What is Yea Forums opinion about the Xenoblade Chronicles™ series from Monolithsoft?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Killed the xeno franchise as far as I'm concerned

Killed the xeno franchise as far as I'm concerned

Xenoblade games have far better gameplay than Xenogears, Xenogears has the better story of harder to digest. Haven't played the saga games

*if harder

bretty gud

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I can't wait to play that on a superscaled resolution on yuzu. The emulator will finally do justice to Hikari and Homura in a few years from now.

First one felt like a breath of fresh air. Great open world and nice customization options. Pretty good story too, even if it shat itself after it let go of the revenge angle and became generic JRPG stuff.

Chronicles had the right ideia with the introduction of vehicles/mechs, but severely lacked customization options. The world was beautiful but the chracters looked terrible. The quests took a severe hit, as did the plot. Pretty decent open world JRPG, butba clear step back.

Xeno 2 feels and looks juvenile and has awful and inconsistent character designs that, coupled with the horrible mocap, make the entire game an experiment on the uncanny valley. The writing is just awful. The open world can't really hold up the game anymore. Great soundtrack and battle systems though.

You're not Japanese so just say the English names

fuck off ironic weeb get off this site

game is shit but I want to impregnate mythra

They aren't open world

I loved it after i understood the battle system.

Oh? Did you want me to specify that they're games that feature very large maps with focus on exploration?
Yes, there's load screens, and many areas are not interconnected, but open world JRPG is the best way to define them

It's great.

I need a XC2 guru to tell me what the best composition is in my second playthrough since I haven't touched this game since it came out.

Not what open world means, they're linear

You can be open world and linear. Watch Dogs is open world but with very linear progression.

Open world is specifically defined by being nonlinear.

pretty much this
the problem with xenoblade as a franchise is that they rushed the games and no proper xenoblade sequel has happened yet. XCX is especially awful and obvious in this regard. so much unbalanced shit, so much shit thrown together, a lot of potential. yuck.

But it empirically isn't. You can specifically design an open world exoerience while shoehorning the player into a linear progression

false, planescape is not open world and less linear than most games called open world today

linearity of choice in quests and territory exploration are two different things

The way the bounces a little on her haunches is so nice.

Why are American companies so garbage?

Their English names are fucking retarded.

Based and brappilled

You're objectively wrong bruv. Many, 9r really, most open worlds game rely on linear progression systems for plot, unlocking different partd of the map, power-ups, etc.

No you can't because that's not how open world is defined
Xenoblade is linear in both. You can't visit many areas from the start and the story quests are linear

Those aren't open world.

all pretty good

Pic related isn't a xeno game

Yes it is

>GTA 4 isn't open world because you can't visit the whole map at first and story missions follow a particular order
>MGSV isn't open world because you have to do all missions in order and can only visit Africa after the mid way point of the game

Well, no, it isn't. Xeno games have a certain standard of quality.

reminder there were simpy as fuck swimsuits that didn't require post release dlc/updates like xb2

the alien race was basically naked in xb1 and they had camera shots at their ass and boobers, xeno series always had this niggers

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Well yes it is, even if you don't like it. Besides the battle system is better than 1

Yeah but it was good before XC2

was expecting her to take a fat shit
im disappointed

This is the best soundtrack of the Xeno series.

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Mod out the Night NLA theme and the normal battle themes and it certainly is.



Loli is better than old hags.

First one is great
X is great
2 sucked

>daytime in america
>shitposting starts up again
Every single day.


Post more whore goddess

I love it, but Monolith Soft really need to get over their fetish for adding shit that needlessly extends the game's playtime.

>most successful title
>killed franchise because I'm a contrarian retard

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Best tune in the series IMO


>open world

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The fact people are disagreeing with you shows you how retarded Yea Forums has become

Yes those are sandbox games and have load screens

fuck off retard
there are great linear and open world games
a game isn't instantly bad just because they're open world you cintrarian fuck

what's the best method for farming for the charger for Poppi's third form?

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>desperately pretending your stick anime girl has an ass
wow it's fucking nothing

>better than Yuki Kajiura the goddess or even Mitsuda

People give Rex's VA shit, but Patroka's is complete dogshit.

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i really am unable to play as a shota

Patroka is just weird. She also does Herald and Agate, who are fine.

what're u gay

that is strange indeed

Patroka herself sounds totally fine as a NG+ blade, too. It's bizarre.

I mean unless its a really huge dick shota i cant roleplay

>Hikari and Homura

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based ironic weebbro


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when did ironic weeb start meaning 'anyone who plays japanese games and isn't a massive weaboo'?

>hikari and homura

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since the board became a sub-reddit

More evidence for the new /qa/ thread.
Keep digging your own grave.

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Further proof the game is exclusively played by shit eating redditors who only played the game because it's on that stupid fisher price toy console.

Ignore him.

>More evidence for the new /qa/ thread.
What the fuck are you talking about?

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Just the resident autist.

I'm gonna make threads on /qa/ telling the mods to most these circlejerk waifufag RP threads to /vg/ where they belong.

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Reminder that Nia is a cunt for letting V die.

This, I guess.

It's complete anime craziness and nonsense but the twists at the end are somewhat interesting and you grow to like the party

Also it makes my dick hard

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Thanks for posting the same exact pics every thread to this day, it'll make my job a lot easier.

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b-b-b-b-but 2 is like that!!!


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for how long do you plan on ban evading you sad cucklet

Why doesn't he just ask his mod boyfriend to shut the threads down? Surely that's more useful than getting shut down on /qa/. The Xfag lore is very confusing to me.

I haven't ban avoided in a good year, because I follow the rules.

>Inb4 some retarded brings up Gears and Saga even though the image specifically refers to Xenoblade

>creates general
>dies in 66 posts
>keeps aaking

the fuck

Everytime a franchise gets bigger it gets watered down

If the threads were moved to /vg/, all the people posting in them would be forced to post on /vg/.

