FFXIV shadowbringers

g'raha tia is the mystery nigga on the shadowbringers art and all the leaks are correct

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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine believing in discord trannies.

He plays female Elezen though. Trannies play Au Ra.

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I didnt want to believe it but this is literally a male miqote idle pose.

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It was obvious from the start. The posture and lips give away the character is a male miqo'te (Yoshida probably uses in-game models to trace for these promotional art pieces).

Ishikawa is bringing back all the plot threads she did in 2.0 and Heavensward and tying them together in Shadowbringers.

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Kirin's Osode and Vermillion Cloak were not in Hydratos.

Yes they were? You obtain them by turning in items from Hydatos.

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You exchange them for items that you can only get in Hydatos/BA, which is the same thing.

3 more weeks of furious denial from shota bunnyfags.
I guess it would've been nice to get strong lion women. Will probably get them anyway in 6.0 after 2 years of whining.

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Female and male only races...the madman, he’s really going to do it.

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Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit about new races or shitty characters? I care more about the combat rework, quality of life changes, and improving the overall server infrastructure that they've been planning. Those will matter in the game in the long term compared to a 5 minute wankfest.

>broken english
>Doesn't leak fucking OZMA MOUNT of all things
>mentions BLUfever being part of the Q&A team, the same shit mrhappy said in his stupid 'STATE OF THE REALM' discussion video


but wouldn't the hood have little ear pouches then?

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Ask Stola.

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Maybe he got his ears ripped off

That is seriously throwing me off but everything else seems to line up—that faggy male minors face, the stance, etc

Although he didn't outright state "We will never add another race". Yoshi did say that another race after Viera was highly unlikely because he'd rather not have to devote all the time and resources required for modeling and animations and altering every piece of armor to fit.

yeah but the pictures are obviously using in game models my guy. And as someone has said his markings are different.

They can't be the crystal shit that effected based hammer man because those with xande's bloodline are unaffected by the void.

>an entire expansion with butter-faced donut steel
Please no.

>Three more weeks of people bitching at each other about who/what is gonna be in the game
>After that we get three months of people arguing what's gonna be real in SB2 and what Yoshi is just bullshitting us about
>After that we get two years of WoW posters telling us the expansion flopped and there'll never be another expansion

Then Yoshi will announce 6.0 in October of next year and the cycle will repeat....

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Homies been in the CT/Void for 2 years in world time at this point. If it is him, who knows what hes been up to. He could be using the void to his advantage.

>WoW posters telling us the expansion flopped

Man, that's some bitter fucking irony given the last three WoW expansions.

and we're going to have to deal with this for at least 3 more expansions since Yoshida basically confirmed the game is already laid out up to 8.0 at this point.

>After that we get two years of WoW posters telling us the expansion flopped and there'll never be another expansion
Well the WoW posters will have to do something with their time once the game dies.

WoW players will be too busy killing themselves after Classic bombs to shitpost at us

That'd be a huge recon then because the entire point of him staying behind was the fact that he wouldn't be affected by any voidshit that went down and would effectively stay sealed with the tower until civilization was ready.

Again whatever they do it'd have to be a huge retcon.

I started following Asmongold just so I could be watching the day he blows his brains out on stream.

What if they're removing Miqo'te ear headgear variants and just hiding the ears because that's the same thing they're doing for Viera?

It would be utterly lazy, which is why it is likely.

It's going to be really interesting once summer comes around. WoW Classic is due for summer release just as Shadowbringers is, but we have no clue if WoW Classic is going to rush out on the scene first to steal Shadowbringers hype or be a late release trying to catch up after the layoffs at Blizzard. Also I wonder how the review scores will be for both. For reference, Stormblood got a 9.2 from IGN and Legion got a 9.1

>5.3 drops
>"God this game is so dead"
>">Playing wow with weeb skin in 2019"
>"Dead game"
>"Insert autistic cash shop posting"
>5.5 drops
>"insert complaining about whatever eureka clone is out"
>"insert complaining about new jobs being braindead"
>"insert about no content to do"
>"X EX is so fucking easy"
>"Why didn't we get six more ultimates?"
>"This was the worst fucking expansion, this game is dead."

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There's no such thing as world time, because illogical as it seems, everything from 2.0 to ShB happens in a few months' time. It's a time bubble. Characters not aging etc.

>because that's the same thing they're doing for Viera?
That would be fucking hilarious.

They can't meet ShB release, they'll use patch 8.2 for that.Classic will be late August at earliest.

Classic will score points for being old at this point, reviewers won't want to go against the hype. I think it'll get a small group of people playing it but less than something like OSRS probably. People will realise that you need to be NEET to get anywhere and the grind is unsatisfying for the longest time.

You're not the only one, but this is final fantasy. You have to understand more people are going to care about looking pretty over how they're playing.

They said something about the difficulties in adapting head gear for Viera. I can't imagine any other way to do it than just hiding the ears.
Imagine Viera ears just clipping through any DRK AF helmet.

I have no hopes whatsoever for combat rework, except a few abilities being pruned or combined.
DRK won't get rid of Dark Arts spam anyhow.

The only hope is GUN and DNC resembling RDM and SAM design. RDM and SAM are brainless and easy, but their kit just "works" and flows well.

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>DRK won't get rid of Dark Arts spam anyhow.
what makes you say that? HW was easily not about dark arts spam, so they can do it again.

>RDM and SAM are brainless and easy, but their kit just "works" and flows well.
can't wait for them to get fucked up in Shadowniggers

I stopped giving a shit after how fucking bare bones the stormbloods update were. There's just not much they can do with the system as it is now.

And what's worst is they're just going to fuck up jobs that already play well probably, like SAM and SMN with their stupid skill pruning shit.

They said they'll do a major rework on some classes.

I'm still hanging on to hope for a short young Elezen-like female Viera variant at least.


I think new races are waste of development resource that could've been used else where and not cramming in shitty lore and adjusting animation/models/etc. to fit with new races.

>There's just not much they can do with the system as it is now.
remove TP gauge to flesh out job gauge mechanics to the point it completely changes jobs


The fact they gave a July release date, with early access no less, puts a ton of pressure on Blizzard to push out 8.2 (and maybe 8.3) faster. Blizzard knows people are paying attention to XIV and all they can do is try to keep themselves relevant through patches.

Way I see it, they have to make the Queen Azshara patch good, otherwise they might be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of players, considering the fact she's been hyped up as early as vanilla and was finally physically shown in Legion. They HAVE to not fuck up the Azshara patch to have any real chance of maintaining any real sub base for the future.

>jobs that already play
It might not be jank as MCH but I wouldn't say it's as smooth as SAM.

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I hope Gunbreaker plays well. Maybe a faster GCD than other tanks.
But honestly I just want gunblades. They awaken my inner chuunibyou back from when I was 13 and playing FF VIII. Hope we get some good looking ones.

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Only major rework they stated was MCH.
TP being removed. Will probably either mean AoE spam in dungeons with no real drawpack, or they put increased CDs on AoE abilities.

It's really crazy how much of an influx of new players, mostly wowfuges, FFXIV has been getting since BfA. It's very noticeable on EU servers at least.

it really is

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increase cost of skills or have it limited by the job gauge. done.

>Only major rework they stated was MCH.
WHM as well.

DRK is part of the rework too. It was mentioned in a live letter a long time ago.

