What's the longest it has ever taken you to finish a game?

What's the longest it has ever taken you to finish a game?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-04 John Crenshaw sometimes Jack Pierce ( nostalgicragehq) Twitter.png (588x110, 13K)

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Is Retsupurae even a thing anymore? I know Slowbeef got really PC and they started to only do longplays or something.
And to answer your question, probably the first Jak and Daxter. Got it as a kid, didn't have a memory card but too dumb to ask for one so the farthest I ever got was the Volcanic Crater, later sold my PS2, got a PS3 much later, and played and beat the PS3 version a couple of years ago.

I just beat Minecraft for the first time in December. I’ve been playing off and on since 2009, and played with friends a lot, but only just got around to legit beating the dragon.

>Is Retsupurae even a thing anymore?
Last upload was 7 months ago

Now go make and kill a wither

Apparently they're working on something right now and pre recording everything before releasing it.


Check the retsupurae Twitter

not exactly finish, but I've been doing the Rayman Legends platinum since last May

just waiting on a second controller in the mail

oh shit, it's real. thanks!

>Slowbeef got really PC

>I just beat Minecraft for the first time in December.
is minecraft fun in 2k19?

4 months for witcher 3 because it kept getting more boring and boring towards the end and I ended up playing better games instead

Look at his Twitter bio

>Look at his Twitter bio
don't see anything "really PC" there, did it used to be different? not into twitter drama

All you need to know

I bought and started The Witcher in 2010. Didn't finish it until 2017. I only pushed through because I wanted to play the other two while understanding the full context of the story, in the games at least.

was it worth it?

25 years to beat Double Dragon 2

isn't that just being gramatically correct?

It's Voidburger badgering him into being a trans ally

Kind of. I think going into 2 and 3 without having been through the events of 1 myself would have been jarring and felt incomplete, even if they were somewhat insignificant in the grand scheme of things. 1 is still my least favorite of the trilogy, but it's probably for the best that I did it myself instead of reading a summary.

It’s taken me nearly a year to finish Dragon Quest VII. It’s just never grabbed me like the others. I’m not sure I’m even going to attempt the bonus dungeons either

what about it?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-04 slowbeef ( slowbeef) Twitter.png (290x167, 7K)

>1 is still my least favorite of the trilogy
one is better then two, sorry kiddo you're wrong

>Verified gamerdad
>Still feels the need to add he/him
Man, how dumb people get.

Anyways, slowbeef isn't even at his most insufferable right now. He's mellowed out since his PDP and MN9 days.

>MN9 days.
are you that retard that keeps spamming retsupurae hate threads because they aren't woke enough for you? grow up

The only Retsupurae hate threads I've seen shit on them for being too woke, the fuck are you on about?

Retsupurae hit a slump with the PDP video and never really recovered. Slowbeef became more chill with the past few years, I don't understand the people that think he's still the same guy that jumped on the MN9 bandwagon completely misinformed.

Why wouldn't it be?

idk, a lot of games get ruined by updates and IIRC few of the original developers are left on the team
what's PDP?

Pewdiepie, you don't remember his "Adults react to PDP" vid? That shit was some refined cringe, from both sides.

I'm 170,424 hours into the game called "life"

it's so shitty send guides please.

You're barely an adult.

t. 180,000 hours

I heard they botched the map generator, something about more flat and boring biomes and less dramatic stuff like hills, mountains and ravines
Is it true, or exaggerated?

good for you, you've been playing longer than me. how's it feel to have more hours clocked into that shitty RPG? this main quest of get a job is taking longer than it should.

It's true. The game is so goddamn boring now


>from both sides
I mean how were they supposed to react to a raid from a bunch of 9 year olds?

No, everything looks the fucking same. I'm not the guy you were talking to, if that's what you think

This varies between versions. You can always edit settings, but PC by default is large and barren, whereas on console it’s easier to find interesting landscape features by default.

I meant the comment PDP left on that vid.

I don't remember any of that, please fill me in.

I do not understand this criticism. They've added extreme biomes that have the crazy features from the past plus amplified worlds if you want something really exaggerated. I think the game is better than ever, you can adventure just the same as in 2009 but now there are lots more things to look for. You can also play the game for it's technical aspects and build huge industrial farms. And if that sounds boring, just play on whatever previous update you like

Took me like 22 years to beat Zelda 2, but to my defence, I hated it as a kid and only recently replayed it again after all those years and it took me a whole day to finish. It's pretty damn good.

Pretty sure he apologized with a video a few days after.

Attached: 532421.png (512x243, 47K)

Final Fantasy X
something like 1.5 years. Game was such a drag, I just couldn't find the motivation.

Took me a couple of years of off-on practice to reach Pacman's killscreen. You'd think it'd be all pattern recognition, and to a certain extent it is, but there's a LOT of patterns to recognise.

For me, finding an interesting location like the bottom of a mountain or beside a Great Lake and landscaping the area flat for my plans was part of the appeal, so hearing that the worlds are now relatively flat valleys diminishes some of my motivation to play

Tomb raider's the angel of darkness, because of the boaz monster.
Took me some years (on/off) when I was a kid. I simply had no idea how to aim at the flap things.

Attached: boaz.jpg (400x300, 46K)

i did this too

That's normal for most single player arcade games. They're designed that way.

Skyrim. Holy fuck I spent god knows how many hours running around doing quests and stupid shit like adding porno mods lmao. Runner up is the Witcher 3, I spent nearly 3 months engrossed in it. RDR 2 took me a solid 6 weeks to finish cause I kept on getting adhd and getting sidetracked lol.

Depends, going on and off some stuff took me 6 months to a year.

But some games that I constantly played took me a month or two.

Of course user

but it's still a game for children

>Retsupurae of nostalgicrage
Wow that... takes me back.

That doesn't mean it isn't good.

Played Ocarina of Time as a little kid when it came out. Couldn't beat it. Now as an adult I've played it but don't want to beat it because I don't want to lose the sense of wonder the game has. Whenever I do end up finishing games that I loved but left unfinished as a child there's a certain feeling of loss.

If you mean unwillingly, I don't know, nowadays I finish what I start

Attached: 1521060881339.jpg (516x425, 23K)

Meme games like Minecraft become meme games for a reason, their following didn't just come out of nowhere

I got Link's Awakening on 3DS Virtual Console when it came out there, which was in 2011. I did two or three dungeons but never finished it.

When they announce the remake I started playing it again (new file) and I've been playing it in small chunks since then. I'm farther than I was before. I intend to finish it for real this time.

one time

TR3 took me a year and some when I was 10 years old.

Maybe a few weeks? If I temporarily shelve a game without completing it I usually just start over entirely to refresh my memory if I come back to it so I wouldn't count those.

Based Pewds working lefttardetties into a seething shoot.