I have no idea, but I'm about to find out once I set up Dolphin.

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Do you defend the current ruination of FE because it "saved" the series?


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But that's wrong.

same hipster

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If they went their autistic circlejerk, they do it /vg/, or don't do it at all.

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Don't make the mistake I did and let yourself get obsessed with doing the sidequests, it can really burn you out on the game.

Yeah like the last failed general, amirite?

Or they'll just keep making threads here until the mods give up? Do you really think you're the only annoyingly persistent autist on this board?

Can we move all ESL posters before we move Xenoblade posters?

You're an idiot. /vg/ is for series that hold generals for a long time. Xeno isn't one of them.

Are they that bad? I usually like to do all the content I can find, though that most certainly did kill games for me before.

They weren't forced to post in that.

In that case, the mods will delete them even faster.

will another video game as good as xc2 ever be released?
also xcx on switch seriously when?

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>also xcx on switch
Why? At best it'll look the same, probably worse actually.

These threads are basically generals just on Yea Forums, all OP's post is missing is the word "general"

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because I am not going to buy a dead console for it and lots of people only got to know xeno through xc2
I played it on cemu but it's not the same

But they're not. There's clearly not enough traffic to warrant generals, and this was proven a few days ago you retarded autist.

Considering you're currently ban evading with a phone, I think you would know that you can't force anyone to do anything, otherwise you'd have been forced to stop your petulant "mission" years ago.

>Implying anyone actually owns a WiiU

Doesn't matter, there were less talked about games that still have generals.

I don't even have a phone.

They're not terrible, there's just an absolute shitton of them.
There's also no objective markers, which means when you go to turn in a quest you got from a named NPC, you have to remember where the fuck they were in town as well as what time of day it was (because the NPCs all move around town on a schedule). It isn't a huge deal at the beginning, but after a while it really grates on you.

>I played it on cemu but it's not the same
Yeah, it's better.

Then enjoy getting banned for off-topic meta posting and spamming

>there were less talked about games that still have generals.

Post them.

This thread is already off-topic.

The fabled Katawa Shoujo general is an obvious pick for starters.

I see, that does sound like it might get tedious. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll keep it in mind.

>video game thread is off-topic

wow one example

It doesn't even count either.

I've seen 1 (one) (un) (uno) XC2 thread that actually discussed the game without some fucking retard that actively dislikes the game coming into the thread and shitting all over it in the last 6 months
What an absolute fucking joke of a board, what the hell happened to Yea Forums

yikes this post flopped

>last 6 months
This fucking psycho has been doing this since the game was announced, he even admitted to it

OP has been making "What do you think about (some variation of Xenoblade 2's title) with blatant waifufag pic and other text, once admitting he didn't even play the game.

These threads weren't made to discuss the game.


Where's the best place to farm poppi upgrades?

Then why was everyone talking about the game before you barged in here

Also doing a lot of them will overlevel the fuck out of you. Dont know if you'll mind that or not but its easy to get carried away. Unfortunately a small handful are actually worth doing, but its hard to determine which without knowing beforehand.

I'm fine with weebs, just not ironic ones, like the players of XC2.

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Franchise is still alive and well, even if 2 was objectively inferior to 1 and X in every way except for music.

Show me one post

Did it make your blood boil that the whole weekend was filled with comfy Xeno threads that all hit the bump limit?

I don't get thinking 2's music was better than 1's

>Yea Forums

Yep everything gets too much normalfagot focus went to shit
See fire emblem

because traffic differences you idiot

>I don't get thinking 2's music was better than 1's
I liked Those Who Stand Against Our Paths more than You Will Know Our Names and Uncontrollable combined.

>just not ironic ones, like the players of XC2.
Play the fucking game instead basing all of your opinions of the game off of your fear of attractive female characters and "japanese_humor.webm"

>Did it make your blood boil that the whole weekend was filled with comfy Xeno threads that all hit the bump limit?
Why would this matter to me? You'll be out the door soon, might as well enjoy your time while it lasts.

You are so gross, Mik!

Let me guess, doesn't count because no one responded to it

It's still a game that's talked about less.

>i like japanese games but only because they're so wacky, any sexualization is cringe and gross, also any mention of anything japanese is totally cringe, please i only like these things ironically i'm not weird i swear
Ironic weeb, failed normalfag, whatever you want to call yourself you're fucking insufferable.

>specially awful and obvious in this regard. so much unbalanced shit, so much shit thrown together, a lot of potential
The game is pretty balanced. Most builds are viable end game, it just depends on how much time you want to put into making your pants-on-head retarded Javelin + Psycho Launchers set work instead of taking the easy way out.

>a lot of potential

>bitches about other people posting the same images over and over
>has made effectively the same exact post literally 50 times now

Xenoblade 2 fags play dubbed, support needless localization changes/censorship, and were perfectly okay with censorship of the word "moe"

They're as ironic as they come

Sylvalum Night > Valak Night > Sylvalum Day > Tantal Night > Valak Day > Tantal Day

the absolute state of this cuck

>walks 3cm

what the fuck

Yeah, don't get it. It's not a bad song but it's not on the level of those two Best boss theme is Rosa's. Shame it's so limited

Maybe I just like the gameplay

Depends on the game I guess, if it's the sort of RPG where the beginning is very hard and punishing I can enjoy becoming strong enough to wreck shit, if it's kind of easy all around it's kind of boring.

Clearly it isn't.

