Hi Yea Forums, /agdg/ here, we are making games!

Hi Yea Forums, /agdg/ here, we are making games!

Come play and give us feedback on our projects.



Attached: agdg2.png (800x600, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I was looking at houdini trailer . Holy fuck who the fuck make these kinds of software!!!!!!!!!!!
I can just imagine the amount of maths, physics, science and computer knowledge put into making this. It's just unbelievable to see such a software exist.

We just finished Demoday 25


Come play our submissions and give feedback.
Part of the larger 4channel community :^)

Look at all 50 submissions, do none of them tempt you to try?

We are really all eager for a wide range of feedback.


Attached: dd25 submissions.png (1884x938, 1.36M)

Attached: 1.png (1920x1042, 2.63M)

nice, thanks OP

some of these projects are far too lewd


which ones?
Are they any good?

Hypermall is quality
glad /agdg/ is still alive


Attached: 1520468212353.jpg (330x319, 120K)

this shit right here is allright as a start.hope it goes in a good direction.

Attached: Essence_Tactics_CF88GbnWxA.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

jfc how to make cutscenes like this?


All your games are shit desu, the only decent one is that captain toad ripoff

bokube pls go

I downloaded this game purely because I love HoMM3, I kinda enjoyed it but then it froze when I passed turn as a Warrior.
Weird thing is that the game apparently still works, but I can't see shit since it's stuck on this screen.
I think the battle ended though, since I can't pass turn anymore. Dunno what's going on.

Attached: file.png (1282x752, 1.62M)

Making vidya is fun!

Wow! 50 free video games! You really shouldn't have!

I'm glad these threads finally dropped the pretense of asking Yea Forums about their projects and now its just a naked shill for /agdg/'s monthly disasters.

Attached: 1550262508040.jpg (640x496, 26K)

This is different from the gamedev threads. Soley game feedback thread.
Where is your feedback?

pictures look cool but too many games so i didnt try any

Bimonthly disasters tyvm