japanese company out there

If you told someone in 1989 that by 2019 Sony will be a Californian company he'd have laughed in your face

And yet Switchfags are salivating at the thought of getting ports of its library
Guess the Vita was the better handheld after all

Getting a heavy Mr. Mosquito vibe from this game

>tfw no tps multiplayer anime game

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PC version confirmed

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Go consolewar elsewhere idiot.
I fucking love my vita but it's fucking dead. I'll happily take games UNCENSORED on another platform. Even if I don't plan to buy these games because I don't like the content.

Still not on GOG, though...

So no reason to buy a Switch? Nice

>not anymore
Dead console
do you really want me to start listing off Vita weeb games that never got PS4 ports? Because I'll do it.

aw man I was really hoping for omega labyrinth

>le false equivalency faec
nobody cares fag point is switch is the definitive weeb machine

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Why the fuck would you buy a Switch for weeb ports?

Holy mother of SEETHE.

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As was I but I'll take what I can get

does, does this actually work together?

>bb-b-but Sony
Sorry but coping wont stop making Switch the worst version

Looks fun
Does anyone know why those Japanese games can't have nipples? There is a western game full of fanservice nipples laid in sexual contexts, it's a match-3 game too.

You are alright Pqube

Don't go to the Sony HQ tomorrow

CERO (their ratings board) forbids nipples/genitals in console games. Western games that have them are censored for the Japanese localization.

>switch is the definitive weeb machine
That would be PC and given PS4 to this day gets the newest weeb games, no

That's interesting, I wonder if one day we will have an uncensored game on the West

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So do they have another announcement at 3 or is this it?

even bigger boobies!!!!

Who gives a fuck.

>and given PS4 to this day gets the newest weeb games
all censored from now until forever
Which is the same as not releasing when it comes to a game that's literally a vehicle to deliver it's fanservice.

I already like her.

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Just trying to explain to your faggot ass that this is only one of many Vita weeb games that never got a PS4 port.

>we live in a world where the switch turned out to be the vita successor
i can get my marios and my anime tiddy games on the same console now

Everyone who plays videogames, obviously.

>all censored from now until forever
Like Catherine right ;)

the switch is the new vita
fuck sony

wait wait wait
the gameplay consists of shooting clothes off giant anime girls? i assumed that was just a bonus mode but... that's it?

Yes I'm sure Catherine is as obscene as the cancelled Omega Labyrinth Z. This literal 1 of 30 example you've given has surely shown me.


Another degenerate, weeb bait pedophile trash game.

I came to terms when this whole deal actually started. It makes me finally no longer regret acquiring a switch. If Nintendo ever doubles down on 3rd party Censorship however I'll give up gaming entirely.

Beg for a port! Beg for it, tendie!

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>just like this one which wasnt uncensored?
seethe more

>waaah degenerates waahhh
I wish you fucking cry babies would fuck off, no one gives a fucking SHIT how pure you think you are

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>Compile Heart
We don't have to beg, it's coming whether we want it or not.

hi amir0x

>Beg for a port
Much like every single Compile Heart game ever released. It will see a PC release.
I own a psp, a vita, a pspgo, a ps3, a ps4, a ps4pro, a ps2fat, a ps2slim, and I havent' actually seen my ps1 for years. I own a PSvr a pstv
I have been on sony's nuts since I was first given my ps1 after my folks messy breakup.
Fuck off

>Seethe more
You're the one who can't cope with the fact that Sony now has a policy of censorship.

Someone should really start naming and shaming these companies who make or bring these pedo games over.

Expect the localization is changed so it can have less bigotry, the VA confirmed this.

Sorry, bing bing, they hate your console.

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>censorship policy
Yet it didn't hit Catherine despite having a lot of risqué moments
Very suspicious


With this i honestly hope we get Bullet Girl Phantasia on PC and Switch too. No way in hell am i gonna buy it for PS4.

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Absolutely based

Except censorship doesn't just affect localized but also native ones
So if it was censored we would have already seen it

What's suspicious? It's an exception. There are two dozen instances of Sony exclusive censorship and only 2 instances of non censorship.
Unless you're going to say some stupid shit like "Sony isn't censoring" which would contradict what Morita said.

Omega Labyrinth was flat out cancelled. DOAX3 is censored. VNs as a whole were censored. Senran Kagura was censored, etc etc.