>Using the term Chuni in the west

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what if it plays like a melee machinists with how ammo works?

I love male cats, but that hand pose irritates me so much. Why can't they just have relaxed fingers like literally every other race?

WHM and DRK? Nice.

I don't care one way or the other, I just want the shitposting to end.

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Hrothgars might be genderless afterall. Can't have genderlocked race when they have no genders, afterall

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>3.2 Warriors of Darkness
>Crystal Tower and G'raha Tia
>Dark Knight

ShB will be FFXIV's high point.

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>CDs on aoe abilities
Ah yes, I can't wait to respect the content even more with 45 minute dungeons, very cool!

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Also MNK
In NA Fanfest they said WHM, MCH, and MNK. DRK was brought up long before that

It applied. I had the pendant and ring and everything.

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I'm sorry user, but the shitposting never ends.

that's kinda what BRD went through going from HW to SB. went from casting ranger with occasional MP/TP songs to a multiple song playing bard to contribute DPS.

>picked cat because the arthritis hands and sit made me think back to inuyasha and I loved that shit as a kid
>find out the only straight cats are NPCs

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I can't wait for BRD to become masters of trash killing.

Viera males will still be there as npcs, female Hrothgar probably will too.

Until they add them after all the whining in 6.0.

I meant RDM nigga.

My Nigga i still got mine hanging on my wall. Aswell as the edgy Cerberus one from vincents game

>find out the only straight cats are NPCs
>He doesn't know
Oh, my sweet summer child.

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But is he going to be a better husband than Aymeric or Zenos?

Just replace the riddles with literally anything else. Earth can be fine to tank a slap to keep your position, but who the fuck thought a button to make you slower was a good idea?

Garlemald will raze the city-states surrounding it because they planned to rebel, so there won't be any reason liberate them or go there unless one of them happen to be where Nier raid takes place. Garlemald will be a 4man dungeon at the end of 5.0.

That's the only thing missing for the ultimate Squall glamour. We have the outfit, we're getting the gunblade in the CE, now we just need the ring and neck.

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Just fucking with you user, neat merch

Whatever they do to MNK it'll be the awkward stepchild or just flatout replace NIN because giving it slightly less damage than SAM and A utility already makes it more desirable.

There wont be any male Viera npc because they'll be in the woods.

Yeah, we've gotten a lot of WoW refugees on my server. It wasn't surprising to see a few here and there, but to see so many more really shows that Blizzard hasn't done a good job with BfA.

8.2 and 8.3 HAVE to be good otherwise I expect their playerbase will shrink to vanilla WoW numbers before 2.0.

Those nunh have to be doing something, right? The catgirls don't just pop out of the aether

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If DNC is real then I hope they use war fans.

Think the necklace is on squalls sub gear. Probly a never ever on the ring tho

>saying where he works
so he actually IS retarded then

Are you ready for the best race to get added to the best MMO?
Are you ready for all the delicious miqo'shit tears?

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DNC uses daggers in XI for the most part. War Fans would certainly be interesting but I doubt it'll be that.

>Did BA for the first time ever yesterday in a semi-organized practice group
>Wiped on the first boss

doesn't mean anything.its in the lore. they'll be in different areas where people can't go

I need a new MMO now that GW2 is officially dead, how's the new player experience for this?

I'd say either fans, ribbons, or chakram.
More likely fans or ribbons, I don't think they're going as experimental as melee healer, they'll just be casting healers.

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Don't think they'll double up on weapons again.

Very accommodating but incredibly slow until like level 30. Things don't REALLY pick up until the first expansion though.

What's up with GW2? I actually just thought about trying it out

They should just stop adding brainlet dungeons. Get all of your welfare tomes from "dungeon roulette" and just start adding dungeons that rape you but drop actual stuff.

If they're male only barely anyone will play them. Just a small portion of the male roe crowd fantasia-ing.

The genderlock is 95% likely now, but what the heck Yoshida, bara lions don't sell, and the community will still be asking for male Viera every liveletter and Q&A from the JP fanfest onwards.

>thousands of work hours to model noob armor to fit on roe 2.0
Oh no no

People really needs to stop using XI as reference when it comes to XIV
>DRK was nothing like XI's
>RDM was nothing like XI's
>BLU was nothing like XI's
Hell none of the jobs were anything like XI's.

noob friendly, you'll probably be missing a few braincells from the tedium of a realm reborn though

I kind of want fans so I can get an anji mito outfit going

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Yeah, I discussed it with my FC and they kinda leaned towards chakrams and bladed ribbons that go around the arms/hands.

It's slow in ARR, but it's a strong, healthy community full of helpful people. You have a lot of variety.

I doubt they'll pull a FFXI regarding weapons.

Yeah it's pretty retarded, I'm pretty sure they'll use some sort of cloth or some shit.

You are not wrong and sadly it's been a habit of mine to compare certain things to its XI counterpart.

To be fair I was only comparing the weapons and there's no dying there's a bit of influence regarding XI and how some things are treated in XIV. Don't forget that XIV was technically made to be a sequel to XI at one point.

I fully expect armor sets in 5.0 to be even worse than 4.0 because extra race increase workload.

>bunny girls won't sell fantas
>bara lions won't sell fantas
>twink rabbits would
>amazon lion bitches would
Get with the times YoshiP!

You DO know you're not getting the girls, right?

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Big layoffs at ArenaNet due to NCSoft being jews. Basically all aspects of the game are now crippled - lead devs for WvW, PvP, Fractals, and basically all of the music team are now gone. About 6 months before this happened they also announced that they had no real plans for a third expansion.

Try the F2P version if you like, I still think the core mechanics are fun but the game is basically on life support now.

YoshiP isn't retarded enough to not realize that hot lion bitches will sell more fantasias than gay lion dudes.
YoshiP wants money.
What do you think he'll do?

I didn't think of this. Holy shit.
NCSoft also were the reason that Wildstar died. Way I see it, fuck'em.

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>lead devs for WvW, PvP, Fractals
Wait, what? I thought they were just getting rid of social media managers and such.
So who the fuck are left?

Have they revealed the 8 man raid series yet? I think having the 24 man be NieR Automata is fucking stupid. They need to stop memeing with their actual content and add more XIV-original stuff. The 8 mans being exdeath/kefka was fucking dumb.

YoshiP doesn't care. he cares about his creative vision. Remember that he ordered thicc milf Lakshmi transformed into a college girl because "it wasn't cute enough".

Females need to be cute, males need to be tough and/or monstrous. Look at every boss/primal in the game.

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No. They weren't ready on time to show in the French Fanfest. We'll most likely get something in the Japan fest.

Hype for March 23rd.

>YoshiP wants money.
Which is why we're getting Viera and they're tossing out a random half-assed race for male characters.
I'm sorry dude.

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NCSoft has done more to ruin the MMORPG genre than Blizzard has.

Nah that was a completely separate thing where some SJW writer for the Living World content told a fan to fuck off and got herself along with her supervisor (who was actually a really well-liked community figure, shame he got tangles up in all that) fired.

I don't know the names of everyone who got laid off, but it's at least 200 people according to reports.

Too bad. 8 man will most likely be FF IV themed.

8-man hasn't been revealed yet. And the Exdeath/Kefka stuff in Omega were just cameos. The story was completely original.

He still wants money, user, and even a retard can tell you lion bitches would be more profitable than gay lion dudes.

