Gerstmann Refuses to Cover Kingdom Come

Instead, does an hour review of one of the biggest flops in gaming, Anthem

>I can’t speak for the rest of the crew, but I personally have no interest in any way covering or giving further attention to a game made by someone who loudly and openly supports gamm3r gate.

>It didn’t come up during the call-in show yesterday. Saw a few people talking about this off-site and thought it might come in the chat room.

>Anyway, a couple of us looked at it around the time it came out and didn’t find it interesting enough to pursue. The head guy’s shitty views certainly don’t help, but I doubt we’d have covered it either way.

-Jeff "I'm a fat faggot" Gerstmann

Reminder this guy has retarded fans that believe his explanation

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Other urls found in this thread: To Cover Kingdom /type/op/ forced hero/page/2/ MKX and MK11 shills/

>he wanted him to review THIS
Why? Game got enough shitty reviews on release.

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And KCD was the biggest RPG of 2018

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Who cares
They are in their right to cover whatever they want, and no Im not defending them I dont even know who they are why are you following or giving a shit about ecelebs, stop having parasocial relationships with fake internet people and trying to force them to share your taste faggot, get real friends.

Your game sucks, keep crying faggot.

Old irrelevant news

Nobody is obligated to cover anything they don't want to, faggot. Even if they did cover Kikedome Come: Failed to Deliver you'd just autistically screech that they didn't like it.

A) this was a year ago
B) the development team has been bought by a large company now
C) the company that bought them are called koch media and they are based in Germany, if you think they won't force every future release to be far left propaganda you don't know the state of germany

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Yeah so what? Were you also mad when AVGN didn't review nu-ghostbusters?

>giant bomb

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>and trying to force them to share your taste faggot

Says the guy who wants people to live like him - the irony.

Kangdumb Cum


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yet he had no issue reviewing bethestashit open world which has more bugs even now years later

If respecting others is a way of life that needs to be pushed we are fucked

I can't believe you're still mad about this one year later. It's just fucking unreal.

This was a fucking year ago why do you even give a shit?

What are the criticisms for Kingdom Come?

How many reposts of the same thread is this now?

>that image

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>vidya media thinks it's relevant in 2019 where hundreds of thousands of people watch streamers instead
How cute.

Where are the jannies and anti e-celeb posters when Giant Bomb threads go up?

>I'm mad at people who disagree with me
>I'm also mad at people who don't agree with me enough
>Why does noone like me

>KCD shills unironically think Bethesda games have nearly as many bugs as KCD
You can't be fucking serious, come on. At least in Bethesda games STAIRS work.

but we need more based game devs

>Respecting others.

I don't see a lot of respect going on from that side of things. Quite the opposite.


>giant bomb
you mean those emotional resetera tards?
The game is eurojank kino, I loved it.

why would I want to watch a bunch of fat people talk about video games?

>>Somewhere in the not so far future : so kids, today I'll tell you a story of a time when, games were made by passionate people who not only liked to play them, but were really good at creating them as well. And they had no damocles sword hanging over them in form of publishers or big corporate presidents that only cared about money. No, they could spend as much time they wanted or needed to populate their productions. Polish them to utmost quality and release it only when they were absolutely proud of what they created. With none of that politically correct bullshit they shove down your throat every day. No body cared what were your beliefs, who you prefer to go to bed with or what colour do you turn when you choke on a nut. Yes kids we didn't have nothing even remotely close to games as a service like we have these days. Imagine buying a game... and it was a full experience and sometimes even consisted of goodies like maps, tshirts and additional missions which were included in regular copy of a game. Because thats what this hobby meant to us, sharing amazing experiences, talking about it with your friends and just having fun playing it. Well dont worry you can go back to your partially completed deluxe alpha game that is gender neutral without any content that could offend anybody, of course it will probably resemble about 5% of what used to be called full gaming experience in my day .. but only after you pre order those 4 season passes and 50 day-one dlc's.

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I've not had any problems with KCD at all. Not one. Then again, I've also never had any issues with Bethesda games, so dunno. Maybe I'm just lucky.

>attributing abby quotes to jeffery
>implying it matters since giant bomb declined from okay to bad when ryan died and bad to unwatchable when dan moved east

Why are Germans so mentally ill?

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All they want is money, ecelebs arent real people they are a business

seething extremist detected

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>webm from ps4 and at launch

>user didn't get the 20Gb of bugfixes and played the game vanilla
at least they patched almost all of the bugs out, can you say the same for Toddthesda?

OP what the fuck

he posts this thread multiple times a day, his mental illness has been well documented

see: To Cover Kingdom /type/op/

and even worse, he does it with multiple topics: forced hero/page/2/ MKX and MK11 shills/

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This is the same guy who got fired because of corporate scummery? Well what a fuck.

Is it autism?

Dont bother user. This site has seen a huge influx of paid shills and newfags lately. Any thread that challenges the narrative will be slid and shut down. (((They))) have the jannies too, and not all are doing it for free.

>can you say the same for Toddthesda
Community did it for them and did a much better job than any developer ever would. Not defending Todd, but fan patches are always better than official ones that only break the game even more.

explains the popularity of 8ch lately at least.


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based centrist

Based Fatgot

>got bought by (((Koch))) media

The franchise is literally dead

Do you know how time works?

I never hear anyone talk about it, it flopped and nobody can tell me otherwise

>influx of paid shills and newfags lately
op has been around for years sadly

Seethe more tranny. This game is a massive success and your giantbomb clique does not control the industry :)


I agree with GB. The guy is a fucking weirdo, also fuck the Czeh Republic.

>"It's actually NOT about ethics and professionalism in videogame journalism mmmkay it's about harassing WAMEN!"
>continues to prove otherwise by being an unethical and unprofessional journalist

>entire ideology based on "returning" to society that never existed

How did it not exist?

Koch Media is Austrian.

it didn't. It did pretty fucking good for an indie game.
You americans are fucking insane, hating on a fine game because shocker, there were no niggers in ye olde Poland

reminder that when neogaf died, giantbomb was literally the only site welcoming neogafugees