Why was this allowed?
Why was this allowed?
Gen7 was such a joke
PS2 was truly the last hoorah of Nip tech magic
This is the devs fault not the hardware
I know but still, that console was something else.
What actually sucks is that the 360 version does have higher quality assets but the crazy ass bloom hides it from view.
They were going for that nfsmw look
>tfw I used the soundtrack of this game as my sex mix at college because I literally didn't know any normie music
Chromatic abomination is still worse.
What a beautiful effect.
Good job, user! You have successfully hard wired your brain into thinking about sportscars when having sex
It's the CURRENT YEAR and some games have
>motion blur
>film grain
>same devs
glad we are past this era
When is the next Crysis coming? Something that btfos all other games for a half a decade. Graphics have been stagnant for ages now.
How is My Little Pony color range better than Brown and Bloom?
And in every other aspect, Fortmeme is worse and AIDS.
most men are actually already born with that trait.
if you're autistic it's trains or planes.
When you go back to games without overdone post-processing, it's like a breath of fresh air.
zoom zoom
>motion blur
>film grain
>chromatic aberration
>lens flare
>lens distortion
>depth of field
>artificial brightness adjustment
why is this allowed?
Motion blur is good in racing games.
Change my mind.
Partially most games being multiplatform, and partially nobody in the right mind would make a PC exclusive not many PC's can run these days. Crysis didn't sell that great.
Yeah, games from 2005 or so (with effects turned off) and before.
It looks so crisp and clean.
Imagine a current year game with excellent textures, ZERO post-processing, and a REALISTIC color range. It would look so fucking good.
>when your game has less color than a run-down slav shithole
But trust us guys, grey tint makes it real!
>According to The simExchange, the NPD Group reported that Crysis moved 86,633 retail units in the first two weeks of its release in North America,[51] but while it beat their expectations, the sales were considered disappointing overall.[52] Two months later, on Electronic Arts' earnings conference of the quarter, it was reported that Crysis had reached the 1 million units mark, and that it had exceeded their expectations.[53]
Stop this meme.
CC is bad but bloom got so bad it actually got in the way of seeing shit
What the fuck are those trees? Did they just cut all the branches for some reason?
Any kind of blur is annoying and useless, and puts a lot more stress on the gpu
Chromatic aberrations as long as they're like your pic are fine, they're not even close to motion blur
1m in 2 months in 2007 was ok but not great. It would be considered a flop nowadays. This isn't even my opinion but how companies think.
>Not the OG Xbox version
Probably cut the tops off so they wouldn't damage the buildings incase a storm or something breaks off parts from them.
I can't. All these faggots complaining about post processing are legitimately brain damaged. They're just tools, when they're used well you don't notice them, and there are countless examples of them being used well. Look at all the shit they used in this game to keep it running well and looking good on shoddy hardware:
PS2 with component cable is the right way to play this game.
everything in GoW is the same fucking colorpallete
Oh look, the obligatory developer-worshiping arse licker has arrived.
>What the fuck is going on, is my lens moisty or am I drunk?
>Those colored pixels you need a 100x zoom to notice
Yeah I'll take the chromatic aberration
Honestly I think most post-processing effects can look good if they're used sparingly for a subtle effect.
Problem is most people are retards and don't understand that sometimes less is more so they make the entire screen a blurry mess of shit.
upper pic could use more contrast and sharp detail, the lack of colours were fitting for the tone and setting of the game. I still enjoy the style of the first GOW, fight me.
Considering how much money they've made off the engine it could easily be repeatable. Engine licensing is a massive money maker, there is definitely demand for the next CryEngine if someone would put in the effort. The problem really is that you aren't making money while you spend years making it.
Chromatic niggeration literally gives me headache and nausea, whereas Bloom and even motherfucking Motion Blur doesn't.
It's the one effect that affects my health.
Thank goodness I'm not console cuck, so I'll take NEITHER and shut that shit off.
>>Those colored pixels you need a 100x zoom to notice
You need glasses.
Yeah, the tops ok, but there are no branches whatsoever. Feels like slav shitholes are shitholes because the people themselves just don't care about making their area better. Plant some fucking trees or flowers, not so fucking hard.
>Post-Op Trannies
Not even once.
That's just a normal bioroastie lad.