Here are your bosses.

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Thicc milf Lakshmi never existed. Not in the way you think.

I feel like DRK and WAR tank stance effect should have been swapped. DRK gets the massive HP increase and then uses their skills to drain HP to turn into attacks or mitigation. WAR is the one that has a flat damage reduction for being well versed in combat.

And we'll get them eventually. In 6.0.

Until then they can use genderlocked Viera and Hrothgar to market ShB as having 2 (2!) races added.

literally impossible, all the casuals even the people on this board want the nier stuff because its square enix

its only low brow fan service stuff from now on

That's impressive once you think about it.
user, I would kill to be able to fight the four fiends, with Dreadful Fight playing in the background.


I find “Shadowniggas” uncontrollably funny. It makes me feel retarded and often enough I see some call it shadowbringers I say “what’s that, oh, they mean shadowniggas”

yeah man if there's one thing this game's lacking it's a race of attractive cat girls

Original stories with original characters don't build hype. The reveal of Nier made people lose their shit.

>user, I would kill to be able to fight the four fiends, with Dreadful Fight playing in the background.
You literally can in FF4.

The frogs say otherwise.

what is the best way to level up and get gear? just doing the main quest?

Cat != Lion
Also, if they cared: why add lionbois when catbois are already a thing?

How does Yoshida keep getting away with this shit?

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Code easily copy-pasted from other races, and holds the door open for adding the missing genders in 6.0.

In 5.0 they'll be genderlocked, there's too many indications for it to allow for the (already remote) possibility of two fully realized races in a single expansion launch. Especially if thye're doing an adidtional variant of shorter Viera like was hinted at the art panel.

fans would be fine, i guess. it won't matter what weapon they use if they end up being ranged

And I literally want to fight them again in XIV.
MSQ doesn't offer a lot of gear. Dungeons at your current level offer good gear. You can fill the gaps with gear bought from NPCs. Fair warning - Gear on the right side (rings, bracelet, necklace) cannot be bought past a certain level because they wanted to give crafters a hole to fill. You can befriend a omnicrafter who can make you some easy high quality gear as most things in Realm Reborn are stupidly easy to craft now.

MSQ gives you a lot of XP, and dungeons give you a lot. Keep a food buff on you at all times. The 3% XP goes a long way. Join a Free Company (aka guild), and get the XP bonus benefit.

If you want to go the extra mile, use the recruit-a-friend campaign to get yourself a headpiece that increases XP gains up to level 25. Do the Novice Hallway for a ring that lasts all the way to level 30, giving you a flat XP bonus.

Source: your ass and wild assumptions

For a new player, just do the MSQ. You should get enough gear upgrades from the mandatory dungeons along the way, and enough gil to buy leveling gear if you really need it.

I had the ring too but it fell off my finger in school because it was too big

>leaks that mention genderlock are now credible
>yoshi keeping quiet about male viera
>yoshi always bringing up how hard it is to make a race
>"b-but this copied and pasted gender code says we're getting two fully fleshed out races with both genders"

closest you'll get to your lion girls is a uraeus skirt on your male hrothgar

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The art panel indicated that they used the "young elezen" skeleton as a basis for Vieras. That doesn't mean they're making a loli variant since skeleton does not dictate scale. It just means they aren't proportioned like giraffes since they use the alise/alphinaud skeleton as a base.

The later leaks have been proven correct with this G'raha Tia confirm user. But do stay in mad denial and explode when the 23rd arrives.

>everyone constantly guesses it's him from day 1 due to how obvious it is

You're retarded

>yoshi keeping quiet about male viera
see >453218160
I wouldn't say they're quiet, but they're giving a few good hints that male viera aren't happening.

>The art panel indicated that they used the "young elezen" skeleton as a basis for Vieras.

That's not what was said at all.
They were either talking about a sub-race variant or a hairstyle, and why would Yoshida shush Namae over a hairstyle?

The leak predates the fanfest and reveal of the key art.

the 8-man raid will probably be Octopath traveler

It's gonna be really hilarious when you all find out they reworked the male lion race 'hrothgar' into huge buff male viera last minute, and they don't resemble the females at all

Au ra all over again

You mean the leak that felt like a piggy back off of the two other leaks?

fuck trannies and fuck shadowniggers

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I wish all these faggots still swearing we're getting male viera and female hrothgar would actually come back and apologize for being so wrong and stupid when the truth eventually comes to light, but they're just going to slink off into anonymity and pretend like no one ever thought such dumb shit, like they always do.

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I legitimately think that Yoshi-P hates fags. My evidence:
>he is from Japan
>he's like 45-50 years old
>he has to deal with the FFXIV fanbase
>when first asked about Viera as a race he expressed interest, but expressed incredulity that anyone would like bunny *men*
>the male bunny outfit took like 15 years to be implemented despite loud fag outcry

Whatever you say, faggot
If you advocate for gender locks it's a huge red flag that you're an overweight incel

It's no longer a piggy back when all the unique elements (Hydatos glamour items and Crystal Tower) are proven right.

>nothing about ozma, or shantotto staff, and no haubergeon

I don't think anyone actively advocates for genderlocks. It's just what Yoshi-P very clearly is doing, and anyone still clinging on to hope he isn't at this point is, in all honesty, a bit pathetic.

You mean hauberk

It'd be pure idiocy and controversy when the competition is weakest
I refuse to believe he's that stupid

Thank god the game is made in Japan so we can watch people get ass-blasted they can't dress up their dude in women's clothing.

I don't give a shit about either new race but I hope for genderlock just for the tears that will flow.

At least the viera would have some kind of figure outside of those literal stick au ra

>not waiting and remaining neutral to laugh at either side on reveal

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t. incel who wishes the game was only little girls

This was actually some bitch in marketing.

How are they going to fuck up MNK in SB2?

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>it may have gotten everything else right but ti didn't mention these specific things so it's all wrong

>expecting rational, business savvy decisions coming out of Square Enix

FF XIV is one of their last remaining saving graces, but it's not like it has consistent good decision-making.

It got extremely safe guesses right and mentioned a thing that ended up not being in

calling it shadowbringers is a mistake and reeks of Koji Fox bullshit. This is like when Blizzard released both Heroes of the Storm and Heart of the Swarm.

just like how blufever mentioned blu was a melee support dps which ultimately discredited everything he said

That was the older leak though, which suppsoedly added some made-up stuff to the original source.

>tfw you really don't care either way

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Why don't we have a system like this? Why does welfare gear need to be the same ilvl as raid gear? Entirely ignoring relic/purple gear, they should have dungeons that drop one set of gear, have normal raids be slightly higher than that, have welfare gear be slightly higher than that, and have savage raids drop the absolute best of that patch. Make (hard) mode dungeons actually hard and drop rewarding gear also, the current system we have no rewards garbage play and keeps the skill gap too open.

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>tfw their manes will be attached to the face, like Au Ra horns

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current system we have now*

Japanese ttile "Jet Black Rebels" isn't very marketable in the west though.

I usually believe most leaks but this one doesn't convince me at all. The broken english is a bit too deliberate, the leaked gear from hydatos was two very easy guesses and the comments regarding Mr.Happy are just a little bit too cute to be real. I sincerely doubt a Japanese developer would have such a strong opinion about Mr.Happy, this was clearly added for laught value for the western community as whoever fabricated this knew that Mr.Happy would likely want to talk about it

with enough complains, because there will be, I wonder if they'll make male vieras playable in 6.0?

