>tfw I own a PSP and a DS
Tfw I own a PSP and a DS
>tfw I own a Vita and a 3DS
It's a good feeling.
Still have both of mine but the DS is partly broken somehow. Makes me sad.
>tfw own a psp but dont have a charger for it
Fuck man, I used to watch fucking family guy star wars specials and cloudy with a chance of meatballs and fucking watchmen on that thing when I was younger
No you don't idort
>tfw I own a GBA and an Ngage
Nintendo DS don't have any quality game though, unlike PSP. Most of the games are gimmicky casual shit designed for children and normalfags with no subtance. MHFU alone shit on any game on DS.
Been meaning to buy one but I still can't decide whether to go for 1000 or 2000.
1000 for sure, the screen is noticeably superior.
Wash your fucking mouth out. Also it had superior rhythm games with Ouendan and EBA, something the PSP lacked.
no you dont you idorts
I forgot to say, I only bought them because I knew I could crack them, I'm poorfag so I can't afford games normally.
I still play on both
Great feeling
>all that backwards compatibility and emulation
>Vegeto Blue on both
Holy fucking based
Now you're speaking my language