ITT: Games or Hardware with Soul
ITT: Games or Hardware with Soul
bad dragon hardware
Machines don't have souls, you mechophile.
can UI have soul?
N64 was the most soulless hunk of shit in its entire gen. Even Jag has more soul.
The Dreamcast and all its first party games were the epitome of soul
Anything in colors other than black or white. Limited editions you have to pay out the ass for don't count.
>Different colors mean soul
Shut the fuck up
I miss when Nintendo was good
>things that I like have soul
>things that I don't like are soulless
If this idiocy persists, then there will be people many years on that will say that Fortnite had soul meanwhile whatever new and popular game kids like is soulless. Prove me wrong.
its not the colors, its the transparency and shape of the system you dummy
How come this game had an english demo on the PSM demo disc but then was never released outside of japan???
>it still hurts
soul is a buzzword right now, but it doesn't necessarily mean you like something.
I hate the switch, but I can't argue that it's soulless because it's trying to be innovative and fun
Memecast obviously
I love when japs get blacked
yep, I'd say the dreamcast menu has the most soul ever. Sad that we don't get kino startup jingles or soulful menus anymore.
There will never be a ui with more unironical soul than this
Funny how the PS1 looked better black and the Saturn looked better white
Fuck off zoomers
Gamecube's had a tad more soul
in the PS2 UI, developers had the option of programming models and animations for save files viewed in the BIOS. if that isnt soul, then I dont know what is
Pure kino. The music, the style, the atmosphere, the soul
ps2 and dreamcast saves have the most soul
I want the hello kitty keyboard
2.0 btw
dreamcast is the most soulful console ever made dont at me
we have colored joycons
we have colored docks
what else do you want you fucking brat
but no colored person running NoA anymore.
Games with personality and atmosphere. Other than Splatoon modern Nintendo feels very sterile. It's like their games are grown from a glass tube.
>old soul
>new soulless
that's called nostalgia friends
For me old game music is what "soul" is all about,modern game music is a joke in comparison.
2ds was the last nintendo system with soul
I miss this
The transparent purple GBC is the first video game hardware I ever owned.