>t-that was a safe guess
Yea Forums has the absolute worst track record ever when it comes to evaluating leaks lmao. How do you always end up both believing the fake ones AND calling the real ones fake?

Fact : Titania is the most attactive primal in the game

If these lion shits are real, I'm kicking any that join my parties, I don't want bara faggots or "muh amazon mommy" autists shitting up my runs

Most likely. It's like an unmade promise they can use to keep people playing anyway.

No more new races, but they can still add some missing genders.

That's a funny way of spelling Tsukuyomi

it's not a dichotomy. you can choose literally any other name that doesnt abbreviate to "SB"

t.carbuncle slippers, chocobo head, subligar wearing redditfell

>people think we're actually getting a second race
hrothgar were scrapped months ago
models are repurposed
8 man is lea monde

I think the Engrish and mentioning where he works and plays is just misdirection though.

Probably just another guy in localization/QA.

The Crystal Tower mention and G'raha Tia being confirmed now is just too much. How do you guess that?

Hrothgar are the codename for male Viera.


>viera are female only
>the missing gender is repurposed to add the rumored "young elezen"
>"oh whoops because of how we set up the race we can't add the males"
that's going to be their reasoning
screencap this

Fingerless gloves and calf endurance meters to keep track of alongside grease lightning and chakra.

Eh, community solved it by using ShB instead. It's no big deal.

You take that back right now, faggot.

What, your erp parties? I doubt you lead any raiding parties of importance.

Naw, tsukuyomi is

neukhia is a boss
reveal will be the proof

Despite what you erpers on Balmung think, male characters make up around 50% of the population. Making a gender locked race would be terrible PR.

I wonder why they stopped making female primals in slut gear in 4.0 and up?

Attached: ffxiv-titania-cg.png (1440x1080, 886K)

>How do you guess that?
I don't know when that leak came out, but I figured it out as soon as I saw the poster. Reminder that Crystal Tower has a dimensional gate on top of it.

>male characters make up around 50% of the population

Source: My ass

>Increased workload
What workload? They cheat on half the races already.

Why are people so fucking obsessed about races in this game and care so little about combat systems or content?

Those are fine though

Even if the Hyur demographic is bloated by bots, its clear theres a trend. In some cases theres more males than females.

Attached: racesgender.png (1276x605, 19K)

define "content"

because the real endgame is all about how you look.

Except he never mentioned it as a melee support DPS you dumb nog. On the sync weaver video he said it was a CASTER.

3rd class won't be DNC, it will be whatever Y'shtola is. So far Thancred and Urianger are wearing the AF of their respective jobs. We know how the BLM AF will look and Yoshida insisted that Y'shtola isn't a BLM. It is probably Sage or some other class that can switch between healing and damage.

Attached: qweqwrewr.jpg (1280x1728, 342K)

Shes a BLM you dumb blind fuck.

He did on gamefaqs.

who the fuck are you talking about
i'm talking about blufever
>Blue Mage is a support melee dps if this helps.
at least look him up before you out yourself as a retard

Nigga you dumb

>Yoshida insisted that Y'shtola isn't a BLM
No he didn't, he just suspiciously kept pointing out that she kinda looks like a BLM and then moved on without explaining what he meant by that.

>All of my veteran friends are hyped for shb
>So many friends who havent played XIV are trying it now
>They're loving it even in ARR
Feels cozy

Attached: 1551676181811.png (1200x1035, 1.5M)

Nigga, she's a black mage. She gets a special outfit because she's the mascot waifu.

Because its only good as a dress up game and anyone who plays for the combat system is a fucking idiot.

I'm a new player currently playing PLD. Is DRK genuinely as deficient as most discussion would have people believe? I'd like to play it because zweihanders are objectively cool, but I don't want to gimp myself.

>seething DNC Viera trannies

>Just making stuff up for le random troll

What's an advantage of playing with M+K over controller? What's a good keyboard setup so I don't have to drag my hands across the number row for abilities/spells further down my hotbar?

They said she's a black mage in the trust explanation though

By 5.0 all the Scions got new jobs, while Alphinaud is still an ACN and using Carbuncles. Will he ever get a new combat role?

Good waifu. Old dress was better tho.

Attached: 6ai4QOQ.png (600x980, 413K)

People have been guessing g'raha returning since forever.

These leaks don't match up with the leaks we've gotten so far either, all of the guesses have been super easy shit people have said in these very threads.

BLUfever guessed shit NOBODY would have been able to assume, like playing as alphinaud or the monster hunter collab dropping this expac.

This guys leaks are all shit a bunch of people already guessed, with one of them just not being true, on top of that we have no timestamp to confirm either. As this only popped up right now.

He's going to become a Dancer in Shad

You get to post on r/pcmasterrace

Wonder if they'll make it past the endless quests at the end, I'm in a noob FC and can see people who haven't logged in for ages stuck at 50-something because of the endless quests there.

Even if he got fired for it all, I'm sure he's laughing at all the shitstorming.

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>that anatomy
holy shit namae can't draw

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He'll be a scholar with unique fairy models we don't get

I thought that Matoya is possessing her body? I'm sure she'll still end up with the costume once she's gone from her body

Fuck off
> is that way
This is for discussion

That's just some retarded shit people decided was true with zero proof

I am carefully optimistic if only because we get some good NPC buddies and we are leaving the god awful Ahlamihgo plot behind us.

Seriously fuck Stormblood.

All my hopes will be shattered when they announce Eureka 2.0 tho.

No bully.

Attached: 5 (3).jpg (557x495, 45K)

the gamefaq leaker is not the same as the youtube leaker.

The youtube leaker started leaking shit on syncs videos before deleting everything after mr.happy's video came out. And he never mentioned BLU being melee.

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it's fine numbers and clear wise, it's just the playstyle is annoying because it relies on so much APM spamming a single button.

>I thought that Matoya is possessing her body?
That's one of the theories but we don't know for sure yet.

After killing Titiana he learns to imbue his carbuncle with her residual aether, thus granting him Titiana-egi

One of them is halfway through. I think that quest series is overhated. It gives you contenr unlocks, and you have many other side things to pace yourself. Stop hammering away at msq til 70 and you'll be fine

you mean his sister, alisaie?

He already knows how to summon egis because of Phoenix-egi in Coil. Technically he should be able to summon Lakshmi-egi already.

>amazon lion bitches would
Imagine being THIS deluded

Attached: 1541366861442.png (379x364, 57K)

My guess is that Matoya is more a title and Y'shtola inherited that.

Having Matoya literally control Y'shtola's dead body would be needlessly cruel, no matter how much Yoshi hates the character.

>Believing a leaker with no timestamp
>Believing a leaker who's leak only just showed up after the fanfestivel

Shut up nigga.

Urianger called Y'shtola Master Matoya. Though, I would not be surprised in "Matorya" ends up being a Sharlayan title that was passed down to her by 5.0

Can someone confirm if Pineapple Mango will be in ShB or will she be relegated to Rhalgr's for the rest of her life

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They already announced it at fanfest bro.

It's going to be body swap shit like how Zenos is possessing some random Elezen right now.

I'm long past that, I meant the others in the FC, I actually helped two members through praetorium just so they didn't have to suffer through it.

