>it's an abattoir level
It's an abattoir level
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>That one part where you can see fear in the pigs eye
Shit man that's sad.
Too bad I enjoy bacon too much to do anything about it.
Is it true that meat is carcinogenic?
everything is carcinogenic
Why don't they just kill them? I'm sure its more of a hassle to deal with live meat
Made me check if there are videos large game butchering on youtube. Like/Dislike ratio is exactly as I expected.
It's alright. Morality has never been compatible with will.
Is this supposed to bother me?
This seems like an incredibly clean and respectful establishment compared to some of the places I've seen.
We need to kill animals to eat them, user. We are the top of the food chain.
What the fuck, animals have emotions?
Why is that pig showing fear in it's eyes?
Pretty sure it's supposed to already be dead and someone fucked up
Mmmm bacon! This just makes me want to eat more.
fuck China. Nuke all of it.
That's why I only eat chicken meat. They are far too stupid to live anyway.
Reminder that if animals go through stress before death the meat taste worse.
Why not just fucking stun them and then slit the throats and be done with it?
Keeping them alive through this looks like such a hassle
Why do jannies let me post except for I can't attach an image? Do they understand what an image board is?
>le bacon
>haha now i'm hungry ;)
Literally what edgy 12 year old me would have posted 20 years ago
yes hence why shit like Kobe beef is very expensive.
>I'm sure its more of a hassle to deal with live meat
Not just that, they go to great lengths to give them as painless of a death as possible, and that the others don't see you killing it
because if they get to stressed out just before death is seriously detracts from the taste
Probably have to gas them because of some ethical crap and some lived through it.
They knock them out and cut their throats, they're supposed to die painless and without fear. Someone in that video seriously fucked up or they just don't care and should be shut down.
The industrial slaughter is pretty ugly but you wont get sympathy from me for pigs. They would do it to you too.
The only thing you "need" to do is fuck yourself.
Come up with whatever twisted rationality sets your mind at ease; but this shit is wrong.
>A fuckup at an industrial plant is legitimately more humane than Kosher/Halal slaughter going as intended
Mind boggling.
Chinese people love that "flavor". They're animals similar to the chimps who prefer to eat their prey while it's still writhing in pain
>tfw your meal decides to run away
Meat needs to be as fresh as possible when going for processing. They simply stun the pigs, put them on that conveyor belt thing then a machine slits their throats to drain out the blood. Somtimes however they can wake up resulting in webm related.
Too expensive. Why do you think they shovel thousand of baby chickens into the meat grinder alive? time and money.
But it does make me hungry. When you work in a slaughterhouse for 5+ years you see things a tad different mate.
veggies make you emaciated and witless
Shut the fuck up boomer.