It's about time

It's about time.

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>Chief Diversity Officer
This is a joke right? What, do you get white privilege marks against you every time she catches you doing something?

your main job is convincing shareholder kikes that they should waste more money on you.


No. You get fired and replaced by some random black guy they pick on the street instead.

>at least half the staff must be Indian programmers
>the other half of the staff must match their lower wages

Everyone wins. The Indians. The capitalists. The business owner. Everyone.

No, her job is to make sure white people and especially white men don't get hired

gentrifiers and house nerds will be removed

based and bluepilled

It's to create a need for non white jobs. Then when those jobs cant be filled by non white people living in the US that creates a need to hire from outside the US.
In many places you cant hire an Indian or whatever unless you can show that you cant find someone locally. Creating jobs that have to be non white makes hiring from the third world that bit easier.

Fucking sad. Our futures are being sold.


>How many "people of color" and sexual deviants are in the game?
>Well it needs more
>Also hire a bunch of brown people, they won't do anything except show up in promotional photos and tweet all day

Clown world

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>chief diversity officer

what a timeline we live in

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>Yea Forums - 'why so many niggers???'

>Chief Diversity Officer
You got to be shitting me.

So this isn't about real videogames anyway, who the fuck cares nigger

>Our futures are being sold
WE are the future that was sold by boomers

it's basically a fancy term for "HR manager"

burgerland is a fucking circus

>chief diversity officer
Does this mean she has a squad of "diversity soldiers" that she commands?

>Yea Forums is still buying games with niggers and/or faggots in them

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Yes she does. And they gonna tear your white ass apart when they smell any offense against People of Color.

So Riot games is a really sjw company, have been for about a decade. About as marxist as it gets when it comes to opinions. knowing this, why should I give a fuck about an sjw company hiring more sjw's to do more sjw shit? this threads intent is all fucked up.

>western games
Holy shit lmfao

She'll be in charge of policing their CFO who got a 3 month suspension and "training" after spending all day every day slapping peoples nutsacks and farting in their faces.
She'll have her work cut out for her.

>company sees other companies shoot themselves in the foot
>picks up gun
>decides to shoot self in foot too
Is this the corporate equivalent of that "if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump too" conundrum?

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>mtf tranny
Every time

>diversity officer
Step 1 of establishing true diversity is not playing into the racial stereotypes. A diversity officer needs to be a white male

Why dont Japanese devs have these positions?

Finally, an expert on when it's okay to ban five supports.

>Chief Diversity Officer
What the fuck does that even mean? In a creative environment, especially in advertising or journalism, it makes sense to have a diverse team but it depends on the demographic and you only need people who belong to the markets you're trying to sell to. There is literally no reason for diversity hires otherwise.

>In a creative environment, especially in advertising or journalism, it makes sense to have a diverse team

Then why the fuck do all "diverse" teams do nothing but steal the work of mono-ethnic teams?

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HONEST question...
Diversity Officer what is her job?
no meme answers pls

HR departments should be nuked.

Because there is no diversity in Japan. Every workplace is full of nips.

Diversity is a goal that must be actively persued, otherwise it would have happened already.

Diversity doesn't mean "less white people" or "lower quality". It means giving people a chance and attracting people to jobs they might not have taken otherwise.

Asian culture doesn't accommodate whitey or blackie. Shit there are places in asia you can't even set foot unless you are asian. It's not something they need to think about.

Haven't they openly acknowledged it's a remake of Kimba?

>chief diversity officer
I wish I had the kind of money to hire people for joke divisions as well

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It's basically HR responsibilities but with a emphasis on including diversity to make the company look good and avoid minority discrimination lawsuits.


she does. they're called white liberals, soi bois, bugmen and antifa


No it literally just means fewer white people.

>Diversity Officer what is her job?
To hire all manner of people who are not white and heterosexual males

No idea what you're saying because it's completely retarded but diversity hires are generally just for PR and are handled by management who are completely ignorant of the actual role they are hiring for. There was a whole thing with companies hiring people with down syndrome and cerebral palsy about 10 years ago to be "inclusive", this is more just humouring twitter "humanitarians" and a mass influx of internet start-ups picking up their office staff from humanities backgrounds (aka "I had a lecture in feminism so I know what the problem is).

to ensure there's no diversity of thoughts

Serious question: How do I get hired for modern made-up jobs like that? Like, what kind of background or experience is expected? I'd rather be on their side and make some money off it than crying about "weird timelines" on the internet.

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You can't call it a remake if you don't bother clearing it legally.

thank you for a sane comment, fellow redditor

Yeah, I know that but it's a retarded non-job just to impress the vocal minority of unemployed 34 year old fat vegans on twitter.
I have no idea why any company would succumb to this random bullshit to impress an audience who isn't even buying their shit in the first place. I'm for diversity where it makes sense, but hiring someone because they are "ethnically diverse" is literally racist.

Step 1. Be non white

That's it

>Diversity doesn't mean "less white people"
affirmative action and racial quotas are literally that. In Canada its literally in our charter that you can legally discriminate against straight, white males. Visible minority is specified as non Caucasian.

A diversity officer is the culmination of O'Sullivan's law.