The Asian English PS4 version is uncensored, no reason not to buy it unless you're just done buying PS4 games at all. You could probably buy it on ebay or something if you don't want to support Sony.

It wouldn't have been affected in the US if it wasn't for trannies having a meltdown, yes.

Uh, sweetie, you can't be a Sony fan if you support Donald Trump... might want to delete your post. :)

I mean they both share similar traits
Both live in the head of mentally unstable people for free

>go out of their way to release the game physical, uncensored and in English
>No way in h*ll I'm buying that, Switch port when???? :D

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Which explains why you're so adamant about defending a corporation.

Neat. I've been meaning to import a Vita copy for ages. Patience/indecisiveness paid off

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>that seething Sony fanboy

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Is there online MP?

>not getting Switch version to more easily roleplay the bathroom platforming segments

I'm getting kitchoon vibes here lads!

Is Moero good?

When they win. Everyone knows that only steam is weeb greatest ally.

I know but i would really regret it if they do release the game on PC. Fuck double dipping.
I don't even have a switch, i just want the game on PC for the modding potential.

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Ita mediocre. I can't say it's awful, but its not good.

I had some fun with it on PC.

>Everyone knows that only steam is weeb greatest ally.
Steam is going full SNOY though.


>Everyone knows that only steam is weeb greatest ally.
Aren't they banning anything with young animu girls lately?

This one? It's shit, buy Mary Skelter. Or just play Etrian Odyssey like a normal person.

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The Switch is my first Nintendo console since the SNES. Purchased it right around the time they started censoring obscure 3rd party games.

Could it be that there exists people who don't like the new policies that aren't nintendies? Could you imagine!

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Anything that refers to "school girl" was getting a kick, but now it just seems random again.

Don't care to support Sony anymore, this even means disregarding uncensored games, after the shit they've been pulling recently.


It's pretty bare-bones for a dungeon crawler. I enjoyed it but if you're already a fan of Etrian Odyssey or something then lower your expectations

No, they aren't. Stop reading one angry incel and is propagandas.

Hey, the Vita did nothing wrong.

In fact, it got fucked by SoA/SoE.

See Steam is the last bastion of hope for weeb games.

>provides examples that are verifiable
>can confirm delistings by the developers themselves
>it's propaganda
That said that only extends to porn games. Normal games (for the most part with obvious exceptions) are fine.

Can the giant girls step on you? Asking for a friend.

Exactly. The problem is this retard keeps pretending fanservices like Senran Kagura are going to get banned.

Its releasing on steam user. Theres a steam watermark in the announcement trailer

so it's like the perverted version of Mr. Mosquito I've always wanted

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Only if they reverse back to what they said last summer and stick to it, but no, they aren't.

game on shita bad
port of vita game on shitch good

>so it's like the perverted version of Mr. Mosquito
Confirmed for never playing it, literally one mission involves sucking the blood of a teenage girl while she's taking a bath and the sequel its all about sucking the blood of girls on a summer resort

Fanservice games aren't hentai games. No issues whatsoever.

>I don't fucking support censored games!! ...but I don't support uncensored games either... actually I don't support any games I just sit around and portbeg on 4channel every day
I hear you. I'm not retarded like you guys but I can see where you're coming from.

Im talking about Bullet girls not Gun Gun Pixie user

>Mister Mosquito
>only female mosquitos drink blood
What did they mean by this?

Yeah, noticed too late, sorry

Why are you gay?

I'll buy it 3rd party like ebay sure, but I'm not doing anything that could financially benefit Sony as a whole. That'd be like having your dog shit on your carpet and then giving it a treat.

Get a clue.

You are gay

Like the Wii U, Vita games need new life because no one played them.

>seething nintodlers can't even meme properly

Well that certainly is an interesting spin on EDF style gameplay.

I bought just about ever game I could on PS4 prior to their policy change, many of them as Special Editions. I canned my preorder for Re:Newal and stopped buying PS4 games after DQXI after they completed killed Omega Labyrinth Z. Sony has spoken and I'm not a child that needs them to tell me what I cannot buy.

So, I think I have made my younger sister a lesbian, she caught me watching Neptunia the Animation one day, she loved it, then we started seeing all kind of ecchi animes together and recently she said she kind of liked a girl in her class, well... I'm definitely buying this game, you think this will seal the deal?

Based. Do it, user.

Fucking do it.