Is it worth it now?

Is it worth it now?

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no, still the same old maps since launch that is mainly just chokepoints. seriously some of the worst map design I've ever seen in a video game

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You can play it through origin access for $5, I mean it’s worth checking out if you want to try it.

It was worth it back then. Muh loot boxes were so blown out of proportion.

Wow, that was bad in many levels

Wait what? How did her lightsaber go through that guy's weapon? Was it an oversight? Was it on purpose? How? Why?

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How much are you getting paid?

Still worth it all these years later.

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Eh. It goes on sale pretty frequently from what I understand if you really want to try it. It's not as bad as people make it out to be but I get tired of doing the same old objectives over and over again with no sense of variation.

Durr you didn't think it was shit so you must be a shill! Now I remember why I never come here.

>left arm blade just blinks out of existence so he can't just back stab Rey

It's almost comical how bad that is.

>force blast AoEs your 100% maxed out hero from two rooms away
>"pfft nothing personal kid this is where the fun begins"

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The game is still an unstable mess and saber combat is retarded. Duels consist of waiting for a teammate to come up and backstab your opponent since there are no fucking guard breakers or start mashing buttons as soon as you land one hit and hope the game bugs out and lets you keep attacking them through their block afterwards

Feel free to go back to Transniggerera.

>actual pay2win
>in a $60 retail game
>blown out of proportion
Fuck off shill

Yea loot boxes are great. Praise based EA

It's even sadder if you're doing it for free

The true question is, what about Battlefield 1 and 5?
I miss those games, BF3 was godtier and BF4 was a very good upgrade to that.
Bad Company 3 never ever.
As an european i feel deeply offended about BF1 and the horrible revisionism they've done in that game, but is the game fun?
Has anyone ever played it?
Those are my questions.

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I hated that movie but I remember thinking the few fight scenes were good, guess it was even shittier than I remember.

How am I being a shill if I’m telling him to try out the full game for a 6th of the price before he buys it?

Let him make up his own decision on a game.

Considering it goes on sale for like 7 bucks every other week, id definitely say so.

The gameplay is fun and there is enough content to justify the purchase. I have been having a good time with it recently

Definitely not.
Don't give them another cent.

Depends on how much. I wouldn't buy it for $60 (and I didn't, at the controversy it dipped down to half) but for a discount I'd say go for it. It's by no means a deep game but I play it when I want a mindless sci-fi shooter, I play that or Space Marine. The star card system is a stupid idea though.

1 is alright, I remember not liking the game closer to release but I played it again recently and it was fun. I feel like there's not enough map variety though, even with the dlc. I don't care enough for V and from what I hear it's more of the same

It will never be worth it to play that game, nor to watch the new star wars movies.

Bf1 does the "chaos" part of battlefield right, and the TTK is no longer obnoxiously high, but some operations are fucking retarded. The playerbase is doing alright (about 10k peak per platform). The revisionism is stupid, but but not nearly as bad as V. Overall, it's fun if you don't expect a serious skill-based game and just want to run around shooting people.

>seriously some of the worst map design I've ever seen in a video game
This, they look pretty but man are they fucking trash

>Space ship mode is ruined by faggots with maxed out upgrades one shot killing you across the maps that are just big empty spaces
>Heroes vs Villains just shows you how fucking broken the saber combat is and most of the time the targets you need to kill are camping or glitching themselves outside the map
>Galactic Assault is completely fucking broken by heroes like Yoda and now Anakin who can completely deny the enemy team from ever progressing through all the shitty choke points
You have to be a pretty big star wars fan to get any enjoyment out of this buggy unbalanced piece of shit that is so fucking close to being a good game which makes it all the more disappointing

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If you want a STAR WARS game, yeah. If you want a Star Wars GAME, no.
I enjoy what’s there, but it’s shallow as a puddle. Doesn’t help there’s only like 5 guys left to work on updates since EA dropped it after people wouldn’t take their shit.

what the fuck happened to the blade in his other hand he could have just stabbed her in the back

It subverted your expectations

>Lightsaber Combat and Reinforcment CT later this week
>Ahsoka and Ventress hinted at and Semi-Leaked

It can only go uphill

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