
Jesus Christ Kiryu.

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Other urls found in this thread:


that actually annoyed me
majima cares so much about kiryu chan and he just leaves him there with a bullet wound drowning
right after majima helped him out too

I felt it was more of a "fuck this he's fine"

Is Kiwami worth buying lads? I want to clean some niggers out in mahjong

As Yakuza games go it's far from the best, but it's cheap and if you're bored then there were worse ways to spend your time. If there's any other Yakuza games you haven't played though, you're probably better off playing those instead.

yeah, if we're talking about physical PS4 copy. if PC, just fucking pirate.

if you played 0 you might as well play Kiwami

this was so out of character, he just leaves him for fucking dead

I get that but still that line could've been something along the line of what you said.
It's especially jarring since he just helped you cleaned out some faggots too.

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i started with 0, kiwami wasn't nearly as good but i still enjoyed it (i'm done with it now and played it for 40 hours)
a lot of content is recycled but i like these games so much that anything new was great.
the story was good but clearly from 2005
also it was worth it just to get more majima

>if PC, just fucking pirate
As in the port is broken and shit, or that it's just not worth 20 dollars?

Actually the opposite of you, I got Kiwami and 0 together when they were on sale, played through Kiwami first because I already know a decent amount of the story but never got around to doing 0.

What exactly should I expect going into 0?

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the port is great, encountered no issues with it and it ran well
that user is just autistic and likes physical copies

The port is fine, and the game is decent for 20 bux. There's no denuvo so it's easy to pirate so you got options i guess.

Personally it was one of my favorite games in a long-ass time
It probably won't have as big of an impact on you because a lot of content is shared between the 2 games
but the story is excellent, the sub stories are actually good unlike kiwami's and the 0 exclusive side activities are great

Green bar is as high as it goes for Majima's HP right?

Majima is constantly attacking him with a knife for no reason, leaving him to die is a perfectly sensible thing to do

>Majima is constantly attacking him with a knife for no reason
That's not true, he occasionally attacks him with metal bat too.

I'm at SSS with his atm and it's blue. Not an issue with Tiger Drop and Sumo Slaps

Haven't got Tiger Drop yet but goddamn Sumo Slaps is OP as fuck. Kinda boring to use over and over though.

Tiger drop is stupid good and feels satisfying every time

I only got past Komaki's Four Gods training by spamming Sumo Slaps. It's using one OP skill to obtain another OPier skill.

Probably missing lighting like Zero did.

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>tfw can't beat Majima in Pocket Circuite
Guess I'll never get that one skill.

nice, a yakuza thread

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They fixed that bug in Zero just before Kiwami released

Why is fishman so fucking pathetic?

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No that issue got fixed in 0 and was never in kiwami

I used the build in the gamefags guide but swapped the battery with the high speed one. You will need to stabilize the car a few times during the race.

>You will need to stabilize the car a few times during the race.
My gauge ran out after stabilizing like two times.

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he became a faggot with inferiority complex after 0


If you need to stabilize more than twice then considering adding more balance/cornering even though it may turn out slightly slower on test runs. The final few races are partly based on luck and good use of stabilize/boosts. Their top racers seem to have the same million dollar parts as you so their "vanilla" timings will be really close.

You should expect the desire for it to have been Majima's game in truth.

whose voice did you hear

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Akiyama, of course. Like velvet.

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Didn't hear anyone but I remembered the surprise photo of Pocket Circuit Fighter.

It's like wtf but I guess it makes sense...

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Best version

I think this is the best side quest in the game

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PCF looks like he's fucking 90 in Y6.

This was the best conversation in 0 hands down.

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>got Majima sensor upgrade
>Majima literally just *teleports behind you* to start the encounter now
What the fuck

>that part where Kiryu bitch slaps haruka

You ain't seen nothing yet

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Majima Everywhere ruined the character for me. He went from being a weird dangerous guy with a fucked up obsession with Kiryu to a gay retard clown who sleeps in garbage cans.

yeah if you hear the KIRYUCHAN and don't see the purple arrow on the map, it's usually hidden/surprise Majima.

>that part where kiryu beats a tranny on the street
how did they get away with it

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wrong image
there was a part like that but it was not majima

>tfw spammed majima's windmill attack in zero
>get bodied by in kiwami because I'm a brainlet
truly nothing gets past the windmill

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He stopped being the former right after the original RGG2 on the PS2.

>gets QTE by Majima

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tiger drop is your best friend

I wonder why the most progressive japanese video game series get shilled a lot here.

What was his problem?

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if you're talking about when kiryu gets tricked and flashed I didn't save that

You don't have tiger drop yet huh.
Windmill and breaker style in general is the easiest to fish Tiger Drops from.

Fair enough. I just really liked how he was almost kind of scary in the original one. Plus Mark Hamill was the perfect voice for him and I still can't believe they could afford him.

>What exactly should I expect going into 0?
Solo Chizu day, every other day.

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He just wants to drink beer with his hobo friends

How the fuck is Yakuza a SJW game?

>sees the cabaret club intro cutscenes
>tries to understand how the fuck there can be so many different versions of a prerendered cutscene
>cutscenes are not pre-rendered
>there's a 60fps cutscenes toggle in the options i could've used this whole time
i'm not very smart

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>most progressive japanese video game series

What the fuck does that even mean?

I think it's because Kiryu never calls Buster Holmes a nigger.

Lgbt propaganda in kiwami, mutt propaganda with darkies negroes in Yakuza 3 and 5...etc (race mixing with japs)

How did he keep getting away with it?

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>not 20 minutes before this scene, I'd broken 6 bikes over Majima's head for the third time that day
During this scene i just laughed and said that it would take way more that to kill that bastard.

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Buster holmes trying to immigrate in Japan is considered as a good thing in y4.
More propaganda.

So is Majima going through some kind of perpetual psychotic breakdown after 0? I haven't played anything else yet.

That doesn't even happen in 4.

He's just acting crazy because he's sad and doesn't want people to know pretty much

Pretending to be retarded.

>Yakuza 5 playable on RPCS3 when
I just wanna play that game at 30fps(60 if possible) at 4k or higher resolution.

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He gets pretty much back to normal around 5. He just needed his bro Saejima

Dunno, I guess he was lonery as fuck after the events of 0 and Kiryu was his only connection to Makoto and fwen.