The first Discord leak dates from September. It was psoted in a reddit thread I believe.

Attached: 5areePx.png (636x351, 239K)

I'm sick of every XIV discussion being a shitposting back and forth. It's just back and forward and back and forward and back and then go forward and back

It doesn't even have to be a title. Matoya and Y'shtola consider each other to be family, so it would be entirely normal for her to carry on her surrogate mother's name.

She's a custom delivery character
She's never leaving the Reach again

You niggas love her when she hasn't done shit.

who the fuck is this?
this person has never shown up in any discussion before
this is just some random asshat larp'ing as a leaker by copying and pasting what blufever already said

Did he also post about a second lion race in those youtube comments?

Does Matoya have Echo? Because that's the only way for that shit to work

Like half this shit ended up not being true


She doesn't, but they could give it to her if they wanted. New Echo users typically awaken en masse as a Calamity approaches, and there's one coming up right now.

and forward and back and then forward and back and forward and back and then one foot forward

As my wife, I'm going to bring her along with me and rail that ass 24/7 on top of Alisaie's comatose body.

>Louisoix turns into Phoenix
>Alisae turns into Titania
>Alphinaud can change his carbuncles color

Attached: 1550535256397.png (492x504, 356K)

Because that one wasn't the source, this one was The first leak was just some redditor trying to take credit and making some more stuff up along the way.

See: Penny from Pyros. Literally in a battle bikini. Though she isn't a primal.

No but if I recall he was already saying there'd be surprising races to look forward to since before May.

He was leaking shit on sync's videos from before MAY you mong.


He never once mentioned BLU being melee. In fact he never even called a patch for when BLU would be released he just said it'd be pre 5.0.

Voidsent are all filthy sluts.

Really? Aww fuck me, so that is going to be the content for ShB? Fuck that content who even enjoys doing that?

And that one has no timestamps so why the fuck would you believe them?

This person also only came forward with that information after the fan festival dropped.

>orbiting "leakers"

That would still mean the gamefaqs poster had the same, if not more info than the youtube poster. Or was the same person, which is msot likely.

Heck, I believe the later Discord leaks are just still the same Blufever.

I hated Eureka until Hydatos. Baldesion Arsenal is great content and having a whole extra set of armor for endgame with 5 materia slots adds at least a bit more to gearing yourself.

blufever stopped posting on gamefaqs before may

Ah, but why would he drop Haubergeon from the list of glamour items then? Haubergeon wasn't in Hydatos, Kirin's Osode and Vermillion Cloak are.

>blufever posted the exact same leaks before may
wow what a coincidence

>eureka is shit until the very last
Yes no. I am not going to suffer through the first 3. Fuck SE for this retarded content shit.

You don't have to
Eureka is for 11 fans and lizard brain grind zombies

yeah and this guy was posting links all the way up until BLU got released on sync's videos.

The forums BLU was posting to defend his leaks when it turned out BLU wasn't announced for 4.4 so idk what you're even talking about.

Not the same person.

you don't even have to put in a lot work. just /follow someone in the NM train. I got to Hydratos just by watching dbz and shitposting on Yea Forums on another monitor while the game played itself.

>Not the same person.
yeah exactly
he's just some retard from gamefaqs who copied shit the actual leaker said and you're quite literally the only person who thinks he's legit

The leveling bit sucks though

That guy probably just added Haubergeon to make his leaks seem more legit, again those are some of the most iconic XI sets so it was obvious they'd be added in at some point.

It's the same thing with absolute virtue.

The gamefaq guy was the fake, but whatever helps you cope better, I guess.

thanks, I'll give it a shot

NM train is the worst suffering I could ever imagine. I have no idea how anyone can stand that shit.

Why did they make this new class, when there was already MCH?!

Attached: 1459629113233.jpg (531x471, 47K)

There is no second race.

why do people vehemently defend femroes? everyone in that tweet is whiteknighting femroes and saying they are more pretty and feminine than cats,lizards and midlanders

fucking ugly ass ogres these faggots are literally ogres


How is the gamefaqs psoter fake when he is the source of lion race?

Femroes look nice but they're decidedly more masculine. These people are delusional. All girls are nice though.

>posting this same bait over and over again

>ugh, I can't believe FEMROES are taking attention away from my qt au ra!
No one cares, tranny.

You mean the race that hasn't been confirmed yet? besides by the leaker with no timestamp?


By that extension we're getting both genders then because there's male and female pronouns and female and male pronouns are used when describing Viera and hrothgar features.

no one cares ogre

cope and seethe

the early part sucks but once you're enough to get decent credit from NMs then you can basically do whatever you fucking want on another monitor, console, or bantering in chat as your character autofollows the crowd.

no one is seething here except for the ugly femroe tranny player like you

keep on coping and believing that femroes are somehow beautiful

>no one cares

>majestic mane

And, for the umpteenth time, pronouns and adjectives mean nothing when the dialogue is one, copy pasted from other races and two, leaving the door open for adding missing genders in a later expansion.

Attached: 4JgffXR.png (1215x209, 203K)

>watch youtube on other screen
>wait for fate
These days I do it just to get the weekly cap

only 3 weeks until all the people saying there wont be any male viera get utterly BTFO

the tears here are going to be absolutely delicious

Attached: 1544393223103.png (1280x1280, 1.62M)

They're beautiful if you make them beautiful. There's pretty faces and features. Wish more people used them.

That aside, you sound like a seething incel.

femroes are played by incels though nice cope

Male viera aren't happening.

Get over it.

>They're beautiful if you make them beautiful. There's pretty faces and features. Wish more people used them.
The problem is that face blindness is a symptom of autism, which afflicts too many people playing this game. It's the same reason 99% of Au Ra players are fucking hideous.

Seething transexual detected.

Attached: ffxiv_02102019_223945_078.png (1920x1080, 2.61M)

> make a fugly character
> get called out
> hurrrr, u r toxiccccc

literally a modern sjw / feminist shitting up the game and nothing else.

Nobody wants there to be a genderlock. If we get male Viera we also get lion snu-snu.

But genderlock will happen, because all the evidence points to it.

Attached: Bless-profile-FP2.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Every femroe I know is played by a dyke

>T-They'll just add them in l-latter.
>B-But they're still g-genderlocked!

Okay bud.

>femroes played by lesbians
>au ra played by trannies
No wonder they hate each other.

I believe XIV is gonna die in year or something like that.
I bet SHB will flop terribly.
Cause their release date is too close to WoW Classic.
And believe me - EVERYBODY would play classic. Like it is the most important release of the fucking decade

Just image Yoshi's face when he will see the numbers! Like, huh, i believe he'll gonna kill himself

And plus SE doing pretty fucking bad, they don't have any successful and profitable IPs.
KH3 floped
Left Alive flopped hard
Tomb Rider flopped.

Only XIV was profitable, but they gonna cut the costs for more earnings and anyway SHB gonna flop cause of WoW Classic

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Whispering someone just to call their character a nigger is rude as fuck. You're in the wrong. Nobody wants to be called an ape. Mind your own business and don't whisper people your unsolicited opinions.

