Is this shit another russian scam?

is this shit another russian scam?

Attached: FUCK THIS GARBAGE.jpg (960x960, 179K)

Everything associated with Russia is a scam. Like when they scammed the American people out of a fair election.
Rule of thumb, don't buy anything associated with Russia or Russians.

its a gateway drug that filled the void DayZ Standalone left and eased the transition from meaningful multiplayer contact and player interactions (i.e DayZ, Rust type games) into dogshit like Fortnite and PUBG

It also filled the hole Stalker and Metro left by not including any / decent multiplayer, for those who wanted to ruin good games like those with multiplayer anyway

bought the standard account, played for half a year then dropped it because it just gets repetitive and i have no friends to play with

its big poopy, dont get it

based. never trust a R*ssian

>buy game
>get game

its that simple

It’s unbelievable to me that Tarkov even exists. The separate launcher, the unmatched graphics and gunplay, the customization, the unique setting. To think a developer is even capable of this any more is borderline surreal

Yes the game is very worth it, it’s one of the highest quality games out right now

t.battlestate games

I’m a standard edition shitter who just lost their job LET ME TALK ABOUT MY FAVORITE GAME YOU CUNT

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Its fucking amazing. I clocked 600 hours in the past 2 months after trying it out with a free test. It might not be for some people but the gunplay is really solid, the maps are extremely well designed, the tasks give you shit to do. Theres still a bunch of issues like stuttering and minor bugs but as they push out more fixes, as they are about to with patch 11.5 that shit will be fine. Standard edition is worth it easily

it has no endgame and gets boring the second you know how to make big cash and losing gear becomes just a nuisance

Attached: 1541334964058 (5).jpg (803x1024, 74K)

To enjoy Tarkov you need
1) Strong rig
2) A team.

if you don't have either of those, then its "shit game". If you do, then its "best game ever"

fuck off Nikita

enjoy your hackers

Dude Hannibal Smith is dead

its made by the WarZ devs under fake names fyi

and ya its a scam requires 150usd for full gameplay you cant finish quests due to lacking inventory space on the 44$ edition

and they have claimed they will add all these crazy mmo open world features and in 2 years nothing has come. the game is a scam that looks good for streamers/viewers. play stalker call of Chernobyl mod instead

Tarkov has a lot of shit wrong with it but once you get over the learning curve and gear fear it's fucking great.

The indoor maps are unparalleled and the guns are beautiful.

As someone else said though, if you're solo and learn the quick cash methods and hit a level where you can buy whatever it probably gets boring. I personally play with a dynamic group of vets and new players, a few of us mostly run fun builds rather than super heavy kits and spend our rounds chasing gunfire and fights.

When you get into legitimately good firefights with all parties making moves for flanks and daring plays it's amazing. Unfortunately most people play the "hunker down and overwatch" style which is boring as shit to fight.

It's probably the most fun when you don't know what you're doing.

I wish the melee weapons weren't such trash though. Snuck up on a guy and smacked him in the head with an axe 3 times just for him to turn around and shoot me with his peestol

t. cant manage inv
in 2 years they developed some of the most immersive and well designed maps ever while not locking anything at all behind a pay wall other than inv space. git gud. they're ambitious and thats the point, im glad i can play now rather than wait 5 years for the full game

Before election:
>Nuh uh no one can rig the election. Hillary is gonna win. There is no Russian interference
After election:
>Reeeeee muh russians hacked the election
So which is it?

Cohen pretty much spilled the beans that Russia meddled with the elections and Trump was in on it

>Trusting a guy named Cohen
Look at this user and laugh