Why is he such an asshole?

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Fucking retard it does happen in a substory where kiryu try to find the one who make noises in a building in construction, turn out it was buster Holmes working at night.
Kiryu is enthusiast about holmes learning Japanese to become a citizen and encourage him on that.

So I was right, you're just mad that Kiryu doesn't call him a nigger.

So it's propaganda that a guy is happy to see his friend?

He's bored. His best bro is in jail.

This actually made me laugh when playing

Why is he glad that a nig try to immigrate in his ethnostate?

Is beating the shoot-out sequence on legend with a mouse cheating?

Japanese humor thread?

damn it majima

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that's the gold standard of customer service

He's faking it to fuck with people/keep them away. Later games have him let it slip plenty.

>jannies baleeted user out of existence for not using the proper pronounciation

make sure you display your N-word pass next time

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>I INVENTED the tax!
It's so weird, Yakuza 0 has so many throwbacks to 1 and Kiwami has as many throwbacks to 0, it's like some kinda of throwback feedback loop.

Because 1 came out before Kiwami

does it help? the car chase took me an hour with a controller and I was only on hard

>suit majima with facial hair and new haircut

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Darts was the hardest mini game to beat him in. I wonder if Mesuking would be hard if I didn't end up maxed out prior

>Get card outside club to start quest
>Never go in and talk
>Do it in post
>Discover the tutorial is what makes them spawn in the map and shops
>Do mass clean-up all at once as a result
>OP as hell for the fights.

Went further on my first mouse attempt then I did on any of my controller attempts and I got it on the third try with a mouse. You can tell they didn't program it with a mouse in mind so it's still really sloppy.

It kinda helps but the cursor still moves slow as fuck.

because gary is the best and a hard worker? Who cares if he's black when he's literally pro-japan as all hell.

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best karaoke music


best bgm

Dead Souls is unironically my favorite Yakuza.

>That distorted "KIRYU-CHAN" sound every time Majima is gunning for Kiryus ass makes it feel like some sort of fucked up horror movie where Majima is ripping through the space time continuum to fuck up Kiryu like some futuristic scifi slasher villain

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>where Majima is ripping through the space time continuum to fuck up Kiryu
I mean, that's basically what happens most of the time anyway.

Majima everywhere should have been a series of scripted substories.

Kys cuckservative magapedes

>date's daughter subplot
>florist's son subplot
Who cared about those trash? Why not have more nishiki scenes instead? He appears twice in the game before the final fight

>play Yakuza 0
>becomes one of my favorite games of all time

>people tell me Kiwami is shit compared to it
>still having a blast

How freaking good is this series?

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Abe's propaganda.

What do you mean? There's flashbacks of him in-between every chapter.

H-he knew /ourboy/ Majima was fine, r-right?

as good until you realize every game is literally the same.

yeah but he doesn't meet with kiryu in person or even act in the present
also those stop around chapter 7 or so

So was nishiki stronger than majima in kiwami?
Kiryu seems fight after the final fight against majima but he was on his knees after fighting nishiki

>that voice acting when Kazama dies

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Anyone kinda annoyed that for all the autistic details in the games, Club SEGA@Theater Square is copy/pasted and clearly does not match what it looks like from the outside?

Same goes for that beef bowl restaurant.

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I don't think so Kiryu just fought a load of goons with guns plus Jingu before his fight with Nishki.

This, usually the games have bosses near the end who are total pussies so they make Kiryu fight through a tower worth of bad guys to level the playing field.

>camera zooms in on somebody's face as they're saying something that will change the course of the entire story

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Any idea when the next yakuza game will be dropping for PC? What will it be?
6 or kiwami 2 or any of the remasters of 3,4,5. or will it be judgementâ„¢
I will gladly pay full price for any of this.

Probably 6 or Kiwami 2

fuck this tedious cabaret club grind
atleast real estate was just AFKing more than a shallow diner dash

I just got bodied in Weapon Master tournament.
I couldn't do any fucking thing with the wooden katana despite having all the fucking upgrades.
Couldn't change stance either.

cope harder majimafag
nishiki would bury goro into the ground

Go for the baseball bat.

>take knife
>protect to raise hit
>use heat action
>you win
You can destroy the tourney in 1min30 sec flat

Yes that's why Majima kicks Nishiji's ass in 0.

nishiki in zero was a little bitch
nishiki in kiwami almost became the chairman of rhe tojo clan

You can't actually change stance in that tournament? Shit, guess I'll do just that then.

Kenzan and 3 are playable now so not long to go.
Or you could just wait for the PS4 ports to get localised.

And Majima goes on to actually absorb most of the Tojo clan under his family as the series goes on.

>it's a happy moment with a character that just showed up in this game
>it's a calm moment after beating a bunch of goons and [sidekick] is happy
>it's a character is talking about getting out of the Yakuza moment

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I'm annoyed they took out the arcade games from 0 and replaced them with an upgraded version of the cat fighting minigame.

I found myself traumatized by slugger majima and now in zero i hate situations that make me use any other style. Slugger is just so great.

>no reason

Not true. Majima is a true bro and knows that his bro Kiryu needs some tough love so the mofo can went full Dragon style once again.

That he is continuing after you have all styles it's a plot hole tho, they probably just forgot to deactivate him when you reached that point.

Characters in Yakuza games are exactly as strong as they are impactful on the plot. That’s all there is to it.

>Goon with a gun gets his ass kicked
>Everyone turns his back to him, giving him a chance to go for his gun again and tries to shoot Kiryu or another major character
>a side character sacrifises himself/herself

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but dojima was a ittle bitch

I suppose there’s an exception for women and fat dudes.

>your best friend went to prison because you did some dumb shit
>he never gives you the responsibility since their bros and that's what bros do
>still be full of guilt
>you know that you can never match anything he did for you
>you get reminded constantly what an honorful Yakuza your bro is
>you can't live with that
>you went from pathetic to batshit crazy to evil bond villain in a span of 10 years

But the strongest characters are literally unimportant to the plot.
The Amon have actual superpowers and get beat up by a bunch of people who punch good

Don't forget it's implied that Jo Amon crossed universes in order to fight Kenshiro and dies afterwards

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Daigo is debatably the second most plot important character in later games, and he's portrayed as nothing but a wimpy bitch that gets beat up by a guy with no fighting experience.