>A team of five fucking guys who are all demoscene veterans doing a demonstrably impressive job
>Developer arselicking
Seek help. It's the bigger devs who don't put any passion in and abuse the tools instead of using them cleverly that are the issue, which was my original point you absolute retard.
slavs are niggers of white people but for some reason far right guys insist theyre white and if you think otherwise youre a divide and conquer shill
I would gladly slurp those labia, preferably with dripping fluids and a pinch of pee.
Hey you guys want a good read? How about an article from 09 with some dev lying through his teeth about how game engines are incapable of actually displaying colors?
Motion blur is used as a cheap additive. The real deal is to increase frame rates and speed until things naturally blur.
Literally nothing is good enough for you Jesus Christ. I fucking hate you and want everyone like you to die. You’ll never be satisfied with anything in life and moan and bitch and cry about everything. Kill yourself and save the human race 70 years of your horrendous elitism over VIDEO GAMES pls
S-s-stop being so e-e-entitled I h-h-hate you.
What game is that?
Exactly without the stutters. Stop being such an entitled piece of shit. If you can’t appreciate what’s offered in the medium then drop it. Find another hobby and another board to shitpost on. I’m sick of the constant bitching about how 9/10 scores are flops and every game is the next TORTANIC and that every game is absolutely terrible. I love games, new and old and have fun every day playing them. If you hate video games, go somewhere else.
Cry more bitch nigga.
God I hate consoles. If this game were on PC you could just disable the gay bloom and blur.
not him but you started bitching first compadre
The Temple of Elemental Evil
Motionblur is always good in moderation and only absolute BRAINLETS think it's bad no matter what because they have no idea how graphics work.
>things naturally blur.
That literally can't happens on your screen.
>Gen 7
PS2 and OG Xbox are Gen 6 you absolute zoomer
go back to red dit with that faggot logic. Commies destroyed self responsibility so with every future generations it's gonna get better, especially for western slavs
360 is gen 7 you absolute zoomer
He's right though, nigga. Bloom was far more prevalent and overused in the 7th gen.
Nigger you don't need any motion blur in games, only thing it does it makes your game look like a movie. Your fucking eyes add motion blur you don't need any more than that.
Actually it was the Wii, I fucking love trying to figure out what sort of tricks they used to squeeze every single drop of the power available.
fucking IBM dude
What game actually impressed you on the wii?
Motion blur is only implemented because devs can't hit their fucking framerate targets because our display technology is such shit
Instead of increasing resolution 4x they should have focused on getting everything to run at 1080p120FPS, 4K is a fucking meme
You're fucking retarded. Off yourself
>Your fucking eyes add motion blur
No it doesn't you fucking dumb kid.
This so much.
The fuck are you smoking my dude. There is not a single Wii game that looks better than the more impressive prev-gen xboxhuge games
I hate you fags
Wave your hand in front of your face or jump out of the window, your vision of moving objects will be blury.
it's a fucking cinematic post-processing effect to make it seem like the framerate is higher than the user can perceive
try it for yourself, get a 144hz monitor and turn on motion blur and tell me it doesn't make you feel sick.
The WII is just a overclocked gamecube you braindead nincel
You know what we need? More screen effects!
not an argument
Super Mario Galaxy, The Conduit, SSBBrawl, No More Heroes(both), Madworld even Wii Sports, considering it was a boosted GameCube the difference was very noticeable.
When I lok at an image that has chromatic aberration, my eyes tear up before I even consciously realize that it has CA.
jesus christ
I think the only modern game that feels like the post-processing actually added to the game was Doom
yeah I remember NMH2 looking pretty good
I literally couldn't imagine feeling sick from motion blur in a video game
You should really go visit your GP
It should be called "Chromatic abomination"
Who thought it was good idea to emulate effect of shitty calibrated CRT or dying VHS.
Yeah, actually the texture work on most games was impressive, SSBBrawl and NMHDS hold up pretty well rendered at 1080p on dolphin.
You guys have no clue what you're talking about
You never touched a Wii right? Bet you were/are one of those kids that dismiss Nintendo without first taking a look what they offer.
This. I feel literally sick whenever I try to play Bloodborne and any other game that has this shitty filter. Bloodborne seems to be the worst offender though, game looked like garbage with that shit on.
nu-80s faggots
vaporwave faggots
lmao no it is fucking not, bloom and pissfilter was THE worst.