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this world is getting crazy

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Are you a woman?

i said no meme answers
t-this are meme answers right anons?

this legit makes me upset

Let it all burn.

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I guess pretending to be a lefty is the rule numba one
Rule numba two would be making up senseless agendas you are supporting and trying to bring them forward in your maybe new work environment

>Diversity Officer
Thanks for LITERALLY proving that they are indeed different from normal people and need to be treated like animals

sure hope this shitty industry crashes and burns

>Step 1. Be non white
You got it wrong; you can be white and female or white and gay or a white dude who wants to wear women's clothes and thinks that makes him biologically female.
You also need a qualification in something brainless and preferably from an unimpressive source - like a diploma in lawnmowing from Derek's Online College (uncredited).

>t-this are meme answers right anons?

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mfw even wiki has zero info on what cdo does

I'm not afraid of this ending leftist tick. I'm afraid of the coming right wing tock. It's going to be more than any of you wanted.

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>Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox earned her second straight win on Saturday, when she TKO’d Tamikka Brents in the first round at a Capital City Cage Wars event in Springfield, Illinois. Brents reportedly suffered a concussion and a broken orbital bone during the two-minute beatdown, and required seven staples in her head.

>"I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right"

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Not at all. They refused to even put anything in the credits when prompted

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wtf I like trannies now??

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>man fights women
>women lose
>gets an award
i should just call myself a woman and enter this shit

Nigger dyke with a degree in female studies. This is the world you chose

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Lets look at the recent champions they added
Lesbian lizard
Shadow the hedgehog
Literal cancer loli
What direction are they even going in

Realistically what's the worst that could happen if I say I'm latino?

Ok..... how is this relevant at all? Screw off with your propaganda.


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You what they say, good artists copy, great artists steal.

god i wish i were that tranny


>the absolute state of woman in the west
>not competent enough so they need quotas to be hired


They are biting him?

>Chief Diversity Officer

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if those japanese had some black peopple in theyre studio they would have benefited from more creativity and enhanced emotional quotient (EQ) to their movie but they decided to be racists and thats why no one knows theyre movie

The pre version looks like a halfway cool nerdy guy, post is meh overweight lesbian. Going female when you don't have a petite figure to start out with is such a mistake.

>Lesbian lizard
Yea Forums claimed it was based when this concept was introduced.

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This is a FtM transman. He wanted to wrestle other boys but Texas wouldn't allow it.

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Alright without being angry /pol/ retards, what the fuck would a Chief Diversity Officer even do?

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>chink company
>chief diversity officer

she's just there to be gangbanged by CEOs isn't she.

>all the racism, homophobia, transphobia and sexism ITT

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My money goes to pay her wage...oh wait I dont play shitty riot games.

So it's a girl on legalized steroids fighting natural girls

that's a woman though, the only difference is that she's taking testosterone supplements which means that she's basically doping but getting a free pass because (s)he has a hairy pussy and stubbles.
ICE could get called on your ass
only in Anglo shitholes, most other countries in Europe still take more competent people over diversity hires, because HR isn't filled with blue hairs (yet)

probably like HR only you need to hear her problems and nod.


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Decides which in game character is suddenly gay next

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It always is. Taking hormones wont change your man bones

pretty much a mix between HR and PR, she's pretty much sitting there all day hiring some low payed black interns so it looks good on the spreadsheets that share and stockholders get

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Okay but I'm looking for factual information not probably and that isn't a full time job and can be done by anyone.
Alright this makes sense.

Gross af, senpai

It also won't change your man brain or your man reproductive system
I've been seen this kind of talk a lot lately.
Women are starting to get fed up with trans, because they're trying to undermine the meaning of the word.
>Being a woman is about how you feel in the inside, not your reproductive organs or outside look
It's incredible how much they attack the very thing they're trying to be

Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans* Female
Trans Male
Trans* Male
Trans Man
Trans* Man
Trans Person
Trans* Person
Trans Woman
Trans* Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Transgender Man
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
Transsexual Male
Transsexual Man
Transsexual Person
Transsexual Woman

Riot games Islamic prayer room when?

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Hire two of each by the end of the week or you're fired.

the best part is they don't realise they can just be masculine-presenting lesbians and end up taking hrt and killing themselves instead

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>>>>two spirit
What the fuck?
What does that even Mean?

It means you have to pay them double.

Kek, pretty good

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>being THIS transphobic
>in 2019
You shitlords disgust me

it's fucked up and complicated

it's the exact same shit as the commissars in the soviet union
they're there to be the eyes and ears of the progressive left to ensure no adversity, no resistance and absolute conformity to their way of thinking and acting

And it's a good thing

imagine furries, but they actually believe that another soul lives in their body with them, like an inner animal or somebody else. We would call it normally Schizophrenia but it isn't because it's just attention seeking

"Spirits exist" - official medical science in the year of our lord 2019. Also, "we will have to chop off your son's dick if he ever feels like being a girl would be better".

Are Italians white?

Just ignore them they said.

They'll go away they said.

Native American/Canadian transgender spirit shit, is actually taken seriously

No. They look like fucking spics

I have partial Italian genetics and my skin is a little redder-tan than "white," but compared to a more melanin-enriched individual, it would be more comparatively white.