As Kiryu's series ends, so must Jo's.
Now it's NUMBER ONE's series and we'll get the NUMBER ZERO Amon

They didn't get away with it which is why they've removed the Michuru sidequests from the HD ports of Yakuza 3/4/5

Not trying to be a hater but was y0 a fluke? I have played y0 kiwami 1 & 2 and while the kiwamis have their moments, they are nowhere near as good as 0. It seems like everything just went right for 0.

>number one stole all Kiryu's friends

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Isn't the chinese guy dead?

>Beat Majima
>Go inside restaurant to heal
>He appears again
Are you fucking kidding me?

Majima is literally everywhere.

kiwami 2 when?

>the eng voice acting for nishiki in this scene

shame they never bothered refining the dub, it had some actual potential. Would have liked dual audio

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he beats TWO tranies in that part

Why did nishiki see in yumi?

They removed Michuru because of China it had nothing to do with SJWs.

I used knuckles and usual Rush style tactics, where you quickstep to the back of the enemy while they are busy attacking

living in the streets changes a man

Attached: Yakuza kiwami.webm (1712x1080, 2.64M)

What's this from?

Different character, that's Taiga Saejima in the pic.

Attached: Taiga_Saejima_in_Yakuza_6.jpg (900x506, 119K)

>they fixed the baseball game in kiwami
im so happy
its not Yakuza 5 but its playable now
I did expend hours playing baseball in that game

Your post supports the argument you’re trying to refute. You can be a superhuman who can call in orbital lasers and still get fucked by a dude who punches hard because he’s the main character.

Because blind asiaticmutt preferred sensei to him.
PCSD - Post cucked stress disorder

RGG online

is that what you got out of 0's ending?
jesus christ you're fucking retarded

that what makes it good

But if plot relevance was the most important thing, Daigo would be the strongest next to Kiryu.
Daigo is shit tier constantly

He's a 0baby of course he's gonna be retarded.

My nigger

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It's okay if just go unga bunga with beast style and ignore getting knockdown left and right in kiwami?
I'm getting tired of 2 super armor enemies while every mob has some short of blade or worse a gun.

get a knife
atack wait for the animation to end and atack again
do the FIRST atack over and over
it works with every single one EXCEPT the chief with the cutelos. just defend and use heat atacks on that fucker

nothing wrong with 0babies

pcembryos on the other hand...

Im so tired of China being involved in Yakuza.
6 was a breaking point with the chink pandering

Oh shit, didn't know it had story content. Is it canon and if so, what happens in it?

I have easier time fishing for back attacks with Rush style.

absolutely based

Why the fuck would they remove the newhalf because of china? I can imagine sjws getting pissed at it since he's clearly played for laughs, but what do the chinks have against it?

west should had bought the games in the ps2 era then
china did, so they are pandering to then

It was just a trailer and non canon.
Haruka judo throws a mook while she's in her Idol outfit in the same trailer

I don't blame you. For years I was debating if the cut scenes in Yakuza ps3/ps4 were pre rendered or not. Even on pse the cut scene textures and models look that good.

the games aren't even in simplified chinese and the regulations for HK/Taiwan are very loose

Ask the Chinese government.

Why don't you guys stop playing, discussing and thinking about videogames? You clearly have other things on your mind anyway. Maybe rebuild your civilization with some white babies while you're at it.

>ps2 era
The pandering didn't start until 4. People bought 1 and 2 but then the localizers went retarded with 3

>it works with every single one EXCEPT the chief with the cutelos
Yeah I just got bodied by him.
>just defend and use heat atacks on that fucker
Tried that but some of his attacks outright ignore guard and most of his combo enders break guard, and thus demolish my heat bar.

Why would anyone join the majima family

How good is Kiwami 2?

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I'd imagine everything except Majima himself is pretty good

Yeah I want this too, never played 5 since I hated the fact I couldn't get a physical copy.

better than Kiwami 1

Been putting off Yakuza 0 for no good reason at all these past 2 months. Convince me that I should play it when I get home instead of Parasite Eve.

That's a bullshit fucking answer you slant eyed pederast. Do they even sell these games in china? Isn't playing a game about being a gangster gonna drop your social credit score?

Worse than 2, better than kiwami 1.
>this area in HD never ever ever ever

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>Haruka’s Expert Rotation Pool in the PC port
I am so fucking mad. It’s literally unbeatable because of the bug.

the soul

Agreed. When this song started, you knew shit got real.


>Do they even sell these games in china?
Only in taiwan actually.

Taiwan is a part of China you dumbass Amerimutt.

no it fucking isnt

girls love it

The English localization for at least 0 is based off of the Chinese build of the game, which actually resulted in a bug where the Chinese assassin had his unfitting Tom Lee dub.

3 points were added to your social credit score. Comrade Xi appreciates your loyal service.

>and I still can't believe they could afford him.

Taiwan is based as fuck, doubt they'd have a problem with a crossdresser being played for laughs.
Tienanmen square massacre.

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Mark Hamill is the only good voice in that entire shitshow, makes sense considering he was a recentish joker voice


Someone post the block of text I don't have it.

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i played through yakuza 0, kiwami, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in 2017
having it start and end with kiryu singing baka mitai was fucking perfect

>the yakuza audience is buff french weebs

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>80% female

How? Yakuza is basically the most masculine franchise next to the 360 Gears of War titles and God of War.

une disque de yakuza s'il vous plaît

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>Gears of war
>modern god of war

Today’s your lucky day. Here’s the complete pocket racer guide. I tried it out. Works flawlessly.

Attached: 09DA6489-3274-442B-A53C-E2F2794E03CE.jpg (640x6118, 366K)

Just use the gamefaqs guide or

mauvaise traduction americuck

Nice try faggot I'm actually Scottish

can anyone post that site with cabaret signs?

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If you mean the ones for the minigames you can just look at a guide.
It's been a while but I think making a cup with the hands is ashtray, wringing motion is towel, L is customer's cup, c is ladies cup, and palms flat is a menu

There was a good japanese site for Y0.

>360 Gears of War titles

Learn to read posts better user. I don't talk about the shitshow that is 4 and 5. GoW 1-3 has brotherhood as overarching theme.