It's easy to not be an asshole bruh

No one is going to be playing Classic after a week, because only the most nostalgia-blinded retards won't be able to see that it's shit

> Viera
God, this is so bad. Much worse than WoWs new races.
Because WoW is doing pretty fucking well and show us TWO cool new races, that forced SE to do this ugly male power fantasy shit.
WoW's new races looks cool, have some lingering story background and deep lore, we already saw their society and know how do they live.
While XIV's new race just... an out of season april fools joke.

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Even if xiv does get a lion race, it's not going to look anything like pantera. It's just gonna be larger miqote with differently shaped ears.

>you're an incel!
>no, you're an incel!
Need hiro to filter this, it's always as bad as the cuck spam was.

Nah, I'm in a huge femroe LS and they're all middle-aged stereotypical basedboys with femdom/musclegirl fetishes.

Discussing whether you want shota rabbits or bara lions

based esl poster

There's a very simple reason why genderlock is real: Hrothgar would not exist otherwise.

If male Viera had been revealed at EU fanfest along with the females, and then someone said "there's an additional lion-people race" no one would believe a word of it. People would sooner believe Bangaa being added.
No history in the game, no history in the series, no consistent demand or wish from the audience.
The only way Hrothgar make sense are as genderlocked males in Yoshida's long-running, stupid idea of having a seperate male coutnerpart to female-only Viera.

Q38: In terms of new races, what kind of races are you looking into and will mixed races be introduced?

A38: I don’t think we’ll have mixed races for a while. Since it seems like Viera is popular around the world we have been proactively looking into this, but since having a rabbit male might be kind of weird, maybe we’ll look into having a separate race for the male counterpart.

>female aura player calling anyone a transexual

Attached: 1536439077627.jpg (375x375, 17K)

Nice pasta

>Now WoW-kun joined in
Someone call in the diversion fags and we'll complete the cancer trifecta.

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>Replying to it.


That's not my character, ya dummy.

>diversion fags
Heh... that's child's play user. Watch this.

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Why would you join a race/ gender linkshell. They're always populated by turboautists and people with mental illness.

> No one is going to be playing Classic after a week
Here we go again)

Attached: 1413848644570.png (670x828, 102K)

Sounds like you found the 10%.
The other 90% are dykes or older women with guild-mom-syndrome.

Guild moms are great.

My wife plays a femroe because she likes brown muscular anime girls, so we just watch and laugh at their autism together.

But this isn't a wow classic thread. So fuck off.

Older guild moms love erp, too. Fucked every femroe in my FC.

>au ra


Damn thats a good one for my collection

Attached: ffxiv_06262018_192008.png (351x529, 255K)

>she likes brown muscular anime girls
Why didn't she player highlander? Not manish enough?

A fucking virgin is on the cover.

>it's the niglander poster again

people don't sincerely think these look good, r-right?


Attached: 1501368718132.jpg (419x420, 24K)

Cosmo and Wanda think they so slick

>elezen and lalafell don't exist

lalafell is most honorable

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who here changing race to bara cat?

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I mean, that one's not TERRIBLE.

Urianger is the only non virgin there

How mad would people be if hrothgar turned out to be male viera.


Femroes are bustier and more muscular which is more her style, and she doesn't like playing humans in fantasy games.

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>hmm, I feel like I'm forgetting some... nah, I got all the races

Attached: 1518270960292.png (289x279, 84K)

Tia is sun cat for "virgin"

Behead those who insult Lalafell

pretty much this. Look at what they did to BLM and BRD in 3.0. They'll do something to "complicate" them some way. I expect RDM to maintain a buff in order to access the "new" spell

>wanting to play male character in this game filled with geat that looks better on females

I can't take a male character in any of the Casting or Healing sets seriously. Imagine a big lion in WHM AF1.

Attached: Mareg_1.jpg (500x790, 74K)

can it be march 23rd already im fucking tired of this male viera/hrothgar discussion

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You are now aware that most "futaroes" are played by older fujos with penis envy.

Fair enough. I thought about playing femroe myself but their figure wasn't hourglass enough for my tastes.

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Nah, it's every male who isn't the alpha. When you lose that status you return to being Tia. Plenty are probably ex-chads who got too comfy and lost a fight.

I can't wait, so I can laugh at whoever was wrong.

It won't end. When Fanfest proves genderlock we're just getting two years of whining for the missing genders to be added.

el ogro....

convince me to buy into 5.0

Attached: futurama_1_4_12.jpg (353x271, 14K)

let me guess, because its the "chad" race right?

I don't rp with futas so it's no concern of mine


>everyone shitstorming about stuff they're not getting
>meanwhile I already got what I wanted

Feels good.

Attached: vierab.jpg (1920x1080, 1.01M)

You have to turn up the bust and find a glamour that emphasizes the good bits, but yeah you'll never have an ass.

If there really is generlock, all the shitposting will be deserved. The lesson should've been learned after roe and miqote.

Please enjoy 2 years of crying about not getting whatever

>Tfw I'm ok with genderlocked viera because I didn't intend on playing one anyway
>Tfw I'm ok with genderlocked hrothgar because I like beastmen and I only play male anyway
>Tfw participated in an FC event and won a free fantasia
I'm living that easy life, feels fucking good brothers

Attached: 1545431033857.jpg (581x778, 140K)



a lot of the mage attire are bad. Doesn't help that many healer robes are designed with females in mind. Makes it worse that many healer-caster gear are reskins of each others

There is nothing wrong with gender-locked races

They're most likely gonna give 1 free fantasia to everyone at ShB launch.

>female only key art
>no different key art for the dark skin or light skin tribes

It's so fucking obvious.

Attached: -ucihhzgKIlOJYpMi7kfGJgSq8.jpg (2480x1364, 709K)

they look so detailed compared to the other races. I hope they update the other races, but I doubt it

That's la ogra to you, faggyboi.

I'm so tired of seeing Bards. That's all I see people play now. You join a PF and like 2-3 slots are full of bard.

Limiting customization is never a good thing.
>but muh lore
Can have exceptions, or be written to allow both sexes playable.

Its every male that hasn't earned or had the right to breed.

All the retards getting their hopes up about what's getting added despite knowing how lazy these devs are deserve every bit of disappointment they get

There is everything wrong with it. Gender locks are some Korea-tier pandering garbage for sweatbeards

The only update I can envision is Au Ra horns being seperated from faces, now that Viera ears and faces are seperate.

Attached: 4DxSnd.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

>Limiting customization is never a good thing.
t. zoomer

There are literally ex-nunh tia. It's a fleeting title. You have to usurp a breeder to be a breeder.

>>Tfw I'm ok with genderlocked hrothgar because I like beastmen and I only play male anyway
Yeah, don't expect them to be beastial at all. It'll be a hyur with a mane. Maybe slited pupils and facial markings. But don't expect them to be more beastial than male au ra


Attached: DyaXqlwUYAAtP9u.jpg (848x1199, 241K)

this is Yea Forums son, not your roleplay/gay /vg/.
back to your cave.

>it's a zoomer thing to want more customization options now

This board has garbage opinions

I can't wait for Classic to come out just so that these posters can fuck off when it flops.

Subtle female Elezen vibes. They wont be too bad when they're not wearing that ugly race clothing. Guessing their lv 1 relax w/e set will look more sexualized.

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Can't be helped, their buffs are too strong to just not bring.