No, this isn't a console argument, I mean you literally have no clue about the basic technology behind video games
I like Chrom Ahb
This takes me back.
>Why would you want player to see what is he doing?
Pic related is great for showing all those shitty things devs do.
>Hey we made this thing called Anti Aliasing
>But we need to smear everything because we are still limited by the output resolution
Fucking useless.
Funny thing is I don't think Far Cry Blood Dragon even had that shit on.
>those sales
How did you get to that conclusion? Because I like things you don't? LOL
too bad Bulletstorm was shite
I wanna go back to the times when devs made games to shit on other games and promote their own games
Kung Fury was fun
>tfw you can't even turn off bloom in battlefield 4
The sun even has blinding lights on it when clouds are covering it it's so annoying
Lmao what a bunch of fucking fairies. Sick? What the actual fuck are you girls on about?
>Uses FXAA, TSAA or other shit AA
Don't be a faggot and just downsample aka use MSAA.
I would actually buy this
>when your eyesight is so shit you don't even notice the garbage filter that fucks with your eyes
you're a console peasant aren't you
>Eye adaption you can't turn off: when the game can't decide whether the room you enter is bright or dark and fucks up your brightness nonetheless
As if people wouldn't notice you switching the pictures retard
one of the rare cases i dropped the game completely. aliasing combined with CA = eye cancer
Same shit, in the end, shit has to get smeared to match the resolution.
Still better than CoD after 3rd.
But you are right Serious Sam is better brainless slaughter than almost anything.
as long as the graphics are better than ps1 games', i couldnt care less. pc gaimers do so much to try to make people believe that they didnt waste thousands
So you didn't use it, good to know.
If you have good enough hardware just use DSR 4.0x if you own jewVidia GPU or VSR on AMD and tell me it looks smeared. It won't look as good as game running on higher resolution on better display but there isn't anything better.
Poor man copes with his life in poverty. Some people can easily afford to do the better version of everything you do, get over it.
Does it make pixels appear magically?
That faggot just don't care about graphics, you on the other hand are butthurt.
>you dont sut inches from a PC monitor do you?
So it IS your problem then.
>implying rich men are angry about the non purchases of others
>you can only play pc games on a monitor
fucking illiterate console peasants
I think CA in BB is ok, after all it's just a dream, bro.
yeah this picture totally isn't oversaturated to fuck
No, it renders your game at higher resolution then shrinks the image to the resolution you set. 2160p into 1080p for example. Same you do with photos to hide noise.
>when you spend your whole life in a cloud of smog, a normal sunny day appears oversaturated
>slavs are niggers of white people
>they are not white
pick one and only one schlomo
That faggot was right though just look at the sky.
Moat Wanted also pulled this shit
That was pretty much what the gamecube would be able to do, it nintendo didn't crippled it horribly with only 24MB of useable memory.
It was small enough to need to limit the triangle count on everything to actually fit in the memory without making the textures a blurry mess.
This is why the gamecube only display high triangle counts by repeating the same model over and over (see Zelda WW grass, rogue squadron ships,pikmin etc..)
Film grain is atmospheric and has its place.
Motion blur is and always was a crutch to hide not having enough frames.
All of Yea Forums creams itself when Metroid Prime puts steam on your visor.
>fire on the screen
>everything gets pitch black
Vermintide 2 is a treasure.
I didn't knew vikings used space suits with visors.
I like being able to distinguish between trees and clouds
We learn new things everyday from Yea Forums
Steam on visor is actually realistic tho.
You fucking faggots who say CA is fucking you up this much need to go to the eye doctor, you are all fucked
How the fuck does CA fucks with your head?
Blur and Bloom doing that I can understand since it can fuck on how your brain can interpret motion/movement in a 3d space
But CA is just outlining random shit with bright colors, how can that fuck with you??
Yes I know what rendering at a higher resolution is, it still has to accommodate the image to a lower resolution, it gets rid of jaggies but the picture is no longer sharp, I prefer texture filtering cranked to the max, that is an actual improvement.
I just checked what you are saying in few games, and i didn't notice any texture quality downgrade. What you have to keep in mind is there are 2 values you need to adjust multiplayer and smoothnes. I use DSR x4.0 and under 20% for smoothnes. No vaseline.
I wanted to post some screen shots but they are over 20MB :| And compressing them would defeat the pupose, if anything textures on DSR look better if i look at the screens side by side.