Is it a nice country to visit?

ever noticed how cuck has completely replaced -fag as a suffix?
ever thought that it's an astroturfing operation to get rid of the negative connotation from being a faggot?
lets all stop helping /pol/ with their interracial jerkoff fantasies and start saying amerifag again

Cities, fuck no.
Countryside, not bad

Attached: yakuza 0 hand gestures.jpg (1920x1080, 95K)

right i forgot the ice, my bad


>go to visit booming cabaret
>everyone who goes is satisfied
>fuck they're expensive
>better be worth it
>wait in line for an hour
>get to table
>one eyed manger starts a part
>brings me a girl
>it's this
>then has the balls to ask if I want to extend my time

Attached: 2C22CC1F-7EEF-4355-9126-AFD019F36430.jpg (500x517, 69K)

>They bring out so much champagne I don't give a fuck and hand over some extra money

no cuck

>tfw she's really fun to talk to
>actually enjoying myself in her company
>eye-patch dude with a pony tail asks for extension
>agree to it, i'm actually having a great time

Attached: 1080x1079 maxjima.png (1079x1079, 628K)

nigger loving faggot incel

She's the only gold hostess with a 100 in an ability iirc

I liked it more than 2, but I'm also not as attached to 2 as many others are.

Because they want Kiryu and Majima to fuck them and then each other.

well i also want that but i'm not a girl

>Visit booming cabaret club
>Staff takes fucking ages to get me to a table
>Ask for a funny girl
>They bring out some dumb cunt with the charisma of a wet blanket
>Pretty sure there’s dried spaghetti sauce on her dress
>Ask her to order a towel in hopes that she’ll get the hint
>She just waves over the manager, who looks like a horse with an eyepatch
>Does some weird ass hand sign like she’s trying to summon her shadow clones or some shit
>Dude straight up ignores her
>Homeless guy enters the club, staff just ignores him until he leaves on his own
>Finally my time is almost up, time to leave this hellhole
>Manager declares it’s party time
>This is suddenly the greatest day of my life
>Spend all of my daughters college fund

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I'd like majima to fuck me but i'm a fag so.

>Vive la France!


That's because, if you've ever played 0, you should know he's trying his best to live as crazily as Nishitani.

Is the Fist of the North Star game any good?

It's alright


You don't seem to understand that it represents how the yakuza protected the LGBT community in Japan since the yakuza ran homo/tranny prostitution rings at the time.

Are his multiple identities a result of being possessed by Nishitani and maybe Yuki's ghosts?

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game theory

>Yuki's ghost

But she's still alive and runs a cabaret club in Kiwami 2.

Yuki isn't dead though


and Yuki is still alive in kiwami 2

Damn I thought she died after all the abuse I put her through in 0.

Why didnt nishiki just ask kazama for some money
He cared for you guys,and possibly for nishikiyama's sister like family anyways,he wouldnt say no to giving some loan

>Yakuza 0 shows the ridiculousness of Japan's economic bubble
>In Yakuza 1/Kiwami, Kiryu gets locked up for 10 years
>A Lost Decade

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>trusting the guy who killed your parents

He didnt fucking know that,and even then he was essentialy his father
Still better than actually getting your shit kicked in AND risking everything because of a shithead


YOOOOOOOOOooooooooo... *bang* *bang*

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Is it me or the music of Kiwami 1 is kind of underwhelming compared to 0? There's a lot less variety too.

I agree, the Mesuking battle theme is good though

Kiwami is just a dlc for 0 really.

Sexy buff japanese men, why do you think? Check the tag for yakuza on gelbooru and the first page will show you why

Yeah, fujos HATE masculine franchises like Yakuza, RE, MGS, DMC etc

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>being a cheating nigger

It mostly remixes from 1 and just plain worse than 1's soundtrack.

How'd you know he's cheatng?

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Can I get a quick rundown on Majima?

Dragon might be ez mode but it's not cheating.

tiger bomb is so fucking broken it's not fair

Used to be a serious guy but got upset and so pretends to not be serious as a result

All I see of this guy is him dancing around and following Kiryu like a yandere (male). What the fuck could cause a man to do that?

>Using Dragon for tiger drop
Real men use Dragon for those sweet grab combos where you throw mooks all over the place


>9782 skill points
Call me a casual for denying me calling you a cheater but I doubt you got all this shit through grinding random enemies. Fully aware boss shit gives a ton of points but that also implies you never used them?

he just likes fighting strong people
and kiryu is very strong

Attached: gokuthink.jpg (400x300, 49K)

>what is majima everywhere
You retard I had much more not even trying in the endgame

user i've been on 9999 for quite a while now, no cheating obviously
i simply did a lot of side content after i was done with the main story and have already upgraded everyting to max

Wasn't Majima slightly unhinged before getting thrown into the Hole for a year? During his punishment, he gripes about how he hates being calm and neat, but still acts as a model prisoner while running the Grand so he quickly get back to his true self. Didn't Nishtani and Lee gave that chained down version of him some pointers so he could come back even wilder than before?

Did they really fuck up the skill point system by THAT much in kiwami? As said i do know boss fights n shit give a stupid amount of points the further you go into the game, but what?

>Well, well, well. If it isn't Majima Goro, the flaming star of Grand. Say, uh, Majima, do you like to read? I just got a great book on tape. It's about life in Ancient Greece and...

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Fujos literally have better taste in Vidya than most men because of how much they get off on masculinity

Majima gives loads of exp. Some side stories also do. Plus the colliseum later on os crazy.

It helps that by the time youre finishing Majima stuff to get the rest of the dragon skills everything else is already upgraded. It was easier than Yakuza 0 to max everything out but you ALSO couldnt game non-combat activities to power level yourself in Kiwami. Aside from quests, you gotta fight.

>good taste in anything
begone thot

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Late game Majima everywhere fights drop around 700-1200 EXP bars you will easily have 9999 bars from doing some side content and getting into fights with him.

Is there any missable content in Kiwami?

you hacks, that reference doesn't exist until next year.

Attached: sttcs.jpg (1920x1061, 416K)

0 had a YuGiOh TAS reference

Smosh reference?

But Yakuza is about honor and respect, concepts women can't comprehend. The villain of Yakuza 6 for example acts like a sneaky woman ("If you move when I hit you she dies").

No, gladly. I remember the first game with a pretty hard side missions about an assassin dressed like a woman in a strip club and I was too weak so I got killed pretty fast. I said to myself "Meh, later" and then the side mission wasn't there anymore.