>Xenoblade 2 fags play dubbed, support needless localization changes/censorship, and were perfectly okay with censorship of the word "moe"
I played it subbed
That alone disproves your logical leap, fagtron

XBC2 did a lot right but I'm hoping the next game will fix some key things since it's success likely means the next game sticks to the XBC2 formula. More than anything I think busy work needs to be toned down. There's so much shit packed into the game that by Chapter 6 I was burnt out before even doing any side quests. I also like the gacha waifu system but they could probably be a little smarter with the viability of blades. Makes no fucking sense that Newt for example is a fire tank blade because Brighid is never coming off Morag and Rex has Pyra as well. Little things like that lead to obvious optimal combos. But to it's credit it still does give a lot of really enjoyable freedom in building your characters. I'm also not sure how they could tweak combat but it does feel like it needs tweaking. The game rarely ever felt difficult but rather things were just sponges until you hit a ceiling and suddenly nothing can touch you. Around the time I got Zeke my party couldn't be stopped because Morag's agility was so high enemies couldn't hurt her and then Rex and Zeke were just damage cannons that healed back anything they lost with 50% Crit ratios.

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Hello my number 1 fan, you also do the same thing.


You're a minority, and don't matter, you aren't the target audience, and never will be.

So you admit to being a hypocrite then?

You don't know anything about that general, it's not about the actual game at all.

It didn't ruin the series. Also the series always had Waifus.

I'm an X-fag and the only things that bother me there are the smaller, linear maps, the gacha blade system (not the designs themselves), and the dogshit resolution and framerate.

X is anime as fuck too. I don't know where this anti-anime crying came from.

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how does the saga series hold up in current year?

Only played XBC2 but I liked it. Thought the worlds could have been expanded on a bit. After the Gormott Titan every other one feels very compact and lacking that exploration to the same degree. Also thought Homura was kinda shit. Hikari and Nia may be pretty standard variations of Tsundere but Homura was just a bland piece of cardboard that never added anything to a scene.

who caees

>You're a minority, and don't matter, you aren't the target audience, and never will be.
>You, a fan of anime, aren't the target audience of an anime styled game, based off of 90s shonen, using anime tropes

It takes a hypocrite to realize true issues.

I'll happy be banned if the others get banned for doing it too.

>replying to vgfag

come on, seriously?

Why do you keep replying? Are you mentally handicapped?

Not about waifus, just the waifus being the selling point.

If you play the censored English version, you are.

Also the man that made the game is the biggest westaboo ever, and openly said that he doesn't care for modern Japanese games, and everyone that likes gacha is a mindless drone that doesn't care about video games, so I guess he sees you as a useful sheep, more than his target audience.

Those Who Stand Against Our Path is actually one of my top 5 songs in the entire series. Up there with "This song plays when we need to put more salt in Melia's wounds", Oblivia Day, Gormott Day, and Theme X.


Listening to that while looking at scenic vistas in X gave me chills. Shame it's only used in the opening sizzle reel of Mira.

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It doesn't.

Electra a cute

>since it's success likely means the next game sticks to the XBC2 formula
I doubt it. 2 didn't sell amazingly, just better than the previous 2 games. I doubt the next game will play like 2 at all. Or, if it does, it'll be like X is to 1 - so different that even if you could make comparisons, they'd be minor.

What was up with these guys. They looked like they were from a different game compared to Rex and the crew and even Malos

>After Gormott every other on feels compact and lacking that exploration
2 is a very linear game, yes. Both prior Xenoblades are more open. Especially X.

>image hash search
based retard

Because they were made by an artist that cares about designing characters to be characters, and not fapbait.

He also doesn't have sameface syndrome.

>the man that made the game is the biggest westaboo ever, and openly said that he doesn't care for modern Japanese games, and everyone that likes gacha is a mindless drone
Probably just buttblasted nobody liked his precious pet project X.

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Can I emulate XCX with a toaster?
I'm dying to play it but I can't be fucked to buy a WiiU just for one game.


Its kind of easy all around. You dont get access to the hardest areas in the game until you're about 80% done, but even then those areas are optional. There are pockets of high level enemies throughout the world, even in the starting town, but normally those are just small little areas that you can easily avoid. The most challenging things you'll be encountering through regular progression are Unique Monsters. Depending on which ones they are they can fuck you up even if you have an appropriate level, but a lot of em are fun to fight at lower levels. There's no consequence for death though so its not like you need to be too concerned

>Gormott Titan
at least put some effort in

That just seems like being a shit designer though if you fail to make your designs mesh with the rest of the game.

At least you're smart enough to realize X was the game he wanted to make.

Most of the XC2DF claim XC2 was the game he wanted to make since Gears.

Please don't reply to the resident shitposter.

>I doubt it. 2 didn't sell amazingly
1.5 million is pretty damn good for a niche JRPG series.

>Homura is yelled at the screen every five seconds
>Gura is not

Take your meds.

Wasn't his fault, he just did the art.
Tell the people that modeled it.

Seriously, what the fuck was Rex's problem?

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Yeah, I felt like Malos and Jin's models are noticeably higher quality than the other members of Torna. They have the same designer, but Patroka especially looks weird next to them.

Tons of people liked X. It's still incredibly popular, and will probably continue being relevant. It's the Melee of the Xenblade franchise.

Probably not. The game barely manages to maintain 30 FPS on the Wii U. If your computer isn't at least as powerful as the Wii U/Switch, you probably wouldn't be able to run it.

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In that case I should probably try not to let my level get too crazy.

Stop butting into conversations that don't involve you like a gay little faggot, if you want to tell me something, say it to my face.

One hand, the gameplay is at its best in Fate. On the other hand, it was one of the worst stories in an already mediocre story writing franchise.
So I would defend them somewhat, yes.

1 and X both sold ~800k. It's good, but not good enough to completely mold the series around.

It's still the worst selling first party switch game, it just got lucky enough to release early and just before the Christmas.

>It's the Melee of the Xenblade franchise.
Please no, I actually like XBX.