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>xpac drops
>spend a week optimizing whatever mess they've done to my job, enjoying the story
>prep for savage
>try and fail to do savage on launch because PUGs are retarded, possibly just brute force DPSing the 1st/2nd dummy bosses
>spend 2 months doing nothing every week and barely logging in to secure a weapon upgrade
>go and clear the raids once they're figured out, get my fflogs autism fulfilled
>try to find a group for next raid drop
>never find group, quit
I know I'm going to do it again, but I just like the game too much.

MMO Minion squad roll call!

Attached: 1484329427848.gif (240x280, 1.39M)

>thinking not calling strangers niggers is common courtesy is /vg/-tier

Don't cut yourself on that edge kid

Don't really blame anyone complaining about lack of content. Subscription mmos make way more money than people realize even before counting in case shops. Why not expect content for that money?

Not him but there really is no reason to whisper a random stranger about how much you hate their character, especially when they keep going on about it. That's some autism.

The Fran set should've been the hempen camise set. Old concept art should've been their racial armor.

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Weren't Elin genderlocked? I never heard anyone complain about them when it came to Tera.

Thancred and G'raha have been working together for 15 years. I bet he did the bro thing and got his buddy laid at least once.

I picked Bard to main in Alphascape literally just because I wanted to chill. Easy rotation, no positionals, no cast times making all mechanics easier than they are on any other job

> call someone Serena Williams
> implying she is not beautiful
> implying she is a "nigger"
you two are some real pretentious hater, racist faggots for sure

>WoW is doing pretty fucking well

Attached: 1508147205055.jpg (377x264, 23K)

There's a few great looking mage robes that are plenty masculine. Off the top of my head, the Makai male casting/healing sets all look fantastic, first(?) coil has a great casting set, the seal rock set is great too (if a bit hard to get), there's also a really good looking mage robe in ARR I don't remember the name of, etc.

You just have to accept only getting a new one once in a long while.
Male roes also look positively cute in WHM AF1, I'd imagine a big lion would too

Give me one good reason why they would bother holding back male Viera

People complain about genderlock in kmmos all the time, bro. Where have you been?

A lot of the people that complain don't even have crafters or gatherers leveled, which to me, is fine but there's always a lot of content that people just don't do.

>those lips
What the ungodly fuck did he mean by this

Attached: wtf2.png (178x173, 68K)

Attached: 1532735706362.png (179x375, 145K)

Because the game panders to faggots enough as it is

Because they're gay, and Yoshida doesn't like them

Why doesn't the Special Edition of Shadowbringers come with a fantasia? It would be the perfect opportunity for them seeing as their coming out with two new races.

please understand

Attached: whaddup.png (967x481, 621K)

Yes WoW is doing so fine that you feel the need to spam FFXIV threads talking about how much better your game is. I've seen this pasta yesterday and the day before, is this what autism looks like?

It's retarded that MCH is the most mechanically difficult job to get gud at but it does less damage than BRD.

Because Yoshi thinks male bunnies are wierd.

I am racist, but that has nothing to do with some random stranger whispering a random person to talk shit. Like the guy didn't have any parents around to teach him shit talking random people isn't acceptable so he has no filter.

It does more damage than BRD, but not by a wide enough margin to justify the amount of work it takes.

That's what happens when men suddenly decide they're actually women and try applying make up.

It's not mechanically difficult, it's just fucking annoying. Not only do you have to abuse server ticks, but the majority of your damage comes from a 10 second burst window, if you die you lose crazy amounts of DPS, it's just incredibly un-fun, not even hard

>>TWO cool new races
>Bigger trolls
>Fat humans
Not to mention the fact that all the other allied races have problems with them that they haven't fixed since they were brought in at least 6 months ago.

Aren't we still missing half the patch? What else are they gonna add?

Only some more story leading into the expac


Looks more like he fused with an au ra.

Ala Mhigo getting gassed

Yoshida doesn't like them, and expecting two full races in a single expansion launch is expecting too much. This isn't WoW where everything has a unified skeleton and most armor is just flat textures on generic meshes.

you get 2/1 with each char anyway, and since you can easily bot in ffxiv, who cares.

Litteraly because Yoshi-P does not want to.


Attached: 2415.png (342x522, 243K)

MSQ part 2, Hildibrand and Stormblood Allied Beast Tribe quest.

FF XV crossover event in April.

>not max height, max bust, max muscle tone

Attached: 1528770194209.jpg (846x846, 47K)

As a SMN main I've always hated you MCH fucks that complain about your job being too hard or not good enough. Your job knows nothing of suffering, faggot

Looks more like the darkness crust shit that was growing on Nero.
>he's supposed to be immune to Cloud of Darkness!
It's probably just a natural thing that happens in the World of Darkness over time because of the twisted reality, nothing to do with CoD herself.

> playing trans races

Attached: ffxiv_06242018_082405.png (347x515, 222K)

>play highlander
>dungeon group is all fem au ra

Attached: 1384579860190.jpg (278x297, 26K)

>even the character looks like a tranny

Attached: 1468394783099.png (500x500, 164K)

This one's not bad at all though.

ahh yes who could forget the eyebrowless men and tranny looking women?

Fuck off futafag

Dark Arts being spammed would be ok, if it was less clunky. both mechanically, and animation clipping with double weaving.

imo, the best way to keep dark arts spam, is to just make it a solid 140 potency oGCD direct attack.
It doesnt buff anything.
You do it until you're between 25%-50% mp.
saving 25% MP for a TBN for TBs, or even for spawned adds.

Of course this requires a change to how some skills work, mostly carve n split.
Though nothing simple would work.
But that alone make dark arts far more tolerable.

With all TP becoming MP, I think DRK should juggle Blood in a similar way it juggles MP.
Maybe Blood weapon is a permanent haste effect, but if you reach maximum blood, the haste effect wears off.
So you dump blood with TBN, Bloodspiller, etc. Somehow Carve n Split being effected.
(Maybe Carve n Split grants MP in grit, and grants potency under Blood Weapon)

>everything I don't like is tranny!
This has gone too far. It's lost all meaning, and you're to blame.

>Grey zombie skin
>Purple makeup

Attached: 1543449455904.gif (360x240, 1.88M)

>hating on chiseled highlander men

What race do you actually play?

>They're all scared of your trans character

SMN with special Hydaelyn Egi that will be a crystalline combat fairy that can also heal. He'll get to be a special snowflake hybrid SMN/SCH

It'll be nice if they actually used Black Rose on Eorzea. But knowing them they might use it on Doma because thats what happened in ff6

>Why did they make a 2hand sword user when MCH exists?
Dont u mean DRK?

Also, MCH uses a Gun.
Gunbreakers use 2hand swords, which get enhanced by a trigger. They dont shoot projectiles. Gunbreakers are more of a modern take on Mystic Knight/En-spell like jobs. The exception being the enhancement only lasts for a second.

I'm not really digging this combat idle stance. Why didn't they use the Gaius one?

Attached: gunidle.jpg (1532x940, 721K)

They can't use it on Doma because of the wall.

Even if I'm a bit hyped for butt bunnies I know that the expansion will be shit in the end.

There will be nothing new, after you're done with the story it will be the same "farm the same 2 dungeons and do the same primal ex/savage fight each patch.

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__b20a672b7aed638cfd24bd486b901733.jpg (434x559, 124K)

because this game is just a nostalgia-fest at this point and instead of expanding upon the game's own world and the way gunblades work there they instead decided to just do gunblades differently like in FF8 so people can pretend to be squall

mixed up TBN and Quietus in the 2nd part, but u get the idea.