I believe that one mission doesn't exist at all in Kiwami, but the stuff that exist is beatable at any given time.

> I remember the first game with a pretty hard side missions about an assassin dressed like a woman in a strip club

you mean this one?

My Gf bought me Kiwami but I've never played a Yakuza, is it worth it?

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Remember he never directly kills.

Oh, it is in the game? How could I miss it? Well, to be fair, I played Kiwami months ago.

But yeah, fun mission, good that this is in the game.

>shoots down cars, motorcyclists and helicopters with a pistol
>Somehow has still never killed anyone

dump her

play 0 first

rubber explosions

But the car chase in 1 and in 0 is canon? You are forced to shoot, you can't proceed without killing people.
This was the most retarded plot point in 6. "KIRYU! NO! YOU CAN'T KILL HIM! ELSE YOU WOULDN'T BE THE PROTECTOR OF THIS TOWN ANYMORE!". When did they decide that he becomes Japanese Batman? I mean, I get it that Kiryu doesn't like to kill and tries to avoid every single possibility to kill, but those two car chases FORCED him to kill people and regardless how you play the game, the cars and helicopters will always explode and people will always die.

gameplay isn't canon

Attached: the face of innocent man.png (149x178, 49K)

>When did they decide that he becomes Japanese Batman?
Since the first game, they've always had a thing about him "never explicitly killing people".
Which is kind of funny if you play the fotns game, since you can play as kiryu and go around exploding the heads of every single person you see

isn't kiryu considered to have killed dojima?

>Trying to unlock Mad Dog of Shimano
>Getting bored of doing the cabaret minigame for so long
Why can't Majima just beat up Mr Shakedown and shortcut his way to greatness like Kiryu can, dammit

He's framed for it in 1 yea

You know you can transfer money from kiryu to majima right? That's the only way I was able to finish getting all of the materials from that safari shit, just transfer a few trillion yen to majima.

No one liked Dojima, so it's cool

Only in limited amounts early on, plus even with billions of yen you still have to actually play the minigame
Ah well, it'll all be worth it I guess

I found Mad Dog to be somewhat bland despite its wild feeling. Lots of its special traits need a second or third Heat bar to activate but some of its basic combos drain Heat, like when he starts to run around to which you either have to cancel with a sidestep or hit opponents with a heavy attack. There's no equivalent to Kiryu's counter throw to build up heat from 1st bar in a really satisfying way. He has a counter stab but you have to be in 3rd heat to even use it.

I kinda wanted to pay him just to see if he would actually forego the fight since I had tons of money at this point but I didn't wanna disappoint Majima expecting a fight.

True it's limited early on but you don't need all that much money early on, and yea like you said cabaret is pretty fun for a while, especially with the story stuff and fights in 0

>hey kazama-san,I'm sorry to even call you like this,but I need money
>why?Oh,my sister needs an organ transplant,please,I'll pay you back,I'll work hard I pro-
>o-oh?She's family you say?Which hospital you ask?Well,I'll take you there,sir
And everyone lived happily after
Fuck akira ''punished'' nishikiyama

Reminder that Kiryu is a virgin

of his own volition for most of the series

He's never *murdered* anyone, self defense is A-OK

I get that, but you literally can't play this sequence any other way, you must shoot the guys.

There's also always someone else in the car too,you are trying to save them as well

He was saving himself for his future daughterwife Haruka, but the second she gets out of his sight for a while she gets CHINKED and SMASHED

But what about the girls you go to love hotels with?

The game is basically handsome metrosexual men running errands so of course it attracts the fujos.

why did he even adopt her

no no no this is fake im crying kiryu would never do something like this tell me it's fake

His true love, Pocket Circuit Fighter, went and got married to a woman, breaking Kiryu's heart

The problem with this is that the Majima Everywhere was tacked on, and Kiryu has to leave him there to set up his reappearance later in the game. That's also why this event is mandatory unlike most of the other Majima encounters.

So did I just have weird rng or is it normal for like 80% of the Majima fights to be against breakdancing Majima. I feel like I faced slugger like 3 times during the entire Majima ride and thug and mad dog about equally the remaining times.

I fucking hate breakdancing, he's so slippery it's impossible to hit him offensively as he'll just teleport behind you and starts spamming shit and when he starts spinning you just gotta wait forever and then have the tiniest window when he's getting up to actually attack him except it's easy to miss the window because his hitbox is so low until he's completely up and on the defensive again.

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he cant find the worthy JUDGEMENT partner

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>that guy who years later is still defending the awful haruka sections in 5

Muh orphans


Not canon
That´s what the director said. According to him he is still a virgin after all those years.

After finishing both 0 and Kiwami I feel like multiple playable characters like in 4&5 was nicer than having one or two guys with multiple styles.

It's kinda annoying that your abilities get spred out so much, especially when it comes to heat actions, it feels like at any given time your heat action pool kinda sucks. Especially notorious are defensive ones like "when grabbed" because 3/4 of the time you can't use it because you were in the wrong style when a grab comes. Also I feel like lately the devs have gone overboard with the "can only use in heat mode / can only use when calm" restrictions.

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>tfw Majima see's you pick up a copy of LO

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No one is defending that shit.
The overall plot of 5 is boring and drags on forever.

I rather take rubber bullets than overcomplex storylines that could have been solved with "We should just tell it our talents".

How does Akiyama make money?

>10/10 muscular and tall alpha male

Does he truly thinks we buy that crap.

Fucking Haruka
>raise a girl for years
>as she gets older she wants your dick more and more
>keep waiting
>go to prison like a good boy
>come back
>she's in a coma and had a half chink baby

I've never posted defending them on Yea Forums before but I'm defending them now. All that shit was really fun and a nice break from usual face punching Yakuza gameplay and after the break it felt even more satisfying to go back to busting heads.

Majima is best

Attached: Majima Goro.png (1000x1451, 697K)

>go to hostess club
>be mean to them


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How do I get the same shoes as Majima bros

I really enjoyed it until I wanted to fight Amon and the grind to finish out a few substories is miserable.

They basically turned her into a cumslut in 6 since not even the father of Haruto was sure that he is actually the father, since everyone in Onomichi seemed to fuck her at least once.

I honestly though that they were going to put Haruka with Akiyama after 5. They never interacted in 4 then all of a sudden he's her new Kiryu for a few chapters

I somehow don't believe it even if the director says it is.