The maps were terrible in Fates, I don't get why people say Conquest was so good, random reinforcements you can't predict doesn't make the difficulty "hardcore"

Newt was my 2nd to last rare blade before Kosmos, I'm gonna replace Pyra with her on NG+ because apparently I was robbed of the experience of playing the entire game with some delicious abs by my side and I need to make up for it somehow.

>it just got lucky enough to release early and just before the Christmas.
I wouldn't call that lucky since it was obviously planned to release by christmas.

I've never seen anyone claim that since it was publicly known for years that X was his real vision for a game and 2 is pretty damn rushed as much as I enjoyed it. I wanted to like X, but holy shit I did not. I waited patiently, even through the delays and it just disappointed me all around coming off of Blade 1. Maybe the sequel will win me over though if it's different enough, I'll try to keep an open mind about it.

I don't think it even cracked a million sales. It's definitely a cult classic for westerners though.

Funny, if you asked Xfag, he'd tell you nobody liked X despite plenty of evidence in this thread otherwise. Just makes his existence all the more redundant.

If they released an unfinished piece of garbage, nobody would have liked it, "planned" release dates get changed all the time.

Plushie when?

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Maps aren't everything. Mechanics-wise the game is a gem.
Fates wasn't devoid by good maps either. And I will never understand why people bash on Awakening and Fates for having bad maps, when each and every Fire Emblem game has a majority of shitty maps. Everytime someone tries to prove otherwise, I see the same fucking two or three maps, over and over again.

>I've never seen anyone claim that since it was publicly known for years that X was his real vision for a game and 2 is pretty damn rushed as much as I enjoyed it

You must have not been in a lot of these threads then, because this post makes a lot of sense and contradicts the XC2DF's narrative.

Protip: Any mention of "XC2DF" or ironic weebs is almost guaranteed to be the resident autist.

>dates get changed all the time.
Often, but not all the time.

Literal worst blade in the game

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I know other Xfags exists, we just don't matter, XC2fags outnumber us.

The what now?

Friendly reminder that most of XC2 was recycled from the real vision of XCX that was cut into an open world game without a story due to time constraints.

>Bought artbook
>Miss out of 40% of the books content because I can't read Nip
I feel so fucking stupid, I didn't think an artbook would have this much writing
Is it translated anywhere

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He clearly doesn't give a shit, my number 1 fan.

Xfag's favorite strawman.

She is a decent early tank if she is the only one you get, with enemy skill reset and occasional reset on her own skills.
Too bad enemy reset sucks and the personal CD reset is non existent with that swing speed.

I doubt it, because he said X was a very western inspired game, just like most of the media he likes, XC2 isn't western at all.


just some strawman a shitposter made up

The fuck does the DF stand for?

You can try using the google translate app, it won't always work on handwritten text and it's not super accurate, but it'll at least give you an general idea of what's written.

Little things like this felt sadly underdeveloped. The game needed more real character bonding heart to hearts and less joke ones.

Defense force.

he's gay and Pyra/Mythra are rraps

Oh, makes sense.

>Boreas, Sheba, Ursula that low

Nice shit list

The heart to hearts in XB2 that weren't just jokey bullshit were really good, I wish there had been more of them.

Yeah its not hard to do, most quests are monotonous and unfun so sometimes they take some motivation. The one place I'd say to actually quest around a little though is a town you access around lv50-55-ish. There's an obscenely good quest reward there but you need to build a bit of affinity with the place first before you can get it, and the only way to do that is through other quests.

I think the Nia/Rex dynamic was more interesting and complex that it was intended to be the devs and they were caught off guard by her popularity, hence the NG+ title screen

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Spoiler bro

They're all legitimately terrible for challenge modes.

Tantal day is junk. Replace with Cauldros

So, we all agree X was the best Blade game, right?

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Haven't played it, so can't say I do.

How is Zenobia below the Dagas and the dark loli with the axe?

We all won't, but I'm with you at least, user.

Kaiser Zone
>dark loli with the axe?
Better for chain attacks

I'll give the game a try and hopefully I like the gameplay enough to have it carry me through a few less interesting side quests I guess.

Zenobia just doesn't have the DPS to compete post-game. Dagas has a party buff, so while he sucks he's just going to make Fiora more of a monster.

>Split main girl into three
>The most boring one takes up the most time and is pushed on you as the "canon" choice
>Surprised when fanbase picks the best friend to win the Rexbowl

Why are the Japanese so retarded they do this with every anime. Best girl is literally always the friend.


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>still a shitload of now art every single day
I love this fanbase

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>Being surprised autists can't let go of something

>dark loli with the axe?

That's a lot of autists.

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>Minmax autism
>Nearly have a stroke every time I need to give Aux cores to a new blade
Is there a list or something for the best ones to use for each blade?



You choose the worst thread for this. Wait until he is gone.

I find the games fun to play, but this thread is a great example of how fucking awful the fanbase is.

Holy Christ, people actually enjoy the stories of these games? These boring anime tropes and slow pacing tier me out and about halfway through the game, I stop giving a fuck and skip all the story shit.

XC1 had a decent story throughout. I followed that one to the end, at least.

Stop replying to everyone my number 1 fan, it makes you looked paranoid.

>Finch and Electra are among my favorite designs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>tank hammers therefore shit

At least Zenobia ended up being phenomenal for my first playthrough

Because less complex characters are more marketable since less personality makes them less likely to alienate anyone. Making Nia the main girl would be risky since it's feasible that some people would be turned off by her bad attitude, allowing Vandham to die, and lying to her friends. However, for most people, it paid off and Nia wound up being incredibly likable and sympathetic

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That's funny, considering 2 is the least censored of the Xenoblade games, and is the only one where the official release even contains the Japanese voice overs as an option.

The XC2DF claim the ending didn't make sense, despite nobody but them ever complaining about it.
They were too stupid to piece everything together, so we get this "XC2 fixed the first game's ending" meme

>censorship of the word "moe"
It wasn't censored. They just tried to make an english translation of it.