>durr I'm hype for bunnies and not da game D::
Fuck off for good then retard

Because we're not getting a Garlean job.

But Squall doesn't use that stance either.

Attached: Squall-ffviii-battle.png (462x611, 93K)

>Garlean fags on literal suicide watch

Jesus this is hilarious.

Ala Mhigo proper it is then. Its not like we get to enter it. That way they can make a big deal about the civilian population dying there, but not have to do work in showing it

I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out. Regardless, none of the color choices clash. It's all consistent and meshes well together. If you're going to save failures in character creation at least save actual failures. You not liking their color choices alone doesn't make it a failure.

XIV gunblades are designated villain weapons though, that's the main reason why yoshi didn't even consider adding them.

He uses it in dissidia.

Attached: 1547452325067.gif (480x358, 1.16M)

they really like that pose don't they. DRK and WAR does the same thing.

Do you inquire?

Attached: 1550377136992.png (379x572, 65K)

I was kidding
i actually cant find anything wrong with male highlander
female highlanders are gross though, 90% of the ones i come across are at least

no one is arguing if they will remain gender locked after the expansion.
but FOR the expansion, people are arguing they will be gender locked.

What, did they go to ERP college?

isnt it the seifer stance? its still ff 8
i havent played it though so idk

Why do people lie so much about what is beautiful and what is ugly? What's the point?

dumb color brainlet
ill give you the heterochromia point though

Nah its a certification

Seifer stands like this, which looked like their /vpose in the preview video.

Attached: 1523902613999.png (263x446, 65K)

This game isn't shy about having characters in multiple places at once based on character's progression.

>He doesn't have his professional ERP certificate

Seifer stance is part of the /bstance emote.

Attached: sfs.jpg (1920x1080, 745K)

>tfw you failed erp college twice

It just means that he will overuse purple prose

>Liking zombie girls

It takes all kinds, I guess. I'll concede on the color, but any kind of caked on makeup is shit regardless of "how well it meshes"

Attached: LsItP.gif (225x183, 795K)

>people always trash on au ra for being trannies
>or roegadyn for being ugly
>or elezen for being giraffes
>or lalafell for being annoying
>or midlanders for being boring
>or highlanders for being unga bunga

So it's confirmed that cats are basically the perfect race?

Attached: 1551389994218.jpg (850x1160, 289K)

Ah yes, it's been so nice to see Zhloe, Adkiragh, and Kurenai out and involved with things

>tfw i failed my final exam because i didn't use the word 'member' enough

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nigga he's literally just pointing it at them.


Attached: ffxiv_02282019_165035_259.png (1920x1080, 2.56M)

Krile showed up in the MSQ despite being in Eureka. If they want M'naago doing things in the MSQ some more, they can and will.

I'm sold!

i got this one
anyone know whats this?

Attached: file.png (222x480, 119K)

Cats fall under trannies too, that or smelly neckbeards.

Attached: 1499983751566.jpg (607x428, 54K)

She isn't important enough to be involved with anything ever again
She's tertiary at best

>Dude, Alisaie is stuck doing the Coil raids, there's no way they can use her in other stuff.

Because they only have so much to show in each fanfest, so they split what they have into slices to pad their presentations

It's something they would absolutely do

They get the best art that is for sure

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Thanks doc.

>got to erp college for 4 years
>everyone I erp with is at the level of 'aw yea gurl'
What a waste.

Drag queens, maybe

Attached: 1551498894935.jpg (1443x2048, 425K)

Sure does

Attached: 1505279830528.jpg (2480x3508, 1.79M)

>want to play Viera because it's the only "Final Fantasy" race represented in XIV
>all evidence is pointing to the race being genderlocked
>the rest of the males are ugly if not incredibly specific niches
Should I just roll a female?

>M'naago walks on
>M'naago nods, holds her hand out, turns around, walks off and dithers out of existence

>tfw I could post my fem highlander and BTFO all the haters but don't want to attentionwhore so I don't

Attached: 1522032733824.jpg (300x279, 15K)

>it's the only "Final Fantasy" race represented in XIV
Elves were in FF1
Lalafells are meant to be the classic chibi sprites

It's not hard, just clunky as shit and has NO good points about it at the moment.

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If he's not bullshitting he's already blacklisted everywhere.

>everyone is stupid but me


I have inquiries alright, wtf

why do fem highlanders look like they're ready to fight?

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Highlanders can look decent. I wish I could get a cute female higlander as an EB...

Attached: 30155620.gif (354x534, 208K)

Didn't Yoshi say BLM would get something similar to WARs IR where they get the iconic black face with yellow eyes?

shut your fucking fag mOUTH

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Surely there's thousands of hires at Cygames who were until recently with Square-Enix.

Because Highlanders have a warrior culture and traditionally work as mercenaries.

Cats are trannies or neckbeards making their UwU waifu. Really only the Au-Ra and Miqote are non acceptable races.

why do fem highlanders look like they just filled their diapers?

>Caring what retards on Yea Forums think

Post whatever you want.

Yeah but women aren't warriors though. Look at the Saiyans. They were a 'warrior race' but their women were back in the kitchen. That's why all the survivors were men.

I would rather just get it as a visor toggle on certain gear for them

If they're dumb enough to divulge their current play of employment, I'm willing to be they use the same avatar across multiple accounts.

Yes they are. The excuse for why they weren't playable in 1.0 was even that all the women were back in Ala Mhigo fighting in the resistance.

But the trannies all play femroes or male cats.

inb4 retcons

Attached: 1504621539726.webm (720x540, 529K)

Highlanders can look amazing, but far too many of them fall for the unga bunga me strong meme instead of designing a cute tomboy that can be strong while looking respectable at the same time.

Because you have a diaper fetish, you sick puppy.

I see those races as necessary quotas. Despite their idiosyncrasies, they're plenty typical of MMOs--the elves and the "dwarves".

also female roegadyns stayed in villages to care for the kids. now both are everywhere without explanation. unlike male miqo'te where they at least kept them rare

The women being all domestic IS the retcon. Toriyama doesn't give a FUCK.

What do you think about the already shown AF sets?

Attached: x50rea.png (905x559, 379K)

>Interested in playing an existing FF race that has been around for years.
>But without paying respect to previously established lore and wanting to play the male of a race that is so die hard isolationist that the only people who ever see them are that race's females.

It's like going into a Lord of the Rings MMO and demanding female Dwarves, or going into a Mass Effect MMO and demanding male Asari.

You poor fool, trannies play catgirls and fem au ra.

Post her so I can add to my collection. Currently I have one(1) good fem highlander pic.

Attached: 1510371545961.png (859x1525, 2.03M)

drag queen / trap


Looks great. Glad males and females don't have to share the same look.

Will the expansion actually add anything new or interesting to the game, or will it be the same patch cycle it has been for the past years?

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Lalafells aren't Dwarves. Dwarves are even showing up as a beast tribe in 5.0. Lalafells are about as classic Final Fantasy as you can get.

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BLM set looks great.
I like the RDM set but I fear those boots are going to look too big in game.

Toriyama can eat a dick. Senile old fuck.

Miqo's are for roasties/fujos.

The 'content cycle' is pretty much set in stone. It'll have new jobs and areas and story obviously, but in terms of HOW the content is presented, don't expect any surprises.