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Kiyru always has shit to do or ends up in jail somehow.
Wouldn´t surprise me at all.

>when you say something stupid at a party

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>No one is defending that shit.
how new are you?


I remember that there was a side quest on the Job Schedule where Haruka meets that one comedian a second time and he reads the lines from her hand again. This gets available after she did some missions with Akiyama and suddenly he says he sees "Potential love".

Then in 6 he's just the caring bro of Kiryu and not the guy who dicked her gud.

He's not good at picking up hints and is usually busy with other things.


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Guys I can't launch the game anymore what do I do?


Why is he jackin off

like mother like daughter

>Kiwami 2
>fell in love with Kana-chan

How do i find real life girls like her?

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Is it just me or is the slot car racing WAY harder this time? It took me about 20 attempts to finish the master cup and now I cant finish the champion cup

>Haruka had two of the most caring, strong, and in Akiyama's case, rich, men in japan at her beck and call
>she fucks half of a triad instead and gets knocked up by a Triad Prince
>after Kiryu and Akiyama try to keep her away from criminals
Truly the worst daughter in vidya history

scrub hehe

Get fucked its literally RNG if you come off the track or not sometimes

Was the Yakuza franchise in retrospect the biggest red pill in vidya?

But I've got 40 hours in it

Yakuza is literally that copypasta about how having a daughter is the biggest act of cuckoldry

>not content with just fighting kiryu phyiscally, he raised taxes in 0 to fuck with him financially as well
is he the most determined rival in video games

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I was expecting Kiwami to be not as good as 0 but holy shit this is pretty mediocre
Only enjoying the sidequests so far
How did they make this game uglier and clunkier than 0?
The lighting is all fucked up in cutscenes and it looks like they just reskinned all the ps2 animations
Also it feels like the combat is clunker than before

you have some good fucking taste dude, one of the best hostesses. Yuki is still number one tho.

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>metrosexual men
The only metrosexual one is Tanimura and he's only in one game.

Attached: PullTheTrigger.jpg (600x338, 30K)

>t. 0baby

They were trying to be too faithful to the original and so it suffers from an obvious lack of content
The combat gets a lot better the more you upgrade though, and goddamn I wish 0 had all the quick-change abilities that you can get in Kiwami, it makes combat so much nicer

This. What character in Yakuza is metrosexual? Is every male that wears a suit a metrosexual?

I like how exp works and stuff, i like all the new attacks they've added
Brawler style is really good
But I dont like how Dragon style is basically useless until you beat Majima 50 times

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Well, neckbeards with no fashion sense and are incredibly fat and ugly don't know what a real man looks like.

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is that a Jojo reference?

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It's actually a Morrowind reference.

Attached: 1534727251206.png (396x676, 318K)

They are like Chad japanese men its hardly faggots

why do translators do this

Dude I can't even GET Heat moves for Dragon Style right now because Slugger Majima just won't. Show. Up.

I'm on A Rank of Majima Everywhere.

cuz its based

Out of Kiryu and Majima, which one would you date?

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Goromi-chan would be fun
Kiryu seems boring and too serious

It's basically just a little bit more improved version of the first game.

No one says Y1 is the worst mainline game because it was the one who started it all and was basically just a prototype for things to come, so it gets a pass.
But anons who now are saying Kiwami is the worst Yakuza game just admit that the first Yakuza game is the worst Yakuza game, since Kiwami improved almost everything from the original.

What about the bosses? I heard they just copied movesets from bosses in the other game.

>walk past pachinko parlour
>hear this

Attached: anime_dance.webm (400x272, 728K)

Shimano is literally Mr Shakedown but easier

A couple of them are literally reusing Mr Shakedown's animations
Reused assets is kind of the staple of Yakuza games though

Ah yes, the music of making the mega-rich spend all their money on shitty bronze hostesses

fucking kek

>fighting mad dog majima
>he starts regaining his health
>nowhere near close to having dragon style's kiwami move, so he just gets most of his life back

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Fuck off. Yokoyama, the series writer/producer - the director has never commented on this -, has said that he personally believes that Kiryu is a virgin, not that he *is* a virgin. He even stressed that that is his opinion, not solid canon.

Attached: kiryu0.jpg (1081x669, 47K)

sleep tight kiryu

I just started Yakuza 6 since it was just on sale, boy they changed the gear system huh? and the vending machines. The side stories have been pretty comfy tho. Combat is a little worse than Kiwami 2

Just use a weapon heat action on him, then go to the colosseum and unlock tiger drop

Based lesbian Hostess

>tfw ive been listening to this song daily for 2 years
Why is it so fucking good bros?

Attached: 1485529854504.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

I walked the fuck out of there as soon as she said shes a lesbo
Expect me to pay money to talk to a dyke? Not today bucko

>No way to spend your 9999 skill points in Kiwami
Why did they do this when Y0 had an infinite skill tree to waste all your money on

So they're like they were in the original then. The thought of bosses being copies of bosses in other games was putting me on the fence of playing Kiwami over the first.

>Kiwami only has two hostesses
>One's a dyke
>The other is a complete bitch
That game did absolutely nothing right, did it?

That's a benefit the Dragon engine, it literally fixes that issue

numbah one's game when?


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pretty sure you can play virtua fighter once you unlock it

who is this guy and why is he black

Hopefully this year considering Japan only has 5 at this point.

I fucking hate the new protag
He looks so stupid

>The lighting is all fucked up in cutscenes and it looks like they just reskinned all the ps2 animations

it's because they are.
The game is mediocre. But it's the worst mainline game, so there's that.

He's depressed and empty so he just said fuck it I am doing whatever the fuck I want.

Works in setting him aside as someone to be feared, and also stops people from seeing how sad he is

He's emotionally broken after thr events of 0 and kind of putting up a "crazy" facade to cope with it
He never really recovers until Saejima gets out

He's a mad money genius.

>But it's the worst mainline game
We're not talking about Yakuza 4.

He invites Mr Shakedown to his vault every week then beats him up as he's leaving

If you fight the wrong combination of Majimas before maxing the rank (and Majima is chilling outside west park), you risk locking yourself out of the abilities until the next chapter.

Ironically a better game. 0 was a game where they could just go nuts. Kiwami was at the end of the day, a remake of 1. They had to stick to some of the staples while trying to bring in newer yakuza staples into it.