You can thank #FE for that, but it's still censored.

I bet your name is retarded too

We would they need to translate it if nobody but weebs play this game, like you so claim?

>I love you too, I love all my friends!

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The worst part is that fucking pause and the stunned look on her face. He spaced his sentences just long for her mind to consider that she might actually be on the verge of winning.

>"Make a girl cry, that's not gonna fly"
>She's wiping her tears away

Attached: 1514576130366.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

I guess you want them to keep kun, san and shit too.

I'm sorry but rex is for lewd

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sure, I'm just saying, everyone acts fine with Xenoblade 1 even though it is dub only and more censored than 2 is, by a significant margin too. Entire character arcs and relationships changed, especially in regards to dunban and "Metal Face".

Either way, Xenoblade 2 is the best the series has ever been. X has arguably better gameplay in certain aspects, but otherwise,2 is the best in nearly every category other than exploration, side quests. and customization- all three of which X eclipses it in. It is better than Xenoblade 1 in every possible way. Xenoblade 1 has a much stronger first half of its story, but this is balanced out by Xenoblade 2 having a much stronger and more satisfying second half of story, and a better story and conclusion overall compared to Xenoblade 1.

Or just keep posting fanart and let him throw a petulant temper tantrum over it, he'll get banned eventually.

They don't need to, but if the all the players are weebs anyway like you claim, they wouldn't be bothered by it.

Dunban always came off as a weirdo to me, it was just more subtle in the English version.

I've never claimed that. I think you're mistaking me for some other user.

Not one bad game yet, can't wait for X2. Hopefully they've learned their lesson and won't end it on a cliffhanger


Attached: Dundun.jpg (470x259, 36K)

Watch Xfag stay totally silent about this post just because it's a sexual orientation he can relate to

>Let's spam to make someone else spam so he gets banned

Attached: 256.912940.jpg (256x256, 16K)

The gay poster openly admitted to doing it just to annoy you guys by derailing the waifufaggotry, so he's okay by me.

If he posted that while claiming Xenoblade 2 was the best video game ever made and you can't criticize it, I'd rightfully call him out.

>Mod out the Night NLA theme


That shit was fucking awful the first time I heard it, but after 10 hours or so of listening to that shit throughout my playthrough, I've grown to love it.

UH!... YEAH!...


Brainlets still don't get X's ending.

Pyra/Mythra are hot as fuck, I don't blame him for just looking at them instead of flat chested cat chick.

He's going to keep being a little bitch about these threads existing no matter what, no point in policing yourself just to satisfy a serial autist

Imagine being this fucking retarded

If their chests were swapped, is there anyone on the planet who's pick Pyra over Nia?

I just finished torna yesterday, and while the gameplay was a fair bit better it just makes the story of XBC2 a lot stupider.
I was expecting lora to die in the fight against malos or then in the fight against the mutant guy, but she's completely healthy and fine, and then she just dies from something offscreen and then jin joins malos for some reason and murders haze.
I don't understand what was supposed to happen

I'm him you dumbass.
You guys keep pretending you're have the highground over me, but you openly admit you'd start spamming just to get me mad.

Why is this game so kino?

Attached: KINOBLADE.jpg (2132x1200, 1.28M)

>We would they need to translate it if nobody but weebs play this game, like you so claim?
Literally nobody claimed that you retarded asshole

Did you skip every cutscene in chapter 8?

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So tired of this meaningless buzzword

That's sad Xfag


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You're just jealous the mods are on my side.

He's going into full on ACfag schizophrenic delusions, best to just not engage him directly especially since badmouthing him like he's not even there makes him FURIOUS

I watched all of them, I was just expecting more of a (or well, literally any) reasoning as to why he joined up with the big bad villain they worked to kill. I had assumed the reason was going to be that lora died in some sort of traumatic way in a fight with malos or someone else, but she doesn't, she just dies from something offscreen (presumably of unnatural causes since she's still as young as she was in torna) but it still doesn't really make that much sense.
That being said I didn't really care for the story of torna much, I actually liked a fair few of the sidequests, gave it an almost majora's mask feel with some of them knowing that torna was probably going to die soon.

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XC: Excellent gameplay. Made you care for characters too. Team Melia btw.

XCX: Great gameplay. Love the visuals. Would be god tier if it didn’t force us to bring that pedobait, unfunny “let’s eat our friends” gag, absolute garbage of a character, loli on all story missions.

XC2: Shit gameplay. Shit design. Shit story. The only coherent character in game was Nia but well-developed characters can be found in a variety of platforms for free so paying money to play this garbage just for one one character is not justifiable.

>he just dies from something offscreen
But we see her death
What happens here makes him realize that Malos was right and teams up with him

I love how facts are considered delusions these days.
That's SJW tier logic.

>Showing me my own post that says nothing of the sort and had no intentions of coming off as such
Oof, sure showed me

I'd pick Pyra. Nia is too strong and sassy. I like a nice, caring, submissive girlfriend who can still get freaky.

>she just dies from something offscreen (presumably of unnatural causes since she's still as young as she was in torna) but it still doesn't really make that much sense.
Yes, they show it. More than once even I think.


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>Nia is too strong and sassy. I like a nice, caring, submissive girlfriend

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Nice head canon for your vanilla waifu fag

Her death scene is already in the main game via flashbacks, and you see the lead up and start of that scene, but from a different angle, right there in the credit sequence for Torna.

You literally have too low IQ to appreciate the games story, no wonder it is so confusing to you.

He reminds me of ACfag going into the archive, finding one guy who called Bloodborne cinematic, and then accusing everyone of agreeing with him because there wasn't a site-wide public disavowing.

You don't know not giving me a (You) doesn't prevent me from seeing your post, right?
It's not a downvote, you autist

Huh, I remember waching that but for some reason I didn't remember it as being her.
Oh well.

