

Attached: SI_WiiU_TheLegendOfZeldaBreathOfTheWild.jpg (2000x1000, 449K)


it's no masterpiece


That's too generous. It's 6/10 unless you're soitendo who never leave your circlejerk to play modern games.

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You're obsessed OP
And its an easy 10/10, don't kid yourself


2 YEARS out of 10

breath of the wild will always be successful

and there's nothing you can do about it

Guess this user was right. Why are BotW fags so easy to bait?

Imagine same fagging your own post. Pathetic.

Is this your new retoric after sperging out for two years?

>I-I don't really care! I'm just making fun of Nintendofans!

KYS. Or keep living in a world where BotW is one of the most acclaimed games of all time.

Either way, Nintenbros are pissing themselves laughing at you. 97.


>that reddit spacing
Yikes! Keep seething, sweatie.

Yea Forums still obsessed, even 2 years after launch.

>Keep seething, sweatie.

Yes I'm seething over my 97-rated GOTY genre-defining masterpiece two years after release lmao

You keep replying and acting like a mad baby.

2 years.

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rekt and /thread
we always win these threads

10/10 on PC. 3/5 on Switch.

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OP didn't criticize the game.

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OP didn't criticize the game.


shitposters can't meme

>tfw our guy made a 40 minute video forever BTFO of any Zelda haters
>game still lives in their head rent free after 2 years

Attached: l6FuFSbs.jpg (512x512, 24K)

Its a good game but the world is pretty empty, it has nice physics but dark messiah also had nice physics