Ironically it came out a year after 0. I genuinely believe after beating 0 that that shit is intentional because it’s a remake of 1.

I intend to suffer through and jump straight into Kiwami 2 and see that 6 engine for myself finally

>Kiwami only has two hostesses

Attached: majima.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

Best greentext in years user. I just hope you didn’t steal it from another thread.

Kiwamis combat system is a lot more refined so expect to not be switching between styles like you would in Kiwami and instead just spamming the most OP one.

If you have palm heat action then you can actually use that. Palm heat move interrupts everything, even non-red regen states. I didn't mind boss regen shit but because of it i ended up just spamming normal heat and hoarding heat to be ready to interrupt healing because at a moment's notice.

>Fight Majima under the traffic cone
>Go into restaurant to heal
>Majima ambushes me inside the restaurant
>Go back in to tick items off the menu
>Majima is in the alley below the restaurant


Attached: 451.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

>At bullshit Jingu of Kiwami
>Realize that you can actually Tiger Drop gunshots
>Even if you're out of range you won't be hit
Would've been useful knowledge a few chapters ago...

All Yakuza games copy movesets, it's just something you need to get used to.
Arase's moveset is reused multiple times throughout the games.
Hayashi's is also reused constantly.
Mad Dog is reused for a boss in either 4 or 5.
Beast is just some of Saejima's moves plus some of Kiryu's moves from 5.
All the bosses in Ishin reuse Tennin Rishin with just a couple attack swaps.
Breaker is essentially just Ogita's moveset from 5.
Sekishusai from Kenzan is an arena enemy in Kiwami.
One of the guys in the final tournament in Kiwami is just Akiyama's moveset 1:1 (The wrestler guy wearing a mask).
Amon is constantly reusing main character movesets.
The fat boss in 3 reuses a couple of the sumo wrestler attacks from Kenzan.
All the thugs you fight on the street are more or less the same ones you fought in 1 when it comes to moveset, the only new guys they added over the years are the ones that act like kickboxers and do roundhouse dicks, dodge, and knock you down. This is not counting the new enemies from Kenzan and Ishin of course but if you want to add those then 3 had a modified sumo wrestler (The fat guys) which even move the same they just don't have the grab move, and multiple enemies in 0 and Kiwami reuse the Ishin Tennin Rishin fighting style.
If an enemy has a tonfa, kali sticks, or nunchuks they'll all fight like Kiryu does with them. The only exception is Kamiyama sometimes adds in a couple new attacks to the mix, same deal with the trainer in 3.

That's all I can think off the top of my head. Picture related is Tennin Rishin.

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Late in the game I don't even bother doing kiwami actions anymore, I just palm them to stop the regen.

Why didnt Saejima fuck Haruka? She wasnt resisting

So I got Kiwami free on PSN plus,

how does it play compared to 0? Not as much to do I assume?

The combat is the same.

gameplay is pretty much the same
tons of reused assets from 0 and previous games
story is pretty short

Who knows.
That should've been Kiryu's biggest red flag to not leave her with any criminals. He should've arranged married her to Akiyama

It's the same gameplay but you tend to get knocked down more often and bosses have regenerating health after you hit certain thresholds. Most of the content is just stuff recycled from 0 (Minigames I mean) and you're still playing 1 so the substories and main story aren't as involved or silly as the later games are. Don't go into it expecting 0, go into it expecting a remake of the first game and you'll be fine.

Is Saejima our guy?

Haruka in 4 was prime cute, so yes. He's the only main character so far to realize the value in a cute little girl

Bosses are in some cases unfun Rush style only bullshit.

beasst is nerfed and rush is buffed

>weakest style is nerfed while the best is buffed

Did you read his post wrong, or are you stupid?

>weakest style is nerfed
Dude, what? Beast is the strongest style in 0. Nothing even matches it. You can go from no Heat mashing square to killing the boss just by mashing square and only have taken maybe 50% of your health at most even on Legend.

Little of the latter and mostly the former

Saejima because I'm not a 0baby and he has the best voice.

Kiryu is actually a beast in bed, due to letting out all his frustrations of being a 40+ year old virgin.

Attached: sexual.png (1021x1330, 2M)

I always take a look at options and give everything a once over on first boot of a game
It's a good habit to have

How did Majima get a wife so quickly after the heartbreak that was Makoto?

Attached: tfwyourwaifuisdead.png (1280x835, 560K)

>interdimensional yakuza game
>stardate 5e.6872-Δ, kamurocho black hole
>first assignment of the eon is to collect overdue energy from dark matter gangsters running a causality insurance scheme
>kiryu invents a reality where they've already been defeated

Attached: 24hourkiryu.jpg (543x527, 26K)

A guy who constantly hangs out around criminals and has oneitis to boot?

I kind of wish 0 was a new timeline
The original timeline has so many stupid plots and asspulls like the fuckin rubber bullets shit

>still in kamurocho

Not only would rubber bullets still be totally lethal from point blank range, what was stopping Saejima from simply shooting them in the head? What kind of retarded plan is that? Brandon Lee was killed by a gun firing a blank for fuck sake

Also we clearly see the guns havent been pre-loaded so Majima and Saejima loaded the guns themselves
Didnt they notice the fucking rubber tips??

Absolutely nothing wrong with consistency
See also: Dragon Quest

no fucking shit retard

Yeah this was retarded, doesnt even bother jogging over to the edge to check on him he just leisurely strolls out of the area. I was more mad that Majima didnt call him out on it later though. Goro literally just had your back you piece of shit.

go into smile burger and then come out
majima should spawn and then go near him and see if its the one you want , if not repeat

>everyone says Kiwami is shit
>finally complete Majima everywhere
>quick swap between dragon and rush and brawler is fun as fuck
gameplaywise i legit had more fun with Kiwami than 0

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Why did he let her go, man?

Attached: HardTimes.png (1061x1574, 3.14M)

I hate niggers and I'm still laughing at you, fag.
>first time seeing a nigger in Yakuza
>you beat the shit out of him 5 minutes later
>second time seeing a nigger in Yakuza
>you beat the shit out of him 10 minutes later
o i'm laffin



>all this extra work they did
They went further with this than i expected, going as far to fix a lot of HUD stuff

I miss Tanimura, it's a shame that his actor didn't come back.