I had a dream last night where I was living in Gormott, happily married to a pregnant Nia.
I didn't know I wanted a woman like her, but I can't stop thinking of her since.
How do I get a Nia gf before I die


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I want you to see my post, but without the satisfaction of a (You) that you obviously crave so much

Another image that gets posted every goddamn thread.


Watch from the timestamp (42:24) until the end, and if you are still too dumb to understand it then you are too dumb to appreciate the game's story.

FE was always shit


>, random reinforcements you can't predict doesn't make the difficulty "hardcore"
Wow sounds like FE when they all come from forts you fucking retard

I don't care about (You)s, but did you know that replying to someone without doing that is actually considered against the rules? I've seen people get banned for it before, it's like announcing a sage.

The first scene was very good when I saw it. Malos showing compassion for another being yet shows himself being steadfast on his and Torna's goal.

I how the XC2DF's first response to someone asking a question about the game's story is that he's a retarded that didn't understand it.

Your story isn't some 2deep4u masterpiece, especially since it spells out literally everything, including stuff from the first game.

Not at all. It's just sad.

>I how the XC2DF's first response to someone asking a question about the game's story is that he's a retarded that didn't understand it.
I mean, in this case, it was because i literally just forgot the cutscene because it had been a few months since I played the base game.
Please don't shitpost on my behalf, thanks.

>Passive aggressively threatening to report me because I blew him the fuck out
Take your delusions to another thread, we are having fun discussing the game here
You are so fucking mad right now, holy shit

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I am Xfag though.

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>when an entry in the serie i'm a zealot for is shit, i will just arbitrarily claim it's not part of it
must suck being a xeno fan. from potato face to the hilariously pathetic ending of the original to 2, jesus.

Is the full Torna ending song out?

>It's the Melee of the Xenblade franchise.
Melee was actually good though

Attached: 1551633199119.png (238x288, 111K)

Yes, it's been out since December.

Really, is it supposed to just go low on sound midway of the song?

So is X

Attached: Vortex.webm (640x360, 2.57M)

It's nice to have a comfy xenoblade thread without autists like ACfag trying to shit it up

If it does, you're listening to the ripped version from the game. The version on the OST doesn't do that.

>just the waifus being the selling point.
>what is X
Unless you forget, the MC of X is a waifu.

Found it, thanks.


>horrific party and inventory management
>unbalance gameplay with so many different broken options like combat limbo, photon saber, ghost walker blossom dance nonsense, and a host of other shit
>restrictive map exploration
>you have to get a completion rate to keep playing the main quest
>reliance on a shitty probe meta game to do tons of shit (probes require certain levels of mechanical skill, which means if you invested in anything else, not only you're missing out on fast travel points and resource mining, but you're gonna take even longer to progress the main plot)
>to level up said field skills, you gotta do shit related to what your Union does, and depending on which Union you picked, you have a horrible path ahead of you
>sidequests are a insane chore with being simple walk A to B, wiki searches, or boring saturday cartoon anime
>MMO bullshit that nothing interesting and ruined what it could have been
>can't read half the fucking text in the game with it being so small
>ludicrous amount of endgame grinding
>story is just a mess of half-baked mess of bad pacing and uninteresting shonen plot points
>voices too low for cutscenes, music too high with no sliders to fix this
>50 fucking hours to get to a mecha and an eight part quest to even get the flight module
>mechs aren't good with how they reduce the combat to that of XB1 but worse
>that god awful pop-in
>requirement for advancing the plot because fuck raising affinity for characters you will never use
>weaker weapons like Javelin, Gatling Gun, and Beam Cannon being overshadowed completely
>99% of your combat effectiveness is in your gear and build, very little of it comes from your button inputs
>city never gets built. You recruit all these people and nothing happens in the town other than new people that's it
>underground/indoor areas were completely fucking broken, with enemies shooting you through floors and walls and absolutely horrid camera controls
Trash game
Literally TRA4H of Xeno

Attached: sqQlid7.jpg (900x810, 55K)

"Waifu" isn't a catch-all term for "cute girl" you mongtard, Jesus Christ I'm so sick of seeing this
There is a reason it sounds like "wife", you don't have multiple wives unless you live in Utah and you don't call a girl you like a "wife" because she gives you are stiffy.

First one is my second favorite game of all time, don't care about they rest because of the art style changes, and because they have nothing to do with any of the characters from XC. Also a shame that XC2 is waifubait with shitty "jokes" like "I was sleeping with you, by accident, so now I'm going to throw shit at you and call you a pervert!" which kept me away even further and solidified the fact that I will never touch another XC.
I wish they stuck with the original name for the game "Monado: Beginning of the World" so it didn't have to be associated with the Xeno franchise, because the game literally had nothing to do with Xenogears or Xenosaga in the first place, and was its own original thing.

Elma is a waifu you moron. X threads had a lot of Elma person posts.

hnnnnnng gib white anime waifu

>Elma is a waifu you moron
Every fucking female can be a "waifu" you normalfaggot, you don't call them "waifus" though unless you are referring to someone else's "waifu" or your own.


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You're in severe denial right now. If Elma is someone's waifu then she's a waifu. Do a google search and you'll find 15600 results for elma xenoblade waifu.

>Horrific party and inventory management
>Unbalance gameplay
If everything has broken options, nothing does. Every set is viable because it has certain upsides. And Monolith intended for you to make use of them, which is why they made the superbosses that require you to use them.
>Restrictive map exploration
You sure you're talking about X?
>You have to get a completion rate to keep playing the main quest
You get completion rate by exploring the damn continents like you're supposed to.
>Reliance on a shitty probe meta game to do tons of shit
You accumulate it passively, and the probe quests are all optional. If you don't want to do them, you don't have to.
>To level up said field skills, you gotta do shit related to what your Union does
There's actually 2 different ways you can do it. Curators, for example, can either kill monsters or collect items. Just switch to Prospectors and collect passively if it bothers you.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your post. You clearly just have shit taste.

