What are some video games with dog petting mechanics?

What are some video games with dog petting mechanics?

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Degrees of Lewdity

Life until 3 weeks ago

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Far cry primal lets you pet all types of bois

Why do white girls love dogs so much?

white people like dogs because they have souls
other apes do not

this id like to know too, is there anything we can do to prevent white girls to fuck dogs?

God, I wish that were me.

i dont think having sex with animals is really the proof of someone having a soul



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what are some games for white girls

why do niggers always think of sex?
a dog is worth more than a non white human.

Why so angry, champ? Is some black kid bullying you at school? Everyone domesticates dogs, not just your trailer park.

huh, what does that have to do with anything
anyways white girls fuck dogs that's a known fact i dont know what you're on about bud

no I'm a slav we don't have those

The dog was never domesticated in subsaharan Africa, they still don't have pets of any kind there. Didn't even invent the fucking wheel until the white man came.

so you yourself are not white then? good to know


Everyone loves dogs besides niggers and chinks.


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but white girls "love" dogs in a certain specific way
if you know what i mean

>a dog is worth more than a non white
This to be honest.

Sea doggos need more love in vidya.

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