They gave him a new actor in the PS4 port, so maybe he can come back now.
I liked Shinada more, though.

Attached: tanimura.png (1126x820, 1.58M)

he probably was trying to fill the void as quick as it should, but it bite him in the ass even harder

Does Date or any of the other side characters cameo in Judgement?

Shows they're in this for the long haul at the very least. Now let's see if Sega suddenly drops the PS4 localization out of nowhere after this.

There's a new Shakedown, Ono-Michio appears, and there's a new Amon who talks about Jo dying in FotNS. I believe someone mentioned Saigo or Sodachi appearing as well.
There are no main characters (Date is considered a main character) appearing in it.

Kurohyou 2 webms?
or you'll do those once you unlock all the styles and level them up to max

Didnt want to bring her back into a world of crime since he just spent the whole game getting her out, and he couldnt leave the yakuza he needed to wait for Saejima

they cant even be bothered to drop Y3-5 on PS4 for the west, so ill highly doubt they would suddenly announce ishin and such

I've kind of had it on the backburner for a couple months since I'm straight up just not in the mood for it right now. I do wait until I max styles out before I make webms but since the clear data styles don't require leveling I made some of them if you want them.

Attached: I don't remember Shin's style being this stylish.webm (568x320, 2.91M)

Oh, and it's also harder to do no-damage webms since the AI is way more active in 2. Even regular mooks parry a lot more and attack you more often than in 1.

Attached: It all make sense now, Tenma was the one who taught him to go for the nuts.webm (568x320, 2.91M)

How is it SJW? Its literally about the Yakuza who were originally nationalist groups in Japan
A bunch of sidequests mock drag queens and gay people
If anything its largely a-political and just a crime drama
If you want a leftist japanese company play Atlus games

Attached: Your dad would be proud of you Tatsuya.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Attached: You wanted a Brawl you got it.webm (640x360, 3M)


There, last one. Boxing's a lot more fun in 2 than in 1 thanks to some of the new moves he picked up in America.

Attached: That time spent in Vegas really improved Tatsuya's Boxing form.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

4 and 1 are great, 3 is horrible

Well why'd he get married to another girl?

Attached: 20%.jpg (334x479, 73K)

he really looks like Nishiki

0 may be a better game but it doesn't have Haruka

1. Rude
2. Incorrect
Yakuza 3 is a beautiful maiden who did nothing wrong.

that's a positive


Attached: 1485768254052.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

To be honest, I like Haruka but she really does nothing for the plot and she's just plain annoying when she forces you to do shit for her.

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Because the mob didnt want to kill her

>doesn't have Haruka
So its the best game?

>that thumbs up
Is Goro Majima, perhaps, the most suave video game character ever?

Attached: 1538779147646.jpg (1920x1080, 781K)

In 0 absolutley
He oozes cool
Wish I could pull off his shoes and tuxedo as casual wear, but I feel like I'd need to be ripped underneath

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Isn't Ichiban's game meant to be a fresh start for the series? If so then no more Kiryu saga characters unless they make 0-2 with Majima in the 90's.

>playing zero
>going through the tojo hq
>bathroom fight
>throw dudes from like 8th floor window
>doesn't kill


Attached: goro_majima__young__karaoke___by_yare_yare_dong-dbdvimp.jpg (629x1269, 89K)

Kiryu can literally shoot someone in the head at point blank and it somehow won't kill them.

gravity killed them

Aqua Sky no.1 for being the most reused BGM in the series

The vocal range of this guy is truly incredible

Attached: realjima.jpg (700x438, 40K)

Majima's really skinny with lean muscle mass, so unless you have that kinda physique, it'll probably look bad m8.

If anything, go to /fit/ and read some guides on how to attain the perfect Majibody. Yakuza has definitely made me motivated to get ripped like Kiryu. We're gonna make it lads.

Also he is just as suave in the other games when he isn't going full Mad Dog.

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What I'm amazed at is the fact he makes Majima sing some of the karaoke songs completely wrong yet it's in tune with it. Like, does he do improv?

Rubber floors.

3 is by far the worst game in the series
4's story is above average compared to 3, 5, and 6 and the ending is great
1 is still pretty good but yea, like 14 years old in both story and mechanics


Majima is helping you remember how to fight and Kiryu actually acknowledges this in the final encounter.

Kiwami is fucking trash.

3 is the worst game in the series by literally every metric, the only vaguely good part about it is wesker

That's just your subjective opinion.
6 is objectively the worst entry.

>3 is the worst game
>2 exists

Attached: maji1.jpg (193x209, 10K)

Post god tier RGG OSTs


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>BAD in any way when 1 / Kiwami exists

Attached: OiTheFuck.png (1920x922, 2.28M)

>i'm gonna double down on my shitty bait so he'll believe i'm serious!!!
jesus christ, just fuck off already

I could accept 6 as the worst if you have 3 as the second worst, they're both pretty bad for similar reasons but I enjoyed 3 a lot less. 6 also didn't have a literal exposition dump chapter that was a series of conversation "options"
I can't say I've played the PS2 originals but K2 is miles better than 3 yea, it had some pretty great moments albeit they were emergent

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 990K)

>Majima pic
>is a retard

checks out

They're all god tier.


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5 is pretty fun to play mechanically but holy shit fuck the retarded ending

>2 is miles better than 3
At least 3 had somewhat of a coherent plot. Kiryu suddenly falling in love with some bitch, worst girl by the way, and all this HE IS ACTUALLY MY FATHER AND OH YA HE'S MY BROTHER bullshit made no sense. The only redeeming factor 2 had was Ryuji and he gets killed off.

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fuck off retard

I wanna marry Kiryu and have one night stand with Akiyama
I wanna be friends with Nishiki even tho hes kinda dumb and vengeful enough to kill his bro. He seems pretty lonely so Id hang out with him
I used to be obsessed with Majima tho and wanna fuck him but after 5 and 0, he fell off my husbando list

Is there a single bad tune in this series?

>and all this HE IS ACTUALLY MY FATHER AND OH YA HE'S MY BROTHER bullshit made no sense.
>Plays the yakuza series
>Doesn't like corny soap opera drama
I think you're playing the wrong games my friend.

3's story is far worse.

this fanbase has gone to complete shit

>Not partly playing yakuza for all the stupid shit
I bet you're always rushing main story while ignoring side shit too