I don't understand why people shit on 2 for having waifus when X had tons of waifus/husbandos. I'm not a 2 fan by any stretch of the imagination, but attacking 2 for things that the previous games had is ludicrous. That isn't what made 2 worse. 2 was worse for the things it didn't have that previous games did, like customization or running.

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>muh tiers
>singleplayer game

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(You)s are not upvotes, please lurk before posting.

Why is he here anyway, when we went through a comfy weekend over multiple threads without any shitposting, with game discussion, and newbie helping. Why can't his parents grab him to go on weekend with them more often?

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>If Elma is someone's waifu then she's a waifu.
Your mother is your father's "waifu", so do you call her a "waifu"?
Do you see an attractive woman on the street and say "Damn, check out that waifu!"?
Every female is someone's "waifu", you don't refer to them as a "waifu" unless they are your own or like I said, you are referring to someone else's "waifu" in conversation.
You have no clue what "waifu" means and with how you are talking about it and what you displayed as "proof" that you are correct means one of two things A.) You are an ironic weeaboo normalfaggot or B.) You are underage and your entire understanding of Japanese vernacular comes from Twitch chat and anime youtubers

Because X wasn't sold on it, and it didn't have waifufags so autistic that even Japanese 2ch threads discuss the game more.

For challenge mode, yes, there are tiers

>dark loli

Attached: file.png (192x238, 86K)

>you gotta level up this party member you never used just so you can do his quest, just so we can move on to the next chapter
>also you gotta level him up from the beginning because party members not in the party get no XP
>and you also need to find where that party member is, and there's a chance he's not in his usual spot because he's in his H2H spot instead, which means you gotta look around town even harder

This is sad. Didn't even try to address the flaunts and sugarcoat them. It's a poorly design mess of a game with waste of story and characters.

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You'd need to have a heart of stone to walk away from 2 without a waifu

you kidding me m80 challenge mode are nothing but gimmick fights where a single focused build setup is designed to destroy it, like the elma fight where you just keep dodging with the katana on zeke or the braap monkey that gets beaten by high agility

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>X wasn't sold on it

Literally all of the thread in X were faggots posting their created characters as cute girls and faggots ERPing.

The game was chock-full of waifus, though. And 2 wasn't sold on waifus, either.

Attached: 1543490367477.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Not really!

I didn't go anywhere, I've just been playing FE4 and TWEWY Switch.
My cousin also got Jump Force and I've been visiting him to laugh at the cutscenes together.

I didn't like any of the girls in it other than Morag, but I wouldn't exactly call her my waifu. I preferred the X girls.

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You are doing this just to flare up my autism on purpose, aren't you

This post is so bad I'm gonna assume you're falseflagging.
Not even moot had taste this shit.

Wow not only do you like shit games like X you play literal garbage like Holy War

Not if you already have your one and only
Nia and Morag were great though

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You're wrong, most of the threads were faggots whining about censorship.

Well, yeah, that's what I said. Your parents grabbed you to visit your uncle, aunt and cousins. Please ask them to do that more often.

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Depends on what you mean by waifu.
All 5 of the main character girls are pretty good.
Or I guess 6 if you include brighid.

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>And 2 wasn't sold on waifus, either.
You mean a literal gacha machine full of anime girls and a girl saying "I love this world because you're in it" in the trailer isn't pandering to waifufags?

Good waifus shit gameplay

This is so dumb I refuse to believe its anything but a falseflag

>You mean a literal gacha machine full of anime girls and a girl saying "I love this world because you're in it" in the trailer isn't pandering to waifufags?
That gacha machine is also full of bara insect monsters and a rabbit machine tank thing.
I hate barashit but wulfric was amazing.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1022K)

shit waifus good gameplay

It's unironically my favorite FE, I like it's unique mechanics and the story is the best in the series.
It desperately needs a remake though, walking through those big fields takes forever.

I went out of my own free will, he doesn't even live that far away, so it's not like I slept over.

Yeah, X is pretty good, innit?

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Why are you all replying to the resident autist now? You were doing so well before.

Wow, one bara, and a trap, truly this means it's not a waifu machine.

Based Wulfry

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Number 1 fan is SEETHING

Alright lads, I've begun leveling Malos and Jin from the first chapter to level 99. Can i get some (you)s for good luck?

It's the new Disgaea series i.e. the series that's highly praised by weebs while normal people almost holistically hate it.
Xenogears never even again thanks to it.

Attached: 1551408042537.gif (160x160, 811K)

>and a trap
alright well you obviously haven't played the game, thanks for shitposting with us today

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.33M)

Here's a cheerful (you), good luck user.

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Nah, Disgaea 2's story was basically a deconstruction of XC2's whole narrative.

ALL vehemently anti-waifu tryhards claim FE4 is their favorite one and hold up the Belhalla massacre as the most kino moment in the series. It's uncanny.

Not if you already had yours. Only degenerates have more than one waifu.
More than likely it’s a combination of both. Ironic weeb normalfags come here and don’t even bother to lurk long enough to learn the proper usage and origin of the meme words they spout so carelessly. You can spot them from a mile away purely based on writing patterns and word choice.

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Wasn't the trap I was referring to, please think.

How FAST is he, exactly?

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I'm surprised none of Nia's blades find it awkward that Nia is a better blade than they are (As far as the story is concerned anyway. She's stronger than everything but Jin and the Aegises)

Well I was talking about wulfric and boreas in my post, so why did you respond to it with wulfric and an unrelated blade? Not to mention that there are many other male blades in the gacha.

You're using the Maelstrom trick, I hope?

unique mechanics doesn't mean good. It's still shit

That's not why I like it, I like it's unique gameplay mechanics, like how gold is handled and how chapters revolve around taking multiple kingdoms, so it actually feels like one big war.

I don't really hate any FE games, I even liked Gaiden because it reminded me of Shining Force, a game that's very special to me.

Because Wulfric and the trap are always the first thing the waifufags jump to defend the gacha being 80% waifubait.

Who wants to be my masterpon.....?

Why not the like 7 ikemen?

>implying Xfag actually comprehends the posts he reads and he doesn't just see a constant stream of "WAIFU CUTE MOE MINGE I WANNA SNIFF NIA'S FEET"
Fucker's way too far gone

I like when games try new things instead of just doing what sells, any big twist on FE is intesting to me, having played most of the games, and having them follow the same pattern.

Though in order to get it's full effect, you'd need to play most of the games first.

I looked all over for strategies and never found such a trick. Right now i'm doing runs through the ship and leveling them down at the inn in argentum. Could you possible explain this "Maelstrom Trick" to me?

You joke, but that's literally what these threads are now.

Why are you still arguing with a brick wall? Or at least a raging autist with the intelligence of one?


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H-He’s fast

You can clip through the back of the Maelstrom and use the salvage point there to fight level 25-28 enemies.

They made her a loli in 2 for no reason

If that was true you would love all versions of fates

imagine being beaten and acting as if you've won

You know what's really funny? You've been having a temper tantrum this entire thread about how no one ever talks about the gameplay, only the waifus, when that is demonstrably false just by reading the damn thread, and proceed to talk about the gameplay of Fire Emblem, in a thread that has NOTHING TO DO with Fire Emblem whatsoever, while there is an FE thread up right now that literally is EXACTLY what you claim these threads are, all waifufagging with zero actual discussion
But here you are trying to get Xenoblade 2 banned from Yea Forums forever, despite having objectively better threads. You're not even attempting to carry out your "mission" for any noble reason, you just want Xenoblade 2 gone because it makes you butthurt. Absolute slime.

Wow I never would've found out about this! My deepest gratitudes, user, you just saved me a whole lot of time.

I don't love them, but I don't hate them either, I'm indifferent.

The story is full retard though.


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With FE, you knew what you were going to get, waifufaggotry can't possibly ruin the series further after Awakening.

XC2 however, is the Awakening of the series, I'm trying to kill the cancer before it spreads and we get futa dick size charts.

>perun not E tier


(You)s aren't upvotes, user.

Autism, seek help dude.

Fire emblem was always shit
Its not shocking FE niggers are shitposting better series

Not an argument.

a lot of the blade nodes annoyed me because they're "kill 2 of this random enemy from this level 5 zone" and all of the relevant ones don't start tracking until after that one is done

I wouldn't call it better, FE's gameplay is much more interesting than Xenoblade's combat.

Go ask your mod boyfriend to get rid of Xenoblade 2 threads if they make you so upset.

No problem. I guess it's only something the Japanese players have been doing, since I couldn't find any English discussion about it either.

Why do you keep spamming?

>Salvage rank is at 0

Don't tell me I have to salvage again for no reason at all just so that stupid Nopon tells me how good I am?

You must be my number 1 fan again, nobody replies this much to me.

i would think salvage rank wouldn't matter that much in ng+, and if you would want to salvage again wouldn't it just raise naturally?
the best cylinders being random to show up and then they disappear whenever you rest is a load of shit though

I probably don't need it at all but it's bothering me that it didn't carry over.

Then that makes you Xenoblade 2's number 1 fan.

I don't care, I'll wear that title with pride.

Base fellow reseteraer. Time to show them they're all pedos for liking Pyra, Mythra, KOS-MOS, T-Elos and such.

Attached: era.png (1076x179, 13K)

Based mods



Is he talking about Nia? In what universe would Pyra be a loli?

I'm perfectly happy, actually.

You don't remember that guy who said sorceress was a loli? These people are mentally incapcitated

Short hair > Long hair
Redheads > Blondes

Capped for posterity.

Attached: xfag loves xeno2.png (449x174, 9K)

>east coast time zone
Unironically drown yourself in your own dirty toilet

>Capping my posts
So it was you, my number 1 fan.

The power of f5

Being beaten? No you offer no counter argument to objective fact you fucking retard


No thanks, I think I'll drown myself ironically instead

For NG+ in torna and base game, if I've already beaten the game but go back to continue playing, can I just start NG+ with that progress I've made or do I have to re-beat the game and then save over it as a new 'game clear" save.
How the save system seems to work makes me think that I wouldn't have to, but I was wondering.

Replace XC1 with X and it's accurate.

You don't have to re-beat the game, you can just start NG+.

NG+ overwrites your original save and you have to beat the game again. You just start with all items and blades and other stuff.
It tells you all of that when you press on NG+.

I unironically only come to these threads to watch Xfag's meltdowns.

Do you mean Loli as a kid or Lolita as the clothing style? Either way, both are wrong.


Well I'm going to assume I don't need to re-beat the game because I think you misunderstood my post, and

People think I'm really angry, but I'm perfectly fine.
There's no "meltdowns" here, except the people enraged at me for my opinions.

You should get a trip code with Xfag in it

Is there any option or blade or key item or whatever that works like a compass in Zelda?
I keep missing treasure chests all the time due to the shitty drawing distance.


Thread should have ended here.

Damn. They should have added that in one of the various updates.

XC2 treasure chests aren't that important. I guess it would be nice but I don't think you're meant to get all of them. Just the ones you come across


I guess so. The best items I have so far were monster drops. Shops are semi useless apart from food as well.

The pouch upgrades are important, and Poppi manuals are too, if you care about using Tora.
I don't know about that, I thought the deeds were pretty useful. Though doing the merc missions to get them is obnoxious.